68-XX Computer science {For papers containing software, source code, etc. in a specific mathematical area, see the classification number –04 in that area} 412790
68Wxx Algorithms in computer science {For numerical algorithms, see 65-XX; for combinatorics and graph theory, see 05C85, 68Rxx} 59571
68W30 Symbolic computation and algebraic computation [See also 11Yxx, 12-08, 13Pxx, 14Qxx, 16Z05, 17-08, 33F10] 12689
68W35 Hardware implementations of nonnumerical algorithms (VLSI algorithms, etc.) [See also 68M07] 919
68W50 Evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithms (computational aspects) [See also 68T05, 68T20, 90C59] 729