35Qxx Partial differential equations of mathematical physics and other areas of application [See also 35J05, 35J10, 35K05, 35L05] 144913
35Q20 Boltzmann equations {For fluid mechanics, see 76P05; for statistical mechanics, see 82B40, 82C40, 82D05} 2123
35Q41 Time-dependent Schrödinger equations and Dirac equations {For quantum theory, see 81Q05; for relativity and gravitational theory, see 83A05, 83C10} 3483
35Q49 Transport equations {For calculus of variations and optimal control, see 49Q22; for fluid mechanics, see 76F25; for statistical mechanics, see 82C70, 82D75; for operations research, see 90B06; for mathematical programming, see 90C08} 489
35Q53 KdV equations (Korteweg-de Vries equations) {For dynamical systems and ergodic theory, see 37K10} 19993
35Q55 NLS equations (nonlinear Schrödinger equations) {For dynamical systems and ergodic theory, see 37K10} 17435
35Q61 Maxwell equations {For optics and electromagnetic theory, see 78A25; for relativity and gravitational theory, see 83C22} 1890
35Q76 Einstein equations {For several complex variables and analytic spaces, see 32Q40; for differential geometry, see 53C07; for relativity and gravitational theory, see 83C05, 83C25, 83D05} 360
35Q84 Fokker-Planck equations {For fluid mechanics, see 76X05, 76W05; for statistical mechanics, see 82C31} 1882
35Q89 PDEs in connection with mean field game theory {For calculus of variations and optimal control, see 49N80; for game theory, see 91A16} 155