Nuclear Physics. BParticle Physics, Field Theory and Statistical Systems, Physical Mathematics Short Title: Nucl. Phys., B Publisher: Elsevier (North-Holland), Amsterdam ISSN: 0550-3213; 1873-1562/e Online: Predecessor: Nuclear Physics Comments: Journal; This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 11,376 Publications (since 1967) References Indexed: 11,194 Publications with 429,046 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 1009 (2024) 1008 (2024) 1007 (2024) 1006 (2024) 1005 (2024) 1004 (2024) 1003 (2024) 1002 (2024) 1001 (2024) 1000 (2024) 999 (2024) 998 (2024) 997 (2023) 996 (2023) 995 (2023) 994 (2023) 993 (2023) 992 (2023) 991 (2023) 990 (2023) 989 (2023) 988 (2023) 987 (2023) 986 (2023) 985 (2022) 984 (2022) 983 (2022) 982 (2022) 981 (2022) 980 (2022) 979 (2022) 978 (2022) 977 (2022) 976 (2022) 975 (2022) 974 (2022) 973 (2021) 972 (2021) 971 (2021) 970 (2021) 969 (2021) 968 (2021) 967 (2021) 966 (2021) 965 (2021) 964 (2021) 963 (2021) 962 (2021) 961 (2020) 960 (2020) 959 (2020) 958 (2020) 957 (2020) 956 (2020) 955 (2020) 954 (2020) 953 (2020) 952 (2020) 951 (2020) 950 (2020) 949 (2019) 948 (2019) 947 (2019) 946 (2019) 945 (2019) 944 (2019) 943 (2019) 942 (2019) 941 (2019) 940 (2019) 939 (2019) 938 (2019) 937 (2018) 936 (2018) 935 (2018) 934 (2018) 933 (2018) 932 (2018) 931 (2018) 930 (2018) 929 (2018) 928 (2018) 927 (2018) 926 (2018) 925 (2017) 924 (2017) 923 (2017) 922 (2017) 921 (2017) 920 (2017) 919 (2017) 918 (2017) 917 (2017) 916 (2017) 915 (2017) 914 (2017) 913 (2016) 912 (2016) 911 (2016) 910 (2016) ...and 1,090 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 83 Tseytlin, Arkady Aleksandrovich 75 Pope, Christopher N. 69 Lü, Hong 65 Cvetič, Mirjam 64 Antoniadis, Ignatios 56 Vafa, Cumrun 51 Duff, Michael J. 49 Lüst, Dieter 49 Saleur, Hubert 43 Yang, Wenli 42 McInnes, Brett 41 Buchbinder, Ioseph L. 41 Sokatchev, Emery 39 Ivanov, Evgeniĭ Alekseevich 39 Kounnas, Costas 38 Blümlein, Johannes 37 Stieberger, Stephan 37 Witten, Edward 36 Kniehl, Bernd A. 35 D’Hoker, Eric 35 Ferrara, Sergio 35 Klebanov, Igor R. 35 Martins, Márcio José 35 Mathur, Samir D. 34 Belitsky, Andrei V. 34 Dudas, Emilian 34 Jacobsen, Jesper Lykke 34 Korchemsky, Gregory P. 34 Lechtenfeld, Olaf 34 Rasmussen, Jorgen 32 Kutasov, David 31 Ambjørn, Jan 31 Saidi, El Hassan 30 Cao, Junpeng 30 Itoyama, Hiroshi 30 Liu, James T. 30 Ooguri, Hirosi 30 Taylor, Tomasz R. 29 Frè, Pietro Giuseppe 29 Mironov, Andrei D. 29 Morozov, Alexei Yurievich 28 Bajnok, Zoltán 28 Giveon, Amit 27 Buchel, Alex 27 Lukyanov, Sergei L. 27 Odintsov, Sergei D. 27 Polychronakos, Alexios P. 27 Schnitzer, Howard J. 27 Sfetsos, Konstantinos 26 Damgaard, Poul Henrik 26 Fuchs, Jürgen 26 Garousi, Mohammad R. 26 Takács, Gábor 26 Trigiante, Mario 25 Behrndt, Klaus 25 Faraggi, Alon E. 25 Hanany, Amihay 25 Narain, Kumar S. 25 Sfetsos, Konstadinos 25 Stelle, Kellogg S. 25 Yoshida, Kentaroh 25 Zhang, Yaozhong 24 Blumenhagen, Ralph 24 Kawai, Hikaru 24 Partouche, Hervé 24 Rey, Soo-Jong 24 Schellekens, A. N. 24 Schneider, Carsten 24 Schweigert, Christoph 24 Sezgin, Ergin 24 Shi, Kangjie 24 Sonnenschein, Jacob 23 de Boer, Jan 23 Doikou, Anastasia 23 Kiritsis, Elias B. 23 Kitazawa, Yoshihisa 23 Ramgoolam, Sanjaye 23 Wetterich, Christof 23 Zwiebach, Barton 22 Becker, Katrin 22 Becker, Melanie 22 Delfino, Gesualdo 22 Di Francesco, Philippe 22 Gaberdiel, Matthias R. 22 Gibbons, Gary William 22 Grassi, Pietro Antonio 22 Kamimura, Kiyoshi 22 Mathieu, Pierre 22 Morrison, David R. 22 Nitta, Muneto 22 Oikonomou, Vasilis K. 21 Bergshoeff, Eric A. 21 Bilal, Adel 21 De Freitas, Abilio 21 Derendinger, Jean-Pierre 21 Dorey, Patrick E. 21 Frahm, Holger 21 Fring, Andreas 21 Gorskiĭ, Aleksandr Sergeevich 21 Hollowood, Timothy J. ...and 8,658 more Authors all top 5 Fields 9,817 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3,232 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1,662 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 750 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 551 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 394 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 380 Differential geometry (53-XX) 358 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 327 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 296 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 282 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 222 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 188 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 149 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 145 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 132 Special functions (33-XX) 132 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 125 Number theory (11-XX) 116 Functional analysis (46-XX) 105 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 104 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 99 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 90 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 86 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 85 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 79 Operator theory (47-XX) 74 Combinatorics (05-XX) 70 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 65 Statistics (62-XX) 51 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 44 Geometry (51-XX) 43 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 39 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 32 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 28 Computer science (68-XX) 26 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 20 History and biography (01-XX) 20 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 18 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 17 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 16 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 14 Measure and integration (28-XX) 12 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 12 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 11 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 11 Real functions (26-XX) 11 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 10 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 9 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 9 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 9 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 8 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 7 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 Potential theory (31-XX) 7 Integral equations (45-XX) 6 Geophysics (86-XX) 5 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 9,995 Publications have been cited 187,633 times in 51,759 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory. Zbl 0661.17013 Belavin, A. A.; Polyakov, A. M.; Zamolodchikov, A. B. 1,620 1984 Monopoles, duality and chiral symmetry breaking in \(N=2\) supersymmetric QCD. Zbl 1020.81911 Seiberg, N.; Witten, E. 982 1994 Electric-magnetic duality, monopole condensation, and confinement in \(N=2\) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Zbl 0996.81510 Seiberg, N.; Witten, E. 791 1994 String theory dynamics in various dimensions. Zbl 0990.81663 Witten, Edward 776 1995 \(2+1\)-dimensional gravity as an exactly soluble system. Zbl 1258.83032 Witten, Edward 725 1988 On the geometry of the string landscape and the swampland. Zbl 1117.81117 Ooguri, Hirosi; Vafa, Cumrun 714 2007 Phases of \(N=2\) theories in two dimensions. Zbl 0910.14020 Witten, E. 679 1993 Evidence for F-theory. Zbl 1003.81531 Vafa, Cumrun 637 1996 Current algebras and Wess-Zumino model in two dimensions. Zbl 0661.17020 Knizhnik, V. G.; Zamolodchikov, A. B. 572 1984 Dynamical breaking of supersymmetry. Zbl 1258.81046 Witten, Edward 567 1981 Fusion rules and modular transformations in 2D conformal field theory. Zbl 1180.81120 Verlinde, Erik 565 1988 One-loop \(n\)-point gauge theory amplitudes, unitarity and collinear limits. Zbl 1049.81644 Bern, Zvi; Dixon, Lance; Dunbar, David C.; Kosower, David A. 553 1994 Operator content of two-dimensional conformally invariant theories. Zbl 0689.17016 Cardy, J. L. 553 1986 Electric-magnetic duality in supersymmetric non-abelian gauge theories. Zbl 1020.81912 Seiberg, N. 549 1995 Unity of superstring dualities. Zbl 1052.83532 Hull, C. M.; Townsend, P. K. 547 1995 Type IIB superstrings, BPS monopoles, and three-dimensional gauge dynamics. Zbl 0996.58509 Hanany, Amihay; Witten, Edward 521 1997 Heterotic and type I string dynamics from eleven dimensions. Zbl 1004.81525 Hořava, Petr; Witten, Edward 502 1996 A pair of Calabi-Yau manifolds as an exactly soluble superconformal theory. Zbl 1098.32506 Candelas, Philip; de la Ossa, Xenia C.; Green, Paul S.; Parkes, Linda 493 1991 Geometric and renormalized entropy in conformal field theory. Zbl 0990.81564 Holzhey, Christoph; Larsen, Finn; Wilczek, Frank 491 1994 Bound states of strings and \(p\)-branes. Zbl 1003.81527 Witten, Edward 479 1996 Conformal partial waves and the operator product expansion. Zbl 1097.81735 Dolan, F. A.; Osborn, H. 478 2004 Mirror symmetry is \(T\)-duality. Zbl 0896.14024 Strominger, A.; Yau, S.-T.; Zaslow, E. 456 1996 AdS/CFT correspondence and symmetry breaking. Zbl 0958.81134 Klebanov, Igor R.; Witten, Edward 454 1999 Eleven-dimensional supergravity on a manifold with boundary. Zbl 0925.81180 Hořava, Petr; Witten, Edward 439 1996 Conformal bootstrap in Liouville field theory. Zbl 0925.81301 Zamolodchikov, A.; Zamolodchikov, Al. 438 1996 Compactifications of F-theory on Calabi-Yau threefolds. II. Zbl 0925.14007 Morrison, David R.; Vafa, Cumrun 435 1996 Solutions of four-dimensional field theories via M-theory. Zbl 0934.81066 Witten, Edward 428 1997 A strong coupling test of \(S\)-duality. Zbl 0964.81522 Vafa, Cumrun; Witten, Edward 415 1994 Erratum: ”Electric-magnetic duality, monopole condensation, and confinement in \(N=2\) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory”. Zbl 0996.81511 Seiberg, N.; Witten, E. 400 1994 Superconformal field theory on threebranes at a Calabi-Yau singularity. Zbl 0948.81619 Klebanov, Igor R.; Witten, Edward 396 1999 A semi-classical limit of the gauge/string correspondence. Zbl 0996.81076 Gubser, S. S.; Klebanov, I. R.; Polyakov, A. M. 390 2002 New recursion relations for tree amplitudes of gluons. Zbl 1207.81088 Britto, Ruth; Cachazo, Freddy; Feng, Bo 375 2005 Algebraic structures on parallel M2 branes. Zbl 1194.81205 Gustavsson, Andreas 368 2009 Comments on string dynamics in six dimensions. Zbl 1003.81535 Seiberg, N.; Witten, E. 367 1996 Conformal four point functions and the operator product expansion. Zbl 1097.81734 Dolan, F. A.; Osborn, H. 346 2001 CFT’s from Calabi-Yau four-folds. Zbl 0984.81143 Gukov, Sergei; Vafa, Cumrun; Witten, Edward 346 2000 Counting chiral primaries in \(\mathcal N=1\), \(d=4\) superconformal field theories. Zbl 1178.81239 Römelsberger, Christian 331 2006 A large-\(N\) reduced model as superstring. Zbl 0979.81567 Ishibashi, Nobuyuki; Kawai, Hikaru; Kitazawa, Yoshihisa; Tsuchiya, Asato 319 1997 Type IIB superstring action in \(\text{AdS}_5\times S^5\) background. Zbl 0956.81063 Metsaev, R. R.; Tseytlin, A. A. 317 1998 New phenomena in \(\text{SU}(3)\) supersymmetric gauge theory. Zbl 1009.81572 Argyres, Philip C.; Douglas, Michael R. 313 1995 Matrix models, topological strings, and supersymmetric gauge theories. Zbl 0999.81068 Dijkgraaf, Robbert; Vafa, Cumrun 312 2002 Correlation functions in the \(\text{CFT}_d/\text{AdS}_{d+1}\) correspondence. Zbl 0944.81041 Freedman, Daniel Z.; Mathur, Samir D.; Matusis, Alec; Rastelli, Leonardo 295 1999 Compactifications of F-theory on Calabi-Yau threefolds. I. Zbl 0925.14005 Morrison, David R.; Vafa, Cumrun 294 1996 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and integrable systems. Zbl 0996.37507 Donagi, Ron; Witten, Edward 292 1996 Small instantons in string theory. Zbl 0935.81052 Witten, Edward 292 1996 Dual superconformal symmetry of scattering amplitudes in \({\mathcal N}=4\) super-Yang-Mills theory. Zbl 1203.81112 Drummond, J. M.; Henn, J.; Korchemsky, G. P.; Sokatchev, E. 285 2010 Five-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories and degenerations of Calabi-Yau spaces. Zbl 0934.81061 Intriligator, Kenneth; Morrison, David R.; Seiberg, Nathan 285 1997 The exact superconformal \(R\)-symmetry maximizes \(a\). Zbl 1059.81602 Intriligator, Ken; Wecht, Brian 278 2003 Evidence for heterotic - type I string duality. Zbl 1004.81526 Polchinski, Joseph; Witten, Edward 270 1996 Exactly marginal operators and duality in four-dimensional \(N=1\) supersymmetric gauge theory. Zbl 1009.81570 Leigh, Robert G.; Strassler, Matthew J. 269 1995 Fivebranes, membranes and non-perturbative string theory. Zbl 0925.81161 Becker, Katrin; Becker, Melanie; Strominger, Andrew 267 1995 Massless black holes and conifolds in string theory. Zbl 0925.83071 Strominger, Andrew 265 1995 Long-range \(\mathfrak{psu}(2,2|4)\) Bethe ansätze for gauge theory and strings. Zbl 1126.81328 Beisert, Niklas; Staudacher, Matthias 264 2005 The dilatation operator of conformal \(N=4\) super-Yang-Mills theory. Zbl 1051.81044 Beisert, N.; Kristjansen, C.; Staudacher, M. 261 2003 The \(N=4\) SYM integrable super spin chain. Zbl 1058.81581 Beisert, Niklas; Staudacher, Matthias 257 2003 Discreteness of area and volume in quantum gravity. Zbl 0925.83013 Rovelli, C.; Smolin, L. 256 1995 Wilson loops in \(\mathcal N=4\) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Zbl 0984.81154 Erickson, J. K.; Semenoff, G. W.; Zarembo, K. 255 2000 \(F\)-theory and orientifolds. Zbl 0925.81181 Sen, Ashoke 253 1996 Geometric engineering of quantum field theories. Zbl 0935.81058 Katz, Sheldon; Klemm, Albrecht; Vafa, Cumrun 252 1997 Generalized unitarity and one-loop amplitudes in \(\mathcal N=1\) super-Yang-Mills. Zbl 1178.81202 Britto, Ruth; Cachazo, Freddy; Feng, Bo 251 2005 Strong coupling expansion of Calabi-Yau compactification. Zbl 1003.81536 Witten, Edward 249 1996 Aspects of \(N=2\) supersymmetric gauge theories in three dimensions. Zbl 0934.81063 Aharony, O.; Hanany, A.; Intriligator, K.; Seiberg, N.; Strassler, M. J. 249 1997 Stability of gravity with a cosmological constant. Zbl 0900.53033 Abbott, L. F.; Deser, S. 249 1982 Conformal properties of four-gluon planar amplitudes and Wilson loops. Zbl 1219.81227 Drummond, J. M.; Korchemsky, G. 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Zbl 1020.81770 Dorn, H.; Otto, H.-J. 235 1994 New \(N = 2\) superconformal field theories in four dimensions. Zbl 1004.81557 Argyres, Philip C.; Plesser, M. Ronen; Seiberg, Nathan; Witten, Edward 231 1996 Massless higher spins and holography. Zbl 0999.81078 Sezgin, E.; Sundell, P. 229 2002 Logarithmic operators in conformal field theory. Zbl 0990.81686 Gurarie, V. 228 1993 Knot invariants and topological strings. Zbl 1036.81515 Ooguri, Hirosi; Vafa, Cumrun 228 2000 Topological–anti-topological fusion. Zbl 1136.81403 Cecotti, Sergio; Vafa, Cumrun 227 1991 Differential equations for two-loop four-point functions. Zbl 1071.81089 Gehrmann, T.; Remiddi, E. 226 2000 Branes intersecting at angles. Zbl 0925.81211 Berkooz, Micha; Douglas, Michael R.; Leigh, Robert G. 223 1996 Matrix string theory. Zbl 0934.81044 Dijkgraaf, Robbert; Verlinde, Erik; Verlinde, Herman 222 1997 Geometric singularities and enhanced gauge symmetries. Zbl 1049.81581 Bershadsky, M.; Intriligator, K.; Kachru, S.; Morrison, D. R.; Sadov, V.; Vafa, C. 221 1996 Extremal transitions and five-dimensional supersymmetric field theories. Zbl 0925.81228 Morrison, David R.; Seiberg, Nathan 221 1997 Non-perturbative superpotentials in string theory. Zbl 0925.32012 Witten, Edward 218 1996 AdS/CFT duality and the black hole information paradox. Zbl 1036.83503 Lunin, Oleg; Mathur, Samir D. 212 2002 \(D\)-branes and topological field theories. Zbl 1004.81560 Bershadsky, M.; Vafa, C.; Sadov, V. 211 1996 Black holes and critical points in moduli space. Zbl 0935.83022 Ferrara, Sergio; Gibbons, Gary W.; Kallosh, Renata 207 1997 Dimensionally-regulated pentagon integrals. Zbl 1007.81512 Bern, Zvi; Dixon, Lance; Kosower, David A. 204 1994 Branes, superpotentials and superconformal fixed points. Zbl 0979.81591 Aharony, Ofer; Hanany, Amihay 204 1997 Moduli space of Calabi-Yau manifolds. Zbl 0732.53056 Candelas, P.; de la Ossa, X. 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Zbl 0925.81196 Klemm, Albrecht; Lerche, Wolfgang; Mayr, Peter; Vafa, Cumrun; Warner, Nicholas 190 1996 M-theory on eight-manifolds. Zbl 0925.81190 Becker, Katrin; Becker, Melanie 189 1996 D-branes and short distances in string theory. Zbl 0925.81232 Douglas, Michael R.; Kabat, Daniel; Pouliot, Philippe; Shenker, Stephen H. 188 1997 Multi-leg one-loop gravity amplitudes from gauge theory. Zbl 0953.83006 Bern, Z.; Dixon, L.; Perelstein, M.; Rozowsky, J. S. 186 1999 \((2, 0)\) theory on \(S^5 \times S^1\) and quantum M2 branes. Zbl 1537.81163 Beccaria, M.; Giombi, S.; Tseytlin, A. A. 12 2024 Crossed products, extended phase spaces and the resolution of entanglement singularities. Zbl 1541.81025 Klinger, Marc S.; Leigh, Robert G. 8 2024 Large \(N\) expansion of superconformal index of \(k = 1\) ABJM theory and semiclassical M5 brane partition function. Zbl 1546.81160 Beccaria, M.; Tseytlin, A. A. 8 2024 Extended phase space in general gauge theories. 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Zbl 07906334 Chatzis, Dimitrios; Fatemiabhari, Ali; Nunez, Carlos; Weck, Peter 2 2024 Closed time-like curves in \(f(\mathcal{R}, \mathcal{A})\) modified gravity theory. Zbl 07866041 Ahmed, F.; de Souza, J. C. R.; Santos, A. F. 2 2024 One-loop effective action up to dimension eight: integrating out heavy fermion(s). Zbl 1546.81128 Chakrabortty, Joydeep; Rahaman, Shakeel Ur; Ramkumar, Kaanapuli 2 2024 Leading large \(N\) giant graviton correction to Schur correlators in large representations. Zbl 07906313 Beccaria, M. 2 2024 Exploration of GUP-corrected Casimir wormholes in extended teleparallel gravity with matter coupling. Zbl 07906319 Chalavadi, Chaitra Chooda; Venkatesha, V.; Malik, Adnan 2 2024 Scalar induced gravity waves from ultra slow-roll Galileon inflation. Zbl 07930343 Choudhury, Sayantan; Karde, Ahaskar; Panda, Sudhakar; Sami, M. 2 2024 Stability of Wilson loops and other observables in various type IIB backgrounds. 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