Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Wendland, Wolfgang L. Co-Author Distance Author ID: wendland.wolfgang-l Published as: Wendland, Wolfgang L.; Wendland, W. L.; Wendland, W.; Wendland, Wolfgang; Wendland, Wolgang L. more...less Homepage: http://www.ians.uni-stuttgart.de/LstAngMath/Wendland External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 289 Publications since 1965, including 10 Books and 3 Additional arXiv Preprints 15 Contributions as Editor · 5 Further Contributions Reviewing Activity: 8 Reviews Biographic References: 3 Publications Co-Authors: 133 Co-Authors with 262 Joint Publications 3,644 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 47 single-authored 42 Kohr, Mirela 29 Hsiao, George Chia-Chu 18 Efendiev, Messoud 16 Stephan, Ernst Peter 15 Steinbach, Olaf 13 Coclici, Cristian-Aurelian 10 Bürger, Raimund 10 Mikhailov, Sergey E. 10 Pintea, Cornel 10 Schwab, Christoph 8 Moroșanu, Gheorghe 8 Natroshvili, David 6 Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo 6 Sändig, Anna-Margarete 6 Schulz, Heiko 6 Sekhar, G. P. Raja 5 Eck, Christof 5 Zorii, Natalia 4 Costabel, Martin 4 Gatica, Gabriel N. 4 Haack, Wolfgang 4 Harbrecht, Helmut 4 Heiermann, Jörg 4 Maz’ya, Vladimir Gilelevich 4 Of, Günther 4 Schnack, Eckart 4 Sloan, Ian Hugh 4 Sofronov, Ivan L. 4 Warnecke, Gerald G. 3 Arnold, Douglas Norman 3 Berger, Harald 3 Bruhn, Gerhard W. 3 Bustos, María Cristina 3 Concha, Fernando 3 Dechevsky, Lubomir T. 3 Duduchava, Roland 3 Jentsch, Lothar 3 Lamp, Ulrich 3 McLean, William 3 Nakaguchi, Etsushi 3 Saranen, Jukka 3 Schmitz, Hermann 3 Simon, Udo 2 Asadzadeh, Mohammad Sina 2 Bach, Michael 2 Barbu, Luminiţa 2 Brebbia, Carlos Alberto 2 dos Santos, António Ferreira 2 Fericean, Denisa 2 Fischer, Thomas Manfred 2 Gilbert, Robert Pertsch 2 Gohberg, Israel 2 Groşan, Teodor S. 2 Grosche, Jürgen 2 Güntsch, F. R. 2 Gutt, Robert 2 Hellwig, Günter 2 Kalik, Karl 2 Khoromskiĭ, Boris Nikolaevich 2 Kieser, Ralf 2 Král, Josef 2 Langer, Ulrich 2 Micula, Sanda 2 Nazarov, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 2 Nistor, Victor 2 Paiva, Freddy 2 Prössdorf, Siegfried 2 Quatember, Ralf 2 Rannacher, Rolf 2 Sánchez-Vizuet, Tonatiuh 2 Schatz, Alfred H. 2 Schleicher, T. 2 Schneider, Manfred 2 Shargorodsky, Eugene 2 Speck, Frank-Olme 2 Töpfer, Hans-Joachim 2 Yu, Dehao 1 Auweter-Kurtz, Monika 1 Berres, Stefan 1 Bischoff, Manfred 1 Bonnet, Marc 1 Böttcher, Albrecht 1 Bumb, H. 1 Cakoni, Fioralba 1 Chepyzhov, Vladimir V. 1 Christiansen, Søren 1 Colton, David Lem 1 Cosma, Emil 1 Domínguez, José 1 Engliš, Miroslav 1 Ervin, Vincent J. 1 Everitt, William Norrie 1 Feistauer, Miloslav 1 Göhner, Uli 1 Grisvard, Pierre 1 Hartmann, Friedel 1 Homburg, Ale Jan 1 Huck, H. 1 Hurd, Robert Allan 1 Jaenicke, Joachim ...and 63 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 20 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 13 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 12 Applicable Analysis 9 Mathematische Nachrichten 9 Numerische Mathematik 7 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 6 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 5 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 5 Mathematics of Computation 4 Computing 4 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 4 Computing and Visualization in Science 4 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 3 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Mathematische Zeitschrift 3 Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 3 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 3 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 3 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 2 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 2 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 2 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 2 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 2 Complex Variables. Theory and Application 2 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 2 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 2 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 2 Journal of Elasticity 2 Potential Analysis 2 Mathematica 2 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 2 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 2 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 2 Applied Mathematical Sciences 2 Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics 2 Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 1 Manuscripta Geodaetica 1 International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Karl-Marx-Stadt 1 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 1 Aplikace Matematiky 1 Calcolo 1 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 1 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Journal of Integral Equations 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Journal of Computational Mathematics 1 Applied Numerical Mathematics 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Mathematica Bohemica 1 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Prikladnaya Mekhanika 1 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Mathematica 1 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. Serie Nouă. Matematică 1 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 1 East-West Journal of Numerical Mathematics 1 Advances in Computational Mathematics 1 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 1 Trudy Tbilisskogo Universiteta. Matematika, Mekhanika, Astronomiya 1 Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 1 Fixed Point Theory 1 CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences. Courses and Lectures 1 DMV Seminar 1 Methoden und Verfahren der Mathematischen Physik 1 Chapman & Hall/CRC Research Notes in Mathematics 1 PAMM. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 1 Lehrbücher und Monographien aus dem Gebiete der exakten Wissenschaften. Mathematische Reihe 1 Monographs and Studies in Mathematics all top 5 Fields 184 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 140 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 72 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 65 Integral equations (45-XX) 65 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 29 Functional analysis (46-XX) 28 Operator theory (47-XX) 26 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 21 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 16 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 16 Potential theory (31-XX) 14 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 12 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 11 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 10 History and biography (01-XX) 8 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 235 Publications have been cited 3,549 times in 2,049 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Boundary integral equations. Zbl 1157.65066 Hsiao, George C.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 458 2008 A finite element method for some integral equations of the first kind. Zbl 0352.45016 Hsiao, George C.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 155 1977 Elliptic systems in the plane. Zbl 0396.35001 Wendland, W. L. 109 1979 The construction of some efficient preconditioners in the boundary element method. Zbl 0922.65076 Steinbach, Olaf; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 91 1998 The Aubin-Nitsche lemma for integral equations. Zbl 0478.45004 Hsiao, G. C.; Wendland, W. L. 81 1981 On the integral equation method for the plane mixed boundary value problem of the Laplacian. Zbl 0461.65082 Wendland, W. L.; Stephan, E.; Hsiao, G. C. 74 1979 On the asymptotic convergence of collocation methods. Zbl 0541.65075 Arnold, Douglas N.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 73 1983 The convergence of spline collocation for strongly elliptic equations on curves. Zbl 0592.65077 Arnold, Douglas N.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 67 1985 Progress in boundary element methods. Vol. 1. Zbl 0475.73083 60 1981 Strong ellipticity of boundary integral operators. Zbl 0628.35027 Costabel, M.; Wendland, W. L. 58 1986 On numerical cubatures of singular surface integrals in boundary element methods. Zbl 0761.65012 Schwab, Christoph; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 57 1992 A hypersingular boundary integral method for two-dimensional screen and crack problems. Zbl 0725.73091 Wendland, W. L.; Stephan, E. P. 56 1990 On C. Neumann’s method for second-order elliptic systems in domains with non-smooth boundaries. Zbl 0998.35014 Steinbach, O.; Wendland, W. L. 48 2001 Some applications of a Galerkin-Collocation method for boundary integral equations of the first kind. Zbl 0546.65091 Hsiao, G. C.; Kopp, P.; Wendland, W. L. 45 1984 Nonlinear Neumann-transmission problems for Stokes and Brinkman equations on Euclidean Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1269.47053 Kohr, Mirela; Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 43 2013 A semi-analytical algorithm for the evaluation of the nearly singular integrals in three-dimensional boundary element methods. Zbl 1113.74084 Niu, Zhongrong; Wendland, W. L.; Wang, Xiuxi; Zhou, Huanlin 43 2005 Kernel properties and representations of boundary integral operators. Zbl 0805.35168 Schwab, Christoph; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 40 1992 A Galerkin collocation method for some integral equations of the first kind. Zbl 0419.65088 Hsiao, G. C.; Kopp, P.; Wendland, W. L. 40 1980 Model equations for gravitational sedimentation-consolidation processes. Zbl 0967.35107 Bürger, R.; Wendland, W. L.; Concha, F. 38 2000 On the asymptotic convergence of collocation methods with spline functions of even degree. Zbl 0623.65145 Saranen, J.; Wendland, W. L. 36 1985 Coupling of mixed finite elements and boundary elements for linear and nonlinear elliptic problems. Zbl 0865.65077 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 35 1996 An augmented Galerkin procedure for the boundary integral method applied to two-dimensional screen and crack problems. Zbl 0522.73083 Stephan, Ernst P.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 34 1985 Adaptive boundary element methods for strongly elliptic integral equations. Zbl 0657.65138 Wendland, W. L.; Yu, Dehao 33 1988 On the boundary element method for some nonlinear boundary value problems. Zbl 0651.65081 Ruotsalainen, K.; Wendland, W. 33 1988 A symmetric boundary element method for contact problems with friction. Zbl 1027.65162 Eck, C.; Steinbach, O.; Wendland, W. L. 31 1999 The Wiener-Hopf method for systems of pseudodifferential equations with an application to crack problems. Zbl 1126.35368 Duduchava, R.; Wendland, W. L. 31 1995 Remarks to Galerkin and least squares methods with finite elements for general elliptic problems. Zbl 0353.65067 Stephan, E.; Wendland, W. 31 1976 Boundary element methods and their asymptotic convergence. Zbl 0618.65109 Wendland, W. L. 30 1983 Poisson problems for semilinear Brinkman systems on Lipschitz domains in \(\mathbb{R}^n\). Zbl 1323.35031 Kohr, Mirela; Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 30 2015 On non-autonomous sine-Gordon type equations with a simple global attractor and some averaging. Zbl 1067.35017 Chepyzhov, V. V.; Vishik, M. I.; Wendland, W. L. 27 2005 Integral potential method for a transmission problem with Lipschitz interface in \(\mathbb{R}^{3}\) for the Stokes and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman PDE systems. Zbl 1368.35096 Kohr, Mirela; Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo; Mikhailov, Sergey E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 26 2016 Variational approach for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems with nonsmooth coefficients in Lipschitz domains on compact Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1404.35150 Kohr, Mirela; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 26 2018 Coupling of mixed finite elements and boundary elements for a hyperelastic interface problem. Zbl 0895.73067 Gatica, Gabriel N.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 25 1997 On some mathematical aspects of boundary element methods for elliptic problems. Zbl 0587.65079 Wendland, W. L. 24 1985 Boundary value problems of Robin type for the Brinkman and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman systems in Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1334.35052 Kohr, Mirela; Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 23 2014 The fast multipole method for the symmetric boundary integral formulation. Zbl 1101.65114 Of, G.; Steinbach, O.; Wendland, W. L. 23 2006 On Neumann’s method for the exterior Neumann problem for the Helmholtz equation. Zbl 0351.35022 Kleinman, Ralph E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 23 1977 Domain decomposition methods via boundary integral equations. Zbl 0971.65111 Hsiao, G. C.; Steinbach, O.; Wendland, W. L. 22 2000 A quadrature-based approach to improving the collocation method for splines of even degree. Zbl 0698.65071 Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, W. L. 22 1989 On boundary integral equations of the first kind for the bi-Laplacian in a polygonal plane domain. Zbl 0563.45007 Costabel, Martin; Stephan, Ernst; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 21 1983 Brinkman-type operators on Riemannian manifolds: Transmission problems in Lipschitz and \(C ^{1}\) domains. Zbl 1203.35092 Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 21 2010 Three-dimensional singularities of elastic fields near vertices. Zbl 0771.73014 Schmitz, Hermann; Volk, Klaus; Wendland, Wolfgang 21 1993 Die Behandlung von Randwertaufgaben im \(R_ 3\) mit Hilfe von Einfach-und Doppelschichtpotentialen. Zbl 0165.18401 Wendland, W. 21 1968 A new approach to Richardson extrapolation in the finite element method for second order elliptic problems. Zbl 1198.65216 Asadzadeh, M.; Schatz, A. H.; Wendland, W. 20 2009 Applications of a fast multipole Galerkin in boundary element method in linear elastostatics. Zbl 1512.74097 Of, G.; Steinbach, O.; Wendland, W. L. 20 2005 Mathematical theory of finite and boundary element methods. Lecture notes of the seminar ’Mathematische Theorie der finiten Element- und Randelementmethoden’ organized by the ’Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung’ and held in Düsseldorf, Germany, from June 7th to 14th, 1987. Zbl 0701.00028 Schatz, Albert H.; Thomée, Vidar; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 19 1990 A hybrid coupled finite-boundary element method in elasticity. Zbl 0957.74051 Hsiao, G. C.; Schnack, E.; Wendland, W. L. 18 1999 Domain decomposition in boundary element methods. Zbl 0766.65094 Hsiao, George C.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 18 1991 Layer potential analysis for pseudodifferential matrix operators in Lipschitz domains on compact Riemannian manifolds: applications to pseudodifferential Brinkman operators. Zbl 1319.35319 Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 18 2013 Boundary element methods for elliptic problems. Zbl 0712.65099 Wendland, W. L. 18 1990 Lectures on partial and Pfaffian differential equations. Translated by E. R. Dawson. English translation edited by W. N. Everitt. Zbl 0231.35001 Haack, Wolfgang; Wendland, Wolfgang 18 1972 On the extraction technique in boundary integral equations. Zbl 0914.65113 Schwab, Christoph; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 17 1999 On the boundary integral equation method for a mixed boundary value problem of the biharmonic equation. Zbl 1125.35032 Cakoni, Fioralba; Hsiao, George; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 17 2005 On asymptotic error estimates for combined BEM and FEM. Zbl 0672.65089 Wendland, W. L. 17 1988 Beweismethoden der Differentialgeometrie im Großen. Zbl 0258.53029 Huck, H.; Roitzsch, R.; Simon, Udo; Vortisch, Wilhelm; Walden, Rainer; Wegner, Bernd; Wendland, W. 17 1973 Model equations and instability regions for the sedimentation of polydisperse suspensions of spheres. Zbl 1011.35017 Bürger, R.; Karlsen, K. H.; Tory, E. M.; Wendland, W. L. 16 2002 Galerkin collocation for an improved boundary element method for a plane mixed boundary value problem. Zbl 0546.65080 Lamp, U.; Schleicher, T.; Stephan, E.; Wendland, W. L. 16 1984 On the Dirichlet problem in elasticity for a domain exterior to an arc. Zbl 0742.73026 Hsiao, George C.; Stephan, Ernst P.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 16 1991 Analytic, generalized, hyperanalytic function theory and an application to elasticity. Zbl 0331.35024 Gilbert, Robert P.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 16 1975 The boundary element method for three-dimensional Stokes flows exterior to an open surface. Zbl 0742.76055 Wendland, W. L.; Zhu, J. 16 1991 The Fourier series representation of pseudo-differential operators on closed curves. Zbl 0577.47046 Saranen, J.; Wendland, W. L. 16 1987 The computation of potentials near and on the boundary by an extraction technique for boundary element methods. Zbl 0943.65138 Schulz, Heiko; Schwab, Christoph; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 15 1998 A-posteriori local error estimates of boundary element methods with some pseudo-differential equations on closed curves. Zbl 0758.65072 Wendland, W. L.; Yu, Dehao 15 1992 A fully-discrete trigonometric collocation method. Zbl 0781.65094 McLean, W.; Prössdorf, Siegfried; Wendland, W. L. 15 1993 On a boundary integral method for some exterior problems in elasticity. Zbl 0624.73096 Hsiao, G. C.; Wendland, W. L. 15 1985 Transmission problems for the Navier-Stokes and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman systems in Lipschitz domains on compact Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1464.58007 Kohr, Mirela; Mikhailov, Sergey E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 15 2017 Finite elements for transonic potential flows. Zbl 0692.76061 Berger, Harald; Warnecke, Gerald; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 15 1990 Asymptotic error expansions for the finite element method for second order elliptic problems in \(R^N, N\geq 2\). I: Local interior expansions. Zbl 1219.65125 Asadzadeh, M.; Schatz, A. H.; Wendland, W. 15 2010 On the numerical solution of minimal energy problems. Zbl 1206.31008 Of, G.; Wendland, W. L.; Zorii, N. 14 2010 Two-dimensional hierarchical models for prismatic shells with thickness vanishing at the boundary. Zbl 1076.74038 Jaiani, G.; Kharibegashvili, S.; Natroshvili, D.; Wendland, W. L. 14 2004 Vorlesungen über partielle und Pfaffsche Differentialgleichungen. Zbl 0196.11401 Haack, Wolfgang; Wendland, W. 14 1969 On the Robin-transmission boundary value problems for the nonlinear Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman and Navier-Stokes systems. Zbl 1343.35088 Kohr, Mirela; Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 14 2016 Some examples concerning applicability of the Fredholm-Radon method in potential theory. Zbl 0615.31005 Král, Josef; Wendland, Wolfgang 14 1986 Boundary integral equations. 2nd corrected and expanded edition. Zbl 1477.65007 Hsiao, George C.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 14 2021 Qualocation methods for elliptic boundary integral equations. Zbl 0908.65104 Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 13 1998 Hybrid coupled finite-boundary element methods for elliptic systems of second order. Zbl 0973.65110 Hsiao, G. C.; Schnack, E.; Wendland, W. L. 13 2000 Riesz minimal energy problems on \(C^{k-1,1}\)-manifolds. Zbl 1288.31005 Harbrecht, Helmut; Wendland, Wolfgang L.; Zorii, Natalia 13 2014 Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems for multiply connected domains. Zbl 0926.47040 Efendiev, M. A.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 13 1996 Dirichlet problem for a nonlinear generalized Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman system in Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1336.35138 Groşan, Teodor; Kohr, Mirela; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 13 2015 Trigonometric approximation of solutions of periodic pseudodifferential equations. Zbl 0693.65093 McLean, William; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 13 1989 Spline qualocation methods for variable-coefficient elliptic equations on curves. Zbl 0939.65142 Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 12 1999 Existence and stability for mathematical models of sedimentation-consolidation processes in several space dimensions. Zbl 0995.35050 Bürger, R.; Liu, C.; Wendland, W. L. 12 2001 General transmission problems in the theory of elastic oscillations of anisotropic bodies (basic interface problems). Zbl 0910.73016 Jentsch, Lothar; Natroshvili, David; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 12 1998 Numerical evaluation of singular and finite-part integrals on curved surfaces using symbolic manipulation. Zbl 0770.65008 Kieser, Ralf; Schwab, Christoph; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 12 1992 Boundary integral equations for a three-dimensional Stokes-Brinkman cell model. Zbl 1156.76057 Kohr, Mirela; Sekhar, G. P. Raja; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 12 2008 The fast Fourier transform and the numerical solution of one-dimensional boundary integral equations. Zbl 0579.65148 Lamp, U.; Schleicher, K.-T.; Wendland, W. L. 12 1985 A boundary element collocation method for the Neumann problem of the heat equation. Zbl 0633.65116 Costabel, M.; Onishi, K.; Wendland, W. L. 11 1987 Boundary integral equations for a three-dimensional Brinkman flow problem. Zbl 1171.76056 Kohr, Mirela; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 11 2009 Strongly elliptic boundary integral equations. Zbl 0615.65119 Wendland, W. L. 11 1987 Stokes-Brinkman transmission problems on Lipschitz and \(C^1\) domains in Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1228.35099 Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 11 2010 Control of continuous sedimentation of ideal suspensions as an initial and boundary value problem. Zbl 0717.35052 Bustos, María Cristina; Paiva, Freddy; Wendland, Wolfgang 11 1990 Variational boundary integral equations for the Stokes system. Zbl 1111.35037 Kohr, M.; Wendland, W. L. 11 2006 Singular perturbations for the exterior three-dimensional slow viscous flow problem. Zbl 0582.76026 Fischer, Thomas M.; Hsiao, George C.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 11 1985 Asymptotic accuracy and convergence for point collocation methods. Zbl 0597.65085 Wendland, W. L. 11 1985 On the mathematical foundation of the \((1,1,2)\)-plate model. Zbl 0962.74036 Rössle, A.; Bischoff, M.; Wendland, W.; Ramm, E. 10 1999 On the mixed problem for the semilinear Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman PDE system in Besov spaces on creased Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1393.35030 Gutt, Robert; Kohr, Mirela; Mikhailov, Sergey E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 10 2017 On Riesz minimal energy problems. Zbl 1244.49058 Harbrecht, H.; Wendland, W. L.; Zorii, N. 10 2012 Global weak solutions to the problem of continuous sedimentation of an ideal suspension. Zbl 0722.35054 Bustos, María Cristina; Concha, Fernando; Wendland, Wolfgang 10 1990 Boundary integral method for Stokes flow past a porous body. Zbl 1137.76042 Kohr, Mirela; Sekhar, G. P. Raja; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 10 2008 Remarks to Galerkin and least squares methods with finite elements for general elliptic problems. Zbl 0345.35092 Stephan, Ernst; Wendland, Wolfgang 10 1976 On some mixed-transmission problems for the anisotropic Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems in Lipschitz domains with transversal interfaces. Zbl 1498.35226 Kohr, Mirela; Mikhailov, Sergey E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 4 2022 Non-homogeneous Dirichlet-transmission problems for the anisotropic Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems in Lipschitz domains with transversal interfaces. Zbl 1504.35152 Kohr, Mirela; Mikhailov, Sergey E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 4 2022 On the propagation of acoustic waves in a thermo-electro-magneto-elastic solid. Zbl 1497.35141 Hsiao, George C.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 1 2022 Boundary integral equations. 2nd corrected and expanded edition. Zbl 1477.65007 Hsiao, George C.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 14 2021 Layer potential theory for the anisotropic Stokes system with variable \(L_{\infty}\) symmetrically elliptic tensor coefficient. Zbl 1482.35088 Kohr, Mirela; Mikhailov, Sergey E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 8 2021 Dirichlet and transmission problems for anisotropic Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems with \(L_\infty\) tensor coefficient under relaxed ellipticity condition. Zbl 1473.35216 Kohr, Mirela; Mikhailov, Sergey E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 7 2021 Potentials and transmission problems in weighted Sobolev spaces for anisotropic Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems with \(L_ \infty\) strongly elliptic coefficient tensor. Zbl 1467.35131 Kohr, Mirela; Mikhailov, Sergey E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 9 2020 Boundary value problems for the Brinkman system with \(L^\infty\) coefficients in Lipschitz domains on compact Riemannian manifolds. A variational approach. Zbl 1436.35126 Kohr, Mirela; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 5 2019 Newtonian and single layer potentials for the Stokes system with \(L^\infty\) coefficients and the exterior Dirichlet problem. Zbl 1418.35115 Kohr, Mirela; Mikhailov, Sergey E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 2 2019 Variational approach for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes systems with nonsmooth coefficients in Lipschitz domains on compact Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1404.35150 Kohr, Mirela; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 26 2018 Layer potentials and Poisson problems for the nonsmooth coefficient Brinkman system in Sobolev and Besov spaces. Zbl 1447.35139 Kohr, Mirela; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 8 2018 Transmission problems for the Navier-Stokes and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman systems in Lipschitz domains on compact Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1464.58007 Kohr, Mirela; Mikhailov, Sergey E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 15 2017 On the mixed problem for the semilinear Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman PDE system in Besov spaces on creased Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1393.35030 Gutt, Robert; Kohr, Mirela; Mikhailov, Sergey E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 10 2017 On the Oseen-Brinkman flow around an \((m-1)\)-dimensional solid obstacle. Zbl 1380.35078 Kohr, Mirela; Medková, Dagmar; Wendland, W. L. 4 2017 Recent trends in operator theory and partial differential equations. The Roland Duduchava anniversary volume. Zbl 1366.47001 1 2017 Martin Costabel’s version of the trace theorem revisited. Zbl 1369.46033 Wendland, W. L. 1 2017 Integral potential method for a transmission problem with Lipschitz interface in \(\mathbb{R}^{3}\) for the Stokes and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman PDE systems. Zbl 1368.35096 Kohr, Mirela; Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo; Mikhailov, Sergey E.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 26 2016 On the Robin-transmission boundary value problems for the nonlinear Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman and Navier-Stokes systems. Zbl 1343.35088 Kohr, Mirela; Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 14 2016 On the transmission problems for the Oseen and Brinkman systems on Lipschitz domains in compact Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1350.58006 Gutt, Robert; Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 2 2016 Rapid solution of minimal Riesz energy problems. Zbl 1354.65134 Harbrecht, Helmut; Wendland, Wolfgang L.; Zorii, Natalia 1 2016 Poisson problems for semilinear Brinkman systems on Lipschitz domains in \(\mathbb{R}^n\). Zbl 1323.35031 Kohr, Mirela; Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 30 2015 Dirichlet problem for a nonlinear generalized Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman system in Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1336.35138 Groşan, Teodor; Kohr, Mirela; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 13 2015 Trigonometric collocation for nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems on doubly connected domains. Zbl 1319.65127 Micula, Sanda; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 2 2015 Poisson-transmission problems for \(L^\infty\)-perturbations of the Stokes system on Lipschitz domains in compact Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1381.58008 Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 2 2015 Boundary value problems of Robin type for the Brinkman and Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman systems in Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1334.35052 Kohr, Mirela; Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 23 2014 Riesz minimal energy problems on \(C^{k-1,1}\)-manifolds. Zbl 1288.31005 Harbrecht, Helmut; Wendland, Wolfgang L.; Zorii, Natalia 13 2014 Nonlinear Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman system with linear Robin boundary conditions in Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1354.35031 Kohr, Mirela; Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 9 2014 Neumann-transmission problems for pseudodifferential Brinkman operators on Lipschitz domains in compact Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1273.58015 Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 1 2014 Nonlinear Neumann-transmission problems for Stokes and Brinkman equations on Euclidean Lipschitz domains. Zbl 1269.47053 Kohr, Mirela; Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 43 2013 Layer potential analysis for pseudodifferential matrix operators in Lipschitz domains on compact Riemannian manifolds: applications to pseudodifferential Brinkman operators. Zbl 1319.35319 Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 18 2013 Dirichlet-transmission problems for pseudodifferential Brinkman operators on Sobolev and Besov spaces associated to Lipschitz domains in Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1291.35458 Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 4 2013 Interface boundary value problems of Robin-transmission type for the Stokes and Brinkman systems on \(n\)-dimensional Lipschitz domains: applications. Zbl 1278.35190 Fericean, Denisa; Groşan, Teodor; Kohr, Mirela; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 2 2013 Layer potential analysis for a Dirichlet-transmission problem in Lipschitz domains in \(\mathbb R^{n}\). Zbl 1429.76039 Fericean, Denisa; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 1 2013 On Riesz minimal energy problems. Zbl 1244.49058 Harbrecht, H.; Wendland, W. L.; Zorii, N. 10 2012 Two-dimensional Stokes-Brinkman cell model – a boundary integral formulation. Zbl 1323.76020 Kohr, Mirela; Raja Sekhar, G. P.; Ului, Elena M.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 4 2012 Fast boundary element methods in engineering and industrial applications. Zbl 1235.65005 2 2012 Potential analysis for pseudodifferential matrix operators in Lipschitz domains on Riemannian manifolds. Applications to Brinkman operators. Zbl 1299.35111 Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 1 2012 Homogenization of the Signorini boundary-value problem in a thick junction and boundary integral equations for the homogenized problem. Zbl 1217.35019 Mel’nyk, T. A.; Nakvasiuk, Iu. A.; Wendland, W. L. 9 2011 Dirichlet-transmission problems for general Brinkman operators on Lipschitz and \(C^1\) domains in Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1223.58017 Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 8 2011 Brinkman-type operators on Riemannian manifolds: Transmission problems in Lipschitz and \(C ^{1}\) domains. Zbl 1203.35092 Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 21 2010 Asymptotic error expansions for the finite element method for second order elliptic problems in \(R^N, N\geq 2\). I: Local interior expansions. Zbl 1219.65125 Asadzadeh, M.; Schatz, A. H.; Wendland, W. 15 2010 On the numerical solution of minimal energy problems. Zbl 1206.31008 Of, G.; Wendland, W. L.; Zorii, N. 14 2010 Stokes-Brinkman transmission problems on Lipschitz and \(C^1\) domains in Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1228.35099 Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 11 2010 On mapping properties of layer potential operators for Brinkman equations on Lipschitz domains in Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1212.35088 Kohr, Mirela; Pintea, Cornel; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 3 2010 A new approach to Richardson extrapolation in the finite element method for second order elliptic problems. Zbl 1198.65216 Asadzadeh, M.; Schatz, A. H.; Wendland, W. 20 2009 Boundary integral equations for a three-dimensional Brinkman flow problem. Zbl 1171.76056 Kohr, Mirela; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 11 2009 On the double layer potential. Zbl 1179.31002 Wendland, W. L. 9 2009 Boundary integral equations for two-dimensional low Reynolds number flow past a porous body. Zbl 1161.76457 Kohr, Mirela; Wendland, Wolfgang L.; Sekhar, G. P. Raja 7 2009 Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems for generalized analytic functions. Zbl 1192.30010 Efendiev, Messoud A.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 6 2009 Expansions at small Reynolds numbers for the flow past a porous circular cylinder. Zbl 1173.76009 Kohr, Mirela; Prakash, Jai; Sekhar, G. P. Raja; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 4 2009 Dimension estimate of the global attractor for a semi-discretized chemotaxis-growth system by conservative upwind finite-element scheme. Zbl 1172.92311 Efendiev, Messoud; Nakaguchi, Etsushi; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 2 2009 A characterization of the Calderón projector for the biharmonic equation. Zbl 1183.35108 Hsiao, G. C.; Wendland, W. L. 1 2009 Boundary integral equations. Zbl 1157.65066 Hsiao, George C.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 458 2008 Boundary integral equations for a three-dimensional Stokes-Brinkman cell model. Zbl 1156.76057 Kohr, Mirela; Sekhar, G. P. Raja; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 12 2008 Boundary integral method for Stokes flow past a porous body. Zbl 1137.76042 Kohr, Mirela; Sekhar, G. P. Raja; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 10 2008 Spline approximation of a non-linear Riemann-Hilbert problem. Zbl 1163.41001 Micula, Sanda; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 1 2008 Comparison of approximation schemes for chemotaxis-growth system via dimensions of global attractors. Zbl 1158.92045 Nakaguchi, Etsushi; Efendiev, Messoud; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 1 2008 Uniform estimate of dimension of the global attractor for a semi-discretized chemotaxis-growth system. Zbl 1163.37396 Efendiev, M.; Nakaguchi, E.; Wendland, W. L. 6 2007 On nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems with discontinuous boundary condition. Zbl 1162.30026 Efendiev, M. A.; Wendland, W. L. 2 2007 Geometrical properties of nonlinear maps and their application. I: The topological degree of quasiruled Fredholm maps on quasicylindrical domains. Zbl 1108.47052 Efendiev, M. A.; Wendland, W. L. 1 2007 Geometrical properties of nonlinear maps and their application. II: Nonlinear Riemann–Hilbert problems with closed boundary data for multiply connected domains. Zbl 1108.47053 Efendiev, M. A.; Wendland, W. L. 1 2007 The fast multipole method for the symmetric boundary integral formulation. Zbl 1101.65114 Of, G.; Steinbach, O.; Wendland, W. L. 23 2006 Variational boundary integral equations for the Stokes system. Zbl 1111.35037 Kohr, M.; Wendland, W. L. 11 2006 Boundary element tearing and interconnecting domain decomposition methods. Zbl 1298.74246 Of, Günther; Steinbach, Olaf; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 2 2006 On the Bramble-Hilbert lemma. II(a): An improved estimate of the embedding constant. Zbl 1126.46021 Dechevski, Lubomir T.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 1 2006 On the Bramble–Hilbert lemma. II(c): A model application to nonlinear operator equations. Zbl 1126.46052 Dechevski, Lubomir T.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 1 2006 A semi-analytical algorithm for the evaluation of the nearly singular integrals in three-dimensional boundary element methods. Zbl 1113.74084 Niu, Zhongrong; Wendland, W. L.; Wang, Xiuxi; Zhou, Huanlin 43 2005 On non-autonomous sine-Gordon type equations with a simple global attractor and some averaging. Zbl 1067.35017 Chepyzhov, V. V.; Vishik, M. I.; Wendland, W. L. 27 2005 Applications of a fast multipole Galerkin in boundary element method in linear elastostatics. Zbl 1512.74097 Of, G.; Steinbach, O.; Wendland, W. L. 20 2005 On the boundary integral equation method for a mixed boundary value problem of the biharmonic equation. Zbl 1125.35032 Cakoni, Fioralba; Hsiao, George; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 17 2005 On use of the Galerkin method to solve the fracture mechanics problem for a linear crack under normal loading. Zbl 1107.74041 Menshykov, O. V.; Menshykova, M. V.; Wendland, W. L. 7 2005 Editorial: Special issue dedicated to George C. Hsiao on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Zbl 1512.00011 1 2005 Two-dimensional hierarchical models for prismatic shells with thickness vanishing at the boundary. Zbl 1076.74038 Jaiani, G.; Kharibegashvili, S.; Natroshvili, D.; Wendland, W. L. 14 2004 Operator theoretical methods and applications to mathematical physics. The Erhard Meister memorial volume. Zbl 1031.00013 5 2004 A residual-based error estimator for BEM discretizations of contact problems. Zbl 1031.74050 Eck, C.; Wendland, W. L. 9 2003 On the computation of multi-dimensional single layer harmonic potentials via approximate approximations. Zbl 1072.65029 Maz’ya, V.; Schmidt, G.; Wendland, W. 7 2003 Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems with Lipschitz-continuous boundary data: doubly connected domains. Zbl 1099.30028 Efendiev, M. A.; Wendland, W. L. 4 2003 Model equations and instability regions for the sedimentation of polydisperse suspensions of spheres. Zbl 1011.35017 Bürger, R.; Karlsen, K. H.; Tory, E. M.; Wendland, W. L. 16 2002 High regularity of the solution of a nonlinear parabolic boundary-value problem. Zbl 1001.35064 Barbu, Luminiţa; Moroşanu, Gheorghe; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 1 2002 On boundary-layer-type solutions of nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems and related geometric structures. Zbl 1004.30027 Efendiev, M. A.; Wendland, W. L. 1 2002 On C. Neumann’s method for second-order elliptic systems in domains with non-smooth boundaries. Zbl 0998.35014 Steinbach, O.; Wendland, W. L. 48 2001 Existence and stability for mathematical models of sedimentation-consolidation processes in several space dimensions. Zbl 0995.35050 Bürger, R.; Liu, C.; Wendland, W. L. 12 2001 Sedimentation and suspension flows: Historical perspective and some recent developments. Zbl 1014.76003 Bürger, Raimund; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 7 2001 Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems for doubly connected domains and closed boundary data. Zbl 1029.30024 Efendiev, M. A.; Wendland, W. L. 7 2001 Preconditioning for boundary element methods in domain decomposition. Zbl 0988.65115 Hsiao, G. C.; Khoromskij, B. N.; Wendland, W. L. 6 2001 Asymptotic analysis for a mixed boundary value contact problem. Zbl 1002.74071 Eck, C.; Nazarov, S. A.; Wendland, W. L. 5 2001 Analysis of a heterogeneous domain decomposition for compressible viscous flow. Zbl 1215.76068 Coclici, Cristian A.; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 4 2001 Special issue: Sedimentation and suspension flows. Some recent contributions. Zbl 0986.00028 2 2001 The far-field modelling of transonic compressible flows. Zbl 0980.35132 Coclici, C. A.; Sofronov, I. L.; Wendland, W. L. 1 2001 Nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems with Lipschitz-continuous boundary data without transversality. Zbl 1042.30506 Efendiev, M. A.; Wendland, W. L. 1 2001 Model equations for gravitational sedimentation-consolidation processes. Zbl 0967.35107 Bürger, R.; Wendland, W. L.; Concha, F. 38 2000 Domain decomposition methods via boundary integral equations. Zbl 0971.65111 Hsiao, G. C.; Steinbach, O.; Wendland, W. L. 22 2000 Hybrid coupled finite-boundary element methods for elliptic systems of second order. Zbl 0973.65110 Hsiao, G. C.; Schnack, E.; Wendland, W. L. 13 2000 A mathematical model for sedimentation-consolidation processes. Zbl 0951.76586 Bürger, R.; Wendland, W. L.; Concha, F. 8 2000 Stable propagation of a mode-1 planar crack in an isotropic elastic space. Comparison of the Irwin and the Griffith approaches. Zbl 1009.74055 Bach, M.; Nazarov, S. N.; Wendland, W. L. 4 2000 The coupling of hyperbolic and elliptic boundary value problems with variable coefficients. Zbl 0978.34041 Coclici, Cristian A.; Moroşanu, Gheorghe; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 2 2000 Fluid-structure interaction problems. Zbl 0998.74028 Natroshvili, D.; Sändig, A.-M.; Wendland, W. L. 1 2000 A symmetric boundary element method for contact problems with friction. Zbl 1027.65162 Eck, C.; Steinbach, O.; Wendland, W. L. 31 1999 A hybrid coupled finite-boundary element method in elasticity. Zbl 0957.74051 Hsiao, G. C.; Schnack, E.; Wendland, W. L. 18 1999 On the extraction technique in boundary integral equations. Zbl 0914.65113 Schwab, Christoph; Wendland, Wolfgang L. 17 1999 ...and 135 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,042 Authors 103 Wendland, Wolfgang L. 59 Stephan, Ernst Peter 49 Gatica, Gabriel N. 43 Hsiao, George Chia-Chu 38 Kohr, Mirela 38 Steinbach, Olaf 30 Bürger, Raimund 30 Praetorius, Dirk 29 Sayas, Francisco-Javier 26 Medková, Dagmar 26 Natroshvili, David 25 Mikhailov, Sergey E. 23 Heuer, Norbert 20 Of, Günther 20 Saranen, Jukka 18 Costabel, Martin 18 Führer, Thomas 18 Schwab, Christoph 17 Chkadua, Otar 17 Feischl, Michael 17 Karkulik, Michael 17 Li, Xiaolin 17 Tran, Thanh 16 Harbrecht, Helmut 16 Maischak, Matthias 16 Zorii, Natalia 15 Gilbert, Robert Pertsch 15 Prössdorf, Siegfried 15 Sloan, Ian Hugh 14 He, Wenming 14 Hiptmair, Ralf 14 Li, Zi-Cai 13 Duduchava, Roland 12 Fresneda-Portillo, Carlos 12 Yin, Tao 11 Begehr, Heinrich 11 Chang, Ching Lung 11 Chernov, Alexey 11 Domínguez, Víctor 11 Kress, Rainer 11 Meddahi, Salim 11 Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 11 Speck, Frank-Olme 10 Aimi, Alessandra 10 Bonnet, Marc 10 Carstensen, Carsten 10 Claeys, Xavier 10 Diligenti, Mauro 10 Hu, Guanghui 10 Melenk, Jens Markus 10 Nicaise, Serge 10 Niu, Zhongrong 10 Zhang, Shougui 9 Barnett, Alex H. 9 Chepyzhov, Vladimir V. 9 Gwinner, Joachim 9 Jaiani, George V. 9 Jerez-Hanckes, Carlos 9 Khoromskiĭ, Boris Nikolaevich 9 Le Louër, Frédérique 9 Schmidt, Gunther 9 Schneider, Reinhold 9 Sekhar, G. P. Raja 9 Xu, Liwei 8 Aurada, Markus 8 Chandler-Wilde, Simon N. 8 Huang, Jin 8 Karlsen, Kenneth Hvistendahl 8 Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo 8 Musolino, Paolo 8 Nazarov, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 8 Nistor, Victor 8 Pintea, Cornel 8 Rapún, María-Luisa 8 Ruotsalainen, Keijo Matti 8 Spence, Euan A. 8 Veerapaneni, Shravan Kumar 8 Vodička, Roman 8 Ying, Wenjun 7 Berres, Stefan 7 Cheng, Changzheng 7 Colton, David Lem 7 Dauge, Monique 7 Diehl, Stefan 7 Efendiev, Messoud 7 Elschner, Johannes 7 Kovtunenko, Viktor Anatolievich 7 Mantič, Vladislav 7 Nigam, Nilima 7 Sauter, Stefan 7 Švec, Alois 6 Agranovich, Mikhail Semënovich 6 Ahner, John F. 6 Bao, Gang 6 Betcke, Timo 6 Chapko, Roman 6 Christiansen, Søren 6 Demkowicz, Leszek 6 Ganesh, Mahadevan 6 Gantner, Gregor ...and 1,942 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 275 Serials 106 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 97 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 94 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 89 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 89 Numerische Mathematik 70 Journal of Computational Physics 69 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 59 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 55 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 53 Applicable Analysis 52 Applied Numerical Mathematics 45 Mathematics of Computation 41 Applied Mathematics and Computation 39 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 34 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 26 Computational Mechanics 24 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 23 Advances in Computational Mathematics 21 Mathematische Nachrichten 21 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 20 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 19 Computing 19 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 18 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 17 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 16 Journal of Differential Equations 16 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 14 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 14 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 14 Journal of Scientific Computing 14 Numerical Algorithms 12 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 12 Journal of Elasticity 12 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 12 Potential Analysis 11 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 11 Journal of Approximation Theory 11 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 11 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 11 Applied Mathematical Modelling 11 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 11 Georgian Mathematical Journal 10 Acta Mechanica 10 Calcolo 10 Applications of Mathematics 10 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 9 Inverse Problems 9 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 9 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 9 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 9 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 8 Mathematische Zeitschrift 8 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 8 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 8 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 7 Wave Motion 7 Journal of Functional Analysis 7 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 6 BIT 6 Results in Mathematics 6 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 6 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 6 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 6 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 6 Computing and Visualization in Science 6 International Journal of Computational Methods 6 Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute 5 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 5 Mathematische Annalen 5 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 5 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 5 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Differential Equations 5 Boundary Value Problems 5 Communications in Computational Physics 5 Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Matematika i Mekhanika 4 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 4 Aplikace Matematiky 4 Archiv der Mathematik 4 Functional Analysis and its Applications 4 Manuscripta Mathematica 4 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 4 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 4 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 4 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 4 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 4 Inverse Problems and Imaging 3 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 3 International Journal of Engineering Science 3 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 3 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 3 Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika 3 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 3 Monatshefte für Mathematik 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University ...and 175 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 48 Fields 1,124 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1,115 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 393 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 333 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 296 Integral equations (45-XX) 148 Potential theory (31-XX) 129 Operator theory (47-XX) 128 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 74 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 52 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 47 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 42 Functional analysis (46-XX) 39 Differential geometry (53-XX) 39 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 28 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 28 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 22 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 16 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 16 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 15 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 13 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 12 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 12 Geophysics (86-XX) 11 Quantum theory (81-XX) 10 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 9 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 7 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 6 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Real functions (26-XX) 5 Special functions (33-XX) 5 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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