Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Wei, Junjie Co-Author Distance Author ID: wei.junjie Published as: Wei, Junjie; Wei, J.; Wei, Jun-Jie; Wei, Jun-jie; Wei, J. J. more...less External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · ResearchGate · dblp · GND Documents Indexed: 248 Publications since 1984, including 2 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 99 Co-Authors with 228 Joint Publications 3,906 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 18 single-authored 16 Shi, Junping 15 Chen, Shanshan 12 Niu, Ben 12 Ruan, Shigui 11 Wu, Jianhong 10 Fan, Dejun 10 Song, Yongli 9 Yang, Hong 8 Huang, Qichang 8 Shen, Zuolin 8 Su, Ying 7 Li, Xiuling 7 Yi, Fengqi 7 Zhang, Hua 6 Du, Yanfei 6 Qu, Ying 6 Wang, Chuncheng 6 Wang, Xuechen 6 Yuan, Yuan 5 Duan, Daifeng 5 Hao, Pengmiao 5 Jiang, Weihua 5 Li, Michael Yi 5 Liu, Yuying 5 Wang, Jinfeng 4 Fang, Jian 4 Jiang, Daqing 4 Liu, Jianxin 4 Sun, Xinguo 4 Wan, Aying 4 Wei, Xin 4 Yu, Chunbo 4 Zhang, Chunrui 4 Zhang, Ruyuan 4 Zhao, Jiantao 4 Zhu, Gang 4 Zou, Xingfu 4 Zuo, Wenjie 3 Chang, Xiaoyuan 3 Han, Maoan 3 Pan, Yingli 3 Shu, Hongying 3 Xu, Chuang 3 Yang, Ruizhi 3 Zhao, Xiao-Qiang 2 Chen, Y. H. 2 Guo, Yuxiao 2 He, Thomas Yao 2 Jiang, Zhichao 2 Liang, Jitai 2 Liu, Yang 2 Niu, Ben 2 Shen, Qihong 2 Tian, Jianjun Paul 2 Wang, Hao 2 Wang, Yu-Jie 2 Wijeratne, A. W. 2 Xiao, Dongmei 2 Xu, Xiaofeng 1 Bin, Honghua 1 Campbell, Sue Ann 1 Chang, Chen-Ming 1 Chi, Qianqian 1 Cui, Kai 1 Cui, Xiaoqian 1 Dai, Huan 1 Duan, Wenying 1 Guo, Ying 1 Han, Dun 1 Hong, Ling 1 Jin, Jiayin 1 Li, Dandan 1 Li, Kai 1 Li, Na 1 Li, Xiangao 1 Liu, Qinghe 1 Lou, Yuan 1 Luo, Chuanwen 1 Ma, Wanbiao 1 Ma, Wenlian 1 Meng, Xianzhang 1 Peng, Yahong 1 Sun, Dongyan 1 Sun, Yan 1 Velarde, Manuel G. 1 Wang, Hongbin 1 Wang, Lin 1 Wang, Luxuan 1 Wang, Yujia 1 Wei, Yuan 1 Wu, Haixiu 1 Wu, Xuefeng 1 Xi, Hongjian 1 Xu, Haidong 1 Xu, Meihong 1 Yang, Kaiqi 1 Yu, Jinzhu 1 Zhang, Bo 1 Zhang, JianHui 1 Zhang, Song-bo ...and 1 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 23 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 15 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 13 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 12 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 8 Journal of Differential Equations 8 Nonlinear Dynamics 8 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 7 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 5 Applicable Analysis 5 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 5 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series A 5 Journal of Northeast Normal University. Natural Science Edition 5 Applied Mathematics Letters 4 Journal of Mathematical Biology 4 Physica D 4 Chinese Science Bulletin 4 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 4 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 3 Annals of Differential Equations 3 Applied Mathematical Modelling 3 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 3 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 3 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 3 Advances in Difference Equations 3 International Journal of Biomathematics 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Nonlinearity 2 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2 Journal of Hunan University 2 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 2 Journal of Nonlinear Science 2 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 2 Chaos 2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Journal of Sound and Vibration 1 Mathematical Biosciences 1 Physica A 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj. Serio Internacia 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Studies in Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematics. Wuhan University 1 Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition 1 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Jilinensis 1 Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences 1 Northeastern Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Biomathematics 1 IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology 1 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 The Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly 1 Applied Mathematics. Series A (Chinese Edition) 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 1 The Ramanujan Journal 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series A. (Chinese Edition) 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1 Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations 1 International Journal of Number Theory 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 1 International Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations and Applications 1 Journal of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology. Natural Science Edition 1 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation all top 5 Fields 145 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 141 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 86 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 50 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 9 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 9 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 206 Publications have been cited 5,301 times in 2,934 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On the zeros of transcendental functions with applications to stability of delay differential equations with two delays. Zbl 1068.34072 Ruan, Shigui; Wei, Junjie 477 2003 Bifurcation and spatiotemporal patterns in a homogeneous diffusive predator-prey system. Zbl 1203.35030 Yi, Fengqi; Wei, Junjie; Shi, Junping 376 2009 Stability and bifurcation in a neural network model with two delays. Zbl 1066.34511 Wei, Junjie; Ruan, Shigui 234 1999 Predator-prey system with strong Allee effect in prey. Zbl 1232.92076 Wang, Jinfeng; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie 177 2011 Dynamics and pattern formation in a diffusive predator-prey system with strong Allee effect in prey. Zbl 1228.35037 Wang, Jinfeng; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie 166 2011 Local Hopf bifurcation and global periodic solutions in a delayed predator–prey system. Zbl 1067.34076 Song, Yongli; Wei, Junjie 137 2005 Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis on a simplified BAM neural network with delays. Zbl 1062.34079 Song, Yongli; Han, Maoan; Wei, Junjie 137 2005 Hopf bifurcations in a reaction-diffusion population model with delay effect. Zbl 1203.35029 Su, Ying; Wei, Junjie; Shi, Junping 129 2009 On the zeros of a third degree exponential polynomial with applications to a delayed model for the control of testosterone secretion. Zbl 0982.92008 Ruan, Shigui; Wei, Junjie 122 2001 Diffusion-driven instability and bifurcation in the Lengyel-Epstein system. Zbl 1146.35384 Yi, Fengqi; Wei, Junjie; Shi, Junping 118 2008 Bifurcation analysis for Chen’s system with delayed feedback and its application to control of chaos. Zbl 1112.37303 Song, Yongli; Wei, Junjie 115 2004 Global stability of multi-group SEIR epidemic models with distributed delays and nonlinear transmission. Zbl 1254.92085 Shu, Hongying; Fan, Dejun; Wei, Junjie 104 2012 Hopf bifurcation analysis in a delayed Nicholson blowflies equation. Zbl 1144.34373 Wei, Junjie; Li, Michael Y. 86 2005 On the zeros of a fourth degree exponential polynomial with applications to a neural network model with delays. Zbl 1098.37070 Li, Xiuling; Wei, Junjie 85 2005 Global bifurcation analysis and pattern formation in homogeneous diffusive predator-prey systems. Zbl 1332.35176 Wang, Jinfeng; Wei, Junjie; Shi, Junping 75 2016 Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive predator-prey system with delay effect. Zbl 1221.35053 Zuo, Wenjie; Wei, Junjie 64 2011 Periodic solutions of planar systems with two delays. Zbl 0946.34062 Ruan, Shigui; Wei, Junjie 61 1999 Global existence of periodic solutions in a tri-neuron network model with delays. Zbl 1062.34077 Wei, Junjie; Li, Michael Y. 61 2004 Hopf bifurcation in a delayed reaction-diffusion-advection population model. Zbl 1383.35021 Chen, Shanshan; Lou, Yuan; Wei, Junjie 60 2018 Bifurcations of patterned solutions in the diffusive Lengyel-Epstein system of CIMA chemical reactions. Zbl 1288.35051 Jin, Jiayin; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie; Yi, Fengqi 55 2013 Global stability and Hopf bifurcation in a delayed diffusive Leslie-Gower predator-prey system. Zbl 1270.35376 Chen, Shanshan; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie 54 2012 Bifurcation analysis in a time-delay model for prey-predator growth with stage-structure. Zbl 1176.92056 Qu, Ying; Wei, Junjie 51 2007 Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive logistic equation with mixed delayed and instantaneous density dependence. Zbl 1263.35028 Su, Ying; Wei, Junjie; Shi, Junping 51 2012 Bifurcations for a predator-prey system with two delays. Zbl 1132.34053 Song, Yongli; Peng, Yahong; Wei, Junjie 51 2008 Bifurcation analysis in a scalar delay differential equation. Zbl 1141.34045 Wei, Junjie 49 2007 Time delay-induced instabilities and Hopf bifurcations in general reaction-diffusion systems. Zbl 1271.34071 Chen, Shanshan; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie 48 2013 Existence of positive periodic solutions to nonautonomous delay differential equations. Zbl 0948.34046 Jiang, Daqing; Wei, Junjie 46 1999 Monotone method for first- and second-order periodic boundary value problems and periodic solutions of functional differential equations. Zbl 1014.34049 Jiang, Daqing; Wei, Junjie 46 2002 Global asymptotical behavior of the Lengyel-Epstein reaction-diffusion system. Zbl 1163.35422 Yi, Fengqi; Wei, Junjie; Shi, Junping 46 2009 Spreading speeds and travelling waves for non-monotone time-delayed lattice equations. Zbl 1190.35222 Fang, Jian; Wei, Junjie; Zhao, Xiao-Qiang 44 2010 Positive periodic solutions of functional differential equations and population models. Zbl 1010.34065 Jiang, Daqing; Wei, Junjie; Zhang, Bo 43 2002 Stability and bifurcation analysis in van der Pol’s oscillator with delayed feedback. Zbl 1237.70091 Wei, Junjie; Jiang, Weihua 39 2005 Spatial dynamics of a nonlocal and time-delayed reaction-diffusion system. Zbl 1180.35536 Fang, Jian; Wei, Junjie; Zhao, Xiao-Qiang 39 2008 Qualitative analysis of a neural network model with multiple time delays. Zbl 1192.37115 Campbell, Sue Ann; Ruan, Shigui; Wei, Junjie 39 1999 Hopf-Hopf bifurcation and chaotic attractors in a delayed diffusive predator-prey model with fear effect. Zbl 1448.35029 Duan, Daifeng; Niu, Ben; Wei, Junjie 39 2019 Bifurcation analysis in a delayed diffusive Nicholson’s blowflies equation. Zbl 1191.35046 Su, Ying; Wei, Junjie; Shi, Junping 38 2010 Stability and bifurcation analysis in a delayed SIR model. Zbl 1131.92055 Jiang, Zhichao; Wei, Junjie 37 2008 Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of a prey-predator system with two delays. Zbl 1198.34144 Li, Kai; Wei, Junjie 36 2009 Stability and bifurcation in delay-differential equations with two delays. Zbl 0946.34066 Li, Xiangao; Ruan, Shigui; Wei, Junjie 35 1999 Dynamics in a diffusive predator-prey system with strong Allee effect and Ivlev-type functional response. Zbl 1310.35032 Wang, Xuechen; Wei, Junjie 35 2015 Synchronized Hopf bifurcation analysis in a neural network model with delays. Zbl 1085.34058 Wei, Junjie; Yuan, Yuan 34 2005 Dynamics in a diffusive plankton system with delay and toxic substances effect. Zbl 1307.35034 Zhao, Jiantao; Wei, Junjie 33 2015 Stability and bifurcation in a two harmful phytoplankton-zooplankton system. Zbl 1197.37131 Zhao, Jiantao; Wei, Junjie 33 2009 Bifurcation analysis in van der Pol’s oscillator with delayed feedback. Zbl 1354.34125 Jiang, Weihua; Wei, Junjie 33 2008 Bifurcation analysis and existence of periodic solutions in a simple neural network with delays. Zbl 1080.34064 Wei, J. J.; Velarde, M. G. 32 2004 Spatiotemporal pattern formation and multiple bifurcations in a diffusive bimolecular model. Zbl 1203.35037 Yi, Fengqi; Liu, Jianxin; Wei, Junjie 30 2010 Local and global Hopf bifurcation in a delayed hematopoiesis model. Zbl 1090.37547 Song, Yongli; Wei, Junjie; Han, Maoan 30 2004 Stability and bifurcation analysis in a kind of business cycle model with delay. Zbl 1129.34329 Zhang, Chunrui; Wei, Junjie 29 2004 The effect of delay on a diffusive predator-prey system with Holling type-II predator functional response. Zbl 1264.35120 Chen, Shanshan; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie 29 2013 Double Hopf bifurcation in delayed reaction-diffusion systems. Zbl 1437.35052 Du, Yanfei; Niu, Ben; Guo, Yuxiao; Wei, Junjie 28 2020 Bifurcation analysis of the Gierer-Meinhardt system with a saturation in the activator production. Zbl 1317.35120 Chen, Shanshan; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie 26 2014 Stationary patterns of a diffusive predator-prey model with Crowley-Martin functional response. Zbl 1379.35113 Chen, Shanshan; Wei, Junjie; Yu, Jinzhu 26 2018 Stability and bifurcation analysis of a diffusive prey-predator system in Holling type III with a prey refuge. Zbl 1331.92140 Yang, Ruizhi; Wei, Junjie 26 2015 Global Hopf bifurcation and permanence of a delayed SEIRS epidemic model. Zbl 1519.92263 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao; Wei, Junjie 26 2016 Bifurcation analysis for a delayed diffusive logistic population model in the advective heterogeneous environment. Zbl 1439.35040 Chen, Shanshan; Wei, Junjie; Zhang, Xue 25 2020 Bifurcation analysis of a population model and the resulting SIS epidemic model with delay. Zbl 1098.92055 Wei, Junjie; Zou, Xingfu 25 2006 Multiple bifurcation analysis and spatiotemporal patterns in a 1-D Gierer-Meinhardt model of morphogenesis. Zbl 1193.35010 Liu, Jianxin; Yi, Fengqi; Wei, Junjie 25 2010 Hopf bifurcation analysis in a one-dimensional Schnakenberg reaction-diffusion model. Zbl 1257.35035 Xu, Chuang; Wei, Junjie 24 2012 Hopf bifurcation analysis in a tri-neuron network with time delay. Zbl 1149.34044 Fan, Dejun; Wei, Junjie 24 2008 Two delays induce Hopf bifurcation and double Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive Leslie-Gower predator-prey system. Zbl 1406.92658 Du, Yanfei; Niu, Ben; Wei, Junjie 24 2019 Bifurcation analysis of a class of neural networks with delays. Zbl 1156.37325 Wei, Junjie; Zhang, Chunrui 23 2008 Stability and bifurcation of mutual system with time delay. Zbl 1048.34122 Meng, Xianzhang; Wei, Junjie 21 2004 Bifurcation analysis of a spruce budworm model with diffusion and physiological structures. Zbl 1361.35186 Xu, Xiaofeng; Wei, Junjie 21 2017 Stability and global Hopf bifurcation for neutral differential equations. Zbl 1018.34068 Wei, Junjie; Ruan, Shigui 20 2002 Lytic cycle: A defining process in oncolytic virotherapy. Zbl 1274.92036 Wang, Yujie; Tian, Jianjun Paul; Wei, Junjie 20 2013 Stability switches and Hopf bifurcations in a pair of delay-coupled oscillators. Zbl 1126.34047 Song, Yongli; Wei, Junjie; Yuan, Yuan 20 2007 Bifurcation analysis in a limit cycle oscillator with delayed feedback. Zbl 1080.34054 Jiang, Weihua; Wei, Junjie 19 2005 Bifurcation analysis in a predator-prey system with stage-structure and harvesting. Zbl 1209.34101 Qu, Ying; Wei, Junjie 19 2010 Normal forms for NFDEs with parameters and application to the lossless transmission line. Zbl 1187.34094 Wang, Chuncheng; Wei, Junjie 18 2008 Hopf bifurcation and optimal control in a diffusive predator-prey system with time delay and prey harvesting. Zbl 1290.49077 Chang, Xiaoyuan; Wei, Junjie 18 2012 A note on Hopf bifurcations in a delayed diffusive Lotka-Volterra predator-prey system. Zbl 1231.35096 Chen, Shanshan; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie 18 2011 Stability and bifurcation analysis in hematopoietic stem cell dynamics with multiple delays. Zbl 1209.37058 Qu, Ying; Wei, Junjie; Ruan, Shigui 18 2010 Hopf bifurcation analysis in a Mackey-Glass system. Zbl 1159.34056 Wei, Junjie; Fan, Dejun 18 2007 Existence of positive periodic solutions for Volterra integro-differential equations. Zbl 1035.45003 Jiang, Daqing; Wei, Junjie 17 2001 Stability analysis in a first-order complex differential equations with delay. Zbl 1067.34082 Wei, Junjie; Zhang, Chunrui 17 2004 Bifurcation analysis in the diffusive Lotka-Volterra system: an application to market economy. Zbl 1197.35295 Wijeratne, A. W.; Yi, Fengqi; Wei, Junjie 16 2009 Multiple bifurcations and spatiotemporal patterns for a coupled two-cell Brusselator model. Zbl 1254.35115 Zuo, Wenjie; Wei, Junjie 16 2011 Hopf bifurcation analysis in synaptically coupled HR neurons with two time delays. Zbl 1259.34081 Fan, Dejun; Hong, Ling; Wei, Junjie 16 2010 Hopf bifurcation for neutral functional differential equations. Zbl 1194.34137 Wang, Chuncheng; Wei, Junjie 15 2010 Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive predator-prey system incorporating a prey refuge. Zbl 1273.35276 Chang, Xiaoyuan; Wei, Junjie 15 2013 Uniqueness of traveling waves for nonlocal lattice equations. Zbl 1221.34212 Fang, Jian; Wei, Junjie; Zhao, Xiao-Qiang 15 2011 Multiple bifurcation analysis in a neural network model with delays. Zbl 1185.37136 Yuan, Yuan; Wei, Junjie 15 2006 Diffusion-driven stability and bifurcation in a predator-prey system with Ivlev-type functional response. Zbl 1263.35029 Wang, Xuechen; Wei, Junjie 15 2013 Hopf bifurcation analysis of a food-limited population model with delay. Zbl 1183.37155 Wan, Aying; Wei, Junjie 14 2010 Periodicity and synchronization in blood-stage malaria infection. Zbl 1311.92182 Su, Ying; Ruan, Shigui; Wei, Junjie 13 2011 Bifurcation analysis of a diffusive predator-prey system with nonconstant death rate and Holling III functional response. Zbl 1352.92137 Yang, Ruizhi; Wei, Junjie 13 2015 Spatial nonhomogeneous periodic solutions induced by nonlocal prey competition in a diffusive predator-prey model. Zbl 1411.35255 Chen, Shanshan; Wei, Junjie; Yang, Kaiqi 13 2019 Stability and bifurcation in a ratio-dependent Holling-III system with diffusion and delay. Zbl 1311.49098 Zuo, Wenjie; Wei, Junjie 12 2014 Hopf bifurcation analysis in a model of oscillatory gene expression with delay. Zbl 1185.34124 Wei, Junjie; Yu, Chunbo 12 2009 Bifurcation analysis of discrete survival red blood cells model. Zbl 1221.37181 Fan, Dejun; Wei, Junjie 12 2009 Bifurcation analysis on a survival red blood cells model. Zbl 1105.34047 Song, Yongli; Wei, Junjie; Yuan, Yuan 12 2006 Minimal model of plankton systems revisited with spatial diffusion and maturation delay. Zbl 1343.92556 Zhao, Jiantao; Tian, Jianjun Paul; Wei, Junjie 12 2016 The effect of delay on a diffusive predator-prey system with modified Leslie-Gower functional response. Zbl 1358.35213 Yang, Ruizhi; Wei, Junjie 11 2017 Stability and bifurcation analysis in a diffusive Brusselator system with delayed feedback control. Zbl 1270.35385 Zuo, Wenjie; Wei, Junjie 11 2012 Bifurcation analysis in a diffusive ‘food-limited’ model with time delay. Zbl 1201.35037 Su, Ying; Wan, Aying; Wei, Junjie 11 2010 Seasonal influence on age-structured invasive species with yearly generation. Zbl 1396.92073 Pan, Yingli; Fang, Jian; Wei, Junjie 11 2018 Bifurcation analysis in a discrete BAM network model with delays. Zbl 1208.92003 Shu, Hongying; Wei, Junjie 11 2011 Turing-Hopf bifurcation of a class of modified Leslie-Gower model with diffusion. Zbl 1441.35034 Xu, Xiaofeng; Wei, Junjie 11 2018 Persistence, Turing instability and Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive plankton system with delay and quadratic closure. Zbl 1336.35342 Zhao, Jiantao; Wei, Junjie 10 2016 Singularity analysis on a planar system with multiple delays. Zbl 1133.34039 Yuan, Yuan; Wei, Junjie 10 2007 Some separable integer partition classes. Zbl 07864372 Chen, Y. H.; He, Thomas Y.; Tang, F.; Wei, J. J. 1 2024 Perceptive movement of susceptible individuals with memory. Zbl 1512.92131 Zhang, Hua; Wang, Hao; Wei, Junjie 6 2023 Diffusive spatial movement with memory in an advective environment. Zbl 1521.35180 Zhang, Hua; Wang, Hao; Song, Yongli; Wei, Junjie 4 2023 Double Hopf bifurcation in nonlocal reaction-diffusion systems with spatial average kernel. Zbl 1512.35044 Shen, Zuolin; Liu, Yang; Wei, Junjie 1 2023 Hopf bifurcation analysis in a diffusive predator-prey system with spatial heterogeneity and delays. Zbl 1514.35028 Zhang, Hua; Wei, Junjie 1 2023 Hopf bifurcation of a delayed single population model with patch structure. Zbl 1518.92121 Chen, Shanshan; Shen, Zuolin; Wei, Junjie 1 2023 Bifurcation analysis for a single population model with advection. Zbl 1501.35044 Zhang, Hua; Wei, Junjie 5 2022 A predator-prey model with cooperative hunting in the predator and group defense in the prey. Zbl 1504.34111 Du, Yanfei; Niu, Ben; Wei, Junjie 4 2022 Spatiotemporal dynamics in a diffusive Holling-Tanner model near codimension-two bifurcations. Zbl 1500.35026 Duan, Daifeng; Niu, Ben; Wei, Junjie 3 2022 Diffusion-induced spatio-temporal oscillations in an epidemic model with two delays. Zbl 1485.35034 Du, Yan-fei; Niu, Ben; Wei, Jun-jie 2 2022 Bifurcation analysis of a diffusive virus infection and immune response model with two delays. Zbl 1492.35360 Du, Yanfei; Wei, Junjie 1 2022 Double Hopf bifurcation of a diffusive predator-prey system with strong Allee effect and two delays. Zbl 1470.35366 Liu, Yuying; Wei, Junjie 6 2021 Stability and bifurcation analysis in a predator-prey model with age structure and two delays. Zbl 1461.35203 Wang, Yujia; Fan, Dejun; Wei, Junjie 4 2021 Bifurcation analysis in a delayed reaction-diffusion-advection food-limited system. Zbl 1472.92249 Bin, Honghua; Zhang, Hua; Wei, Junjie 2 2021 Dynamical analysis of the SIS epidemic model in cluster events. Zbl 1481.92142 Han, Dun; Wei, Junjie; Xu, Haidong; Li, Dandan 2 2021 Double Hopf bifurcation in delayed reaction-diffusion systems. Zbl 1437.35052 Du, Yanfei; Niu, Ben; Guo, Yuxiao; Wei, Junjie 28 2020 Bifurcation analysis for a delayed diffusive logistic population model in the advective heterogeneous environment. Zbl 1439.35040 Chen, Shanshan; Wei, Junjie; Zhang, Xue 25 2020 Stationary pattern of a reaction-diffusion mussel-algae model. Zbl 1437.92102 Shen, Zuolin; Wei, Junjie 7 2020 Spatiotemporal dynamics of a modified Leslie-Gower model with weak Allee effect. Zbl 1450.35050 Liu, Yuying; Wei, Junjie 6 2020 Dynamics of spatially heterogeneous viral model with time delay. Zbl 1430.35141 Yang, Hong; Wei, Junjie 6 2020 Dynamical analysis in a diffusive predator-prey system with a delay and strong Allee effect. Zbl 1448.37121 Liu, Yuying; Wei, Junjie 3 2020 Stability analysis and Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive epidemic model with two delays. Zbl 1467.92185 Dai, Huan; Liu, Yuying; Wei, Junjie 1 2020 Hopf-Hopf bifurcation and chaotic attractors in a delayed diffusive predator-prey model with fear effect. Zbl 1448.35029 Duan, Daifeng; Niu, Ben; Wei, Junjie 39 2019 Two delays induce Hopf bifurcation and double Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive Leslie-Gower predator-prey system. Zbl 1406.92658 Du, Yanfei; Niu, Ben; Wei, Junjie 24 2019 Spatial nonhomogeneous periodic solutions induced by nonlocal prey competition in a diffusive predator-prey model. Zbl 1411.35255 Chen, Shanshan; Wei, Junjie; Yang, Kaiqi 13 2019 Spatiotemporal patterns in a delayed reaction-diffusion mussel-algae model. Zbl 1432.35206 Shen, Zuolin; Wei, Junjie 9 2019 Accelerating propagation in a recursive system arising from seasonal population models with nonlocal dispersal. Zbl 1411.35266 Pan, Yingli; Su, Ying; Wei, Junjie 8 2019 Bifurcation analysis in a diffusive mussel-algae model with delay. Zbl 1432.35205 Shen, Zuolin; Wei, Junjie 7 2019 Global dynamics of two phytoplankton-zooplankton models with toxic substances effect. Zbl 1465.92137 Chen, Shanshan; Yang, Hong; Wei, Junjie 6 2019 Bistable waves of a recursive system arising from seasonal age-structured population models. Zbl 1404.39017 Pan, Yingli; Su, Ying; Wei, Junjie 5 2019 Coexistence of periodic oscillations induced by predator cannibalism in a delayed diffusive predator-prey model. Zbl 1419.35189 Duan, Daifeng; Niu, Ben; Wei, Junjie 3 2019 Hopf bifurcations for neutral functional differential equations with infinite delays. Zbl 1428.34097 Wang, Chuncheng; Wei, Junjie 3 2019 Lyapunov functional for virus infection model with diffusion and state-dependent delays. Zbl 1497.92271 Liang, Jitai; Wei, Junjie 3 2019 Local and global Hopf bifurcation in a neutral population model with age structure. Zbl 1423.37067 Duan, Daifeng; Niu, Ben; Wei, Junjie 2 2019 Hopf bifurcation in a delayed reaction-diffusion-advection population model. Zbl 1383.35021 Chen, Shanshan; Lou, Yuan; Wei, Junjie 60 2018 Stationary patterns of a diffusive predator-prey model with Crowley-Martin functional response. Zbl 1379.35113 Chen, Shanshan; Wei, Junjie; Yu, Jinzhu 26 2018 Seasonal influence on age-structured invasive species with yearly generation. Zbl 1396.92073 Pan, Yingli; Fang, Jian; Wei, Junjie 11 2018 Turing-Hopf bifurcation of a class of modified Leslie-Gower model with diffusion. Zbl 1441.35034 Xu, Xiaofeng; Wei, Junjie 11 2018 Dynamics of a diffusive predator-prey model: the effect of conversion rate. Zbl 1401.35176 Chen, Shanshan; Wei, Junjie; Zhang, Jianhui 5 2018 Hopf bifurcation analysis in a diffusive predator-prey system with delay and surplus killing effect. Zbl 1406.92521 Shen, Zuolin; Wei, Junjie 5 2018 Hopf bifurcation analysis of a diffusive single species model with stage structure and strong Allee effect. Zbl 1540.92114 Hao, Pengmiao; Wang, Xuechen; Wei, Junjie 4 2018 The effect of delayed feedback on the dynamics of an autocatalysis reaction-diffusion system. Zbl 1416.93086 Wei, Xin; Wei, Junjie 4 2018 Global behaviours of an in-host viral model with general incidence terms. Zbl 1404.35466 Yang, Hong; Wei, Junjie 4 2018 Global stability of multi-group SEIRS epidemic models with vaccination. Zbl 1381.92091 Fan, Dejun; Hao, Pengmiao; Sun, Dongyan; Wei, Junjie 1 2018 Note on the stability of reaction-diffusion systems with delays by Lyapunov functional. Zbl 1524.35323 Yang, Hong; Wei, Junjie 1 2018 Bifurcation analysis of a spruce budworm model with diffusion and physiological structures. Zbl 1361.35186 Xu, Xiaofeng; Wei, Junjie 21 2017 The effect of delay on a diffusive predator-prey system with modified Leslie-Gower functional response. Zbl 1358.35213 Yang, Ruizhi; Wei, Junjie 11 2017 Global Hopf bifurcation of a population model with stage structure and strong Allee effect. Zbl 1367.34100 Hao, Pengmiao; Wang, Xuechen; Wei, Junjie 5 2017 Turing instability and bifurcation analysis in a diffusive bimolecular system with delayed feedback. Zbl 1510.92084 Wei, Xin; Wei, Junjie 5 2017 Stability and bifurcation analysis in the photosensitive CDIMA system with delayed feedback control. Zbl 1376.93043 Wei, Xin; Wei, Junjie 3 2017 On the distribution of zeros of a third-degree exponential polynomial with applications to delayed biological systems. Zbl 1399.30020 Ruan, Shigui; Wei, Junjie; Xiao, Dongmei 3 2017 Global bifurcation analysis and pattern formation in homogeneous diffusive predator-prey systems. Zbl 1332.35176 Wang, Jinfeng; Wei, Junjie; Shi, Junping 75 2016 Global Hopf bifurcation and permanence of a delayed SEIRS epidemic model. Zbl 1519.92263 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao; Wei, Junjie 26 2016 Minimal model of plankton systems revisited with spatial diffusion and maturation delay. Zbl 1343.92556 Zhao, Jiantao; Tian, Jianjun Paul; Wei, Junjie 12 2016 Persistence, Turing instability and Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive plankton system with delay and quadratic closure. Zbl 1336.35342 Zhao, Jiantao; Wei, Junjie 10 2016 Dynamical analysis for a model of asset prices with two delays. Zbl 1400.91306 Wang, Luxuan; Niu, Ben; Wei, Junjie 8 2016 Global stability and bifurcation analysis of a delayed predator-prey system with prey immigration. Zbl 1363.34313 Zhu, Gang; Wei, Junjie 5 2016 Analysis of dynamics in an eco-epidemiological model with stage structure. Zbl 1418.92165 Hao, Pengmiao; Wei, Junjie; Fan, Dejun 3 2016 Neimark-Sacker bifurcation analysis in a discrete neutral Nicholson’s blowflies system with delay. Zbl 1466.39014 Wei, Xin; Wei, Junjie 1 2016 Dynamics in a diffusive predator-prey system with strong Allee effect and Ivlev-type functional response. Zbl 1310.35032 Wang, Xuechen; Wei, Junjie 35 2015 Dynamics in a diffusive plankton system with delay and toxic substances effect. Zbl 1307.35034 Zhao, Jiantao; Wei, Junjie 33 2015 Stability and bifurcation analysis of a diffusive prey-predator system in Holling type III with a prey refuge. Zbl 1331.92140 Yang, Ruizhi; Wei, Junjie 26 2015 Bifurcation analysis of a diffusive predator-prey system with nonconstant death rate and Holling III functional response. Zbl 1352.92137 Yang, Ruizhi; Wei, Junjie 13 2015 Global behaviour of a delayed viral kinetic model with general incidence rate. Zbl 1335.34134 Yang, Hong; Wei, Junjie 9 2015 Stability and bifurcation analysis in a viral infection model with delays. Zbl 1422.92167 Sun, Xinguo; Wei, Junjie 7 2015 Stability and bifurcation in a diffusive logistic population model with multiple delays. Zbl 1321.35246 Chen, Shanshan; Wei, Junjie 6 2015 Analyzing global stability of a viral model with general incidence rate and cytotoxic T lymphocytes immune response. Zbl 1348.92105 Yang, Hong; Wei, Junjie 3 2015 Dynamics of an infection model with two delays. Zbl 1335.92103 Sun, Xinguo; Wei, Junjie 2 2015 Global existence of periodic solutions in an infection model. Zbl 1325.34095 Sun, Xinguo; Wei, Junjie 2 2015 Bifurcation analysis in an \(n\)-dimensional diffusive competitive Lotka-Volterra system with time delay. Zbl 1317.35005 Chang, Xiaoyuan; Wei, Junjie 1 2015 Bifurcation analysis of the Gierer-Meinhardt system with a saturation in the activator production. Zbl 1317.35120 Chen, Shanshan; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie 26 2014 Stability and bifurcation in a ratio-dependent Holling-III system with diffusion and delay. Zbl 1311.49098 Zuo, Wenjie; Wei, Junjie 12 2014 Global Hopf bifurcation analysis of a Nicholson’s blowflies equation of neutral type. Zbl 1337.37069 Li, Michael Y.; Wang, Chuncheng; Wei, Junjie 6 2014 Global attractivity in a model of genetic regulatory system with delay. Zbl 1410.35270 Chen, Shanshan; Wei, Junjie 3 2014 Stability of SIR epidemical models with a class of nonlinear incidence rates. Zbl 1313.92110 Yang, Hong; Wei, Junjie 2 2014 Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis for a HBV epidemic model. (Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis for HBV epidemical model.) Zbl 1324.92062 Yang, Hong; Wei, Junjie 1 2014 The effect of delay on a diffusive predator-prey system with Ivlev-type functional response. Zbl 1313.92076 Wang, Xuechen; Wei, Junjie 1 2014 Stability and bifurcation in a two variable delay model for circadian rhythm of Neurospora crassa. Zbl 1308.92014 Chen, Shanshan; Wei, Junjie 1 2014 Bifurcations of patterned solutions in the diffusive Lengyel-Epstein system of CIMA chemical reactions. Zbl 1288.35051 Jin, Jiayin; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie; Yi, Fengqi 55 2013 Time delay-induced instabilities and Hopf bifurcations in general reaction-diffusion systems. Zbl 1271.34071 Chen, Shanshan; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie 48 2013 The effect of delay on a diffusive predator-prey system with Holling type-II predator functional response. Zbl 1264.35120 Chen, Shanshan; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie 29 2013 Lytic cycle: A defining process in oncolytic virotherapy. Zbl 1274.92036 Wang, Yujie; Tian, Jianjun Paul; Wei, Junjie 20 2013 Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive predator-prey system incorporating a prey refuge. Zbl 1273.35276 Chang, Xiaoyuan; Wei, Junjie 15 2013 Diffusion-driven stability and bifurcation in a predator-prey system with Ivlev-type functional response. Zbl 1263.35029 Wang, Xuechen; Wei, Junjie 15 2013 Nonexistence of periodic orbits for predator-prey system with strong Allee effect in prey populations. Zbl 1417.34097 Wang, Jinfeng; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie 6 2013 Global dynamics of a HTLV-I infection model with CTL response. Zbl 1340.34323 Sun, Xinguo; Wei, Junjie 5 2013 Global dynamics of a cholera model with time delay. Zbl 1306.34129 Wang, Yujie; Wei, Junjie 4 2013 On Hopf bifurcation of a delayed predator-prey system with diffusion. Zbl 1270.35384 Liu, Jianxin; Wei, Junjie 3 2013 Stability and bifurcation analysis in a system of four coupled neurons with multiple delays. Zbl 1318.34106 Li, Xiuling; Wei, Junjie 2 2013 Global stability of multi-group SEIR epidemic models with distributed delays and nonlinear transmission. Zbl 1254.92085 Shu, Hongying; Fan, Dejun; Wei, Junjie 104 2012 Global stability and Hopf bifurcation in a delayed diffusive Leslie-Gower predator-prey system. Zbl 1270.35376 Chen, Shanshan; Shi, Junping; Wei, Junjie 54 2012 Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive logistic equation with mixed delayed and instantaneous density dependence. Zbl 1263.35028 Su, Ying; Wei, Junjie; Shi, Junping 51 2012 Hopf bifurcation analysis in a one-dimensional Schnakenberg reaction-diffusion model. Zbl 1257.35035 Xu, Chuang; Wei, Junjie 24 2012 Hopf bifurcation and optimal control in a diffusive predator-prey system with time delay and prey harvesting. Zbl 1290.49077 Chang, Xiaoyuan; Wei, Junjie 18 2012 Stability and bifurcation analysis in a diffusive Brusselator system with delayed feedback control. Zbl 1270.35385 Zuo, Wenjie; Wei, Junjie 11 2012 Bifurcation analysis of a delayed predator-prey system with strong Allee effect and diffusion. Zbl 1266.34135 Wang, Jinfeng; Wei, Junjie 10 2012 Dynamic behaviors of a delayed HIV model with stage-structure. Zbl 1302.92130 Hao, Pengmiao; Fan, Dejun; Wei, Junjie; Liu, Qinghe 4 2012 On stability of two degenerate reaction-diffusion systems. Zbl 1234.35134 Xu, Chuang; Wei, Junjie 1 2012 A chemostat model and its discrete analogue: oscillatory coexistence induced by delayed feedback control. Zbl 1328.34087 Shu, Hongying; Wang, Lin; Wei, Junjie 1 2012 Global Hopf bifurcation analysis of a neuron network model with time delays. Zbl 1269.34078 Li, Michael Y.; Wei, Junjie 1 2012 ...and 106 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,374 Authors 147 Wei, Junjie 71 Song, Yongli 64 Jiang, Weihua 52 Guo, Shangjiang 47 Cao, Jinde 45 Shi, Junping 38 Xu, Changjin 36 Zhang, Chunrui 31 Yan, Xiangping 29 Wang, Hao 28 Yang, Ruizhi 27 Chen, Shanshan 27 Wang, Hongbin 26 Jiang, Zhichao 25 Dai, Binxiang 25 Niu, Ben 24 Zhao, Hongyong 23 Li, Wenxue 23 Xia, Yonghui 23 Zou, Xingfu 22 Xiao, Min 22 Zhang, Tonghua 21 Wang, Jinfeng 20 Huang, Lihong 20 Liao, Xiaofeng 20 Ruan, Shigui 20 Xu, Rui 20 Zhang, Xuebing 19 Liao, Maoxin 19 Zhang, Zizhen 18 Wang, Chuncheng 18 Wu, Jianhong 18 Zhang, Cunhua 17 Ding, Xiaohua 17 Lin, Yiping 17 Teng, Zhi-dong 17 Wu, Ranchao 17 Zhao, Min 16 Jiang, Daqing 16 Li, Wan-Tong 16 Wang, Lin 16 Yuan, Yuan 16 Zheng, Baodong 15 Banerjee, Malay 15 Dai, Yunxian 15 Ma, Wanbiao 15 Meng, Xinyou 14 Ding, Yuting 14 Fan, Dejun 14 Huo, Hai-Feng 14 Kang, Yun 14 Liu, Ming 14 Peng, Yahong 14 Shi, Qingyan 14 Yu, Hengguo 14 Zhang, Guohong 13 Chen, Mengxin 13 Dai, Chuanjun 13 Guo, Gaihui 13 Han, Maoan 13 Jankowski, Tadeusz 13 Kumar Upadhyay, Ranjit 13 Wang, Weiming 13 Wu, Jianhua 13 Yi, Fengqi 13 Yuan, Rong 12 Cai, Yongli 12 Huang, Chengdai 12 Ma, Zhanping 12 Samanta, Guru Prasad 12 Su, Ying 12 Sun, Guiquan 12 Wang, Jinliang 12 Wang, Xiaoli 12 Wu, Shiliang 12 Yang, Yu 12 Zhang, Jiafang 12 Zuo, Wenjie 11 Dong, Tao 11 Guerrini, Luca 11 Guo, Yuxiao 11 Jiang, Heping 11 Li, Peiluan 11 Liu, Shengqiang 11 Liu, Zhihua 11 Su, Huan 11 Tang, Xianhua 11 Wan, Aying 11 Wang, Ke 11 Yuan, Sanling 11 Zhang, Hua 10 Djilali, Salih 10 Han, Renji 10 Jin, Zhen 10 Liu, Juan 10 Shu, Hongying 10 Xu, Jinhu 10 Xu, Xiaofeng 10 Yan, Jurang 10 Zhao, Huitao ...and 3,274 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 249 Serials 224 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 173 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 141 Nonlinear Dynamics 132 Applied Mathematics and Computation 111 Nonlinear Analysis. 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