The BibTeX interface allows using BibTeX information to find matching zbMATH entries.
BibTeX Snippet
Paste a BibTEX snippet (only one at a time) into the box on the left. Matching results are displayed in the Results area.
The BibTeX fields used for matching are author, title, journal, pages and year.
BibTeX File
Alternatively, you can upload a BibTeX file and the citation matcher will insert matching zbMATH references directly into
the file. Use the button Convert BibTeX file to upload a file, then save the returned file.
If a matching is found for an entry, the corresponding zbMATH article number is added to the entry under the key given
in the field BibTeX Key.
Matchings are only accepted if their score is at least the number given in the field Minimum Score. Sensible values
lie between 5.0 and 8.0. The lower the number, the more entries will be matched, but the higher the risk of wrong matches.