Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Yu, Jian-She Co-Author Distance Author ID: yu.jian-she Published as: Yu, Jianshe; Yu, J. S.; Yu, Jian She; Yu, Jian-She; Yu, Jiaanshe; Yu, Jian-she; Yu, JianShe; Yu, J. more...less External Links: dblp Documents Indexed: 368 Publications since 1988, including 1 Book and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 2 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 115 Co-Authors with 340 Joint Publications 3,831 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 28 single-authored 55 Wang, Zhi-Cheng 38 Tang, Xianhua 29 Zheng, Bo 26 Guo, Zhiming 22 Huang, Lihong 22 Zhou, Zhan 20 Tang, Moxun 19 Chen, Mingpo 16 Zhang, Binggen 15 Li, Jia 11 Shen, Jianhua 10 Huang, Mugen 10 Lin, Genghong 10 Ma, Shiwang 9 Qian, Xiangzheng 8 Hu, Linchao 8 Jiao, Feng 8 Liu, Bing 7 So, Joseph Wai-Hung 7 Sun, Qiwen 6 Shi, Bao 6 Zhang, Zhengqiu 5 Cai, Xiaochun 5 Huang, Lifang 5 Liu, Yunfeng 5 Wang, Lin 5 Wen, Xianzhang 5 Xiao, Huafeng 4 Chen, Shanshan 4 Chen, Yuming 4 He, Zhimin 3 Bai, Dingyong 3 Bin, Honghua 3 Feng, Xiaomei 3 Guo, Wenjuan 3 Hui, Yuanxian 3 Krawcewicz, Wieslaw Z. 3 Lalli, Bikkar S. 3 Liu, Bin 3 Luo, Jiaowan 3 Ren, Jian 3 Shen, Zupei 3 Wang, Qi 3 Wen, Kunwen 3 Wu, Chufen 3 Wu, Jianhong 3 Yan, Rong 3 Zhang, Dawei 3 Zhu, Benshi 3 Zou, Xingfu 2 Balanov, Zalman I. 2 Chang, Lijie 2 Chen, Sitong 2 Chen, YiNing 2 Dai, Binxiang 2 Erbe, Lynn Harry 2 Felmer, Patricio L. 2 Huang, Yun 2 Kang, Yun 2 Li, Qiuying 2 Lin, Xiaoyan 2 Liu, Xinzhi 2 Long, Yuhua 2 Ma, Manjun 2 Quaas, Alexander 2 Ruan, Shigui 2 Shi, Yantao 2 Xi, Zhiyong 2 Yuan, Ziqing 2 Zhang, Ruyuan 2 Zhu, Zhongcai 1 Ai, Shangbing 1 Chen, Zhengyi 1 Cheng, Sui Sun 1 Deng, Xiaoqing 1 Ding, Qian 1 Du, W. K. 1 Fan, Meng 1 Feng, Zhaosheng 1 Guo, Wenliang 1 Han, Maoan 1 Ji, Juping 1 Kuang, Juhong 1 Lei, Guanglong 1 Li, Jingwen 1 Li, Yanyan 1 Liao, Liusheng 1 Liao, Liushing 1 Liu, Kaiyu 1 Liu, Lanzhe 1 Liu, Peter Xiaoping 1 Liu, Quanhui 1 Liu, Xuejie 1 Pan, Xuejun 1 Peng, Daheng 1 Qian, Chuanxi 1 Qian, Xiangzhen 1 Qiu, Junxiong 1 Rachinskii Dmitrii 1 Shi, Haiping ...and 19 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 24 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 24 Journal of Differential Equations 18 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 14 Journal of Hunan University 11 Acta Mathematica Sinica 11 Annals of Differential Equations 8 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series A 8 Mathematica Applicata 8 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 8 Applied Mathematics. Series A (Chinese Edition) 8 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 8 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 7 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 6 Applied Mathematics Letters 6 Science in China. Series A 6 Panamerican Mathematical Journal 5 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj. Serio Internacia 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 5 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 5 Journal of Hunan University. Natural Sciences 5 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 5 Science China. Mathematics 4 Journal of Mathematical Biology 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 4 Hunan Annals of Mathematics 4 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 4 Dynamic Systems and Applications 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 4 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 4 Journal of Theoretical Biology 3 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Mathematical Biosciences 3 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 3 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 3 Soochow Journal of Mathematics 3 Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences 3 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 3 Mathematical Sciences Research Hot-Line 3 Journal of Biological Dynamics 3 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 2 Applicable Analysis 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 2 Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition 2 Mathematics in Practice and Theory 2 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 2 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 2 Chinese Science Bulletin 2 Applied Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series A. (Chinese Edition) 2 The ANZIAM Journal 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 2 Advances in Difference Equations 2 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Nonlinearity 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Annales Polonici Mathematici 1 Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Chinese Journal of Mathematics 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Studies in Applied Mathematics 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Theoretical Population Biology 1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 1 Natural Science Journal of Xiangtan University 1 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 1 Radovi Matematički 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Differential and Integral Equations 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia 1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Methods and Applications of Analysis 1 Advances in Differential Equations 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 1 Nonlinear Dynamics 1 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 1 Chaos 1 The Korean Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1 Journal of Biological Systems 1 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems ...and 10 more Serials all top 5 Fields 224 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 100 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 96 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 36 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 30 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 15 Operator theory (47-XX) 12 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 275 Publications have been cited 4,471 times in 1,929 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Existence of periodic and subharmonic solutions for second-order superlinear difference equations. Zbl 1215.39001 Guo, Zhiming; Yu, Jianshe 156 2003 The existence of periodic and subharmonic solutions of subquadratic second order difference equations. Zbl 1046.39005 Guo, Zhiming; Yu, Jianshe 155 2003 Modeling Wolbachia spread in mosquitoes through delay differential equations. Zbl 1303.92124 Zheng, Bo; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe 87 2014 Homoclinic solutions in periodic difference equations with saturable nonlinearity. Zbl 1239.39010 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe; Chen, Yuming 86 2011 Modeling mosquito population suppression based on delay differential equations. Zbl 1401.92171 Yu, Jianshe 86 2018 Periodic solutions of higher-dimensional discrete systems. Zbl 1073.39010 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe; Guo, Zhiming 85 2004 On boundary value problems for a discrete generalized Emden–Fowler equation. Zbl 1112.39011 Yu, Jianshe; Guo, Zhiming 77 2006 On the existence of homoclinic solutions of a class of discrete nonlinear periodic systems. Zbl 1200.39001 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe 76 2010 Global asymptotic stability in an interactive wild and sterile mosquito model. Zbl 1444.34103 Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 70 2020 Global attractivity and uniform persistence in Nicholson’s blowflies. Zbl 0869.34056 So, Joseph W.-H.; Yu, J. S. 66 1994 Periodic solutions of second order self-adjoint difference equations. Zbl 1073.39009 Yu, Jianshe; Guo, Zhiming; Zou, Xingfu 64 2005 Modeling Wolbachia infection in mosquito population via discrete dynamical models. Zbl 1536.92156 Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 64 2019 Subharmonic solutions with prescribed minimal period of a discrete forced pendulum equation. Zbl 1067.39022 Yu, Jianshe; Long, Yuhua; Guo, Zhiming 58 2004 Periodic and subharmonic solutions for superquadratic discrete Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1053.39011 Guo, Zhiming; Yu, Jianshe 57 2003 Wolbachia infection dynamics by reaction-diffusion equations. Zbl 1337.35156 Huang, Mugen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe 56 2015 Wolbachia spread dynamics in stochastic environments. Zbl 1343.92482 Hu, Linchao; Huang, Mugen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 55 2015 Multiplicity results for periodic solutions to delay differential equations via critical point theory. Zbl 1095.34043 Guo, Zhiming; Yu, Jianshe 53 2005 Modeling and analysis of the implementation of the Wolbachia incompatible and sterile insect technique for mosquito population suppression. Zbl 1468.34074 Zheng, Bo; Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 51 2021 On the existence of gap solitons in a periodic discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation with saturable nonlinearity. Zbl 1193.35176 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe; Chen, Yuming 51 2010 Assessing the efficiency of Wolbachia driven Aedes mosquito suppression by delay differential equations. Zbl 1400.92490 Huang, Mugen; Luo, Jiaowan; Hu, Linchao; Zheng, Bo; Yu, Jianshe 51 2018 Periodic boundary value problem for first-order impulsive functional differential equations. Zbl 1004.34052 He, Zhimin; Yu, Jianshe 50 2002 Dynamics of interactive wild and sterile mosquitoes with time delay. Zbl 1448.92260 Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 50 2019 Existence and stability of a unique and exact two periodic orbits for an interactive wild and sterile mosquito model. Zbl 1457.34084 Yu, Jianshe 50 2020 Ground state solutions of Nehari-Pankov type for Schrödinger equations with local super-quadratic conditions. Zbl 1437.35224 Tang, Xianhua; Chen, Sitong; Lin, Xiaoyan; Yu, Jianshe 48 2020 Wolbachia spreading dynamics in mosquitoes with imperfect maternal transmission. Zbl 1392.92113 Zheng, Bo; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe; Qiu, Junxiong 48 2018 Oscillation of delay difference equation. Zbl 0937.39012 Tang, X. H.; Yu, J. S. 45 1999 Existence and uniqueness of periodic orbits in a discrete model on Wolbachia infection frequency. Zbl 1471.92396 Zheng, Bo; Yu, Jianshe 44 2022 The threshold infection level for Wolbachia invasion in random environments. Zbl 1406.34072 Hu, Linchao; Tang, Moxun; Wu, Zhongdao; Xi, Zhiyong; Yu, Jianshe 44 2019 Qualitative analysis for a Wolbachia infection model with diffusion. Zbl 1344.35156 Huang, MuGen; Yu, JianShe; Hu, LinChao; Zheng, Bo 43 2016 Stability and bifurcation on predator-prey systems with nonlocal prey competition. Zbl 1386.35200 Chen, Shanshan; Yu, Jianshe 42 2018 Existence theorems for second-order discrete boundary value problems. Zbl 1113.39019 Cai, Xiaochun; Yu, Jianshe 41 2006 Oscillations of differential equations with deviating arguments. Zbl 0845.34082 Yu, J. S.; Wang, Z. C.; Zhang, B. G.; Qian, X. Z. 40 1992 Homoclinic solutions in periodic nonlinear difference equations with superlinear nonlinearity. Zbl 1284.39006 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jian She 40 2013 Stability and bifurcations in a nonlocal delayed reaction-diffusion population model. Zbl 1325.35003 Chen, Shanshan; Yu, Jianshe 40 2016 Ground state solutions of discrete asymptotically linear Schrödinger equations with bounded and non-periodic potentials. Zbl 1439.39010 Lin, Genghong; Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe 39 2020 Coincidence degree and periodic solutions of Duffing equations. Zbl 0931.34048 Ma, Shiwang; Wang, Zhicheng; Yu, Jianshe 39 1998 Stability theorem for delay differential equations with impulses. Zbl 0853.34068 Yu, J. S.; Zhang, B. G. 37 1996 Asymptotic stability for a linear difference equation with variable delay. Zbl 0933.39009 Yu, J. S. 37 1998 On the existence of positive solutions of fourth-order difference equations. Zbl 1068.39008 He, Zhimin; Yu, Jianshe 37 2005 Nontrivial solutions for Schrödinger equation with local super-quadratic conditions. Zbl 1414.35062 Tang, Xianhua; Lin, Xiaoyan; Yu, Jianshe 36 2019 Oscillations of delay difference equations with oscillating coefficients. Zbl 0787.39004 Yu, J. S.; Zhang, B. G.; Qian, X. Z. 35 1993 Some further results on oscillation of neutral differential equations. Zbl 0729.34051 Yu, Jianshe; Wang, Zhicheng 35 1992 Oscillation of delay difference equations. Zbl 0729.39003 Yu, J. S.; Zhang, B. G.; Wang, Z. C. 35 1994 One discrete dynamical model on the Wolbachia infection frequency in mosquito populations. Zbl 1497.92333 Zheng, Bo; Li, Jia; Yu, Jianshe 34 2022 Solvability of multi-point boundary value problem at resonance. III. Zbl 1054.34033 Liu, Bing; Yu, Jianshe 33 2002 Existence of solution of \(m\)-point boundary value problems of second-order differential systems with impulses. Zbl 1032.34024 Liu, Bing; Yu, Jianshe 32 2002 Applications of critical point theory to difference equations. Zbl 1067.39007 Guo, Zhiming; Yu, Jianshe 31 2004 Asymptotic stability for scalar delay differential equations. Zbl 0930.34056 So, Joseph W.-H.; Yu, J. S.; Chen, Ming-Po 30 1996 Global stability in a logistic equation with piecewise constant arguments. Zbl 0833.34075 So, Joseph W.-H.; Yu, J. S. 29 1995 A stage structured model of delay differential equations for Aedes mosquito population suppression. Zbl 1435.92075 Huang, Mugen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 29 2020 The persistence of nonoscillatory solutions of delay differential equations under impulsive perturbations. Zbl 0806.34060 Chen, Ming-Po; Yu, J. S.; Shen, J. H. 28 1994 A delay suppression model with sterile mosquitoes release period equal to wild larvae maturation period. Zbl 1489.34120 Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 28 2022 Existence of periodic solutions for fourth-order difference equations. Zbl 1086.39002 Cai, Xiaochun; Yu, Jianshe; Guo, Zhiming 28 2005 Periodic solutions of a \(2n\)th-order nonlinear difference equation. Zbl 1232.39019 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe; Chen, Yuming 27 2010 Periodic boundary value problem for first-order impulsive ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1016.34023 He, Zhimin; Yu, Jianshe 27 2002 Existence and stability of periodic solutions in a mosquito population suppression model with time delay. Zbl 1492.34085 Zheng, Bo; Li, Jia; Yu, Jianshe 25 2022 Solvability of multi-point boundary value problems at resonance. I. Zbl 1021.34013 Liu, Bing; Yu, Jianshe 25 2002 Oscillation and nonoscillation of neutral difference equations with positive and negative coefficients. Zbl 0958.39016 Tang, X. H.; Yu, J. S.; Peng, D. H. 25 2000 On the stability and uniform persistence of a discrete model of Nicholson’s blowflies. Zbl 0834.39009 So, Joseph W.-H.; Yu, J. S. 25 1995 Periodic solutions of a discrete Hamiltonian system with a change of sign in the potential. Zbl 1106.39022 Yu, Jianshe; Deng, Xiaoqing; Guo, Zhiming 25 2006 Nontrivial periodic solutions for asymptotically linear resonant difference problem. Zbl 1103.39005 Bin, Hong-Hua; Yu, Jian-She; Guo, Zhi-Ming 24 2006 Homoclinic orbits for nonlinear difference equations containing both advance and retardation. Zbl 1160.39311 Yu, Jianshe; Shi, Haiping; Guo, Zhiming 23 2009 Asymptotic behavior and oscillation in neutral delay difference equations. Zbl 0808.34083 Yu, J. S.; Wang, Z. C. 23 1994 Existence of periodic solutions for a \(2n\)th-order nonlinear difference equation. Zbl 1153.39302 Cai, Xiaochun; Yu, Jianshe 23 2007 An abstract existence theorem at resonance and its applications. Zbl 0940.34056 Ma, Shiwang; Wang, Zhicheng; Yu, Jianshe 23 1998 A further result on the oscillation of delay difference equations. Zbl 0976.39005 Tang, X. H.; Yu, J. S. 23 1999 A stability criterion for a neutral difference equation with delay. Zbl 0812.39004 Yu, Jian-She; Cheng, Sui-Sun 22 1994 Boundary value problems of discrete generalized Emden-Fowler equation. Zbl 1117.39014 Yu, Jianshe; Guo, Zhiming 22 2006 Oscillation and nonoscillation of neutral delay differential equations. Zbl 0729.34052 Yu, Jianshe; Wang, Zhicheng; Qian, Chuanxi 21 1992 Multiplicity results on period solutions to higher dimensional differential equations with multiple delays. Zbl 1243.34101 Guo, Zhiming; Yu, Jianshe 21 2011 Use of age-stage structural models to seek optimal Wolbachia-infected male mosquito releases for mosquito-borne disease control. Zbl 1412.92180 Zheng, Bo; Liu, Xiaoping; Tang, Moxun; Xi, Zhiyong; Yu, Jianshe 21 2019 Stage-structured models for interactive wild and periodically and impulsively released sterile mosquitoes. Zbl 1500.34035 Ai, Shangbing; Li, Jia; Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 20 2022 Discrete-time models for interactive wild and sterile mosquitoes with general time steps. Zbl 1489.37111 Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 20 2022 On the uniform stability for a ”food-limited” population model with time delay. Zbl 0844.34079 So, Joseph W.-H.; Yu, J. S. 20 1995 Stability analysis of a reaction-diffusion equation with spatiotemporal delay and Dirichlet boundary condition. Zbl 1350.35026 Chen, Shanshan; Yu, Jianshe 20 2016 Multiplicity results for periodic solutions to second-order difference equations. Zbl 1109.39007 Guo, Zhiming; Yu, Jianshe 20 2006 The existence of periodic and subharmonic solutions to subquadratic discrete Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1081.39019 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe; Guo, Zhiming 19 2005 On the existence of solution for the periodic boundary value problems with p-Laplacian operator. Zbl 1050.34012 Liu, Bin; Yu, Jianshe 19 2003 Multiple periodic solutions for discrete Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1115.39017 Yu, Jianshe; Bin, Honghua; Guo, Zhiming 19 2007 Global attractivity for a population model with time delay. Zbl 0844.34080 So, Joseph W.-H.; Yu, J. S. 18 1995 Oscillation in first order neutral differential equations with ”integrally small” coefficients. Zbl 0814.34062 Yu, J. S.; Yan, Jurang 18 1994 Existence of multiple positive periodic solutions for nonlinear functional difference equations. Zbl 1070.39019 Ma, Manjun; Yu, Jianshe 18 2005 Oscillation in neutral delay difference equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 0819.39004 Chen, M.-P.; Lalli, B. S.; Yu, J. S. 17 1995 Linearized oscillation theorems for certain nonlinear delay partial difference equations. Zbl 0907.39017 Zhang, B. G.; Yu, J. S. 17 1998 Existence theorems of periodic solutions for second-order nonlinear difference equations. Zbl 1146.39006 Cai, Xiaochun; Yu, Jianshe 17 2008 A delayed differential equation model for mosquito population suppression with sterile mosquitoes. Zbl 1468.34112 Hui, Yuanxian; Lin, Genghong; Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 16 2020 Oscillations of delay difference equations in a critical state. Zbl 0973.39009 Tang, X. H.; Yu, J. S. 16 2000 Dynamics of a diffusive predator-prey system with a nonlinear growth rate for the predator. Zbl 1335.35114 Chen, Shanshan; Yu, Jianshe 16 2016 On the existence of asymptotically decaying positive solutions of second order neutral differential equations. Zbl 0754.34075 Zhang, B. G.; Yu, J. S. 15 1992 The impact of mating competitiveness and incomplete cytoplasmic incompatibility on Wolbachia-driven mosquito population suppression. Zbl 1497.92357 Huang, Mugen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 15 2019 Oscillations of delay difference equations. Zbl 0958.39015 Tang, X. H.; Yu, J. S. 15 2000 Wolbachia spread dynamics in multi-regimes of environmental conditions. Zbl 1406.92578 Hu, Linchao; Huang, Mugen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 15 2019 Simple paratransgenic mosquitoes models and their dynamics. Zbl 1411.34067 Li, Jia; Han, Maoan; Yu, Jianshe 15 2018 Asymptotic behavior of delay difference systems. Zbl 0998.39004 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe; Huang, Lihong 14 2001 Asymptotic behavior of solutions of neutral differential equations with positive and negative coefficients. Zbl 0844.34078 Shen, J. H.; Yu, J. S. 14 1995 Global asymptotic stability of nonautonomous mathematical ecological equations with distributed deviating arguments. Zbl 1027.34088 Luo, Jiaowan; Yu, Jianshe 14 1998 Complex Wolbachia infection dynamics in mosquitoes with imperfect maternal transmission. Zbl 1375.92075 Zheng, Bo; Guo, Wenliang; Hu, Linchao; Huang, Mugen; Yu, Jianshe 14 2018 Stability for nonlinear delay differential equations of unstable type under impulsive perturbations. Zbl 0992.34055 Yu, J. S. 13 2001 Multiple periodic solutions with minimal period 4 of the delay differential equation \(\dot x(t)=-f(t,x(t-1))\). Zbl 1270.34173 Yu, Jianshe; Xiao, Huafeng 13 2013 Homoclinic solutions of periodic discrete Schrödinger equations with local superquadratic conditions. Zbl 1491.35405 Lin, Genghong; Yu, Jianshe 13 2022 Global dynamics of a competitive system with seasonal succession and different harvesting strategies. Zbl 1530.34048 Liu, Yunfeng; Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 2 2024 Wolbachia spread dynamics in mosquito populations in cyclic environments. Zbl 1533.92249 Zheng, Bo; Yu, Jianshe 2 2024 Periodic dynamics of a single species model with seasonal Michaelis-Menten type harvesting. II: Existence of two periodic solutions. Zbl 1543.34049 Liu, Yunfeng; Feng, Xiaomei; Ruan, Shigui; Yu, Jianshe 1 2024 The effects of three release strategies on Wolbachia infection frequency in mosquito populations. Zbl 1542.92210 Shi, Yantao; Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 1 2024 Persistence or disappearance dynamics of a vector-borne disease model with climate change and distributed delay. Zbl 1546.92161 Wu, Chufen; Yu, Jianshe; Zhang, Dawei 1 2024 At most two periodic solutions for a switching Mosquito population suppression model. Zbl 1529.34051 Zheng, Bo; Yu, Jianshe 12 2023 Periodic dynamics of a single species model with seasonal Michaelis-Menten type harvesting. Zbl 1522.34072 Feng, Xiaomei; Liu, Yunfeng; Ruan, Shigui; Yu, Jianshe 7 2023 Existence and stability of periodic solutions for a mosquito suppression model with incomplete cytoplasmic incompatibility. Zbl 1517.34076 Yan, Rong; Zheng, Bo; Yu, Jianshe 5 2023 Global dynamics of a mosquito population suppression model with seasonal switching. Zbl 1521.34055 Chen, Yining; Wang, Yufeng; Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo; Zhu, Zhongcai 1 2023 Multiple symmetric periodic solutions of differential systems with distributed delay. Zbl 1541.34091 Xiao, Huafeng; Wu, Xuan; Yu, Jianshe 1 2023 Mathematical modelling and release thresholds of transgenic sterile mosquitoes. Zbl 1533.92261 Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 1 2023 Finite-time stability of Wolbachia-driven mosquitoes based on stochastic differential equations with time-varying delay. Zbl 1536.92087 Guo, Wenjuan; Yu, Jianshe 1 2023 Existence and uniqueness of periodic orbits in a discrete model on Wolbachia infection frequency. Zbl 1471.92396 Zheng, Bo; Yu, Jianshe 44 2022 One discrete dynamical model on the Wolbachia infection frequency in mosquito populations. Zbl 1497.92333 Zheng, Bo; Li, Jia; Yu, Jianshe 34 2022 A delay suppression model with sterile mosquitoes release period equal to wild larvae maturation period. Zbl 1489.34120 Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 28 2022 Existence and stability of periodic solutions in a mosquito population suppression model with time delay. Zbl 1492.34085 Zheng, Bo; Li, Jia; Yu, Jianshe 25 2022 Stage-structured models for interactive wild and periodically and impulsively released sterile mosquitoes. Zbl 1500.34035 Ai, Shangbing; Li, Jia; Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 20 2022 Discrete-time models for interactive wild and sterile mosquitoes with general time steps. Zbl 1489.37111 Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 20 2022 Homoclinic solutions of periodic discrete Schrödinger equations with local superquadratic conditions. Zbl 1491.35405 Lin, Genghong; Yu, Jianshe 13 2022 Stability and periodicity in a mosquito population suppression model composed of two sub-models. Zbl 1517.92021 Zhu, Zhongcai; Zheng, Bo; Shi, Yantao; Yan, Rong; Yu, Jianshe 13 2022 Global asymptotic stability in a non-autonomous delay mosquito population suppression model. Zbl 1478.92157 Hui, Yuanxian; Yu, Jianshe 8 2022 Existence of a ground-state and infinitely many homoclinic solutions for a periodic discrete system with sign-changing mixed nonlinearities. Zbl 1486.39023 Lin, Genghong; Yu, Jianshe 6 2022 A mosquito population suppression model by releasing Wolbachia-infected males. Zbl 1498.92318 Liu, Yunfeng; Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 3 2022 Cylindrical solutions and ground state solutions to weighted Kirchhoff equations. Zbl 1497.35237 Shen, Zupei; Yu, Jianshe 2 2022 A mosquito population replacement model consisting of two differential equations. Zbl 1486.92331 Zheng, Bo; Chang, Lijie; Yu, Jianshe 1 2022 Modeling and analysis of the implementation of the Wolbachia incompatible and sterile insect technique for mosquito population suppression. Zbl 1468.34074 Zheng, Bo; Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 51 2021 Mosquito control based on pesticides and endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia. Zbl 1466.92186 Hu, Linchao; Yang, Cui; Hui, Yuanxian; Yu, Jianshe 10 2021 Multitype bistability and long transients in a delayed spruce budworm population model. Zbl 1464.34109 Lin, Genghong; Ji, Juping; Wang, Lin; Yu, Jianshe 10 2021 Multiple solutions for weighted Kirchhoff equations involving critical Hardy-Sobolev exponent. Zbl 1466.35196 Shen, Zupei; Yu, Jianshe 6 2021 Global asymptotic stability in an interactive wild and sterile mosquito model. Zbl 1444.34103 Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 70 2020 Existence and stability of a unique and exact two periodic orbits for an interactive wild and sterile mosquito model. Zbl 1457.34084 Yu, Jianshe 50 2020 Ground state solutions of Nehari-Pankov type for Schrödinger equations with local super-quadratic conditions. Zbl 1437.35224 Tang, Xianhua; Chen, Sitong; Lin, Xiaoyan; Yu, Jianshe 48 2020 Ground state solutions of discrete asymptotically linear Schrödinger equations with bounded and non-periodic potentials. Zbl 1439.39010 Lin, Genghong; Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe 39 2020 A stage structured model of delay differential equations for Aedes mosquito population suppression. Zbl 1435.92075 Huang, Mugen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 29 2020 A delayed differential equation model for mosquito population suppression with sterile mosquitoes. Zbl 1468.34112 Hui, Yuanxian; Lin, Genghong; Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 16 2020 Dynamics for a non-autonomous predator-prey system with generalist predator. Zbl 1443.92148 Bai, Dingyong; Yu, Jianshe; Fan, Meng; Kang, Yun 12 2020 Existence of solutions for Dirichlet elliptic problems with discontinuous nonlinearity. Zbl 1440.35169 Yuan, Ziqing; Yu, Jianshe 10 2020 On positive ground state solutions for the nonlinear Kirchhoff type equations in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Zbl 1448.35229 Shen, Zupei; Yu, Jianshe 3 2020 Analytical formula and dynamic profile of mRNA distribution. Zbl 1429.92067 Jiao, Feng; Ren, Jian; Yu, Jianshe 3 2020 Existence and multiplicity of nontrivial solutions of biharmonic equations via differential inclusion. Zbl 1423.35477 Yuana, Ziqing; Yu, Jianshe 2 2020 Modeling Wolbachia infection in mosquito population via discrete dynamical models. Zbl 1536.92156 Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 64 2019 Dynamics of interactive wild and sterile mosquitoes with time delay. Zbl 1448.92260 Yu, Jianshe; Li, Jia 50 2019 The threshold infection level for Wolbachia invasion in random environments. Zbl 1406.34072 Hu, Linchao; Tang, Moxun; Wu, Zhongdao; Xi, Zhiyong; Yu, Jianshe 44 2019 Nontrivial solutions for Schrödinger equation with local super-quadratic conditions. Zbl 1414.35062 Tang, Xianhua; Lin, Xiaoyan; Yu, Jianshe 36 2019 Use of age-stage structural models to seek optimal Wolbachia-infected male mosquito releases for mosquito-borne disease control. Zbl 1412.92180 Zheng, Bo; Liu, Xiaoping; Tang, Moxun; Xi, Zhiyong; Yu, Jianshe 21 2019 The impact of mating competitiveness and incomplete cytoplasmic incompatibility on Wolbachia-driven mosquito population suppression. Zbl 1497.92357 Huang, Mugen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 15 2019 Wolbachia spread dynamics in multi-regimes of environmental conditions. Zbl 1406.92578 Hu, Linchao; Huang, Mugen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 15 2019 Homoclinic solutions of discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations with partially sublinear nonlinearities. Zbl 1417.39027 Lin, Genghong; Yu, Jianshe; Zhou, Zhan 12 2019 Sign-changing ground state solutions for discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1411.39006 Chen, Sitong; Tang, Xianhua; Yu, Jianshe 10 2019 Bounded state solutions of Kirchhoff type problems with a critical exponent in high dimension. Zbl 1401.35090 Xie, Qilin; Yu, Jianshe 9 2019 Fluctuations of mRNA distributions in multiple pathway activated transcription. Zbl 1415.92081 Lin, Genghong; Yu, Jianshe; Zhou, Zhan; Sun, Qiwen; Jiao, Feng 4 2019 Distribution profiles in gene transcription activated by the cross-talking pathway. Zbl 1420.92023 Jiao, Feng; Sun, Qiwen; Lin, Genghong; Yu, Jianshe 3 2019 The mean and noise of FPT modulated by promoter architecture in gene networks. Zbl 1421.92019 Wen, Kunwen; Huang, Lifang; Li, Qiuying; Wang, Qi; Yu, Jianshe 2 2019 Modulation of first-passage time for gene expression via asymmetric cell division. Zbl 1447.92161 Wen, Kunwen; Huang, Lifang; Wang, Qi; Yu, Jianshe 2 2019 Modeling mosquito population suppression based on delay differential equations. Zbl 1401.92171 Yu, Jianshe 86 2018 Assessing the efficiency of Wolbachia driven Aedes mosquito suppression by delay differential equations. Zbl 1400.92490 Huang, Mugen; Luo, Jiaowan; Hu, Linchao; Zheng, Bo; Yu, Jianshe 51 2018 Wolbachia spreading dynamics in mosquitoes with imperfect maternal transmission. Zbl 1392.92113 Zheng, Bo; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe; Qiu, Junxiong 48 2018 Stability and bifurcation on predator-prey systems with nonlocal prey competition. Zbl 1386.35200 Chen, Shanshan; Yu, Jianshe 42 2018 Simple paratransgenic mosquitoes models and their dynamics. Zbl 1411.34067 Li, Jia; Han, Maoan; Yu, Jianshe 15 2018 Complex Wolbachia infection dynamics in mosquitoes with imperfect maternal transmission. Zbl 1375.92075 Zheng, Bo; Guo, Wenliang; Hu, Linchao; Huang, Mugen; Yu, Jianshe 14 2018 Characterization of Wolbachia enhancing domain in mosquitoes with imperfect maternal transmission. Zbl 1447.92501 Zheng, Bo; Yu, Jianshe 8 2018 The mean and noise of stochastic gene transcription with cell division. Zbl 1406.92222 Wang, Qi; Huang, Lifang; Wen, Kunwen; Yu, Jianshe 7 2018 The dynamics of gene transcription in random environments. Zbl 1403.37096 Ren, Jian; Jiao, Feng; Sun, Qiwen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe 3 2018 Modulation of first-passage time for bursty gene expression via random signals. Zbl 1367.92035 Li, Qiuying; Huang, Lifang; Yu, Jianshe 7 2017 Monotonic dynamics of mRNA degradation by two pathways. Zbl 1448.92085 Yu, Jianshe; Liu, Xuejie 5 2017 Uniqueness of periodic solutions for delay differential equations. Zbl 1499.34361 Yu, Jianshe 1 2017 Qualitative analysis for a Wolbachia infection model with diffusion. Zbl 1344.35156 Huang, MuGen; Yu, JianShe; Hu, LinChao; Zheng, Bo 43 2016 Stability and bifurcations in a nonlocal delayed reaction-diffusion population model. Zbl 1325.35003 Chen, Shanshan; Yu, Jianshe 40 2016 Stability analysis of a reaction-diffusion equation with spatiotemporal delay and Dirichlet boundary condition. Zbl 1350.35026 Chen, Shanshan; Yu, Jianshe 20 2016 Dynamics of a diffusive predator-prey system with a nonlinear growth rate for the predator. Zbl 1335.35114 Chen, Shanshan; Yu, Jianshe 16 2016 Wolbachia infection dynamics by reaction-diffusion equations. Zbl 1337.35156 Huang, Mugen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe 56 2015 Wolbachia spread dynamics in stochastic environments. Zbl 1343.92482 Hu, Linchao; Huang, Mugen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 55 2015 Distribution modes and their corresponding parameter regions in stochastic gene transcription. Zbl 1368.92054 Jiao, Feng; Sun, Qiwen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe; Zheng, Bo 9 2015 Transcription dynamics of inducible genes modulated by negative regulations. Zbl 1350.92019 Li, Yanyan; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe 6 2015 Fundamental principles of energy consumption for gene expression. Zbl 1374.92044 Huang, Lifang; Yuan, Zhanjiang; Yu, Jianshe; Zhou, Tianshou 3 2015 Modeling Wolbachia spread in mosquitoes through delay differential equations. Zbl 1303.92124 Zheng, Bo; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe 87 2014 The nonlinear dynamics and fluctuations of mRNA levels in cross-talking pathway activated transcription. Zbl 1310.92025 Yu, Jianshe; Sun, Qiwen; Tang, Moxun 10 2014 A survey on the periodic solutions to Kaplan-Yorke type delay differential equation. I. Zbl 1313.34211 Yu, Jianshe; Guo, Zhiming 7 2014 Homoclinic solutions in periodic nonlinear difference equations with superlinear nonlinearity. Zbl 1284.39006 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jian She 40 2013 Multiple periodic solutions with minimal period 4 of the delay differential equation \(\dot x(t)=-f(t,x(t-1))\). Zbl 1270.34173 Yu, Jianshe; Xiao, Huafeng 13 2013 Distribution profiles and their dynamic transition in stochastic gene transcription. Zbl 1273.34066 Jiao, Feng; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe 10 2013 A note on periodic solutions of the delay differential equation \(x'(t)=-f(x(t-1))\). Zbl 1271.34070 Yu, Jianshe 8 2013 The mean and noise of protein numbers in stochastic gene expression. Zbl 1402.92180 Kuang, Juhong; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe 8 2013 Multiplicity of periodic solutions to symmetric delay differential equations. Zbl 1288.47052 Krawcewicz, Wieslaw; Yu, Jianshe; Xiao, Huafeng 4 2013 Modulation of gene transcription noise by competing transcription factors. Zbl 1284.92029 Sun, Qiwen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe 8 2012 Temporal profile of gene transcription noise modulated by cross-talking signal transduction pathways. Zbl 1238.92011 Sun, Qiwen; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe 7 2012 Homoclinic solutions in periodic difference equations with saturable nonlinearity. Zbl 1239.39010 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe; Chen, Yuming 86 2011 Multiplicity results on period solutions to higher dimensional differential equations with multiple delays. Zbl 1243.34101 Guo, Zhiming; Yu, Jianshe 21 2011 Heteroclinic orbits for a discrete pendulum equation. Zbl 1232.39010 Xiao, Huafeng; Yu, Jianshe 9 2011 On the existence of homoclinic solutions of a class of discrete nonlinear periodic systems. Zbl 1200.39001 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe 76 2010 On the existence of gap solitons in a periodic discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation with saturable nonlinearity. Zbl 1193.35176 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe; Chen, Yuming 51 2010 Periodic solutions of a \(2n\)th-order nonlinear difference equation. Zbl 1232.39019 Zhou, Zhan; Yu, Jianshe; Chen, Yuming 27 2010 Homoclinic orbits for nonlinear difference equations containing both advance and retardation. Zbl 1160.39311 Yu, Jianshe; Shi, Haiping; Guo, Zhiming 23 2009 Multiple positive solutions for resonant difference equations. Zbl 1171.39303 Zhu, Benshi; Yu, Jianshe 12 2009 The minimal period problem for the classical forced pendulum equation. Zbl 1179.34038 Yu, Jianshe 8 2009 Random dynamics of gene transcription activation in single cells. Zbl 1180.92025 Felmer, Patricio L.; Quaas, Alexander; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe 6 2009 Existence theorems of periodic solutions for second-order nonlinear difference equations. Zbl 1146.39006 Cai, Xiaochun; Yu, Jianshe 17 2008 Subharmonic solutions with prescribed minimal period of a class of nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1361.34041 Yu, Jianshe 12 2008 Monotonicity properties for ground states of the scalar field equation. Zbl 1136.35032 Felmer, Patricio L.; Quaas, Alexander; Tang, Moxun; Yu, Jianshe 10 2008 Multiplicity of periodic solutions for second-order discrete Hamiltonian systems with a small forcing term. Zbl 1180.39024 Yu, Jian-She; Zheng, Bo 8 2008 ...and 175 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,785 Authors 139 Yu, Jian-She 89 Tang, Xianhua 63 Zhou, Zhan 55 Ge, Weigao 52 Shi, Haiping 46 Zheng, Bo 39 Shen, Jianhua 32 Liu, Xia 31 Braverman, Elena 31 Guo, Zhiming 29 Chatzarakis, George E. 29 Liu, Yuji 29 Yan, Jurang 29 Zhang, Yuanbiao 28 Zhang, Binggen 26 Berezansky, Leonid M. 25 Stavroulakis, Ioannis P. 23 Chen, Guanwei 22 Saker, Samir H. 21 Huang, Lihong 21 Long, Yuhua 21 Wei, Junjie 20 Chen, Peng 20 Chen, Sitong 19 Lu, Shiping 19 Xiao, Huafeng 18 Song, Yongli 18 Zhou, Yong 17 Karpuz, Başak 17 Li, Jia 17 Luo, Zhiguo 16 Deng, Xiaoqing 16 Ma, Shiwang 15 Lin, Genghong 15 Lin, Xiaoyan 15 Ma, Ruyun 14 Ocalan, Ozkan 14 Tang, Moxun 14 Wang, Zhi-Cheng 13 Hu, Linchao 12 Agarwal, Ravi P. 12 Feng, Meiqiang 12 Muroya, Yoshiaki 12 Zhang, Qinqin 11 Cheng, Sui Sun 11 Galewski, Marek 11 Huang, Mugen 11 Shi, Junping 11 Wang, Lin 11 Zhou, Tao 10 Chen, Shanshan 10 Du, Zengji 10 Liu, Wenbin 10 Sun, Qiwen 10 Wang, Hao 10 Wu, Hongwu 10 Xie, Qilin 10 Zhang, Guang 10 Zhang, Xiaosheng 9 He, Tieshan 9 Jiang, Daqing 9 Jiao, Feng 9 Kang, Shin Min 9 Liu, Yunfeng 9 Rădulescu, Vicenţiu D. 9 Wang, Qiru 9 Wang, Xiaoping 9 Zou, Xingfu 8 Alzabut, Jehad O. 8 Chen, Yuming 8 Graef, John R. 8 Guo, Shangjiang 8 Hui, Yuanxian 8 Jadlovská, Irena 8 Jankowski, Tadeusz 8 Kong, Lingju 8 Liao, Fangfang 8 Liu, Jinsheng 8 Liu, Shutang 8 Liu, Zeqing 8 O’Regan, Donal 8 Ouaro, Stanislas 8 Rath, Radhanath N. 8 Shi, Qingyan 8 Wang, Xiao 8 Xu, Yuantong 8 Zhang, Qiongfen 8 Zhang, Xingyong 8 Zhang, Xuemei 7 Attia, Emad R. 7 Bin, Honghua 7 El-Morshedy, Hassan A. 7 Faria, Teresa 7 Han, Maoan 7 Heidarkhani, Shapour 7 Huang, Mingzhan 7 Kuang, Juhong 7 Li, Lin 7 Li, Yongkun 7 Liu, Shouzong ...and 1,685 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 219 Serials 140 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 120 Applied Mathematics and Computation 116 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 104 Advances in Difference Equations 78 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 75 Applied Mathematics Letters 71 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 58 Abstract and Applied Analysis 50 Boundary Value Problems 45 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 44 Journal of Differential Equations 41 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 37 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 32 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 30 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 30 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 28 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 24 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 23 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 20 Journal of Biological Dynamics 19 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 19 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 18 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 17 Journal of Mathematical Biology 16 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 16 International Journal of Biomathematics 14 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 14 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 13 Mathematica Slovaca 13 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 13 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 13 Open Mathematics 12 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 12 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 12 Science China. Mathematics 11 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 10 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 10 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 10 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 10 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 10 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 9 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 9 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 9 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 9 Applied Mathematical Modelling 9 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 9 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 8 Mathematical Biosciences 8 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 8 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 8 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 8 Journal of Function Spaces 7 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 7 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 7 Nonlinear Dynamics 7 AIMS Mathematics 6 Results in Mathematics 6 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. 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