Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Xin, Jack X. Co-Author Distance Author ID: xin.jack-x Published as: Xin, Jack; Xin, J.; Xin, Jack X.; Xin, J. X. more...less Homepage: https://www.math.uci.edu/~jxin/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp Documents Indexed: 155 Publications since 1992, including 2 Books and 17 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor Co-Authors: 102 Co-Authors with 140 Joint Publications 3,148 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 14 single-authored 20 Yu, Yifeng 15 Qi, Yingyong 15 Yin, Penghang 14 Zhang, Zhiwen 13 Wang, Zhongjian 11 Nolen, James 9 Lou, Yifei 9 Osher, Stanley Joel 9 Sun, Yuanchang 6 Liu, Yuyu 5 Lyu, Jiancheng 5 Zhang, Shuai 5 Zhou, Aihui 4 Esser, Ernie 4 He, Qi 4 Long, Ziang 4 Wehr, Jan 3 Cherkaev, Elena 3 Dinh, Thu 3 Lin, Fang Hua 3 Liu, Jie 3 Shen, Lihua 3 Wang, Bao 3 Zhu, Jingyi 2 Berlyand, Leonid V. 2 Bertozzi, Andrea Louise 2 Bui, Kevin V. 2 Chadam, John M. 2 Chen, Long 2 Dai, Xiaoying 2 Eyink, Gregory L. 2 Golden, Kenneth M. 2 Ho, Michael 2 Lyu, Junlong 2 Mooney, Connor 2 Murphy, N. Benjamin 2 Ortoleva, Peter J. 2 Pang, Jong-Shi 2 Park, Fredrick 2 Peirce, Anthony P. 2 Yu, Meng 2 Zhang, Tan 2 Zlatoš, Andrej 1 Ahn, Miju 1 Baker, Justin 1 Bao, Weizhu 1 Brantingham, P. Jeffrey 1 Bricmont, Jean 1 Collet, Pierre 1 del Rio, Fernando 1 Deng, Li 1 Dong, Xuanchun 1 E, Weinan 1 Fennemore, George 1 Finlayson-Pitts, Barbara J. 1 Gao, Hongwei 1 Gu, Haotian 1 Hu, Boyi 1 Hu, Miao 1 Huang, Kai 1 Hyman, James M. 1 Kao, Chou 1 Kim, Yongsam 1 Kuang, Xiong 1 Kupiainen, Antti 1 Lamar, Michael Drew 1 Levermore, C. David 1 Liu, Yufeng 1 Long, Xiaolong 1 Luce, Benjamin P. 1 Ma, Wenye 1 Malham, Simon J. A. 1 McMillen, Tyler 1 Mercado, Gema A. 1 Merriman, Barry 1 Mitake, Hiroyoshi 1 Möller, Michael 1 Murray, Regan 1 Narayan, Akil C. 1 Postel, Marie 1 Povich, T. J. 1 Raquépas, Renaud 1 Ridge, C. 1 Ronney, Paul D. 1 Rudd, Matthew B. 1 Ruuth, Steven J. 1 Sapiro, Guillermo 1 Shaka, A. J. 1 Sølna, Knut 1 Sun, Zheng 1 Tran Vinh Hung 1 Wang, Yiwei 1 Weinstein, Michael I. 1 Whiting, Wes 1 Wingen, Lisa M. 1 Wu, Wensong 1 Wu, Zhizhang 1 Xia, Hedi 1 Zeng, Tie Yong 1 Zhao, Hongkai ...and 2 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 12 Communications in Mathematical Sciences 8 Physica D 7 Communications in Mathematical Physics 7 Journal of Scientific Computing 6 Nonlinearity 6 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 6 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 4 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 4 Journal of Statistical Physics 4 Methods and Applications of Analysis 3 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 3 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 3 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 3 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 3 Communications in Information and Systems 2 Journal of Computational Physics 2 Journal of Differential Equations 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 2 Journal of Computational Mathematics 2 Asymptotic Analysis 2 Signal Processing 2 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 2 Journal of Nonlinear Science 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 2 Inverse Problems and Imaging 2 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 2 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 2 Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica 1 SIAM Review 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 1 SIAM Journal on Optimization 1 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 1 Mathematical Research Letters 1 Computational Geosciences 1 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 1 Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 1 Surveys and Tutorials in the Applied Mathematical Sciences 1 RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu 1 Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications 1 SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 1 MS&A. Modeling, Simulation and Applications 1 Minimax Theory and its Applications 1 Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications all top 5 Fields 75 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 58 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 45 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 28 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 27 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 18 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 17 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 16 Computer science (68-XX) 10 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 10 Statistics (62-XX) 10 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 9 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Geophysics (86-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 108 Publications have been cited 1,811 times in 1,020 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Front propagation in heterogeneous media. Zbl 0951.35060 Xin, Jack 233 1998 Minimization of \(\ell_{1-2}\) for compressed sensing. Zbl 1316.90037 Yin, Penghang; Lou, Yifei; He, Qi; Xin, Jack 146 2015 Existence of planar flame fronts in convective-diffusive periodic media. Zbl 0764.76074 Xin, Jack X. 76 1992 Multidimensional stability of traveling waves in a bistable reaction-diffusion equation. I. Zbl 0789.35019 Xin, Jack X. 70 1992 Existence of KPP fronts in spatially-temporally periodic advection and variational principle for propagation speeds. Zbl 1179.35166 Nolen, James; Rudd, Matthew; Xin, Jack 69 2005 Multidimensional stability of traveling waves in a bistable reaction-diffusion equation. II. Zbl 0789.35020 Levermore, C. D.; Xin, Jack X. 62 1992 A weighted difference of anisotropic and isotropic total variation model for image processing. Zbl 1322.94019 Lou, Yifei; Zeng, Tieyong; Osher, Stanley; Xin, Jack 61 2015 Existence and nonexistence of traveling waves and reaction-diffusion front propagation in periodic media. Zbl 1102.35340 Xin, Jack X. 58 1993 Computing sparse representation in a highly coherent dictionary based on difference of \(L_1\) and \(L_2\). Zbl 1327.65111 Lou, Yifei; Yin, Penghang; He, Qi; Xin, Jack 54 2015 A method for finding structured sparse solutions to nonnegative least squares problems with applications. Zbl 1282.90239 Esser, Ernie; Lou, Yifei; Xin, Jack 53 2013 Difference-of-convex learning: directional stationarity, optimality, and sparsity. Zbl 1369.90130 Ahn, Miju; Pang, Jong-Shi; Xin, Jack 53 2017 Existence of KPP type fronts in space-time periodic shear flows and a study of minimal speeds based on variational principle. Zbl 1097.35072 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 49 2005 On the incompressible fluid limit and the vortex motion law of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 0920.35145 Lin, F.-H.; Xin, J. X. 46 1999 An introduction to fronts in random media. Zbl 1188.35003 Xin, Jack 45 2009 Modeling light bullets with the two-dimensional sine-Gordon equation. Zbl 0936.78006 Xin, J. X. 44 2000 Minimization of transformed \(L_1\) penalty: theory, difference of convex function algorithm, and robust application in compressed sensing. Zbl 1386.94049 Zhang, Shuai; Xin, Jack 35 2018 Point source super-resolution via non-convex \(L_1\) based methods. Zbl 1354.65125 Lou, Yifei; Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack 28 2016 Ratio and difference of \(l_1\) and \(l_2\) norms and sparse representation with coherent dictionaries. Zbl 1429.94037 Yin, Penghang; Esser, Ernie; Xin, Jack 26 2014 Computational aspects of constrained \(L_1\)-\(L_2\) minimization for compressive sensing. Zbl 1370.90176 Lou, Yifei; Osher, Stanley; Xin, Jack 25 2015 Comparisons between sine-Gordon and perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equations for modeling light bullets beyond critical collapse. Zbl 1190.35205 Bao, Weizhu; Dong, Xuanchun; Xin, Jack 24 2010 Asymptotic spreading of KPP reactive fronts in incompressible space-time random flows. Zbl 1177.35172 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 23 2009 Periodic homogenization of the inviscid G-equation for incompressible flows. Zbl 1372.76085 Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 23 2010 Global large time self-similarity of a thermal-diffusive combustion system with critical nonlinearity. Zbl 0862.35050 Bricmont, J.; Kupiainen, A.; Xin, J. 21 1996 Weighted elastic net penalized mean-variance portfolio design and computation. Zbl 1330.91173 Ho, Michael; Sun, Zheng; Xin, Jack 20 2015 Diffusion-generated motion by mean curvature for filaments. Zbl 1037.35033 Ruuth, S. J.; Merriman, B.; Xin, J.; Osher, S. 19 2001 A variational principle for KPP front speeds in temporally random shear flows. Zbl 1114.35095 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 18 2007 Minimization of transformed \(l_1\) penalty: closed form representation and iterative thresholding algorithms. Zbl 1386.94048 Zhang, Shuai; Xin, Jack 18 2017 PhaseLiftOff: an accurate and stable phase retrieval method based on difference of trace and Frobenius norms. Zbl 1342.94052 Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack 17 2015 Reaction-diffusion front speeds in spactially-temporally periodic shear flows. Zbl 1053.35068 Nolen, Jim; Xin, Jack 15 2003 A convex model for nonnegative matrix factorization and dimensionality reduction on physical space. Zbl 1373.15021 Esser, Ernie; Möller, Michael; Osher, Stanley; Sapiro, Guillermo; Xin, Jack 15 2012 On the dynamical law of the Ginzburg-Landau vortices on the plane. Zbl 0935.35036 Lin, F.-H.; Xin, J. X. 14 1999 Sharp asymptotic growth laws of turbulent flame speeds in cellular flows by inviscid Hamilton-Jacobi models. Zbl 1366.35018 Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 13 2013 A variational principle based study of KPP minimal front speeds in random shears. Zbl 1181.35135 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 13 2005 Global solutions to a reactive Boussinesq system with front data on an infinite domain. Zbl 0908.35104 Malham, Simon; Xin, Jack X. 13 1998 Periodic orbits of the ABC flow with \(A=B=C=1\). Zbl 1366.34062 Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng; Zlatoš, Andrej 13 2016 Quenching and propagation of bistable reaction-diffusion fronts in multidimensional periodic media. Zbl 0900.35193 Xin, Jack X.; Zhu, Jingyi 13 1995 Self-similar decay in the Kraichnan model of a passive scalar. Zbl 1008.76028 Eyink, Gregory L.; Xin, Jack 13 2000 Global existence and large time asymptotic bounds of \(L^ \infty\) solutions of thermal diffusive combustion systems on \(\mathbb{R}^ n\). Zbl 0882.35058 Collet, P.; Xin, J. 10 1996 Asymptotics for turbulent flame speeds of the viscous \(G\)-equation enhanced by cellular and shear flows. Zbl 1269.76127 Liu, Yu-Yu; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 10 2011 Asymptotic growth rates and strong bending of turbulent flame speeds of G-equation in steady two-dimensional incompressible periodic flows. Zbl 1339.76035 Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 9 2014 KPP fronts in a one-dimensional random drift. Zbl 1160.35443 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 9 2009 A computational study of residual KPP front speeds in time-periodic cellular flows in the small diffusion limit. Zbl 1364.76105 Zu, Penghe; Chen, Long; Xin, Jack 9 2015 White noise perturbation of the viscous shock fronts of the Burgers equation. Zbl 0858.60059 Wehr, J.; Xin, J. 8 1996 Bounds on front speeds for inviscid and viscous \(G\)-equations. Zbl 1256.35090 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 8 2009 Computing effective diffusivity of chaotic and stochastic flows using structure-preserving schemes. Zbl 1404.65209 Wang, Zhongjian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 8 2018 Computing residual diffusivity by adaptive basis learning via spectral method. Zbl 1389.76035 Lyu, Jiancheng; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 8 2017 KPP front speeds in random shears and the parabolic Anderson problem. Zbl 1052.35099 Xin, Jack 7 2003 Dynamic stability of vortex solutions of Ginzburg-Landau and nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 0872.35105 Weinstein, M. I.; Xin, J. 6 1996 Existence of multidimensional traveling waves in the transport of reactive solutes through periodic porous media. Zbl 0819.76097 Xin, Jack X. 6 1994 Residual diffusivity in elephant random walk models with stops. Zbl 1409.60073 Lyu, Jiancheng; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 6 2019 A weighted difference of anisotropic and isotropic total variation for relaxed Mumford-Shah color and multiphase image segmentation. Zbl 1478.94016 Bui, Kevin; Park, Fredrick; Lou, Yifei; Xin, Jack 6 2021 Finite element computation of KPP front speeds in 3D cellular and ABC flows. Zbl 1416.65465 Shen, L.; Xin, J.; Zhou, A. 6 2013 DeepParticle: learning invariant measure by a deep neural network minimizing Wasserstein distance on data generated from an interacting particle method. Zbl 07540355 Wang, Zhongjian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 6 2022 Partially blind deblurring of barcode from out-of-focus blur. Zbl 1295.90114 Lou, Yifei; Esser, Ernie; Zhao, Hongkai; Xin, Jack 5 2014 Front quenching in the G-equation model induced by straining of cellular flow. Zbl 1305.35144 Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 5 2014 A two-dimensional nonlinear nonlocal feed-forward cochlear model and time domain computation of multitone interactions. Zbl 1092.35113 Kim, Yongsam; Xin, Jack 5 2005 Front speed in the Burgers equation with a random flux. Zbl 0920.35141 Wehr, J.; Xin, J. 5 1997 A numerical study of turbulent flame speeds of curvature and strain G-equations in cellular flows. Zbl 1259.35197 Liu, Yu-Yu; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 5 2013 Blended coarse gradient descent for full quantization of deep neural networks. Zbl 1422.90066 Yin, Penghang; Zhang, Shuai; Lyu, Jiancheng; Osher, Stanley; Qi, Yingyong; Xin, Jack 5 2019 Ballistic orbits and front speed enhancement for ABC flows. Zbl 1418.34080 McMillen, Tyler; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng; Zlatoš, Andrej 5 2016 Error estimates for a POD method for solving viscous G-equations in incompressible cellular flows. Zbl 1469.65156 Gu, Haotian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 5 2021 A semi-Lagrangian computation of front speeds of G-equation in ABC and Kolmogorov flows with estimation via ballistic orbits. Zbl 1482.76064 Kao, Chou; Liu, Yu-Yu; Xin, Jack 5 2022 Transformed Schatten-1 iterative thresholding algorithms for low rank matrix completion. Zbl 1395.90207 Zhang, Shuai; Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack 5 2017 Sharp error estimates on a stochastic structure-preserving scheme in computing effective diffusivity of 3D chaotic flows. Zbl 1496.65192 Wang, Zhongjian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 5 2021 Computing reactive front speeds in random flows by variational principle. Zbl 1155.76061 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 4 2008 A unified approach to vortex motion laws of complex scalar field equations. Zbl 0930.35025 Lin, F.-H.; Xin, J. X. 4 1998 Periodic homogenization of G-equations and viscosity effects. Zbl 1197.70012 Liu, Yu-Yu; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 4 2010 BinaryRelax: a relaxation approach for training deep neural networks with quantized weights. Zbl 1419.90072 Yin, Penghang; Zhang, Shuai; Lyu, Jiancheng; Osher, Stanley; Qi, Yingyong; Xin, Jack 4 2018 A soft-constrained dynamic iterative method of blind source separation. Zbl 1177.94064 Liu, Jie; Xin, Jack; Qi, Yingyong 4 2009 Large time asymptotic of solutions to a model combustion system with critical nonlinearity. Zbl 0820.35081 Berlyand, L.; Xin, J. 4 1995 Iterative \({\ell_1}\) minimization for non-convex compressed sensing. Zbl 1413.90223 Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack 4 2017 A convergent interacting particle method and computation of KPP front speeds in chaotic flows. Zbl 07538279 Lyu, Junlong; Wang, Zhongjian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 4 2022 Finite element computation of KPP front speeds in cellular and cat’s eye flows. Zbl 1366.76055 Shen, Lihua; Xin, Jack; Zhou, Aihui 4 2013 Stability of traveling waves of a solute transport equation. Zbl 0884.35011 Xin, Jack X. 3 1997 Existence of a class of symmetric rotating spiral waves on finite disc domains in excitable media. Zbl 0791.35061 Xin, Jack 3 1993 A numerical study of the light bullets interaction in the \((2+1)\) sine-Gordon equation. Zbl 1136.35456 Povich, T.; Xin, J. 3 2005 Underdetermined sparse blind source separation of nonnegative and partially overlapped data. Zbl 1234.94017 Sun, Yuanchang; Xin, Jack 3 2011 Two-grid based adaptive proper orthogonal decomposition method for time dependent partial differential equations. Zbl 1448.65128 Dai, Xiaoying; Kuang, Xiong; Xin, Jack; Zhou, Aihui 3 2020 Convergence analysis of stochastic structure-preserving schemes for computing effective diffusivity in random flows. Zbl 1509.37120 Lyu, Junlong; Wang, Zhongjian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 3 2020 Linear feature transform and enhancement of classification on deep neural network. Zbl 1484.68210 Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack; Qi, Yingyong 3 2018 Hybrid deterministic-stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics for Bayesian learning. Zbl 1329.60260 He, Qi; Xin, Jack 2 2012 Reactive flows in layered porous media. II: The shape stability of the reaction interface. Zbl 0772.35088 Xin, J.; Peirce, A.; Chadam, J.; Ortoleva, P. 2 1993 Global solutions and attractors of a Maxwell-Bloch Raman laser system in two transverse dimensions. Zbl 0909.35021 Xin, J.; Moloney, J. 2 1998 Statistical analysis of a semilinear hyperbolic system advected by a white in time random velocity field. Zbl 1007.60066 Eyink, Gregory; Xin, Jack 2 2002 Sparse Kalman filtering approaches to realized covariance estimation from high frequency financial data. Zbl 1458.62245 Ho, Michael; Xin, Jack 2 2019 Min-max variational principle and front speeds in random shear flows. Zbl 1107.35366 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 2 2004 Spectral analysis and computation for homogenization of advection diffusion processes in steady flows. Zbl 1432.86010 Murphy, N. B.; Cherkaev, E.; Zhu, J.; Xin, J.; Golden, K. M. 2 2020 A time domain algorithm for blind separation of convolutive sound mixtures and \(L_1\) constrained minimization of cross correlations. Zbl 1173.94373 Liu, Jie; Xin, Jack; Qi, Yingyong; Zheng, Fan-Gang 2 2009 Curvature effect in shear flow: slowdown of turbulent flame speeds with Markstein number. Zbl 1412.80007 Lyu, Jiancheng; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 2 2018 Existence of an effective burning velocity in a cellular flow for the curvature \(G\)-equation proved using a game analysis. Zbl 1539.76086 Gao, Hongwei; Long, Ziang; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 2 2024 Spectral analysis and computation of effective diffusivities in space-time periodic incompressible flows. Zbl 1481.76109 Murphy, N. Benjamin; Cherkaev, Elena; Xin, Jack; Zhu, Jingyi; Golden, Kenneth M. 2 2017 Postprocessing and sparse blind source separation of positive and partially overlapped data. Zbl 1217.94065 Sun, Y.; Ridge, C.; del Rio, F.; Shaka, A. J.; Xin, J. 1 2011 A numerical study of fronts in random media using a reactive solute transport model. Zbl 0941.76084 Postel, Marie; Xin, Jack 1 1997 A perception- and PDE-based nonlinear transformation for processing spoken words. Zbl 0981.35036 Qi, Yingyong; Xin, Jack 1 2001 Existence of traveling waves in a biodegradation model for organic contaminants. Zbl 0957.92032 Murray, Regan; Xin, J. X. 1 1999 Modelling thermal front dynamics in microwave heating. Zbl 1029.80003 Mercado, Gema A.; Luce, Benjamin P.; Xin, Jack 1 2002 Breakdown of homogenization for the random Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Zbl 1207.70018 E, Weinan; Wehr, Jan; Xin, Jack 1 2008 Signal processing of acoustic signals in the time domain with an active nonlinear nonlocal cochlear model. Zbl 1163.94357 Lamar, M. Drew; Xin, Jack; Qi, Yingyong 1 2006 Finite element computations of Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov front speeds in random shear flows in cylinders. Zbl 1400.76096 Shen, Lihua; Xin, Jack; Zhou, Aihui 1 2008 Global convergence and geometric characterization of slow to fast weight evolution in neural network training for classifying linearly non-separable data. Zbl 1469.90113 Long, Ziang; Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack 1 2021 Existence of an effective burning velocity in a cellular flow for the curvature \(G\)-equation proved using a game analysis. Zbl 1539.76086 Gao, Hongwei; Long, Ziang; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 2 2024 DeepParticle: learning invariant measure by a deep neural network minimizing Wasserstein distance on data generated from an interacting particle method. Zbl 07540355 Wang, Zhongjian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 6 2022 A semi-Lagrangian computation of front speeds of G-equation in ABC and Kolmogorov flows with estimation via ballistic orbits. Zbl 1482.76064 Kao, Chou; Liu, Yu-Yu; Xin, Jack 5 2022 A convergent interacting particle method and computation of KPP front speeds in chaotic flows. Zbl 07538279 Lyu, Junlong; Wang, Zhongjian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 4 2022 Computing effective diffusivities in 3D time-dependent chaotic flows with a convergent Lagrangian numerical method. Zbl 07598348 Wang, Zhongjian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 1 2022 A weighted difference of anisotropic and isotropic total variation for relaxed Mumford-Shah color and multiphase image segmentation. Zbl 1478.94016 Bui, Kevin; Park, Fredrick; Lou, Yifei; Xin, Jack 6 2021 Error estimates for a POD method for solving viscous G-equations in incompressible cellular flows. Zbl 1469.65156 Gu, Haotian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 5 2021 Sharp error estimates on a stochastic structure-preserving scheme in computing effective diffusivity of 3D chaotic flows. Zbl 1496.65192 Wang, Zhongjian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 5 2021 Global convergence and geometric characterization of slow to fast weight evolution in neural network training for classifying linearly non-separable data. Zbl 1469.90113 Long, Ziang; Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack 1 2021 Learning quantized neural nets by coarse gradient method for nonlinear classification. Zbl 1476.90263 Long, Ziang; Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack 1 2021 Two-grid based adaptive proper orthogonal decomposition method for time dependent partial differential equations. Zbl 1448.65128 Dai, Xiaoying; Kuang, Xiong; Xin, Jack; Zhou, Aihui 3 2020 Convergence analysis of stochastic structure-preserving schemes for computing effective diffusivity in random flows. Zbl 1509.37120 Lyu, Junlong; Wang, Zhongjian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 3 2020 Spectral analysis and computation for homogenization of advection diffusion processes in steady flows. Zbl 1432.86010 Murphy, N. B.; Cherkaev, E.; Zhu, J.; Xin, J.; Golden, K. M. 2 2020 Residual diffusivity in elephant random walk models with stops. Zbl 1409.60073 Lyu, Jiancheng; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 6 2019 Blended coarse gradient descent for full quantization of deep neural networks. Zbl 1422.90066 Yin, Penghang; Zhang, Shuai; Lyu, Jiancheng; Osher, Stanley; Qi, Yingyong; Xin, Jack 5 2019 Sparse Kalman filtering approaches to realized covariance estimation from high frequency financial data. Zbl 1458.62245 Ho, Michael; Xin, Jack 2 2019 Minimization of transformed \(L_1\) penalty: theory, difference of convex function algorithm, and robust application in compressed sensing. Zbl 1386.94049 Zhang, Shuai; Xin, Jack 35 2018 Computing effective diffusivity of chaotic and stochastic flows using structure-preserving schemes. Zbl 1404.65209 Wang, Zhongjian; Xin, Jack; Zhang, Zhiwen 8 2018 BinaryRelax: a relaxation approach for training deep neural networks with quantized weights. Zbl 1419.90072 Yin, Penghang; Zhang, Shuai; Lyu, Jiancheng; Osher, Stanley; Qi, Yingyong; Xin, Jack 4 2018 Linear feature transform and enhancement of classification on deep neural network. Zbl 1484.68210 Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack; Qi, Yingyong 3 2018 Curvature effect in shear flow: slowdown of turbulent flame speeds with Markstein number. Zbl 1412.80007 Lyu, Jiancheng; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 2 2018 Three \(l_1\) based nonconvex methods in constructing sparse mean reverting portfolios. Zbl 1458.62248 Long, Xiaolong; Solna, Knut; Xin, Jack 1 2018 Difference-of-convex learning: directional stationarity, optimality, and sparsity. Zbl 1369.90130 Ahn, Miju; Pang, Jong-Shi; Xin, Jack 53 2017 Minimization of transformed \(l_1\) penalty: closed form representation and iterative thresholding algorithms. Zbl 1386.94048 Zhang, Shuai; Xin, Jack 18 2017 Computing residual diffusivity by adaptive basis learning via spectral method. Zbl 1389.76035 Lyu, Jiancheng; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 8 2017 Transformed Schatten-1 iterative thresholding algorithms for low rank matrix completion. Zbl 1395.90207 Zhang, Shuai; Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack 5 2017 Iterative \({\ell_1}\) minimization for non-convex compressed sensing. Zbl 1413.90223 Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack 4 2017 Spectral analysis and computation of effective diffusivities in space-time periodic incompressible flows. Zbl 1481.76109 Murphy, N. Benjamin; Cherkaev, Elena; Xin, Jack; Zhu, Jingyi; Golden, Kenneth M. 2 2017 Point source super-resolution via non-convex \(L_1\) based methods. Zbl 1354.65125 Lou, Yifei; Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack 28 2016 Periodic orbits of the ABC flow with \(A=B=C=1\). Zbl 1366.34062 Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng; Zlatoš, Andrej 13 2016 Ballistic orbits and front speed enhancement for ABC flows. Zbl 1418.34080 McMillen, Tyler; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng; Zlatoš, Andrej 5 2016 Minimization of \(\ell_{1-2}\) for compressed sensing. Zbl 1316.90037 Yin, Penghang; Lou, Yifei; He, Qi; Xin, Jack 146 2015 A weighted difference of anisotropic and isotropic total variation model for image processing. Zbl 1322.94019 Lou, Yifei; Zeng, Tieyong; Osher, Stanley; Xin, Jack 61 2015 Computing sparse representation in a highly coherent dictionary based on difference of \(L_1\) and \(L_2\). Zbl 1327.65111 Lou, Yifei; Yin, Penghang; He, Qi; Xin, Jack 54 2015 Computational aspects of constrained \(L_1\)-\(L_2\) minimization for compressive sensing. Zbl 1370.90176 Lou, Yifei; Osher, Stanley; Xin, Jack 25 2015 Weighted elastic net penalized mean-variance portfolio design and computation. Zbl 1330.91173 Ho, Michael; Sun, Zheng; Xin, Jack 20 2015 PhaseLiftOff: an accurate and stable phase retrieval method based on difference of trace and Frobenius norms. Zbl 1342.94052 Yin, Penghang; Xin, Jack 17 2015 A computational study of residual KPP front speeds in time-periodic cellular flows in the small diffusion limit. Zbl 1364.76105 Zu, Penghe; Chen, Long; Xin, Jack 9 2015 Ratio and difference of \(l_1\) and \(l_2\) norms and sparse representation with coherent dictionaries. Zbl 1429.94037 Yin, Penghang; Esser, Ernie; Xin, Jack 26 2014 Asymptotic growth rates and strong bending of turbulent flame speeds of G-equation in steady two-dimensional incompressible periodic flows. Zbl 1339.76035 Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 9 2014 Partially blind deblurring of barcode from out-of-focus blur. Zbl 1295.90114 Lou, Yifei; Esser, Ernie; Zhao, Hongkai; Xin, Jack 5 2014 Front quenching in the G-equation model induced by straining of cellular flow. Zbl 1305.35144 Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 5 2014 Mathematical modeling and signal processing in speech and hearing sciences. Zbl 1293.94003 Xin, Jack; Qi, Yingyong 1 2014 A method for finding structured sparse solutions to nonnegative least squares problems with applications. Zbl 1282.90239 Esser, Ernie; Lou, Yifei; Xin, Jack 53 2013 Sharp asymptotic growth laws of turbulent flame speeds in cellular flows by inviscid Hamilton-Jacobi models. Zbl 1366.35018 Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 13 2013 Finite element computation of KPP front speeds in 3D cellular and ABC flows. Zbl 1416.65465 Shen, L.; Xin, J.; Zhou, A. 6 2013 A numerical study of turbulent flame speeds of curvature and strain G-equations in cellular flows. Zbl 1259.35197 Liu, Yu-Yu; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 5 2013 Finite element computation of KPP front speeds in cellular and cat’s eye flows. Zbl 1366.76055 Shen, Lihua; Xin, Jack; Zhou, Aihui 4 2013 Turbulent flame speeds of G-equation models in unsteady cellular flows. Zbl 1372.76057 Liu, Yu-Yu; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 1 2013 A convex model for nonnegative matrix factorization and dimensionality reduction on physical space. Zbl 1373.15021 Esser, Ernie; Möller, Michael; Osher, Stanley; Sapiro, Guillermo; Xin, Jack 15 2012 Hybrid deterministic-stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics for Bayesian learning. Zbl 1329.60260 He, Qi; Xin, Jack 2 2012 A convex model and \(l_1\) minimization for musical noise reduction in blind source separation. Zbl 1271.65097 Ma, Wenye; Osher, Stanley; Xin, Jack; Yu, Meng 1 2012 Asymptotics for turbulent flame speeds of the viscous \(G\)-equation enhanced by cellular and shear flows. Zbl 1269.76127 Liu, Yu-Yu; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 10 2011 Underdetermined sparse blind source separation of nonnegative and partially overlapped data. Zbl 1234.94017 Sun, Yuanchang; Xin, Jack 3 2011 Postprocessing and sparse blind source separation of positive and partially overlapped data. Zbl 1217.94065 Sun, Y.; Ridge, C.; del Rio, F.; Shaka, A. J.; Xin, J. 1 2011 Comparisons between sine-Gordon and perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equations for modeling light bullets beyond critical collapse. Zbl 1190.35205 Bao, Weizhu; Dong, Xuanchun; Xin, Jack 24 2010 Periodic homogenization of the inviscid G-equation for incompressible flows. Zbl 1372.76085 Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 23 2010 Periodic homogenization of G-equations and viscosity effects. Zbl 1197.70012 Liu, Yu-Yu; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 4 2010 An introduction to fronts in random media. Zbl 1188.35003 Xin, Jack 45 2009 Asymptotic spreading of KPP reactive fronts in incompressible space-time random flows. Zbl 1177.35172 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 23 2009 KPP fronts in a one-dimensional random drift. Zbl 1160.35443 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 9 2009 Bounds on front speeds for inviscid and viscous \(G\)-equations. Zbl 1256.35090 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack; Yu, Yifeng 8 2009 A soft-constrained dynamic iterative method of blind source separation. Zbl 1177.94064 Liu, Jie; Xin, Jack; Qi, Yingyong 4 2009 A time domain algorithm for blind separation of convolutive sound mixtures and \(L_1\) constrained minimization of cross correlations. Zbl 1173.94373 Liu, Jie; Xin, Jack; Qi, Yingyong; Zheng, Fan-Gang 2 2009 Computing reactive front speeds in random flows by variational principle. Zbl 1155.76061 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 4 2008 Breakdown of homogenization for the random Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Zbl 1207.70018 E, Weinan; Wehr, Jan; Xin, Jack 1 2008 Finite element computations of Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov front speeds in random shear flows in cylinders. Zbl 1400.76096 Shen, Lihua; Xin, Jack; Zhou, Aihui 1 2008 A variational principle for KPP front speeds in temporally random shear flows. Zbl 1114.35095 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 18 2007 Signal processing of acoustic signals in the time domain with an active nonlinear nonlocal cochlear model. Zbl 1163.94357 Lamar, M. Drew; Xin, Jack; Qi, Yingyong 1 2006 Existence of KPP fronts in spatially-temporally periodic advection and variational principle for propagation speeds. Zbl 1179.35166 Nolen, James; Rudd, Matthew; Xin, Jack 69 2005 Existence of KPP type fronts in space-time periodic shear flows and a study of minimal speeds based on variational principle. Zbl 1097.35072 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 49 2005 A variational principle based study of KPP minimal front speeds in random shears. Zbl 1181.35135 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 13 2005 A two-dimensional nonlinear nonlocal feed-forward cochlear model and time domain computation of multitone interactions. Zbl 1092.35113 Kim, Yongsam; Xin, Jack 5 2005 A numerical study of the light bullets interaction in the \((2+1)\) sine-Gordon equation. Zbl 1136.35456 Povich, T.; Xin, J. 3 2005 Min-max variational principle and front speeds in random shear flows. Zbl 1107.35366 Nolen, James; Xin, Jack 2 2004 Reaction-diffusion front speeds in spactially-temporally periodic shear flows. Zbl 1053.35068 Nolen, Jim; Xin, Jack 15 2003 KPP front speeds in random shears and the parabolic Anderson problem. Zbl 1052.35099 Xin, Jack 7 2003 Statistical analysis of a semilinear hyperbolic system advected by a white in time random velocity field. Zbl 1007.60066 Eyink, Gregory; Xin, Jack 2 2002 Modelling thermal front dynamics in microwave heating. Zbl 1029.80003 Mercado, Gema A.; Luce, Benjamin P.; Xin, Jack 1 2002 Diffusion-generated motion by mean curvature for filaments. Zbl 1037.35033 Ruuth, S. J.; Merriman, B.; Xin, J.; Osher, S. 19 2001 A perception- and PDE-based nonlinear transformation for processing spoken words. Zbl 0981.35036 Qi, Yingyong; Xin, Jack 1 2001 Modeling light bullets with the two-dimensional sine-Gordon equation. Zbl 0936.78006 Xin, J. X. 44 2000 Self-similar decay in the Kraichnan model of a passive scalar. Zbl 1008.76028 Eyink, Gregory L.; Xin, Jack 13 2000 Stability, relaxation, and oscillation of biodegradation fronts. Zbl 0964.35094 Xin, Jack X.; Hyman, James M. 1 2000 On the incompressible fluid limit and the vortex motion law of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 0920.35145 Lin, F.-H.; Xin, J. X. 46 1999 On the dynamical law of the Ginzburg-Landau vortices on the plane. Zbl 0935.35036 Lin, F.-H.; Xin, J. X. 14 1999 Existence of traveling waves in a biodegradation model for organic contaminants. Zbl 0957.92032 Murray, Regan; Xin, J. X. 1 1999 Front propagation in heterogeneous media. Zbl 0951.35060 Xin, Jack 233 1998 Global solutions to a reactive Boussinesq system with front data on an infinite domain. Zbl 0908.35104 Malham, Simon; Xin, Jack X. 13 1998 A unified approach to vortex motion laws of complex scalar field equations. Zbl 0930.35025 Lin, F.-H.; Xin, J. X. 4 1998 Global solutions and attractors of a Maxwell-Bloch Raman laser system in two transverse dimensions. Zbl 0909.35021 Xin, J.; Moloney, J. 2 1998 Wetting fronts in one-dimensional periodically layered soils. Zbl 0908.35017 Fennemore, George; Xin, Jack X. 1 1998 Front speed in the Burgers equation with a random flux. Zbl 0920.35141 Wehr, J.; Xin, J. 5 1997 Stability of traveling waves of a solute transport equation. Zbl 0884.35011 Xin, Jack X. 3 1997 A numerical study of fronts in random media using a reactive solute transport model. Zbl 0941.76084 Postel, Marie; Xin, Jack 1 1997 Global large time self-similarity of a thermal-diffusive combustion system with critical nonlinearity. Zbl 0862.35050 Bricmont, J.; Kupiainen, A.; Xin, J. 21 1996 Global existence and large time asymptotic bounds of \(L^ \infty\) solutions of thermal diffusive combustion systems on \(\mathbb{R}^ n\). Zbl 0882.35058 Collet, P.; Xin, J. 10 1996 White noise perturbation of the viscous shock fronts of the Burgers equation. Zbl 0858.60059 Wehr, J.; Xin, J. 8 1996 Dynamic stability of vortex solutions of Ginzburg-Landau and nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 0872.35105 Weinstein, M. I.; Xin, J. 6 1996 Quenching and propagation of bistable reaction-diffusion fronts in multidimensional periodic media. Zbl 0900.35193 Xin, Jack X.; Zhu, Jingyi 13 1995 ...and 8 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,452 Authors 54 Xin, Jack X. 36 Shen, Wenxian 32 Hamel, François 25 Lou, Yifei 19 Wang, Zhicheng 17 Zlatoš, Andrej 16 Li, Wan-Tong 16 Zeng, Tie Yong 15 Berestycki, Henri 15 Nadin, Grégoire 13 Liang, Xing 13 Qi, Yuanwei 13 Zhang, Zhiwen 11 Ryzhik, Lenya 11 Salako, Rachidi Bolaji 10 Ng, Michael Kwok-Po 10 Pang, Jong-Shi 10 Wang, Zhongjian 9 Bao, Weizhu 9 Bu, Zhenhui 9 Henderson, Christopher 9 Pong, Ting Kei 9 Yin, Penghang 9 Yu, Yifeng 8 Chen, Wengu 8 Chen, Xinfu 8 Sheng, WeiJie 7 Alfaro, Matthieu 7 Ding, Weiwei 7 Le Thi, Hoai An 7 Matano, Hiroshi 7 Nolen, James 7 Spirn, Daniel P. 6 Bao, Xiongxiong 6 Ducrot, Arnaud 6 Ge, HuanMin 6 Giletti, Thomas 6 Holzer, Matt 6 Lin, Guo 6 Lu, Zhaosong 6 Lv, Guangying 6 Osting, Braxton 6 Ou, Chunhua 6 Roques, Lionel J. 6 Rossi, Luca 6 Shen, Zhongwei 6 Souganidis, Panagiotis E. 6 Tao, Min 6 Wu, Shiliang 6 Zhou, Tao 5 Ahn, Miju 5 Chen, Xiaojun 5 Ding, Liang 5 Griette, Quentin 5 Kiselev, Alexander A. 5 Li, Fang 5 Lin, Fang Hua 5 Lin, Taichia 5 Lutscher, Frithjof 5 Osher, Stanley Joel 5 Ruan, Shigui 5 Vergni, Davide 5 Vulpiani, Angelo 5 Wang, Dong 5 Xiu, Naihua 5 Yuan, Rong 5 Zhao, Xiao-Qiang 4 Bai, Yanqin 4 Bi, Ning 4 Bo, Wei-Jian 4 Chang, Huibin 4 Cui, Ying 4 De Simone, Valentina 4 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 4 Du, Lijun 4 El Smaily, Mohammad Ibrahim 4 Eyink, Gregory L. 4 Guo, Hongjun 4 Guo, Jong-Shenq 4 Han, Weimin 4 He, Junfeng 4 Hou, Xiaojie 4 Hsu, Cheng-Hsiung 4 Hupkes, Hermen Jan 4 Jerrard, Robert Leon 4 Kirane, Mokhtar 4 Kurzke, Matthias W. 4 Lam, King-Yeung 4 Li, Qian 4 Lin, Chikun 4 Liu, NaiWei 4 Liu, Tianxiang 4 Liu, Yuyu 4 Nara, Mitsunori 4 Ni, Guoxi 4 Pham Dinh Tao 4 Qi, Houduo 4 Tran Vinh Hung 4 Wang, Chao 4 Wang, Mingxin ...and 1,352 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 239 Serials 61 Journal of Differential Equations 31 Journal of Scientific Computing 30 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 29 Physica D 23 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 22 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 21 Inverse Problems 17 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 16 Journal of Computational Physics 16 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 16 Computational Optimization and Applications 15 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 15 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 14 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 14 SIAM Journal on Optimization 14 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 14 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 13 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 13 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 13 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 12 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 11 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 11 Journal of Functional Analysis 11 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 11 Journal of Global Optimization 11 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 10 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 10 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 10 Inverse Problems and Imaging 10 Science China. 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Series S 4 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 3 Computer Physics Communications 3 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 3 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 3 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 3 Applied Mathematical Modelling 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science 3 Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 3 Electronic Journal of Probability 3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 Optimization Methods & Software 3 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 3 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 3 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 3 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 2 Wave Motion 2 BIT 2 Information Sciences 2 Mathematics of Operations Research ...and 139 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 38 Fields 575 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 236 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 192 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 168 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 102 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 102 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 69 Computer science (68-XX) 67 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 58 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 55 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 53 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 47 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 47 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 40 Statistics (62-XX) 31 Operator theory (47-XX) 22 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 22 Integral equations (45-XX) 20 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 19 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 14 Differential geometry (53-XX) 13 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 13 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 12 Quantum theory (81-XX) 11 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 10 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 10 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 8 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 Geophysics (86-XX) 8 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) Citations by Year