68-XX Computer science {For papers containing software, source code, etc. in a specific mathematical area, see the classification number –04 in that area} 416725
68-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) pertaining to computer science 573
68M20 Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems [See also 60K20, 60K25, 90B22, 90B35, 90B36] 12668
68N30 Mathematical aspects of software engineering (specification, verification, metrics, requirements, etc.) 7337
68P30 Coding and information theory (compaction, compression, models of communication, encoding schemes, etc.) (aspects in computer science) [See also 94Axx, 94Bxx] 3325
68Q10 Modes of computation (nondeterministic, parallel, interactive, probabilistic, etc.) [See also 68Q85] 6608
68Q15 Complexity classes (hierarchies, relations among complexity classes, etc.) [See also 03D15, 68Q17, 68Q19] 5145
68Q17 Computational difficulty of problems (lower bounds, completeness, difficulty of approximation, etc.) [See also 68Q15] 12948
68Q80 Cellular automata (computational aspects) {For cellular automata as dynamical systems, see 37B15} 4769
68Q85 Models and methods for concurrent and distributed computing (process algebras, bisimulation, transition nets, etc.) 12382
68Q87 Probability in computer science (algorithm analysis, random structures, phase transitions, etc.) [See also 68W20, 68W40] 2266
68R10 Graph theory (including graph drawing) in computer science [See also 05Cxx, 90B10, 90C35] 27188
68T09 Computational aspects of data analysis and big data [See also 62R07] {For homological aspects, see 55N31} 961
68T20 Problem solving in the context of artificial intelligence (heuristics, search strategies, etc.) 13061
68T35 Theory of languages and software systems (knowledge-based systems, expert systems, etc.) for artificial intelligence 4659
68U03 Computational aspects of digital topology {For topological aspects, see 54H30; for homological aspects, see 55-XX} 225
68U05 Computer graphics; computational geometry (digital and algorithmic aspects) {For methods of numerical mathematics, see 65D18} 17135
68U07 Computer science aspects of computer-aided design {For methods of numerical mathematics, see 65D17} 2200
68U35 Computing methodologies for information systems (hypertext navigation, interfaces, decision support, etc.) [See also 68M11] 5348
68V05 Computer assisted proofs of proofs-by-exhaustion type {For rigorous numerics, see 65Gxx; for proofs employing automated or interactive theorem provers, see 68V15} 60
68V15 Theorem proving (automated and interactive theorem provers, deduction, resolution, etc.) [See also 03B35] 1861
68Wxx Algorithms in computer science {For numerical algorithms, see 65-XX; for combinatorics and graph theory, see 05C85, 68Rxx} 60516
68W30 Symbolic computation and algebraic computation [See also 11Yxx, 12-08, 13Pxx, 14Qxx, 16Z05, 17-08, 33F10] 12856
68W35 Hardware implementations of nonnumerical algorithms (VLSI algorithms, etc.) [See also 68M07] 923
68W50 Evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithms (computational aspects) [See also 68T05, 68T20, 90C59] 760