Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Wiberg, Marie Co-Author Distance Author ID: wiberg.marie Published as: Wiberg, Marie External Links: ORCID Documents Indexed: 7 Publications since 2017, including 1 Book 8 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 1 Package Co-Authors: 20 Co-Authors with 15 Joint Publications 466 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 0 single-authored 7 González, Jorge A. 6 Molenaar, Dylan 4 Kim, Jee-Seon 3 Culpepper, Steven Andrew 2 Böckenholt, Ulf 2 Douglas, Jeffrey A. 2 Hwang, Heungsun 2 Janssen, Rianne 2 Laukaitytė, Inga 2 Wang, Wen-Chung 1 Andersson, Björn 1 Bolt, Daniel M. 1 Franco, Vithor Rosa 1 Laros, Jacob Arie 1 Li, Juan 1 Matteucci, Mariagiulia 1 Ramsay, James O. 1 Sansivieri, Valentina 1 van der Ark, L. Andries 1 van der Ark, L. Anries Serials 8 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 2 Psychometrika 2 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 1 Statistica Fields 14 Statistics (62-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year Citations contained in zbMATH Open 4 Publications have been cited 6 times in 4 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Applying test equating methods. Using R. Zbl 1367.62002 González, Jorge; Wiberg, Marie 3 2017 Item response theory observed-score kernel equating. Zbl 1360.62519 Andersson, Björn; Wiberg, Marie 1 2017 Quantitative psychology. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 84th annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Santiago, Chile, July 15–19, 2019. Zbl 1440.62005 1 2020 Quantitative psychology. The 82nd annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Zurich, Switzerland, July 17–21, 2017. Zbl 1417.62011 1 2018 Quantitative psychology. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 84th annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Santiago, Chile, July 15–19, 2019. Zbl 1440.62005 1 2020 Quantitative psychology. The 82nd annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Zurich, Switzerland, July 17–21, 2017. Zbl 1417.62011 1 2018 Applying test equating methods. Using R. Zbl 1367.62002 González, Jorge; Wiberg, Marie 3 2017 Item response theory observed-score kernel equating. Zbl 1360.62519 Andersson, Björn; Wiberg, Marie 1 2017 all top 5 Cited by 8 Authors 1 Frick, Susanne 1 Li, Chengcheng 1 Ma, Chenchen 1 Magis, David 1 Matteucci, Mariagiulia 1 Sansivieri, Valentina 1 Wiberg, Marie 1 Xu, Gongjun Cited in 3 Serials 2 Psychometrika 1 Statistica 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation Cited in 2 Fields 4 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Citations by Year