Linear Algebra and its Applications Short Title: Linear Algebra Appl. Publisher: Elsevier (North-Holland), New York, NY ISSN: 0024-3795 Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 15,586 Publications (since 1968) References Indexed: 15,268 Publications with 252,243 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 708 (2025) 707 (2025) 706 (2025) 705 (2025) 704 (2025) 703 (2024) 702 (2024) 701 (2024) 700 (2024) 699 (2024) 698 (2024) 697 (2024) 696 (2024) 695 (2024) 694 (2024) 693 (2024) 692 (2024) 691 (2024) 690 (2024) 689 (2024) 688 (2024) 687 (2024) 686 (2024) 685 (2024) 684 (2024) 683 (2024) 682 (2024) 681 (2024) 680 (2024) 679 (2023) 678 (2023) 677 (2023) 676 (2023) 675 (2023) 674 (2023) 673 (2023) 672 (2023) 671 (2023) 670 (2023) 669 (2023) 668 (2023) 667 (2023) 666 (2023) 665 (2023) 664 (2023) 663 (2023) 662 (2023) 661 (2023) 660 (2023) 659 (2023) 658 (2023) 657 (2023) 656 (2023) 655 (2022) 654 (2022) 653 (2022) 652 (2022) 651 (2022) 650 (2022) 649 (2022) 648 (2022) 647 (2022) 646 (2022) 645 (2022) 644 (2022) 643 (2022) 642 (2022) 641 (2022) 640 (2022) 639 (2022) 638 (2022) 637 (2022) 636 (2022) 635 (2022) 634 (2022) 633 (2022) 632 (2022) 631 (2021) 630 (2021) 629 (2021) 628 (2021) 627 (2021) 626 (2021) 625 (2021) 624 (2021) 623 (2021) 622 (2021) 621 (2021) 620 (2021) 619 (2021) 618 (2021) 617 (2021) 616 (2021) 615 (2021) 614 (2021) 613 (2021) 612 (2021) 611 (2021) 610 (2021) 609 (2021) ...and 706 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 171 Johnson, Charles Royal 94 Li, Chi-Kwong 83 Fiedler, Miroslav 77 Bapat, Ravindra Bhalchandra 73 Kirkland, Stephen J. 67 Neumann, Michael 66 Brualdi, Richard Anthony 63 Rodman, Leiba X. 62 van den Driessche, Pauline 59 Friedland, Shmuel 56 Elsner, Ludwig F. 56 Shader, Bryan L. 54 Schneider, Hans 53 Sergeĭchuk, Volodymyr Vasyl’ovych 50 Baksalary, Jerzy K. 50 Beasley, LeRoy B. 50 Olesky, D. Dale 50 Ran, André C. M. 48 Shao, Jiayu 47 Tam, Bit-Shun 46 Berman, Abraham S. 46 Laffey, Thomas J. 46 Rojo, Oscar L. 45 Bhatia, Rajendra 45 Fallat, Shaun M. 45 Hershkowitz, Daniel 45 Mehrmann, Volker 45 Wei, Yimin 44 Lim, Yongdo 42 Das, Kinkar Chandra 41 Dopico, Froilán M. 41 Loewy, Raphael 41 Silva, Fernando Conceição 40 Alpay, Daniel Aron 39 Barrett, Wayne W. 39 Gohberg, Israel 39 Hall, Frank J. 39 Hogben, Leslie 39 Nakazato, Hiroshi 39 Zaballa, Ion 38 Bebiano, Natália Isabel Quadros 38 Cheon, Gi-Sang 38 Horn, Roger Alan 38 Hou, Jinchuan 38 Nikiforov, Vladimir S. 37 Hartwig, Robert E. 37 Kittaneh, Fuad 37 Van Dooren, Paul M. 37 Wu, Peiyuan 36 de Seguins Pazzis, Clément 35 Chien, Mao-Ting 35 Perdigão Dias da Silva, José António 35 Terwilliger, Paul M. 35 Thompson, Robert C. 34 Hwang, Suk-Geun 34 Rowlinson, Peter 34 Zhou, Bo 33 Guterman, Alexander Èmilevich 33 Lancaster, Peter 33 Markham, Thomas L. 33 Rothblum, Uriel George 33 Tsatsomeros, Michael J. 32 Akbari, Saieed 32 Dahl, Geir 32 Heinig, Georg 32 Liu, Bolian 32 Serra-Capizzano, Stefano 32 Spitkovsky, Ilya Matvey 31 Baksalary, Oskar Maria 31 Li, Zhongshan 31 Šemrl, Peter 31 Wimmer, Harald K. 30 Peña, Juan Manuel 30 Radjavi, Heydar 29 Bart, Harm 29 Gau, Hwa-Long 29 Guo, Jiming 29 Haemers, Willem H. 29 Lim, Ming-Huat 29 Šmigoc, Helena 29 Wong, Dein 29 Zhang, Xiaodong 28 Drury, Stephen William 28 Fan, Yizheng 28 Furtado, Susana 28 Hadjidimos, Apostolos 28 Li, Rencang 28 Pták, Vlastimil 28 Robbiano, María 28 Simić, Slobodan K. 28 Soto, Ricardo Lorenzo 28 Tam, Tin-Yau 27 Lin, Huiqiu 27 Merino, Dennis I. 27 Nomura, Kazumasa 27 Trench, William F. 27 Trevisan, Vilmar 27 Uhlig, Frank 26 Böttcher, Albrecht 26 Gowda, Muddappa Seetharama ...and 11,692 more Authors all top 5 Fields 9,522 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3,326 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2,495 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1,840 Operator theory (47-XX) 775 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 598 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 595 Functional analysis (46-XX) 548 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 492 Number theory (11-XX) 463 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 452 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 447 Statistics (62-XX) 318 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 316 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 274 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 270 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 241 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 231 Computer science (68-XX) 228 Geometry (51-XX) 215 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 202 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 197 Real functions (26-XX) 191 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 186 Quantum theory (81-XX) 171 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 160 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 153 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 140 Special functions (33-XX) 138 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 126 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 112 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 99 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 96 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 91 Differential geometry (53-XX) 84 History and biography (01-XX) 78 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 76 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 60 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 58 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 43 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 41 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 37 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 30 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 26 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 26 Integral equations (45-XX) 26 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 25 General topology (54-XX) 23 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 22 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 20 Measure and integration (28-XX) 19 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 18 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 17 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 13 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 13 Mathematics education (97-XX) 11 Potential theory (31-XX) 11 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 10 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 5 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 13,339 Publications have been cited 152,257 times in 64,156 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Completely positive linear maps on complex matrices. Zbl 0327.15018 Choi, Man-Duen 657 1975 Inertia characteristics of self-adjoint matrix polynomials. Zbl 0516.15018 Lancaster, P.; Tismenetsky, M. 565 1983 Laplacian matrices of graphs: A survey. Zbl 0802.05053 Merris, Russell 560 1994 Applications of second-order cone programming. Zbl 0946.90050 Lobo, Miguel Sousa; Vandenberghe, Lieven; Boyd, Stephen; Lebret, Hervé 436 1998 Quaternions and matrices of quaternions. Zbl 0873.15008 Zhang, Fuzhen 433 1997 Which graphs are determined by their spectrum? Zbl 1026.05079 van Dam, Edwin R.; Haemers, Willem H. 364 2003 Signless Laplacians of finite graphs. Zbl 1113.05061 Čvetković, Dragoš; Rowlinson, Peter; Simić, Slobodan K. 327 2007 Three-way arrays: rank and uniqueness of trilinear decompositions, with application to arithmetic complexity and statistics. Zbl 0364.15021 Kruskal, Joseph B. 286 1977 Totally positive matrices. Zbl 0613.15014 Ando, T. 283 1987 Complementary pivot theory of mathematical programming. Zbl 0155.28403 Cottle, Richard W.; Dantzig, George B. 277 1968 Interlacing eigenvalues and graphs. Zbl 0831.05044 Haemers, Willem H. 270 1995 Concavity of certain maps on positive definite matrices and applications to Hadamard products. Zbl 0495.15018 Ando, T. 260 1979 Spectra of uniform hypergraphs. Zbl 1238.05183 Cooper, Joshua; Dutle, Aaron 257 2012 A new look at the Lanczos algorithm for solving symmetric systems of linear equations. Zbl 0431.65016 Parlett, B. N. 239 1980 Zero forcing sets and the minimum rank of graphs. Zbl 1135.05035 Barioli, Francesco; Barrett, Wayne; Butler, Steve; Ciobă, Sebastian M.; Cvetković, Dragos; Fallat, Shaun M.; Godsil, Chris; Haemers, Willem; Hogben, Leslie; Mikkelson, Rana; Narayan, Sivaram; Pryporova, Olga; Sciriha, Irene; So, Wasin; Stevanović, Dragan; van der Holst, Hein; Vander Meulen, Kevin; Wehe, Amy Wangsness 237 2008 Perron-Frobenius theorem for nonnegative multilinear forms and extensions. Zbl 1261.15039 Friedland, S.; Gaubert, S.; Han, L. 233 2013 On parameterized inexact Uzawa methods for generalized saddle point problems. Zbl 1144.65020 Bai, Zhong-Zhi; Wang, Zeng-Qi 226 2008 Derived eigenvalues of symmetric matrices, with applications to distance geometry. Zbl 0706.15009 Neumaier, A. 224 1990 Distance spectra of graphs: a survey. Zbl 1295.05093 Aouchiche, Mustapha; Hansen, Pierre 217 2014 The computation of Kronecker’s canonical form of a singular pencil. Zbl 0416.65026 van Dooren, P. 212 1979 A lower bound for the smallest singular value of a matrix. Zbl 0312.65028 Varah, J. M. 207 1975 M-matrix characterizations. I: nonsingular M-matrices. Zbl 0359.15005 Plemmons, R. J. 200 1977 \(M\)-tensors and nonsingular \(M\)-tensors. Zbl 1283.15074 Ding, Weiyang; Qi, Liqun; Wei, Yimin 195 2013 Laplacian energy of a graph. Zbl 1092.05045 Gutman, Ivan; Zhou, Bo 193 2006 Factorization strategies for third-order tensors. Zbl 1228.15009 Kilmer, Misha E.; Martin, Carla D. 192 2011 Two linear transformations each tridiagonal with respect to an eigenbasis of the other. Zbl 0980.05054 Terwilliger, Paul 189 2001 TT-cross approximation for multidimensional arrays. Zbl 1183.65040 Oseledets, Ivan; Tyrtyshnikov, Eugene 189 2010 A theory of pseudoskeleton approximations. Zbl 0877.65021 Goreinov, S. A.; Tyrtyshnikov, E. E.; Zamarashkin, N. L. 187 1997 Positive definite completions of partial Hermitian matrices. Zbl 0547.15011 Grone, Robert; Johnson, Charles R.; Marques de Sá, Eduardo; Wolkowicz, Henry 185 1984 Convergence of relaxed parallel multisplitting methods. Zbl 0676.65022 Frommer, Andreas; Mayer, Günter 183 1989 Absolute value equations. Zbl 1172.15302 Mangasarian, O. L.; Meyer, R. R. 183 2006 Computing a nearest symmetric positive semidefinite matrix. Zbl 0649.65026 Higham, Nicholas J. 180 1988 Bounded semigroups of matrices. 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Zbl 1072.15002 Gowda, M. Seetharama; Sznajder, Roman; Tao, J. 156 2004 Systems of linear interval equations. Zbl 0712.65029 Rohn, Jiri 156 1989 Symmetric nonnegative tensors and copositive tensors. Zbl 1281.15025 Qi, Liqun 156 2013 A unifying approach to some old and new theorems on distribution and clustering. Zbl 0841.15006 Tyrtyshnikov, Evgenij E. 156 1996 Five-diagonal matrices and zeros of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Zbl 1022.42013 Cantero, M. J.; Moral, L.; Velázquez, L. 155 2003 The block conjugate gradient algorithm and related methods. Zbl 0426.65011 O’Leary, Dianne P. 154 1980 Sets of matrices all infinite products of which converge. Zbl 0746.15015 Daubechies, Ingrid; Lagarias, Jeffrey C. 150 1992 On inexact Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting methods for non-Hermitian positive definite linear systems. Zbl 1135.65016 Bai, Zhong-Zhi; Golub, Gene H.; Ng, Michael K. 146 2008 Manifestations of the Schur complement. Zbl 0284.15005 Cottle, Richard W. 145 1974 Variations on Arnoldi’s method for computing eigenelements of large unsymmetric matrices. Zbl 0456.65017 Saad, Y. 143 1980 The expected eigenvalue distribution of a large regular graph. Zbl 0468.05039 McKay, Brendan D. 143 1981 Total positivity and Neville elimination. Zbl 0749.15010 Gasca, M.; Peña, J. M. 141 1992 Determination of the inertia of a partitioned Hermitian matrix. Zbl 0155.06304 Haynsworth, E. V. 141 1968 Geometric means. Zbl 1063.47013 Ando, T.; Li, Chi-Kwong; Mathias, Roy 137 2004 Chaotic relaxation. Zbl 0225.65043 Chazan, D.; Miranker, W. 137 1969 Towards a spectral theory of graphs based on the signless Laplacian. II. Zbl 1218.05089 Cvetković, Dragoš; Simić, Slobodan K. 134 2010 Paved with good intentions: analysis of a randomized block Kaczmarz method. Zbl 1282.65042 Needell, Deanna; Tropp, Joel A. 132 2014 Riemannian geometry and matrix geometric means. Zbl 1088.15022 Bhatia, Rajendra; Holbrook, John 131 2006 On the number of solutions to the complementarity problem and spanning properties of complementary cones. Zbl 0241.90046 Murty, Katta G. 130 1972 Core-EP decomposition and its applications. Zbl 1346.15003 Wang, Hongxing 122 2016 Backward error and condition of polynomial eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0955.65027 Tisseur, Françoise 121 2000 Convergence of parallel multisplitting iterative methods for M-matrices. Zbl 0626.65025 Neumann, M.; Plemmons, R. J. 121 1987 Group, Moore-Penrose, core and dual core inverse in rings with involution. Zbl 1297.15006 Rakić, Dragan S.; Dinčić, Nebojša Č.; Djordjević, Dragan S. 121 2014 Old and new results on algebraic connectivity of graphs. Zbl 1115.05056 de Abreu, Nair Maria Maia 121 2007 An integral method for solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Zbl 1237.65035 Beyn, Wolf-Jürgen 120 2012 Stability of discrete linear inclusion. Zbl 0845.68067 Gurvits, Leonid 120 1995 The general coupled matrix equations over generalized bisymmetric matrices. Zbl 1187.65042 Dehghan, Mehdi; Hajarian, Masoud 119 2010 Rang revealing QR factorizations. Zbl 0624.65025 Chan, Tony F. 118 1987 Bounds on graph eigenvalues. II. Zbl 1128.05035 Nikiforov, Vladimir 118 2007 Log majorization and complementary Golden-Thompson type inequalities. Zbl 0793.15011 Ando, Tsuyoshi; Hiai, Fumio 118 1994 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric centrosymmetric matrices. Zbl 0326.15007 Cantoni, A.; Butler, P. 117 1976 A framework for the solution of the generalized realization problem. Zbl 1118.93029 Mayo, A. J.; Antoulas, A. C. 115 2007 Some additive results on Drazin inverse. Zbl 0967.15003 Hartwig, Robert E.; Wang, Guorong; Wei, Yimin 114 2001 The minimum rank of symmetric matrices described by a graph: a survey. Zbl 1122.05057 Fallat, Shaun M.; Hogben, Leslie 114 2007 Interlacing inequalities for invariant factors. Zbl 0395.15003 Thompson, R. 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Zbl 0514.15018 Strassen, V. 106 1983 A gentle guide to the basics of two projections theory. Zbl 1189.47073 Böttcher, A.; Spitkovsky, I. M. 105 2010 On recurring theorems on diagonal dominance. Zbl 0336.15007 Varga, Richard S. 105 1976 Strong detectability and observers. Zbl 0528.93018 Hautus, M. L. J. 105 1983 Symmetric tensor decomposition. Zbl 1206.65141 Brachat, Jerome; Comon, Pierre; Mourrain, Bernard; Tsigaridas, Elias 104 2010 The number of eigenvalues of a tensor. Zbl 1277.15007 Cartwright, Dustin; Sturmfels, Bernd 104 2013 A system of matrix equations and a linear matrix equation over arbitrary regular rings with identity. Zbl 1058.15015 Wang, Qingwen 103 2004 Characterizing Jordan embeddings between block upper-triangular subalgebras via preserving properties. Zbl 07946917 Gogić, Ilja; Petek, Tatjana; Tomašević, Mateo 1 2025 Efficiency of any weighted geometric mean of the columns of a reciprocal matrix. 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Zbl 1536.30079 Gori, Anna; Sarfatti, Giulia; Vlacci, Fabio 2 2024 On linear non-uniform cellular automata: duality and dynamics. Zbl 1545.37017 Phung, Xuan Kien 2 2024 Functors between representation categories. Universal modules. Zbl 1548.16008 Agore, A. L. 2 2024 A matricial view of the Collatz conjecture. Zbl 1543.15025 Paparella, Pietro 1 2024 Wiener-Hopf indices of unimodular functions on the unit circle, revisited. Zbl 07874832 Frazho, A. E.; Kaashoek, M. A.; Ran, A. C. M.; van Schagen, F. 1 2024 Quantitatively hyper-positive real rational functions. II. Zbl 1548.30014 Alpay, Daniel; Lewkowicz, Izchak 1 2024 Seidel matrices, Dilworth number and an eigenvalue-free interval for cographs. Zbl 1546.05089 Li, Lei; Wang, Jianfeng; Brunetti, Maurizio 1 2024 Products of unipotent elements of index 2 in orthogonal and symplectic groups. Zbl 1547.15008 de Seguins Pazzis, Clément 1 2024 On the longest chain of faces of the completely positive and copositive cones. Zbl 1546.15021 Nishijima, Mitsuhiro 1 2024 Minimal affine varieties of superalgebras with superinvolution: a characterization. Zbl 07901473 Di Vincenzo, Onofrio M.; Nardozza, Vincenzo C. 1 2024 Four-vertex quivers supporting twisted graded Calabi-Yau algebras. Zbl 07827612 Gaddis, Jason; Lamkin, Thomas; Nguyen, Thy; Wright, Caleb 1 2024 Drazin and group invertibility in algebras spanned by two idempotents. Zbl 07827615 Biswas, Rounak; Roy, Falguni 1 2024 The unique spectral extremal graph for intersecting cliques or intersecting odd cycles. Zbl 1535.05180 Miao, Lu; Liu, Ruifang; Zhang, Jingru 1 2024 Sums of two square-zero selfadjoint or skew-selfadjoint endomorphisms. Zbl 1542.15029 de Seguins Pazzis, Clément 1 2024 Spectral analysis of implicit 2 stage block Runge-Kutta preconditioners. Zbl 1545.65309 Gander, Martin J.; Outrata, Michal 1 2024 Generating extreme copositive matrices near matrices obtained from COP-irreducible graphs. Zbl 07846416 Manainen, Maxim; Seliugin, Mikhail; Tarasov, Roman; Hildebrand, Roland 1 2024 Diagonal entries of inverses of diagonally dominant matrices. Zbl 1543.15014 Johnson, C. R.; Marijuán, C.; Pisonero, M.; Spitkovsky, I. M. 1 2024 The maximum four point condition matrix of a tree. Zbl 1544.05061 Azimi, Ali; Jana, Rakesh; Nagar, Mukesh Kumar; Sivasubramanian, Sivaramakrishnan 1 2024 On the hyper-Lyapunov matrix inclusions. Zbl 1541.15012 Lewkowicz, Izchak 1 2024 Matrix periods and competition periods of Boolean Toeplitz matrices. II. Zbl 07941030 Cheon, Gi-Sang; Kang, Bumtle; Kim, Suh-Ryung; Ryu, Homoon 1 2024 \(4 \times 4\) irreducible sign pattern matrices that require four distinct eigenvalues. Zbl 1528.15026 Gao, Yubin; Hall, Frank J.; Li, Zhongshan; Bailey, Victor; Kim, Paul 1 2024 Maximally-fine rings. Zbl 1533.16046 Nielsen, Pace P.; Zhou, Yiqiang 1 2024 Energy of graphs with no eigenvalue in the interval \((-1,1)\). Zbl 1528.05044 Oboudi, Mohammad Reza 1 2024 A perturbed averaging operator on finite graphs. Zbl 1527.31016 Manivannan, Varadha Raj; Anandam, Victor 1 2024 On graphs with girth \(g\) and positive inertia index of \(\frac{\lceil g\rceil}{2}-1\) and \(\frac{\lceil g\rceil}{2}\). Zbl 1530.05109 Duan, Fang; Yang, Qi 1 2024 On the Hurwitz stability of noninteger Hadamard powers of stable polynomials. Zbl 07787817 Białas, Stanisław; Białas-Cież, Leokadia; Kudra, Michał 1 2024 Linear maps preserving inclusion of fixed subsets into the spectrum. Zbl 1537.15029 Costara, Constantin 1 2024 Spectral extrema of \(\{ K_{k + 1}, \mathcal{L}_s \}\)-free graphs. Zbl 1530.05119 Zhai, Yanni; Yuan, Xiying 1 2024 The Cayley transform of prevalent matrix classes. Zbl 1543.15026 Mondal, Samir; Sivakumar, K. C.; Tsatsomeros, Michael 1 2024 The integrality of distance spectra of quasiabelian 2-Cayley graphs. Zbl 1536.05243 Wu, Yongjiang; Feng, Lihua; Yu, Guihai 1 2024 On the first two eigenvalues of regular graphs. Zbl 1532.05111 Zhang, Shengtong 1 2024 Locally conformal SKT almost abelian Lie algebras. Zbl 1531.53073 Beaufort, Louis-Brahim; Fino, Anna 1 2024 Two conjectured strengthenings of Turán’s theorem. Zbl 1531.05144 Elphick, Clive; Linz, William; Wocjan, Pawel 1 2024 Signless Laplacian spectrum of a graph. Zbl 1536.05292 Ghodrati, Amir Hossein; Hosseinzadeh, Mohammad Ali 1 2024 A numerical radius inequality for sector operators. Zbl 07810693 Drury, Stephen 1 2024 The condition number of singular subspaces, revisited. Zbl 07810696 Vannieuwenhoven, Nick 1 2024 Spectral properties of token graphs. Zbl 1541.05101 Barik, Sasmita; Verma, Piyush 1 2024 Co-eigenvector graphs. Zbl 1540.15010 Van Mieghem, Piet; Jokić, Ivan 1 2024 The Frobenius distances from projections to an idempotent matrix. 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M.; Serra-Capizzano, S. 1 2024 Positive vectors, pairwise comparison matrices and directed Hamiltonian cycles. Zbl 1548.05209 Fernandes, Rosário; Palma, Rúben 1 2024 Acceleration and restart for the randomized Bregman-Kaczmarz method. Zbl 1548.65086 Tondji, Lionel; Necoara, Ion; Lorenz, Dirk A. 1 2024 Böttcher-Wenzel inequality for weighted Frobenius norms and its application to quantum physics. Zbl 07922220 Mayumi, Aina; Kimura, Gen; Ohno, Hiromichi; Chruściński, Dariusz 1 2024 Garland’s method for token graphs. Zbl 1548.05217 Lew, Alan 1 2024 Nonassociative algebras of biderivation-type. Zbl 07923177 Benayadi, Saïd; Oubba, Hassan 1 2024 Demystifying the Karpelevič theorem. Zbl 07926160 Munger, Devon N.; Nickerson, Andrew L.; Paparella, Pietro 1 2024 New scattered linearized quadrinomials. Zbl 07926165 Smaldore, Valentino; Zanella, Corrado; Zullo, Ferdinando 1 2024 Two sufficient conditions for odd \([1,b]\)-factors in graphs. 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M. 81 Koolen, Jack H. 81 Stanić, Zoran 80 Lin, Huiqiu 80 Sababheh, Mohamad Suboh 79 Hajarian, Masoud 79 Schneider, Hans 77 Bebiano, Natália Isabel Quadros 77 Chen, Guoliang 77 Jbilou, Khalide 76 Beasley, LeRoy B. 76 Bu, Changjiang 75 Bhatia, Rajendra 75 Rojo, Oscar L. 74 Marcellán Español, Francisco 74 Nakazato, Hiroshi 73 Li, Chaoqian 73 Li, Rencang 72 Fan, Yizheng 72 Liu, Bolian 72 Pan, Victor Yakovlevich 71 Fallat, Shaun M. 70 Spitkovsky, Ilya Matvey 69 Gutman, Ivan M. 69 Liu, Xiaoji 68 Chien, Mao-Ting 68 Cvetković-Ilić, Dragana S. 68 Dopico, Froilán M. 68 Elsner, Ludwig F. 68 Hadjidimos, Apostolos 68 Li, Yaotang 68 Trevisan, Vilmar 68 Van Barel, Marc 67 Deng, Chunyuan 67 Hogben, Leslie 67 Liu, Jianzhou 66 Akbari, Saieed 66 Calderón Martín, Antonio Jesús 66 Fiol, Miquel Angel 66 Shader, Bryan L. 65 Thome, Néstor 64 Seoane-Sepúlveda, Juan Benigno 64 Sivakumar, Koratti Chengalrayan 63 Huang, Zheng-Hai 63 Kressner, Daniel 63 Olesky, D. 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