Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and ControlTransactions of the ASME Short Title: J. Dyn. Syst. Meas. Control Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY ISSN: 0022-0434 Online: Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 1,006 Publications (1973–1997) all top 5 Latest Issues 119, No. 4 (1997) 119, No. 3 (1997) 119, No. 2 (1997) 119, No. 1 (1997) 118, No. 4 (1996) 118, No. 3 (1996) 118, No. 2 (1996) 118, No. 1 (1996) 117, No. 4 (1995) 117, No. 3 (1995) 117, No. 2 (1995) 117, No. 1 (1995) 116, No. 4 (1994) 116, No. 3 (1994) 116, No. 2 (1994) 116, No. 1 (1994) 115, No. 4 (1993) 115, No. 3 (1993) 115, No. 2B (1993) 115, No. 2A (1993) 115, No. 1 (1993) 114, No. 4 (1992) 114, No. 3 (1992) 114, No. 2 (1992) 114, No. 1 (1992) 113, No. 4 (1991) 113, No. 2 (1991) 113, No. 1 (1991) 112, No. 4 (1990) 112, No. 3 (1990) 112, No. 2 (1990) 112, No. 1 (1990) 111, No. 4 (1989) 111, No. 3 (1989) 111, No. 2 (1989) 111, No. 1 (1989) 110, No. 4 (1988) 110, No. 3 (1988) 110, No. 2 (1988) 110, No. 1 (1988) 109 (1987) 108 (1986) 107 (1985) 106 (1984) 105 (1983) 104 (1982) 103 (1981) 102 (1980) 101 (1979) 100 (1978) 99 (1977) 98 (1976) 97 (1975) 96 (1974) 95 (1973) all top 5 Authors 25 Tomizuka, Masayoshi 17 Jayasuriya, Suhada 13 Asada, Haruhiko Harry 13 Grimble, Michael John 12 Ulsoy, A. Galip 10 Hedrick, J. Karl 10 Young, G. E. 9 Goldenberg, Andrew A. 9 Ray, Asok 8 Chen, Ye-Hwa 8 Hwang, Chyi 8 Zhao, Yongdong 7 Horowitz, Roberto 7 Jumarie, Guy M. 7 Margolis, Donald L. 7 Mote, C. D. jun. 7 Singh, Sahjendra N. 7 Tsao, Tsu-Chin 7 Watanabe, Keigo 7 Youcef-Toumi, Kamal 6 Leitmann, George 6 Nagurka, Mark L. 6 Nwokah, Osita D. I. 6 Stein, Jeffrey L. 5 Auslander, David M. 5 Book, Wayne J. 5 Chait, Yossi 5 Corless, Martin J. 5 DeSantis, Romano M. 5 Hu, Jwusheng 5 Kabamba, Pierre T. 5 MacCluer, Charles R. 5 Misawa, Eduardo A. 5 Olgac, Nejat M. 5 Shiller, Zvi 5 Srinivasan, K. 5 Stelson, Kim A. 5 Vidyasagar, Mathukumalli 5 Vukobratović, Miomir K. 5 Yoshimura, Toshio 4 Angeles, Jorge 4 Chan, Jenq-Tzong H. 4 Chang, Rongyeu 4 Choura, Slim 4 de Silva, Clarence Wilfred 4 Hać, Aleksander 4 Hogan, Neville 4 Hsiao, Feng-Hsiag 4 Kazerooni, Hamid Tabaei 4 Nikiforuk, Peter N. 4 Rabins, Michael J. 4 Schmitendorf, William E. 4 Shieh, Leang-San 4 Shih, Yenping 4 Skelton, Robert E. 4 Smith, Colin C. 4 Soeda, Takashi 4 Streit, D. A. 4 Wang, Mawling 4 Yang, Bingen 3 Baruh, Haim 3 Beaman, Joseph J. 3 Bentsman, Joseph 3 Bobrow, James E. 3 Chalhoub, Nabil G. 3 Chen, Borsen 3 Cho, Dong Woo 3 Fabien, Brian C. 3 Fahrenthold, Eric P. 3 Flashner, Henryk 3 Garimella, S. S. 3 Goh, Chuen-Jin 3 Hemami, Hooshang 3 Hoberock, L. L. 3 Huh, Kunsoo 3 Jury, Eliahu I. 3 Karnopp, Dean C. 3 Knospe, Carl R. 3 Koivo, Antti J. 3 Kujath, Marek R. 3 Landau, Ioan Doré 3 Leu, Ming C. 3 Liaw, C. M. 3 Liou, Luen-Woei 3 Martens, H. R. 3 Messner, William C. 3 Midha, Ashok 3 Mills, James K. 3 Müller, Peter Chr. 3 Reid, Robert E. 3 Sadegh, Nader 3 Shelton, J. J. 3 Skowronski, Janislaw M. 3 Thompson, David F. 3 Townsend, M. A. 3 Turcic, D. A. 3 Tzes, Anthony P. 3 Wang, Wen-June 3 Wormley, David N. 3 Yahagi, Takashi ...and 1,091 more Authors all top 5 Fields 849 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 199 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 86 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 67 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 43 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 39 Computer science (68-XX) 36 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 31 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 24 Statistics (62-XX) 17 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 17 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 15 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 13 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 12 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 11 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 10 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 9 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Special functions (33-XX) 8 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 5 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 587 Publications have been cited 3,294 times in 2,591 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Modeling and control of elastic joint robots. Zbl 0656.93052 Spong, M. W. 121 1987 A new feedback method for dynamic control of manipulators. Zbl 0473.93012 Takegaki, Morikazu; Arimoto, Suguru 109 1981 On the efficacy of nonlinear control in uncertain linear systems. Zbl 0473.93055 Leitmann, G. 100 1981 A new approach to manipulator control: the cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC). Zbl 0314.92007 Albus, J. S. 81 1975 Guaranteed asymptotic stability for some linear systems with bounded uncertainties. Zbl 0416.93077 Leitmann, G. 81 1979 On sliding observers for nonlinear systems. Zbl 0661.93011 Slotine, J. J. E.; Hedrick, J. K.; Misawa, E. A. 68 1987 Impedance control: An approach to manipulation. I: Theory. Zbl 0566.93023 Hogan, Neville 51 1985 Efficient dynamic computer simulation of robotic mechanisms. Zbl 0508.70003 Walker, M. W.; Orin, D. E. 50 1982 Zero phase error tracking algorithm for digital control. Zbl 0621.93017 Tomizuka, Masayoshi 46 1987 Nonlinear observers - a state-of-the-art survey. Zbl 0695.93106 Misawa, E. A.; Hedrick, J. K. 46 1989 Data storage in the cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC). Zbl 0313.92006 Albus, J. S. 43 1975 Impedance control: An approach to manipulation. III: Applications. Zbl 0566.93025 Hogan, Neville 38 1985 A time delay controller for systems with unknown dynamics. Zbl 0709.93035 Youcef-Toumi, Kamal; Ito, Osamu 38 1990 The application of model-referenced adaptive control to robotic manipulators. Zbl 0415.93017 Dubowsky, S.; DesForges, D. T. 38 1979 Parameter estimation of delay systems via block pulse functions. Zbl 0446.93051 Shih, Yen-Ping; Hwang, Chyi; Chia, Wei-Kong 36 1980 Control of nonlinear systems using terminal sliding modes. Zbl 0800.93207 Venkataraman, S. T.; Gulati, S. 36 1993 Control of uncertain nonlinear systems. Zbl 0775.93088 Corless, Martin 35 1993 Vibration control of an axially moving string by boundary control. Zbl 0849.93031 Lee, Seung-Yop; Mote, C. D. jun. 30 1996 Smooth robust adaptive sliding mode control of manipulators with guaranteed transient performance. Zbl 0866.93065 Yao, Bin; Tomizuka, Masayoshi 29 1996 Solution and parameter estimation in linear time-invariant delayed systems using Laguerre polynomial expansion. Zbl 0525.93036 Kung, Fanchu; Lee, Hua 29 1983 Design of a linear controller for robust tracking and model following. Zbl 0747.93022 Hopp, T. H.; Schmitendorf, W. E. 27 1991 Some sufficiency conditions for Pareto-optimal control. Zbl 0298.49005 Leitmann, G.; Schmitendorf, W. 27 1973 Inverse kinematic solutions with singularity robustness for robot manipulator control. Zbl 0609.93044 Nakamura, Yoshihiko; Hanafusa, Hideo 26 1986 Cross-coupled biaxial computer control for manufacturing systems. Zbl 0471.93031 Koren, Yoram 25 1980 Analysis and synthesis of discrete-time repetitive controllers. Zbl 0696.93028 Tomizuka, Masayoshi; Tsao, Tsu-Chin; Chew, Kok-Kia 25 1989 A finite element/Lagrange approach to modeling lightweight flexible manipulators. Zbl 0604.70004 Usoro, P. B.; Nadira, R.; Mahil, S. S. 22 1986 Linear chaos in the unforced quantum harmonic oscillator. Zbl 0870.58057 Gulisashvili, A.; MacCluer, C. R. 21 1996 Control of general dynamic systems with periodically varying parameters via Lyapunov-Floquet transformation. Zbl 0843.93032 Sinha, S. C.; Joseph, P. 19 1994 Linear quadratic optimal control via Fourier-based state parametrization. Zbl 0765.49022 Yen, V.; Nagurka, M. 18 1991 A new approach to adaptive control of manipulators. Zbl 0634.93052 Seraji, H. 18 1987 Impedance control: An approach to manipulation. II: Implementation. Zbl 0566.93024 Hogan, Neville 17 1985 Learning control of robot manipulators. Zbl 0775.93151 Horowitz, Roberto 16 1993 Optimal control of linear distributed parameter systems by shifted Legendre polynomial functions. Zbl 0525.93040 Wang, Mawling; Chang, Rongyeu 16 1983 A time-domain inverse dynamic tracking control of a single-link flexible manipulator. Zbl 0807.93044 Kwon, Dong-Soo; Book, Wayne J. 15 1994 An adaptive model following control for robotic manipulators. Zbl 0517.93042 Balestrino, A.; De Maria, G.; Sciavicco, L. 15 1983 Guaranteeing ultimate boundedness and exponential rate of convergence for a class of nominally linear uncertain systems. Zbl 0714.93013 Garofalo, F.; Leitmann, G. 15 1989 Computation of path constrained time optimal motions with dynamic singularities. Zbl 0767.93064 Shiller, Zvi; Lu, Hsueh-Hen 14 1992 Design of disturbance decoupled observer for bilinear systems. Zbl 0825.93089 Hać, A. 14 1992 Active vibration control of distributed systems using delayed resonator with acceleration feedback. Zbl 0909.73060 Olgac, Nejat; Elmali, Hakan; Hosek, Martin; Renzulli, Mark 14 1997 A stochastic regulator for integrated communication and control systems. I: Formulation of control law. Zbl 0752.93075 Liou, Luen-Woei; Ray, Asok 13 1991 Experimental results of adaptive periodic disturbance cancellation in a high performance magnetic disk drive. Zbl 0858.93052 Sacks, Alexei; Bodson, Marc; Khosla, Pradeep 13 1996 Optimal trajectory generation for robotic manipulators using dynamic programming. Zbl 0621.93047 Singh, S.; Leu, M. C. 13 1987 On the robustness of mismatched uncertain dynamical systems. Zbl 0637.93020 Chen, Y. H. 13 1987 Inverse dynamics of flexible robot arms: Modeling and computation for trajectory control. Zbl 0709.93585 Asada, H.; Ma, Z.-D.; Tokumaru, H. 13 1990 Bond graph junction structures. Zbl 0315.94033 Perelson, A. S. 13 1975 Simulation of flexible-link manipulators with inertial and geometric nonlinearities. Zbl 0825.93507 Damaren, Chris; Sharf, Inna 12 1995 Nonlinear control of mismatched uncertain linear systems and application to control of aircraft. Zbl 0557.93038 Singh, S. N.; Coelho, Antônio A. R. 12 1984 Applications of damped least-squares methods to resolved-rate and resolved-acceleration control of manipulators. Zbl 0649.93053 Wampler, C. W. II; Leifer, L. J. 12 1988 A lumped parameter electromechanical model for describing the nonlinear behavior of piezoelectric actuators. Zbl 0900.93029 Goldfarb, M.; Celanovic, N. 12 1997 Sliding control without reaching phase and its application to bipedal locomotion. Zbl 0800.93208 Chang, Tai-Heng; Hurmuzlu, Yildirim 11 1993 Robust Kalman filter synthesis for uncertain multiple time-delay stochastic systems. Zbl 0866.93097 Hsiao, Feng-Hsiag; Pan, Shing-Tai 11 1996 Controller design for flexible, distributed parameter mechanical arms via combined state space and frequence domain techniques. Zbl 0543.70042 Book, W. J.; Majette, M. 11 1983 A geometrical representation of manipulator dynamics and its application to arm design. Zbl 0529.70007 Asada, Haruhiko 11 1983 Automated symbolic derivation of dynamic equations of motion for robotic manipulators. Zbl 0597.70003 Leu, M. C.; Hemati, N. 11 1986 Quasi-static assembly of compliantly supported rigid parts. Zbl 0485.93046 Whitney, D. E. 10 1982 Dynamic scaling of manipulator trajectories. Zbl 0543.93031 Hollerbach, J. M. 10 1984 Cancellation of discrete time unstable zeros by feedforward control. Zbl 0800.93395 Gross, Eric; Tomizuka, Masayoshi; Messner, William 10 1994 Optimal observer design with specified eigenvalues for time-invariant linear system. Zbl 0445.93012 Kung, F. C.; Yeh, Y. M. 10 1980 Control of a flexible robot arm: Experimental and theoretical results. Zbl 0646.93042 Chalhoub, N. G.; Ulsoy, A. G. 10 1987 A Lagrangian formulation of the dynamic model for flexible manipulator systems. Zbl 0647.70007 Low, K. H.; Vidyasagar, M. 10 1988 The properties of bond graph junction structure matrices. Zbl 0279.94021 Ort, J. R.; Martens, H. R. 10 1973 Bond graphs for flexible multibody systems. Zbl 0408.70009 Margolis, D. L.; Karnopp, D. C. 10 1980 A topological procedure for converting a bond graph to a linear graph. Zbl 0315.94034 Ort, J. R.; Martens, H. R. 10 1974 Frequency-domain synthesis of optimal inputs for linear systems parameter estimation. Zbl 0332.93067 Mehra, R. K. 10 1976 Discrete-time sliding mode control: The linear case. Zbl 0995.93500 Misawa, E. A. 10 1997 Generalized equations of motion for the dynamic analysis of elastic mechanism systems. Zbl 0569.73077 Turcic, D. A.; Midha, Ashok 9 1984 Process fault diagnosis based on process model knowledge. I: Principles for fault diagnosis with parameter estimation. Zbl 0744.93006 Isermann, R.; Freyermuth, B. 9 1991 Robust nonlinear stick-slip friction compensation. Zbl 0745.93064 Southward, S. C.; Radcliffe, C. J.; MacCluer, C. R. 9 1991 Chaos in linear distributed systems. Zbl 0778.93038 MacCluer, C. R. 9 1992 Input/output linearization using time delay control. Zbl 0767.93036 Youcef-Toumi, K.; Wu, S.-T. 9 1992 A method for optimal synthesis of manipulation robot trajectories. Zbl 0508.93028 Vukobratović, M.; Kirćanski, M. 9 1982 Control of elastic robotic systems by nonlinear inversion and modal damping. Zbl 0596.93030 Singh, S. N.; Schy, A. A. 9 1986 Vibration reduction using multi-hump input shapers. Zbl 0900.70389 Singhose, W. E.; Porter, L. J.; Tuttle, T. D.; Singer, N. C. 9 1997 Fourier-based optimal control of nonlinear dynamic systems. Zbl 0709.49016 Nagurka, M. L.; Yen, V. 9 1990 Dynamics of flexible bodies using generalized Newton-Euler equations. Zbl 0712.70021 Shabana, A. A. 9 1990 Lagrange’s equation for complex bond graph systems. Zbl 0384.70033 Karnopp, Dean 9 1977 Single-loop QFT design for robust performance in the presence of non-parametric uncertainties. Zbl 0845.93064 Chait, Yossi; Borghesani, Craig; Zheng, Yuan 8 1995 Dynamic analysis of elastic mechanism systems. I. Applications. Zbl 0569.73078 Turcic, D. A.; Midha, Ashok 8 1984 Control of a class of manipulators with a single flexible link. I: Feedback linearization. Zbl 0745.93055 Wang, D.; Vidyasagar, M. 8 1991 On time delay in noncolocated control of flexible mechanical systems. Zbl 0762.93047 Yang, B.; Mote, C. D. jun. 8 1992 Robust time-delay control. Zbl 0775.93040 Singh, T.; Vadali, S. R. 8 1993 A Chebyshev-based state representation for linear quadratic optimal control. Zbl 0779.49040 Nagurka, M. L.; Wang, S.-K. 8 1993 On the use of an elastic-plastic contact law for the impact of a single flexible link. Zbl 0846.73057 Yigit, A. S. 8 1995 Preview control for vehicle lateral guidance in highway automation. Zbl 0800.93393 Peng, Huei; Tomizuka, Masayoshi 8 1993 On the stability of PD control for a two-link rigid-flexible manipulator. Zbl 0807.93045 Yigit, Ahmet S. 8 1994 Model reduction and control system design by shifted Legendre polynomial functions. Zbl 0505.93045 Chang, Rong-Yeu; Wang, Maw-Ling 8 1983 An adaptive control scheme for mechanical manipulators - Compensation of nonlinearity and decoupling control. Zbl 0603.93033 Horowitz, Roberto; Tomizuka, Masayoshi 8 1986 Steady-state and stochastic performance of a modified discrete-time prototype repetitive controller. Zbl 0709.93576 Chew, Kok Kia; Tomizuka, Masayoshi 8 1990 Constrained inverted pendulum model for evaluating upright postural stability. Zbl 0507.93053 Hemami, H.; Katbab, A. 8 1982 Ellipsoidal set-theoretic control synthesis. Zbl 0516.93021 Usoro, P. B.; Schweppe, F. C.; Wormley, D. N.; Gould, L. A. 8 1982 Robust control of generalized dynamic systems without the matching conditions. Zbl 0745.93063 Qu, Zhihua; Dorsey, John 7 1991 A simplified multi-input multi-output formulation for the quantitative feedback theory. Zbl 0767.93032 Yaniv, O.; Chait, Y. 7 1992 Output feedback two-time scale control of multilink flexible arms. Zbl 0775.93165 Siciliano, B.; Prasad, J. V. R.; Calise, A. J. 7 1992 Industrial robot forward calibration method and results. Zbl 0591.93045 Whitney, D. E.; Lozinski, C. A.; Rourke, J. M. 7 1986 Optimal feed-forward digital tracking controller design. Zbl 0850.93285 Tsao, Tsu-Chin 7 1994 Stabilization of nonlinear singularly perturbed multiple time-delay systems by dither. Zbl 0849.34062 Hsiao, Feng-Hsiag; Hwang, Jiing-Dong 7 1996 A comparison of different models for beam vibrations from the standpoint of control design. Zbl 0755.93069 Morris, K. A.; Vidyasagar, M. 7 1990 The control of natural motion in mechanical systems. Zbl 0745.93002 Koditschek, D. E. 7 1991 Alternative bond graph causal patterns and equation formulations for dynamic systems. Zbl 0511.93009 Karnopp, Dean 7 1983 Controlled motion in an elastic world. Zbl 0775.93070 Book, Wayne J. 7 1993 Active vibration control of distributed systems using delayed resonator with acceleration feedback. Zbl 0909.73060 Olgac, Nejat; Elmali, Hakan; Hosek, Martin; Renzulli, Mark 14 1997 A lumped parameter electromechanical model for describing the nonlinear behavior of piezoelectric actuators. Zbl 0900.93029 Goldfarb, M.; Celanovic, N. 12 1997 Discrete-time sliding mode control: The linear case. Zbl 0995.93500 Misawa, E. A. 10 1997 Vibration reduction using multi-hump input shapers. Zbl 0900.70389 Singhose, W. E.; Porter, L. J.; Tuttle, T. D.; Singer, N. C. 9 1997 Control of linear time-varying systems using forward Riccati equation. Zbl 0895.93028 Chen, Min-Shin; Kao, Chung-yao 7 1997 An efficient algorithm for computing QFT bounds. Zbl 0900.93184 Rodrigues, J. M.; Chait, Y.; Hollot, C. V. 7 1997 Dynamic modeling and optimal control of rotating Euler-Bernoulli beams. Zbl 1010.93069 Zhu, W. D.; Mote, C. D. jun. 6 1997 Time-output negative input shapers. Zbl 0886.93022 Singhose, W. E.; Seering, W. P.; Singer, Neil C. 5 1997 Robust nondiagonal controller design for uncertain multivariable regulating systems. Zbl 0890.93067 Franchek, M. A.; Herman, P.; Nwokah, O. D. I. 5 1997 Accounting for out-of-bandwidth modes in the assumed modes approach: Implications on colocated output feedback control. Zbl 0909.73055 Clark, R. L. 5 1997 Robust decentralized stabilization of large-scale delay systems via sliding mode control. Zbl 0882.93002 Yan, Jun-Juh; Tsai, Jason Sheng-Hong; Kung, Fan-Chu 4 1997 Robust filtering for interconnected uncertain systems under sampled measurements. Zbl 0900.93337 Shi, Peng; Wang, Youyi; Xie, Lihua 4 1997 Componentwise bounded controllers for robust exponential convergence. Zbl 0883.93046 Corless, M.; Leitmann, G. 4 1997 Simple robust \(r-\alpha\) tracking controllers for uncertain fully-actuated mechanical systems. Zbl 1071.70537 Zenieh, Salah; Corless, Martin 4 1997 Modeling of vapor compression cycles for multivariable feedback control of HVAC systems. Zbl 0900.93257 He, Xiang-Dong; Liu, Sheng; Asada, Haruhiko H. 3 1997 Active control of a high-speed pantograph. Zbl 1053.93534 O’Connor, D. N.; Eppinger, S. D.; Seering, W. P.; Wormley, D. N. 3 1997 Nonlinear inverse and predictive end point trajectory control of flexible macro-micro manipulators. Zbl 0899.93025 Yim, Woosoon; Singh, Sahjendra N. 3 1997 Modeling and control of transverse and torsional vibrations in a spherical robotic manipulator: Theoretical and experimental results. Zbl 0900.93205 Chen, Liming; Chalhoub, Nabil G. 3 1997 Force tracking control of a flexible gripper driven by piezoceramic actuators. Zbl 0905.73046 Choi, Seung-Bok; Lee, Chul-Hee 3 1997 A detailed study of the low-frequency periodic behavior of a dry friction oscillator. Zbl 0903.34040 Begley, C. J.; Virgin, L. N. 3 1997 Positive uncertain systems with one-sided robust control. Zbl 1002.93512 Chen, Y. H.; Kuo, C. Y. 3 1997 Robust trajectory tracking control of elastic robot manipulators. Zbl 1037.93065 Morita, Yoshifumi; Ukai, Hiroyuki; Kando, Hisashi 3 1997 Contact transition control of nonlinear mechanical systems subject to a unilateral constraint. Zbl 1071.70535 Pagilla, P. R.; Tomizuka, Masayoshi 3 1997 Consistent task specification for manipulation systems with general kinematics. Zbl 1026.70007 Prattichizzo, Domenico; Bicchi, Antonio 3 1997 Exponential tracking control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with time-varying delay arguments and deadzone nonlinearities. Zbl 1013.93019 Sun, Yeong-Jeu; Hsieh, Jer-Guang 3 1997 Nonlinear PI compensators that achieve high performance. Zbl 0881.93033 Shahruz, S. M.; Schwartz, A. L. 2 1997 A uniform bound for the Jacobian of the gravitational force vector for a class of robot manipulators. Zbl 0881.93050 Ghorbel, F.; Gunawardana, R. 2 1997 Robust controller design for discrete uncertain multiple time-delay systems. Zbl 0881.93058 Hsiao, Feng-Hsiag; Pan, Shing-Tai; Teng, Ching-Cheng 2 1997 Force feedback in adaptive trusses for vibration isolation in flexible structures. Zbl 0901.73058 Clark, W. W.; Robertshaw, H. H. 2 1997 Time delay observer: A robust observer for nonlinear plants. Zbl 0900.93047 Chang, Pyung H.; Lee, Jeong W.; Park, Suk H. 2 1997 Discrete-time sliding mode control for nonlinear systems with unmatched uncertainties and uncertain control vector. Zbl 0935.93021 Misawa, E. A. 2 1997 A superconducting maglev vehicle/guideway system with preview control. I: Vehicle, guideway, and magnet modeling. Zbl 1012.93048 Nagurka, M. L.; Wang, S. K. 2 1997 Sliding mode control with sliding perturbation observer. Zbl 1014.93006 Moura, Jairo Terra; Elmali, Hakan; Olgac, Nejat 2 1997 Modeling and impedance control of a two-manipulator system handling a flexible beam. Zbl 0995.93518 Sun, Dong; Liu, Yunhui 2 1997 A digital robust controller for cutting force control in the end milling process. Zbl 0900.93254 Rober, S. J.; Shin, Y. C.; Nwokah, O. D. I. 1 1997 Design of optimal MIMO DIVSC systems and its application to idle speed control of spark ignition engine. Zbl 0881.93016 Chern, Tzuen-Lih; Chuang, Chin-Wen 1 1997 A non-normality measure of the condition number for monitoring and control. Zbl 0889.65045 Huh, Kunsoo; Stein, Jeffrey L. 1 1997 The shape from motion approach to rapid and precise force/torque sensor calibration. Zbl 0900.93106 Voyles, R. M.; Morrow, J. D.; Khosla, P. K. 1 1997 Robustness of adaptive rotor vibration control to structured uncertainty. Zbl 0900.93258 Knospe, C. R.; Tamer, S. M.; Fedigan, S. J. 1 1997 System dynamics modeling of porous media. Zbl 0889.76084 Fahrenthold, E. P.; Venkataraman, M. 1 1997 An experimental study of resolved acceleration control of robots at singularities: Damped least-squares approach. Zbl 0893.93020 Kirćanski, M.; Kirćanski, N.; Leković, D.; Vukobratović, M. 1 1997 Experimental approach to selecting \(H_\infty\) weighting functions for DC servos. Zbl 1053.93506 Yang, Ciann-Dong; Tai, Hung-Chun; Lee, C. C. 1 1997 Optimal rejection of stochastic and deterministic disturbances. Zbl 0883.93023 Sparks, A. G.; Bernstein, D. S. 1 1997 Zero phase error tracking system with arbitrarily specified gain characteristics. Zbl 0881.93032 Yamada, Manabu; Funahashi, Yasuyuki; Fujiwara, Shin-ichi 1 1997 Assessing the potential for energy regeneration in dynamic subsystems. Zbl 0881.93035 Jolly, M. R.; Margolis, D. L. 1 1997 A new approach for designing robust controllers for the servomechanism problem. Zbl 0885.93028 Al-Assadi, Salem A. K. 1 1997 Position control of single link flexible manipulator by variable structure model following control. Zbl 0900.93202 Thomas, S.; Bandyopadhyay, B. 1 1997 Balanced dissipative controllers for flexible structures. Zbl 0894.73099 Gawronski, W. K.; Sawicki, J. T. 1 1997 Electromechanical modeling of hybrid piezohydraulic actuator system for active vibration control. Zbl 0900.70388 Tang, Punan; Palazzolo, Alan B.; Kascak, Albert F.; Montague, Gerald T. 1 1997 Vibration control of smart structures by using neural networks. Zbl 0894.73108 Yang, S. M.; Lee, G. S. 1 1997 Modeling and path-tracking for a load-haul-dump mining vehicle. Zbl 0881.93053 DeSantis, R. M. 1 1997 Robust sliding mode control of uncertain dynamic delay systems in the presence of matched and unmatched uncertainties. Zbl 0882.93011 Oucheriah, Said 1 1997 The role of environment dynamics in contact force control of manipulation robots. Zbl 0882.93058 Vukobratović, Miomir 1 1997 Accuracy of discrete models for the solution of the inverse dynamics problem for flexible arms, feasible trajectories. Zbl 0905.73048 Moulin, H. C.; Bayo, E. 1 1997 Linear quadratic frequency-shaped implicit force control of flexible link manipulators. Zbl 0905.73045 Borowiec, J.; Tzes, A. 1 1997 An approach to telerobotic manipulations. Zbl 0900.93203 Kazerooni, H.; Moore, C. L. 1 1997 Optimal orifice geometry for a hydraulic pressure-reducing valve. Zbl 0929.74080 Manring, N. D.; Johnson, R. E. 1 1997 Accelerometer placement for angular velocity determination. Zbl 0895.93007 Genin, Joseph; Hong, Juehui; Xu, Wei 1 1997 Rank-one scaled \({\mathcal H}_\infty\) optimization. Zbl 0895.93015 Iwasaki, Tetsuya; Rotea, Mario A. 1 1997 \(H^\infty\) optimal repetitive controller design for stable plants. Zbl 0900.93079 Peery, T. E.; Özbay, H. 1 1997 A superconducting maglev vehicle/guideway system with preview control. II: Controller design and system behavior. Zbl 1012.93049 Wang, S. K.; Nagurka, M. L. 1 1997 Analysis and control of a flywheel energy storage system with a hybrid magnetic bearing. Zbl 1032.93556 Stienmier, J. D.; Thielman, S. C.; Fabien, B. C. 1 1997 Broadband dynamic modification using feedforward control. Zbl 0995.93507 Alberts, Thomas E.; Pota, Hemanshu R. 1 1997 General mathematical model of multi-arm cooperating robots with elastic interconnection at the contact. Zbl 1047.93542 Živanović, Milovan; Vukobratović, Miomir 1 1997 Optimal sensor location in motion control of flexibly supported long reach manipulators. Zbl 1010.93068 Mavroidis, Constantinos; Dubowsky, Steven; Thomas, Kevin 1 1997 Robust time-optimal control of flexible structures with parametric uncertainty. Zbl 1071.93502 Liu, Shin-Whar; Singh, Tarunraj 1 1997 Controller design of a distributed slewing flexible structure – a frequency domain approach. Zbl 1071.93508 Yang, S. M.; Jeng, J. A.; Liu, Y. C. 1 1997 Vibration control of an axially moving string by boundary control. Zbl 0849.93031 Lee, Seung-Yop; Mote, C. D. jun. 30 1996 Smooth robust adaptive sliding mode control of manipulators with guaranteed transient performance. Zbl 0866.93065 Yao, Bin; Tomizuka, Masayoshi 29 1996 Linear chaos in the unforced quantum harmonic oscillator. Zbl 0870.58057 Gulisashvili, A.; MacCluer, C. R. 21 1996 Experimental results of adaptive periodic disturbance cancellation in a high performance magnetic disk drive. Zbl 0858.93052 Sacks, Alexei; Bodson, Marc; Khosla, Pradeep 13 1996 Robust Kalman filter synthesis for uncertain multiple time-delay stochastic systems. Zbl 0866.93097 Hsiao, Feng-Hsiag; Pan, Shing-Tai 11 1996 Stabilization of nonlinear singularly perturbed multiple time-delay systems by dither. Zbl 0849.34062 Hsiao, Feng-Hsiag; Hwang, Jiing-Dong 7 1996 Control of linear motors for machine tool feed drives: Design and implementation of \(H_ \infty\) optimal feedback control. Zbl 0875.93388 Alter, D. M.; Tsao, Tsu-Chin 7 1996 Adaptive, high bandwidth control of a hydraulic actuator. Zbl 0875.93383 Bobrow, J. E.; Lum, K. 7 1996 Robust throttle control of automotive engines: Theory and experiment. Zbl 0849.93050 Choi, Sei-Bum; Hedrick, J. K. 6 1996 Robust stabilizability of uncertain linear time-delay systems with Markovian jumping parameters. Zbl 0873.93083 Benjelloun, K.; Boukas, E. K.; Yang, H. 6 1996 Parallel computational algorithms for the kinematics and dynamics of planar and spatial parallel manipulators. Zbl 0851.70005 Gosselin, C. M. 5 1996 Robust joint and Cartesian control of underactuated manipulators. Zbl 0875.93311 Bergerman, Marcel; Xu, Yangsheng 5 1996 Model error compensation for bearing temperature and preload estimation. Zbl 0925.93096 Tu, Jay F.; Stein, Jeffrey L. 5 1996 A covariance controller design incorporating optimal estimation for nonlinear stochastic systems. Zbl 0863.93089 Chang, Wen-Jer; Chung, Hung-Yuan 5 1996 Application of repetitive control to eccentricity compensation in rolling. Zbl 0875.93384 Garimella, S. S.; Srinivasan, K. 5 1996 Part I: Modeling of a one-degree-of-freedom active hydraulic mount. Zbl 0925.93047 FitzSimons, P. M.; Palazzolo, J. J. 4 1996 Time-energy optimal control of articulated systems with geometric path constraints. Zbl 0858.70020 Shiller, Zvi 3 1996 Analytical and experimental analysis of a self-compensating dynamic balancer in a rotating mechanism. Zbl 0875.70027 Lee, Jongkil; Van Moorhem, W. K. 3 1996 Vehicle/guideway dynamic interaction in maglev systems. Zbl 0866.90053 Cai, Y.; Chen, S. S.; Rote, D. M.; Coffey, H. T. 3 1996 Optimal redesign of linear systems. Zbl 0872.93031 Grigoriadis, K. M.; Zhu, G.; Skelton, R. E. 3 1996 Frequency domain structural system identification by observability range space extraction. Zbl 0875.93085 Liu, Ketao; Jacques, Robert N.; Miller, David W. 3 1996 On statistical model validation. Zbl 0867.93079 Lee, L. H.; Poolla, K. 3 1996 Comparison between linear and nonlinear control of an electropneumatic servodrive. Zbl 0875.93381 Richard, E.; Scavarda, S. 3 1996 Axial force stabilization of transverse vibration in pinned and clamped beams. 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