Journal of Engineering Mathematics Short Title: J. Eng. Math. Publisher: Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht ISSN: 0022-0833; 1573-2703/e Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 2,624 Publications (since 1967) References Indexed: 2,150 Publications with 52,966 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 149 (2024) 148 (2024) 147 (2024) 146 (2024) 145 (2024) 144 (2024) 143 (2023) 142 (2023) 141 (2023) 140 (2023) 139 (2023) 138 (2023) 137 (2022) 136 (2022) 135 (2022) 134 (2022) 133 (2022) 132 (2022) 131 (2021) 130 (2021) 129 (2021) 128 (2021) 127 (2021) 126 (2021) 125 (2020) 124 (2020) 123 (2020) 122 (2020) 121 (2020) 120 (2020) 119 (2019) 118 (2019) 117 (2019) 116 (2019) 115 (2019) 114 (2019) 113 (2018) 112 (2018) 111 (2018) 110 (2018) 109 (2018) 108 (2018) 107 (2017) 106 (2017) 105 (2017) 104 (2017) 103 (2017) 102 (2017) 101 (2016) 100 (2016) 99 (2016) 98 (2016) 97 (2016) 96 (2016) 95 (2015) 94 (2015) 93 (2015) 92 (2015) 91 (2015) 90 (2015) 89 (2014) 88 (2014) 87 (2014) 86 (2014) 85 (2014) 84 (2014) 83 (2013) 82 (2013) 81 (2013) 80 (2013) 79 (2013) 78 (2013) 77 (2012) 76 (2012) 75 (2012) 74 (2012) 73 (2012) 72 (2012) 71, No. 4 (2011) 71, No. 3 (2011) 71, No. 2 (2011) 71, No. 1 (2011) 70, No. 4 (2011) 70, No. 1-3 (2011) 69, No. 4 (2011) 69, No. 2-3 (2011) 69, No. 1 (2011) 68, No. 3-4 (2010) 68, No. 2 (2010) 68, No. 1 (2010) 67, No. 4 (2010) 67, No. 3 (2010) 67, No. 1-2 (2010) 66, No. 4 (2010) 66, No. 1-3 (2010) 65, No. 4 (2009) 65, No. 3 (2009) 65, No. 2 (2009) 65, No. 1 (2009) 64, No. 4 (2009) ...and 161 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 40 Forbes, Lawrence K. 31 Merkin, John H. 28 Smith, Frank T. 22 King, John Robert 20 Pozrikidis, Constantine 18 Hocking, Graeme Charles 18 Miloh, Touvia 18 Vanden-Broeck, Jean-Marc 17 Wilson, Stephen Kenneth 16 Riley, Norman 16 Van de Ven, Alphons Adrianus Francisca 13 Korobkin, Alexander A. 13 Kuiken, Hendrik K. 13 Veldman, Arthur Eduard Paul 12 Hermans, Aad J. 12 Hill, James Murray 12 Mandal, Birendra Nath 12 Soldatos, Kostas P. 12 Tuck, Ernest Oliver 11 Fitt, Alistair D. 11 Schwartz, Leonard W. 11 Smith, Stuart H. 11 Tyvand, Peder A. 10 Blyth, Mark G. 10 Dennis, S. C. R. 10 Duffy, Brian Reginald 10 Frigaard, Ian A. 10 Sahoo, Trilochan 10 Selvadurai, A. Patrick S. 10 Vynnycky, Michael 9 Cooker, Mark J. 9 Crowdy, Darren Gregory 9 González-Santander, Juan Luis 9 Howell, Peter D. 9 McIver, Philip 9 Oliver, James M. 9 Please, Colin Peter 9 van de Vooren, A. I. 9 Volpert, Vladimir A. 8 Bassom, Andrew P. 8 Billingham, John 8 Bürger, Raimund 8 Evans, David V. 8 Kacimov, Anvar R. 8 Kalliadasis, Serafim 8 Lesnic, Daniel 8 Merodio, Jose 8 Noblesse, Francis 8 Ogden, Raymond William 8 Pop, Ioan 8 Spencer, Anthony James Merrill 8 van Eijndhoven, Stephanus Jacobus Louis 7 Geurts, Bernard J. 7 Karlsen, Kenneth Hvistendahl 7 King, Andrew C. 7 Leach, Peter Gavin Lawrence 7 Needham, David John 7 Papageorgiou, Demetrios T. 7 Power, Henry 6 Aleksandrov, Sergeĭ Evgen’evich 6 Ames, William Francis 6 Banks, W. H. H. 6 Blake, John Robert 6 Chwang, Allen Tseyung 6 Daniels, P. G. 6 Davis, Anthony M. J. 6 Demiray, Hilmi 6 Howison, Samuel Dexter 6 Kuerten, J. G. M. 6 Lakin, William D. 6 Matar, Omar K. 6 Newman, J. N. 6 Ockendon, John R. 6 Pnueli, David 6 Rienstra, Sjoerd W. 6 Scott, Stephen K. 6 Tilley, Burt S. 6 Ting, Lu 6 Tokuoka, Tatsuo 6 Trevelyan, Philip M. J. 6 Tymokha, Oleksandr Mykolaĭovych 6 van Wijngaarden, Leendert 6 Wagner, Barbara A. 6 Yeung, Ronald W. 6 Zandbergen, Pieter J. 6 Zenkour, Ashraf M. 5 Broadbridge, Philip 5 Chandna, O. P. 5 Chapko, Roman 5 De, Soumen 5 Dhaliwal, Ranjit S. 5 Diehl, Stefan 5 Griffiths, Ian M. 5 Grue, John 5 Hewitt, Richard E. 5 Hoogstraten, H. W. 5 Kalker, Joost J. 5 Khabakhpasheva, Tatyana I. 5 Kim, Junseok 5 Knops, Robin J. ...and 3,421 more Authors all top 5 Fields 1,531 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 711 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 355 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 284 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 243 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 120 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 111 Geophysics (86-XX) 105 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 60 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 53 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 49 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 36 Integral equations (45-XX) 30 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 27 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 27 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 21 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 20 History and biography (01-XX) 19 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 18 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 18 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 17 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 13 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 13 Potential theory (31-XX) 12 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 10 Computer science (68-XX) 10 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 9 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 7 Special functions (33-XX) 7 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 7 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Quantum theory (81-XX) 6 Real functions (26-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,826 Publications have been cited 11,423 times in 9,124 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On graphs and rigidity of plane skeletal structures. Zbl 0213.51903 Laman, G. 269 1970 The boundary-element method for the determination of a heat source dependent on one variable. Zbl 1146.80007 Farcas, Adrian; Lesnic, Daniel 133 2006 One-dimensional models for blood flow in arteries. Zbl 1070.76059 Formaggia, Luca; Lamponi, Daniele; Quarteroni, Alfio 132 2003 Homotopy analysis of nonlinear progressive waves in deep water. Zbl 1112.76316 Liao, Shi-Jun; Cheung, Kwok Fai 112 2003 On dual solutions occurring in mixed convection in a porous medium. Zbl 0597.76081 Merkin, J. H. 105 1986 One-dimensional modelling of a vascular network in space-time variables. Zbl 1200.76230 Sherwin, S. J.; Franke, V.; Peiró, J.; Parker, K. 96 2003 Asymptotic adaptive methods for multi-scale problems in fluid mechanics. Zbl 1015.76071 Klein, R.; Botta, N.; Schneider, T.; Munz, C. D.; Roller, S.; Meister, A.; Hoffmann, L.; Sonar, T. 83 2001 Numerical solutions of a damped sine-Gordon equation in two space variables. Zbl 0841.65083 Djidjeli, K.; Price, W. 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Zbl 0377.76030 Liron, N.; Mochon, S. 54 1976 Fundamental singularities of viscous flow. I: The image systems in the vicinity of a stationary no-slip boundary. Zbl 0269.76022 Blake, J. R.; Chwang, A. T. 52 1974 What makes the Peregrine soliton so special as a prototype of freak waves? Zbl 1273.76066 Shrira, Victor I.; Geogjaev, Vladimir V. 49 2010 A family of numerical schemes for kinematic flows with discontinuous flux. Zbl 1200.76126 Bürger, R.; García, A.; Karlsen, K. H.; Towers, J. D. 47 2008 Critical free-surfaces flow over a semi-circular obstruction. Zbl 0638.76008 Forbes, L. K. 46 1988 Stabilized finite element method for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1069.76031 He, Yinnian; Wang, Aiwen; Mei, Liquan 45 2005 Mixed convection boundary layer flow on a vertical surface in a saturated porous medium. Zbl 0433.76078 Merkin, J. H. 45 1980 Operator separation of variables for adiabatic problems in quantum and wave mechanics. Zbl 1110.81080 Belov, V. V.; Dobrokhotov, S. 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Zbl 1193.65155 Cheviakov, Alexei F. 37 2010 Bias extension test for pantographic sheets: numerical simulations based on second gradient shear energies. Zbl 1390.74028 dell’Isola, Francesco; Cuomo, Massimo; Greco, Leopoldo; Della Corte, Alessandro 36 2017 Nonlocal problems in MEMS device control. Zbl 0991.78026 Pelesko, J. A.; Triolo, A. A. 35 2001 Alternative integral representations for the Green function of the theory of ship wave resistance. Zbl 0487.76027 Noblesse, F. 34 1981 Generalised homogenisation procedures for granular materials. Zbl 1176.74056 Pasternak, E.; Mühlhaus, H.-B. 33 2005 Computation of periodic Green’s functions of Stokes flow. Zbl 0882.76021 Pozrikidis, C. 32 1996 The Neumann-Michell theory of ship waves. Zbl 1294.76074 Noblesse, Francis; Huang, Fuxin; Yang, Chi 32 2013 Higher-order triangular and tetrahedral finite elements with mass lumping for solving the wave equation. Zbl 0948.74057 Chin-Joe-Kong, M. J. S.; Mulder, W. A.; van Veldhuizen, M. 31 1999 Numerical solution of some ordinary differential equations occurring in plate deflection theory. Zbl 0311.65055 Usmani, R. A.; Marsden, M. J. 31 1975 Lubrication models with small to large slip lengths. Zbl 1158.76321 Münch, A.; Wagner, B. A.; Witelski, T. P. 30 2005 Algorithms for the free-surface Green function. Zbl 0555.76022 Newman, J. N. 30 1985 Generalized squirming motion of a sphere. Zbl 1359.76362 Pak, On Shun; Lauga, Eric 30 2014 Group properties and new solutions of Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0546.35056 Boisvert, R. E.; Ames, W. F.; Srivastava, U. N. 29 1983 Breakdown of a chemostat exposed to stochastic noise. Zbl 1158.92328 Grasman, Johan; de Gee, Maarten; van Herwaarden, Onno A. 28 2005 Spectro-consistent discretization of Navier-Stokes: A challenge to RANS and LES. Zbl 0917.76059 Verstappen, R. W. C. P.; Veldman, A. E. P. 28 1998 Hamilton’s principle for systems of changing mass. Zbl 0265.70010 McIver, D. B. 28 1973 Direct numerical simulation of turbulence at lower costs. Zbl 0911.76072 Verstappen, R. W. C. P.; Veldman, A. E. P. 28 1997 The Rayleigh-Taylor instability for inviscid and viscous fluids. Zbl 1180.76023 Forbes, Lawrence K. 28 2009 Invariance and first integrals of continuous and discrete Hamiltonian equations. Zbl 1188.70054 Dorodnitsyn, Vladimir; Kozlov, Roman 28 2010 Numerical solution of a fourthorder ordinary differential equation. Zbl 0372.65031 Jain, M. K.; Iyengar, S. R. K.; Saldanha, J. S. V. 27 1977 Penetration of flexural waves through a periodically constrained thin elastic plate in vacuo and floating on water. Zbl 1117.74014 Evans, D. V.; Porter, R. 27 2007 On the steady flow produced by a rotating disc with either surface suction or injection. Zbl 0412.76022 Ackroyd, J. A. D. 25 1978 Mesh-based numerical implementation of the localized boundary-domain integral-equation method to a variable-coefficient Neumann problem. Zbl 1073.65137 Mikhailov, S. E.; Nakhova, I. S. 25 2005 A derivation of the Green-Naghdi equations for irrotational flows. Zbl 1053.76012 Kim, J. W.; Bai, K. J.; Ertekin, R. C.; Webster, W. C. 25 2001 The Navier-Stokes solution for laminar flow past a semi-infinite flat plate. Zbl 0191.24801 van de Vooren, A. I.; Dijkstra, D. 25 1970 On a stabilization procedure for the parabolic stability equations. Zbl 0920.76025 Andersson, P.; Henningson, D. S.; Hanifi, A. 25 1998 Inexact rotated block triangular preconditioners for a class of block two-by-two matrices. Zbl 1360.65096 Lang, Chao; Ren, Zhi-Ru 25 2015 On the effects of nonlinearity in free-surface flow about a submerged point vortex. Zbl 0585.76035 Forbes, L. K. 25 1985 Non-unique solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations for the Kármán swirling flow. Zbl 0357.76027 Zandbergen, P. J.; Dijkstra, D. 24 1977 The effect of the small-aspect-ratio approximation on canonical electrostatic MEMS models. Zbl 1107.78009 Pelesko, John A.; Driscoll, Tobin A. 24 2005 A comparison of slip, disjoining pressure, and interface formation models for contact line motion through asymptotic analysis of thin two-dimensional droplet spreading. Zbl 1360.76037 Sibley, David N.; Nold, Andreas; Savva, Nikos; Kalliadasis, Serafim 24 2015 An asymptotic solution for large Prandtl number free convection. Zbl 0197.25103 Kuiken, H. K. 24 1968 Boundary integral equation solution of viscous flows with free surfaces. Zbl 0527.76027 Kelmanson, M. A. 24 1983 Approximate solutions to a nonlinear diffusion equation. Zbl 0695.35103 King, J. R. 24 1988 Stability of viscous flow past a circular cylinder. Zbl 0632.76063 Zebib, A. 23 1987 Stability of some stationary solutions to the forced KdV equation with one or two bumps. Zbl 1254.76020 Chardard, Frédéric; Dias, Frédéric; Nguyen, Hai Yen; Vanden-Broeck, Jean-Marc 23 2011 Modeling of coating flows on curved surfaces. Zbl 0823.76021 Schwartz, Leonard W.; Weidner, D. E. 23 1995 Flow with convective acceleration through a porous medium. Zbl 0376.76066 Yamamoto, K.; Iwamura, N. 23 1976 A minimum principle for frictionless elastic contact with application to non-Hertzian half-space contact problems. Zbl 0243.73043 Kalker, J. J.; van Randen, Y. 23 1972 Gaussian quadrature formulas for the numerica l integration of Bromwich’s integral and the inversion of the Laplace transform. Zbl 0263.65032 Piessens, R. 23 1971 Stability of a layer of liquid flowing down an inclined plane. Zbl 0279.76025 De Bruin, G. J. 23 1974 On the accuracy of finite-difference solutions for nonlinear water waves. Zbl 1178.76256 Bingham, Harry B.; Zhang, Haiwen 23 2007 Homogenization of a reaction-diffusion system modeling sulfate corrosion of concrete in locally periodic perforated domains. Zbl 1325.76197 Fatima, Tasnim; Arab, Nasrin; Zemskov, Evgeny P.; Muntean, Adrian 22 2011 Numerical studies of steady, viscous, incompressible flow in a channel with a step. Zbl 0169.28206 Greenspan, D. 22 1969 Slamming in marine applications. Zbl 1041.76502 Faltinsen, Odd M.; Landrini, Maurizio; Greco, Marilena 22 2004 Playing with nonuniform grids. Zbl 0747.76073 Veldman, A. E. P.; Rinzema, K. 22 1992 On the wave resistance of a submerged semi-elliptical body. Zbl 0477.76018 Forbes, L. K. 22 1981 A problem in generalized magneto-thermoelasticity for an infinitely long annular cylinder. Zbl 0933.74023 Sherief, Hany H.; Ezzat, Magdy A. 22 1998 Free jets spun from a prilling tower. Zbl 1018.76008 Decent, S. P.; King, A. C.; Wallwork, I. M. 21 2002 Matched asymptotic expansions in financial engineering. Zbl 1099.91061 Howison, Sam 21 2005 A comparison study of the Boussinesq and the variable density models on buoyancy-driven flows. Zbl 1254.76085 Lee, Hyun Geun; Kim, Junseok 21 2012 Jets in bubbles. Zbl 1041.76506 Pearson, A.; Blake, J. R.; Otto, S. R. 21 2004 The Green function in the theory of radiation and diffraction of regular water waves by a body. Zbl 0492.76025 Noblesse, F. 21 1982 Unsteady free-surface flow induced by a line sink. Zbl 1038.76510 Stokes, T. E.; Hocking, G. C.; Forbes, L. K. 20 2003 A diagonal-mass-matrix triangular-spectral-element method based on cubature points. Zbl 1110.65093 Giraldo, F. X.; Taylor, M. A. 20 2006 Practical mathematical representation of the flow due to a distribution of sources on a steadily advancing ship hull. Zbl 1254.76034 Noblesse, Francis; Delhommeau, Gerard; Huang, Fuxin; Yang, Chi 20 2011 The mathematical modelling of capillary drawing for holey fibre manufacture. Zbl 1178.76134 Fitt, A. D.; Furusawa, K.; Monro, T. M.; Please, C. P.; Richardson, D. J. 20 2002 Surface-tension-driven flow on a moving curved surface. Zbl 1044.76015 Howell, P. D. 20 2003 Oblique slamming, planing and skimming. Zbl 1041.76504 Howison, S. D.; Ockendon, J. R.; Oliver, J. M. 20 2004 Acoustic scattering at a hard-soft lining transition in a flow duct. Zbl 1198.76136 Rienstra, Sjoerd W. 20 2007 Similarity solutions for nonlinear diffusion - A new integration procedure. Zbl 0698.76098 Hill, J. M. 20 1989 Propagating reaction-diffusion waves in a simple isothermal quadratic autocatalytic chemical system. Zbl 0707.76083 Merkin, J. H.; Needham, D. J. 20 1989 A class of exact solutions of the Liénard-type ordinary nonlinear differential equation. Zbl 1359.34003 Harko, Tiberiu; Lobo, Francisco S. N.; Mak, M. K. 20 2014 Low-Mach-number asymptotics of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0924.76095 Müller, Bernhard 19 1998 Space-dependent perfusion coefficient identification in the transient bio-heat equation. Zbl 1221.92013 Trucu, Dumitru; Ingham, Derek B.; Lesnic, Daniel 19 2010 The effect of viscosity on the transient free-surface waves in a two-dimensional tank. Zbl 1006.76026 Wu, G. X.; Eatock Taylor, R.; Greaves, D. M. 19 2001 Calculation of unsteady flows due to small motions of cylinders in a viscous fluid. Zbl 0169.28301 Tuck, E. 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Zbl 1547.76022 Matheswaran, Vijay; DeLillo, Thomas K.; Miller, L. Scott 1 2024 Two-phase analysis on radiative solar pump applications using MHD Eyring-Powell hybrid nanofluid flow with the non-Fourier heat flux model. Zbl 1532.76007 Reddy, Seethi Reddy Reddisekhar; Jakeer, Shaik; Rupa, Maduru Lakshmi; Sekhar, Kuppala R. 1 2024 Thermal stresses in an orthotropic hollow sphere under thermal shock: a unified generalized thermoelasticity. Zbl 07860987 Soroush, Mehdi; Soroush, Mohammad 1 2024 Some aspects of the pressure field preceding the onset of critical jets in a breaking wave. Zbl 1526.76008 Scolan, Yves-Marie 2 2023 Buckling analysis of functionally graded plates subjected to combined in-plane loads. Zbl 1506.74127 Jahanpour, Alireza 2 2023 Analytic solutions of linear neutral and non-neutral delay differential equations using the Laplace transform method: featuring higher order poles and resonance. Zbl 1530.34056 Sherman, Michelle; Kerr, Gilbert; González-Parra, Gilberto 2 2023 Existence of entropy weak solutions for 1D non-local traffic models with space-discontinuous flux. Zbl 1521.35115 Chiarello, F. A.; Contreras, H. D.; Villada, L. M. 2 2023 Fluid-flow effects in the reactive decontamination of porous materials driven by chemical swelling or contraction. Zbl 1521.76895 Geng, Y.; Kamilova, A. A.; Luckins, E. K. 2 2023 Chebyshev spectral method for the variable-order fractional mobile-immobile advection-dispersion equation arising from solute transport in heterogeneous media. Zbl 07761676 Gupta, Rupali; Kumar, Sushil 1 2023 Mathematical modelling of laser-instigated magneto-thermo-mechanical interactions inside half-space. Zbl 1533.74020 Tiwari, Rakhi 1 2023 A SFBEM-FEM coupling method for solving crack problems based on Erdogan fundamental solutions. Zbl 1506.74446 Su, Cheng; Cai, Kemin; Xu, Zhi 1 2023 Effect of inclined magnetic field on natural convection and entropy generation of non-Newtonian ferrofluid in a square cavity having a heated wavy cylinder. Zbl 1521.76822 Tuli, Shampa Sarker; Saha, Litan Kumar; Roy, Nepal Chandra 1 2023 Scattering of shallow asymmetric V-shaped canyon under cylindrical SH waves. Zbl 1522.74058 Tang, Yongjiu; Zhu, Zhihui; Ba, Zhenning; Gong, Wei 1 2023 Spatiotemporal linear stability of viscoelastic subdiffusive channel flows: a fractional calculus framework. Zbl 1521.76127 Chauhan, Tanisha; Bansal, Diksha; Sircar, Sarthok 1 2023 Extended finite similitude and dimensional analysis for scaling. Zbl 07802798 Davey, Keith; Ochoa-Cabrero, Raul 1 2023 A nature-inspired meta-heuristic knowledge-based algorithm for solving multiobjective optimization problems. Zbl 1539.90109 Kapoor, Muskan; Pathak, Bhupendra Kumar; Kumar, Rajiv 1 2023 Boundary-layer flow in a porous domain above a flat plate. Zbl 1518.76016 Papalexandris, Miltiadis V. 1 2023 Effect of internal heat source on stability analysis of a highly permeable vertical porous channel filled with nanofluid. Zbl 1518.76020 Barman, Dipak 1 2023 Water wave interaction with a circular arc shaped porous barrier submerged in a water of finite depth. Zbl 1508.76022 Samanta, Anushree; Mondal, Dibakar; Banerjea, Sudeshna 1 2023 Airy stress function for proposed thermoelastic triangular elements. Zbl 1525.74190 Karimi Pour, Arash; Noroozinejad Farsangi, Ehsan 1 2023 An efficient hybrid method based on cubic B-spline and fourth-order compact finite difference for solving nonlinear advection-diffusion-reaction equations. Zbl 1514.65103 Gulen, Seda 1 2023 Hopf bifurcation for a fractional Van der Pol oscillator and applications to aerodynamics: implications in flutter. Zbl 1524.74462 Juárez, Gerardo; Ramírez-Trocherie, Marcel-André; Báez, Ángel; Lobato, Alan; Iglesias-Rodríguez, Ernesto; Padilla, Pablo; Rodríguez-Ramos, Reinaldo 1 2023 Gravity-modulated Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a Newtonian liquid bounded by rigid-free boundaries: a comparative study with other boundary conditions. Zbl 1517.76027 Francis, Roxanne; Narayana, Mahesha; Siddheshwar, P. G. 1 2023 An unconditionally stable splitting method for the Allen-Cahn equation with logarithmic free energy. Zbl 1489.65134 Park, Jintae; Lee, Chaeyoung; Choi, Yongho; Lee, Hyun Geun; Kwak, Soobin; Hwang, Youngjin; Kim, Junseok 6 2022 A kernel-free boundary integral method for elliptic PDEs on a doubly connected domain. Zbl 1497.65246 Cao, Yue; Xie, Yaning; Krishnamurthy, Mahesh; Li, Shuwang; Ying, Wenjun 4 2022 Longitudinal flow in superhydrophobic channels with partially invaded grooves. Zbl 1507.76021 Miyoshi, Hiroyuki; Rodriguez-Broadbent, Henry; Curran, Anna; Crowdy, Darren 4 2022 A coated circular inhomogeneity in nonlinearly coupled thermoelectric materials. Zbl 1501.74013 Wang, Xu; Schiavone, Peter 3 2022 Instability in Poiseuille flow in a porous medium with slip boundary conditions and uniform vertical throughflow effects. Zbl 1508.76041 Badday, Alaa Jabbar; Harfash, Akil J. 3 2022 Flow induced by a line sink near a vertical wall in a fluid with a free surface. I: Infinite depth. Zbl 1496.76025 Mansoor, Wafaa F.; Hocking, Graeme C.; Farrow, Duncan E. 3 2022 Nonlinear gravity electro-capillary waves in two-fluid systems: solitary and periodic waves and their stability. Zbl 1496.76166 Broadley, H.; Papageorgiou, D. T. 3 2022 Self-diffusiophoresis of Janus particles at large Damköhler numbers. Zbl 1507.35172 Davis, Anthony M. J.; Yariv, Ehud 2 2022 An extended Boussinesq theory for interfacial fluid mechanics. Zbl 1496.76051 Forbes, Lawrence K.; Turner, Ross J.; Walters, Stephen J. 2 2022 Flow induced by a line sink near a vertical wall in a fluid with a free surface. II: Finite depth. Zbl 1494.76009 Mansoor, Wafaa F.; Hocking, Graeme C.; Farrow, Duncan E. 2 2022 Axisymmetric residual stresses in a solid cylinder of finite length. Zbl 1491.35166 Postolaki, Lesya; Tokovyy, Yuriy 2 2022 An inverse elastodynamic data reconstruction problem. Zbl 1492.35421 Borachok, Ihor; Chapko, Roman; Johansson, B. Tomas 2 2022 On \([H^1]^{3\times 3}, [H(\text{curl})]^3\) and \(H(\text{sym Curl})\) finite elements for matrix-valued curl problems. Zbl 1524.65859 Sky, Adam; Muench, Ingo; Neff, Patrizio 1 2022 Non-steady pressure-driven flow of a Bingham fluid through a channel filled with a Darcy-Brinkman medium. Zbl 1507.76006 Gunawan, A. Y.; van de Ven, A. A. F. 1 2022 Thermal radiation on mixed convection heat and mass transfer over a vertical permeable stretching/shrinking sheet with Soret and Dufour effects. Zbl 1482.76112 Dzulkifli, Nor Fadhilah; Bachok, Norfifah; Yacob, Nor Azizah; Arifin, Norihan Md; Rosali, Haliza; Pop, Ioan 1 2022 Fluid injection through a line source into a wet porous medium. Zbl 1482.76114 Browne, Catherine A.; Forbes, Lawrence K. 1 2022 Gravity-capillary wave interactions generated by moving disturbances: Euler equations framework. Zbl 1482.76021 Flamarion, Marcelo V.; Ribeiro-Jr, Roberto 1 2022 Thick film flowing down a non-isothermal vertical cylinder. Zbl 1507.76065 Kishal, Divij; Tiwari, Naveen 1 2022 Fast two-beam collisions in a linear optical medium with weak cubic loss in spatial dimension higher than 1. Zbl 1487.78027 Peleg, Avner; Huynh, Toan T.; Nguyen, Quan M. 1 2022 Wave diffraction from the PEC finite wedge. Zbl 1492.78009 Kuryliak, Dozyslav B. 1 2022 Simulating local fields in carbon nanotube-reinforced composites for infinite strip with voids. Zbl 1492.74025 Nasser, Mohamed M. S.; Kalmoun, El Mostafa; Mityushev, Vladimir; Rylko, Natalia 1 2022 The effect of electrical double layers on evaporation of sessile droplets. Zbl 1492.76113 Barrett, James A.; Ajaev, Vladimir S. 1 2022 Scattering of oblique waves by a semi-infinite floating elastic plate within the framework of wave blocking. Zbl 1492.76024 Negi, P.; Boral, S.; Sahoo, T. 1 2022 Extraction of density-layered fluid from a porous medium. Zbl 1492.76108 Jose, J.; Hocking, G. C.; Farrow, D. E. 1 2022 Dynamic and static stability of a drop attached to an inhomogeneous plane wall. Zbl 1492.76057 Scott, Julian F. 1 2022 Partial stability analysis of stochastic differential equations with a general decay rate. 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