Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Young, Lai-Sang Co-Author Distance Author ID: young.lai-sang Published as: Young, Lai-Sang; Young, L.-S.; Young, Lai Sang; Young, L. S.; Young, Lai-sang; Young, Lai-Sang Young; Young, L.-S more...less Further Spellings: Young, Lai-Sang Lily Homepage: https://cims.nyu.edu/~lsy/ External Links: Women in Mathematics · MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 107 Publications since 1977, including 1 Book and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 2 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 59 Co-Authors with 78 Joint Publications 1,544 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 31 single-authored 8 Lin, Kevin K. 7 Wang, Qiudong 6 Ledrappier, François 5 Blumenthal, Alex 5 Li, Yao 4 Eckmann, Jean-Pierre 3 Benedicks, Michael 3 Demers, Mark F. 3 Lian, Zeng 2 Baladi, Viviane 2 Chariker, Logan 2 Guckenheimer, John M. 2 Rangan, Aaditya V. 2 Ryals, Brian 2 Shea-Brown, Eric 2 Stenlund, Mikko 2 Tanzi, Matteo 2 Thieullen, Philippe 2 Tresser, Charles 2 Wright, Paul E. 2 Xue, Jinxin 1 Ambrosio, Benjamin 1 Bálint, Péter 1 Block, Louis Stuart 1 Chernov, Nikolai Ivanovich 1 Coombes, Stephen 1 Cowieson, William J. 1 Franks, John M. 1 Hu, Huyi 1 Keane, Michael S. 1 Kening, Lu 1 Klapper, Isaac 1 Kobre, Elisha 1 Koiller, José 1 Kruse, Karsten 1 Lajoie, Guillaume 1 Masmoudi, Nader 1 McLaughlin, David W. 1 Mintchev, Stanislav M. 1 Misiurewicz, Michał 1 Morrison, Megan 1 Murray, Rua 1 Nándori, Péter 1 Ott, William 1 Pereira, Tiago Leite 1 Rand, David A. 1 Ravishankar, Krishnamurthi 1 Rey-Bellet, Luc 1 Robinson, Clark 1 Ruschel, Stefan 1 Saraf, Sonica 1 Shapley, Robert 1 Shelley, Michael J. 1 Tao, Louis 1 Wechselberger, Martin 1 Wedgwood, Kyle C. A. 1 Yanchuk, Sergiĭ Volodymyrovych 1 Zeng, Chongchun 1 Zhang, Hongkun all top 5 Serials 17 Communications in Mathematical Physics 13 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 10 Nonlinearity 9 Journal of Statistical Physics 5 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 4 Inventiones Mathematicae 3 Journal of Mathematical Biology 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Journal of Computational Neuroscience 3 Chaos 2 Communications in Mathematical Sciences 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Physica A 1 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Topology 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Neural Computation 1 The Annals of Applied Probability 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science 1 Mathematical Research Letters 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1 Annales Henri Poincaré 1 Oberwolfach Reports 1 Europhysics Letters 1 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical all top 5 Fields 85 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 15 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 13 Measure and integration (28-XX) 13 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 13 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 10 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 104 Publications have been cited 3,614 times in 2,139 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Statistical properties of dynamical systems with some hyperbolicity. Zbl 0945.37009 Young, Lai-Sang 361 1998 Recurrence times and rates of mixing. Zbl 0983.37005 Young, Lai-Sang 321 1999 The metric entropy of diffeomorphisms. I: Characterization of measures satisfying Pesin’s entropy formula. Zbl 0605.58028 Ledrappier, F.; Young, L.-S. 294 1985 Dimension, entropy and Lyapunov exponents. Zbl 0523.58024 Young, Lai-sang 245 1982 What are SRB measures, and which dynamical systems have them? Zbl 1124.37307 Young, Lai-Sang 238 2002 The metric entropy of diffeomorphisms. II: Relations between entropy, exponents and dimension. Zbl 1371.37012 Ledrappier, F.; Young, L.-S. 155 1985 Periodic points and topological entropy of one dimensional maps. Zbl 0447.58028 Block, Louis; Guckenheimer, John; Misiurewicz, Michal; Young, Lai Sang 115 1980 Sinai-Bowen-Ruelle measures for certain Hénon maps. Zbl 0796.58025 Benedicks, Michael; Young, Lai-Sang 96 1993 Some large deviation results for dynamical systems. Zbl 0721.58030 Young, Lai-Sang 94 1990 Strange attractors with one direction of instability. Zbl 0996.37040 Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang 70 2001 SRB measures as zero-noise limits. Zbl 1098.37020 Cowieson, William; Young, Lai-Sang 63 2005 Large deviations in non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems. Zbl 1154.37331 Rey-Bellet, Luc; Young, Lai-Sang 61 2008 Escape rates and conditionally invariant measures. Zbl 1134.37322 Demers, Mark F.; Young, Lai-Sang 53 2006 Entropy formula for random transformations. Zbl 0638.60054 Ledrappier, F.; Young, L.-S. 52 1988 Strange attractors in periodically-kicked limit cycles and Hopf bifurcations. Zbl 1078.37027 Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang 51 2003 From invariant curves to strange attractors. Zbl 1080.37550 Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang Young 49 2002 Decay of correlations for certain quadratic maps. Zbl 0760.58030 Young, L.-S. 48 1992 Toward a theory of rank one attractors. Zbl 1181.37049 Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang 48 2008 On the spectra of randomly perturbed expanding maps. Zbl 0809.60101 Baladi, V.; Young, L.-S. 45 1993 Markov extensions and decay of correlations for certain Hénon maps. Zbl 1044.37013 Benedicks, Michael; Young, Lai-Sang 42 2000 Stochastic stability of hyperbolic attractors. Zbl 0633.58023 Young, Lai-Sang 41 1986 Lyapunov exponents for some quasi-periodic cocycles. Zbl 0873.28013 Young, L.-S. 41 1997 Nonexistence of SBR measures for some diffeomorphisms that are ‘almost Anosov’. Zbl 0818.58035 Hu, Huyi; Young, Lai-Sang 38 1995 Nonequilibrium energy profiles for a class of 1-D models. Zbl 1113.82066 Eckmann, J.-P.; Young, L.-S 35 2006 Chaotic attractors of relaxation oscillators. Zbl 1102.34028 Guckenheimer, John; Wechselberger, Martin; Young, Lai-Sang 33 2006 Lyapunov exponents, periodic orbits, and horseshoes for semiflows on Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1263.37080 Lian, Zeng; Young, Lai-Sang 32 2012 Memory loss for time-dependent dynamical systems. Zbl 1177.37055 Ott, William; Stenlund, Mikko; Young, Lai-Sang 31 2009 Bowen-Ruelle measures for certain piecewise hyperbolic maps. Zbl 0552.58022 Young, Lai-Sang 30 1985 Absolutely continuous invariant measures and random perturbations for certain one-dimensional maps. Zbl 0769.58051 Benedicks, Michael; Young, Lai-Sang 29 1992 Lyapunov exponents, periodic orbits and horseshoes for mappings of Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1233.37020 Lian, Zeng; Young, Lai-Sang 28 2011 Lyapunov exponents for random perturbations of some area-preserving maps including the standard map. Zbl 1365.37039 Blumenthal, Alex; Xue, Jinxin; Young, Lai-Sang 27 2017 Decay of correlations for Lorentz gases and hard balls. Zbl 0977.37001 Chernov, N.; Young, L. S. 27 2000 Ergodic theory of infinite dimensional systems with applications to dissipative parabolic PDEs. Zbl 1009.37049 Masmoudi, Nader; Young, Lai-Sang 27 2002 Ergodic theory of differentiable dynamical systems. Zbl 0830.58020 Young, Lai-Sang 23 1995 Mathematical theory of Lyapunov exponents. Zbl 1351.37135 Young, Lai-Sang 23 2013 Escape rates and physically relevant measures for billiards with small holes. Zbl 1225.37051 Demers, Mark; Wright, Paul; Young, Lai-Sang 23 2010 Shear-induced chaos. Zbl 1153.37355 Lin, Kevin K.; Young, Lai-Sang 23 2008 Entropy, volume growth and SRB measures for Banach space mappings. Zbl 1366.37121 Blumenthal, Alex; Young, Lai-Sang 22 2017 Dimension formula for random transformations. Zbl 0665.58020 Ledrappier, F.; Young, L.-S. 21 1988 Rigorous bounds on the fast dynamo growth rate involving topological entropy. Zbl 0901.76096 Klapper, I.; Young, L. S. 20 1995 Dispersing billiards with moving scatterers. Zbl 1304.37024 Stenlund, Mikko; Young, Lai-Sang; Zhang, Hongkun 20 2013 Strange attractors for periodically forced parabolic equations. Zbl 1341.37050 Kening, Lu; Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang 20 2013 A closing lemma on the interval. Zbl 0425.58016 Young, Lai-Sang 19 1979 Entropy in dynamical systems. Zbl 1163.37302 Young, Lai-Sang 17 2003 Coupled map networks. Zbl 1246.37053 Koiller, José; Young, Lai-Sang 17 2010 Temperature profiles in Hamiltonian heat conduction. Zbl 1136.82368 Eckmann, J.-P.; Young, L.-S. 16 2004 Entropy, Lyapunov exponents, and Hausdorff dimension in differentiable dynamical systems. Zbl 0533.58021 Young, Lai-sang 16 1983 Reliability of coupled oscillators. Zbl 1194.34062 Lin, Kevin K.; Shea-Brown, Eric; Young, Lai-Sang 16 2009 Entropy, Lyapunov exponents and escape rates in open systems. Zbl 1281.37013 Demers, Mark F.; Wright, Paul; Young, Lai-Sang 15 2012 Some open sets of nonuniformly hyperbolic cocycles. Zbl 0797.58041 Young, L.-S. 14 1993 Computing invariant measures for expanding circle maps. Zbl 0903.58019 Keane, Michael; Murray, Rua; Young, Lai-Sang 14 1998 Positive Lyapunov exponent for generic one-parameter families of unimodal maps. Zbl 0821.58015 Thieullen, Ph.; Tresser, C.; Young, L. S. 14 1994 Nonuniformly expanding 1D maps. Zbl 1107.37028 Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang 14 2006 Dynamics of spiking neurons: between homogeneity and synchrony. Zbl 1276.92020 Rangan, Aaditya V.; Young, Lai-Sang 13 2013 On the prevalence of horseshoes. Zbl 0462.58025 Young, Lai-Sang 13 1981 Nonabsolutely continuous foliations for an Anosov diffeomorphism. Zbl 0442.58022 Robinson, Clark; Young, Lai-Sang 13 1980 Chaotic phenomena in three settings: Large, noisy and out of equilibrium. Zbl 1155.37025 Young, Lai-Sang 13 2008 Dynamics of periodically kicked oscillators. Zbl 1205.37046 Lin, Kevin K.; Young, Lai-Sang 13 2010 An SIQ delay differential equations model for disease control via isolation. Zbl 1429.37054 Ruschel, Stefan; Pereira, Tiago; Yanchuk, Serhiy; Young, Lai-Sang 12 2019 Generalizations of SRB measures to nonautonomous, random, and infinite dimensional systems. Zbl 1365.37061 Young, Lai-Sang 11 2017 Entropy of continuous flows on compact 2-manifolds. Zbl 0386.54024 Young, Lai-Sang 11 1977 Emergent spike patterns in neuronal populations. Zbl 1409.92009 Chariker, Logan; Young, Lai-Sang 11 2015 Nonequilibrium steady states for certain Hamiltonian models. Zbl 1197.82076 Lin, Kevin K.; Young, Lai-Sang 10 2010 Understanding chaotic dynamical systems. Zbl 1305.37004 Young, Lai-Sang 9 2013 Lyapunov exponents and correlation decay for random perturbations of some prototypical 2D maps. Zbl 1392.37044 Blumenthal, Alex; Xue, Jinxin; Young, Lai-Sang 9 2018 Dynamical systems and turbulence, Warwick 1980. Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the University of Warwick 1979/80. Zbl 0465.00017 8 1981 Stability of Lyapunov exponents. Zbl 0759.58026 Ledrappier, F.; Young, L.-S. 8 1991 Dynamical profile of a class of rank-one attractors. Zbl 1276.37011 Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang 8 2013 Limitations of perturbative techniques in the analysis of rhythms and oscillations. Zbl 1256.92006 Lin, Kevin K.; Wedgwood, Kyle C. A.; Coombes, Stephen; Young, Lai-Sang 7 2013 Ergodicity and energy distributions for some boundary driven integrable Hamiltonian chains. Zbl 1222.82053 Balint, Peter; Lin, Kevin K.; Young, Lai-Sang 7 2010 Random perturbations of matrix cocycles. Zbl 0641.60066 Young, L.-S. 6 1986 The metric entropy of diffeomorphisms. Zbl 0558.58007 Ledrappier, F.; Young, L.-S. 6 1984 Equivalence of physical and SRB measures in random dynamical systems. Zbl 1423.37023 Blumenthal, Alex; Young, Lai-Sang 6 2019 Positive Lyapunov exponents in one parameter families of unimodal mappings. (Exposant de Lyapunov positif dans des familles à un paramètre d’applications unimodales.) Zbl 0786.58026 Thieullen, Philippe; Tresser, Charles; Young, Lai Sang 6 1992 Correlations in nonequilibrium steady states of random halves models. Zbl 1121.82039 Lin, Kevin K.; Young, Lai-Sang 6 2007 Local thermodynamic equilibrium for some stochastic models of Hamiltonian origin. Zbl 1136.82015 Ravishankar, K.; Young, Lai-Sang 6 2007 Absolute continuity of stable foliations for systems on Banach spaces. Zbl 1290.37032 Lian, Zeng; Young, Lai-Sang; Zeng, Chongchun 6 2013 Dimension, entropy and Lyapunov exponents in differentiable dynamical systems. Zbl 0599.58022 Young, Lai-Sang 5 1984 Erratum: On the spectra of randomly perturbed expanding maps. Zbl 0814.60102 Baladi, V.; Young, L.-S. 5 1994 Local thermal equilibrium for certain stochastic models of heat transport. Zbl 1344.82039 Li, Yao; Nándori, Péter; Young, Lai-Sang 4 2016 Nonequilibrium steady states for a class of particle systems. Zbl 1295.82018 Li, Yao; Young, Lai-Sang 4 2014 Chaotic heteroclinic networks as models of switching behavior in biological systems. Zbl 07880296 Morrison, Megan; Young, Lai-Sang 4 2022 Existence of nonequilibrium steady state for a simple model of heat conduction. Zbl 1277.82032 Li, Yao; Young, Lai-Sang 4 2013 A \(C^ 2\) Kupka-Smale diffeomorphism of the disk with no sources or sinks. Zbl 0515.58027 Franks, John; Young, Lai-Sang 4 1981 How well do reduced models capture the dynamics in models of interacting neurons? Zbl 1410.92010 Li, Yao; Chariker, Logan; Young, Lai-Sang 4 2019 Ergodic theory of attractors. Zbl 0846.58041 Young, Lai-Sang 3 1995 Extended systems with deterministic local dynamics and random jumps. Zbl 1144.82044 Kobre, Elisha; Young, Lai-Sang 3 2007 Rattling and freezing in a 1D transport model. Zbl 1207.82040 Eckmann, Jean-Pierre; Young, Lai-Sang 3 2011 Reliability of layered neural oscillator networks. Zbl 1171.92002 Lin, Kevin K.; Shea-Brown, Eric; Young, Lai-Sang 3 2009 Capacity of attractors. Zbl 0501.58028 Young, Lai-Sang 3 1981 Absolute continuity of stable foliations for mappings of Banach spaces. Zbl 1384.37106 Blumenthal, Alex; Young, Lai-Sang 3 2017 Nonuniformly hyperbolic systems arising from coupling of chaotic and gradient-like systems. Zbl 1456.37029 Tanzi, Matteo; Young, Lai-Sang 3 2020 Polynomial convergence to equilibrium for a system of interacting particles. Zbl 1362.60087 Li, Yao; Young, Lai-Sang 2 2017 Self-organization in predominantly feedforward oscillator chains. Zbl 1311.34085 Mintchev, Stanislav M.; Young, Lai-Sang 2 2009 Existence of physical measures in some excitation-inhibition networks. Zbl 1487.37028 Tanzi, Matteo; Young, Lai-Sang 2 2022 Ergodic theory of chaotic dynamical systems. Zbl 0793.58023 Young, L.-S. 2 1993 Comparing chaotic and random dynamical systems. Zbl 1421.37019 Young, Lai-Sang 2 2019 Nonequilibrium steady states of some simple 1-D mechanical chains. Zbl 1246.82062 Ryals, Brian; Young, Lai-Sang 1 2012 Geometric and ergodic theory of hyperbolic dynamical systems. Zbl 1003.37023 Young, Lai-Sang 1 1999 Horseshoes of periodically kicked van der Pol oscillators. Zbl 1319.34091 Ryals, Brian; Young, Lai-Sang 1 2012 Chaotic heteroclinic networks as models of switching behavior in biological systems. Zbl 07880296 Morrison, Megan; Young, Lai-Sang 4 2022 Existence of physical measures in some excitation-inhibition networks. Zbl 1487.37028 Tanzi, Matteo; Young, Lai-Sang 2 2022 Malleability of gamma rhythms enhances population-level correlations. Zbl 1489.92012 Saraf, Sonica; Young, Lai-Sang 1 2021 Nonuniformly hyperbolic systems arising from coupling of chaotic and gradient-like systems. Zbl 1456.37029 Tanzi, Matteo; Young, Lai-Sang 3 2020 An SIQ delay differential equations model for disease control via isolation. Zbl 1429.37054 Ruschel, Stefan; Pereira, Tiago; Yanchuk, Serhiy; Young, Lai-Sang 12 2019 Equivalence of physical and SRB measures in random dynamical systems. Zbl 1423.37023 Blumenthal, Alex; Young, Lai-Sang 6 2019 How well do reduced models capture the dynamics in models of interacting neurons? Zbl 1410.92010 Li, Yao; Chariker, Logan; Young, Lai-Sang 4 2019 Comparing chaotic and random dynamical systems. Zbl 1421.37019 Young, Lai-Sang 2 2019 Lyapunov exponents and correlation decay for random perturbations of some prototypical 2D maps. Zbl 1392.37044 Blumenthal, Alex; Xue, Jinxin; Young, Lai-Sang 9 2018 Dynamical systems evolving. Zbl 1451.37011 Young, Lai-Sang 1 2018 Lyapunov exponents for random perturbations of some area-preserving maps including the standard map. Zbl 1365.37039 Blumenthal, Alex; Xue, Jinxin; Young, Lai-Sang 27 2017 Entropy, volume growth and SRB measures for Banach space mappings. Zbl 1366.37121 Blumenthal, Alex; Young, Lai-Sang 22 2017 Generalizations of SRB measures to nonautonomous, random, and infinite dimensional systems. Zbl 1365.37061 Young, Lai-Sang 11 2017 Absolute continuity of stable foliations for mappings of Banach spaces. Zbl 1384.37106 Blumenthal, Alex; Young, Lai-Sang 3 2017 Polynomial convergence to equilibrium for a system of interacting particles. Zbl 1362.60087 Li, Yao; Young, Lai-Sang 2 2017 Local thermal equilibrium for certain stochastic models of heat transport. Zbl 1344.82039 Li, Yao; Nándori, Péter; Young, Lai-Sang 4 2016 Emergent spike patterns in neuronal populations. Zbl 1409.92009 Chariker, Logan; Young, Lai-Sang 11 2015 Nonequilibrium steady states for a class of particle systems. Zbl 1295.82018 Li, Yao; Young, Lai-Sang 4 2014 Mathematical theory of Lyapunov exponents. Zbl 1351.37135 Young, Lai-Sang 23 2013 Dispersing billiards with moving scatterers. Zbl 1304.37024 Stenlund, Mikko; Young, Lai-Sang; Zhang, Hongkun 20 2013 Strange attractors for periodically forced parabolic equations. Zbl 1341.37050 Kening, Lu; Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang 20 2013 Dynamics of spiking neurons: between homogeneity and synchrony. Zbl 1276.92020 Rangan, Aaditya V.; Young, Lai-Sang 13 2013 Understanding chaotic dynamical systems. Zbl 1305.37004 Young, Lai-Sang 9 2013 Dynamical profile of a class of rank-one attractors. Zbl 1276.37011 Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang 8 2013 Limitations of perturbative techniques in the analysis of rhythms and oscillations. Zbl 1256.92006 Lin, Kevin K.; Wedgwood, Kyle C. A.; Coombes, Stephen; Young, Lai-Sang 7 2013 Absolute continuity of stable foliations for systems on Banach spaces. Zbl 1290.37032 Lian, Zeng; Young, Lai-Sang; Zeng, Chongchun 6 2013 Existence of nonequilibrium steady state for a simple model of heat conduction. Zbl 1277.82032 Li, Yao; Young, Lai-Sang 4 2013 Lyapunov exponents, periodic orbits, and horseshoes for semiflows on Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1263.37080 Lian, Zeng; Young, Lai-Sang 32 2012 Entropy, Lyapunov exponents and escape rates in open systems. Zbl 1281.37013 Demers, Mark F.; Wright, Paul; Young, Lai-Sang 15 2012 Nonequilibrium steady states of some simple 1-D mechanical chains. Zbl 1246.82062 Ryals, Brian; Young, Lai-Sang 1 2012 Horseshoes of periodically kicked van der Pol oscillators. Zbl 1319.34091 Ryals, Brian; Young, Lai-Sang 1 2012 Lyapunov exponents, periodic orbits and horseshoes for mappings of Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1233.37020 Lian, Zeng; Young, Lai-Sang 28 2011 Rattling and freezing in a 1D transport model. Zbl 1207.82040 Eckmann, Jean-Pierre; Young, Lai-Sang 3 2011 Escape rates and physically relevant measures for billiards with small holes. Zbl 1225.37051 Demers, Mark; Wright, Paul; Young, Lai-Sang 23 2010 Coupled map networks. Zbl 1246.37053 Koiller, José; Young, Lai-Sang 17 2010 Dynamics of periodically kicked oscillators. Zbl 1205.37046 Lin, Kevin K.; Young, Lai-Sang 13 2010 Nonequilibrium steady states for certain Hamiltonian models. Zbl 1197.82076 Lin, Kevin K.; Young, Lai-Sang 10 2010 Ergodicity and energy distributions for some boundary driven integrable Hamiltonian chains. Zbl 1222.82053 Balint, Peter; Lin, Kevin K.; Young, Lai-Sang 7 2010 Memory loss for time-dependent dynamical systems. Zbl 1177.37055 Ott, William; Stenlund, Mikko; Young, Lai-Sang 31 2009 Reliability of coupled oscillators. Zbl 1194.34062 Lin, Kevin K.; Shea-Brown, Eric; Young, Lai-Sang 16 2009 Reliability of layered neural oscillator networks. Zbl 1171.92002 Lin, Kevin K.; Shea-Brown, Eric; Young, Lai-Sang 3 2009 Self-organization in predominantly feedforward oscillator chains. Zbl 1311.34085 Mintchev, Stanislav M.; Young, Lai-Sang 2 2009 Large deviations in non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems. Zbl 1154.37331 Rey-Bellet, Luc; Young, Lai-Sang 61 2008 Toward a theory of rank one attractors. Zbl 1181.37049 Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang 48 2008 Shear-induced chaos. Zbl 1153.37355 Lin, Kevin K.; Young, Lai-Sang 23 2008 Chaotic phenomena in three settings: Large, noisy and out of equilibrium. Zbl 1155.37025 Young, Lai-Sang 13 2008 Correlations in nonequilibrium steady states of random halves models. Zbl 1121.82039 Lin, Kevin K.; Young, Lai-Sang 6 2007 Local thermodynamic equilibrium for some stochastic models of Hamiltonian origin. Zbl 1136.82015 Ravishankar, K.; Young, Lai-Sang 6 2007 Extended systems with deterministic local dynamics and random jumps. Zbl 1144.82044 Kobre, Elisha; Young, Lai-Sang 3 2007 Escape rates and conditionally invariant measures. Zbl 1134.37322 Demers, Mark F.; Young, Lai-Sang 53 2006 Nonequilibrium energy profiles for a class of 1-D models. Zbl 1113.82066 Eckmann, J.-P.; Young, L.-S 35 2006 Chaotic attractors of relaxation oscillators. Zbl 1102.34028 Guckenheimer, John; Wechselberger, Martin; Young, Lai-Sang 33 2006 Nonuniformly expanding 1D maps. Zbl 1107.37028 Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang 14 2006 SRB measures as zero-noise limits. Zbl 1098.37020 Cowieson, William; Young, Lai-Sang 63 2005 Temperature profiles in Hamiltonian heat conduction. Zbl 1136.82368 Eckmann, J.-P.; Young, L.-S. 16 2004 Strange attractors in periodically-kicked limit cycles and Hopf bifurcations. Zbl 1078.37027 Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang 51 2003 Entropy in dynamical systems. Zbl 1163.37302 Young, Lai-Sang 17 2003 What are SRB measures, and which dynamical systems have them? Zbl 1124.37307 Young, Lai-Sang 238 2002 From invariant curves to strange attractors. Zbl 1080.37550 Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang Young 49 2002 Ergodic theory of infinite dimensional systems with applications to dissipative parabolic PDEs. Zbl 1009.37049 Masmoudi, Nader; Young, Lai-Sang 27 2002 Strange attractors with one direction of instability. Zbl 0996.37040 Wang, Qiudong; Young, Lai-Sang 70 2001 Markov extensions and decay of correlations for certain Hénon maps. Zbl 1044.37013 Benedicks, Michael; Young, Lai-Sang 42 2000 Decay of correlations for Lorentz gases and hard balls. Zbl 0977.37001 Chernov, N.; Young, L. S. 27 2000 Recurrence times and rates of mixing. Zbl 0983.37005 Young, Lai-Sang 321 1999 Geometric and ergodic theory of hyperbolic dynamical systems. Zbl 1003.37023 Young, Lai-Sang 1 1999 Ergodic theory of chaotic dynamical systems. Zbl 1253.37030 Young, Lai-Sang 1 1999 Statistical properties of dynamical systems with some hyperbolicity. Zbl 0945.37009 Young, Lai-Sang 361 1998 Computing invariant measures for expanding circle maps. Zbl 0903.58019 Keane, Michael; Murray, Rua; Young, Lai-Sang 14 1998 Developments in chaotic dynamics. Zbl 0911.58030 Young, Lai-Sang 1 1998 Lyapunov exponents for some quasi-periodic cocycles. Zbl 0873.28013 Young, L.-S. 41 1997 Nonexistence of SBR measures for some diffeomorphisms that are ‘almost Anosov’. Zbl 0818.58035 Hu, Huyi; Young, Lai-Sang 38 1995 Ergodic theory of differentiable dynamical systems. Zbl 0830.58020 Young, Lai-Sang 23 1995 Rigorous bounds on the fast dynamo growth rate involving topological entropy. Zbl 0901.76096 Klapper, I.; Young, L. S. 20 1995 Ergodic theory of attractors. Zbl 0846.58041 Young, Lai-Sang 3 1995 Positive Lyapunov exponent for generic one-parameter families of unimodal maps. Zbl 0821.58015 Thieullen, Ph.; Tresser, C.; Young, L. S. 14 1994 Erratum: On the spectra of randomly perturbed expanding maps. Zbl 0814.60102 Baladi, V.; Young, L.-S. 5 1994 Sinai-Bowen-Ruelle measures for certain Hénon maps. Zbl 0796.58025 Benedicks, Michael; Young, Lai-Sang 96 1993 On the spectra of randomly perturbed expanding maps. Zbl 0809.60101 Baladi, V.; Young, L.-S. 45 1993 Some open sets of nonuniformly hyperbolic cocycles. Zbl 0797.58041 Young, L.-S. 14 1993 Ergodic theory of chaotic dynamical systems. Zbl 0793.58023 Young, L.-S. 2 1993 Decay of correlations for certain quadratic maps. Zbl 0760.58030 Young, L.-S. 48 1992 Absolutely continuous invariant measures and random perturbations for certain one-dimensional maps. Zbl 0769.58051 Benedicks, Michael; Young, Lai-Sang 29 1992 Positive Lyapunov exponents in one parameter families of unimodal mappings. (Exposant de Lyapunov positif dans des familles à un paramètre d’applications unimodales.) Zbl 0786.58026 Thieullen, Philippe; Tresser, Charles; Young, Lai Sang 6 1992 Stability of Lyapunov exponents. Zbl 0759.58026 Ledrappier, F.; Young, L.-S. 8 1991 Some large deviation results for dynamical systems. Zbl 0721.58030 Young, Lai-Sang 94 1990 Entropy formula for random transformations. Zbl 0638.60054 Ledrappier, F.; Young, L.-S. 52 1988 Dimension formula for random transformations. Zbl 0665.58020 Ledrappier, F.; Young, L.-S. 21 1988 Stochastic stability of hyperbolic attractors. Zbl 0633.58023 Young, Lai-Sang 41 1986 Random perturbations of matrix cocycles. Zbl 0641.60066 Young, L.-S. 6 1986 The metric entropy of diffeomorphisms. I: Characterization of measures satisfying Pesin’s entropy formula. Zbl 0605.58028 Ledrappier, F.; Young, L.-S. 294 1985 The metric entropy of diffeomorphisms. II: Relations between entropy, exponents and dimension. Zbl 1371.37012 Ledrappier, F.; Young, L.-S. 155 1985 Bowen-Ruelle measures for certain piecewise hyperbolic maps. Zbl 0552.58022 Young, Lai-Sang 30 1985 The metric entropy of diffeomorphisms. Zbl 0558.58007 Ledrappier, F.; Young, L.-S. 6 1984 Dimension, entropy and Lyapunov exponents in differentiable dynamical systems. Zbl 0599.58022 Young, Lai-Sang 5 1984 Entropy, Lyapunov exponents, and Hausdorff dimension in differentiable dynamical systems. Zbl 0533.58021 Young, Lai-sang 16 1983 Dimension, entropy and Lyapunov exponents. Zbl 0523.58024 Young, Lai-sang 245 1982 On the prevalence of horseshoes. Zbl 0462.58025 Young, Lai-Sang 13 1981 Dynamical systems and turbulence, Warwick 1980. Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the University of Warwick 1979/80. Zbl 0465.00017 8 1981 A \(C^ 2\) Kupka-Smale diffeomorphism of the disk with no sources or sinks. Zbl 0515.58027 Franks, John; Young, Lai-Sang 4 1981 Capacity of attractors. Zbl 0501.58028 Young, Lai-Sang 3 1981 ...and 4 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,965 Authors 51 Young, Lai-Sang 46 Melbourne, Ian 32 Vaienti, Sandro 32 Varandas, Paulo 27 Demers, Mark F. 23 Alves, José Ferreira 23 Dolgopyat, Dmitry 23 Zhang, Hongkun 21 Cao, Yongluo 19 Chernov, Nikolai Ivanovich 19 Pène, Françoise 19 Pesin, Yakov Borisovich 19 Terhesiu, Dalia 18 Baladi, Viviane 18 Galatolo, Stefano 18 Luzzatto, Stefano 18 Nicol, Matthew 17 Blumenthal, Alex 17 Bruin, Henk 17 Todd, Mike 17 Yang, Jiagang 15 Araújo, Vítor 15 Bálint, Péter 15 Hu, Huyi 15 Liverani, Carlangelo 15 Urbański, Mariusz 14 Mihailescu, Eugen 14 Nándori, Péter 14 Ruelle, David Pierre 14 Tahzibi, Ali 14 Wang, Qiudong 13 Froyland, Gary 13 Ledrappier, François 13 Takahasi, Hiroki 13 Viana, Marcelo 12 Bunimovich, Leonid Abramovich 12 Freitas, Jorge Milhazes 12 Haydn, Nicolai T. A. 12 Lian, Zeng 12 Misiurewicz, Michał 12 Pacífico, Maria José 12 Pollicott, Mark 12 Rodriguez-Hertz, Federico 12 Saussol, Benoît 12 Yang, Fan 12 Zhao, Yun 12 Zhu, Yujun 11 Bahsoun, Wael 11 Climenhaga, Vaughn 11 Dedecker, Jérôme 11 Gelfert, Katrin Grit 11 Gouëzel, Sébastien 11 Li, Yao 11 Lin, Kevin K. 11 Stenlund, Mikko 11 Wu, Weisheng 10 Chen, Ercai 10 González-Tokman, Cecilia 10 Hafouta, Yeor 10 Holland, Mark P. 10 Korepanov, Alexey 10 Lucarini, Valerio 10 Yang, Dawei 9 Andres, Jan 9 Bjerklöv, Kristian 9 Chung, Yong Moo 9 Engel, Maximilian 9 Faranda, Davide 9 Feng, De-Jun 9 Huang, Wen 9 Merlevède, Florence 9 Mezić, Igor 9 Mi, Zeya 9 Oksasoglu, Ali 9 Persson, Tomas 9 Wolf, Christian 9 Yorke, James Alan 9 Zhang, Xu 8 Alsedà, Lluís 8 Berger, Pierre 8 Buzzi, Jérôme 8 Crovisier, Sylvain 8 Dragičević, Davor 8 Giannakis, Dimitrios 8 Keller, Gerhard 8 Kühn, Christian 8 Leppänen, Juho 8 Liu, Peidong 8 Pinheiro, Vilton 8 Sélley, Fanni M. 8 Simpson, David John Warwick 8 Szász, Domokos 8 Tanzi, Matteo 8 Tian, Xueting 8 Ures, Raúl 8 Wang, Qiqi 7 Barreira, Luis Manuel 7 Benedicks, Michael 7 Brown, Aaron W. 7 Chazottes, Jean-René ...and 1,865 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 288 Serials 188 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 150 Communications in Mathematical Physics 132 Journal of Statistical Physics 82 Nonlinearity 79 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 71 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 69 Chaos 63 Physica D 46 Advances in Mathematics 43 Stochastics and Dynamics 42 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 39 Dynamical Systems 38 Israel Journal of Mathematics 38 Journal of Differential Equations 35 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 34 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 32 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 28 Inventiones Mathematicae 21 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 19 Annales Henri Poincaré 18 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 17 Topology and its Applications 17 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 17 Journal of Modern Dynamics 16 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 13 Monatshefte für Mathematik 13 Probability Theory and Related Fields 13 Journal of Nonlinear Science 12 Journal of Mathematical Physics 12 The Annals of Probability 12 Mathematische Zeitschrift 12 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 12 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 11 Duke Mathematical Journal 11 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 11 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 10 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 10 Nonlinear Dynamics 10 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 9 Physics Letters. A 9 Journal of Functional Analysis 9 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 9 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 9 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 8 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 8 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 8 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 8 Journal of Mathematical Biology 8 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 8 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 7 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 7 The Annals of Applied Probability 7 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 7 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 7 Journal of Computational Neuroscience 7 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 7 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 6 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 6 Mathematische Annalen 6 Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society 6 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 6 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 6 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 6 Entropy 6 Science China. Mathematics 5 Journal of Computational Physics 5 Mathematical Notes 5 Physics Reports 5 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 5 Applied Mathematics and Computation 5 Publications Mathématiques 5 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 5 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 4 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 4 Physica A 4 Studia Mathematica 4 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 4 Fundamenta Mathematicae 4 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 4 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 4 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 4 Journal of Theoretical Probability 4 Neural Computation 4 Linear Algebra and its Applications 4 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 4 Fractals 4 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 4 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 4 Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories 4 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 4 The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 3 Biological Cybernetics 3 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 3 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 3 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 3 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 3 Geometriae Dedicata 3 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) ...and 188 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 57 Fields 1,789 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 356 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 225 Measure and integration (28-XX) 156 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 156 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 81 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 68 General topology (54-XX) 63 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 57 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 46 Operator theory (47-XX) 36 Differential geometry (53-XX) 36 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 34 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 34 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 32 Number theory (11-XX) 31 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 28 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 27 Statistics (62-XX) 27 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 25 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 24 Computer science (68-XX) 24 Quantum theory (81-XX) 23 Real functions (26-XX) 20 Geophysics (86-XX) 19 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 16 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 15 Combinatorics (05-XX) 15 Functional analysis (46-XX) 15 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 13 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 12 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 11 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 11 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 11 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 8 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 8 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 8 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 8 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 7 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 6 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 6 Geometry (51-XX) 5 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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