International Journal of Solids and Structures Short Title: Int. J. Solids Struct. Publisher: Elsevier, Amsterdam ISSN: 0020-7683 Online: Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 7,946 Publications (1965–2011) References Indexed: 1,208 Publications with 38,704 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 48, No. 11-12 (2011) 48, No. 10 (2011) 48, No. 9 (2011) 48, No. 7-8 (2011) 48, No. 6 (2011) 48, No. 5 (2011) 48, No. 3-4 (2011) 48, No. 2 (2011) 48, No. 1 (2011) 47, No. 25-26 (2010) 47, No. 24 (2010) 47, No. 22-23 (2010) 47, No. 21 (2010) 47, No. 20 (2010) 47, No. 18-19 (2010) 47, No. 17 (2010) 47, No. 16 (2010) 47, No. 14-15 (2010) 47, No. 13 (2010) 47, No. 11-12 (2010) 47, No. 10 (2010) 47, No. 9 (2010) 47, No. 7-8 (2010) 47, No. 6 (2010) 47, No. 5 (2010) 47, No. 3-4 (2010) 47, No. 2 (2010) 47, No. 1 (2010) 46, No. 25-26 (2009) 46, No. 24 (2009) 46, No. 22-23 (2009) 46, No. 21 (2009) 46, No. 20 (2009) 46, No. 18-19 (2009) 46, No. 17 (2009) 46, No. 16 (2009) 46, No. 14-15 (2009) 46, No. 13 (2009) 46, No. 11-12 (2009) 46, No. 10 (2009) 46, No. 9 (2009) 46, No. 7-8 (2009) 46, No. 6 (2009) 46, No. 5 (2009) 46, No. 3-4 (2009) 46, No. 2 (2009) 46, No. 1 (2009) 45, No. 25-26 (2008) 45, No. 24 (2008) 45, No. 22-23 (2008) 45, No. 21 (2008) 45, No. 20 (2008) 45, No. 18-19 (2008) 45, No. 17 (2008) 45, No. 16 (2008) 45, No. 14-15 (2008) 45, No. 13 (2008) 45, No. 11-12 (2008) 45, No. 10 (2008) 45, No. 9 (2008) 45, No. 7-8 (2008) 45, No. 6 (2008) 45, No. 5 (2008) 45, No. 3-4 (2008) 45, No. 2 (2008) 45, No. 1 (2008) 44, No. 25-26 (2007) 44, No. 24 (2007) 44, No. 22-23 (2007) 44, No. 21 (2007) 44, No. 20 (2007) 44, No. 18-19 (2007) 44, No. 17 (2007) 44, No. 16 (2007) 44, No. 14-15 (2007) 44, No. 13 (2007) 44, No. 11-12 (2007) 44, No. 10 (2007) 44, No. 9 (2007) 44, No. 7-8 (2007) 44, No. 6 (2007) 44, No. 5 (2007) 44, No. 3-4 (2007) 44, No. 2 (2007) 44, No. 1 (2007) 43, No. 25-26 (2006) 43, No. 24 (2006) 43, No. 22-23 (2006) 43, No. 21 (2006) 43, No. 20 (2006) 43, No. 18-19 (2006) 43, No. 17 (2006) 43, No. 16 (2006) 43, No. 14-15 (2006) 43, No. 13 (2006) 43, No. 11-12 (2006) 43, No. 10 (2006) 43, No. 9 (2006) 43, No. 7-8 (2006) 43, No. 6 (2006) ...and 461 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 45 Tvergaard, Viggo 42 Keer, Leon M. 42 Liew, Kim Meow 33 Aboudi, Jacob 30 Gao, Huajian 29 Mukherjee, Subrata 27 Huang, Yonggang Young 24 Erdogan, Fazil 24 Meguid, Shaker A. 23 Brock, Louis M. 23 Ding, Haojiang 23 Nemat-Nasser, Sia 22 Hutchinson, John Woodside 22 Reddy, Junuthula Narasimha 22 Ting, Thomas C. T. 21 Bazant, Zdenek Pavel 21 Reissner, Eric 21 Tong, Liyong 20 Achenbach, Jan D. 20 Elishakoff, Isaac 20 Fleck, Norman A. 20 Ma, Chien-Ching 19 Chang, Ching-Sen 19 Kyriakides, Stelios 19 Mindlin, Raymond David 19 Rajapakse, R. K. N. D. 19 Rubin, Miles B. 19 Tarn, Jiann-Quo 18 Chen, Weiqiu 18 Kim, Yoon Young 18 Mróz, Zenon 18 Steinmann, Paul 17 Cheung, Yau Kai 17 Guest, Simon D. 17 Hills, David A. 17 Jones, Norman L. 17 Karihaloo, Bhushan Lal 17 Lim, Cheewah 16 Ferri Aliabadi, Mohammad Hossien 16 Drozdov, Aleksey D. 16 Evans, Anthony G. 16 Freund, Lambert B. 16 Giannakopoulos, Antonios E. 16 Horgan, Cornelius Oliver 16 Lee, Kangyong 16 Lubarda, Vlado A. 16 Needleman, Alan 16 Pan, Ernian 16 Selvadurai, A. Patrick S. 15 Banerjee, Prasanta K. 15 Ciavarella, Michele 15 de Borst, René 15 Hwu, Chyanbin 15 Kitipornchai, Sritawat 15 McMeeking, Robert M. 15 Shen, Huishen 15 Sun, Chang-Tsan 14 Batra, Romesh C. 14 Bigoni, Davide 14 Chao, Ching-Kong 14 Gao, Cun-Fa 14 Gao, Xinlin 14 Georgiadis, H. G. 14 Kardomateas, George A. 14 Kushch, Volodymyr I. 14 Leblond, Jean-Baptiste 14 Plaut, Raymond H. 14 van der Giessen, Erik 14 Voyiadjis, George Z. 14 Wang, Quan 14 Wang, Xu 14 Wang, Yuesheng 13 Booker, John Robert 13 Chandra, Abhijit 13 Glockner, Peter G. 13 Hodges, Dewey H. 13 Hui, Chung-Yuen 13 Librescu, Liviu I. 13 Ohno, Nobutada 13 Pan, Jwo 13 Runesson, Kenneth 13 Sheinman, Izhak 13 Wang, Biao 12 Barber, James R. 12 Benveniste, Yakov 12 Bert, Charles W. 12 Bogy, David B. 12 Durban, David 12 Dvorak, George J. 12 El-Raheb, Michael 12 Geers, Marc G. D. 12 Lee, Heowpueh 12 Lu, Tian Jian 12 Lubliner, Jacob 12 Olhoff, Niels 12 Polizzotto, Castrenze 12 Shah, Arvind H. 12 Stumpf, Helmut 12 Sung, Jen-Chun 12 Tsai, Hsiang-Chuan ...and 7,481 more Authors all top 5 Fields 7,680 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 135 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 127 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 112 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 110 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 88 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 81 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 61 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 50 Integral equations (45-XX) 49 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 38 Geophysics (86-XX) 37 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 23 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 22 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 18 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 17 Statistics (62-XX) 15 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 15 Differential geometry (53-XX) 15 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 13 Measure and integration (28-XX) 12 History and biography (01-XX) 12 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 12 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 8 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 7 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 5 Potential theory (31-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 6,450 Publications have been cited 57,577 times in 28,358 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Couple stress based strain gradient theory for elasticity. Zbl 1037.74006 Yang, F.; Chong, A. C. M.; Lam, D. C. C.; Tong, P. 743 2002 On first strain-gradient theories in linear elasticity. Zbl 0166.20601 Mindlin, R. D.; Eshel, N. N. 464 1968 Surface stress in solids. Zbl 0377.73001 Gurtin, Morton E.; Murdoch, A. Ian 392 1978 Computational modelling of impact damage in brittle materials. Zbl 0929.74101 Camacho, G. T.; Ortiz, M. 309 1996 Determination of the size of the representative volume element for random composites: Statistical and numerical approach. Zbl 1038.74605 Kanit, T.; Forest, S.; Galliet, I.; Mounoury, V.; Jeulin, D. 239 2003 An incremental approach to the solution of snapping and buckling problems. Zbl 0408.73040 Riks, E. 238 1979 A variational principle for gradient plasticity. Zbl 0749.73029 Mühlhaus, H.-B.; Aifantis, E. C. 189 1991 Damage, gradient of damage and principle of virtual power. Zbl 0910.73051 Frémond, Michel; Nedjar, Boumediene 185 1996 Elasticity theory of materials with long range cohesive forces. Zbl 0163.19402 Kröner, E. 176 1967 Materials with prescribed constitutive parameters: An inverse homogenization problem. Zbl 0946.74557 Sigmund, Ole 162 1994 Strain- and stress-based continuum damage models. I. Formulation. Zbl 0634.73106 Simo, J. C.; Ju, J. W. 160 1987 A critical comparison of nonlocal and gradient-enhanced softening continua. Zbl 1032.74008 Peerlings, R. H. J.; Geers, M. G. D.; de Borst, R.; Brekelmans, W. A. M. 157 2001 A theory of finite viscoelasticity and numerical aspects. Zbl 0918.73028 Reese, Stefanie; Govindjee, Sanjay 154 1998 Nonlinear transient thermoelastic analysis of functionally graded ceramic-metal plates. Zbl 0930.74037 Praveen, G. N.; Reddy, J. N. 147 1998 Elastic moduli of a cracked solid. Zbl 0318.73065 Budiansky, Bernard; O’Connell, Richard J. 146 1976 Element-free Galerkin methods for static and dynamic fracture. Zbl 0918.73268 Belytschko, T.; Lu, Y. Y.; Gu, L.; Tabbara, M. 144 1995 Nonuniform transformation field analysis. Zbl 1057.74031 Michel, J. C.; Suquet, P. 141 2003 Design of simple low order finite elements for large strain analysis of nearly incompressible solids. Zbl 0929.74102 de Souza Neto, E. A.; Perić, D.; Dutko, M.; Owen, D. R. J. 138 1996 Invariant formulation of hyperelastic transverse isotropy based on polyconvex free energy functions. Zbl 1033.74005 Schröder, Jörg; Neff, Patrizio 137 2003 Numerical solutions in three dimensional elastostatics. Zbl 0181.52404 Cruse, T. A. 129 1969 Fractional order theory of thermoelasticity. Zbl 1183.74051 Sherief, Hany H.; El-Sayed, A. M. A.; El-Latief, A. M. Abd 128 2010 A new Kirchhoff plate model based on a modified couple stress theory. Zbl 1167.74489 Tsiatas, G. C. 125 2009 Simulation of the multi-scale convergence in computational homogenization approaches. Zbl 0991.74056 Terada, Kenjiro; Hori, Muneo; Kyoya, Takashi; Kikuchi, Noburo 125 2000 An analysis of strong discontinuities in multiplicative finite strain plasticity and their relation with the numerical simulation of strain localization in solids. Zbl 0924.73084 Armero, F.; Garikipati, K. 117 1996 Polyconvexity of generalized polynomial-type hyperelastic strain energy functions for near-incompressibility. Zbl 1051.74539 Hartmann, Stefan; Neff, Patrizio 117 2003 Nonlocal elasticity and related variational principles. Zbl 1014.74003 Polizzotto, Castrenze 112 2001 Analysis of thin shells by the element-free Galerkin method. Zbl 0929.74126 Krysl, Petr; Belytschko, Ted 110 1996 On the time decay of solutions in one-dimensional theories of porous materials. Zbl 1121.74361 Magaña, Antonio; Quintanilla, Ramón 106 2006 A refined nonlinear theory of plates with transverse shear deformation. Zbl 0556.73064 Reddy, J. 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Zbl 0222.73054 Wempner, Gerald A. 88 1971 Nonlocal models for damage and fracture: Comparison of approaches. Zbl 0930.74054 Jirásek, Milan 85 1998 On natural strain measures of the non linear micropolar continuum. Zbl 1215.74004 Pietraszkiewicz, W.; Eremeyev, V. A. 84 2009 General solutions for coupled equations for piezoelectric media. Zbl 0899.73453 Ding, Haojiang; Chenbuo; Liangjian 83 1996 A non-ordinary state-based peridynamic method to model solid material deformation and fracture. Zbl 1236.74012 Warren, Thomas L.; Silling, Stewart A.; Askari, Abe; Weckner, Olaf; Epton, Michael A.; Xu, Jifeng 81 2009 Plane problems in piezoelectric media with defects. Zbl 0749.73070 Sosa, Horacio 81 1991 A general boundary integral formulation for the numerical solution of plate bending problems. Zbl 0405.73054 Stern, Morris 81 1979 A structural mechanics approach for the analysis of carbon nanotubes. Zbl 1032.74606 Li, Chunyu; Chou, Tsu-Wei 80 2003 Equations of high frequency vibrations of thermopiezoelectric crystal plates. Zbl 0282.73068 Mindlin, R. D. 76 1974 Microstructural effects in elastic composites. Zbl 0920.73282 Boutin, C. 76 1996 Modeling quasi-static crack growth with the extended finite element method. I: Computer implementation. Zbl 1063.74102 Sukumar, N.; Prévost, J.-H. 75 2003 Equations constitutives et directeurs dans les milieux plastiques et viscoplastiques. Zbl 0255.73004 Mandel, J. 75 1973 On the mechanics of solids with a growing mass. Zbl 1045.74035 Lubarda, V. A.; Hoger, A. 75 2002 Localization limiters in transient problems. Zbl 0636.73021 Lasry, David; Belytschko, Ted 74 1988 Nonlinear microstrain theories. Zbl 1102.74003 Forest, Samuel; Sievert, Rainer 73 2006 Plasticity at the micron scale. Zbl 1075.74022 Hutchinson, John W. 72 2000 A half-space problem in the theory of generalized thermoelastic diffusion. 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Zbl 0601.73096 Kachanov, Mark 65 1987 A variational approach for materially stable anisotropic hyperelasticity. Zbl 1119.74321 Schröder, J.; Neff, P.; Balzani, D. 65 2005 Modeling fracture in Mindlin-Reissner plates with the extended finite element method. Zbl 0993.74061 Dolbow, John; Moës, Nicolas; Belytschko, Ted 65 2000 Second gradient poromechanics. Zbl 1166.74341 Sciarra, Giulio; dell’Isola, Francesco; Coussy, Olivier 64 2007 Dislocations in second strain gradient elasticity. Zbl 1120.74343 Lazar, Markus; Maugin, Gérard A.; Aifantis, Elias C. 64 2006 Comparison of dynamic responses of structures with uncertain-but-bounded parameters using non-probabilistic interval analysis method and probabilistic approach. Zbl 1060.74550 Qiu, Zhiping; Wang, Xiaojun 63 2003 Derivation and analysis of a generalized standard model for contact, friction and wear. Zbl 0926.74012 Strömberg, Niclas; Johansson, Lars; Klarbring, Anders 63 1996 Mechanical behavior of functionally graded material plates under transverse load-part. I: Analysis. Zbl 1121.74396 Chi, Shyang-Ho; Chung, Yen-Ling 63 2006 Active control of FGM plates with integrated piezoelectric sensors and actuators. Zbl 1012.74047 He, X. Q.; Ng, T. Y.; Sivashanker, S.; Liew, K. M. 62 2001 On quantitative characterization of microstructures and effective properties. Zbl 1101.74013 Kachanov, Mark; Sevostianov, Igor 62 2005 Micromechanics predictions of the effective electroelastic moduli of piezoelectric composites. Zbl 0772.73068 Dunn, M. L.; Taya, M. 62 1993 Application of material forces to hyperelastostatic fracture mechanics. I: Continuum mechanical setting. Zbl 0992.74008 Steinmann, Paul 62 2000 Elastic field of an isotropic matrix with a nanoscale elliptical inhomogeneity. Zbl 1167.74525 Tian, L.; Rajapakse, R. K. N. 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Zbl 1202.74106 Vetyukov, Yury; Kuzin, Alexey; Krommer, Michael 15 2011 Generalized inner bending continua for linear fiber reinforced materials. Zbl 1236.74055 Boutin, Claude; Soubestre, Jean 15 2011 Large deformation and stability of an extensible elastica with an unknown length. Zbl 1236.74021 Humer, A.; Irschik, H. 13 2011 Finite motions from periodic frameworks with added symmetry. Zbl 1236.74162 Ross, Elissa; Schulze, Bernd; Whiteley, Walter 13 2011 Numerical solution of finite geometry boundary-value problems in nonlinear magnetoelasticity. Zbl 1236.74078 Bustamante, R.; Dorfmann, A.; Ogden, R. W. 13 2011 Periodic three-dimensional mesh generation for particle reinforced composites with application to metal matrix composites. Zbl 1236.74058 Fritzen, F.; Böhlke, T. 12 2011 A damage model with evolving nonlocal interactions. Zbl 1236.74244 Nguyen, Giang D. 12 2011 Random homogenization analysis in linear elasticity based on analytical bounds and estimates. Zbl 1202.74138 Ma, Juan; Temizer, Ilker; Wriggers, Peter 11 2011 Stress concentration around a hole in a radially inhomogeneous plate. Zbl 1236.74092 Mohammadi, Mohsen; Dryden, John R.; Jiang, Liying 11 2011 A thermo-mechanically-coupled theory accounting for hydrogen diffusion and large elastic-viscoplastic deformations of metals. Zbl 1236.74035 Anand, Lallit 10 2011 On the theory of porous elastic rods. Zbl 1236.74140 Bîrsan, Mircea; Altenbach, Holm 10 2011 Micromechanical analysis on the influence of the Lode parameter on void growth and coalescence. Zbl 1236.74229 Barsoum, Imad; Faleskog, Jonas 10 2011 Numerical modeling of guided wave interaction with non-axisymmetric cracks in elastic cylinders. Zbl 1236.74279 Benmeddour, Farouk; Treyssède, Fabien; Laguerre, Laurent 9 2011 Predicting buckling behavior of microtubules based on an atomistic-continuum model. Zbl 1236.74089 Xiang, Ping; Liew, K. 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C.; Rodríguez-Ramos, R.; Bravo-Castillero, J.; Guinovart-Díaz, R.; Camacho-Montes, H.; Sabina, F. J. 8 2011 Analysis of clustered tensegrity structures using a modified dynamic relaxation algorithm. Zbl 1236.74191 Ali, Nizar Bel Hadj; Rhode-Barbarigos, Landolf; Smith, Ian F. C. 8 2011 A combined analytical, numerical, and experimental study of shape-memory-alloy helical springs. Zbl 1236.74206 Mirzaeifar, Reza; Desroches, Reginald; Yavari, Arash 7 2011 Image force on a straight dislocation emitted from a cylindrical void. Zbl 1236.74015 Lubarda, Vlado A. 7 2011 Analytical investigation for true and spurious eigensolutions of multiply-connected membranes containing elliptical boundaries using the dual BIEM. Zbl 1236.74168 Chen, Jeng Tzong; Lee, Jia Wei; Leu, Shyue Yuh 7 2011 A variational approach for evaluation of stress intensity factors using the element free Galerkin method. Zbl 1236.74093 Wen, P. H.; Aliabadi, M. H. 7 2011 Magnetostrictive/electrostrictive fracture of the piezomagnetic and piezoelectric layers in a multiferroic composite: anti-plane case. Zbl 1236.74081 Li, Yong Dong; Lee, Kang Yong; Feng, Fei Xiang 7 2011 Void growth and coalescence in anisotropic plastic solids. Zbl 1236.74268 Keralavarma, S. M.; Hoelscher, S.; Benzerga, A. A. 7 2011 Eulerian formulation of constrained elastica. Zbl 1236.74143 Denoël, Vincent; Detournay, Emmanuel 7 2011 A thermo-viscoelastic-viscoplastic-viscodamage constitutive model for asphaltic materials. Zbl 1202.74021 Darabi, Masoud K.; Al-Rub, Rashid K. Abu; Masad, Eyad A.; Huang, Chien-Wei; Little, Dallas N. 6 2011 Flexoelectric properties of ferroelectrics and the nanoindentation size-effect. Zbl 1202.74055 Gharbi, M.; Sun, Z. H.; Sharma, P.; White, K.; El-Borgi, S. 6 2011 Path-independent integral for the sharp V-notch in longitudinal shear problem. Zbl 1236.74262 Shi, Weichen 6 2011 Deformation of porous Cosserat elastic bars. Zbl 1236.74074 Ieşan, D. 6 2011 Interaction of an edge dislocation with a coated elliptic inclusion. Zbl 1236.74018 Chen, Fu Mo; Chao, Ching Kong; Chen, Chin Kun 6 2011 A ferroelectric and ferroelastic 3D hexahedral curvilinear finite element. Zbl 1202.74190 Zouari, Wajdi; Ben Zineb, Tarak; Benjeddou, Ayech 5 2011 Physical variational principle and thin plate theory in electro-magneto-elastic analysis. Zbl 1202.74104 Kuang, Zhenbang 5 2011 Analytical yield criterion for an anisotropic material containing spherical voids and exhibiting tension-compression asymmetry. Zbl 1202.74141 Stewart, Joel B.; Cazacu, Oana 5 2011 Multi-scale damage state estimation in composites using nonlocal elastic kernel: an experimental validation. Zbl 1236.74246 Shelke, Amit; Banerjee, Sourav; Kundu, Tribikram; Amjad, Umar; Grill, W. 5 2011 On the evolution of intrinsic curvature in rod-based models of growth in long slender plant stems. Zbl 1236.74160 O’reilly, O. M.; Tresierras, T. N. 5 2011 Statics of elastic cables under 3D point forces. Zbl 1236.74195 Impollonia, Nicola; Ricciardi, Giuseppe; Saitta, Fernando 5 2011 Minimum theorems in incremental linear elastic fracture mechanics. Zbl 1236.74260 Salvadori, A.; Carini, A. 5 2011 Dynamic crushing and energy absorption of regular, irregular and functionally graded cellular structures. Zbl 1236.74273 Ajdari, Amin; Nayeb-Hashemi, Hamid; Vaziri, Ashkan 4 2011 Anti-plane stress analysis of orthotropic rectangular planes weakened by multiple defects. Zbl 1236.74045 Faal, R. T.; Daliri, M.; Milani, A. S. 4 2011 Compressibility and shear compliance of spheroidal pores: exact derivation via the Eshelby tensor, and asymptotic expressions in limiting cases. Zbl 1236.74019 David, E. C.; Zimmerman, R. W. 4 2011 FEA in elasticity of random structure composites reinforced by heterogeneities of non canonical shape. Zbl 1236.74280 Buryachenko, Valeriy A.; Brun, Michele 4 2011 A general framework for softening regularisation based on gradient elasticity. Zbl 1236.74025 Rodríguez-Ferran, Antonio; Bennett, Terry; Askes, Harm; Tamayo-Mas, Elena 4 2011 Response of a wire rope strand to axial and torsional loads: asymptotic modeling of the effect of interwire contact deformations. Zbl 1236.74192 Argatov, Ivan 4 2011 Physics-based modeling for fretting behavior of nominally flat rough surfaces. Zbl 1236.74213 Eriten, M.; Polycarpou, A. A.; Bergman, L. A. 4 2011 Homogenization and dimensional reduction of composite plates with in-plane heterogeneity. Zbl 1236.74238 Lee, Chang-Yong; Yu, Wenbin 4 2011 A semi-analytical model for the behavior of saturated viscoplastic materials containing two populations of voids of different sizes. Zbl 1236.74075 Julien, Jérôme; Gărăjeu, Mihail; Michel, Jean-Claude 4 2011 Micro-cracks informed damage models for brittle solids. Zbl 1236.74245 Ren, Xiaodan; Chen, Jiun-Shyan; Li, Jie; Slawson, T. R.; Roth, M. J. 4 2011 Dynamic instability of a circular cylindrical shell carrying a top mass under base excitation: experiments and theory. Zbl 1236.74129 Pellicano, Francesco 4 2011 Orientational anisotropy and plastic spin in finite elasto-plasticity. Zbl 1236.74033 Cleja-Ţigoiu, Sanda; Iancu, Lidia 4 2011 An experimental and numerical study of fracture coalescence in pre-cracked specimens under uniaxial compression. Zbl 1236.74275 Lee, Heekwang; Jeon, Seokwon 4 2011 Micromechanisms of deformation and fracture of polypropylene nonwoven fabrics. Zbl 1202.74008 Ridruejo, Alvaro; González, Carlos; Llorca, Javier 3 2011 High accuracy wave simulation - revised derivation, numerical analysis and testing of a nearly analytic integration discrete method for solving acoustic wave equation. Zbl 1202.74204 Tong, Ping; Yang, Dinghui; Hua, Biaolong 3 2011 New integral formulation and self-consistent modeling of elastic-viscoplastic heterogeneous materials. Zbl 1236.74029 Coulibaly, M.; Sabar, H. 3 2011 Definition and updating of simplified models of joint stiffness. Zbl 1236.74183 Gant, F.; Rouch, Ph.; Louf, F.; Champaney, L. 3 2011 Experimental and finite element investigation of void nucleation in rubber-like materials. Zbl 1236.74252 Hocine, N. Aït; Hamdi, Adel; Abdelaziz, M. Naït; Heuillet, P.; Zaïri, F. 3 2011 Experimental characterization and elasto-plastic modeling of the quasi-static mechanical response of TA-6 V at room temperature. Zbl 1236.74004 Gilles, G.; Hammami, W.; Libertiaux, V.; Cazacu, O.; Yoon, J. H.; Kuwabara, T.; Habraken, A. M.; Duchêne, L. 3 2011 Dynamic analysis of fretting-wear in friction contact interfaces. Zbl 1236.74220 Salles, L.; Blanc, L.; Thouverez, F.; Gouskov, A. M. 3 2011 Dynamic fracture of concrete - compact tension specimen. Zbl 1236.74259 Ožbolt, Joško; Sharma, Akanshu; Reinhardt, Hans-Wolf 3 2011 Shape features and finite element model updating from full-field strain data. Zbl 1236.74286 Wang, Weizhuo; Mottershead, John E.; Sebastian, Christopher M.; Patterson, Eann A. 3 2011 The effects of the interphase and strain gradients on the elasticity of layer by layer (LBL) polymer/Clay nanocomposites. Zbl 1236.74060 Li, Yaning; Waas, Anthony M.; Arruda, Ellen M. 3 2011 An improved numerical method for computation of stress intensity factors along 3D curved non-planar cracks in FGMs. Zbl 1202.74065 Ghajar, Rahmatollah; Moghaddam, Ali Shaghaghi; Alfano, Marco 2 2011 An orthogonal self-stress matrix for efficient analysis of cyclically symmetric space truss structures via force method. Zbl 1202.74093 Koohestani, K. 2 2011 Numerical modeling of crack formation in powder forming processes. Zbl 1202.74152 Hernández, J. A.; Oliver, J.; Cante, J. C.; Weyler, R. 2 2011 Plane-strain discrete dislocation plasticity incorporating anisotropic elasticity. Zbl 1202.74020 Shishvan, Siamak Soleymani; Mohammadi, Soheil; Rahimian, Mohammad; Van der Giessen, Erik 2 2011 Three-dimensional fracture analysis using tetrahedral enriched elements and fully unstructured mesh. Zbl 1236.74278 Ayhan, Ali O. 2 2011 Single beam analysis of damaged beams verified using a strain energy based damage measure. Zbl 1236.74243 Dixit, A.; Hanagud, S. 2 2011 Impact behavior of honeycombs under combined shear-compression. II: Analysis. Zbl 1236.74228 Hou, B.; Pattofatto, S.; Li, Y. L.; Zhao, H. 2 2011 Numerical modeling of the double punch test for plain concrete. Zbl 1236.74218 Pros, Alba; Díez, Pedro; Molins, Climent 2 2011 The effects of hierarchy on the in-plane elastic properties of honeycombs. Zbl 1236.74077 Taylor, Christopher M.; Smith, C. W.; Miller, W.; Evans, K. E. 2 2011 Hill’s class of compressible elastic materials and finite bending problems: exact solutions in unified form. Zbl 1236.74023 Xiao, H.; Yue, Z. F.; He, L. H. 2 2011 Analysis of bi-material interface cracks with complex weighting functions and non-standard quadrature. Zbl 1236.74251 Hadjesfandiari, Ali R.; Dargush, Gary F. 2 2011 Fracture analysis of V-notched components - effects of first non-singular stress term. Zbl 1236.74248 Ayatollahi, M. R.; Dehghany, M.; Nejati, M. 2 2011 Pressure and friction dependent mechanical strength - cracks and plastic flow. Zbl 1236.74009 Wiegand, Donald A.; Redingius, Brett; Ellis, Kevin; Leppard, Claire 2 2011 A screw dislocation in a functionally graded material using the translation gauge theory of dislocations. Zbl 1236.74014 Lazar, Markus 2 2011 Finite strain hyperelastoplastic modelling of saturated porous media with compressible constituents. Zbl 1236.74073 Gajo, A. 2 2011 Closed-form solution of a shear deformable, extensional ring in contact between two rigid surfaces. Zbl 1236.74148 Gasmi, Amir; Joseph, Paul F.; Rhyne, Timothy B.; Cron, Steven M. 2 2011 Strength of masonry subjected to in-plane loading: a contribution. Zbl 1236.74040 Mojsilović, Nebojša 2 2011 Effect of multiple localized geometric imperfections on stability of thin axisymmetric cylindrical shells under axial compression. Zbl 1236.74086 Ali, Limam; Jalal, El Bahaoui; Abdellatif, Khamlichi; Larbi, El Bakkali 2 2011 Simulation and experimental validation of mixed mode delamination in multidirectional CF/PEEK laminates under fatigue loading. Zbl 1236.74276 Naghipour, P.; Bartsch, M.; Voggenreiter, H. 2 2011 Analysis of Knoop indentation. Zbl 1202.74120 Giannakopoulos, A. E.; Zisis, Th. 1 2011 Exact three-dimensional analysis for static torsion of piezoelectric rods. 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Zbl 1236.74038 Branch, Nathan A.; Subhash, Ghatu; Arakere, Nagaraj K.; Klecka, Michael A. 1 2011 Impact behavior of honeycombs under combined shear-compression. I: Experiments. Zbl 1236.74227 Hou, B.; Ono, A.; Abdennadher, S.; Pattofatto, S.; Li, Y. L.; Zhao, H. 1 2011 Thermoelastic problem of steady-state heat flows disturbed by a crack at an arbitrary angle to the graded interfacial zone in bonded materials. Zbl 1236.74064 Choi, Hyung Jip 1 2011 Numerical and experimental indentation tests considering size effects. Zbl 1236.74039 Harsono, E.; Swaddiwudhipong, S.; Liu, Z. S.; Shen, L. 1 2011 Study of limit strains for FCC and BCC sheet metal using polycrystal plasticity. Zbl 1236.74036 Serenelli, M. J.; Bertinetti, M. A.; Signorelli, J. W. 1 2011 Three-dimensional elastic displacements induced by a dislocation of polygonal shape in anisotropic elastic crystals. Zbl 1236.74047 Chu, H. J.; Pan, E.; Wang, J.; Beyerlein, I. 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