Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Zemánek, Petr Co-Author Distance Author ID: zemanek.petr Published as: Zemánek, Petr; Zemanek, Petr; Zemánek, P. more...less External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 30 Publications since 2009, including 4 Additional arXiv Preprints Reviewing Activity: 64 Reviews Co-Authors: 3 Co-Authors with 17 Joint Publications 36 Co-Co-Authors Co-Authors 13 single-authored 11 Šimon Hilscher, Roman 4 Clark, Stephen L. 2 Hasil, Petr all top 5 Serials 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 2 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2 Advances in Difference Equations 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Dissertationes Mathematicae 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Mathematica Bohemica 1 Dynamic Systems and Applications 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations all top 5 Fields 21 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 16 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 10 Operator theory (47-XX) 9 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 24 Publications have been cited 157 times in 61 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for discrete symplectic systems with general linear dependence on spectral parameter. Zbl 1312.39011 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 19 2014 Limit point and limit circle classification for symplectic systems on time scales. Zbl 1334.34197 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 17 2014 On a Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for discrete symplectic systems on a half line. Zbl 1214.37034 Clark, Stephen; Zemánek, Petr 17 2010 Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for time scale symplectic systems on half line. Zbl 1217.34144 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 12 2011 Limit circle invariance for two differential systems on time scales. Zbl 1312.34142 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 11 2015 On discrete symplectic systems: associated maximal and minimal linear relations and nonhomogeneous problems. Zbl 1297.39008 Clark, Stephen L.; Zemánek, Petr 10 2015 Friedrichs extension of operators defined by linear Hamiltonian systems on unbounded interval. Zbl 1220.47028 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 9 2010 Characterization of self-adjoint extensions for discrete symplectic systems. Zbl 1381.39024 Zemánek, Petr; Clark, Stephen 8 2016 Generalized Lagrange identity for discrete symplectic systems and applications in Weyl-Titchmarsh theory. Zbl 1318.39008 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 6 2014 Weyl disks and square summable solutions for discrete symplectic systems with jointly varying endpoints. Zbl 1375.39014 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 6 2013 Time scale symplectic systems with analytic dependence on spectral parameter. Zbl 1312.34141 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 5 2015 Eigenfunctions expansion for discrete symplectic systems with general linear dependence on spectral parameter. Zbl 1467.39003 Zemánek, Petr 4 2021 A note on the equivalence between even order Sturm-Liouville equations and symplectic systems on time scales. Zbl 1348.34146 Zemánek, Petr 4 2013 New results for time reversed symplectic dynamic systems and quadratic functionals. Zbl 1324.34195 Šimon Hilscher, R.; Zemánek, Petr 4 2012 Linear operators associated with differential and difference systems: what is different? Zbl 1472.39040 Zemánek, Petr 4 2020 Principal solution in Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for second order Sturm-Liouville equation on time scales. Zbl 1413.34308 Zemanek, Petr 4 2017 Krein–von Neumann and Friedrichs extensions for second order operators on time scales. Zbl 1231.47042 Zemánek, Petr 3 2011 Trigonometric and hyperbolic systems on time scales. Zbl 1184.34089 Hilscher, R.; Zemánek, P. 3 2009 Critical second order operators on time scales. Zbl 1306.39004 Hasil, Petr; Zemánek, Petr 2 2011 Rofe-Beketov formula for symplectic systems. Zbl 1347.34142 Zemánek, Petr 2 2012 Friedrichs extension of operators defined by even order Sturm-Liouville equations on time scales. Zbl 1483.47019 Zemánek, Petr; Hasil, Petr 2 2012 On square integrable solutions and principal and antiprincipal solutions for linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1383.34043 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 2 2018 Limit point criteria for second-order Sturm-Liouville equations on time scales. Zbl 1357.34140 Zemánek, Petr 1 2016 Non-limit-circle and limit-point criteria for symplectic and linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1528.37045 Zemánek, Petr 1 2023 Non-limit-circle and limit-point criteria for symplectic and linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1528.37045 Zemánek, Petr 1 2023 Eigenfunctions expansion for discrete symplectic systems with general linear dependence on spectral parameter. Zbl 1467.39003 Zemánek, Petr 4 2021 Linear operators associated with differential and difference systems: what is different? Zbl 1472.39040 Zemánek, Petr 4 2020 On square integrable solutions and principal and antiprincipal solutions for linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1383.34043 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 2 2018 Principal solution in Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for second order Sturm-Liouville equation on time scales. Zbl 1413.34308 Zemanek, Petr 4 2017 Characterization of self-adjoint extensions for discrete symplectic systems. Zbl 1381.39024 Zemánek, Petr; Clark, Stephen 8 2016 Limit point criteria for second-order Sturm-Liouville equations on time scales. Zbl 1357.34140 Zemánek, Petr 1 2016 Limit circle invariance for two differential systems on time scales. Zbl 1312.34142 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 11 2015 On discrete symplectic systems: associated maximal and minimal linear relations and nonhomogeneous problems. Zbl 1297.39008 Clark, Stephen L.; Zemánek, Petr 10 2015 Time scale symplectic systems with analytic dependence on spectral parameter. Zbl 1312.34141 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 5 2015 Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for discrete symplectic systems with general linear dependence on spectral parameter. Zbl 1312.39011 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 19 2014 Limit point and limit circle classification for symplectic systems on time scales. Zbl 1334.34197 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 17 2014 Generalized Lagrange identity for discrete symplectic systems and applications in Weyl-Titchmarsh theory. Zbl 1318.39008 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 6 2014 Weyl disks and square summable solutions for discrete symplectic systems with jointly varying endpoints. Zbl 1375.39014 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 6 2013 A note on the equivalence between even order Sturm-Liouville equations and symplectic systems on time scales. Zbl 1348.34146 Zemánek, Petr 4 2013 New results for time reversed symplectic dynamic systems and quadratic functionals. Zbl 1324.34195 Šimon Hilscher, R.; Zemánek, Petr 4 2012 Rofe-Beketov formula for symplectic systems. Zbl 1347.34142 Zemánek, Petr 2 2012 Friedrichs extension of operators defined by even order Sturm-Liouville equations on time scales. Zbl 1483.47019 Zemánek, Petr; Hasil, Petr 2 2012 Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for time scale symplectic systems on half line. Zbl 1217.34144 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 12 2011 Krein–von Neumann and Friedrichs extensions for second order operators on time scales. Zbl 1231.47042 Zemánek, Petr 3 2011 Critical second order operators on time scales. Zbl 1306.39004 Hasil, Petr; Zemánek, Petr 2 2011 On a Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for discrete symplectic systems on a half line. Zbl 1214.37034 Clark, Stephen; Zemánek, Petr 17 2010 Friedrichs extension of operators defined by linear Hamiltonian systems on unbounded interval. Zbl 1220.47028 Šimon Hilscher, Roman; Zemánek, Petr 9 2010 Trigonometric and hyperbolic systems on time scales. Zbl 1184.34089 Hilscher, R.; Zemánek, P. 3 2009 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 55 Authors 17 Zemánek, Petr 15 Šimon Hilscher, Roman 5 Šepitka, Peter 4 Ugurlu, Ekin 3 Clark, Stephen L. 3 Ozkan, Ahmet Sinan 3 Sun, Huaqing 3 Zheng, Zhaowen 2 Bairamov, Elgiz 2 Dřímalová, Iva 2 Jekl, Jan 2 Kong, Qingkai 2 Qi, Jiangang 2 Ren, Guojing 2 Sakhnovich, Alexander L. 2 Shao, Jing 2 Yang, Chen 1 Acharya, Keshav Raj 1 Adalar, Ibrahim 1 Allahverdiev, Bilender Paşaoğlu 1 Ao, Jijun 1 Cuchta, Tom 1 Ding, Xiaohua 1 Elyseeva, Julia V. 1 Feng, Yuan 1 Fritzsche, Bernd 1 Gao, Wei 1 Grow, David E. 1 Hardy, Yorick 1 Hasil, Petr 1 Huang, Tingwen 1 Kirstein, Bernd 1 Li, Meng-lei 1 Liao, Cuicui 1 Liu, Yan 1 Mcbride, Matt 1 Mugnolo, Delio 1 Núñez Jiménez, Carmen 1 Obaya, Rafael 1 Roitberg, Inna Ya. 1 Shi, Yuming 1 Stewart, Mark G. 1 Sun, Shurong 1 Tuna, Hüseyin 1 Wang, Lingyu 1 Wintz, Nick 1 Wu, Di 1 Xiao, Qiang 1 Xie, Bing 1 Xu, Meiru 1 Zeidan, Vera Michel 1 Zhang, Chao 1 Zhang, Haiyan Henry 1 Zhu, Hao 1 Zinsou, Bertin all top 5 Cited in 27 Serials 7 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 6 Advances in Difference Equations 5 Applied Mathematics and Computation 5 Mathematische Nachrichten 4 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 3 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 2 Journal of Differential Equations 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2 Differential Equations and Applications 2 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 Inverse Problems 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Dissertationes Mathematicae 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 Computational Methods and Function Theory 1 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 1 São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Annals of Functional Analysis 1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 1 Open Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 16 Fields 45 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 23 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 20 Operator theory (47-XX) 15 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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