34-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) pertaining to ordinary differential equations 48
34-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to ordinary differential equations 1769
34-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to ordinary differential equations 1435
34-03 History of ordinary differential equations [Consider also classification numbers from Section 01-XX] 354
34A06 Generalized ordinary differential equations (measure-differential equations, set-valued differential equations, etc.) 144
34A12 Initial value problems, existence, uniqueness, continuous dependence and continuation of solutions to ordinary differential equations 6684
34A25 Analytical theory of ordinary differential equations: series, transformations, transforms, operational calculus, etc. [See also 44-XX] 4109
34A45 Theoretical approximation of solutions to ordinary differential equations {For numerical analysis, see 65Lxx} 4273
34Bxx Boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations {For ordinary differential operators, see 34Lxx} 36818
34B07 Linear boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations with nonlinear dependence on the spectral parameter 204
34B18 Positive solutions to nonlinear boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations 5683
34C05 Topological structure of integral curves, singular points, limit cycles of ordinary differential equations 10388
34C07 Theory of limit cycles of polynomial and analytic vector fields (existence, uniqueness, bounds, Hilbert’s 16th problem and ramifications) for ordinary differential equations 2032
34C08 Ordinary differential equations and connections with real algebraic geometry (fewnomials, desingularization, zeros of abelian integrals, etc.) 460
34C10 Oscillation theory, zeros, disconjugacy and comparison theory for ordinary differential equations 7487
34D30 Structural stability and analogous concepts of solutions to ordinary differential equations [See also 37C20] 1039
34E20 Singular perturbations, turning point theory, WKB methods for ordinary differential equations 1549
34Fxx Ordinary differential equations and systems with randomness [See also 34K50, 60H10, 93E03] 5029
34Kxx Functional-differential equations (including equations with delayed, advanced or state-dependent argument) 39531
34K12 Growth, boundedness, comparison of solutions to functional-differential equations [See also 37C35] 1020
34K17 Transformation and reduction of functional-differential equations and systems, normal forms 559
34K23 Complex (chaotic) behavior of solutions to functional-differential equations [See also 37D45] 364
34K30 Functional-differential equations in abstract spaces [See also 34Gxx, 35R09, 35R10, 47Jxx] 2762
34K60 Qualitative investigation and simulation of models involving functional-differential equations 3761
34L10 Eigenfunctions, eigenfunction expansions, completeness of eigenfunctions of ordinary differential operators 1832
34L15 Eigenvalues, estimation of eigenvalues, upper and lower bounds of ordinary differential operators 2236
34L16 Numerical approximation of eigenvalues and of other parts of the spectrum of ordinary differential operators 579
34L20 Asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues, asymptotic theory of eigenfunctions for ordinary differential operators 1268
34M15 Algebraic aspects (differential-algebraic, hypertranscendence, group-theoretical) of ordinary differential equations in the complex domain 392
34M25 Formal solutions and transform techniques for ordinary differential equations in the complex domain 308
34M30 Asymptotics and summation methods for ordinary differential equations in the complex domain 269
34M35 Singularities, monodromy and local behavior of solutions to ordinary differential equations in the complex domain, normal forms 1093
34M40 Stokes phenomena and connection problems (linear and nonlinear) for ordinary differential equations in the complex domain 404
34M50 Inverse problems (Riemann-Hilbert, inverse differential Galois, etc.) for ordinary differential equations in the complex domain 318
34M55 Painlevé and other special ordinary differential equations in the complex domain; classification, hierarchies 2146
34M60 Singular perturbation problems for ordinary differential equations in the complex domain (complex WKB, turning points, steepest descent) [See also 34E20] 301
34M65 Topological structure of trajectories of ordinary differential equations in the complex domain 3
34Nxx Dynamic equations on time scales or measure chains {For real analysis on time scales, see 26E70} 2127
34N05 Dynamic equations on time scales or measure chains {For real analysis on time scales or measure chains, see 26E70} 2120