Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Young, H. Peyton Co-Author Distance Author ID: young.h-peyton Published as: Young, H. P.; Young, H. Peyton; Young, Peyton more...less Homepage: https://econ.jhu.edu/directory/h-peyton-young/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 73 Publications since 1968, including 8 Books 2 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 22 Co-Authors with 40 Joint Publications 455 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 31 single-authored 14 Balinski, Michel Louis 7 Foster, Dean P. 2 Arieli, Itai 2 Edmonds, Jack R. 2 Kaniovski, Yuri M. 2 Kestenband, Barbu C. 2 Kreindler, Gabriel E. 2 Levenglick, A. 2 Marden, Jason R. 1 Armitage, Peter 1 Arslan, Gürdal 1 Babichenko, Yakov 1 Bhagaran, C. S. K. 1 Binmore, Kenneth G. 1 Cambanis, Stamatis 1 Cameron, Murray A. 1 Chang, Derek K. 1 Cozzolino, John M. 1 Deistler, Manfred 1 Durlauf, Steven N. 1 Fiebig, Denzil G. 1 Fuller, Wayne Arthur 1 Hannan, Edward James 1 Jones, Richard Hunn 1 Keilson, Julian 1 Krishnaiah, Paruchuri Rama 1 Kryazhimskiĭ, Arkadiĭ Viktorovich 1 Laity, P. 1 Ljung, Lennart 1 Martin, R. Douglas 1 Murty, U. S. R. 1 Nicholls, Des F. 1 Paddrik, Mark 1 Pagan, Adrian R. 1 Pao, Lucy Y. 1 Peretz, Ron 1 Pradelski, Bary S. R. 1 Rao, Malempati M. 1 Samuelson, Larry 1 Shamma, Jeff S. 1 Theil, Henri 1 Thomson, Peter J. 1 Tiao, George C. 1 Yeo, O. 1 Yohai, Víctor Jaime 1 Zamir, Shmuel all top 5 Serials 10 Games and Economic Behavior 7 Research Reports. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg 5 Econometrica 3 American Mathematical Monthly 3 Journal of Economic Theory 3 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 3 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Mathematics of Operations Research 2 Operations Research 2 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 1 Artificial Intelligence 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 1 International Journal of Game Theory 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Mathematical Programming 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 The Quarterly Journal of Economics 1 The Review of Economic Studies 1 Theoretical Population Biology 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Mathematical Social Sciences 1 Mathématiques, Informatique et Sciences Humaines 1 SIAM Review 1 International Journal of Modern Physics C 1 Quantitative Finance 1 Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards 1 Handbook of Statistics 1 Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematics and Financial Economics 1 Handbooks in Economics all top 5 Fields 58 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 10 Combinatorics (05-XX) 8 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 5 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 67 Publications have been cited 2,093 times in 1,580 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The evolution of conventions. Zbl 0773.90101 Young, H. Peyton 457 1993 Monotonic solutions of cooperative games. Zbl 0569.90106 Young, H. P. 293 1985 Stochastic evolutionary game dynamics. Zbl 0703.92015 Foster, Dean; Young, Peyton 211 1990 On dividing an amount according to individual claims or liabilities. Zbl 0629.90003 Young, H. Peyton 123 1987 Social choice scoring functions. Zbl 0277.92007 Young, H. P. 118 1975 Distributive justice in taxation. Zbl 0637.90027 Young, H. P. 116 1988 A consistent extension of Condorcet’s election principle. Zbl 0385.90010 Young, H. P.; Levenglick, A. 112 1978 An evolutionary model of bargaining. Zbl 0778.90096 Young, H. P. 63 1993 A service system with unfilled requests repeated. Zbl 0165.52703 Keilson, J.; Cozzolino, J.; Young, H. 45 1968 Learning, hypothesis testing, and Nash equilibrium. Zbl 1054.91013 Foster, Dean P.; Young, H. Peyton 33 2003 Cost allocation. Zbl 0925.90085 Young, H. P. 31 1994 Learning dynamics in games with stochastic perturbations. Zbl 0841.90124 Kaniovski, Yuri M.; Young, H. Peyton 28 1995 Learning by trial and error. Zbl 1158.91327 Young, H. Peyton 28 2009 Social dynamics. Zbl 0992.91001 Durlauf, Steven N.; Young, H. Peyton 27 2001 Handbook of game theory. Vol. 4. Zbl 1304.91001 27 2015 Time series in the time domain. Zbl 0578.62074 26 1985 Fast convergence in evolutionary equilibrium selection. Zbl 1281.91026 Kreindler, Gabriel E.; Young, H. Peyton 25 2013 Payoff-based dynamics for multiplayer weakly acyclic games. Zbl 1186.91033 Marden, Jason R.; Young, H. Peyton; Arslan, Gürdal; Shamma, Jeff S. 25 2009 The quota method of apportionment. Zbl 0316.90021 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 25 1975 Extending Condorcet’s rule. Zbl 0399.90006 Young, H. P. 24 1977 Conventional contracts. Zbl 0913.90278 Young, H. Peyton 22 1998 Learning efficient Nash equilibria in distributed systems. Zbl 1239.91018 Pradelski, Bary S. R.; Young, H. Peyton 21 2012 A note on preference aggregation. Zbl 0297.90003 Young, H. P. 20 1974 On permutations and permutation polytopes. Zbl 0424.05001 Young, H. P. 17 1978 Achieving Pareto optimality through distributed learning. Zbl 1305.91045 Marden, Jason R.; Young, H. Peyton; Pao, Lucy Y. 16 2014 Equilibrium selection in bargaining models. Zbl 1069.91009 Binmore, Ken; Samuelson, Larry; Young, Peyton 16 2003 Cooperation in the short and in the long run. Zbl 0751.90023 Young, H. Peyton; Foster, Dean 15 1991 Producer incentives in cost allocation. Zbl 0564.90003 Young, H. P. 15 1985 Rapid innovation diffusion in social networks. Zbl 1355.91067 Kreindler, Gabriel E.; Young, H. Peyton 13 2014 On the nonconvergence of fictitious play in coordination games. Zbl 0912.90293 Foster, Dean P.; Young, H. Peyton 11 1998 Equicardinal matroids and matroid-designs. Zbl 0317.05022 Young, Peyton; Murty, U. S. R.; Edmonds, Jack 11 1970 The speed of innovation diffusion in social networks. Zbl 1466.91234 Arieli, Itai; Babichenko, Yakov; Peretz, Ron; Young, H. Peyton 10 2020 Time variable and state dependent modelling of non-stationary and nonlinear time series. Zbl 0880.62100 Young, P. 9 1993 Affine triple systems and matroid designs. Zbl 0263.05019 Young, H. Peyton 9 1973 The apportionment of representation. Zbl 0575.90004 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 8 1985 Adaptive dynamics in games played by heterogeneous populations. Zbl 0982.91004 Kaniovski, Yuri M.; Kryazhimskij, Arkadii V.; Young, H. Peyton 7 2000 Matroid designs. Zbl 0269.05010 Young, Peyton; Edmonds, Jack 7 1973 On Huntington methods of apportionment. Zbl 0372.60015 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 7 1977 Stochastic learning dynamics and speed of convergence in population games. Zbl 1419.91124 Arieli, Itai; Young, H. Peyton 7 2016 Gaming performance fees by portfolio managers. Zbl 1209.91100 Foster, Dean P.; Young, H. Peyton 6 2010 Cost allocation, demand revelation, and core implementation. Zbl 0927.91012 Young, H. Peyton 6 1998 The Jefferson method of apportionment. Zbl 0376.92019 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 6 1978 The possible and the impossible in multi-agent learning. Zbl 1168.68507 Young, H. Peyton 5 2007 Cost allocation. Zbl 0584.90047 Young, H. Peyton 5 1985 The Webster method of apportionment. Zbl 0432.90101 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 5 1980 Power, prices, and incomes in voting systems. Zbl 0384.90115 Young, H. P. 5 1978 A systems approach to recursive economic forecasting and seasonal adjustment. Zbl 0681.90030 Young, P.; Ng, C.; Armitage, P. 5 1989 Fair allocation. (Lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society Short Course ’Fair Allocation’ Held in Anaheim, California, January 7-8, 1985). Zbl 0567.00014 4 1985 Individual contribution and just compensation. Zbl 0726.90100 Young, H. P. 4 1989 Criteria for proportional representation. Zbl 0391.90006 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 4 1979 Learning with hazy beliefs. Zbl 0976.91006 Foster, Dean P.; Young, H. Peyton 3 1998 A quick proof of Wagner’s equivalence theorem. Zbl 0215.33703 Young, H. P. 3 1971 Existence theorems for matroid designs. Zbl 0283.05018 Young, H. Peyton 3 1973 Criteria for proportional representation. Zbl 0367.90002 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 3 1976 How safe are central counterparties in credit default swap markets? Zbl 1461.91331 Paddrik, Mark; Young, H. Peyton 2 2021 Quotatone apportionment methods. Zbl 0409.90046 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 2 1979 The allocation of debts and taxes. Zbl 0584.90019 Young, H. Peyton 1 1985 Parameter estimation for continuous-time models - A survey. Zbl 0495.93050 Young, P. 1 1980 A new method for congressional apportionment. Zbl 0294.92015 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 1 1974 Condorcet’s theory of voting. Zbl 0718.01011 Young, H. P. 1 1990 On Huntington methods of apportionment. Zbl 0367.90003 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 1 1977 Apportionment schemes and the quota method. Zbl 0378.90116 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 1 1977 Matroid Designs of Prime Power Index. Zbl 0379.05007 Kestenband, Barbu C.; Young, H. Peyton 1 1978 CFD simulation of flow through an open cell foam. Zbl 1391.76639 Tabor, G.; Yeo, O.; Young, P.; Laity, P. 1 2008 Matroid designs of prime power index and associated BIBD’s. Zbl 0341.05018 Kestenband, B.; Young, H. P. 1 1975 A consistent extension of Condorcet’s election principle. Zbl 0372.92018 Young, H. P.; Levenglick, A. 1 1977 On permutations and permutation polytopes. Zbl 0392.05047 Young, H. P. 1 1978 How safe are central counterparties in credit default swap markets? Zbl 1461.91331 Paddrik, Mark; Young, H. Peyton 2 2021 The speed of innovation diffusion in social networks. Zbl 1466.91234 Arieli, Itai; Babichenko, Yakov; Peretz, Ron; Young, H. Peyton 10 2020 Stochastic learning dynamics and speed of convergence in population games. Zbl 1419.91124 Arieli, Itai; Young, H. Peyton 7 2016 Handbook of game theory. Vol. 4. Zbl 1304.91001 27 2015 Achieving Pareto optimality through distributed learning. Zbl 1305.91045 Marden, Jason R.; Young, H. Peyton; Pao, Lucy Y. 16 2014 Rapid innovation diffusion in social networks. Zbl 1355.91067 Kreindler, Gabriel E.; Young, H. Peyton 13 2014 Fast convergence in evolutionary equilibrium selection. Zbl 1281.91026 Kreindler, Gabriel E.; Young, H. Peyton 25 2013 Learning efficient Nash equilibria in distributed systems. Zbl 1239.91018 Pradelski, Bary S. R.; Young, H. Peyton 21 2012 Gaming performance fees by portfolio managers. Zbl 1209.91100 Foster, Dean P.; Young, H. Peyton 6 2010 Learning by trial and error. Zbl 1158.91327 Young, H. Peyton 28 2009 Payoff-based dynamics for multiplayer weakly acyclic games. Zbl 1186.91033 Marden, Jason R.; Young, H. Peyton; Arslan, Gürdal; Shamma, Jeff S. 25 2009 CFD simulation of flow through an open cell foam. Zbl 1391.76639 Tabor, G.; Yeo, O.; Young, P.; Laity, P. 1 2008 The possible and the impossible in multi-agent learning. Zbl 1168.68507 Young, H. Peyton 5 2007 Learning, hypothesis testing, and Nash equilibrium. Zbl 1054.91013 Foster, Dean P.; Young, H. Peyton 33 2003 Equilibrium selection in bargaining models. Zbl 1069.91009 Binmore, Ken; Samuelson, Larry; Young, Peyton 16 2003 Social dynamics. Zbl 0992.91001 Durlauf, Steven N.; Young, H. Peyton 27 2001 Adaptive dynamics in games played by heterogeneous populations. Zbl 0982.91004 Kaniovski, Yuri M.; Kryazhimskij, Arkadii V.; Young, H. Peyton 7 2000 Conventional contracts. Zbl 0913.90278 Young, H. Peyton 22 1998 On the nonconvergence of fictitious play in coordination games. Zbl 0912.90293 Foster, Dean P.; Young, H. Peyton 11 1998 Cost allocation, demand revelation, and core implementation. Zbl 0927.91012 Young, H. Peyton 6 1998 Learning with hazy beliefs. Zbl 0976.91006 Foster, Dean P.; Young, H. Peyton 3 1998 Learning dynamics in games with stochastic perturbations. Zbl 0841.90124 Kaniovski, Yuri M.; Young, H. Peyton 28 1995 Cost allocation. Zbl 0925.90085 Young, H. P. 31 1994 The evolution of conventions. Zbl 0773.90101 Young, H. Peyton 457 1993 An evolutionary model of bargaining. Zbl 0778.90096 Young, H. P. 63 1993 Time variable and state dependent modelling of non-stationary and nonlinear time series. Zbl 0880.62100 Young, P. 9 1993 Cooperation in the short and in the long run. Zbl 0751.90023 Young, H. Peyton; Foster, Dean 15 1991 Stochastic evolutionary game dynamics. Zbl 0703.92015 Foster, Dean; Young, Peyton 211 1990 Condorcet’s theory of voting. Zbl 0718.01011 Young, H. P. 1 1990 A systems approach to recursive economic forecasting and seasonal adjustment. Zbl 0681.90030 Young, P.; Ng, C.; Armitage, P. 5 1989 Individual contribution and just compensation. Zbl 0726.90100 Young, H. P. 4 1989 Distributive justice in taxation. Zbl 0637.90027 Young, H. P. 116 1988 On dividing an amount according to individual claims or liabilities. Zbl 0629.90003 Young, H. Peyton 123 1987 Monotonic solutions of cooperative games. Zbl 0569.90106 Young, H. P. 293 1985 Time series in the time domain. Zbl 0578.62074 26 1985 Producer incentives in cost allocation. Zbl 0564.90003 Young, H. P. 15 1985 The apportionment of representation. Zbl 0575.90004 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 8 1985 Cost allocation. Zbl 0584.90047 Young, H. Peyton 5 1985 Fair allocation. (Lecture notes prepared for the American Mathematical Society Short Course ’Fair Allocation’ Held in Anaheim, California, January 7-8, 1985). Zbl 0567.00014 4 1985 The allocation of debts and taxes. Zbl 0584.90019 Young, H. Peyton 1 1985 The Webster method of apportionment. Zbl 0432.90101 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 5 1980 Parameter estimation for continuous-time models - A survey. Zbl 0495.93050 Young, P. 1 1980 Criteria for proportional representation. Zbl 0391.90006 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 4 1979 Quotatone apportionment methods. Zbl 0409.90046 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 2 1979 A consistent extension of Condorcet’s election principle. Zbl 0385.90010 Young, H. P.; Levenglick, A. 112 1978 On permutations and permutation polytopes. Zbl 0424.05001 Young, H. P. 17 1978 The Jefferson method of apportionment. Zbl 0376.92019 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 6 1978 Power, prices, and incomes in voting systems. Zbl 0384.90115 Young, H. P. 5 1978 Matroid Designs of Prime Power Index. Zbl 0379.05007 Kestenband, Barbu C.; Young, H. Peyton 1 1978 On permutations and permutation polytopes. Zbl 0392.05047 Young, H. P. 1 1978 Extending Condorcet’s rule. Zbl 0399.90006 Young, H. P. 24 1977 On Huntington methods of apportionment. Zbl 0372.60015 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 7 1977 On Huntington methods of apportionment. Zbl 0367.90003 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 1 1977 Apportionment schemes and the quota method. Zbl 0378.90116 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 1 1977 A consistent extension of Condorcet’s election principle. Zbl 0372.92018 Young, H. P.; Levenglick, A. 1 1977 Criteria for proportional representation. Zbl 0367.90002 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 3 1976 Social choice scoring functions. Zbl 0277.92007 Young, H. P. 118 1975 The quota method of apportionment. Zbl 0316.90021 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 25 1975 Matroid designs of prime power index and associated BIBD’s. Zbl 0341.05018 Kestenband, B.; Young, H. P. 1 1975 A note on preference aggregation. Zbl 0297.90003 Young, H. P. 20 1974 A new method for congressional apportionment. Zbl 0294.92015 Balinski, M. L.; Young, H. P. 1 1974 Affine triple systems and matroid designs. Zbl 0263.05019 Young, H. Peyton 9 1973 Matroid designs. Zbl 0269.05010 Young, Peyton; Edmonds, Jack 7 1973 Existence theorems for matroid designs. Zbl 0283.05018 Young, H. Peyton 3 1973 A quick proof of Wagner’s equivalence theorem. Zbl 0215.33703 Young, H. P. 3 1971 Equicardinal matroids and matroid-designs. Zbl 0317.05022 Young, Peyton; Murty, U. S. R.; Edmonds, Jack 11 1970 A service system with unfilled requests repeated. Zbl 0165.52703 Keilson, J.; Cozzolino, J.; Young, H. 45 1968 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,934 Authors 29 Casajus, André 22 Moreno-Ternero, Juan D. 21 Thomson, William 19 Young, H. Peyton 18 Sandholm, William Howard 17 Alós-Ferrer, Carlos 16 Newton, Jonathan 14 Van den Brink, René 13 Fudenberg, Drew 12 Bergantiños, Gustavo 12 Cui, Zhiwei 11 Fishburn, Peter Clingerman 11 Funaki, Yukihiko 11 Imhof, Lorens A. 11 Moulin, Hervé C. 11 Weidenholzer, Simon 10 Alonso-Meijide, José María 10 Béal, Sylvain 10 Solal, Philippe 10 Sun, Hao 10 Xu, Genjiu 9 Borm, Peter E. M. 9 Calleja, Pedro 9 Hofbauer, Josef 9 Huettner, Frank 9 Nowak, Martin Andreas 9 Sawa, Ryoji 9 Tijs, Stef 8 Boncinelli, Leonardo 8 Chambers, Christopher P. 8 Chun, Youngsub 8 García-Jurado, Ignacio 8 Hougaard, Jens Leth 8 Jackson, Matthew O. 8 Nax, Heinrich Harald 8 Samuelson, Larry 8 Serrano, Roberto 8 Staudigl, Mathias 8 Yokote, Koji 7 Arigapudi, Srinivas 7 Arin, Javier 7 Borkar, Vivek Shripad 7 Brandl, Florian 7 Brandt, Felix 7 Casas-Méndez, Balbina 7 Hou, Dongshuang 7 Kumar, Rajnish 7 Pintér, Miklós 7 Rémila, Eric 7 Robles, Jack 7 Tercieux, Olivier 7 Vega-Redondo, Fernando 7 Villar, Antonio 7 Volij, Oscar 7 Yeh, Chun-Hsien 6 Álvarez-Mozos, Mikel 6 Babichenko, Yakov 6 Balinski, Michel Louis 6 Bossert, Walter 6 Foster, Dean P. 6 Herrero, Carmen 6 Khan, Abhimanyu 6 Kongo, Takumi 6 Llerena, Francesc 6 Lorenzo-Freire, Silvia 6 Marden, Jason R. 6 McMorris, Frederick R. 6 Pivato, Marcus 6 Sánchez-Rodríguez, Estela 6 Vidal-Puga, Juan J. 6 Weibull, Jörgen W. 6 Zenou, Yves 5 Alparslan Gök, Sırma Zeynep 5 Barthelemy, Jean-Pierre 5 Besner, Manfred 5 Bilancini, Ennio 5 Binmore, Kenneth G. 5 Calvo, Emilio 5 Can, Burak 5 Driessen, Theo S. H. 5 Estévez-Fernández, Arantza 5 Fragnelli, Vito 5 Goyal, Sanjeev 5 Hwang, Sung-Ha 5 Ju, Biung-Ghi 5 Kuzmics, Christoph 5 Laslier, Jean-François 5 Levine, David K. 5 Li, Wenzhong 5 Miękisz, Jacek 5 Napel, Stefan 5 Norman, Thomas W. L. 5 Ohtsuki, Hisashi 5 Østerdal, Lars Peter 5 Peters, Hans J. M. 5 Pin, Paolo 5 Pradelski, Bary S. R. 5 Roberts, Fred S. 5 Shamma, Jeff S. 5 Shan, Erfang ...and 1,834 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 201 Serials 210 Games and Economic Behavior 138 Journal of Economic Theory 108 Mathematical Social Sciences 85 International Journal of Game Theory 76 Social Choice and Welfare 64 Journal of Mathematical Economics 64 European Journal of Operational Research 52 Economics Letters 35 Theory and Decision 33 International Game Theory Review 28 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 28 Economic Theory 28 Games 27 Annals of Operations Research 26 Dynamic Games and Applications 19 Operations Research Letters 19 Journal of Theoretical Biology 18 Top 17 Theoretical Economics 16 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 15 Artificial Intelligence 14 Discrete Applied Mathematics 12 Automatica 11 Applied Mathematics and Computation 10 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 9 Econometrica 9 Mathematics of Operations Research 9 Review of Economic Design 9 Journal of Dynamics and Games 7 Journal of Mathematical Biology 7 Physica A 7 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 7 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 7 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 6 Discrete Mathematics 6 Information Sciences 6 Theoretical Population Biology 6 Theory of Computing Systems 6 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research 5 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 5 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 5 Journal of Econometrics 5 The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 5 Optimization 5 Journal of Economics 5 Computers & Operations Research 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 4 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 4 Operations Research 4 Synthese 4 Theoretical Computer Science 4 European Journal of Combinatorics 4 Systems & Control Letters 4 Computational Economics 4 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 4 International Journal of Economic Theory 3 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 3 Journal of Classification 3 Machine Learning 3 Advances in Complex Systems 3 The B. E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 3 Annals of Finance 2 Advances in Applied Probability 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Journal of Statistical Physics 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 2 International Economic Review 2 Journal of the American Statistical Association 2 Journal of Applied Probability 2 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 2 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 2 Mathematical Programming 2 Naval Research Logistics 2 Networks 2 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 2 Physica D 2 Algorithmica 2 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 2 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 2 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2 The Annals of Applied Probability 2 Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 2 Chaos 2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2 Erkenntnis 2 Quantitative Finance 2 OR Spectrum 2 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2 Networks and Spatial Economics 2 Mathematics and Financial Economics 2 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 2 Economic Theory Bulletin 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 International Journal of Control ...and 101 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 29 Fields 1,453 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 99 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 82 Computer science (68-XX) 70 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 61 Combinatorics (05-XX) 53 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 37 Statistics (62-XX) 33 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 14 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 13 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 12 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 10 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 7 Geometry (51-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 4 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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