Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Zowe, Jochem Co-Author Distance Author ID: zowe.jochem Published as: Zowe, J.; Zowe, Jochem; Zowe, Jochen more...less Documents Indexed: 56 Publications since 1973, including 1 Book 3 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 26 Co-Authors with 42 Joint Publications 715 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 17 single-authored 13 Kočvara, Michal 11 Ben-Tal, Aharon 7 Lemaréchal, Claude 4 Outrata, Jiří V. 3 Flåm, Sjur Didrik 3 Jarre, Florian 3 Maurer, Helmut 3 Nemirovski, Arkadi S. 2 Achtziger, Wolfgang 2 Bendsøe, Martin Philip 2 Demyanov, Vladimir Fedorovich 2 Schramm, Helga 1 Eiger, Gideon 1 Hiriart-Urruty, Jean-Baptiste 1 Hoffmann, Karl-Heinz 1 Hörnlein, H. R. E. M. 1 Kirsch, Uri 1 Kovara, M. 1 Krabs, Werner 1 Kurcyusz, Stanislaw 1 Lempio, Frank 1 Melman, Aaron 1 Oberndorfer, Joachim 1 Stingl, Michael 1 Teboulle, Marc 1 Zibulesvky, Michael all top 5 Serials 4 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 4 Optimization 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 SIAM Journal on Optimization 2 American Mathematical Monthly 2 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2 Mathematical Programming 2 Mathematica Scandinavica 2 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 BIT 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 Mathematical Programming Study 1 Numerische Mathematik 1 OR Spektrum 1 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 1 IMPACT of Computing in Science and Engineering 1 SIAM Review 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Documenta Mathematica 1 Optimization and Engineering 1 Oberwolfach Reports 1 ISNM. International Series of Numerical Mathematics 1 Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 1 Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications all top 5 Fields 47 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 20 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 14 Functional analysis (46-XX) 13 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 10 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 49 Publications have been cited 1,607 times in 1,312 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Nonsmooth approach to optimization problems with equilibrium constraints. Theory, applications and numerical results. Zbl 0947.90093 Outrata, Jiři; Kočvara, Michal; Zowe, Jochem 293 1998 Regularity and stability for the mathematical programming problem in Banach spaces. Zbl 0401.90104 Zowe, J.; Kurcyusz, S. 223 1979 A version of the bundle idea for minimizing a nonsmooth function: Conceptual idea, convergence analysis, numerical results. Zbl 0761.90090 Schramm, Helga; Zowe, Jochem 187 1992 First and second-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for infinite-dimensional programming problems. Zbl 0398.90109 Maurer, H.; Zowe, J. 130 1979 A unified theory of first and second order conditions for extremum problems in topological vector spaces. Zbl 0494.49020 Ben-Tal, A.; Zowe, J. 90 1982 Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for a class of nonsmooth minimization problems. Zbl 0488.90059 Ben-Tal, A.; Zowe, J. 78 1982 Technical note: Directional derivatives in nonsmooth optimization. Zbl 0556.90074 Ben-Tal, A.; Zowe, J. 49 1985 A duality theorem for a convex programming problem in order complete vector lattices. Zbl 0314.90079 Zowe, Jochem 43 1975 A numerical approach to optimization problems with variational inequality constraints. Zbl 0835.90093 Outrata, Jiří; Zowe, Jochem 39 1995 Subdifferentiability of convex functions with values in an ordered vector space. Zbl 0288.46007 Zowe, Jochem 37 1974 Relaxed outer projections, weighted averages and convex feasibility. Zbl 0715.65038 Flåm, Sjur D.; Zowe, Jochem 31 1990 A Newton method for a class of quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0827.49007 Outrata, Jiří V.; Zowe, Jochem 30 1995 Optimal design of trusses under a nonconvex global buckling constraint. Zbl 1106.74388 Ben-Tal, Aharon; Jarre, Florian; Kočvara, Michal; Nemirovski, Arkadi; Zowe, Jochem 30 2000 Equivalent displacement based formulations for maximum strength truss topology design. Zbl 0769.73054 Achtziger, W.; Bendsøe, Martin P.; Ben-Tal, A.; Zowe, J. 29 1992 Free material optimization via mathematical programming. Zbl 0886.90145 Zowe, Jochem; Kočvara, Michal; Bendsøe, Martin P. 27 1997 Optimal truss design by interior-point methods. Zbl 0912.90231 Jarre, Florian; Kočvara, Michal; Zowe, Jochem 24 1998 Nondifferentiable optimization. Zbl 0581.90072 Zowe, J. 24 1985 The saddle point theorem of Kuhn and Tucker in ordered vector spaces. Zbl 0354.90070 Zowe, Jochem 21 1977 Accurate reanalysis of structures by a preconditioned conjugate gradient method. Zbl 1098.74736 Kirsch, Uri; Kocvara, Michal; Zowe, Jochem 16 2002 Sandwich theorems for convex operators with values in an ordered vector space. Zbl 0389.46003 Zowe, Jochem 16 1978 Free material optimization: Recent progress. Zbl 1132.74035 Kočvara, Michal; Stingl, Michael; Zowe, Jochem 14 2008 Free material design via semidefinite programming: The multiload case with contact conditions. Zbl 0969.74051 Ben-Tal, A.; Kocvara, M.; Nemirovski, A.; Zowe, J. 13 1999 Approximation to a set-valued mapping. I: A proposal. Zbl 0619.49005 Demyanov, V. F.; Lemaréchal, C.; Zowe, J. 12 1986 An iterative two-step algorithm for linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0820.65033 Kočvara, Michal; Zowe, Jochem 10 1994 The eclipsing concept to approximate a multi-valued mapping. Zbl 0743.47039 Lemaréchal, C.; Zowe, J. 10 1991 Some remarks on the construction of higher order algorithms in convex optimization. Zbl 0527.65042 Lemarechal, C.; Zowe, J. 9 1983 Curved search methods for unconstrained optimization. Zbl 0722.90071 Ben-Tal, A.; Melman, A.; Zowe, J. 9 1990 A remark on a regularity assumption for the mathematical programming problem in Banach spaces. Zbl 0362.90113 Zowe, J. 9 1978 A combination of the bundle approach and the trust region concept. Zbl 0658.90074 Schramm, H.; Zowe, J. 9 1988 A condensed introduction to bundle methods in nonsmooth optimization. Zbl 0828.90124 Lemaréchal, C.; Zowe, J. 8 1994 Second order necessary optimality conditions for semi-infinite programming problems. Zbl 0409.90076 Ben-Tal, Aharon; Teboulle, Marc; Zowe, Jochen 8 1979 Mechanical design problems with unilateral contact. Zbl 0901.73055 Kočvara, Michal; Zibulesvky, Michael; Zowe, Jochem 7 1998 The Slater condition in infinite-dimensional vector spaces. Zbl 0437.90099 Zowe, Jochem 7 1980 Second order optimality conditions for the \(L_ 1\)-minimization problem. Zbl 0566.49013 Ben-Tal, A.; Zowe, J. 7 1985 Free material design via semidefinite programming: The multiload case with contact conditions. Zbl 0984.74061 Ben-Tal, A.; Kovara, M.; Nemirovski, A.; Zowe, J. 7 2000 The BT-algorithm for minimizing a nonsmooth functional subject to linear constraints. Zbl 0735.90069 Zowe, J. 6 1989 Higher order optimality conditions. Zbl 0506.90089 Lempio, F.; Zowe, J. 5 1982 Linear maps majorized by a sublinear map. Zbl 0326.46036 Zowe, Jochem 5 1975 Optimization with nonsmooth data. Zbl 0635.90077 Zowe, J. 4 1987 A primal-dual differential method for convex programming. Zbl 0771.90077 Flåm, S.; Zowe, J. 4 1992 A nondifferentiable approach to decomposable optimization problems with an application to the design of water distribution networks. Zbl 0790.90064 Ben-Tal, A.; Eiger, G.; Outrata, J.; Zowe, J. 4 1992 Free material optimization. Zbl 0905.73043 Kočvara, Michal; Zowe, Jochem 3 1998 How mathematics can help in design of mechanical structures. Zbl 0858.73059 Kočvara, M.; Zowe, J. 3 1996 Exact penalty functions in single-stage stochastic programming. Zbl 0746.90043 Flåm, S. D.; Zowe, J. 2 1990 The open mapping theorem. Zbl 0503.46008 Zowe, Jochem 2 1982 Second-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for infinite- dimensional programming problems. Zbl 0373.90072 Maurer, H.; Zowe, J. 2 1978 Attempts to approximate a set-valued mapping. Zbl 0577.49008 Demyanov, V. F.; Lemaréchal, C.; Zowe, J. 1 1985 Free material optimization. Zbl 1037.74038 Zowe, Jochen; Kočvara, Michal 1 2003 Fenchelsche Dualitätsaussagen in endlichdimensionalen halbgeordneten Vektorräumen. Zbl 0264.90042 Zowe, J. 1 1973 Free material optimization: Recent progress. Zbl 1132.74035 Kočvara, Michal; Stingl, Michael; Zowe, Jochem 14 2008 Free material optimization. Zbl 1037.74038 Zowe, Jochen; Kočvara, Michal 1 2003 Accurate reanalysis of structures by a preconditioned conjugate gradient method. Zbl 1098.74736 Kirsch, Uri; Kocvara, Michal; Zowe, Jochem 16 2002 Optimal design of trusses under a nonconvex global buckling constraint. Zbl 1106.74388 Ben-Tal, Aharon; Jarre, Florian; Kočvara, Michal; Nemirovski, Arkadi; Zowe, Jochem 30 2000 Free material design via semidefinite programming: The multiload case with contact conditions. Zbl 0984.74061 Ben-Tal, A.; Kovara, M.; Nemirovski, A.; Zowe, J. 7 2000 Free material design via semidefinite programming: The multiload case with contact conditions. Zbl 0969.74051 Ben-Tal, A.; Kocvara, M.; Nemirovski, A.; Zowe, J. 13 1999 Nonsmooth approach to optimization problems with equilibrium constraints. Theory, applications and numerical results. Zbl 0947.90093 Outrata, Jiři; Kočvara, Michal; Zowe, Jochem 293 1998 Optimal truss design by interior-point methods. Zbl 0912.90231 Jarre, Florian; Kočvara, Michal; Zowe, Jochem 24 1998 Mechanical design problems with unilateral contact. Zbl 0901.73055 Kočvara, Michal; Zibulesvky, Michael; Zowe, Jochem 7 1998 Free material optimization. Zbl 0905.73043 Kočvara, Michal; Zowe, Jochem 3 1998 Free material optimization via mathematical programming. Zbl 0886.90145 Zowe, Jochem; Kočvara, Michal; Bendsøe, Martin P. 27 1997 How mathematics can help in design of mechanical structures. Zbl 0858.73059 Kočvara, M.; Zowe, J. 3 1996 A numerical approach to optimization problems with variational inequality constraints. Zbl 0835.90093 Outrata, Jiří; Zowe, Jochem 39 1995 A Newton method for a class of quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0827.49007 Outrata, Jiří V.; Zowe, Jochem 30 1995 An iterative two-step algorithm for linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0820.65033 Kočvara, Michal; Zowe, Jochem 10 1994 A condensed introduction to bundle methods in nonsmooth optimization. Zbl 0828.90124 Lemaréchal, C.; Zowe, J. 8 1994 A version of the bundle idea for minimizing a nonsmooth function: Conceptual idea, convergence analysis, numerical results. Zbl 0761.90090 Schramm, Helga; Zowe, Jochem 187 1992 Equivalent displacement based formulations for maximum strength truss topology design. Zbl 0769.73054 Achtziger, W.; Bendsøe, Martin P.; Ben-Tal, A.; Zowe, J. 29 1992 A primal-dual differential method for convex programming. Zbl 0771.90077 Flåm, S.; Zowe, J. 4 1992 A nondifferentiable approach to decomposable optimization problems with an application to the design of water distribution networks. Zbl 0790.90064 Ben-Tal, A.; Eiger, G.; Outrata, J.; Zowe, J. 4 1992 The eclipsing concept to approximate a multi-valued mapping. Zbl 0743.47039 Lemaréchal, C.; Zowe, J. 10 1991 Relaxed outer projections, weighted averages and convex feasibility. Zbl 0715.65038 Flåm, Sjur D.; Zowe, Jochem 31 1990 Curved search methods for unconstrained optimization. Zbl 0722.90071 Ben-Tal, A.; Melman, A.; Zowe, J. 9 1990 Exact penalty functions in single-stage stochastic programming. Zbl 0746.90043 Flåm, S. D.; Zowe, J. 2 1990 The BT-algorithm for minimizing a nonsmooth functional subject to linear constraints. Zbl 0735.90069 Zowe, J. 6 1989 A combination of the bundle approach and the trust region concept. Zbl 0658.90074 Schramm, H.; Zowe, J. 9 1988 Optimization with nonsmooth data. Zbl 0635.90077 Zowe, J. 4 1987 Approximation to a set-valued mapping. I: A proposal. Zbl 0619.49005 Demyanov, V. F.; Lemaréchal, C.; Zowe, J. 12 1986 Technical note: Directional derivatives in nonsmooth optimization. Zbl 0556.90074 Ben-Tal, A.; Zowe, J. 49 1985 Nondifferentiable optimization. Zbl 0581.90072 Zowe, J. 24 1985 Second order optimality conditions for the \(L_ 1\)-minimization problem. Zbl 0566.49013 Ben-Tal, A.; Zowe, J. 7 1985 Attempts to approximate a set-valued mapping. Zbl 0577.49008 Demyanov, V. F.; Lemaréchal, C.; Zowe, J. 1 1985 Some remarks on the construction of higher order algorithms in convex optimization. Zbl 0527.65042 Lemarechal, C.; Zowe, J. 9 1983 A unified theory of first and second order conditions for extremum problems in topological vector spaces. Zbl 0494.49020 Ben-Tal, A.; Zowe, J. 90 1982 Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for a class of nonsmooth minimization problems. Zbl 0488.90059 Ben-Tal, A.; Zowe, J. 78 1982 Higher order optimality conditions. Zbl 0506.90089 Lempio, F.; Zowe, J. 5 1982 The open mapping theorem. Zbl 0503.46008 Zowe, Jochem 2 1982 The Slater condition in infinite-dimensional vector spaces. Zbl 0437.90099 Zowe, Jochem 7 1980 Regularity and stability for the mathematical programming problem in Banach spaces. Zbl 0401.90104 Zowe, J.; Kurcyusz, S. 223 1979 First and second-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for infinite-dimensional programming problems. Zbl 0398.90109 Maurer, H.; Zowe, J. 130 1979 Second order necessary optimality conditions for semi-infinite programming problems. Zbl 0409.90076 Ben-Tal, Aharon; Teboulle, Marc; Zowe, Jochen 8 1979 Sandwich theorems for convex operators with values in an ordered vector space. Zbl 0389.46003 Zowe, Jochem 16 1978 A remark on a regularity assumption for the mathematical programming problem in Banach spaces. Zbl 0362.90113 Zowe, J. 9 1978 Second-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for infinite- dimensional programming problems. Zbl 0373.90072 Maurer, H.; Zowe, J. 2 1978 The saddle point theorem of Kuhn and Tucker in ordered vector spaces. Zbl 0354.90070 Zowe, Jochem 21 1977 A duality theorem for a convex programming problem in order complete vector lattices. Zbl 0314.90079 Zowe, Jochem 43 1975 Linear maps majorized by a sublinear map. Zbl 0326.46036 Zowe, Jochem 5 1975 Subdifferentiability of convex functions with values in an ordered vector space. Zbl 0288.46007 Zowe, Jochem 37 1974 Fenchelsche Dualitätsaussagen in endlichdimensionalen halbgeordneten Vektorräumen. Zbl 0264.90042 Zowe, J. 1 1973 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,472 Authors 26 Kanzow, Christian 26 Mehlitz, Patrick 25 Hintermüller, Michael 23 Kunisch, Karl 22 Chiou, Suh-Wen 21 Outrata, Jiří V. 18 Wachsmuth, Gerd 18 Yang, Xiaoqi 18 Ye, Jane J. 18 Zowe, Jochem 17 Kočvara, Michal 16 Dempe, Stephan 12 Mäkelä, Marko Mikael 11 Stingl, Michael 11 Zhang, Liwei 10 Gaudioso, Manlio 10 Kiwiel, Krzysztof Czesław 10 Mallea-Zepeda, Exequiel 10 Mordukhovich, Boris S. 10 Pang, Liping 10 Pastor, Karel 10 Penot, Jean-Paul 10 Tröltzsch, Fredi 9 Casas, Eduardo 9 Haslinger, Jaroslav 9 Jeyakumar, Vaithilingam 9 Karmitsa, Napsu 9 Lemaréchal, Claude 9 Lin, Guihua 9 Rendl, Franz 9 Surowiec, Thomas 9 White, Luther W. 8 Fukushima, Masao 8 Yao, Jen-Chih 8 Zhang, Jin 7 Bagirov, Adil M. 7 Bednařík, Dušan 7 Ben-Tal, Aharon 7 Borwein, Jonathan Michael 7 Facchinei, Francisco 7 Fang, Shu-Cherng 7 Huang, Xuexiang 7 Noll, Dominikus 7 Sagastizábal, Claudia A. 7 Sama, Miguel 7 Schwartz, Alexandra 7 Stolpe, Mathias 6 Ansari, Qamrul Hasan 6 Borzì, Alfio 6 Červinka, Michal 6 Colonius, Fritz 6 De los Reyes, Juan Carlos 6 Gfrerer, Helmut 6 Ginchev, Ivan G. 6 Hoheisel, Tim 6 Jian, Jinbao 6 Jiménez, Bienvenido 6 Keil, Tobias 6 Kien, Bui Trong 6 Kouri, Drew P. 6 Li, Jianling 6 Mishra, Shashi Kant 6 Nhu, Vu Huu 6 Pham Huy Dien 6 Rautenberg, Carlos N. 6 Rojas-Medar, Marko Antonio 6 Steck, Daniel Daniel 6 Villamizar-Roa, Elder Jesús 6 Wolkowicz, Henry 6 Nguyen Dong Yen 6 Zhang, Jianzhong 5 Achtziger, Wolfgang 5 Apkarian, Pierre 5 Bergounioux, Maïtine 5 Butnariu, Dan 5 Cegielski, Andrzej 5 Ceng, Lu-Chuan 5 Chaney, Robin W. 5 Chen, Zhongwen 5 Christof, Constantin 5 Ferris, Michael C. 5 Flåm, Sjur Didrik 5 Frangioni, Antonio 5 Fuduli, Antonio 5 Gadhi, Nazih Abderrazzak 5 Giallombardo, Giovanni 5 Gorokhovik, Valentin Vikent’evich 5 Guillén González, Francisco M. 5 Guo, Lei 5 Henrot, Antoine 5 Herzog, Roland 5 Hinze, Michael 5 Ito, Kazufumi 5 Ivanov, Vsevolod Ivanov 5 Izmailov, Alekseĭ F. 5 Joki, Kaisa 5 Jourani, Abderrahim 5 Lai, Hang-Chin 5 Lee, Gue Myung 5 Leugering, Günter ...and 1,372 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 208 Serials 138 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 86 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 82 Optimization 56 Computational Optimization and Applications 50 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 43 Journal of Global Optimization 42 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 40 SIAM Journal on Optimization 32 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 31 Optimization Methods & Software 30 Applied Mathematics and Computation 29 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 27 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 24 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 24 European Journal of Operational Research 23 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 23 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 18 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 18 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 17 Optimization and Engineering 14 Annals of Operations Research 14 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 11 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 10 Computers & Operations Research 9 Applicable Analysis 9 Operations Research Letters 9 Optimization Letters 8 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 8 Numerische Mathematik 8 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 8 Set-Valued Analysis 7 Kybernetika 7 Mathematical Programming 7 Applications of Mathematics 7 Numerical Algorithms 7 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 6 Applied Mathematical Modelling 6 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 6 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 5 Inverse Problems 5 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 5 Top 4 Journal of Computational Physics 4 Information Sciences 4 Mathematics of Operations Research 4 Applied Mathematics Letters 4 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 4 Journal of Convex Analysis 4 Positivity 3 Discrete Applied Mathematics 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 Systems & Control Letters 3 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 3 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 3 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 3 Computational Mechanics 3 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 3 Zeitschrift für Operations Research. Serie A: Theorie 3 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 3 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 3 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 3 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 3 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 3 Science China. Mathematics 3 Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization 3 Mathematical Control and Related Fields 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 2 Mathematics of Computation 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Automatica 2 Journal of Approximation Theory 2 Journal of Functional Analysis 2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Opsearch 2 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 2 Siberian Mathematical Journal 2 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 2 OR Spektrum 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Applied Numerical Mathematics 2 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 2 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 2 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 2 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 2 4OR 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis ...and 108 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 40 Fields 886 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 633 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 268 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 116 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 113 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 79 Functional analysis (46-XX) 64 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 58 Operator theory (47-XX) 53 Real functions (26-XX) 48 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 31 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 31 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 23 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 20 General topology (54-XX) 18 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 16 Computer science (68-XX) 16 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 10 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 9 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 9 Statistics (62-XX) 8 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 5 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year