RAIRO. Automatique-Productique, Informatique Industrielle Short Title: RAIRO, Autom. Prod. Inf. Ind. Parallel Title: Automatic Control Production Systems Publisher: Éditions HERMÈS, Paris ISSN: 0296-1598 Predecessor: RAIRO, Automatique, Systems Analysis and Control Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 160 Publications (1985–1993) all top 5 Latest Issues 27, No. 6 (1993) 27, No. 5 (1993) 27, No. 4 (1993) 27, No. 3 (1993) 27, No. 2 (1993) 26, No. 5-6 (1992) 26, No. 4 (1992) 26, No. 3 (1992) 26, No. 2 (1992) 25, No. 6 (1991) 25, No. 5 (1991) 25, No. 4 (1991) 25, No. 3 (1991) 25, No. 2 (1991) 25, No. 1 (1991) 24, No. 6 (1990) 24, No. 5 (1990) 24, No. 4 (1990) 24, No. 3 (1990) 24, No. 2 (1990) 24, No. 1 (1990) 23, No. 6 (1989) 23, No. 5 (1989) 23, No. 4 (1989) 23, No. 3 (1989) 23, No. 2 (1989) 22, No. 5 (1988) 22, No. 4 (1988) 22, No. 3 (1988) 22, No. 2 (1988) 22, No. 1 (1988) 21 (1987) 20 (1986) 19 (1985) all top 5 Authors 5 Irving, E. 4 Dion, Jean-Michel 4 Duc, Gilles 4 Proth, Jean-Marie 4 Salut, Gérard 3 Abou-Kandil, Hisham 3 Bourlès, Henri 3 Drouin, Matthieu 3 Dugard, Luc 3 Garcia, Germain 3 Georges, Didier 3 Hennet, Jean-Claude 3 Huillet, Thierry E. 3 Mariton, Michel 3 Monin, André 3 Ragot, José 3 Smolarz, André 2 Arzelier, Denis 2 Benmouna, M. 2 Bensenane, A. 2 Bensoussan, Alain 2 Bernhard, Pierre 2 Bitsoris, Georges 2 Bonnard, Bernard 2 Bonnemoy, C. 2 Borne, Pierre 2 Borucki, A. 2 Bourjault, A. 2 Chappe, D. 2 Cohen, Guy 2 Darouach, Mohamed 2 Dauphin-Tanguy, Geneviève 2 de Larminat, Philippe 2 Descusse, Jacques 2 Dubois, Didier 2 El Bagdouri, M. 2 El Jai, Abdelhaq 2 Enjalbert, Jean-Michel 2 Erschler, Jacques 2 Fantin, J. 2 Garcia, Jean-Marie 2 Gauthier, Jean-Paul A. 2 Gentina, Jean-Claude 2 Lasserre, Jean-Bernard 2 Le Brizaut, Jean-Sébastien 2 Maquin, Didier 2 Mehrmann, Volker 2 Montseny, Gérard 2 M’Saad, Mohammed 2 Postaire, Jack-Gérard 2 Rabah, Rabah 2 Roubellat, François 2 Wang, Xiaomin 2 Youlal, H. 1 Adda, Philippe 1 Agaoua, S. 1 Alla, Hassane 1 Amar, Selim 1 Amouroux, Marcel 1 Asselin de Beauville, Jean-Pierre 1 Babary, Jean-Pierre 1 Baklouti, M. 1 Baptiste, Pierre 1 Barigou, Ahmed 1 Barrat, M. 1 Bastard, Daniel 1 Baylou, Pierre 1 Bekkhoucha, A. 1 Belfekih, A. 1 Benayad, R. 1 Benzaouia, Abdellah 1 Berbiche, K. 1 Bergeon, B. 1 Bernussou, Jacques 1 Berrahmoune, Larbi 1 Bertrand, Pierre 1 Bes, C. 1 Boctor, Fayez Fouad 1 Botto, Jean-Luc 1 Bourey, Jean-Pierre 1 Bourgeois, J. F. 1 Bourgouin, C. 1 Bouslous, Hammadi 1 Brémont, Julien 1 Bresler, Yoram 1 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika 1 Burgat, Christian 1 Camozzi, Patricia 1 Carrière, Alain 1 Castelain, Jean Marie 1 Chabrier, Jean-François 1 Chamilothoris, G. 1 Chaplais, François 1 Chen, Muhyang 1 Cheruy, Arlette 1 Chetto, H. 1 Chetto, Maryline 1 Clergeot, Henri 1 Commault, Christian 1 Courdesses, Michel ...and 141 more Authors all top 5 Fields 91 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 47 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 24 Computer science (68-XX) 16 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 14 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 12 Statistics (62-XX) 12 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 50 Publications have been cited 161 times in 136 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Task scheduling under constraints: An energy-based approach. (Ordonnancement de tâches sous contraintes: Une approche énergétique.) Zbl 0774.90046 Lopez, P.; Erschler, J.; Esquirol, P. 17 1992 An analysis of structure preserving numerical methods for symplectic eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0732.49020 Flaschka, U.; Mehrmann, V.; Zywietz, D. 8 1991 Network approach to modelling of flexible manufacturing modules and cells. Zbl 0569.90037 Finke, Gerd; Kusiak, Andrew 8 1985 Représentation exponentielles en commande non linéaire. (Exponential representations in nonlinear control). Zbl 0694.93009 Huillet, T.; Monin, A.; Salut, G. 7 1987 High-gain \(PI\) natural control for exponential tracking of linear single- output systems with state-space description. Zbl 0761.93028 Mounfield, W. P.; Grujić, L. T. 6 1992 Manufacturing lines analysis using continuous Petri nets. (Sur l’analyse des lignes de fabrication par réseaux de Petri continus.) Zbl 0775.90226 Zerhouni, N.; Alla, H. 6 1992 Optimal linearization of nonlinear state equations. Zbl 0612.93032 Jordan, A.; Benmouna, M.; Bensenane, A.; Borucki, A. 6 1987 Asymptotic optimal state of a generalized time event graph: application to an assembly problem. (Régime asymptotique optimal d’un graphe d’événements temporisé généralisé: application à un problème d’assemblage.) Zbl 0801.90056 Munier, Alix 6 1993 Decentralized indirect adaptive control. Zbl 0591.93038 Praly, L.; Trulsson, E. 6 1986 Une représentation visuelle des classes empiétantes: les pyramides. (A visual representation of overlapping classes: the pyramids). Zbl 0592.62052 Diday, E. 6 1986 A feasibility test for scheduling tasks in a distributed hard real-time system. Zbl 0726.90033 Chetto, M.; Chetto, H. 5 1990 Analyse et commande d’un échangeur thermique à contre-courant. (Analysis and control of a heat exchanger with counter-current). Zbl 0741.93064 Xu, C.-Z.; Gauthier, J.-P. 5 1991 Influence de la structure à l’infini des systèmes linéaires sur la solution des problèmes de commande. (Influence of the infinite structure of linear systems on the solution of control problems). Zbl 0599.93034 Commault, C.; Descusse, J.; Dion, J. M.; Lafay, J. F.; Malabre, M. 5 1986 Optimal linearization method applied to the resolution of nonlinear state equations. Zbl 0617.93025 Jordan, A.; Benmouna, M.; Bensenane, A.; Borucki, A. 5 1987 Observabilité et observateurs de systèmes non linéaires. (Observability and observers for nonlinear systems). Zbl 0635.93013 Gauthier, J. P.; Kazakos, D. 5 1988 Étude de la barrière pour un problème de fuite optimale dans le plan. (A study of the barrier for a problem of optimal evasion in the plane). Zbl 0737.90088 Bernhard, P.; Larrouturou, B. 4 1991 Calcul des approximations locales bilinéaires de systèmes analytiques. (Computation of local bilinear approximations to analytic systems). Zbl 0676.93007 Hespel, C.; Jacob, G. 4 1989 La méthode du recuit simulé: Optimisation globale dans \(\mathbb{R}{}^ n\). (The simulated annealing method: Global optimization in \(\mathbb{R}{}^ n\)). Zbl 0737.90059 Bonnemoy, C.; Hamma, S. B. 3 1991 Identification pseudo-continue, application à la commande adaptive à placement de pôles par l’opérateur delta. (Pseudo-continuous identification, application to the adaptive control of pole placement by the delta operator). Zbl 0766.93015 Garnero, M. A.; Thomas, G.; Caron, B.; Bourgeois, J. F.; Irving, E. 3 1992 Structure detection in the identification of nonlinear systems. Zbl 0637.93073 Kortmann, M.; Unbehauen, H. 3 1988 Adaptive control of biomass and substrate concentration in a continuous- flow fermentation process. Zbl 0637.93039 Chamilothoris, G.; Sevely, Y. 3 1988 Singular perturbations in optimal control problems. Zbl 0592.49015 Bensoussan, A.; Peng, S. G. 3 1986 Représentations exponentielles des systèmes analytiques généraux. (Exponential representations of general analytic systems). Zbl 0687.93045 Huillet, T.; Monin, A.; Salut, G. 3 1990 Détermination algorithmique de la contrôlabilité pour des familles finies de champs de vecteurs linéaires sur \({\mathbb{R}}^ 2-\{0\}\). (Algorithmic determination of the controllability of finite families of linear vector fields on \({\mathbb{R}}^ 2-\{0\}.)\). Zbl 0712.93007 Adda, Philippe; Sallet, Gauthier 3 1990 Reduction of linear discrete infinite dimensional systems: A study of fractional filters. (Réduction de systèmes linéaires discrets de dimension infinie: Étude de filtres fractionnaires.) Zbl 0779.93021 Bonnet, C. 2 1992 A method of hierarchical specification and prototyping of flexible manufacturing systems. (Une méthode hiérarchique de spécification et de prototypage des systèmes de production flexibles.) Zbl 0775.90202 Amar, S.; Craye, E.; Gentina, J. C. 2 1992 Numerically efficient adaptive identification algorithms. Zbl 0638.93077 Favier, G. 2 1988 Commande optimale linéaire quadratique des systèmes implicites discrets. (Optimal linear quadratic control of implicitly discrete systems). Zbl 0687.49012 Bernhard, Pierre; Grimm, José; Wang, Xiao-Min 2 1990 The HHDR algorithm and its application to optimal control problems. Zbl 0677.49026 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika; Mehrmann, Volker 2 1989 Vers une approche globale de surveillance des systèmes à événements discrets. (A global approach to monitoring discrete event systems). Zbl 0850.93476 Sahraoui, Abd-El-Kader 1 1992 An approach to production planning and scheduling under constraints. (Approche par contraintes en planification et ordonnancement de la production.) Zbl 0800.90555 Erschler, Jacques; Fontan, Gérard; Mercé, Colette 1 1993 Méthodes de décomposition spatiale et temporelle en ordonnancement de la production. Zbl 0647.90046 Portmann, Marie-Claude 1 1988 Une heuristique pour le problème d’ordonnancement statique de type n/m/flowshop, avec prise en compte des temps de montage et démontage d’outils. (A heuristic for the static n/m/flowshop scheduling problem taking setup and removal times into account). Zbl 0647.90049 Proust, C.; Drogou, M.; Foucher, J. M.; Foucheyrand, E. 1 1988 Commandabilité des systèmes linéaires à retard constant dans les espaces de Banach. (Controllability of linear systems with constant delay in Banach spaces). Zbl 0606.93018 Rabah, R. 1 1986 Quelques résultats sur la commande optimale en boucle fermée des systèmes non linéaires. Zbl 0797.49032 Georges, Didier 1 1993 Une modélisation performante pour la commande dynamique des robots. (Modeling performed for the dynamic control of robots). Zbl 0603.93038 Khalil, W.; Kleinfinger, J. F. 1 1985 Méthode originale de détection de défauts sur processus industriels. Zbl 0557.90039 Rault, A.; Jaume, D.; Vergé, M. 1 1985 Le problème multi-produits avec coûts concaves et incitation aux lancements groupés: le cas général. Zbl 0563.90031 Leopoulos, V. I.; Proth, J. M. 1 1985 Allocating continuous, doubly constrained resources among parallel production activities to meet deadlines. Zbl 0579.90046 Węglarz, Jan 1 1985 Une nouvelle méthode de décomposition-coordination. III: Application à la commande coordonnée-hiérarchisée des processus complexes. (A new decomposition-coordination method. III: Application to the coordinated-hierarchical control of complex processes). Zbl 0584.93004 Mariton, M.; Drouin, M.; Abou-Kandil, H.; Duc, G. 1 1985 Single machine lot scheduling: A comparison of some solution procedures. Zbl 0589.90041 Boctor, Fayez Fouad 1 1985 Algorithmes de décomposition/coordination en optimisation stochastique. Zbl 0585.90069 Cohen, Guy; Culioli, Jean-Christophe 1 1986 Nouveaux développements sur l’essentialité. Application au découplage par blocs. (New developments on essentiality. Application to decoupling by blocks). Zbl 0676.93004 Descusse, J. 1 1989 Commande robuste à modèle fréquentiel de référence. (Robust control by frequential model reference). Zbl 0687.93020 Bergeon, B.; Irving, E. 1 1990 Réversibilité des systèmes non linéaires à commande ponctuelle. (Reversibility of nonlinear systems with pointwise control). Zbl 0687.93046 Huillet, T.; Monin, A.; Montseny, G.; Salut, G. 1 1990 Commande prédictive adaptative: théorie et application. (Predictive adaptive control: theory and application). Zbl 0701.93059 Najim, K.; M’Saad, M.; Irving, E. 1 1990 Compared speed and accuracy of the RLS and LMS algorithms with constant forgetting factors. Zbl 0653.93073 Macchi, Odile; Eweda, Eweda 1 1988 Approximation rationnelle en norme \(L^ 2\) des systèmes dynamiques. (Rational \(L^ 2\) norm approximation of dynamical systems). Zbl 0719.93012 Olivi, M.; Steer, S. 1 1990 Sensor fault detection in large scale systems via overlapping decomposition. Zbl 0719.93004 Tzafestas, Spyros; Skolarikos, Marinos 1 1990 Application du formalisme dual et de la notion de corps augmente au calcul du modele dynamique inverse d’un robot manipulateur. Zbl 0719.93511 Baklouti, M.; Castelain, J. M. 1 1991 Asymptotic optimal state of a generalized time event graph: application to an assembly problem. (Régime asymptotique optimal d’un graphe d’événements temporisé généralisé: application à un problème d’assemblage.) Zbl 0801.90056 Munier, Alix 6 1993 An approach to production planning and scheduling under constraints. (Approche par contraintes en planification et ordonnancement de la production.) Zbl 0800.90555 Erschler, Jacques; Fontan, Gérard; Mercé, Colette 1 1993 Quelques résultats sur la commande optimale en boucle fermée des systèmes non linéaires. Zbl 0797.49032 Georges, Didier 1 1993 Task scheduling under constraints: An energy-based approach. (Ordonnancement de tâches sous contraintes: Une approche énergétique.) Zbl 0774.90046 Lopez, P.; Erschler, J.; Esquirol, P. 17 1992 High-gain \(PI\) natural control for exponential tracking of linear single- output systems with state-space description. Zbl 0761.93028 Mounfield, W. P.; Grujić, L. T. 6 1992 Manufacturing lines analysis using continuous Petri nets. (Sur l’analyse des lignes de fabrication par réseaux de Petri continus.) Zbl 0775.90226 Zerhouni, N.; Alla, H. 6 1992 Identification pseudo-continue, application à la commande adaptive à placement de pôles par l’opérateur delta. (Pseudo-continuous identification, application to the adaptive control of pole placement by the delta operator). Zbl 0766.93015 Garnero, M. A.; Thomas, G.; Caron, B.; Bourgeois, J. F.; Irving, E. 3 1992 Reduction of linear discrete infinite dimensional systems: A study of fractional filters. (Réduction de systèmes linéaires discrets de dimension infinie: Étude de filtres fractionnaires.) Zbl 0779.93021 Bonnet, C. 2 1992 A method of hierarchical specification and prototyping of flexible manufacturing systems. (Une méthode hiérarchique de spécification et de prototypage des systèmes de production flexibles.) Zbl 0775.90202 Amar, S.; Craye, E.; Gentina, J. C. 2 1992 Vers une approche globale de surveillance des systèmes à événements discrets. (A global approach to monitoring discrete event systems). Zbl 0850.93476 Sahraoui, Abd-El-Kader 1 1992 An analysis of structure preserving numerical methods for symplectic eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0732.49020 Flaschka, U.; Mehrmann, V.; Zywietz, D. 8 1991 Analyse et commande d’un échangeur thermique à contre-courant. (Analysis and control of a heat exchanger with counter-current). Zbl 0741.93064 Xu, C.-Z.; Gauthier, J.-P. 5 1991 Étude de la barrière pour un problème de fuite optimale dans le plan. (A study of the barrier for a problem of optimal evasion in the plane). Zbl 0737.90088 Bernhard, P.; Larrouturou, B. 4 1991 La méthode du recuit simulé: Optimisation globale dans \(\mathbb{R}{}^ n\). (The simulated annealing method: Global optimization in \(\mathbb{R}{}^ n\)). Zbl 0737.90059 Bonnemoy, C.; Hamma, S. B. 3 1991 Application du formalisme dual et de la notion de corps augmente au calcul du modele dynamique inverse d’un robot manipulateur. Zbl 0719.93511 Baklouti, M.; Castelain, J. M. 1 1991 A feasibility test for scheduling tasks in a distributed hard real-time system. Zbl 0726.90033 Chetto, M.; Chetto, H. 5 1990 Représentations exponentielles des systèmes analytiques généraux. (Exponential representations of general analytic systems). Zbl 0687.93045 Huillet, T.; Monin, A.; Salut, G. 3 1990 Détermination algorithmique de la contrôlabilité pour des familles finies de champs de vecteurs linéaires sur \({\mathbb{R}}^ 2-\{0\}\). (Algorithmic determination of the controllability of finite families of linear vector fields on \({\mathbb{R}}^ 2-\{0\}.)\). Zbl 0712.93007 Adda, Philippe; Sallet, Gauthier 3 1990 Commande optimale linéaire quadratique des systèmes implicites discrets. (Optimal linear quadratic control of implicitly discrete systems). Zbl 0687.49012 Bernhard, Pierre; Grimm, José; Wang, Xiao-Min 2 1990 Commande robuste à modèle fréquentiel de référence. (Robust control by frequential model reference). Zbl 0687.93020 Bergeon, B.; Irving, E. 1 1990 Réversibilité des systèmes non linéaires à commande ponctuelle. (Reversibility of nonlinear systems with pointwise control). Zbl 0687.93046 Huillet, T.; Monin, A.; Montseny, G.; Salut, G. 1 1990 Commande prédictive adaptative: théorie et application. (Predictive adaptive control: theory and application). Zbl 0701.93059 Najim, K.; M’Saad, M.; Irving, E. 1 1990 Approximation rationnelle en norme \(L^ 2\) des systèmes dynamiques. (Rational \(L^ 2\) norm approximation of dynamical systems). Zbl 0719.93012 Olivi, M.; Steer, S. 1 1990 Sensor fault detection in large scale systems via overlapping decomposition. Zbl 0719.93004 Tzafestas, Spyros; Skolarikos, Marinos 1 1990 Calcul des approximations locales bilinéaires de systèmes analytiques. (Computation of local bilinear approximations to analytic systems). Zbl 0676.93007 Hespel, C.; Jacob, G. 4 1989 The HHDR algorithm and its application to optimal control problems. Zbl 0677.49026 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika; Mehrmann, Volker 2 1989 Nouveaux développements sur l’essentialité. Application au découplage par blocs. (New developments on essentiality. Application to decoupling by blocks). Zbl 0676.93004 Descusse, J. 1 1989 Observabilité et observateurs de systèmes non linéaires. (Observability and observers for nonlinear systems). Zbl 0635.93013 Gauthier, J. P.; Kazakos, D. 5 1988 Structure detection in the identification of nonlinear systems. Zbl 0637.93073 Kortmann, M.; Unbehauen, H. 3 1988 Adaptive control of biomass and substrate concentration in a continuous- flow fermentation process. Zbl 0637.93039 Chamilothoris, G.; Sevely, Y. 3 1988 Numerically efficient adaptive identification algorithms. Zbl 0638.93077 Favier, G. 2 1988 Méthodes de décomposition spatiale et temporelle en ordonnancement de la production. Zbl 0647.90046 Portmann, Marie-Claude 1 1988 Une heuristique pour le problème d’ordonnancement statique de type n/m/flowshop, avec prise en compte des temps de montage et démontage d’outils. (A heuristic for the static n/m/flowshop scheduling problem taking setup and removal times into account). Zbl 0647.90049 Proust, C.; Drogou, M.; Foucher, J. M.; Foucheyrand, E. 1 1988 Compared speed and accuracy of the RLS and LMS algorithms with constant forgetting factors. Zbl 0653.93073 Macchi, Odile; Eweda, Eweda 1 1988 Représentation exponentielles en commande non linéaire. (Exponential representations in nonlinear control). Zbl 0694.93009 Huillet, T.; Monin, A.; Salut, G. 7 1987 Optimal linearization of nonlinear state equations. Zbl 0612.93032 Jordan, A.; Benmouna, M.; Bensenane, A.; Borucki, A. 6 1987 Optimal linearization method applied to the resolution of nonlinear state equations. Zbl 0617.93025 Jordan, A.; Benmouna, M.; Bensenane, A.; Borucki, A. 5 1987 Decentralized indirect adaptive control. Zbl 0591.93038 Praly, L.; Trulsson, E. 6 1986 Une représentation visuelle des classes empiétantes: les pyramides. (A visual representation of overlapping classes: the pyramids). Zbl 0592.62052 Diday, E. 6 1986 Influence de la structure à l’infini des systèmes linéaires sur la solution des problèmes de commande. (Influence of the infinite structure of linear systems on the solution of control problems). Zbl 0599.93034 Commault, C.; Descusse, J.; Dion, J. M.; Lafay, J. F.; Malabre, M. 5 1986 Singular perturbations in optimal control problems. Zbl 0592.49015 Bensoussan, A.; Peng, S. G. 3 1986 Commandabilité des systèmes linéaires à retard constant dans les espaces de Banach. (Controllability of linear systems with constant delay in Banach spaces). Zbl 0606.93018 Rabah, R. 1 1986 Algorithmes de décomposition/coordination en optimisation stochastique. Zbl 0585.90069 Cohen, Guy; Culioli, Jean-Christophe 1 1986 Network approach to modelling of flexible manufacturing modules and cells. Zbl 0569.90037 Finke, Gerd; Kusiak, Andrew 8 1985 Une modélisation performante pour la commande dynamique des robots. (Modeling performed for the dynamic control of robots). Zbl 0603.93038 Khalil, W.; Kleinfinger, J. F. 1 1985 Méthode originale de détection de défauts sur processus industriels. Zbl 0557.90039 Rault, A.; Jaume, D.; Vergé, M. 1 1985 Le problème multi-produits avec coûts concaves et incitation aux lancements groupés: le cas général. Zbl 0563.90031 Leopoulos, V. I.; Proth, J. M. 1 1985 Allocating continuous, doubly constrained resources among parallel production activities to meet deadlines. Zbl 0579.90046 Węglarz, Jan 1 1985 Une nouvelle méthode de décomposition-coordination. III: Application à la commande coordonnée-hiérarchisée des processus complexes. (A new decomposition-coordination method. III: Application to the coordinated-hierarchical control of complex processes). Zbl 0584.93004 Mariton, M.; Drouin, M.; Abou-Kandil, H.; Duc, G. 1 1985 Single machine lot scheduling: A comparison of some solution procedures. Zbl 0589.90041 Boctor, Fayez Fouad 1 1985 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 218 Authors 5 Carlier, Jacques G. 4 Néron, Emmanuel 3 Belkhouche, Fethi 3 Faßbender, Heike 3 Hill, David John 3 Karimi, Hamid Reza 3 Munier Kordon, Alix 3 Patsko, Valerii S. 3 Rabah, Rabah 3 Turova, Varvara L. 3 Wen, Changyun 2 Benner, Peter 2 Benouaz, Tayeb 2 Bonnet, Catherine 2 Gharbi, Anis 2 Giua, Alessandro 2 Gourgand, Michel 2 Grangeon, Nathalie 2 Haouari, Mohamed 2 Hespel, Christiane 2 Hoang Ngoc Minh, Vincel 2 Huillet, Thierry E. 2 Ioannou, Petros A. 2 Jin, Pengzhan 2 Jouglet, Antoine 2 Lafay, Jean-François 2 Lefebvre, Dimitri 2 Li, Shuo 2 Ligarius, Philippe 2 Marchetti, Olivier 2 Mehrmann, Volker 2 Monin, André 2 Moukrim, Aziz 2 Norre, Sylvie 2 Peng, Shige 2 Salut, Gérard 2 Shi, Yufeng 2 Tsinias, John 2 Unbehauen, Heinz 2 Xiang, Zhengrong 2 Xu, Cheng-Zhong 1 Abreu, Levi R. 1 Adda, Phillippe 1 Ammar, Gregory S. 1 Aoustin, Yannick 1 Arino, Ovide 1 Arkhipov, Dmitriĭ Igorevich 1 Atroune, D. 1 Baklouti, M. 1 Barry, Alwyn M. 1 Barthelemy, Jean-Pierre 1 Battaïa, Olga 1 Belkhouche, Boumediene 1 Bellenguez-Morineau, Odile 1 Bendahmane, F. 1 Bertossi, Alan A. 1 Bertrand, Patrice 1 Bittar, Thomas 1 Boctor, Fayez Fouad 1 Bolduc, Marie-Claude 1 Brucker, François 1 Cardaliaguet, Pierre 1 Carpentier, Pierre 1 Carpov, Sergiu 1 Castelain, E. 1 Castelain, Jean Marie 1 Chamilothoris, G. 1 Chancelier, Jean-Philippe 1 Chen, Ruey-Maw 1 Chevallereau, Christine 1 Clautiaux, François 1 Cotsaftis, Michel 1 Couchouron, Jean-François 1 Craye, Etienne 1 Crouch, Peter E. 1 Cunha, Jesus Ossian 1 Damak, Tarak 1 Dangoumau, Nathalie 1 Datta, Aniruddha A. 1 Dauzère-Pérès, Stéphane 1 Dejax, Pierre J. 1 Delebecque, Francois 1 Descusse, Jacques 1 Desrosiers, Jacques 1 Detienne, Boris 1 Diatta, Jean 1 Dion, Jean-Michel 1 Djennoune, Said 1 Domschke, Wolfgang 1 Dorndorf, Ulrich 1 Dotoli, Mariagrazia 1 Drexl, Andreas 1 Drugowitsch, Jan 1 Dugard, Luc 1 Escudero, Laureano Fernando 1 Fanti, Maria Pia 1 Favier, Gérard 1 Framinan, Jose M. 1 Fusiello, Andrea 1 Gauthier, Jean-Paul A. ...and 118 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 56 Journals 14 European Journal of Operational Research 11 Systems & Control Letters 9 Automatica 8 Linear Algebra and its Applications 6 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 6 Annals of Operations Research 4 Discrete Applied Mathematics 4 Applied Mathematical Modelling 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Computers & Operations Research 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Discrete Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Kybernetika 2 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 2 Real-Time Systems 2 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 European Journal of Control 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 2 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 2 4OR 1 Artificial Intelligence 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 Computer Physics Communications 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Aplikace Matematiky 1 Information Sciences 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Mathematical Systems Theory 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 OR Spektrum 1 Operations Research Letters 1 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Journal of Robotic Systems 1 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 1 Machine Learning 1 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 Automation and Remote Control 1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1 SIAM Journal on Optimization 1 Constraints 1 Multibody System Dynamics 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1 Journal of Scheduling 1 RAIRO. Operations Research 1 JMMA. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 1 Discrete Optimization all top 5 Cited in 26 Fields 58 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 42 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 15 Computer science (68-XX) 14 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 9 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 6 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year