58-XX Global analysis, analysis on manifolds [See also 32Cxx, 32Fxx, 32Wxx, 46-XX, 53Cxx] {For nonlinear operators, see 47Hxx; for geometric integration theory, see 49Q15} 75486
58-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) pertaining to global analysis 13
58B20 Riemannian, Finsler and other geometric structures on infinite-dimensional manifolds [See also 53C20, 53C60] 1249
58B25 Group structures and generalizations on infinite-dimensional manifolds [See also 22E65, 58D05] 502
58Dxx Spaces and manifolds of mappings (including nonlinear versions of 46Exx) [See also 46Txx, 53Cxx] 6019
58D25 Equations in function spaces; evolution equations [See also 34Gxx, 35K90, 35L90, 35R15, 37Lxx, 47Jxx] 543
58E05 Abstract critical point theory (Morse theory, Lyusternik-Shnirel’man theory, etc.) in infinite-dimensional spaces 4745
58E10 Variational problems in applications to the theory of geodesics (problems in one independent variable) 880
58E12 Variational problems concerning minimal surfaces (problems in two independent variables) [See also 49Q05] 572
58E15 Variational problems concerning extremal problems in several variables; Yang-Mills functionals [See also 81T13], etc. 965
58E17 Multiobjective variational problems, Pareto optimality, applications to economics, etc. [See also 90C29, 91Bxx] 205
58H10 Cohomology of classifying spaces for pseudogroup structures (Spencer, Gelfand-Fuks, etc.) [See also 57R32] 235
58Jxx Partial differential equations on manifolds; differential operators [See also 32Wxx, 35-XX, 53Cxx] 28791
58J72 Correspondences and other transformation methods (e.g., Lie-Bäcklund) for PDEs on manifolds [See also 35A22] 873