Annals of Physics Short Title: Ann. Phys. Publisher: Elsevier (Academic Press), San Diego, CA ISSN: 0003-4916 Online: Comments: Journal Documents Indexed: 5,471 Publications (since 1957) References Indexed: 5,147 Publications with 205,792 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 472 (2025) 471 (2024) 470 (2024) 469 (2024) 468 (2024) 467 (2024) 466 (2024) 465 (2024) 464 (2024) 463 (2024) 462 (2024) 461 (2024) 460 (2024) 459 (2023) 458, Part 3 (2023) 458, Part 2 (2023) 458, Part 1 (2023) 457 (2023) 456 (2023) 455 (2023) 454 (2023) 453 (2023) 452 (2023) 451 (2023) 450 (2023) 449 (2023) 448 (2023) 447, Part 2 (2022) 447, Part 1 (2022) 446 (2022) 445 (2022) 444 (2022) 443 (2022) 442 (2022) 441 (2022) 440 (2022) 439 (2022) 438 (2022) 437 (2022) 436 (2022) 435 (2021) 434 (2021) 433 (2021) 432 (2021) 431 (2021) 430 (2021) 429 (2021) 428 (2021) 427 (2021) 426 (2021) 425 (2021) 424 (2021) 423 (2020) 422 (2020) 421 (2020) 420 (2020) 419 (2020) 418 (2020) 417 (2020) 416 (2020) 415 (2020) 414 (2020) 413 (2020) 412 (2020) 411 (2019) 410 (2019) 409 (2019) 408 (2019) 407 (2019) 406 (2019) 405 (2019) 404 (2019) 403 (2019) 402 (2019) 401 (2019) 400 (2019) 399 (2018) 398 (2018) 397 (2018) 396 (2018) 395 (2018) 394 (2018) 393 (2018) 392 (2018) 391 (2018) 390 (2018) 389 (2018) 388 (2018) 387 (2017) 386 (2017) 385 (2017) 384 (2017) 383 (2017) 382 (2017) 381 (2017) 380 (2017) 379 (2017) 378 (2017) 377 (2017) 376 (2017) ...and 570 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 25 Fernández, Francisco Marcelo 18 Bakke, Knut 18 Katsnelson, Mikhail I. 18 Khare, Avinash 18 Mandal, Bhabani Prasad 16 Amore, Paolo 16 Sorella, Silvio Paolo 16 Wiese, Uwe-Jens 15 Chakraborty, Subenoy 15 Sharif, Muhammad 15 Wipf, Andreas W. 15 Zhang, Yaozhong 14 Hassanabadi, Hassan 14 Horváthy, Peter A. 14 Khanna, Faqir Chand 14 Ovgun, Ali 13 Bezerra, Valdir Barbosa 13 Escalante, Alberto 13 Faizal, Mir 13 Fan, Heng 13 Mckeon, D. G. C. 13 Reinhard, Paul-Gerhard 13 Shivamoggi, Bhimsen K. 12 Balian, Roger 12 Banerjee, Ayan 12 Gazeau, Jean-Pierre 12 Mostafazadeh, Ali 12 Oikonomou, Vasilis K. 12 Plyushchay, Mikhail S. 11 Almeida, Carlos Alberto Santos 11 Brevik, Iver Håkon 11 Ho, Choon-Lin 11 Jing, Jiliang 11 Klauder, John Rider 11 Lee, Tsung-Dao 11 Rajeev, Sarada G. 11 Ray, Saibal 11 Santana, Ademir E. 11 Zhang, Pengming 11 Zubkov, Mikhail A. 10 Andraši, A. 10 Dai, Wusheng 10 de Castro, Antonio Soares 10 Dong, Shihai 10 Moshinsky, Marcos 10 Muniz, Celio R. 10 Polkovnikov, Anatoli 10 Rahaman, Farook 10 Roy, Pinaki 10 Suraud, Eric 10 Weidenmüller, Hans-Arwed 10 Znojil, Miloslav 9 Ahmed, Faizuddin 9 Bagarello, Fabio 9 Bazeia, Dionisio 9 Belvedere, L. V. 9 Blasone, Massimo 9 Burmistrov, Igor’ Sergeevich 9 Capri, Marcio A. 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Sebawe 8 Alhaidari, Abdulaziz D. 8 Biedenharn, Lawrence C. jun. 8 Das, Saurya 8 Ellis, George Francis Rayner 8 Hammer, Hans-Werner 8 Iachello, Francesco 8 Jaffe, Arthur Michael 8 Kreimer, Dirk 8 Maluf, Roberto Vinhaes 8 Mandal, Ipsita 8 Miret-Artés, Salvador 8 Molinari, Alfredo 8 Osborn, Hugh 8 Pachos, Jiannis K. 8 Pawlowski, Jan M. 8 Pimentel, Bruto M. 8 Quesne, Christiane ...and 6,901 more Authors all top 5 Fields 3,460 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1,064 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1,022 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 557 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 369 Differential geometry (53-XX) 353 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 264 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 240 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 222 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 165 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 127 Operator theory (47-XX) 123 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 108 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 104 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 98 Functional analysis (46-XX) 96 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 90 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 83 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 78 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 67 Special functions (33-XX) 50 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 48 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 45 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 43 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 42 Statistics (62-XX) 40 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 26 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 25 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 25 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 23 Number theory (11-XX) 23 Computer science (68-XX) 21 Measure and integration (28-XX) 18 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 18 Geometry (51-XX) 17 Real functions (26-XX) 16 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 16 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 15 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 14 Combinatorics (05-XX) 14 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 14 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 13 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 10 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 10 Potential theory (31-XX) 9 Integral equations (45-XX) 9 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 8 History and biography (01-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 7 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 6 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 6 Geophysics (86-XX) 5 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 5 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 4 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 4,121 Publications have been cited 44,550 times in 31,480 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Fault-tolerant quantum computation by anyons. Zbl 1012.81006 Kitaev, A. Yu. 640 2003 Black holes in higher dimensional space-times. Zbl 0601.53081 Myers, R. C.; Perry, M. J. 549 1986 Deformation theory and quantization. I: Deformations of symplectic structures. Zbl 0377.53024 Bayen, F.; Flato, Moshé; Frønsdal, Christian; Lichnerowicz, A.; Sternheimer, D. 542 1978 Stability in gauged extended supergravity. Zbl 0606.53044 Breitenlohner, Peter; Freedman, Daniel Z. 524 1982 Partition function of the eight-vertex lattice model. Zbl 0236.60070 Baxter, Rodney J. 506 1972 Two soluble models of an antiferromagnetic chain. Zbl 0129.46401 Lieb, Elliott H.; Schultz, Theodore; Mattis, D. 486 1961 Role of surface integrals in the Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity. Zbl 0328.70016 Regge, Tullio; Teitelboim, Claudio 391 1974 Anyons in an exactly solved model and beyond. Zbl 1125.82009 Kitaev, Alexei 370 2006 Implications of conformal invariance in field theories for general dimensions. Zbl 0795.53073 Osborn, H.; Petkos, A. 331 1994 Classical Physics as geometry. Gravitation, electromagnetism, unquantized charge, and mass as properties of curved empty space. Zbl 0078.19106 Misner, Charles W.; Wheeler, John A. 306 1957 Deformation theory and quantization. II: Physical applications. Zbl 0377.53025 Bayen, F.; Flato, Moshé; Frønsdal, Christian; Lichnerowicz, A.; Sternheimer, D. 300 1978 The density-matrix renormalization group in the age of matrix product states. Zbl 1213.81178 Schollwöck, Ulrich 278 2011 Nonlinear models in \(2+\epsilon\) dimensions. Zbl 0583.58010 Friedan, Daniel Harry 228 1985 Rotating, charged, and uniformly accelerating mass in general relativity. Zbl 0334.53037 Plebanski, J. F.; Demianski, M. 224 1976 Quasi-Hermitian operators in quantum mechanics and the variational principle. Zbl 0749.47041 Scholtz, F. G.; Geyer, H. B.; Hahne, F. J. W. 222 1992 A new improved energy-momentum tensor. Zbl 1092.83502 Callan, Curtis G. jun.; Coleman, Sidney; Jackiw, Roman 204 1970 A soluble relativistic field theory. Zbl 0078.44303 Thirring, Walter E. 198 1958 Particle spin dynamics as the Grassmann variant of classical mechanics. Zbl 0354.70003 Berezin, F. A.; Marinov, M. S. 193 1977 A new class of integrable systems and its relation to solitons. Zbl 0608.35071 Ruijsenaars, S. N. M.; Schneider, H. 192 1986 General state changes in quantum theory. Zbl 1229.81137 Kraus, K. 192 1971 The bound state of weakly coupled Schrödinger operators in one and two dimensions. Zbl 0325.35029 Simon, Barry 185 1976 A spinor approach to general relativity. Zbl 0091.21404 Penrose, Roger 183 1960 A practical introduction to tensor networks: Matrix product states and projected entangled pair states. Zbl 1343.81003 Orús, Román 180 2014 Effective field theory for massive gravitons and gravity in theory space. Zbl 1022.81035 Arkani-Hamed, Nima; Georgi, Howard; Schwartz, Matthew D. 178 2003 Radiation damping in a gravitational field. Zbl 0092.45003 de Witt, Bryce S.; Brehme, Robert W. 166 1960 On short and semi-short representations for four-dimensional superconformal symmetry. Zbl 1035.81056 Dolan, F. A.; Osborn, H. 165 2003 Continuous frames in Hilbert space. Zbl 0782.47019 Ali, S. Twareque; Antoine, J.-P.; Gazeau, J.-P. 156 1993 Metal–insulator transition in a weakly interacting many-electron system with localized single-particle states. Zbl 1091.82014 Basko, D. M.; Aleiner, I. L.; Altshuler, B. L. 155 2006 Classical and quantum mechanics of free \(\kappa\)-relativistic systems. Zbl 0856.70012 Lukierski, Jerzy; Ruegg, Henri; Zakrzewski, Wojtek J. 152 1995 On the localization of the energy of a physical system in the general theory of relativity. Zbl 0081.22002 Møller, C. 150 1958 A duality web in \(2+1\) dimensions and condensed matter physics. Zbl 1377.81262 Seiberg, Nathan; Senthil, T.; Wang, Chong; Witten, Edward 147 2016 Theory of defects in solids and three-dimensional gravity. Zbl 0875.53018 Katanaev, M. O.; Volovich, I. V. 142 1992 Investigating the ultraviolet properties of gravity with a Wilsonian renormalization group equation. Zbl 1161.83343 Codello, Alessandro; Percacci, Roberto; Rahmede, Christoph 140 2009 Self-dual solutions to Euclidean gravity. Zbl 0409.53020 Eguchi, Tohru; Hanson, Adrew J. 134 1979 Elementary solutions of the transport equation and their applications. Zbl 0087.42301 Case, K. M. 132 1960 Consistent equations for interacting massless fields of all spins in the first order in curvatures. Zbl 0661.53062 Vasil’ev, M. A. 125 1989 On the general theory of collisions for particles with spin. Zbl 0178.28304 Jacob, M.; Wick, G. C. 122 1959 Unified theory of nuclear reactions. Zbl 0083.44202 Feshbach, Herman 121 1958 Aspects of the functional renormalisation group. Zbl 1132.81041 Pawlowski, Jan M. 120 2007 The structure of gauge and gravitational anomalies. Zbl 0579.58038 Alvarez-Gaumé, Luis; Ginsparg, Paul 119 1985 On the nature of quantum geometrodynamics. Zbl 0078.19201 Wheeler, John A. 118 1957 Fractional vector calculus and fractional Maxwell’s equations. Zbl 1180.78003 Tarasov, Vasily E. 118 2008 Two-dimensional gravity and nonlinear gauge theory. Zbl 0807.53070 Ikeda, Noriaki 106 1994 Periodic orbit theory and spectral statistics for quantum graphs. Zbl 1036.81014 Kottos, Tsampikos; Smilansky, Uzy 106 1999 Quantum kinematic approach to the geometric phase. I: General formalism. Zbl 0791.58121 Mukunda, N.; Simon, R. 103 1993 Coupling constant thresholds in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. I. Short-range two-body case. Zbl 0455.35112 Klaus, M.; Simon, Barry 103 1980 Newton-Leibniz integration for ket-bra operators in quantum mechanics and derivation of entangled state representations. Zbl 1091.81005 Fan, Hongyi; Lu, Hailiang; Fan, Yue 101 2006 Toda theory and \({\mathcal W}\)-algebra from a gauged WZNW point of view. Zbl 0725.58046 Balog, J.; Fehér, L.; O’Raifeartaigh, L.; Forgács, P.; Wipf, A. 100 1990 On the Landau levels on the hyperbolic plane. Zbl 0635.58034 Comtet, Alain 98 1986 SLE for theoretical physicists. Zbl 1073.81068 Cardy, John 98 2005 Hydrodynamics and phases of flocks. Zbl 1126.82347 Toner, John; Tu, Yuhai; Ramaswamy, Sriram 97 2005 A unified theory of nuclear reactions. II. Zbl 0116.23202 Feshbach, Herman 96 1962 Stability and causality in dissipative relativistic fluids. Zbl 0536.76126 Hiscock, William A.; Lindblom, Lee 92 1983 Leptogenesis for pedestrians. Zbl 1062.85519 Buchmüller, W.; Di Bari, P.; Plümacher, M. 90 2005 Symplectic reduction, BRS cohomology, and infinite-dimensional Clifford algebras. Zbl 0642.17003 Kostant, Bertram; Sternberg, Shlomo 89 1987 Singularity structure of the two-point function in quantum field theory in curved spacetime. II. Zbl 0495.35054 Fulling, S. A.; Narcowich, F. J.; Wald, Robert M. 86 1982 Formulation of the theory of turbulence in an incompressible fluid. Zbl 0099.42003 Wyld, H. W. jun. 85 1961 Fluctuations and entropy in models of quantum optical resonance. Zbl 0709.76533 Phoenix, S. J. D.; Knight, P. L. 83 1988 The action option and a Feynman quantization of spinor fields in terms of ordinary \(C\)-numbers. Zbl 0098.20804 Klauder, John R. 83 1960 Contact Hamiltonian mechanics. Zbl 1364.37138 Bravetti, Alessandro; Cruz, Hans; Tapias, Diego 82 2017 Generalized uncertainty relations: theory, examples, and Lorentz invariance. Zbl 0881.47046 Braunstein, Samuel L.; Caves, Carlton M.; Milburn, G. J. 82 1996 Asymptotic dynamics and asymptotic symmetries of three-dimensional extended AdS supergravity. Zbl 0976.83064 Henneaux, Marc; Maoz, Liat; Schwimmer, Adam 82 2000 Eight-vertex model in lattice statistics and one-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg chain. I: Some fundamental eigenvectors. Zbl 1092.82511 Baxter, Rodney 81 1973 Anomalies and odd dimensions. Zbl 0584.58049 Alvarez-Gaumé, L.; Della Pietra, S.; Moore, G. 81 1985 Further remarks on the localization of the energy in the general theory of relativity. Zbl 0096.22003 Møller, C. 81 1961 Quantum electrodynamics without potentials. Zbl 0107.22802 Mandelstam, S. 80 1962 Eight-vertex model in lattice statistics and one-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg chain. II: Equivalence to a generalized ice-type lattice model. Zbl 1092.82513 Baxter, Rodney 79 1973 Studies of polaron motion. I: The molecular-crystal model; II: The ’small’ polaron. Zbl 0173.30404 Holstein, T. 79 1959 The Moyal representation for spin. Zbl 0652.46028 Várilly, Joseph C.; Gracia-Bondía, José M. 77 1989 General coordinate invariance and conformal invariance in nonrelativistic physics: unitary Fermi gas. Zbl 1107.82419 Son, D. T.; Wingate, M. 77 2006 \({\mathcal N}=1\) superconformal symmetry in four-dimensional quantum field theory. Zbl 0916.53049 Osborn, Hugh 76 1999 Topological order and conformal quantum critical points. Zbl 1052.81089 Ardonne, Eddy; Fendley, Paul; Fradkin, Eduardo 75 2004 Multi-instantons and exact results. I: conjectures, WKB expansions, and instanton interactions. Zbl 1054.81020 Zinn-Justin, Jean; Jentschura, Ulrich D. 75 2004 Galilean-invariant \((2+1)\)-dimensional models with a Chern-Simons-like term and \(D=2\) noncommutative geometry. Zbl 0974.37041 Lukierski, Jerzy; Stichel, Peter C.; Zakrzewski, Wojtek J. 75 1997 What is a singularity in general relativity? Zbl 0167.56501 Geroch, Robert 75 1968 Hydrodynamic equations and correlation functions. Zbl 0131.45002 Kadanoff, L. P.; Martin, P. C. 74 1963 Topological gauge theories of antisymmetric tensor fields. Zbl 0739.53060 Blau, Matthias; Thompson, George 73 1991 Corrected Bohr-Sommerfeld quantum conditions for nonseparable systems. Zbl 0085.43103 Keller, Joseph B. 72 1958 Fractional hydrodynamic equations for fractal media. Zbl 1071.76002 Tarasov, Vasily E. 71 2005 Group theory approach to scattering. Zbl 0526.22018 Alhassid, Y.; Guersey, F.; Iachello, F. 69 1983 Mutual integrability, quadratic algebras, and dynamical symmetry. Zbl 0875.17002 Granovskij, Ya. I.; Lutzenko, I. M.; Zhedanov, A. S. 68 1992 Reaction-diffusion processes, critical dynamics, and quantum chains. Zbl 0787.60103 Alcaraz, Francisco C.; Droz, Michel; Henkel, Malte; Rittenberg, Vladimir 68 1994 Oriented open-closed string theory revisited. Zbl 0914.53046 Zwiebach, Barton 68 1998 Solution of the Schrödinger equation in terms of classical paths. Zbl 0281.35029 Balian, R.; Bloch, C. 68 1974 A holographic model of deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration. Zbl 1118.81074 Aharony, Ofer; Sonnenschein, Jacob; Yankielowicz, Shimon 68 2007 Distribution of eigenfrequencies for the wave equation in a finite domain. I.: Three-dimensional problem with smooth boundary surface. Zbl 0207.40202 Balian, R.; Bloch, C. 68 1970 Plasma oscillations. Zbl 0096.44802 Case, K. M. 67 1959 The quantum gravitational back-reaction on inflation. Zbl 0910.53071 Tsamis, N. C.; Woodard, R. P. 67 1997 Geometrodynamics regained. Zbl 0318.53033 Hojman, Sergio A.; Kuchar, Karel; Teitelboim, Claudio 67 1976 The world according to Rényi: Thermodynamics of multifractal systems. Zbl 1044.82001 Jizba, Petr; Arimitsu, Toshihico 65 2004 The moment map and collective motion. Zbl 0453.58015 Guillemin, Victor; Sternberg, Shlomo 65 1980 On-shell methods in perturbative QCD. Zbl 1122.81077 Bern, Zvi; Dixon, Lance J.; Kosower, David A. 65 2007 An introduction to resurgence, trans-series and alien calculus. Zbl 1425.81003 Dorigoni, Daniele 64 2019 Some quantum operators with discrete spectrum but classically continuous spectrum. Zbl 0547.35039 Simon, Barry 63 1983 Fermionic quantum computation. Zbl 0995.81012 Bravyi, Sergey B.; Kitaev, Alexei Yu. 62 2002 The Aharonov-Bohm effect and scattering theory. Zbl 0554.47003 Ruijsenaars, S. N. M. 62 1983 Nonlinear realizations of space-time symmetries. Scalar and tensor gravity. Zbl 0209.58701 Isham, C. J.; Salam, A.; Strathdee, J. 62 1971 Conserved currents, consistency relations, and operator product expansions in the conformally invariant \(O(N)\) vector model. Zbl 0873.47044 Petkou, Anastasios 61 1996 Asymptotic solution of eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0087.43002 Keller, Joseph B.; Rubinow, S. I. 61 1960 A two-body problem of classical electrodynamics: the one-dimensional case. Zbl 0108.40705 Driver, R. D. 61 1963 Thermodynamic topology of black holes from bulk-boundary, extended, and restricted phase space perspectives. Zbl 1534.83062 Sadeghi, Jafar; Afshar, Mohmmad Ali S.; Gashti, Saeed Noori; Alipour, Mohammad Reza 8 2024 Topology of Born-Infeld-AdS black hole phase transitions: bulk and CFT sides. Zbl 1543.83057 Ali, Md Sabir; El Moumni, Hasan; Khalloufi, Jamal; Masmar, Karima 5 2024 Construction of thin-shell around new wormhole solutions via solitonic quantum wave dark matter. Zbl 1533.83044 Mustafa, G.; Maurya, S. K.; Ray, Saibal; Javed, Faisal 5 2024 Thermodynamic topological classification of higher dimensional and massive gravity black holes. Zbl 1535.83072 Malik, Adnan; Mehmood, Aqsa; Umair Shahzad, M. 4 2024 Nonassociative cosmological solitonic R-flux deformations in gauge gravity and G. Perelman geometric flow thermodynamics. Zbl 1543.83103 Bubuianu, Laurenţiu; Seti, Julia O.; Vacaru, Sergiu I.; Veliev, Elşen Veli 3 2024 On the consequences of Raychaudhuri equation in Kantowski-Sachs space-time. Zbl 1534.83135 Chakraborty, Madhukrishna; Chakraborty, Subenoy 3 2024 Cosmological constant Petrov type-\(N\) space-time in Ricci-inverse gravity. Zbl 1535.83090 Ahmed, F.; de Souza, J. C. R.; Santos, A. F. 3 2024 Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet cosmological theories at reheating and at the end of the inflationary era. Zbl 1537.83132 Oikonomou, V. K.; Tsyba, Pyotr; Razina, Olga 3 2024 Impact of \(f(\mathrm{R},\varphi,\chi)\) theory on the geometry of charged stellar objects. Zbl 1540.83110 Sharif, M.; Gul, Muhammad Zeeshan 2 2024 Study of charged gravastar model in \(f(\mathcal{Q})\) gravity. Zbl 1537.83126 Mohanty, Debasmita; Ghosh, Sayantan; Sahoo, P. K. 2 2024 Renormalization group and spectra of the generalized Pöschl-Teller potential. Zbl 1536.81073 Camara da Silva, Ulysses; Pereira, Carlos F. S.; Alves Lima, Andre 2 2024 The Dunkl oscillator on a space of nonconstant curvature: an exactly solvable quantum model with reflections. Zbl 1536.81078 Ballesteros, Angel; Najafizade, Amene; Panahi, Hossein; Hassanabadi, Hassan; Dong, Shi-Hai 2 2024 Unification: emergent universe followed by inflation and dark epochs from multi-field theory. Zbl 1534.83145 Guendelman, Eduardo; Herrera, Ramón 2 2024 Interior analysis, stretched technique and bubbling geometries. Zbl 1541.81146 Jia, Qiuye; Lin, Hai 2 2024 Nambu-covariant many-body theory. II: Self-consistent approximations. Zbl 07909935 Drissi, M.; Rios, A.; Barbieri, C. 1 2024 Generalized extremal branes in AdS/CMT and holographic superconductors. Zbl 1548.81181 da Rocha, Roldao 1 2024 The hidden Lorentz covariance of quantum mechanics. Zbl 1547.81121 Nandi, Partha; Scholtz, Frederik G. 1 2024 A quantum mechanical example for Hodge theory. Zbl 1547.81145 Krishna, Shri; Malik, R. P. 1 2024 Testing Bell-CHSH inequalities using topological Aharonov-Casher and He-McKellar-Wilkens phases. Zbl 1548.81048 Cildiroglu, H. O. 1 2024 Rationally extended harmonic oscillator potential, isospectral family and the uncertainty relations. Zbl 1543.81122 Kumar, Rajesh; Yadav, Rajesh Kumar; Khare, Avinash 1 2024 Asymptotic safe nonassociative quantum gravity with star R-flux products, Goroff-Sagnotti counter-terms, and geometric flows. Zbl 07942633 Vacaru, Sergiu I. 1 2024 Displacement within velocity effect in gravitational wave memory. Zbl 07942614 Zhang, P. M.; Horvathy, P. A. 1 2024 Black hole evaporation process and Tangherlini-Reissner-Nordström black holes shadow. Zbl 07942624 Singh, Balendra Pratap 1 2024 Thermodynamics and quasinormal modes of the Dymnikova black hole in higher dimensions. Zbl 07950654 Macêdo, M. H.; Furtado, J.; Alencar, G.; Landim, R. R. 1 2024 Galois groups of uplifted de Sitter vacua. Zbl 07878729 Damian, Cesar; Loaiza-Brito, Oscar 1 2024 Modified gravity/entropic gravity correspondence due to graviton mass. Zbl 1548.83043 Jusufi, Kimet; Ali, Ahmed Farag; Yasser, Abdelrahman; Inan, Nader; Ellithi, A. Y. 1 2024 Specific heat of a driven lattice gas. Zbl 07783751 Dolai, Pritha; Maes, Christian 1 2024 Standard model in conformal geometry: local vs gauged scale invariance. Zbl 1534.83082 Ghilencea, D. M.; Hill, C. T. 1 2024 Dynamical complexity in teleparallel Gauss-Bonnet gravity. Zbl 1534.83091 Kadam, S. A.; Lohakare, Santosh V.; Mishra, B. 1 2024 Mixed state entanglement measures for the dipole deformed supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Zbl 1536.81018 Chowdhury, Anirban Roy; Saha, Ashis; Gangopadhyay, Sunandan 1 2024 Potential scatterings in the \(L^2\) space: (2) rigorous scattering probability of wave packets. Zbl 1536.81229 Ishikawa, Kenzo 1 2024 Two-particle bound states on a lattice. Zbl 07783771 Kornilovitch, Pavel E. 1 2024 More on the fact that Rastall = GR. Zbl 1535.83097 Golovnev, Alexey 1 2024 Ladder operators with no vacuum, their coherent states, and an application to graphene. Zbl 1541.81084 Bagarello, F. 1 2024 Quantization of Einstein-Cartan theory in the first order form. Zbl 1545.83107 Brandt, F. T.; Frenkel, J.; Martins-Filho, S.; McKeon, D. G. C. 1 2024 Correction to the Friedmann equation with Sharma-Mittal entropy: a new perspective on cosmology. Zbl 1535.83169 Naeem, Muhammad; Bibi, Aysha 1 2024 Propagation of light and retarded time of radiation in a strong gravitational wave. Zbl 1535.83020 Osetrin, Konstantin E.; Epp, Vladimir Y.; Chervon, Sergey V. 1 2024 Testing dynamical torsion effects on the charged black hole’s shadow, deflection angle and greybody with M87* and Sgr. A* from EHT. Zbl 1517.83050 Pantig, Reggie C.; Övgün, Ali 15 2023 Bardeen black hole thermodynamics from topological perspective. Zbl 1528.83083 Sadeghi, Jafar; Gashti, Saeed Noori; Alipour, Mohammad Reza; Afshar, Mohammad Ali S. 8 2023 Statistical properties of the two dimensional Feshbach-Villars oscillator (FVO) in the rotating cosmic string space-time. Zbl 1522.83409 Bouzenada, Abdelmalek; Boumali, Abdelmalek 8 2023 Criticality and topological classes of neutral Gauss-Bonnet AdS black holes in 5D. Zbl 1537.83077 Shahzad, M. Umair; Mehmood, Aqsa; Sharif, Sana; Övgün, Ali 7 2023 Computational analysis of thin-shell with scalar field for class of new black hole solutions in metric-affine gravity. Zbl 1532.83086 Javed, Faisal 7 2023 Raychaudhuri equation from Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation: a quantum aspect. Zbl 1531.83032 Chakraborty, Madhukrishna; Chakraborty, Subenoy 6 2023 Quasiperiodic oscillations, weak field lensing and shadow cast around black holes in symmergent gravity. Zbl 1523.83044 Rayimbaev, Javlon; Pantig, Reggie C.; Övgün, Ali; Abdujabbarov, Ahmadjon; Demir, Durmuş 6 2023 Coherent state operators, giant gravitons, and gauge-gravity correspondence. Zbl 1521.83187 Lin, Hai 6 2023 Charged anisotropic models with complexity-free condition. Zbl 1533.83042 Sharif, M.; Naseer, Tayyab 6 2023 Entanglement entropy and non-local duality: quantum channels and quantum algebras. Zbl 1517.81025 DeWolfe, Oliver; Higginbotham, Kenneth 5 2023 New classes of quadratically integrable systems in magnetic fields: the generalized cylindrical and spherical cases. Zbl 1521.81106 Kubů, Ondřej; Marchesiello, Antonella; Šnobl, Libor 5 2023 Strange quark star models from Rastall gravity. Zbl 1521.85001 Banerjee, Ayan; Tangphati, Takol; Hansraj, Sudan; Pradhan, Anirudh 5 2023 Applications of the Klein-Gordon equation in the Feshbach-Villars representation in the non-inertial cosmic string space-time. Zbl 1535.81108 Bouzenada, Abdelmalek; Boumali, Abdelmalek; Silva, Edilberto O. 5 2023 On possible wormhole solutions supported by non-commutative geometry within \(f(\mathcal{R},\mathcal{L}_m)\) gravity. Zbl 1528.83095 Kavya, N. S.; Venkatesha, V.; Mustafa, G.; Sahoo, P. K. 5 2023 Holographic dark energy satisfying the energy conditions in Lovelock gravity. Zbl 1522.83093 Bousder, M.; Salmani, E.; El Fatimy, A.; Ez-Zahraouy, H. 5 2023 The criteria of the anisotropic quark star models in Rastall gravity. Zbl 1522.85005 Tangphati, Takol; Banerjee, Ayan; Hansraj, Sudan; Pradhan, Anirudh 5 2023 Existence of real time quantum path integrals. Zbl 1523.81119 Feldbrugge, Job; Turok, Neil 5 2023 Deflection angle evolution with plasma medium and without plasma medium in a parameterized black hole. Zbl 1521.83117 He, Xiaoling; Xu, Tianyu; Yu, Yun; Karamat, Anosha; Babar, Rimsha; Ali, Riasat 5 2023 Thermal fluctuations evolution of the new Schwarzschild black hole. Zbl 1517.83027 Akhtar, Zunaira; Babar, Rimsha; Ali, Riasat 4 2023 Exact solutions of the generalized Dunkl oscillator in the Cartesian system. Zbl 1521.81064 Dong, Shi-Hai; Quezada, L. F.; Chung, W. S.; Sedaghatnia, P.; Hassanabadi, H. 4 2023 Definition of electric and magnetic fields in curved spacetime. Zbl 1523.83012 Hwang, Jai-chan; Noh, Hyerim 4 2023 A non-singular bouncing cosmology in \(f(R,T)\) gravity. Zbl 1528.83163 Singh, J. K.; Shaily; Singh, Akanksha; Beesham, Aroonkumar; Shabani, Hamid 4 2023 Thermodynamic stability of the regular charged torus-like black hole. Zbl 1532.83058 Ditta, Allah; Tiecheng, Xia; Ali, Riasat; Atamurotov, Farruh; Mahmood, Asif; Mumtaz, Sohail 4 2023 Chiral spin liquid state of strongly interacting bosons with a moat dispersion: a Monte Carlo simulation. Zbl 07749115 Wei, Chenan; Sedrakyan, Tigran A. 3 2023 Radial oscillations and dynamical instability analysis for linear-quadratic GUP-modified white dwarfs. Zbl 1532.83028 Bernaldez, John Paul R.; Abac, Adrian G.; Otadoy, Roland Emerito S. 3 2023 Supersymmetric asymptotically locally AdS\(_5\) gravitational solitons. Zbl 07749145 Durgut, Turkuler; Kunduri, Hari K. 3 2023 Anisotropic universe in \(f(Q,T)\) gravity, a novel study. Zbl 1523.83015 Loo, Tee-How; Koussour, M.; De, Avik 3 2023 On the gauge invariance of Wigner-Dunkl quantum mechanics in the presence of a constant magnetic field. Zbl 1523.81071 Junker, G.; Dong, Shi-Hai; Sedaghatnia, P.; Chung, W. S.; Hassanabadi, H. 3 2023 Stellar features of strange dark energy stars. Zbl 1528.83058 Salti, M.; Aydogdu, O. 3 2023 From symmetries to commutant algebras in standard Hamiltonians. Zbl 1528.81229 Moudgalya, Sanjay; Motrunich, Olexei I. 3 2023 Quasinormal modes and bounding greybody factors of GUP-corrected black holes in Kalb-Ramond gravity. Zbl 1528.83067 Baruah, Anshuman; Övgün, Ali; Deshamukhya, Atri 3 2023 Quantum and classical Floquet prethermalization. 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S. 2 2023 Quasinormal modes and optical properties of 4-D black holes in Einstein Power-Yang-Mills gravity. Zbl 1532.83062 Gogoi, Dhruba Jyoti; Bora, Jyatsnasree; Koussour, M.; Sekhmani, Yassine 2 2023 Topologically charged complex systems with an energy-momentum squared gravity. Zbl 1537.83141 Yousaf, Z.; Khlopov, Maxim Yu; Almutairi, Bander; Nasir, M. M. M. 2 2023 Shadows and strong gravitational lensing by Van der Waals black hole in homogeneous plasma. Zbl 1533.83064 Molla, Niyaz Uddin; Debnath, Ujjal 2 2023 Dualisation of free fields. Zbl 1535.81138 Abakumova, V. A.; Lyakhovich, S. L. 2 2023 Optical and electronic properties of a two-dimensional quantum ring under rotating effects. Zbl 07801106 Lima, Daniel F.; dos S. Azevedo, Frankbelson; Pereira, Luís Fernando C.; Filgueiras, Cleverson; Silva, Edilberto O. 2 2023 Mimicking the \(\Lambda\)CDM universe through inhomogeneous space-time. Zbl 1519.83039 Bhattacharya, Subhra 1 2023 Field-theoretic functional renormalization group formalism for non-Fermi liquids and its application to the antiferromagnetic quantum critical metal in two dimensions. Zbl 07658316 Borges, Francisco; Borissov, Anton; Singh, Ashutosh; Schlief, Andrés; Lee, Sung-Sik 1 2023 Qubit control using quantum Zeno effect: action principle approach. Zbl 1520.81008 Kumari, Komal; Rajpoot, Garima; Joshi, Sandeep; Jain, Sudhir Ranjan 1 2023 Pinhole interference in three-dimensional fuzzy space. Zbl 1520.81072 Trinchero, D.; Scholtz, F. G. 1 2023 Quantum field theory based quantum information: measurements and correlations. Zbl 1519.81021 Anastopoulos, Charis; Hu, Bei-Lok; Savvidou, Konstantina 1 2023 Torsion-induced chiral magnetic current in equilibrium. Zbl 1517.83069 Amitani, Tatsuya; Nishida, Yusuke 1 2023 ...and 1165 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 30,131 Authors 74 Fan, Hong-Yi 66 Znojil, Miloslav 57 Sharif, Muhammad 55 Vinet, Luc 53 Ovgun, Ali 52 Kuzenko, Sergei M. 51 Hassanabadi, Hassan 49 Ahmed, Faizuddin 48 Bakke, Knut 48 Khanna, Faqir Chand 48 Mustafa, Ghulam 45 Marmo, Giuseppe 45 Marquette, Ian 44 Tarasov, Vasily E. 43 Vasil’ev, Mikhail Andreevich 41 Henneaux, Marc 41 Xue, Kang 40 Fernández, Francisco Marcelo 40 Nitta, Muneto 40 Obada, Abdel-Shafy Fahmy 40 Vacaru, Sergiu Ion 39 Bagarello, Fabio 39 Mann, Robert B. 39 Ye, Liu 38 Mostafazadeh, Ali 38 Quesne, Christiane 38 Simon, Barry 38 Waldmann, Stefan 38 Woodard, Richard P. 37 Exner, Pavel 37 Horváthy, Peter A. 35 Mandal, Bhabani Prasad 35 Maslov, Viktor Pavlovich 34 Huang, Zhiming 34 Lukierski, Jerzy 34 Tian, Bo 33 Sen, Ashoke 32 Calabrese, Pasquale 32 Dong, Shihai 32 Gao, Yitian 32 Gazeau, Jean-Pierre 32 Gesztesy, Fritz 32 Rahaman, Farook 32 Zhang, Yaozhong 31 Borisov, Denis Ivanovich 31 Plyushchay, Mikhail S. 30 Eliazar, Iddo I. 30 Hendi, Seyed Hossein 30 Lü, Hong 30 Nashed, Gamal Gergess Lamee 30 Pope, Christopher N. 30 Saueressig, Frank 30 Schroer, Bert 30 Zotov, Andrei V. 29 Cariñena, José F. 29 Castro Perelman, Carlos 29 Fakhri, Hossein 29 Furtado, Claudio 29 Malik, Adnan 29 Malik, Rudra Prakash 29 Myers, Robert C. 29 Oikonomou, Vasilis K. 29 Santos, Alesandro Ferreira 29 Skvortsov, Evgeny D. 29 Yousaf, Zeeshan 28 Bezerra, Valdir Barbosa 28 Fei, Shaoming 28 Schulze-Halberg, Axel 28 Wang, Gangcheng 28 Yu, Zhaoxian 28 Zhedanov, Alexei S. 27 Bhatti, Muhammad Zaeem-ul-Haq 27 Garat, Alcides 27 Hollands, Stefan 27 Hu, Liyun 27 Jing, Jiliang 27 Troncoso, Ricardo 27 Wang, Zhenghan 26 del Olmo, Mariano A. 26 Faizal, Mir 26 Fring, Andreas 26 Ivanov, Evgeniĭ Alekseevich 26 Prokopec, Tomislav 26 Rastelli, Leonardo 26 Ruggeri, Tommaso 26 Visser, Matt 26 Yukalov, Vyacheslav I. 26 Zabrodin, Anton V. 25 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 25 Capozziello, Salvatore 25 Delfino, Gesualdo 25 Dias, Nuno Costa 25 Dunne, Gerald V. 25 Fehér, László Gy. 25 Jafarizadeh, Mohamad Ali 25 Negro, Javier 25 Prata, João Nuno 25 Setare, Mohammad Reza 25 Sokatchev, Emery 25 Sun, Chunfang ...and 30,031 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 795 Journals 3,651 Journal of High Energy Physics 2,481 Annals of Physics 2,417 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1,714 Nuclear Physics. 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