70-XX Mechanics of particles and systems {For relativistic mechanics, see 83A05, 83C10; for statistical mechanics, see 82-XX} 76239
70-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) pertaining to mechanics of particles and systems 172
70-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to mechanics of particles and systems 1341
70-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to mechanics of particles and systems 1159
70-03 History of mechanics of particles and systems [Consider also classification numbers from Section 01-XX] 1399
70-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to mechanics of particles and systems 807
70-10 Mathematical modeling or simulation for problems pertaining to mechanics of particles and systems 92
70Gxx General models, approaches, and methods in mechanics of particles and systems [See also 37-XX] 5299
70G10 Generalized coordinates; event, impulse-energy, configuration, state, or phase space for problems in mechanics 1336
70G45 Differential geometric methods (tensors, connections, symplectic, Poisson, contact, Riemannian, nonholonomic, etc.) for problems in mechanics [See also 53Cxx, 53Dxx, 58Axx] 1981
70H06 Completely integrable systems and methods of integration for problems in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics 1478
70H12 Periodic and almost periodic solutions for problems in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics 488
70H15 Canonical and symplectic transformations for problems in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics 853
70H33 Symmetries and conservation laws, reverse symmetries, invariant manifolds and their bifurcations, reduction for problems in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics 1860
70K55 Transition to stochasticity (chaotic behavior) for nonlinear problems in mechanics [See also 37D45] 1362