Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Wilkinson, James Hardy (b. 1919 d. 1986) Co-Author Distance Author ID: wilkinson.james-h Published as: Wilkinson, J. H.; Wilkinson, James H.; Wilkinson, James Hardy more...less External Links: MacTutor · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Awards: Turing Award (1970) Documents Indexed: 97 Publications since 1948, including 8 Books 3 Further Contributions Biographic References: 7 Publications Co-Authors: 26 Co-Authors with 32 Joint Publications 735 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 58 single-authored 14 Martin, Robert Samuel 4 Reinsch, Christian H. 3 Dongarra, Jack J. 3 Golub, Gene Howard 2 Bowdler, H. J. 2 Gabriel, John R. 2 Householder, Alston Scott 2 Koelling, D. D. 2 Olver, Frank William John 2 Rollett, J. S. 2 Symm, Hilary J. 1 Bareiss, Erwin H. 1 Barth, Wilhelm 1 Bauer, Friedrich Ludwig 1 Booth, Andrew D. 1 Cline, Alan K. 1 Curtis, A. Robert 1 Greville, Thomas Nall Eden 1 Hammarling, Sven J. 1 Hartree, Douglas Rayner 1 Henrici, Peter 1 Huskey, Harry D. 1 Martin, David W. 1 Miller, Jeffrey Charles Percy 1 Moler, Cleve B. 1 Moshman, Jack 1 Newman, Maxwell Herman Alexander 1 Oettli, Werner 1 Ortega, James M. 1 Parlett, Beresford Neill 1 Peters, C. J. 1 Powell, M. J. P. 1 Prager, William 1 Pyke, H. H. M. 1 Ralston, Anthony 1 Rutishauser, Heinz 1 Samelson, Klaus 1 Spanier, Jerome 1 Stewart, Gilbert Wright 1 Stiefel, Eduard 1 Stroud, Arthur H. 1 Swinnerton-Dyer, Peter 1 Traub, Joseph Frederick 1 Vajda, Steven 1 Varga, Richard Steven 1 Walsh, Joan 1 Wilf, Herbert S. 1 Wilkes, Maurice Vincent 1 Williams, F. C. 1 Wirth, Niklaus all top 5 Serials 26 Numerische Mathematik 12 The Computer Journal. Section A / Section B 5 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 3 SIAM Review 2 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 2 Utilitas Mathematica 2 Monographs In Numerical Analysis 1 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica 1 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 1 Journal of Computational Physics 1 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 1 Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 1 Aplikace Matematiky 1 Mathematika 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Ser. A 1 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 1 Communications of the ACM 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Bulletin. The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 1 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematical Tables and other Aids to Computation 1 Nature, London 1 Classics in Applied Mathematics 1 Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften 1 MAA Studies in Mathematics 1 Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Series B, Numerical Analysis all top 5 Fields 48 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 14 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 87 Publications have been cited 4,309 times in 3,426 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The algebraic eigenvalue problem. Zbl 0258.65037 Wilkinson, J. H. 2,042 1965 Rounding errors in algebraic processes. Zbl 1041.65502 Wilkinson, J. H. 282 1963 The algebraic eigenvalue problem. 1. paperback ed. Zbl 0626.65029 Wilkinson, J. H. 141 1988 Handbook for automatic computation. Volume II. J.H. Wilkinson and C. Reinsch: Linear algebra. Chief editor: F.L. Bauer. Zbl 0219.65001 Wilkinson, J. H.; Reinsch, C. 120 1971 Error analysis of direct methods of matrix inversion. Zbl 0109.09005 Wilkinson, J. H. 116 1961 Rounding errors in algebraic processes. Repr. of the 1963 orig. Zbl 0868.65027 Wilkinson, J. H. 105 1994 Ill-conditioned eigensystems and the computation of the Jordan canonical form. Zbl 0341.65027 Golub, G. H.; Wilkinson, J. H. 75 1976 The least squares problem and pseudoinverses. Zbl 0195.44804 Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 68 1970 Inverse iterations, ill-conditioned equations and Newton’s method. Zbl 0424.65021 Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 64 1979 The algebraic eigenvalue problem. Zbl 0202.15403 Wilkinson, J. H. 64 1970 An estimate for the condition number of a matrix. Zbl 0403.65012 Cline, A. K.; Moler, C. B.; Stewart, G. W.; Wilkinson, J. H. 52 1979 The evaluation of the zeros of ill-conditioned polynomials. I, II. Zbl 0202.43701 Wilkinson, J. H. 52 1959 Mathematical methods for digital computers. Vol. 2. Zbl 0183.18601 Ralston, A.; Wilf, H. S. 52 1967 Rounding errors in algebraic processes. Zbl 0113.10606 Wilkinson, J. H. 50 1960 \(Ax=\lambda Bx\) and the generalized eigenproblem. Zbl 0276.15016 Peters, C.; Wilkinson, J. H. 46 1970 Note on the quadratic convergence of the cyclic Jacobi process. Zbl 0104.34501 Wilkinson, J. H. 43 1962 Calculation of the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by the method of bisection. Zbl 0189.47803 Barth, W.; Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 40 1967 Note on matrices with a very ill-conditioned eigenproblem. Zbl 0252.65027 Wilkinson, J. H. 39 1972 Kronecker’s canonical form and the QZ algorithm. Zbl 0458.65022 Wilkinson, J. H. 38 1979 Symmetric decomposition of a positive definite matrix. Zbl 0135.37402 Martin, R. S.; Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 37 1965 Modern error analysis. Zbl 0243.65018 Wilkinson, J. H. 34 1971 Note on the iterative refinement of least squares solution. Zbl 0156.16106 Golub, G. H.; Wilkinson, J. H. 34 1966 Sensitivity of eigenvalues. II. Zbl 0611.65019 Wilkinson, J. H. 32 1986 Linear differential equations and Kronecker’s canonical form. Zbl 0457.65051 Wilkinson, J. H. 31 1978 The perfidious polynomial. Zbl 0601.65028 Wilkinson, James H. 30 1984 Global convergence of tridiagonal QR algorithm with origin shifts. Zbl 0237.65029 Wilkinson, J. H. 30 1968 Sensitivity of eigenvalues. Zbl 0551.65018 Wilkinson, J. H. 29 1984 Error analysis of floating-point computation. Zbl 0091.29605 Wilkinson, J. H. 29 1960 Similarity reduction of a general matrix to Hessenberg form. Zbl 0184.37504 Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 28 1968 Notes on the solution of algebraic linear simultaneous equations. Zbl 0033.28503 Fox, L.; Huskey, H. D.; Wilkinson, J. H. 24 1948 The QR and QL algorithms for symmetric matrices. Zbl 0162.46803 Bowdler, H.; Martin, R. S.; Reinsch, C.; Wilkinson, J. H. 23 1968 On neighbouring matrices with quadratic elementary divisors. Zbl 0545.65025 Wilkinson, J. H. 22 1984 Practical problems arising in the solution of polynomial equations. Zbl 0232.65041 Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 22 1971 Reduction of the symmetric eigenproblem \(Ax =\lambda Bx\) and related problems to standard form. Zbl 0162.46901 Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 22 1968 Note on the practical significance of the Drazin inverse. Zbl 0491.65025 Wilkinson, J. H. 21 1982 Almost diagonal matrices with multiple or close eigenvalues. Zbl 0167.30303 Wilkinson, J. H. 20 1968 A priori error analysis of algebraic processes. Zbl 0197.13301 Wilkinson, J. H. 19 1968 The QR algorithm for real Hessenberg matrices. Zbl 0194.46901 Martin, R. S.; Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 19 1970 Rigorous error bounds for computed eigensystems. Zbl 0109.34504 Wilkinson, J. H. 19 1961 Symmetric decmposition of positive definite band matrices. Zbl 0137.32806 Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 18 1965 On the stability of Gauss-Jordan elimination with pivoting. Zbl 0318.65009 Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 17 1975 Eigenvalues of \(Ax=\lambda Bx\) with band symmetric \(A\) and \(B\). Zbl 0185.40204 Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 17 1969 Householder’s method for the solution of the algebraic eigenproblem. Zbl 0109.09103 Wilkinson, J. H. 17 1960 Iterative refinement of the solution of a positive definite system of equations. Zbl 0158.33804 Martin, R. S.; Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 15 1966 Householder’s tridiagonalization of a symmetric matrix. Zbl 0176.13402 Martin, R. S.; Reinsch, C.; Wilkinson, J. H. 14 1968 The calculation of the eigenvectors of codiagonal matrices. Zbl 0117.11001 Wilkinson, J. H. 14 1958 Solution of symmetric and unsymmetric band equations and the calculation of eigenvectors of band matrices. Zbl 0168.13304 Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 13 1967 Calculation of the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by the method of bisection. Zbl 0107.34306 Wilkinson, J. H. 13 1962 Realistic error bounds for a simple eigenvalue and its associated eigenvector. Zbl 0447.65015 Symm, H. J.; Wilkinson, J. H. 12 1980 The implicit QL algorithm. Zbl 0176.46304 Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 11 1968 Calculation of the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by inverse iteration. Zbl 0107.34307 Wilkinson, J. H. 10 1962 Convergence of the LR, QR, and related algorithms. Zbl 0135.37602 Wilkinson, J. H. 10 1965 Solution of real and complex systems of linear equations. Zbl 0158.33805 Bowdler, H. J.; Martin, R. S.; Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 10 1966 THE MODIFIED LR algorithm for complex Hessenberg matrices. Zbl 0184.37505 Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 9 1968 A posteriori error bounds for Gaussian elimination. Zbl 0527.65018 Olver, F. W. J.; Wilkinson, J. H. 8 1982 The eigenvalue problem for Hermitian matrices with time reversal symmetry. Zbl 0559.65019 Dongarra, J. J.; Gabriel, J. R.; Koelling, D. D.; Wilkinson, J. H. 8 1984 Eigenvectors of real and complex matrices by LR and QR triangularizations. Zbl 0208.18303 Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 8 1970 Some comments from a numerical analyst. Zbl 0223.01015 Wilkinson, J. H. 8 1971 Householder’s method for symmetric matrices. Zbl 0107.34305 Wilkinson, J. H. 8 1962 Numerical considerations in computing invariant subspaces. Zbl 0754.65038 Dongarra, Jack J.; Hammarling, Sven; Wilkinson, James H. 7 1992 Error analysis of transformations based on the use of matrices of the form I - 2\(ww^H\). Zbl 0252.65030 Wilkinson, J. H. 7 1965 The calculation of Lame polynomials. Zbl 0139.11303 Wilkinson, J. H. 7 1965 Admissible solutions of linear systems with not sharply defined coefficients. Zbl 0154.16903 Oettli, W.; Prager, W.; Wilkinson, J. H. 7 1965 The calculation of the latent roots and vectors of matrices on the Pilot model of the A.C. E. Zbl 0056.12202 Wilkinson, J. H. 6 1954 Rundungsfehler. Übersetzung aus dem Englischen von G. Goos. Zbl 0187.09403 Wilkinson, J. H. 5 1969 The \(QR\) algorithm for band symmetric matrices. Zbl 0211.46803 Martin, R. S.; Reinsch, C.; Wilkinson, J. H. 5 1970 A survey of error analysis of matrix algorithms. Zbl 0153.46104 Wilkinson, J. H. 5 1968 Inverse iteration in theory and in practice. Zbl 0267.65029 Wilkinson, J. H. 4 1972 Error analysis of eigenvalue techniques based on orthogonal transformations. Zbl 0108.29703 Wilkinson, J. H. 4 1962 The QR algorithm for real symmetric matrices with multiple eigenvalues. Zbl 0135.17802 Wilkinson, J. H. 4 1965 The calculation of eigenvectors by the method of Lanczos. Zbl 0117.11002 Wilkinson, J. H. 4 1958 On a theorem of Feingold. Zbl 0616.15018 Wilkinson, J. H. 3 1987 Error analysis revisited. Zbl 0628.65035 Wilkinson, J. H. 3 1986 A problem in numerical linear algebra. Zbl 0439.65022 Wilkinson, J. H. 3 1978 Eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0615.65041 Wilkinson, J. H. 2 1987 Solving the secular equation including spin orbit coupling for systems with inversion and time reversal symmetry. Zbl 0541.65088 Dongarra, J. J.; Gabriel, J. R.; Koelling, D. D.; Wilkinson, J. H. 2 1984 The use of iterative methods for finding the latent roots and vectors of matrices. Zbl 0068.10301 Wilkinson, J. H. 2 1955 Plane-rotations in floating-point arithmetic. Zbl 0131.34002 Wilkinson, J. H. 2 1963 Ill-condition in numerical linear algebra. Zbl 0617.65038 Wilkinson, J. H. 1 1986 Note on inverse iteration and ill-conditioned eigensystems. Zbl 0315.65026 Wilkinson, J. H. 1 1975 Global convergence of QR algorithms. Zbl 0195.45003 Wilkinson, James H. 1 1969 The basic of error analysis of matrix processes. Zbl 0208.39802 Wilkinson, J. H. 1 1968 A note on Gerschgorin’s inclusion theorem for eigenvalues of matrices. Zbl 0192.36903 Householder, A. S.; Varga, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 1 1970 A discussion on computing machines. Zbl 0031.12904 Hartree, D. R.; Newman, M. H. A.; Wilkes, M. V.; Williams, F. C.; Wilkinson, J. H.; Booth, A. D. 1 1948 Instability of the elimination method of reducing a matrix to tri-diagnal form. Zbl 0108.12205 Wilkinson, J. H. 1 1962 Stability of the reduction of a matrix to almost triangular and triangular forms by elementary similarity transformations. Zbl 0087.12001 Wilkinson, J. H. 1 1959 Rounding errors in algebraic processes. Reprint of the 1963 original edition. Zbl 1544.65009 Wilkinson, James Hardy 1 2023 Rounding errors in algebraic processes. Reprint of the 1963 original edition. Zbl 1544.65009 Wilkinson, James Hardy 1 2023 Rounding errors in algebraic processes. Repr. of the 1963 orig. Zbl 0868.65027 Wilkinson, J. H. 105 1994 Numerical considerations in computing invariant subspaces. Zbl 0754.65038 Dongarra, Jack J.; Hammarling, Sven; Wilkinson, James H. 7 1992 The algebraic eigenvalue problem. 1. paperback ed. Zbl 0626.65029 Wilkinson, J. H. 141 1988 On a theorem of Feingold. Zbl 0616.15018 Wilkinson, J. H. 3 1987 Eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0615.65041 Wilkinson, J. H. 2 1987 Sensitivity of eigenvalues. II. Zbl 0611.65019 Wilkinson, J. H. 32 1986 Error analysis revisited. Zbl 0628.65035 Wilkinson, J. H. 3 1986 Ill-condition in numerical linear algebra. Zbl 0617.65038 Wilkinson, J. H. 1 1986 The perfidious polynomial. Zbl 0601.65028 Wilkinson, James H. 30 1984 Sensitivity of eigenvalues. Zbl 0551.65018 Wilkinson, J. H. 29 1984 On neighbouring matrices with quadratic elementary divisors. Zbl 0545.65025 Wilkinson, J. H. 22 1984 The eigenvalue problem for Hermitian matrices with time reversal symmetry. Zbl 0559.65019 Dongarra, J. J.; Gabriel, J. R.; Koelling, D. D.; Wilkinson, J. H. 8 1984 Solving the secular equation including spin orbit coupling for systems with inversion and time reversal symmetry. Zbl 0541.65088 Dongarra, J. J.; Gabriel, J. R.; Koelling, D. D.; Wilkinson, J. H. 2 1984 Note on the practical significance of the Drazin inverse. Zbl 0491.65025 Wilkinson, J. H. 21 1982 A posteriori error bounds for Gaussian elimination. Zbl 0527.65018 Olver, F. W. J.; Wilkinson, J. H. 8 1982 Realistic error bounds for a simple eigenvalue and its associated eigenvector. Zbl 0447.65015 Symm, H. J.; Wilkinson, J. H. 12 1980 Inverse iterations, ill-conditioned equations and Newton’s method. Zbl 0424.65021 Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 64 1979 An estimate for the condition number of a matrix. Zbl 0403.65012 Cline, A. K.; Moler, C. B.; Stewart, G. W.; Wilkinson, J. H. 52 1979 Kronecker’s canonical form and the QZ algorithm. Zbl 0458.65022 Wilkinson, J. H. 38 1979 Linear differential equations and Kronecker’s canonical form. Zbl 0457.65051 Wilkinson, J. H. 31 1978 A problem in numerical linear algebra. Zbl 0439.65022 Wilkinson, J. H. 3 1978 Ill-conditioned eigensystems and the computation of the Jordan canonical form. Zbl 0341.65027 Golub, G. H.; Wilkinson, J. H. 75 1976 On the stability of Gauss-Jordan elimination with pivoting. Zbl 0318.65009 Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 17 1975 Note on inverse iteration and ill-conditioned eigensystems. Zbl 0315.65026 Wilkinson, J. H. 1 1975 Note on matrices with a very ill-conditioned eigenproblem. Zbl 0252.65027 Wilkinson, J. H. 39 1972 Inverse iteration in theory and in practice. Zbl 0267.65029 Wilkinson, J. H. 4 1972 Handbook for automatic computation. Volume II. J.H. Wilkinson and C. Reinsch: Linear algebra. Chief editor: F.L. Bauer. Zbl 0219.65001 Wilkinson, J. H.; Reinsch, C. 120 1971 Modern error analysis. Zbl 0243.65018 Wilkinson, J. H. 34 1971 Practical problems arising in the solution of polynomial equations. Zbl 0232.65041 Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 22 1971 Some comments from a numerical analyst. Zbl 0223.01015 Wilkinson, J. H. 8 1971 The least squares problem and pseudoinverses. Zbl 0195.44804 Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 68 1970 The algebraic eigenvalue problem. Zbl 0202.15403 Wilkinson, J. H. 64 1970 \(Ax=\lambda Bx\) and the generalized eigenproblem. Zbl 0276.15016 Peters, C.; Wilkinson, J. H. 46 1970 The QR algorithm for real Hessenberg matrices. Zbl 0194.46901 Martin, R. S.; Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 19 1970 Eigenvectors of real and complex matrices by LR and QR triangularizations. Zbl 0208.18303 Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 8 1970 The \(QR\) algorithm for band symmetric matrices. Zbl 0211.46803 Martin, R. S.; Reinsch, C.; Wilkinson, J. H. 5 1970 A note on Gerschgorin’s inclusion theorem for eigenvalues of matrices. Zbl 0192.36903 Householder, A. S.; Varga, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 1 1970 Eigenvalues of \(Ax=\lambda Bx\) with band symmetric \(A\) and \(B\). Zbl 0185.40204 Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 17 1969 Rundungsfehler. Übersetzung aus dem Englischen von G. Goos. Zbl 0187.09403 Wilkinson, J. H. 5 1969 Global convergence of QR algorithms. Zbl 0195.45003 Wilkinson, James H. 1 1969 Global convergence of tridiagonal QR algorithm with origin shifts. Zbl 0237.65029 Wilkinson, J. H. 30 1968 Similarity reduction of a general matrix to Hessenberg form. Zbl 0184.37504 Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 28 1968 The QR and QL algorithms for symmetric matrices. Zbl 0162.46803 Bowdler, H.; Martin, R. S.; Reinsch, C.; Wilkinson, J. H. 23 1968 Reduction of the symmetric eigenproblem \(Ax =\lambda Bx\) and related problems to standard form. Zbl 0162.46901 Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 22 1968 Almost diagonal matrices with multiple or close eigenvalues. Zbl 0167.30303 Wilkinson, J. H. 20 1968 A priori error analysis of algebraic processes. Zbl 0197.13301 Wilkinson, J. H. 19 1968 Householder’s tridiagonalization of a symmetric matrix. Zbl 0176.13402 Martin, R. S.; Reinsch, C.; Wilkinson, J. H. 14 1968 The implicit QL algorithm. Zbl 0176.46304 Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 11 1968 THE MODIFIED LR algorithm for complex Hessenberg matrices. Zbl 0184.37505 Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 9 1968 A survey of error analysis of matrix algorithms. Zbl 0153.46104 Wilkinson, J. H. 5 1968 The basic of error analysis of matrix processes. Zbl 0208.39802 Wilkinson, J. H. 1 1968 Mathematical methods for digital computers. Vol. 2. Zbl 0183.18601 Ralston, A.; Wilf, H. S. 52 1967 Calculation of the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by the method of bisection. Zbl 0189.47803 Barth, W.; Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 40 1967 Solution of symmetric and unsymmetric band equations and the calculation of eigenvectors of band matrices. Zbl 0168.13304 Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 13 1967 Note on the iterative refinement of least squares solution. Zbl 0156.16106 Golub, G. H.; Wilkinson, J. H. 34 1966 Iterative refinement of the solution of a positive definite system of equations. Zbl 0158.33804 Martin, R. S.; Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 15 1966 Solution of real and complex systems of linear equations. Zbl 0158.33805 Bowdler, H. J.; Martin, R. S.; Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 10 1966 The algebraic eigenvalue problem. Zbl 0258.65037 Wilkinson, J. H. 2,042 1965 Symmetric decomposition of a positive definite matrix. Zbl 0135.37402 Martin, R. S.; Peters, G.; Wilkinson, J. H. 37 1965 Symmetric decmposition of positive definite band matrices. Zbl 0137.32806 Martin, R. S.; Wilkinson, J. H. 18 1965 Convergence of the LR, QR, and related algorithms. Zbl 0135.37602 Wilkinson, J. H. 10 1965 Error analysis of transformations based on the use of matrices of the form I - 2\(ww^H\). Zbl 0252.65030 Wilkinson, J. H. 7 1965 The calculation of Lame polynomials. Zbl 0139.11303 Wilkinson, J. H. 7 1965 Admissible solutions of linear systems with not sharply defined coefficients. Zbl 0154.16903 Oettli, W.; Prager, W.; Wilkinson, J. H. 7 1965 The QR algorithm for real symmetric matrices with multiple eigenvalues. Zbl 0135.17802 Wilkinson, J. H. 4 1965 Rounding errors in algebraic processes. Zbl 1041.65502 Wilkinson, J. H. 282 1963 Plane-rotations in floating-point arithmetic. Zbl 0131.34002 Wilkinson, J. H. 2 1963 Note on the quadratic convergence of the cyclic Jacobi process. Zbl 0104.34501 Wilkinson, J. H. 43 1962 Calculation of the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by the method of bisection. Zbl 0107.34306 Wilkinson, J. H. 13 1962 Calculation of the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by inverse iteration. Zbl 0107.34307 Wilkinson, J. H. 10 1962 Householder’s method for symmetric matrices. Zbl 0107.34305 Wilkinson, J. H. 8 1962 Error analysis of eigenvalue techniques based on orthogonal transformations. Zbl 0108.29703 Wilkinson, J. H. 4 1962 Instability of the elimination method of reducing a matrix to tri-diagnal form. Zbl 0108.12205 Wilkinson, J. H. 1 1962 Error analysis of direct methods of matrix inversion. Zbl 0109.09005 Wilkinson, J. H. 116 1961 Rigorous error bounds for computed eigensystems. Zbl 0109.34504 Wilkinson, J. H. 19 1961 Rounding errors in algebraic processes. Zbl 0113.10606 Wilkinson, J. H. 50 1960 Error analysis of floating-point computation. Zbl 0091.29605 Wilkinson, J. H. 29 1960 Householder’s method for the solution of the algebraic eigenproblem. Zbl 0109.09103 Wilkinson, J. H. 17 1960 The evaluation of the zeros of ill-conditioned polynomials. I, II. Zbl 0202.43701 Wilkinson, J. H. 52 1959 Stability of the reduction of a matrix to almost triangular and triangular forms by elementary similarity transformations. Zbl 0087.12001 Wilkinson, J. H. 1 1959 The calculation of the eigenvectors of codiagonal matrices. Zbl 0117.11001 Wilkinson, J. H. 14 1958 The calculation of eigenvectors by the method of Lanczos. Zbl 0117.11002 Wilkinson, J. H. 4 1958 The use of iterative methods for finding the latent roots and vectors of matrices. Zbl 0068.10301 Wilkinson, J. H. 2 1955 The calculation of the latent roots and vectors of matrices on the Pilot model of the A.C. E. Zbl 0056.12202 Wilkinson, J. H. 6 1954 Notes on the solution of algebraic linear simultaneous equations. Zbl 0033.28503 Fox, L.; Huskey, H. D.; Wilkinson, J. H. 24 1948 A discussion on computing machines. Zbl 0031.12904 Hartree, D. R.; Newman, M. H. A.; Wilkes, M. V.; Williams, F. C.; Wilkinson, J. H.; Booth, A. D. 1 1948 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 4,082 Authors 31 Evans, David John 31 Golub, Gene Howard 30 Wilkinson, James Hardy 26 Van Dooren, Paul M. 22 Higham, Nicholas John 20 Pan, Victor Yakovlevich 20 Peña, Juan Manuel 19 Parlett, Beresford Neill 17 Hari, Vjeran 17 Wei, Yimin 16 Paige, Christopher Conway 16 Reichel, Lothar 16 Stewart, Gilbert Wright 15 Li, Zi-Cai 15 Noschese, Silvia 14 Martin, Robert Samuel 14 Mitrouli, Marilena 13 Neumann, Michael 13 Tewarson, Reginald P. 12 Huang, Hung-Tsai 11 Barlow, Jesse L. 11 Cucker, Felipe 11 Delgado, Jorge F. M. 10 Aishima, Kensuke 10 Andrew, Alan L. 10 Björck, Åke 10 Carson, Erin Claire 10 Demmel, James Weldon 10 Kublanovskaya, Vera Nikolaevna 10 Lin, Wen-Wei 10 Mehrmann, Volker 10 Vandebril, Raf 10 Wu, Xinyuan 10 Znojil, Miloslav 9 Alam, Rafikul 9 Bini, Dario Andrea 9 Dax, Achiya 9 Dongarra, Jack J. 9 Farouki, Rida T. 9 Ruhe, Axel 9 Rump, Siegfried Michael 9 Sen, Syamal Kumar 9 Sun, Jiguang 9 Vignes, Jean 9 Woźniakowski, Henryk 8 Benner, Peter 8 Carbó-Dorca, Ramon 8 Heyouni, Mohammed 8 Karcanias, Nicos 8 Kouvaritakis, Basil A. 8 Laub, Alan J. 8 Patel, Rajnikant V. 8 Petkov, Petko Hr. 8 Psarrakos, Panayiotis J. 8 Saad, Yousef 8 Tsao, Naikuan 8 Watkins, David S. 8 Zlatev, Zahari 7 Alonso, Pedro 7 Bénasséni, Jacques 7 Boley, Daniel L. 7 Codenotti, Bruno 7 Dopico, Froilán M. 7 Elsner, Ludwig F. 7 Gemignani, Luca 7 Gill, Philip E. 7 Gragg, William B. 7 Konstantinov, Mikhail Mikhajlov 7 Kressner, Daniel 7 Li, Tien-Yien 7 Murray, Walter 7 Nakamura, Yoshimasa 7 Palmer, Kenneth James 7 Parthasarathy, Panamalai Ramarao 7 Petković, Miodrag S. 7 Reinsch, Christian H. 7 Zeng, Zhonggang 6 Abdelmalek, Nabih N. 6 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika 6 Byers, Ralph 6 Chan, Raymond Hon-Fu 6 Chu, King-Wah Eric 6 Deuflhard, Peter 6 Duff, Iain S. 6 Edelman, Alan Stuart 6 Gautschi, Walter 6 Hoskins, William D. 6 Iwasaki, Masashi 6 Jarlebring, Elias 6 Jia, Zhongxiao 6 Jiang, Erxiong 6 Kautsky, Jaroslav 6 Lunde Johnsen, Th. 6 Mastronardi, Nicola 6 Murota, Kazuo 6 Nakatsukasa, Yuji 6 Nath Datta, Biswa 6 Nichols, Nancy K. 6 O’Leary, Dianne P. 6 Plemmons, Robert James ...and 3,982 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 433 Serials 427 Linear Algebra and its Applications 240 Numerische Mathematik 171 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 103 Mathematics of Computation 100 Journal of Computational Physics 88 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 84 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 84 Applied Mathematics and Computation 82 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 80 Computing 68 Numerical Algorithms 62 BIT 57 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 50 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 48 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 47 Applied Numerical Mathematics 46 International Journal of Control 42 Automatica 35 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 BIT. Nordisk Tidskrift for Informationsbehandling 30 Calcolo 29 Computer Physics Communications 27 Systems & Control Letters 25 International Journal of Systems Science 21 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 21 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 20 Journal of the Franklin Institute 19 Journal of Econometrics 19 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 19 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 18 Applied Mathematics Letters 17 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 16 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 16 Journal of Complexity 16 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 16 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 15 Computer Aided Geometric Design 14 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 14 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 13 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 13 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 13 Mathematical Programming 12 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 12 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 12 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 11 Aplikace Matematiky 11 Applied Mathematical Modelling 11 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 11 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 11 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 10 Journal of Mathematical Physics 10 Journal of Scientific Computing 10 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 9 International Journal of Engineering Science 9 Physica A 9 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 9 Journal of Approximation Theory 9 Physica D 9 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 9 Advances in Computational Mathematics 9 International Journal of Control, I. Series 8 Mathematical Biosciences 8 Psychometrika 8 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 8 Theoretical Computer Science 8 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 8 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 8 Acta Numerica 7 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 7 Siberian Mathematical Journal 7 Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 7 Computational Mechanics 7 European Journal of Operational Research 7 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 7 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 7 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 6 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 6 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 6 Journal of Mathematical Biology 6 Physics Letters. A 6 Wave Motion 6 Information Sciences 6 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 6 Theoretical Population Biology 6 Cybernetics 6 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 6 Annals of Operations Research 6 Journal of Global Optimization 6 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 6 Computational and Applied Mathematics 6 Mathematical Programming Computation 5 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 5 Discrete Mathematics 5 Fluid Dynamics 5 Journal of Statistical Physics 5 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 5 Journal of Differential Equations 5 Kybernetika 5 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society ...and 333 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 59 Fields 2,248 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 824 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 271 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 208 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 200 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 179 Computer science (68-XX) 160 Statistics (62-XX) 151 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 148 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 131 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 112 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 79 Quantum theory (81-XX) 68 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 64 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 63 Combinatorics (05-XX) 63 Operator theory (47-XX) 60 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 59 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 58 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 52 Real functions (26-XX) 49 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 40 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 39 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 37 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 36 Special functions (33-XX) 36 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 29 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 22 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 21 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 19 Number theory (11-XX) 17 Integral equations (45-XX) 17 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 16 History and biography (01-XX) 16 Geophysics (86-XX) 14 Differential geometry (53-XX) 12 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 9 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 9 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 Functional analysis (46-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 6 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 5 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 5 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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