Magnetohydrodynamics Short Title: Magnetohydrodynamics Publisher: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York ISSN: 0024-998X Online: Original: Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 800 Publications (1977–2000) all top 5 Latest Issues 36, No. 4 (2000) 36, No. 3 (2000) 36, No. 2 (2000) 36, No. 1 (2000) 35, No. 4 (1999) 35, No. 3 (1999) 35, No. 2 (1999) 35, No. 1 (1999) 34, No. 4 (1998) 34, No. 3 (1998) 34, No. 2 (1998) 34, No. 1 (1998) 33, No. 4 (1997) 33, No. 3 (1997) 33, No. 2 (1997) 32, No. 3 (1996) 32, No. 2 (1996) 32, No. 1 (1996) 31, No. 4 (1995) 31, No. 3 (1995) 31, No. 1-2 (1995) 30, No. 4 (1994) 30, No. 3 (1994) 30, No. 2 (1994) 30, No. 1 (1994) 29, No. 4 (1993) 29, No. 3 (1993) 29, No. 2 (1993) 29, No. 1 (1993) 28, No. 4 (1992) 28, No. 3 (1992) 28, No. 2 (1992) 28, No. 1 (1992) 27, No. 4 (1991) 27, No. 3 (1991) 27, No. 2 (1991) 27, No. 1 (1991) 26, No. 4 (1990) 26, No. 3 (1990) 26, No. 2 (1990) 26, No. 1 (1990) 25, No. 4 (1989) 25, No. 3 (1989) 25, No. 2 (1989) 25, No. 1 (1989) 24, No. 3 (1989) 24, No. 4 (1988) 24, No. 3 (1988) 24, No. 2 (1988) 24, No. 1 (1988) 23, No. 4 (1987) 23, No. 3 (1987) 23, No. 2 (1987) 23, No. 1 (1987) 22 (1986) 21 (1985) 20 (1984) 19 (1983) 18 (1982/1983) 17 (1981/1982) 16 (1980/1981) 15 (1979/1980) 14 (1978/1979) 13 (1977/1978) all top 5 Authors 28 Tsebers, A. O. 24 Antimirov, Maximilian Ya. 22 Shcherbinin, Eh. V. 20 Kapusta, A. B. 18 Cēbers, Andrejs 18 Taktarov, N. G. 16 Bashtovoj, V. G. 16 Gel’fgat, Yuriĭ M. 16 Shamota, V. P. 16 Sokolov, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich 14 Bershadskij, A. G. 13 Èl’kin, A. I. 12 Krakov, M. S. 12 Zhakin, A. I. 11 Glazov, O. A. 11 Sagalakov, Anatoly M. 11 Shishko, A. Ya. 10 Aleksandrova, A. A. 10 Suyazov, V. M. 10 Zubarev, Andrey Yu. 9 Korovin, V. M. 9 Ruzmaikin, Alexander A. 9 Tarapov, Ivan Evgen’evich 8 Gorbachev, L. P. 8 Kalis, Kh. Eh. 8 Kashevskij, B. Eh. 7 Bartulis, A. 7 Berkovskij, B. M. 7 Britov, N. A. 7 Molokov, S. Yu. 7 Patsegon, N. F. 7 Poklonskij, E. V. 7 Priede, Jānis 7 Shukurov, Anvar M. 7 Vajnshtejn, S. I. 7 Yudintsev, A. Yu. 6 Kropachev, Eh. P. 6 Martynov, Sergeĭ Ivanovich 6 Miroshnikov, Victor A. 6 Reutskij, S. Yu. 6 Sher’yazdanov, G. B. 6 Shtern, Vladimir N. 6 Tananaev, A. V. 6 Tolmach, I. M. 5 Aitov, T. N. 5 Bernshtam, V. A. 5 Gogosov, V. V. 5 Gorskij, V. B. 5 Grants, Ilmārs 5 Kichatinov, L. L. 5 Kolyshkin, Andrei A. 5 Lavrent’ev, I. V. 5 Likhacheva, A. I. 5 Patudin, V. M. 5 Sidorenkov, S. I. 5 Sukhovich, E. P. 5 Zibol’d, A. F. 4 Abritska, M. Yu. 4 Bacri, Jean-Claude 4 Bityurin, V. A. 4 Bobnev, A. A. 4 Boyarevich, V. Ya. 4 Davidson, Peter Alan 4 Dronnik, L. M. 4 Ievlev, I. I. 4 Khizhnyak, N. A. 4 Khusid, B. M. 4 Kolesnikov, Yuri B. 4 Kolpakov, N. Yu. 4 Korsunsky, Sergei V. 4 Kremenetsky, V. N. 4 Krumin, Yu. K. 4 Marta, I. F. 4 Murav’ev, E. V. 4 Naletova, V. A. 4 Nikitin, N. V. 4 Pavlov, K. B. 4 Polevikov, Viktor Kuz’mich 4 Polunin, V. M. 4 Popov, Vladimir I. 4 Shaposhnikova, G. A. 4 Shikhmurzaev, Yulii Damir 4 Smolentsev, S. Yu. 4 Vlasyuk, V. Kh. 4 Zal’tsgendler, Eh. A. 3 Alemany, Antoine 3 Aliev, I. N. 3 Apollonskij, S. M. 3 Bagdoev, Aleksander Georgievich 3 Bezirgenyan, G. S. 3 Blum, Eh. Ya. 3 Bossis, Georges 3 Chekanov, V. V. 3 Dolgikh, V. M. 3 Driķis, I. 3 Fedorov, V. F. 3 Fojgel’, R. A. 3 Frick, Peter 3 Gerbeth, Gunter 3 Ivanov, Alexey O. ...and 578 more Authors all top 5 Fields 793 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 52 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 33 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 17 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 15 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 12 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 10 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 9 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 7 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 7 Geophysics (86-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 106 Publications have been cited 159 times in 125 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ MHD flows in a rotating magnetic field (a review). Zbl 0885.76106 Gelfgat, Yu. M.; Priede, J. 5 1995 On the rotaional effect in nonuniform magnetic fluids. Zbl 1081.76612 Pshenichnikov, A. F.; Lebedev, A. V.; Shliomis, M. I. 4 2000 Explosive growth of the magnetic energy in a turbulent medium. Zbl 0559.76113 Shukurov, A. M.; Sokolov, D. D.; Ruzmaikin, A. A. 4 1983 Dynamics of the average turbulent helicity in a magnetic field. Zbl 0544.76150 Kliorin, N. I.; Ruzmajkin, A. A. 4 1982 Induction-free approximation in the theory of electrovortex flows. Zbl 0800.76529 Shcherbinin, Eh. V. 3 1991 Steady-state magnetoviscosity of a dilute ferrofluid. Zbl 1081.76610 Felderhof, B. U. 3 2000 Numerical simulation of the MHD flow produced by a rotating magnetic field in a cylindrical cavity of finite length. Zbl 0968.76627 Priede, J.; Gel’fgat, Yu. M. 3 1997 Two-dimensional MHD turbulence. Hierarchical model. Zbl 0564.76113 Frik, P. G. 3 1984 Magnetostatic instabilities in plane layers of magnetizable liquids. Zbl 0457.76041 Tsebers, A. O.; Majorov, M. M. 3 1980 Hierarchical model of two-dimensional turbulence. Zbl 0531.76065 Frik, P. G. 3 1983 Thermodynamic stability of magnetofluids. Zbl 0542.76064 Tsebers, A. O. 3 1982 Virial method of investigation of statics and dynamics of drops of magnetizable liquids. Zbl 0588.76090 Tsebers, A. O. 2 1985 Instability of a flat layer of magnetic liquid for supercritical magnetic fields. Zbl 0588.76091 Bashtovoi, V. G.; Krakov, M. S.; Reks, A. G. 2 1985 Magnetic field generation by axisymmetric flows of conducting liquids in a spherical stationary conductor cavity. Zbl 0825.76950 Gailitis, A. 2 1993 Single-component magnetohydrodynamic flows in a strong uniform magnetic field. II: Rotation of an axisymmetric body. Zbl 0824.76093 Molokov, S. Yu. 2 1993 A variational method of calculating magnetohydrodynamic flows in slotted channels with conducting walls. Zbl 0791.76070 Sidorenkov, S. I.; Shishko, A. Ya. 2 1991 Surface hydrodynamics of magnetizable media. Zbl 0626.76118 Gogosov, V. V.; Naletova, V. A.; Chyong Za Binh; Shaposhnikova, G. A. 2 1986 Magnetohydrodynamic flow in the rotation of a disk in a strong magnetic field. Zbl 0692.76095 Antimirov, M. Ya.; Molokov, S. Yu. 2 1989 Liquid metal turbulent flow dynamics in a cylindrical container with free surface: Experiment and numerical analysis. Zbl 0974.76610 Bojarevics, A.; Bojarevics, V.; Gelfgat, Yu.; Pericleous, K. 2 1999 Internal rotations in dielectric suspensions. Zbl 1081.76602 Cēbers, A.; Lemaire, E.; Lobry, L. 2 2000 Linear dynamo simulations with time-dependent helical flows. Zbl 0875.76713 Léorat, J. 2 1995 Flow between porous rotating cylinders in a radial magnetic field. Zbl 0439.76094 Britov, N. A. 2 1979 Magnetizable and polarizable continuous media with an internal moment of momentum in Newtonian mechanics. Zbl 0415.76086 Zhelnorovich, V. A. 2 1977 Integrals of Newtonian equations and nonstationary one-dimensional exact solutions for models of magnetizable fluids with internal angular momentum. Zbl 0416.76062 Zhelnorovich, V. A. 2 1978 Thermomagnetophoresis of particles in magnetic suspensions. Zbl 0416.76063 Blum, Eh. Ya. 2 1979 Theory of a laminar boundary layer of a conducting power-law non- Newtonian fluid in a transverse magnetic field. Zbl 0416.76072 Pavlov, K. B. 2 1979 Torques and hydrodynamics of a magnetic fluid in homogeneous rotating magnetic fields. Zbl 0412.76090 Tsebers, A. O. 2 1978 Electrization of a low-conductivity liquid flowing through a metal pipe. Zbl 0424.76086 Gogosov, V. V.; Nikiforovich, E. I.; Tolmachev, V. V. 2 1979 Motion of ellipsoids of revolution in crossed electric and magnetic fields. Zbl 0467.76110 Merkulov, V. I.; Pupykina, T. A. 2 1981 Electrohydrodynamical instability of a weakly conducting fluid between two cylindrical electrodes with unipolar injection. Zbl 0474.76111 Zhakin, A. I.; Tarapov, I. E. 2 1979 Theory of nonstationary MHD flows of non-Newtonian dilatant liquids. Zbl 0474.76112 Pavlov, K. B. 2 1981 Stability of an interface of magnetizable media with a discontinuity in the conductivity and the permeability. Zbl 0508.76129 Taktarov, N. G. 2 1981 Solitary and cnoidal waves in ferrofluid. Zbl 0537.76087 Bashtovoj, V. G.; Fojgel’, R. A. 2 1983 Instability of plane-parallel Couette flow of a magnetic liquid in a homogeneous magnetic field. Zbl 0556.76036 Vislovich, A. N.; Sinitsyn, A. K.; Tymanovich, V. V. 1 1984 Doubly connected equilibrium configurations of ferrofluid in magnetic field of vertical conductor. Zbl 0558.76114 Bashtovoj, V. G.; Budnik, A. M.; Polevikov, V. K.; Reks, A. G. 1 1984 Current flow through a boundary layer with sharp changes in anisotropic conductivity. Zbl 0563.76122 Benilov, M. C. 1 1984 Effect of the centrifugal and capillary forces on the free surface shape of a magnetic liquid seal. Zbl 0825.76956 Vislovich, A. N.; Polevikov, V. K. 1 1994 Special computational methods for the solution of MHD problems. Zbl 0831.76054 Kalis, Kh. 1 1994 Boundary-layer stability in magnetohydrodynamic streamlining of a plate with an internal source of electromagnetic fields. Zbl 0744.76057 Zhilyaev, M. I.; Khmel’, T. A.; Yakovlev, V. I. 1 1991 Pressure forces in the \(MHD\) propulsion of submersibles. Zbl 0825.76952 Davidson, P. A. 1 1993 A theoretical investigation of steady-state film flows in a coplanar magnetic field. Zbl 0818.76095 Shishko, A. Ya. 1 1992 Effect of a variable magnetic field on hydrodynamics of a melt in the process of obtaining monocrystals with Czochralski’s method. Zbl 0800.76540 Abritska, M. Yu.; Gorbunov, L. A. 1 1992 Chaotic solutions for the relaxation equations of electrical polarization. Zbl 0795.76096 Tsebers, A. O. 1 1991 Magnetohydrodynamic interface waves and the distribution of heat caused by the dynamic interaction of currents in an aluminum electrolytic cell. Zbl 0793.76108 Boyarevich, V. 1 1992 Magnetohydrodynamic flow of an incompressible viscous fluid caused by axisymmetric stretching of a plane sheet. Zbl 0639.76123 Mandal, G.; Gupta, A. S.; Pop, I. 1 1987 Three-parameter turbulence model: Calculation of flow in a longitudinal magnetic field. Zbl 0654.76059 Lushchik, V. G.; Yakubenko, A. E. 1 1987 Stability of the flow of a thin layer of liquid metal in a coplanar magnetic field. Zbl 0664.76050 Aitov, T. N.; Kirillina, E. M.; Tananaev, A. V. 1 1988 Numerical modeling of the dynamics of a drop of magnetizable liquid in constant and rotating magnetic fields. Zbl 0622.76130 Tsebers, A. O. 1 1986 MHD boundary-layer equations for a dilating liquid in a transverse magnetic field. Zbl 0656.76091 Samokhin, V. N. 1 1987 The axisymmetric electrovortex flow between two planes, induced by an alternating current. Zbl 0707.76114 Kaudze, M. Z.; Chudnovskij, A. L. 1 1989 Electrovortical flows in thin conducting liquid layers. Zbl 0729.76672 Khipchenko, S. Yu. 1 1991 3D numerical analysis of the influence of EM and Marangoni forces on melt hydrodynamics and mass transport during FZ silicon crystal growth. Zbl 0947.76593 Ratnieks, G.; Muiznieks, A.; Buligins, L.; Raming, G.; Mühlbauer, A. 1 1999 Numerical simulation of the transient stages of a 2D magnetic fluid droplet in high-frequency rotating magnetic fields. Zbl 0875.76721 Bacri, J. C.; Cēbers, A.; Lācis, S.; Perzynski, R. 1 1996 MHD free convection flow near rotating axisymmetric round-nosed bodies. Zbl 0875.76718 Hossain, M. A.; Das, S. K.; Pop, I. 1 1996 On the stability of an axisymmetric self-similar electrically induced vortical flow in a plane layer. Zbl 0881.76038 Priede, J.; Chudnovskij, A. 1 1994 Asymptotic properties of dynamo waves. Zbl 0881.76112 Sokoloff, D.; Fioc, M.; Nesme-Ribes, E. 1 1995 Intermediate asymptotics in the disc dynamo problem. Zbl 0882.76104 Sokoloff, D. 1 1995 Shapes of 2D magnetic fluid droplets in a rotating magnetic field. Zbl 0890.76089 Bacri, J. C.; Cèbers, A.; Lâcis, S.; Perzynski, R. 1 1995 Role of internal rotations in selected magnetic fluid applications. Zbl 1031.76059 Rosensweig, R. E. 1 2000 Tangential stresses on the magnetic fluid boundary and the rotational effect. Zbl 1081.76611 Pshenichnikov, A. F.; Lebedev, A. V. 1 2000 Spinning ferrofluid microssopic droplets. Zbl 1081.76507 Janiaud, E.; Elias, F.; Bacri, J.-C.; Cabuil, V.; Perzynski, R. 1 2000 The influence of large particles and agglomerates on the magnetoviscous effect in ferrofluids. Zbl 1081.76603 Odenbach, S.; Raj, K. 1 2000 Laminar heat transfer in the MHD flow in a rectangular duct. I: Numerical and analytical investigations. Zbl 0941.76094 Smolentsev, S. Yu.; Tananaev, A. V.; Dajeh, D. A. 1 1997 The influence of a high-frequency electromagnetic field on the crossover transfer effects in multicomponent systems. Zbl 0937.76095 Sayakhov, F. L.; Kovaleva, L. A.; Nasyrov, N. M.; Galimbekov, A. D. 1 1998 Theoretical description of the free surface shapes of a magnetic fluid, surrounding a magnetizable plate in an external magnetic field. Zbl 0963.76604 Gogosov, V. V.; Grishanina, O. A.; Kiryushin, V. V.; Simonovskij, A. Ya. 1 1998 Stability of swirling-recirculating flow due to rotating magnetic field. Zbl 0947.76538 Grants, I.; Gel’figat, Yu. M. 1 1998 Development of a computer code for analysis of heat transfer in liquid metal MHD flows in ducts. Zbl 0875.76362 Smolentsev, S. Yu.; Tananaev, A. V. 1 1995 Equations of dynamo in random velocity field with short correlation time. Zbl 0552.76087 Molchanov, S. A.; Ruzmaikin, A. A.; Sokolov, D. D. 1 1983 Magnetization relaxation equations for a ferromagnetic colloid under highly nonequilibrium conditions. Zbl 0595.76119 Tsebers, A. O. 1 1985 A two-scale homogeneous dynamo. An extended analytical model and an experimental demonstration under development. Zbl 0903.76098 Busse, F. H.; Müller, U.; Stieglitz, R.; Tilgner, A. 1 1996 Mathematical model of the mean electromagnetic force induced by a rotating magnetic field in a finite-length cylindrical liquid column. Zbl 0926.76130 Priede, J.; Gelfgat, Yu. M. 1 1996 Magnetohydrodynamic flow around an infinitely long elliptical cylinder. Zbl 0677.76120 Aleksandrova, A. A. 1 1988 Numerical investigation of the velocity field deformation in an electrically conducting liquid passing a magnetic zone. Three-dimensional formulation. Zbl 1054.76589 Myasnikov, M. V.; Smolentsev, S. Yu. 1 1998 Effect of a magnetic field on the nature of the propagation of shear disturbances in dilatant media. Zbl 0415.76081 Granik, I. S. 1 1977 Resonant interactions of perturbations in MHD flows. Zbl 0416.76060 Sagalakov, A. M.; Shtern, V. N. 1 1977 Motion of boundary of support of generalized solution in magnetic rheology problems. Zbl 0413.76091 Granik, I. S.; Martinson, L. K. 1 1978 Weak discontinuities in a conducting magnetizable medium. Zbl 0425.76094 Patsegon, N. F.; Tarapov, I. E. 1 1979 Two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic flows in strong magnetic fields. Zbl 0445.76095 Britov, N. A. 1 1979 Numerical study of a nonuniform loading of a sectioned MHD channel. Zbl 0468.76105 Bityurin, V. A.; Burakhanov, B. M.; Medin, S. A. 1 1981 A single vortex in a homogeneous axial magnetic field with a velocity component along the field. Zbl 0468.76110 Kalis, Kh. Eh.; Kolesnikov, Yu. B. 1 1981 Magnetohydrodynamic flow around a stationary sphere. Zbl 0477.76089 Miroshnikov, V. A. 1 1980 Two-dimensional nonsteady flow of a conducting liquid excited by a rotating magnetic field. Zbl 0415.76082 Kapusta, A. B. 1 1977 Excitation of waves on the surface of a magnetic liquid by a traveling magnetic field. Zbl 0415.76089 Bashtovoj, V. G.; Krakov, M. S. 1 1977 Structure of a weak jump in a magnetizable conducting fluid. Zbl 0416.76059 Patsegon, N. F. 1 1978 One-dimensional nonstationary waves in magnetic fluids with intrinsic angular momentum. Zbl 0416.76074 Zhelnorovich, V. A. 1 1979 Velocity structure of flows in nonuniform constant magnetic fields. I: Numerical calculations. Zbl 0412.76075 Gel’fgat, Yu. M.; Peterson, D. E.; Shcherbinin, Eh. V. 1 1978 Plane-parallel free shear flow of a conductive fluid with straight streamlines in a strong uniform magnetic field. Zbl 0412.76081 Kalis, Kh. Eh. 1 1978 Unsteady MHD convection in a vertical circular channel. Zbl 0413.76036 Antimirov, M. Ya.; Kolyshkin, A. A. 1 1978 Stationary waves at the surface of a magnetizable liquid in a stream impinging on a point barrier. Zbl 0447.76096 Berkovskij, B. M.; Bashtovoj, V. G.; Krakov, M. S. 1 1979 Two-dimensional representation of the magnetohydrodynamic equations of flow in plane-parallel channels with ferromagnetic cores. Zbl 0451.76092 Zimin, V. D.; Khripchenko, S. Yu. 1 1979 Magnetohydrodynamic flow near a point source of electric current I. Statement of the problem and numerical calculation. Zbl 0468.76111 Boyarevich, V. 1 1981 Stability of the gradient flow of a conducting Maxwellian liquid in a perpendicular magnetic field. Zbl 0475.76051 Simkhovich, S. L. 1 1980 Dynamics of magnetostatic instabilities. Zbl 0514.76055 Tsebers, A. O. 1 1981 Effect of electric field of thermo-emf on buildup of convection in ionic melts. Zbl 0526.76061 Saranin, V. A. 1 1983 Numerical analysis of three-dimensional MHD flow in a channel with abrupt change of cross section. Zbl 0534.76120 Ajtov, T. N.; Kalyutik, A. I.; Tananaev, A. V. 1 1983 Theory of an almost toroidal dynamo. Zbl 0544.76144 Kropachev, Eh. P. 1 1983 Electrohydrodynamic instabilities in a weakly conducting suspension of ellipsoidal particles. Zbl 0503.76067 Tsebers, A. O. 1 1980 Motion of magnetizable liquids in porous media. Zbl 0515.76100 Taktarov, N. G. 1 1980 Stability of a liquid drop in an electric field. Zbl 0518.76044 Popova, L. N.; Fedorenko, A. I. 1 1982 Numerical analysis of temperature and velocity fields in slag bath. Zbl 0518.76099 Sandler, V. Yu. 1 1982 On the rotaional effect in nonuniform magnetic fluids. Zbl 1081.76612 Pshenichnikov, A. F.; Lebedev, A. V.; Shliomis, M. I. 4 2000 Steady-state magnetoviscosity of a dilute ferrofluid. Zbl 1081.76610 Felderhof, B. U. 3 2000 Internal rotations in dielectric suspensions. Zbl 1081.76602 Cēbers, A.; Lemaire, E.; Lobry, L. 2 2000 Role of internal rotations in selected magnetic fluid applications. Zbl 1031.76059 Rosensweig, R. E. 1 2000 Tangential stresses on the magnetic fluid boundary and the rotational effect. Zbl 1081.76611 Pshenichnikov, A. F.; Lebedev, A. V. 1 2000 Spinning ferrofluid microssopic droplets. Zbl 1081.76507 Janiaud, E.; Elias, F.; Bacri, J.-C.; Cabuil, V.; Perzynski, R. 1 2000 The influence of large particles and agglomerates on the magnetoviscous effect in ferrofluids. Zbl 1081.76603 Odenbach, S.; Raj, K. 1 2000 Liquid metal turbulent flow dynamics in a cylindrical container with free surface: Experiment and numerical analysis. Zbl 0974.76610 Bojarevics, A.; Bojarevics, V.; Gelfgat, Yu.; Pericleous, K. 2 1999 3D numerical analysis of the influence of EM and Marangoni forces on melt hydrodynamics and mass transport during FZ silicon crystal growth. Zbl 0947.76593 Ratnieks, G.; Muiznieks, A.; Buligins, L.; Raming, G.; Mühlbauer, A. 1 1999 The influence of a high-frequency electromagnetic field on the crossover transfer effects in multicomponent systems. Zbl 0937.76095 Sayakhov, F. L.; Kovaleva, L. A.; Nasyrov, N. M.; Galimbekov, A. D. 1 1998 Theoretical description of the free surface shapes of a magnetic fluid, surrounding a magnetizable plate in an external magnetic field. Zbl 0963.76604 Gogosov, V. V.; Grishanina, O. A.; Kiryushin, V. V.; Simonovskij, A. Ya. 1 1998 Stability of swirling-recirculating flow due to rotating magnetic field. Zbl 0947.76538 Grants, I.; Gel’figat, Yu. M. 1 1998 Numerical investigation of the velocity field deformation in an electrically conducting liquid passing a magnetic zone. Three-dimensional formulation. Zbl 1054.76589 Myasnikov, M. V.; Smolentsev, S. Yu. 1 1998 Numerical simulation of the MHD flow produced by a rotating magnetic field in a cylindrical cavity of finite length. Zbl 0968.76627 Priede, J.; Gel’fgat, Yu. M. 3 1997 Laminar heat transfer in the MHD flow in a rectangular duct. I: Numerical and analytical investigations. Zbl 0941.76094 Smolentsev, S. Yu.; Tananaev, A. V.; Dajeh, D. A. 1 1997 Numerical simulation of the transient stages of a 2D magnetic fluid droplet in high-frequency rotating magnetic fields. Zbl 0875.76721 Bacri, J. C.; Cēbers, A.; Lācis, S.; Perzynski, R. 1 1996 MHD free convection flow near rotating axisymmetric round-nosed bodies. Zbl 0875.76718 Hossain, M. A.; Das, S. K.; Pop, I. 1 1996 A two-scale homogeneous dynamo. An extended analytical model and an experimental demonstration under development. Zbl 0903.76098 Busse, F. H.; Müller, U.; Stieglitz, R.; Tilgner, A. 1 1996 Mathematical model of the mean electromagnetic force induced by a rotating magnetic field in a finite-length cylindrical liquid column. Zbl 0926.76130 Priede, J.; Gelfgat, Yu. M. 1 1996 MHD flows in a rotating magnetic field (a review). Zbl 0885.76106 Gelfgat, Yu. M.; Priede, J. 5 1995 Linear dynamo simulations with time-dependent helical flows. Zbl 0875.76713 Léorat, J. 2 1995 Asymptotic properties of dynamo waves. Zbl 0881.76112 Sokoloff, D.; Fioc, M.; Nesme-Ribes, E. 1 1995 Intermediate asymptotics in the disc dynamo problem. Zbl 0882.76104 Sokoloff, D. 1 1995 Shapes of 2D magnetic fluid droplets in a rotating magnetic field. Zbl 0890.76089 Bacri, J. C.; Cèbers, A.; Lâcis, S.; Perzynski, R. 1 1995 Development of a computer code for analysis of heat transfer in liquid metal MHD flows in ducts. Zbl 0875.76362 Smolentsev, S. Yu.; Tananaev, A. V. 1 1995 Effect of the centrifugal and capillary forces on the free surface shape of a magnetic liquid seal. Zbl 0825.76956 Vislovich, A. N.; Polevikov, V. K. 1 1994 Special computational methods for the solution of MHD problems. Zbl 0831.76054 Kalis, Kh. 1 1994 On the stability of an axisymmetric self-similar electrically induced vortical flow in a plane layer. Zbl 0881.76038 Priede, J.; Chudnovskij, A. 1 1994 Magnetic field generation by axisymmetric flows of conducting liquids in a spherical stationary conductor cavity. Zbl 0825.76950 Gailitis, A. 2 1993 Single-component magnetohydrodynamic flows in a strong uniform magnetic field. II: Rotation of an axisymmetric body. Zbl 0824.76093 Molokov, S. Yu. 2 1993 Pressure forces in the \(MHD\) propulsion of submersibles. Zbl 0825.76952 Davidson, P. A. 1 1993 A theoretical investigation of steady-state film flows in a coplanar magnetic field. Zbl 0818.76095 Shishko, A. Ya. 1 1992 Effect of a variable magnetic field on hydrodynamics of a melt in the process of obtaining monocrystals with Czochralski’s method. Zbl 0800.76540 Abritska, M. Yu.; Gorbunov, L. A. 1 1992 Magnetohydrodynamic interface waves and the distribution of heat caused by the dynamic interaction of currents in an aluminum electrolytic cell. Zbl 0793.76108 Boyarevich, V. 1 1992 Induction-free approximation in the theory of electrovortex flows. Zbl 0800.76529 Shcherbinin, Eh. V. 3 1991 A variational method of calculating magnetohydrodynamic flows in slotted channels with conducting walls. Zbl 0791.76070 Sidorenkov, S. I.; Shishko, A. Ya. 2 1991 Boundary-layer stability in magnetohydrodynamic streamlining of a plate with an internal source of electromagnetic fields. Zbl 0744.76057 Zhilyaev, M. I.; Khmel’, T. A.; Yakovlev, V. I. 1 1991 Chaotic solutions for the relaxation equations of electrical polarization. Zbl 0795.76096 Tsebers, A. O. 1 1991 Electrovortical flows in thin conducting liquid layers. Zbl 0729.76672 Khipchenko, S. Yu. 1 1991 Magnetohydrodynamic flow in the rotation of a disk in a strong magnetic field. Zbl 0692.76095 Antimirov, M. Ya.; Molokov, S. Yu. 2 1989 The axisymmetric electrovortex flow between two planes, induced by an alternating current. Zbl 0707.76114 Kaudze, M. Z.; Chudnovskij, A. L. 1 1989 Stability of the flow of a thin layer of liquid metal in a coplanar magnetic field. Zbl 0664.76050 Aitov, T. N.; Kirillina, E. M.; Tananaev, A. V. 1 1988 Magnetohydrodynamic flow around an infinitely long elliptical cylinder. Zbl 0677.76120 Aleksandrova, A. A. 1 1988 A spherical vortex in an ideal and in an ideally conducting fluid. Zbl 0677.76117 Bobnev, A. A. 1 1988 Magnetohydrodynamic flow of an incompressible viscous fluid caused by axisymmetric stretching of a plane sheet. Zbl 0639.76123 Mandal, G.; Gupta, A. S.; Pop, I. 1 1987 Three-parameter turbulence model: Calculation of flow in a longitudinal magnetic field. Zbl 0654.76059 Lushchik, V. G.; Yakubenko, A. E. 1 1987 MHD boundary-layer equations for a dilating liquid in a transverse magnetic field. Zbl 0656.76091 Samokhin, V. N. 1 1987 Surface hydrodynamics of magnetizable media. Zbl 0626.76118 Gogosov, V. V.; Naletova, V. A.; Chyong Za Binh; Shaposhnikova, G. A. 2 1986 Numerical modeling of the dynamics of a drop of magnetizable liquid in constant and rotating magnetic fields. Zbl 0622.76130 Tsebers, A. O. 1 1986 Virial method of investigation of statics and dynamics of drops of magnetizable liquids. Zbl 0588.76090 Tsebers, A. O. 2 1985 Instability of a flat layer of magnetic liquid for supercritical magnetic fields. Zbl 0588.76091 Bashtovoi, V. G.; Krakov, M. S.; Reks, A. G. 2 1985 Magnetization relaxation equations for a ferromagnetic colloid under highly nonequilibrium conditions. Zbl 0595.76119 Tsebers, A. O. 1 1985 Two-dimensional MHD turbulence. Hierarchical model. Zbl 0564.76113 Frik, P. G. 3 1984 Instability of plane-parallel Couette flow of a magnetic liquid in a homogeneous magnetic field. Zbl 0556.76036 Vislovich, A. N.; Sinitsyn, A. K.; Tymanovich, V. V. 1 1984 Doubly connected equilibrium configurations of ferrofluid in magnetic field of vertical conductor. Zbl 0558.76114 Bashtovoj, V. G.; Budnik, A. M.; Polevikov, V. K.; Reks, A. G. 1 1984 Current flow through a boundary layer with sharp changes in anisotropic conductivity. Zbl 0563.76122 Benilov, M. C. 1 1984 Explosive growth of the magnetic energy in a turbulent medium. Zbl 0559.76113 Shukurov, A. M.; Sokolov, D. D.; Ruzmaikin, A. A. 4 1983 Hierarchical model of two-dimensional turbulence. Zbl 0531.76065 Frik, P. G. 3 1983 Solitary and cnoidal waves in ferrofluid. Zbl 0537.76087 Bashtovoj, V. G.; Fojgel’, R. A. 2 1983 Equations of dynamo in random velocity field with short correlation time. Zbl 0552.76087 Molchanov, S. A.; Ruzmaikin, A. A.; Sokolov, D. D. 1 1983 Effect of electric field of thermo-emf on buildup of convection in ionic melts. Zbl 0526.76061 Saranin, V. A. 1 1983 Numerical analysis of three-dimensional MHD flow in a channel with abrupt change of cross section. Zbl 0534.76120 Ajtov, T. N.; Kalyutik, A. I.; Tananaev, A. V. 1 1983 Theory of an almost toroidal dynamo. Zbl 0544.76144 Kropachev, Eh. P. 1 1983 Role of surface interactions in stratification of magnetic fluids. Zbl 0535.76127 Tsebers, A. O. 1 1983 Two problems of unsteady motion of a conducting fluid with a free boundary in an alternating magnetic field. Zbl 0536.76105 Kolesnichenko, A. F. 1 1983 Numerical simulation of MHD instability in the free surface of a gripped drop of magnetic liquid. I. Zbl 0545.76055 Tsebers, A. O.; Zemitis, A. A. 1 1983 Magnetic microconvection on the diffusion front of ferroparticles. Zbl 0545.76056 Maiorov, M. M.; Tsebers, A. O. 1 1983 Dynamics of the average turbulent helicity in a magnetic field. Zbl 0544.76150 Kliorin, N. I.; Ruzmajkin, A. A. 4 1982 Thermodynamic stability of magnetofluids. Zbl 0542.76064 Tsebers, A. O. 3 1982 Stability of a liquid drop in an electric field. Zbl 0518.76044 Popova, L. N.; Fedorenko, A. I. 1 1982 Numerical analysis of temperature and velocity fields in slag bath. Zbl 0518.76099 Sandler, V. Yu. 1 1982 Motion of ellipsoids of revolution in crossed electric and magnetic fields. Zbl 0467.76110 Merkulov, V. I.; Pupykina, T. A. 2 1981 Theory of nonstationary MHD flows of non-Newtonian dilatant liquids. Zbl 0474.76112 Pavlov, K. B. 2 1981 Stability of an interface of magnetizable media with a discontinuity in the conductivity and the permeability. Zbl 0508.76129 Taktarov, N. G. 2 1981 Numerical study of a nonuniform loading of a sectioned MHD channel. Zbl 0468.76105 Bityurin, V. A.; Burakhanov, B. M.; Medin, S. A. 1 1981 A single vortex in a homogeneous axial magnetic field with a velocity component along the field. Zbl 0468.76110 Kalis, Kh. Eh.; Kolesnikov, Yu. B. 1 1981 Magnetohydrodynamic flow near a point source of electric current I. Statement of the problem and numerical calculation. Zbl 0468.76111 Boyarevich, V. 1 1981 Dynamics of magnetostatic instabilities. Zbl 0514.76055 Tsebers, A. O. 1 1981 MHD flows near a point source of electric current II. Asymptotic expansions. Zbl 0478.76126 Boyarevich, V. 1 1981 Magnetostatic instabilities in plane layers of magnetizable liquids. Zbl 0457.76041 Tsebers, A. O.; Majorov, M. M. 3 1980 Magnetohydrodynamic flow around a stationary sphere. Zbl 0477.76089 Miroshnikov, V. A. 1 1980 Stability of the gradient flow of a conducting Maxwellian liquid in a perpendicular magnetic field. Zbl 0475.76051 Simkhovich, S. L. 1 1980 Electrohydrodynamic instabilities in a weakly conducting suspension of ellipsoidal particles. Zbl 0503.76067 Tsebers, A. O. 1 1980 Motion of magnetizable liquids in porous media. Zbl 0515.76100 Taktarov, N. G. 1 1980 Flow between porous rotating cylinders in a radial magnetic field. Zbl 0439.76094 Britov, N. A. 2 1979 Thermomagnetophoresis of particles in magnetic suspensions. Zbl 0416.76063 Blum, Eh. Ya. 2 1979 Theory of a laminar boundary layer of a conducting power-law non- Newtonian fluid in a transverse magnetic field. Zbl 0416.76072 Pavlov, K. B. 2 1979 Electrization of a low-conductivity liquid flowing through a metal pipe. Zbl 0424.76086 Gogosov, V. V.; Nikiforovich, E. I.; Tolmachev, V. V. 2 1979 Electrohydrodynamical instability of a weakly conducting fluid between two cylindrical electrodes with unipolar injection. Zbl 0474.76111 Zhakin, A. I.; Tarapov, I. E. 2 1979 Weak discontinuities in a conducting magnetizable medium. Zbl 0425.76094 Patsegon, N. F.; Tarapov, I. E. 1 1979 Two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic flows in strong magnetic fields. Zbl 0445.76095 Britov, N. A. 1 1979 One-dimensional nonstationary waves in magnetic fluids with intrinsic angular momentum. Zbl 0416.76074 Zhelnorovich, V. A. 1 1979 Stationary waves at the surface of a magnetizable liquid in a stream impinging on a point barrier. Zbl 0447.76096 Berkovskij, B. M.; Bashtovoj, V. G.; Krakov, M. S. 1 1979 Two-dimensional representation of the magnetohydrodynamic equations of flow in plane-parallel channels with ferromagnetic cores. Zbl 0451.76092 Zimin, V. D.; Khripchenko, S. Yu. 1 1979 Integrals of Newtonian equations and nonstationary one-dimensional exact solutions for models of magnetizable fluids with internal angular momentum. Zbl 0416.76062 Zhelnorovich, V. A. 2 1978 Torques and hydrodynamics of a magnetic fluid in homogeneous rotating magnetic fields. Zbl 0412.76090 Tsebers, A. O. 2 1978 Motion of boundary of support of generalized solution in magnetic rheology problems. Zbl 0413.76091 Granik, I. S.; Martinson, L. K. 1 1978 Structure of a weak jump in a magnetizable conducting fluid. Zbl 0416.76059 Patsegon, N. F. 1 1978 Velocity structure of flows in nonuniform constant magnetic fields. I: Numerical calculations. Zbl 0412.76075 Gel’fgat, Yu. M.; Peterson, D. E.; Shcherbinin, Eh. V. 1 1978 Plane-parallel free shear flow of a conductive fluid with straight streamlines in a strong uniform magnetic field. Zbl 0412.76081 Kalis, Kh. Eh. 1 1978 ...and 6 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 245 Authors 4 Zubarev, Andrey Yu. 3 Bég, O. Anwar 3 Frick, Peter 3 Kuzhir, Pavel 2 Brandenburg, Axel 2 Britov, N. A. 2 Bühler, Leo 2 Busse, Friedrich Hermann 2 Cunha, Francisco Ricardo 2 Eckert, Kerstin 2 Guermond, Jean-Luc 2 Iskakova, Larisa Yu. 2 Krakov, Mikhail S. 2 Martinson, L. K. 2 Maslov, S. A. 2 Nikrityuk, Petr A. 2 Patsegon, N. F. 2 Pericleous, Koulis A. 2 Polevikov, Viktor Kuz’mich 2 Prasad, V. Ramachandra 2 Pshenichnikov, A. F. 2 Shtern, Vladimir N. 2 Smolentsev, Sergey 2 Tobiska, Lutz 2 Verger-Dubois, Gregory 2 Zhang, Zhongxin 2 Zhelnorovich, Vladimir A. 1 Abdou, Mohamed A. 1 Abu-Bakr, Ali Fathi 1 Akhmet’ev, Pëtr Mikhaĭlovich 1 Alexeevski, Denis 1 Andersson, Helge I. 1 Arda, L. 1 Ariel, P. Donald 1 Aristov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich 1 Aurell, Erik 1 Azzi, Abdelwahid 1 Bänsch, Eberhard 1 Bashtovoi, Victor 1 Benilov, M. S. 1 Beresnev, Sergey 1 Bershadskij, A. 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