Applied Numerical Mathematics Short Title: Appl. Numer. Math. Publisher: Elsevier (North-Holland), Amsterdam; International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS), New Brunswick, NJ ISSN: 0168-9274 Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 4,857 Publications (since 1985) References Indexed: 4,543 Publications with 129,130 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 210 (2025) 209 (2025) 208, Part B (2025) 208, Part A (2025) 207 (2025) 206 (2024) 205 (2024) 204 (2024) 203 (2024) 202 (2024) 201 (2024) 200 (2024) 199 (2024) 198 (2024) 197 (2024) 196 (2024) 195 (2024) 194 (2023) 193 (2023) 192 (2023) 191 (2023) 190 (2023) 189 (2023) 188 (2023) 187 (2023) 186 (2023) 185 (2023) 184 (2023) 183 (2023) 182 (2022) 181 (2022) 180 (2022) 179 (2022) 178 (2022) 177 (2022) 176 (2022) 175 (2022) 174 (2022) 173 (2022) 172 (2022) 171 (2022) 170 (2021) 169 (2021) 168 (2021) 167 (2021) 166 (2021) 165 (2021) 164 (2021) 163 (2021) 162 (2021) 161 (2021) 160 (2021) 159 (2021) 158 (2020) 157 (2020) 156 (2020) 155 (2020) 154 (2020) 153 (2020) 152 (2020) 151 (2020) 150 (2020) 149 (2020) 148 (2020) 147 (2020) 146 (2019) 145 (2019) 144 (2019) 143 (2019) 142 (2019) 141 (2019) 140 (2019) 139 (2019) 138 (2019) 137 (2019) 136 (2019) 135 (2019) 134 (2018) 133 (2018) 132 (2018) 131 (2018) 130 (2018) 129 (2018) 128 (2018) 127 (2018) 126 (2018) 125 (2018) 124 (2018) 123 (2018) 122 (2017) 121 (2017) 120 (2017) 119 (2017) 118 (2017) 117 (2017) 116 (2017) 115 (2017) 114 (2017) 113 (2017) 112 (2017) ...and 302 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 42 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 33 Jackiewicz, Zdzislaw 32 Reichel, Lothar 28 Butcher, John C. 28 Weiner, Rüdiger 21 Zaky, Mahmoud A. 20 van der Houwen, Pieter J. 19 Sommeijer, Ben P. 19 Verwer, Jan G. 18 Brezinski, Claude 17 Abdi, Ali 17 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 16 Brugnano, Luigi 16 Hendy, Ahmed S. 16 Paternoster, Beatrice 15 Shi, Dongyang 15 Zhang, Chengjian 14 Baccouch, Mahboub 14 Flaherty, Joseph E. 14 Hojjati, Gholamreza 14 Jbilou, Khalide 13 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 13 Burrage, Kevin 13 D’Ambrosio, Raffaele 13 Günther, Michael 13 Li, Zi-Cai 13 Macías-Díaz, Jorge Eduardo 13 Schmitt, Bernhard A. 13 Turkel, Eli L. 12 Blanes, Sergio 12 Jorge, Juan Carlos 12 Oosterlee, Cornelis Willebrordus 12 O’Riordan, Eugene 12 Ostermann, Alexander 11 Ferreira, José Augusto 11 Lima, Pedro Miguel 11 Occorsio, Donatella 11 Podhaisky, Helmut 11 Redivo-Zaglia, Michela 10 Arnold, Martin 10 Boyd, John Philip 10 Chen, Yanping 10 Conte, Dajana 10 González-Vera, Pablo 10 in ’t Hout, Karel J. 10 Mei, Liquan 10 Nordström, Jan 10 Petzold, Linda Ruth 10 Shampine, Lawrence Fred 10 Shen, Jie 10 Shu, Chi-Wang 10 Stephan, Ernst Peter 10 Trigiante, Donato 10 Weinmüller, Ewa B. 10 Wu, Xinyuan 9 Bai, Zhongzhi 9 Berzins, Martin 9 González-Pinto, Severiano 9 Guo, Ben-Yu 9 Huang, Hung-Tsai 9 Huang, Yunqing 9 Hundsdorfer, Willem H. 9 Jimack, Peter K. 9 Li, Xiaoli 9 Mazzia, Francesca 9 Mikula, Karol 9 Pereyra, Victor 9 Roul, Pradip 9 Stynes, Martin Joseph 9 Tsynkov, Semyon V. 9 Wang, Yuanming 9 Zhang, Shangyou 9 Zhu, Peng 8 Baker, Christopher Thomas Hale 8 Brunner, Hermann 8 Calvo, M. P. 8 Cano, Begoña 8 Cao, Zhihao 8 Casas, Fernando 8 Chacón Rebollo, Tomás 8 Copetti, Maria Inês M. 8 Dumbser, Michael 8 Feldstein, Alan 8 Fernández, Jose Ramon 8 Ford, Neville J. 8 Gatica, Gabriel N. 8 He, Yinnian 8 Huang, Chengming 8 Huang, Jin 8 Huang, Qiumei 8 Jung, Jae-Hun 8 Li, Jiyong 8 Liang, Dong 8 Luo, Zhendong 8 Mao, Xuerong 8 Meister, Andreas 8 Pulch, Roland 8 Sanz-Serna, Jesús María 8 Spijker, Marc N. 8 Spitaleri, Rosa Maria ...and 6,417 more Authors all top 5 Fields 4,163 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1,628 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 736 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 661 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 284 Integral equations (45-XX) 204 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 198 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 178 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 157 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 137 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 135 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 126 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 121 Real functions (26-XX) 110 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 109 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 82 Special functions (33-XX) 77 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 68 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 68 Geophysics (86-XX) 65 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 65 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 63 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 56 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 55 Operator theory (47-XX) 54 Computer science (68-XX) 44 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 36 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 36 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 32 Quantum theory (81-XX) 25 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 24 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 23 Statistics (62-XX) 13 History and biography (01-XX) 12 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 10 Potential theory (31-XX) 9 Combinatorics (05-XX) 9 Number theory (11-XX) 9 Functional analysis (46-XX) 7 Differential geometry (53-XX) 6 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 6 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 4 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 3,997 Publications have been cited 48,150 times in 32,510 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A fully discrete difference scheme for a diffusion-wave system. Zbl 1094.65083 Sun, Zhi-Zhong; Wu, Xiaonan 766 2006 Finite difference approximations for two-sided space-fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1086.65087 Meerschaert, Mark M.; Tadjeran, Charles 521 2006 Implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta methods for time-dependent partial differential equations. Zbl 0896.65061 Ascher, Uri M.; Ruuth, Steven J.; Spiteri, Raymond J. 517 1997 Additive Runge-Kutta schemes for convection-diffusion-reaction equations. Zbl 1013.65103 Kennedy, Christopher A.; Carpenter, Mark H. 322 2003 Numerical solution of problems on unbounded domains. A review. Zbl 0939.76077 Tsynkov, Semyon V. 293 1998 Strong contractivity properties of numerical methods for ordinary and delay differential equations. Zbl 0749.65042 Bellen, A.; Zennaro, M. 281 1992 Mathematical and numerical models for coupling surface and groundwater flows. Zbl 1023.76048 Discacciati, Marco; Miglio, Edie; Quarteroni, Alfio 262 2002 BoomerAMG: A parallel algebraic multigrid solver and preconditioner. Zbl 0995.65128 Henson, Van Emden; Meier Yang, Ulrike 242 2002 Fictitious domain finite element methods using cut elements. II: A stabilized Nitsche method. Zbl 1316.65099 Burman, Erik; Hansbo, Peter 241 2012 Shock detection and limiting with discontinuous Galerkin methods for hyperbolic conservation laws. Zbl 1038.65096 Krivodonova, L.; Xin, J.; Remacle, J.-F.; Chevaugeon, N.; Flaherty, J. E. 216 2004 Parallel, adaptive finite element methods for conservation laws. Zbl 0826.65084 Biswas, Rupak; Devine, Karen D.; Flaherty, Joseph E. 214 1994 The immersed interface method using a finite element formulation. Zbl 0936.65091 Li, Zhilin 194 1998 Solving DDEs in Matlab. Zbl 0983.65079 Shampine, L. F.; Thompson, S. 180 2001 A finite difference scheme for partial integro-differential equations with a weakly singular kernel. Zbl 0768.65093 Tang, Tao 145 1993 Low-storage, explicit Runge-Kutta schemes for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0986.76060 Kennedy, Christopher A.; Carpenter, Mark H.; Lewis, R. Michael 145 2000 On large time-stepping methods for the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1118.65109 He, Yinnian; Liu, Yunxian; Tang, Tao 144 2007 Absorbing PML boundary layers for wave-like equations. Zbl 0933.35188 Turkel, E.; Yefet, A. 140 1998 Krylov subspace techniques for reduced-order modeling of large-scale dynamical systems. Zbl 1012.65136 Bai, Zhaojun 139 2002 Global FOM and GMRES algorithms for matrix equations. Zbl 0935.65024 Jbilou, K.; Messaoudi, A.; Sadok, H. 137 1999 A cut finite element method for a Stokes interface problem. Zbl 1299.76136 Hansbo, Peter; Larson, Mats G.; Zahedi, Sara 137 2014 Optimal a priori estimates for higher order finite elements for elliptic interface problems. Zbl 1208.65168 Li, Jingzhi; Melenk, Jens Markus; Wohlmuth, Barbara; Zou, Jun 127 2010 Optimization as a function of the phase-lag order of nonlinear explicit two-step \(P\)-stable method for linear periodic IVPs. Zbl 1169.65324 Stavroyiannis, S.; Simos, T. E. 124 2009 Restoring particle consistency in smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Zbl 1329.76285 Liu, M. B.; Liu, G. R. 122 2006 On a class of preconditioners for solving the Helmholtz equation. Zbl 1051.65101 Erlangga, Y. A.; Vuik, C.; Oosterlee, C. W. 121 2004 A modified quasi-boundary value method for an inverse source problem of the time-fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1282.65141 Wei, Ting; Wang, Jungang 118 2014 Some results on uniformly high-order accurate essentially nonoscillatory schemes. Zbl 0627.65101 Harten, Ami; Osher, Stanley; Engquist, Björn; Chakravarthy, Sukumar R. 115 1986 A weighted finite difference method for the fractional diffusion equation based on the Riemann-Liouville derivative. Zbl 1326.65111 Sousa, Ercília; Li, Can 112 2015 A stabilized finite element method based on local polynomial pressure projection for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1155.35406 He, Yinnian; Li, Jian 109 2008 New methods for oscillatory systems based on ARKN methods. Zbl 1096.65068 Franco, J. M. 107 2006 Linearly implicit Runge-Kutta methods for advection-reaction-diffusion equations. Zbl 0983.65106 Calvo, M. P.; de Frutos, J.; Novo, J. 106 2001 A meshless based method for solution of integral equations. Zbl 1202.65174 Mirzaei, Davoud; Dehghan, Mehdi 103 2010 An improved collocation method for multi-dimensional space-time variable-order fractional Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1353.65106 Bhrawy, A. H.; Zaky, M. A. 102 2017 Exponential Runge-Kutta methods for parabolic problems. Zbl 1070.65099 Hochbruck, Marlis; Ostermann, Alexander 100 2005 An algebraic theory for primal and dual substructuring methods by constraints. Zbl 1076.65100 Mandel, Jan; Dohrmann, Clark R.; Tezaur, Radek 99 2005 Runge-Kutta(-Nyström) methods for ODEs with periodic solutions based on trigonometric polynomials. Zbl 0927.65097 Paternoster, B. 99 1998 Efficient techniques for the second-order parabolic equation subject to nonlocal specifications. Zbl 1063.65079 Dehghan, Mehdi 98 2005 The midpoint upwind scheme. Zbl 0877.65055 Stynes, Martin; Roos, Hans-Görg 97 1997 Review of preconditioning methods for fluid dynamics. Zbl 0770.76048 Turkel, E. 95 1993 High strong order explicit Runge-Kutta methods for stochastic ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0868.65101 Burrage, K.; Burrage, P. M. 94 1996 Spectral gradient projection method for monotone nonlinear equations with convex constraints. Zbl 1183.65056 Yu, Zhensheng; Lin, Ji; Sun, Jing; Xiao, Yunhai; Liu, Liying; Li, Zhanhui 92 2009 Chebyshev tau-QZ algorithm methods for calculating spectra of hydrodynamic stability problems. Zbl 0867.76025 Dongarra, J. J.; Straughan, B.; Walker, D. W. 92 1996 High order Runge-Kutta methods on manifolds. Zbl 0934.65077 Munthe-Kaas, Hans 92 1999 On the stability of implicit-explicit linear multistep methods. Zbl 0887.65094 Frank, J.; Hundsdorfer, W.; Verwer, J. G. 91 1997 A comparative study of sparse approximate inverse preconditioners. Zbl 0949.65043 Benzi, Michele; Tuma, Miroslav 90 1999 Geometrical image segmentation by the Allen-Cahn equation. Zbl 1055.94502 Beneš, Michal; Chalupecký, Vladimír; Mikula, Karol 90 2004 Fourth-order alternating direction implicit compact finite difference schemes for two-dimensional Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1221.65220 Gao, Zhen; Xie, Shusen 89 2011 Several new numerical methods for compressible shear-layer simulations. Zbl 0804.76062 Kennedy, Christopher A.; Carpenter, Mark H. 88 1994 Analysis of a stabilized finite element approximation of the Oseen equations using orthogonal subscales. Zbl 1144.76029 Codina, Ramon 87 2008 Meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method for the unsteady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow through pipe with arbitrary wall conductivity. Zbl 1159.76034 Dehghan, Mehdi; Mirzaei, Davoud 85 2009 Discontinuous Galerkin methods for coupled flow and reactive transport problems. Zbl 1079.76584 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 84 2005 Discrete multi-resolution analysis and generalized wavelets. Zbl 0777.65004 Harten, Ami 83 1993 Diagonally-implicit multi-stage integration methods. Zbl 0773.65046 Butcher, J. C. 80 1993 Efficient and accurate spectral method using generalized Jacobi functions for solving Riesz fractional differential equations. Zbl 1382.65222 Mao, Zhiping; Chen, Sheng; Shen, Jie 80 2016 Block triangular preconditioners for symmetric saddle-point problems. Zbl 1053.65033 Simoncini, V. 80 2004 A study of orthonormal multi-wavelets. Zbl 0877.65098 Chui, Charles K.; Lian, Jian-ao 79 1996 A formulation of asymptotic and exact boundary conditions using local operators. Zbl 0924.35167 Hagstrom, Thomas; Hariharan, S. I. 78 1998 The effect of the formulation of nonlinear terms on aliasing errors in spectral methods. Zbl 0858.76060 Blaisdell, G. A.; Spyropoulos, E. T.; Qin, J. H. 78 1996 Adaptive radial basis function methods for time dependent partial differential equations. Zbl 1069.65109 Sarra, Scott A. 77 2005 Multisymplectic box schemes and the Korteweg-de Vries equation. Zbl 1038.65138 Ascher, Uri M.; McLachlan, Robert I. 77 2004 Numerical valuation of options with jumps in the underlying. Zbl 1117.91028 Almendral, Ariel; Oosterlee, Cornelis W. 77 2005 A class of discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods. III: Adaptivity. Zbl 1316.76047 Demkowicz, Leszek; Gopalakrishnan, Jay; Niemi, Antti H. 77 2012 Efficient spectral-Galerkin algorithms for direct solution of fourth-order differential equations using Jacobi polynomials. Zbl 1152.65112 Doha, Eid H.; Bhrawy, Ali H. 76 2008 Error estimates for the moving least-square approximation and the element-free Galerkin method in \(n\)-dimensional spaces. Zbl 1329.65274 Li, Xiaolin 76 2016 A trigonometrically fitted explicit Numerov-type method for second-order initial value problems with oscillating solutions. Zbl 1136.65068 Fang, Yonglei; Wu, Xinyuan 75 2008 Two regularization methods to identify a space-dependent source for the time-fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1266.65161 Wang, Jun-Gang; Zhou, Yu-Bin; Wei, Ting 74 2013 Finite volume methods, unstructured meshes and strict stability for hyperbolic problems. Zbl 1019.65066 Nordström, Jan; Forsberg, Karl; Adamsson, Carl; Eliasson, Peter 72 2003 A dimensional split preconditioner for Stokes and linearized Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1302.65074 Benzi, Michele; Guo, Xue-Ping 71 2011 Convergence analysis of finite difference approximations on equidistributed grids to a singularly perturbed boundary value problem. Zbl 0963.65086 Beckett, G.; Mackenzie, J. A. 71 2000 Generalized Jacobi polynomials/functions and their applications. 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Zbl 1168.76348 Elman, Howard C. 62 2002 Optimal implicit strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta methods. Zbl 1157.65046 Ketcheson, David I.; Macdonald, Colin B.; Gottlieb, Sigal 62 2009 Carleman estimates for the regularization of ill-posed Cauchy problems. Zbl 1325.65148 Klibanov, Michael V. 61 2015 Multistep collocation methods for Volterra integral equations. Zbl 1172.65069 Conte, D.; Paternoster, B. 60 2009 A globally convergent Newton-GMRES method for large sparse systems of nonlinear equations. Zbl 1123.65040 An, Heng-Bin; Bai, Zhong-Zhi 60 2007 Higher order accurate approximations on equidistributed meshes for boundary layer originated mixed type reaction diffusion systems with multiple scale nature. Zbl 1448.65075 Das, Pratibhamoy; Rana, Subrata; Vigo-Aguiar, Jesus 60 2020 Explicit Runge-Kutta methods for parabolic partial differential equations. Zbl 0868.65064 Verwer, J. G. 59 1996 Direct meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (DMLPG) method: A generalized MLS approximation. Zbl 1263.65118 Mirzaei, Davoud; Schaback, Robert 59 2013 An affine scaling trust-region approach to bound-constrained nonlinear systems. Zbl 1018.65067 Bellavia, Stefania; Macconi, Maria; Morini, Benedetta 59 2003 Accuracy and linear stability of RKN methods for solving second-order stiff problems. Zbl 1161.65062 Franco, J. M.; Gómez, I. 59 2009 Error estimates for the finite point method. Zbl 1145.65086 Cheng, Rongjun; Cheng, Yumin 58 2008 A nonstandard finite-difference scheme for the Lotka–Volterra system. Zbl 1025.65047 Mickens, Ronald E. 58 2003 A new Jacobi rational-Gauss collocation method for numerical solution of generalized pantograph equations. Zbl 1302.65175 Doha, E. H.; Bhrawy, A. H.; Baleanu, D.; Hafez, R. M. 58 2014 Collocation methods for terminal value problems of tempered fractional differential equations. 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A.; Podhaisky, H. 55 1997 Laguerre matrix polynomials and systems of second-order differential equations. Zbl 0821.34010 Jódar, L.; Company, R.; Navarro, E. 55 1994 A minimum entropy principle in the gas dynamics equations. Zbl 0625.76084 Tadmor, Eitan 55 1986 \(\mathcal H^2\)-matrix approximation of integral operators by interpolation. Zbl 1019.65103 Hackbusch, Wolfgang; Börm, Steffen 55 2002 Positive stable block triangular preconditioners for symmetric saddle point problems. Zbl 1118.65021 Cao, Zhi-Hao 55 2007 A uniformly convergent analysis for multiple scale parabolic singularly perturbed convection-diffusion coupled systems: optimal accuracy with less computational time. Zbl 07952203 Kumar, Shridhar; Das, Pratibhamoy 1 2025 Computation of pairs of related Gauss-type quadrature rules. Zbl 07980380 Alqahtani, H.; Borges, C. F.; Djukić, D. Lj.; Djukić, R. M. Mutavdžić; Reichel, L.; Spalević, M. 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