Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Yadrenko, Mykhaĭlo Ĭosypovych (b. 1932 d. 2004) Co-Author Distance Author ID: yadrenko.mikhail-i Published as: Yadrenko, M. I.; Yadrenko, M. J.; Yadrenko, Mikhail I.; Yadrenko, Mikhailo Y.; Yadrenko, Mikhailo; Yadrenko, M. more...less Further Spellings: Yadrenko, Mikhail Iosifovich; Ядренко Михаил Иосифович; Ядренко Михайло Йосипович External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru Documents Indexed: 118 Publications since 1959, including 7 Books 2 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Biographic References: 8 Publications Co-Authors: 52 Co-Authors with 72 Joint Publications 1,197 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 46 single-authored 15 Leonenko, Nikolai N. 8 Skorokhod, Anatoliĭ Volodymyrovych 6 Bektashov, S. 5 Kozachenko, Yuriĭ Vasyl’ovych 5 Moklyachuk, Mykhaĭlo Pavlovych 4 Korolyuk, Volodymyr Semenovych 3 Al-Madani, M. Ghaleb 3 Silvestrov, Dmitrii 3 Zhegriĭ, T. I. 2 Dang Dyk Khau 2 Danilyuk, Ivan Il’ich 2 Dorogovtsev, Anatoliĭ Yakovych 2 Gikhman, Ĭosyp Illich 2 Gusak, Dmytro V. 2 Il’icheva, L. M. 2 Kartashov, Mykola Valentynovych 2 Kovalenko, Igor Mykolaĭovych 2 Mytropol’skyĭ, Yuriĭ Oleksiĭovych 2 Perestyuk, Mykola Oleksiĭovych 2 Popov, Yurij D. 2 Portenko, Mykola Ivanovych 2 Samoĭlenko, Anatoliĭ Mykhaĭlovych 2 Semenovs’ka, Nataliya V. 2 Zaika, I. V. 2 Zinchenko, Nadiya M. 1 Afanas’eva, Larisa Grigor’evna 1 Boĭko, R. V. 1 Brei, V. V. 1 Bu The Hyu 1 Buldygin, Valeriĭ Volodymyrovych 1 Butsan, G. P. 1 Chorayan, O. G. 1 Dang Dyk Khan 1 Drozdenko, Myroslav O. 1 Gadzhev, V. G. 1 Gamalij, O. G. 1 Grechka, G. P. 1 Grikh, Z. A. 1 Hacet, S. V. 1 Ibramkhalilov, I. Sh. 1 Ivanov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich 1 Karpenko, L. D. 1 Khalikulov, S. I. 1 Knopov, Pavel S. 1 Kononchuk, L. P. 1 Kuk, Yu. V. 1 Lin’kov, Yurii N. 1 Mikhaĭlovskiĭ, V. I. 1 Moskal’tsova, N. V. 1 Nagornyi, V. N. 1 Omarov, S. O. 1 Perun, Yuriy 1 Petunin, Yuriĭ Ivanovich 1 Pisanets, S. I. 1 Pogorelyi, L. V. 1 Ponomarenko, A. I. 1 Ponomarenko, O. Ī. 1 Rakhimov, A. Kh. 1 Rudomanov, V. I. 1 Shilo, L. V. 1 Shtatland, E. S. 1 Sinyavskij, V. F. 1 Slobodenyuk, N. P. 1 Syta, G. M. 1 Taratuta, A. S. 1 Ushakov, R. P. 1 Vyshenskij, V. A. 1 Vyzhva, Zoya O. 1 Yadrenko, O. M. 1 Yuditskiĭ, M. I. 1 Zajzev, I. I. all top 5 Serials 16 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 9 Dopovidi Akademiï Nauk Ukraïns’koï RSR. Seriya A 8 Teoriya Ĭmovirnosteĭ ta Matematychna Statystyka 5 Ukraïns’kyĭ Matematychnyĭ Zhurnal 5 Vychislitel’naya i Prikladnaya Matematika 5 U Sviti Matematyky 5 Theory of Stochastic Processes 4 Selected Translations in Mathematical Statistics and Probability 3 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 3 Theory of Probability and its Applications 3 Dopovidi Akademiï Nauk Ukraïns’koï RSR 2 Teoriya Veroyatnosteĭ i eë Primeneniya 2 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 2 Kibernetika 1 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 1 Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 1 Dopovidi Akademiï Nauk Ukraïni 1 Teoriya Veroyatnosteĭ i Matematicheskaya Statistika 1 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 1 Teoriya Sluchaĭnykh Protsessov 1 Issledovanie Operatsiĭ i ASU 1 Visnyk. Matematyka. Mekhanika. Kyïvs’kyĭ Universytet Imeni Tarasa Shevchenka 1 Translations of Mathematical Monographs all top 5 Fields 87 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 38 Statistics (62-XX) 11 History and biography (01-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Mathematics education (97-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 21 Publications have been cited 179 times in 162 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Spectral theory of random fields. Transl. from the Russian. Zbl 0539.60048 Yadrenko, M. I. 110 1983 On absolute continuity of measures corresponding to homogeneous Gaussian fields. Zbl 0282.60026 Skorokhod, A. V.; Yadrenko, M. I. 17 1973 Spectral theory of stochastic fields. (Spektral’naya teoriya sluchajnykh polej). Zbl 0441.60055 Yadrenko, M. I. 13 1980 Theory of probability and mathematical statistics. Textbook. (Teoriya veroyatnostej i matematicheskaya statistika. Uchebnoe posobie). 2nd ed., rev. and compl. (Teoriya veroyatnostej i matematicheskaya statistika. Uchebnoe posobie.) Zbl 0673.60001 Gikhman, I. I.; Skorokhod, A. V.; Yadrenko, M. I. 7 1988 Linear statistical problems for stationary isotropic random fields on a sphere. I. Zbl 0451.60057 Moklyachuk, M. P.; Yadrenko, M. I. 4 1979 Probability theory: collection of problems. Transl. from the Russian by O. I. Klesov and V. A. Kotov. Zbl 0880.60001 Dorogovtsev, A. Ya.; Silvestrov, D. S.; Skorokhod, A. V.; Yadrenko, M. I. 3 1997 Discrete mathematics. (Dyskretna matematyka.) Zbl 1023.05001 Yadrenko, M. J. 3 2003 On the invariance principle for homogeneous and isotropic random fields. Zbl 0432.60066 Leonenko, N. N.; Yadrenko, M. I. 3 1979 On the approximation and statistical simulation of isotropic random fields. Zbl 0842.60047 Grikh, Z. A.; Yadrenko, M. J.; Yadrenko, O. M. 2 1993 Linear statistical problems for stationary isotropic random fields on a sphere. II. Zbl 0487.60047 Moklyachuk, M. P.; Yadrenko, M. I. 2 1980 Local properties of sample functions of some random fields. II. Zbl 0412.60055 Kozachenko, Yu. V.; Yadrenko, M. I. 2 1976 On some unsolved problems of analysis and probability theory. Zbl 0691.60045 Leonenko, N. N.; Yadrenko, M. I. 2 1989 Central limit theorem for homogeneous and isotropic random fields. Zbl 0309.60018 Leonenko, N. N.; Yadrenko, M. I. 2 1975 Local properties of sample functions of random fields. Zbl 0267.60038 Yadrenko, M. I. 2 1972 Statistical simulation of a homogeneous isotropic random field on the plane and estimations of simulation errors. Zbl 0852.62091 Yadrenko, M. I.; Rakhimov, A. K. 1 1993 On the efficiency of the least squares estimator of regression coefficients of a random field observed on a sphere. Zbl 0954.62113 Leonenko, N. N.; Yadrenko, M. I.; Il’icheva, L. M. 1 1995 Limit theorems for homogeneous and isotropic random fields. Zbl 0412.60060 Leonenko, N. N.; Yadrenko, M. I. 1 1979 Anatolij Vladimirovich Skorokhod (on his 70th birthday). Zbl 0972.01038 Kovalenko, I. M.; Korolyuk, V. S.; Portenko, M. I.; Samojlenko, A. M.; Syta, G. M.; Yadrenko, M. I. 1 2000 Isotropic Gauss random fields of the Markov type on a sphere. Zbl 0107.35502 Yadrenko, M. I. 1 1959 Ergodic theorems for isotropic random fields. Zbl 0222.60021 Yadrenko, M. I. 1 1970 some questions of spectral theory of homogeneous and isotropic random fields. Zbl 0201.20904 Popov, Yu. D.; Yadrenko, M. I. 1 1969 Discrete mathematics. (Dyskretna matematyka.) Zbl 1023.05001 Yadrenko, M. J. 3 2003 Anatolij Vladimirovich Skorokhod (on his 70th birthday). Zbl 0972.01038 Kovalenko, I. M.; Korolyuk, V. S.; Portenko, M. I.; Samojlenko, A. M.; Syta, G. M.; Yadrenko, M. I. 1 2000 Probability theory: collection of problems. Transl. from the Russian by O. I. Klesov and V. A. Kotov. Zbl 0880.60001 Dorogovtsev, A. Ya.; Silvestrov, D. S.; Skorokhod, A. V.; Yadrenko, M. I. 3 1997 On the efficiency of the least squares estimator of regression coefficients of a random field observed on a sphere. Zbl 0954.62113 Leonenko, N. N.; Yadrenko, M. I.; Il’icheva, L. M. 1 1995 On the approximation and statistical simulation of isotropic random fields. Zbl 0842.60047 Grikh, Z. A.; Yadrenko, M. J.; Yadrenko, O. M. 2 1993 Statistical simulation of a homogeneous isotropic random field on the plane and estimations of simulation errors. Zbl 0852.62091 Yadrenko, M. I.; Rakhimov, A. K. 1 1993 On some unsolved problems of analysis and probability theory. Zbl 0691.60045 Leonenko, N. N.; Yadrenko, M. I. 2 1989 Theory of probability and mathematical statistics. Textbook. (Teoriya veroyatnostej i matematicheskaya statistika. Uchebnoe posobie). 2nd ed., rev. and compl. (Teoriya veroyatnostej i matematicheskaya statistika. Uchebnoe posobie.) Zbl 0673.60001 Gikhman, I. I.; Skorokhod, A. V.; Yadrenko, M. I. 7 1988 Spectral theory of random fields. Transl. from the Russian. Zbl 0539.60048 Yadrenko, M. I. 110 1983 Spectral theory of stochastic fields. (Spektral’naya teoriya sluchajnykh polej). Zbl 0441.60055 Yadrenko, M. I. 13 1980 Linear statistical problems for stationary isotropic random fields on a sphere. II. Zbl 0487.60047 Moklyachuk, M. P.; Yadrenko, M. I. 2 1980 Linear statistical problems for stationary isotropic random fields on a sphere. I. Zbl 0451.60057 Moklyachuk, M. P.; Yadrenko, M. I. 4 1979 On the invariance principle for homogeneous and isotropic random fields. Zbl 0432.60066 Leonenko, N. N.; Yadrenko, M. I. 3 1979 Limit theorems for homogeneous and isotropic random fields. Zbl 0412.60060 Leonenko, N. N.; Yadrenko, M. I. 1 1979 Local properties of sample functions of some random fields. II. Zbl 0412.60055 Kozachenko, Yu. V.; Yadrenko, M. I. 2 1976 Central limit theorem for homogeneous and isotropic random fields. Zbl 0309.60018 Leonenko, N. N.; Yadrenko, M. I. 2 1975 On absolute continuity of measures corresponding to homogeneous Gaussian fields. Zbl 0282.60026 Skorokhod, A. V.; Yadrenko, M. I. 17 1973 Local properties of sample functions of random fields. Zbl 0267.60038 Yadrenko, M. I. 2 1972 Ergodic theorems for isotropic random fields. Zbl 0222.60021 Yadrenko, M. I. 1 1970 some questions of spectral theory of homogeneous and isotropic random fields. Zbl 0201.20904 Popov, Yu. D.; Yadrenko, M. I. 1 1969 Isotropic Gauss random fields of the Markov type on a sphere. Zbl 0107.35502 Yadrenko, M. I. 1 1959 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 179 Authors 23 Leonenko, Nikolai N. 16 Ma, Chunsheng 12 Olenko, Andriy Yakovych 10 Porcu, Emilio 7 Malyarenko, Anatoliy A. 5 Bevilacqua, Moreno 5 Furrer, Reinhard 5 Stein, Michael L. 5 Terdik, György H. 4 Faouzi, Tarik 4 Kozachenko, Yuriĭ Vasyl’ovych 4 Lu, Tianshi 4 Ruiz-Medina, María Dolores 4 Xiao, Yimin 3 Alodat, Tareq 3 Bachoc, François 3 Cheng, Dan 3 Emery, Xavier 3 Ivanov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich 3 Peccati, Giovanni 3 Zhang, Haimeng 2 Alegria, Alfredo 2 Angulo, José Miguel 2 Anh, Vo V. 2 Caponera, Alessia 2 Du, Juan 2 Durastanti, Claudio 2 Gaşpar, Păstorel 2 Guinness, Joseph 2 Huang, Chunfeng 2 Jeong, Jaehong 2 Jun, Mikyoung 2 Kelbert, Mark Ya. 2 Krasnitskiĭ, Sergeĭ M. 2 Lang, Annika 2 Marinucci, Domenico 2 Masyutka, Oleksandr Yu. 2 Moklyachuk, Mykhaĭlo Pavlovych 2 Ostoja-Starzewski, Martin 2 Peron, Ana Paula 2 Popa, Lorena 2 Robeson, Scott M. 2 Rozora, Iryna V. 2 Sakhno, Lyudmyla Mykhaĭlivna 2 Soize, Christian 2 Vaskovych, Volodymyr 2 Wang, Fangfang 2 Yadrenko, Mykhaĭlo Ĭosypovych 1 Ahn, V. V. 1 Alain, Boudou 1 Alexander, Kenneth S. 1 Arafat, Ahmed 1 Avram, Florin 1 Benatti, Alexandre 1 Bhadra, Anindya 1 Bingham, Nicholas Hugh 1 Bolin, David 1 Broadbridge, Philip 1 Buldygin, Valeriĭ Volodymyrovych 1 Calderbank, Arthur Robert 1 Carroll, Robert Wayne 1 Chani, Aleksandr S. 1 Chernecky, V. A. 1 Cleanthous, Galatia 1 Cuzick, Jack 1 da Costa, Luciano F. 1 da F. Costa, Luciano 1 Dai, Wanyang 1 Donhauzer, Illia 1 Dubovetska, Iryna 1 Durrande, Nicolas 1 Dykyi, Oleksandr 1 El-Bassiouny, Ahmed H. 1 Fedorenko, K. V. 1 Freulon, Xavier 1 Fuentes, Montserrat 1 Genton, Marc G. 1 Georgiadis, Athanasios G. 1 Giuliano Antonini, Rita 1 Gneiting, Tilmann 1 Golichenko, Iryna 1 Grafarend, Erik 1 Grotto, Francesco 1 Hammerling, Dorit 1 Handcock, Mark S. 1 Hediger, Michael 1 Hristopulos, Dionissios T. 1 Hu, Tienchung 1 Jiang, Qianqian 1 Katok, Anatole 1 Kawada, Takayuki 1 Keshavarz, Hossein 1 Khorram, Farzaneh 1 Kirchner, Kristin 1 Klykavka, Boris 1 Knopov, A. P. 1 Knopov, Pavel S. 1 Kolesnik, Alexander D. 1 Kovalenko, Igor Mykolaĭovych 1 Kryvyi, Serhiĭ L. ...and 79 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 70 Serials 19 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 9 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 9 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 8 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 6 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 6 Statistics & Probability Letters 6 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 5 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 5 Journal of Theoretical Probability 5 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 4 Mathematical Geosciences 3 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 3 Bernoulli 3 Stochastics 3 Electronic Journal of Statistics 2 Journal of Statistical Physics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Physica A 2 The Annals of Statistics 2 Journal of the American Statistical Association 2 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 2 Extremes 2 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1 Advances in Applied Probability 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 Theory of Probability and its Applications 1 The Annals of Probability 1 Automatica 1 Calcolo 1 International Statistical Review 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Kybernetika 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Statistics 1 Constructive Approximation 1 Statistical Science 1 Computational Mechanics 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 1 The Annals of Applied Probability 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 1 Statistica Sinica 1 Electronic Journal of Probability 1 Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 1 Differentsial’nye Uravneniya i Protsessy Upravleniya 1 Mathematical Geology 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the Japan Academy 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Probability Surveys 1 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics 1 Carpathian Mathematical Publications 1 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 1 Modern Stochastics. Theory and Applications 1 Cogent Mathematics 1 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 1 Stat all top 5 Cited in 35 Fields 121 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 71 Statistics (62-XX) 10 Geophysics (86-XX) 8 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 8 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 6 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 4 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 4 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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