Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Zhang, Jiapeng Co-Author Distance Author ID: zhang.jiapeng Published as: Zhang, Jiapeng Documents Indexed: 31 Publications since 1992, including 2 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 24 Co-Authors with 24 Joint Publications 809 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 1 single-authored 13 Lovett, Shachar 4 Wu, Kewen 3 Mao, Xinyu 3 Mazor, Noam 3 Rajagopal, Kumbakonam Ramamani 2 Alweiss, Ryan 2 Batra, Romesh C. 2 Li, Qian 2 Li, Xin 1 Chen, Yi-Hsiu 1 Göös, Mika 1 Guo, Siyao 1 He, Kun 1 Huang, Mi-Ying 1 Liu, Qipeng 1 Meka, Raghu 1 Mertz, Ian 1 Mukherjee, Chandra Sekhar 1 Pitassi, Toniann 1 Solomon, Noam 1 Sun, Xiaoming 1 Tal, Avishay 1 Tang, Bo 1 Vadhan, Salil P. 1 Wang, Liwei 1 Wineman, Alan S. 1 Yang, Guangxu 1 Yao, Yiyu all top 5 Serials 2 Acta Mechanica 2 International Journal of Engineering Science 1 Bulletin of the Technical University of Istanbul 1 Journal of Cryptology 1 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 1 Journal of the ACM 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Science China. Information Sciences 1 Theory of Computing all top 5 Fields 16 Computer science (68-XX) 9 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 18 Publications have been cited 92 times in 73 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Improved bounds for the sunflower lemma. Zbl 07298275 Alweiss, Ryan; Lovett, Shachar; Wu, Kewen; Zhang, Jiapeng 23 2020 Improved bounds for the sunflower lemma. Zbl 1479.05343 Alweiss, Ryan; Lovett, Shachar; Wu, Kewen; Zhang, Jiapeng 22 2021 Some inhomogeneous motions and deformations within the context of a non- linear elastic solid. Zbl 0756.73021 Zhang, J. P.; Rajagopal, K. R. 11 1992 Interpreting fuzzy membership functions in the theory of rough sets. Zbl 1013.03064 Yao, Y. Y.; Zhang, J. P. 8 2001 DNF sparsification beyond sunflowers. Zbl 1433.68176 Lovett, Shachar; Zhang, Jiapeng 8 2019 On the impossibility of entropy reversal, and its application to zero-knowledge proofs. Zbl 1410.94095 Lovett, Shachar; Zhang, Jiapeng 6 2017 From DNF compression to sunflower theorems via regularity. Zbl 07564405 Lovett, Shachar; Solomon, Noam; Zhang, Jiapeng 6 2019 Sunflowers and quasi-sunflowers from randomness extractors. Zbl 1522.05436 Li, Xin; Lovett, Shachar; Zhang, Jiapeng 5 2018 Improved noisy population recovery, and reverse Bonami-Beckner inequality for sparse functions. Zbl 1321.68317 Lovett, Shachar; Zhang, Jiapeng 4 2015 Unifying presampling via concentration bounds. Zbl 1512.94085 Guo, Siyao; Li, Qian; Liu, Qipeng; Zhang, Jiapeng 4 2021 Secondary deformation due to axial shearing of a cylinder of non-circular cross-section. Zbl 0775.73190 Rajagopal, K. R.; Zhang, J. P. 4 1992 Decision list compression by mild random restrictions. Zbl 07298245 Lovett, Shachar; Wu, Kewen; Zhang, Jiapeng 3 2020 Simple constructions from (almost) regular one-way functions. Zbl 1511.94134 Mazor, Noam; Zhang, Jiapeng 3 2021 Quantum Lovász local lemma: Shearer’s bound is tight. Zbl 1433.68148 He, Kun; Li, Qian; Sun, Xiaoming; Zhang, Jiapeng 3 2019 Barriers to black-box constructions of traitor tracing systems. Zbl 1410.94109 Tang, Bo; Zhang, Jiapeng 2 2017 The robust sensitivity of Boolean functions. Zbl 1403.68083 Lovett, Shachar; Tal, Avishay; Zhang, Jiapeng 1 2018 Lifting with sunflowers. Zbl 07829336 Lovett, Shachar; Meka, Raghu; Mertz, Ian; Pitassi, Toniann; Zhang, Jiapeng 1 2022 A tight lower bound for entropy flattening. Zbl 1441.68069 Chen, Yi-Hsiu; Göös, Mika; Vadhan, Salil P.; Zhang, Jiapeng 1 2018 Lifting with sunflowers. Zbl 07829336 Lovett, Shachar; Meka, Raghu; Mertz, Ian; Pitassi, Toniann; Zhang, Jiapeng 1 2022 Improved bounds for the sunflower lemma. Zbl 1479.05343 Alweiss, Ryan; Lovett, Shachar; Wu, Kewen; Zhang, Jiapeng 22 2021 Unifying presampling via concentration bounds. Zbl 1512.94085 Guo, Siyao; Li, Qian; Liu, Qipeng; Zhang, Jiapeng 4 2021 Simple constructions from (almost) regular one-way functions. Zbl 1511.94134 Mazor, Noam; Zhang, Jiapeng 3 2021 Improved bounds for the sunflower lemma. Zbl 07298275 Alweiss, Ryan; Lovett, Shachar; Wu, Kewen; Zhang, Jiapeng 23 2020 Decision list compression by mild random restrictions. Zbl 07298245 Lovett, Shachar; Wu, Kewen; Zhang, Jiapeng 3 2020 DNF sparsification beyond sunflowers. Zbl 1433.68176 Lovett, Shachar; Zhang, Jiapeng 8 2019 From DNF compression to sunflower theorems via regularity. Zbl 07564405 Lovett, Shachar; Solomon, Noam; Zhang, Jiapeng 6 2019 Quantum Lovász local lemma: Shearer’s bound is tight. Zbl 1433.68148 He, Kun; Li, Qian; Sun, Xiaoming; Zhang, Jiapeng 3 2019 Sunflowers and quasi-sunflowers from randomness extractors. Zbl 1522.05436 Li, Xin; Lovett, Shachar; Zhang, Jiapeng 5 2018 The robust sensitivity of Boolean functions. Zbl 1403.68083 Lovett, Shachar; Tal, Avishay; Zhang, Jiapeng 1 2018 A tight lower bound for entropy flattening. Zbl 1441.68069 Chen, Yi-Hsiu; Göös, Mika; Vadhan, Salil P.; Zhang, Jiapeng 1 2018 On the impossibility of entropy reversal, and its application to zero-knowledge proofs. Zbl 1410.94095 Lovett, Shachar; Zhang, Jiapeng 6 2017 Barriers to black-box constructions of traitor tracing systems. Zbl 1410.94109 Tang, Bo; Zhang, Jiapeng 2 2017 Improved noisy population recovery, and reverse Bonami-Beckner inequality for sparse functions. Zbl 1321.68317 Lovett, Shachar; Zhang, Jiapeng 4 2015 Interpreting fuzzy membership functions in the theory of rough sets. Zbl 1013.03064 Yao, Y. Y.; Zhang, J. P. 8 2001 Some inhomogeneous motions and deformations within the context of a non- linear elastic solid. Zbl 0756.73021 Zhang, J. P.; Rajagopal, K. R. 11 1992 Secondary deformation due to axial shearing of a cylinder of non-circular cross-section. Zbl 0775.73190 Rajagopal, K. R.; Zhang, J. P. 4 1992 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 148 Authors 7 Zhang, Jiapeng 5 Lovett, Shachar 4 Bell, Tolson H. 3 Frankl, Péter 3 Lifshitz, Noam 3 Liu, Qipeng 3 Sudakov, Benny 3 Wood, David Ronald 3 Wu, Kewen 2 Akshima 2 Alon, Noga 2 Alweiss, Ryan 2 Bucić, Matija 2 Chizewer, Jeremy 2 De, Anindya K. 2 Frieze, Alan Michael 2 Guo, Siyao 2 Huynh, Tony 2 Kahn, Jeff D. 2 Keevash, Peter 2 Keller, Nathan 2 Minzer, Dor 2 Pach, János 2 Palmer, Cory T. 2 Park, Jinyoung 2 Servedio, Rocco A. 2 Vadhan, Salil P. 2 Vasudevan, Prashant Nalini 2 Wigderson, Avi 1 Aharoni, Ron 1 Aldi, Marco 1 Allender, Eric W. 1 Asadi, Vahid R. 1 Atserias, Albert 1 Balogh, József 1 Ban, Frank 1 Berman, Itay 1 Bouland, Adam 1 Bradač, Domagoj 1 Briggs, Joseph 1 Bürgisser, Peter 1 Cao, Shujiao 1 Cavalar, Bruno Pasqualotto 1 Chattopadhyay, Arkadev 1 Chen, Lijie 1 Chen, Xi 1 Chen, Yi-Hsiu 1 Chueluecha, Suchakree 1 Dahiya, Yogesh 1 Daskalakis, Constantinos 1 de Beaudrap, Niel 1 Degwekar, Akshay 1 Dinur, Irit 1 Dixon, Peter B. 1 Draganić, Nemanja 1 Eldan, Ronen 1 Ellis, David Christopher 1 Fox, Jacob 1 Frankston, Keith 1 Gayen, Sutanu 1 Gharibian, Sevag 1 Ghoshal, Suprovat 1 Girão, António 1 Golovnev, Alexander 1 Göös, Mika 1 Gouwar, John 1 Gupta, Anupam 1 Gur, Tom 1 Guruswami, Venkatesan 1 Haitner, Iftach 1 Harris, David G. 1 Hatami, Pooya 1 He, Kun 1 Hirahara, Shuichi 1 Holden, Dhiraj 1 Holzman, Ron 1 Hoza, William M. 1 Illingworth, Freddie 1 Joret, Gwenaël 1 Kamath, Gautam 1 Kelley, Zander 1 Kim, Jinha 1 Kim, Minki 1 Kothari, Pravesh K. 1 Kowalczyk, Lucas 1 Krivelevich, Michael 1 Kumar, Mrinal 1 Kwon, O. joung 1 Lee, Euiwoong 1 Lemons, Nathan 1 Li, Jason 1 Li, Qian 1 Long, Eoin 1 Magnan, Van 1 Mahajan, Meena 1 Malkin, Tal 1 Mande, Nikhil S. 1 Manohar, Peter 1 Mao, Xinyu 1 Marbach, Trent Gregory ...and 48 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 33 Serials 4 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 4 Oberwolfach Reports 3 Journal of Graph Theory 3 European Journal of Combinatorics 3 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2 Discrete Mathematics 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Combinatorica 2 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 1 Mathematika 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 SIAM Journal on Computing 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Graphs and Combinatorics 1 Algorithmica 1 Journal of Cryptology 1 Machine Learning 1 Random Structures & Algorithms 1 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Quantum Information Processing 1 Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science 1 Theory of Computing 1 Discrete Analysis all top 5 Cited in 18 Fields 38 Combinatorics (05-XX) 31 Computer science (68-XX) 13 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Citations by Year