Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control Short Title: J. Math. Syst. Estim. Control Publisher: Birkhäuser, Boston, MA ISSN: 1052-0600 Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 210 Publications (1992–1998) all top 5 Latest Issues 8, No. 4 (1998) 8, No. 3 (1998) 8, No. 2 (1998) 8, No. 1 (1998) 7, No. 4 (1997) 7, No. 3 (1997) 7, No. 2 (1997) 7, No. 1 (1997) 6, No. 4 (1996) 6, No. 3 (1996) 6, No. 2 (1996) 6, No. 1 (1996) 5, No. 4 (1995) 5, No. 3 (1995) 5, No. 2 (1995) 5, No. 1 (1995) 4, No. 4 (1994) 4, No. 3 (1994) 4, No. 2 (1994) 4, No. 1 (1994) 3, No. 4 (1993) 3, No. 3 (1993) 3, No. 2 (1993) 3, No. 1 (1993) 2, No. 3 (1992) all top 5 Authors 6 Moore, John Barratt 4 Banks, Harvey Thomas 4 Bernstein, Dennis S. 4 Byrnes, Christopher Ian 4 Gerencsér, László 4 Helmke, Uwe R. 4 Mareels, Iven M. Y. 3 Balachandran, Krishnan 3 Burns, John A. 3 Collins, Emmanuel G. jun. 3 Dauer, Jerald P. 3 Elliott, Robert James 3 Gilliam, David S. 3 Haddad, Wassim Michael 3 Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo 3 Lovass-Nagy, Victor 3 Mukundan, Rangaswamy 3 Shubov, Viktor Isaakovich 3 Wang, Chunming 2 Anan’ev, Boris Ivanovich 2 Balasubramaniam, Pagavathigounder 2 Ball, Joseph Anthony 2 Beghi, Alessandro 2 Blackmore, Kim L. 2 Bucci, Francesca 2 Campi, Marco Claudio 2 Curtain, Ruth Frances 2 Delaleau, Emmanuel 2 Faybusovich, Leonid E. 2 Feng, Xiangbo 2 Ferrante, Augusto 2 Fitzpatrick, Ben G. 2 Fuhrmann, Paul A. 2 Gauthier, Jean-Paul A. 2 Gluesing-Luerssen, Heide 2 Horn, Mary Ann 2 Hu, Xiaoming 2 Ito, Kazufumi 2 James, Matthew R. 2 Jankovic, Mrdjan 2 Kang, Wei 2 Kärkkäinen, Tommi 2 Kimura, Hidenori 2 King, Belinda Batten 2 Krener, Arthur James 2 Kunisch, Karl 2 Lagnese, John E. 2 Levy, Bernard C. 2 Liptser, Robert 2 Loparo, Kenneth A. 2 Mahony, Robert E. 2 Martin, Clyde Franklin 2 Michaletzky, Gyórgy 2 Miller, Boris Mikhaĭlovich 2 Montes-de-Oca, Raúl 2 Morris, Kirsten A. 2 Rampazzo, Franco 2 Rouchon, Pierre 2 Tessitore, Gianmario 2 Tessitore, Maria Elisabetta 2 Tsinias, John 2 van Keulen, Bert A. M. 2 Watson, Layne Terry 2 Williamson, Robert C. 2 Zampieri, Sandro 2 Zwart, Hans J. 1 Abe, Kenichi 1 Aggoun, Lakhdar 1 Agrachev, Andreĭ Aleksandrovich 1 Aldeen, Mohammad 1 Aranda-Bricaire, Eduardo 1 Arvanitis, Kostas G. 1 Baras, John S. 1 Bartosiewicz, Zbigniew 1 Bejczy, Antal K. 1 Bertilsson, Daniel 1 Besançon, Gildas 1 Bittanti, Sergio 1 Black, Kelly 1 Blondel, Vincent D. 1 Bockmann, Christine 1 Bonnard, Bernard 1 Borges, Carlos F. 1 Bounabat, Abdellah 1 Bowers, Kenneth L. 1 Bradley, Mary Elizabeth 1 Bryan, Kurt M. 1 Bukas, M. W. 1 Cannarsa, Piermarco 1 Castillo-Chavez, Carlos 1 Cavazos-Cadena, Rolando 1 Claude, Daniel 1 Coll, Carmen 1 Collings, Iain B. 1 Colonius, Fritz 1 Coron, Jean-Michel 1 Costa, Oswaldo Luiz V. 1 Da Prato, Giuseppe 1 da Silva, Antonio R. 1 D’Alessandro, Domenico ...and 159 more Authors all top 5 Fields 162 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 30 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 28 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 19 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 19 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 15 Operator theory (47-XX) 11 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 10 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 8 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 5 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 129 Publications have been cited 771 times in 733 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Optimal stopping of controlled jump diffusion processes: A viscosity solution approach. Zbl 0899.60039 Pham, Huyên 48 1998 A relation between continuous time-varying and discontinuous feedback stabilization. Zbl 0925.93827 Coron, Jean-Michel; Rosier, Lionel 43 1994 Monotone stability of nonlinear feedback systems. Zbl 0776.93039 Mareels, Iven M. Y.; Hill, David J. 34 1992 Power distribution inequalities in optimization and robustness of uncertain systems. Zbl 0781.93079 Megretsky, A.; Treil, S. 32 1993 Finite dimensional filters with nonlinear drift. I: A class of filters including both Kalman-Bucy filters and Benes filters. Zbl 0811.93059 Yau, Stephen S.-T. 29 1994 The extended Kalman filter as a local asymptotic observer for discrete-time nonlinear systems. Zbl 0827.93009 Song, Yongkyu; Grizzle, Jessy W. 28 1995 On abnormal extremals for Lagrange variational problems. Zbl 0826.49012 Agrachev, A. A.; Sarychev, A. V. 19 1995 Lowering the orders of derivatives of controls in generalized state space systems. Zbl 0852.93016 Delaleau, E.; Respondek, W. 18 1995 An algorithm for viability kernels in Hölderian case: Approximation by discrete dynamical systems. Zbl 0831.34016 Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 17 1995 Well-posedness, stabilizability, and admissibility for Pritchard-Salamon systems. Zbl 0815.93046 Curtain, Ruth F.; Logemann, Hartmut; Townley, Stuart; Zwart, Hans 17 1994 A unified representation for nonlinear discrete-time and sampled dynamics. Zbl 0828.93016 Monaco, S.; Normand-Cyrot, D. 15 1995 Infinite-dimensional model of evolution of drug resistance of cancer cells. Zbl 0897.92015 Kimmel, Marek; Swierniak, Andrzej; Polanski, Andrzej 15 1998 Approximation in LQR problems for infinite dimensional systems with unbounded input operators. Zbl 0894.93023 Banks, H. T.; Ito, Kazufumi 14 1997 State feedback \(H_ \infty\)-control for discrete-time infinite-dimensional stochastic bilinear systems. Zbl 0844.93036 Costa, O. L. V.; Kubrusly, C. S. 13 1996 Monotone approximations for convex stochastic control problems. Zbl 0812.93078 Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo; Runggaldier, Wolfgang J. 13 1994 Approximation and regularity results on constrained viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. Zbl 0830.49020 Loreti, Paola; Tessitore, Maria Elisabetta 13 1994 On the characterization and parametrization of minimal spectral factors. Zbl 0848.30023 Fuhrmann, P. A. 11 1995 Sharp trace regularity for the solutions of the equations of dynamic elasticity. Zbl 0920.73027 Horn, Mary Ann 10 1998 Numerical stationary solutions for a viscous Burgers’ equation. Zbl 0892.35134 Burns, J.; Balogh, A.; Gilliam, D. S.; Shubov, V. I. 10 1998 Some stability conditions for fractional delay systems. Zbl 0913.93068 Hotzel, Richard 10 1998 Ellipsoidal calculus, singular perturbations and the state estimation problems for uncertain systems. Zbl 0858.93031 Filippova, T. F.; Kurzhanski, A. B.; Sugimoto, K.; Vályi, I. 9 1996 Robust \(H^ \infty\) control of uncertain systems with structured uncertainty. Zbl 0864.93042 Savkin, Andrey V.; Petersen, Ian R. 9 1996 Necessary condition and genericity of dynamic feedback linearization. Zbl 0818.93012 Rouchon, P. 9 1994 Perspective problems in system theory and its application to machine vision. Zbl 0812.93018 Ghosh, Bijoy K.; Jankovic, Mrdjan; Wu, Y. T. 8 1994 Versions of Sontag’s input to state stability condition and output feedback global stabilization. Zbl 0844.93068 Tsinias, J. 8 1996 Conditions for average optimality in Markov control processes with unbounded costs and controls. Zbl 0812.93077 Montes-de-Oca, Raúl; Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo 8 1994 Stability of discrete time jump linear systems. Zbl 0855.93088 Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo 8 1995 A compactification of the space of rational transfer functions by singular systems. Zbl 0785.93025 Helmke, Uwe 8 1993 On Lagrange manifolds and viscosity solutions. Zbl 1130.49306 Day, Martin V. 8 1998 An observer for infinite-dimensional skew-adjoint bilinear systems. Zbl 0832.93008 Gauthier, J. P.; Xu, C. Z.; Bounabat, A. 7 1995 Errata: Chain-scattering representation, \(J\)-lossless factorization and \(H^ \infty\) control. Zbl 0863.93015 Kimura, Hidenori 7 1995 On stability of infinite-dimensional discrete inclusions. Zbl 0916.93054 Wirth, Fabian 7 1998 Connections between the algebraic Riccati equation and the Hamiltonian for Riesz-spectral systems. Zbl 0876.93047 Kuiper, C. R.; Zwart, H. J. 7 1996 Legendre-Tau approximations for LQR feedback control of acoustic pressure fields. Zbl 0852.93031 Banks, H. T.; Fakhroo, F. 6 1995 Transcendence in simultaneous stabilization. Zbl 0876.93078 Bertilsson, Daniel; Blondel, Vincent 6 1996 Block decoupling with stability of linear periodic systems. Zbl 0785.93062 Grasselli, Osvaldo Maria; Longhi, Sauro 6 1993 Design of finite-dimensional controllers for infinite-dimensional systems by approximation. Zbl 0813.93032 Morris, K. A. 6 1994 The generalized solutions of ordinary differential equations in the impulse control problems. Zbl 0807.93031 Miller, Boris M. 6 1994 Necessary and sufficient conditions for nonlinear worst case \((H_ \infty)\) control and estimation. Zbl 0814.93028 Krener, A. J. 6 1994 Robust and risk-sensitive output feedback control for finite state machines and hidden Markov models. Zbl 0911.93055 Baras, J. S.; James, M. R. 6 1997 Stabilization of decentralized control systems. Zbl 0894.93002 Gong, Zhiming; Aldeen, Mohammad 6 1997 Nonlinear feedback system stability via coprime factorization analysis. Zbl 0778.93100 Paice, A. D. B.; Moore, J. B.; Horowitz, R. 5 1992 \(H_{\infty}\)-control with state-feedback: The infinite-dimensional case. Zbl 0770.93031 van Keulen, Bert; Peters, Marc; Curtain, Ruth 5 1993 Hamiltonian and system-theoretic properties of the HR-algorithm. Zbl 0770.93016 Faybusovich, Leonid 5 1993 Viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations arising in nonlinear \(H_ \infty\)-control. Zbl 0844.93035 Ball, Joseph A.; Helton, J. William 5 1996 Time minimal synthesis for planar systems in the neighborhood of a terminal manifold of codimension one. Zbl 0852.49014 Bonnard, B.; Pelletier, M. 5 1995 Extended controller form and invariants of nonlinear control systems with a single input. Zbl 0813.93016 Kang, Wei 5 1994 Optimality conditions for Dirichlet boundary control problems of parabolic type. Zbl 0895.35009 Gozzi, Fausto; Tessitore, Maria Elisabetta 5 1998 Control Lyapunov functions, input-to-state stability and applications to global feedback stabilization for composite systems. Zbl 0898.93025 Tsinias, J. 5 1997 The strong convergence of two-scale stochastic systems and singular perturbations of filtering equations. Zbl 0778.60001 Di Masi, G. B.; Kabanov, Yu. M. 4 1993 Limit behavior of pair formation for a large dissolution rate. Zbl 0778.92021 Luo, Xiaolong; Castillo-Chavez, Carlos 4 1993 Extended controller form and invariants of nonlinear control systems with a single input. Zbl 0944.93013 Kang, Wei 4 1996 Well-posedness and stability analysis of hybrid feedback systems. Zbl 0844.93027 Grabowski, Piotr 4 1996 Linear systems over Noetherian rings in the behavioural approach. Zbl 0844.93038 Zampieri, Sandro; Mitter, Sanjoy K. 4 1996 System assignment and pole placement for symmetric realisations. Zbl 0852.93035 Mahony, Robert; Helmke, Uwe 4 1995 Interpolation by rational matrix functions and stability of feedback systems: The 2-block case. Zbl 0807.93053 Ball, Joseph A.; Rakowski, Marek 4 1994 Viewing input-output system equivalence from differential algebra. Zbl 0806.93012 Rudolph, J. 4 1994 The minimum time function with unbounded controls. Zbl 0947.49022 Rampazzo, F.; Sartori, C. 4 1998 The value function of a slow growth control problem with state constraints. Zbl 0981.49016 Motta, M.; Rampazzo, F. 4 1997 Risk-sensitive generalizations of minimum variance estimation and control. Zbl 0898.93031 Moore, J. B.; Elliott, R. J.; Dey, S. 4 1997 Internal approximation schemes for optimal control problems in Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0947.49025 Ferretti, Roberto 4 1997 Controllability of semilinear integrodifferential systems in Banach spaces. Zbl 0854.93015 Balachandran, K.; Dauer, J. P.; Balasubramaniam, P. 4 1996 The zero dynamics algorithm for general nonlinear systems and its application in exact output tracking. Zbl 0770.93048 Byrnes, Christopher I.; Hu, Xiaoming 3 1993 Homotopy approaches to the \(H_ 2\) reduced order model problem. Zbl 0770.93018 Žigić, Dragan; Watson, Layne T.; Collins, Emmanuel G. jun.; Bernstein, Dennis S. 3 1993 On the existence of a least and negative-semidefinite solution of the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation. Zbl 0851.15011 Wimmer, Harald K. 3 1995 Design of finite-dimensional controllers for infinite-dimensional systems by approximation. Zbl 0854.93056 Morris, K. A. 3 1996 \(L^ 2\) sensitivity minimization of linear system representations via gradient flows. Zbl 0857.93028 Helmke, U.; Moore, J. B. 3 1995 Unique identification of coefficient matrices, time delays and initial functions of functional differential equations. Zbl 0856.34084 Nakagiri, Shin-ichi; Yamamoto, Masahiro 3 1995 On local controllability of hyperbolic inclusions. Zbl 0817.35062 Tuan, Hoang Duong 3 1994 On an inverse dynamic problem for the Goursat-Darboux system. Zbl 0894.35128 Korotkij, A. I.; Tsepelev, I. A. 3 1998 A note on the mathematical modelling of damped second order systems. Zbl 0904.35043 Burns, John A.; King, Belinda B. 3 1998 Harmonic forcing for linear distributed parameter systems. Zbl 0906.93028 Byrnes, C. I.; Gilliam, D. S.; Laukó, I. G.; Shubov, V. I. 3 1998 Asymptotic properties of solutions of a KdV-Burgers equation with localized dissipation. Zbl 0916.93062 Huang, Guowei; Russell, David L. 3 1998 Causality and Markovian reductions and extensions of a family of Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0927.93049 Petrović, Ljiljana 3 1998 An intrinsic characterization of properness for linear time-varying systems. Zbl 0831.93012 Delaleau, E.; Rudolph, J. 2 1995 On the nonlinear dynamic disturbance decoupling problem. Zbl 0853.93048 Pereira da Silva, Paulo Sérgio 2 1996 Error estimates for distributed parameter identification in linear elliptic equations. (Short version). Zbl 0856.65136 Kärkkäinen, Tommi 2 1996 General closed loop optimal solutions for linear dynamic systems with linear constraints and functional. Zbl 0844.93054 d’Alessandro, Paolo; De Santis, Elena 2 1996 Modelling and controllability of plate-beam systems. Zbl 0854.93072 Lagnese, J. E. 2 1995 \(H_ \infty\) control of nonlinear systems with sampled measurement. Zbl 0852.93027 Suzuki, Sadanori; Isidori, Alberto; Tarn, Tzhy-Jong 2 1995 Minimax estimation of statistically uncertain systems under the choice of a feedback parameter. Zbl 0852.93086 Anan’ev, B. I. 2 1995 Necessary condition and genericity of dynamic feedback linearization. Zbl 0862.93013 Rouchon, P. 2 1995 Receding horizon control for the stabilization of nonlinear uncertain systems described by differential inclusions. Zbl 0858.93056 Gyurkovics, Éva 2 1996 \(H_ \infty\)-control with measurement-feedback for linear infinite- dimensional systems. Zbl 0785.93032 van Keulen, Bert 2 1993 Parameter estimation in conservation laws. Zbl 0785.93027 Fitzpatrick, Ben G. 2 1993 Fixed gain off-line estimators of ARMA parameters. Zbl 0813.93069 Gerencsér, László 2 1994 Chain-scattering representation, \(J\)-lossless factorization and \(H^ \infty\) control. Zbl 0811.93014 Kimura, Hidenori 2 1994 Equivalence of discrete-time nonlinear systems to prime systems. Zbl 0914.93035 Aranda-Bricaire, E.; Kotta, Ü. 2 1998 Infinite horizon, ergodic and periodic control for a stochastic infinite dimensional affine equation. Zbl 0914.93071 Tessitore, Gianmario 2 1998 A simple observer for distributed systems: Application to a heat exchanger. Zbl 0924.93006 Ligarius, Ph.; Gauthier, J.-P.; Xu, C. Z. 2 1998 Finite-dimensional attractors of weak solutions to von Kármán plate model. Zbl 0892.35107 Lasiecka, I. 2 1997 An adaptive decoupling compensator for linear systems based on periodic multirate-input controllers. Zbl 1126.93358 Arvanitis, K. G. 2 1998 On observer design for interconnected systems. Zbl 0918.93007 Besançon, Gildas; Hammouri, Hassan 2 1998 High gain limits of trajectories and attractors for a boundary controlled viscous Burgers’ equation. Zbl 0856.93048 Byrnes, Christopher I.; Gilliam, David S.; Shubov, Victor I. 2 1996 A modification of the trust-region Gauss-Newton method to solve separable nonlinear least squares problems. (Short version). Zbl 0830.65039 Böckmann, Christine 1 1995 Regions of attraction of closed loop linear systems with saturated linear feedback. Zbl 0836.93053 Suárez, Rodolfo; Alvarez, José; Alvarez, Jesús 1 1995 Graph structure and recursive estimation of noisy linear relations. Zbl 0841.62061 Nikoukhah, Ramine; Taylor, Darrin; Levy, Bernard C.; Willsky, Alan S. 1 1995 The multivariable parabola criterion for robust controller synthesis: A Riccati equation approach. Zbl 0854.93117 Haddad, Wassim M.; Bernstein, Dennis S. 1 1996 Learning nonlinearly parametrized decision regions. Zbl 0846.68084 Blackmore, Kim L.; Williamson, Robert C.; Mareels, Iven M. Y. 1 1996 Sensitivity measures for the estimation of parameters in 1-D elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0848.35010 Ito, Kazufumi; Kunisch, Karl 1 1996 Optimal stopping of controlled jump diffusion processes: A viscosity solution approach. Zbl 0899.60039 Pham, Huyên 48 1998 Infinite-dimensional model of evolution of drug resistance of cancer cells. Zbl 0897.92015 Kimmel, Marek; Swierniak, Andrzej; Polanski, Andrzej 15 1998 Sharp trace regularity for the solutions of the equations of dynamic elasticity. Zbl 0920.73027 Horn, Mary Ann 10 1998 Numerical stationary solutions for a viscous Burgers’ equation. Zbl 0892.35134 Burns, J.; Balogh, A.; Gilliam, D. S.; Shubov, V. I. 10 1998 Some stability conditions for fractional delay systems. Zbl 0913.93068 Hotzel, Richard 10 1998 On Lagrange manifolds and viscosity solutions. Zbl 1130.49306 Day, Martin V. 8 1998 On stability of infinite-dimensional discrete inclusions. Zbl 0916.93054 Wirth, Fabian 7 1998 Optimality conditions for Dirichlet boundary control problems of parabolic type. Zbl 0895.35009 Gozzi, Fausto; Tessitore, Maria Elisabetta 5 1998 The minimum time function with unbounded controls. Zbl 0947.49022 Rampazzo, F.; Sartori, C. 4 1998 On an inverse dynamic problem for the Goursat-Darboux system. Zbl 0894.35128 Korotkij, A. I.; Tsepelev, I. A. 3 1998 A note on the mathematical modelling of damped second order systems. Zbl 0904.35043 Burns, John A.; King, Belinda B. 3 1998 Harmonic forcing for linear distributed parameter systems. Zbl 0906.93028 Byrnes, C. I.; Gilliam, D. S.; Laukó, I. G.; Shubov, V. I. 3 1998 Asymptotic properties of solutions of a KdV-Burgers equation with localized dissipation. Zbl 0916.93062 Huang, Guowei; Russell, David L. 3 1998 Causality and Markovian reductions and extensions of a family of Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0927.93049 Petrović, Ljiljana 3 1998 Equivalence of discrete-time nonlinear systems to prime systems. Zbl 0914.93035 Aranda-Bricaire, E.; Kotta, Ü. 2 1998 Infinite horizon, ergodic and periodic control for a stochastic infinite dimensional affine equation. Zbl 0914.93071 Tessitore, Gianmario 2 1998 A simple observer for distributed systems: Application to a heat exchanger. Zbl 0924.93006 Ligarius, Ph.; Gauthier, J.-P.; Xu, C. Z. 2 1998 An adaptive decoupling compensator for linear systems based on periodic multirate-input controllers. Zbl 1126.93358 Arvanitis, K. G. 2 1998 On observer design for interconnected systems. Zbl 0918.93007 Besançon, Gildas; Hammouri, Hassan 2 1998 A universally observable flow on the two-dimensional torus. Zbl 0899.93005 DeStefano, Alisa; Hall, G. R. 1 1998 On accurate computation of a class of linear functionals. Zbl 0891.65018 Gustadson, Sven-Åke; da Silva, Antonio R. 1 1998 Weak attractor for damped abstract nonlinear hyperbolic systems. Zbl 0911.35020 Pintér, Gariella A. 1 1998 Muscle mechanics and dynamics of ocular motion. Zbl 0888.92004 Martin, Clyde F.; Schovanec, Lawrence 1 1998 A control theoretic model of the muscular actions in human head-eye coordination. Zbl 0891.92003 Egerstedt, Magnus; Martin, Clyde 1 1998 Parameterized linear systems in the behaviorial approach. Zbl 0891.93023 Fagnani, Fabio; Zampieri, Sandro 1 1998 Performance of an adaptive LQ controller with noise injection in continuous time. Zbl 0911.93038 Vágó, Zs.; Gerencsér, L. 1 1998 Approximation in LQR problems for infinite dimensional systems with unbounded input operators. Zbl 0894.93023 Banks, H. T.; Ito, Kazufumi 14 1997 Robust and risk-sensitive output feedback control for finite state machines and hidden Markov models. Zbl 0911.93055 Baras, J. S.; James, M. R. 6 1997 Stabilization of decentralized control systems. Zbl 0894.93002 Gong, Zhiming; Aldeen, Mohammad 6 1997 Control Lyapunov functions, input-to-state stability and applications to global feedback stabilization for composite systems. Zbl 0898.93025 Tsinias, J. 5 1997 The value function of a slow growth control problem with state constraints. Zbl 0981.49016 Motta, M.; Rampazzo, F. 4 1997 Risk-sensitive generalizations of minimum variance estimation and control. Zbl 0898.93031 Moore, J. B.; Elliott, R. J.; Dey, S. 4 1997 Internal approximation schemes for optimal control problems in Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0947.49025 Ferretti, Roberto 4 1997 Finite-dimensional attractors of weak solutions to von Kármán plate model. Zbl 0892.35107 Lasiecka, I. 2 1997 Globally convergent homotopy algorithms for the combined \(H^2/H^\infty\) model reduction problem. Zbl 0896.93007 Ge, Yuzhen; Watson, Layne T.; Collins, Emmanuel G. jun.; Bernstein, Dennis S. 1 1997 Numerical recovery of material parameters in Euler-Bernoulli beam models. Zbl 0898.73032 Smith, Ralph C.; Bowers, Kenneth L.; Vogel, Curtis R. 1 1997 A sliding horizon feedback control problem with feedforward and disturbance. Zbl 0897.93028 Patten, William N.; White, Luther W. 1 1997 Equivalent conditions for the solvability of nonstandard LQ-problems with applications to P. D. E. s with continuous input-output solution map. Zbl 0906.47036 McMillan, C. 1 1997 Information inequalities and limiting possibilities of adaptive control strategies in ARX models with a general quadratic criterion. Zbl 0906.93065 Poznyak, Alexander; Zúñiga, Roberto Salas 1 1997 Factorization theory for stable, discrete-time inner functions. Zbl 1078.93512 Fuhrmann, P. A.; Hoffmann, J. 1 1997 On uniform stabilizability and the margin of stabilizability. Zbl 0896.93011 Peichl, G. H.; Wang, C. 1 1997 A finite element method for an initial value inverse problem with overspecified boundary data. Zbl 0904.35099 Lin, Tao; Zhang, Bingyu 1 1997 State feedback \(H_ \infty\)-control for discrete-time infinite-dimensional stochastic bilinear systems. Zbl 0844.93036 Costa, O. L. V.; Kubrusly, C. S. 13 1996 Ellipsoidal calculus, singular perturbations and the state estimation problems for uncertain systems. Zbl 0858.93031 Filippova, T. F.; Kurzhanski, A. B.; Sugimoto, K.; Vályi, I. 9 1996 Robust \(H^ \infty\) control of uncertain systems with structured uncertainty. Zbl 0864.93042 Savkin, Andrey V.; Petersen, Ian R. 9 1996 Versions of Sontag’s input to state stability condition and output feedback global stabilization. Zbl 0844.93068 Tsinias, J. 8 1996 Connections between the algebraic Riccati equation and the Hamiltonian for Riesz-spectral systems. Zbl 0876.93047 Kuiper, C. R.; Zwart, H. J. 7 1996 Transcendence in simultaneous stabilization. Zbl 0876.93078 Bertilsson, Daniel; Blondel, Vincent 6 1996 Viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations arising in nonlinear \(H_ \infty\)-control. Zbl 0844.93035 Ball, Joseph A.; Helton, J. William 5 1996 Extended controller form and invariants of nonlinear control systems with a single input. Zbl 0944.93013 Kang, Wei 4 1996 Well-posedness and stability analysis of hybrid feedback systems. Zbl 0844.93027 Grabowski, Piotr 4 1996 Linear systems over Noetherian rings in the behavioural approach. Zbl 0844.93038 Zampieri, Sandro; Mitter, Sanjoy K. 4 1996 Controllability of semilinear integrodifferential systems in Banach spaces. Zbl 0854.93015 Balachandran, K.; Dauer, J. P.; Balasubramaniam, P. 4 1996 Design of finite-dimensional controllers for infinite-dimensional systems by approximation. Zbl 0854.93056 Morris, K. A. 3 1996 On the nonlinear dynamic disturbance decoupling problem. Zbl 0853.93048 Pereira da Silva, Paulo Sérgio 2 1996 Error estimates for distributed parameter identification in linear elliptic equations. (Short version). Zbl 0856.65136 Kärkkäinen, Tommi 2 1996 General closed loop optimal solutions for linear dynamic systems with linear constraints and functional. Zbl 0844.93054 d’Alessandro, Paolo; De Santis, Elena 2 1996 Receding horizon control for the stabilization of nonlinear uncertain systems described by differential inclusions. Zbl 0858.93056 Gyurkovics, Éva 2 1996 High gain limits of trajectories and attractors for a boundary controlled viscous Burgers’ equation. Zbl 0856.93048 Byrnes, Christopher I.; Gilliam, David S.; Shubov, Victor I. 2 1996 The multivariable parabola criterion for robust controller synthesis: A Riccati equation approach. Zbl 0854.93117 Haddad, Wassim M.; Bernstein, Dennis S. 1 1996 Learning nonlinearly parametrized decision regions. Zbl 0846.68084 Blackmore, Kim L.; Williamson, Robert C.; Mareels, Iven M. Y. 1 1996 Sensitivity measures for the estimation of parameters in 1-D elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0848.35010 Ito, Kazufumi; Kunisch, Karl 1 1996 Local minima and attractors at infinity for gradient descent learning algorithms. Zbl 0847.68096 Blackmore, Kim L.; Williamson, Robert C.; Mareels, Iven M. Y. 1 1996 Undiscounted value iteration in stable Markov decision chains with bounded rewards. Zbl 0844.90105 Cavazos-Cadena, Rolando 1 1996 On fixed gain recursive estimation processes. Zbl 0863.60056 Gerencsér, László 1 1996 The generalized solutions of ordinary differential equations in the impulse control problems. Zbl 0857.93050 Miller, Boris M. 1 1996 Variational stability analysis of optimal control problems for systems governed by nonlinear second order evolution equations. Zbl 0869.49004 Migórski, Stanisław 1 1996 Robust stability analysis of characteristic polynomials whose coefficients are polynomials of interval parameters. Zbl 0857.93072 Kawamura, Takeshi; Shima, Masasuke 1 1996 The extended Kalman filter as a local asymptotic observer for discrete-time nonlinear systems. Zbl 0827.93009 Song, Yongkyu; Grizzle, Jessy W. 28 1995 On abnormal extremals for Lagrange variational problems. Zbl 0826.49012 Agrachev, A. A.; Sarychev, A. V. 19 1995 Lowering the orders of derivatives of controls in generalized state space systems. Zbl 0852.93016 Delaleau, E.; Respondek, W. 18 1995 An algorithm for viability kernels in Hölderian case: Approximation by discrete dynamical systems. Zbl 0831.34016 Quincampoix, Marc; Saint-Pierre, Patrick 17 1995 A unified representation for nonlinear discrete-time and sampled dynamics. Zbl 0828.93016 Monaco, S.; Normand-Cyrot, D. 15 1995 On the characterization and parametrization of minimal spectral factors. Zbl 0848.30023 Fuhrmann, P. A. 11 1995 Stability of discrete time jump linear systems. Zbl 0855.93088 Fang, Yuguang; Loparo, Kenneth A.; Feng, Xiangbo 8 1995 An observer for infinite-dimensional skew-adjoint bilinear systems. Zbl 0832.93008 Gauthier, J. P.; Xu, C. Z.; Bounabat, A. 7 1995 Errata: Chain-scattering representation, \(J\)-lossless factorization and \(H^ \infty\) control. Zbl 0863.93015 Kimura, Hidenori 7 1995 Legendre-Tau approximations for LQR feedback control of acoustic pressure fields. Zbl 0852.93031 Banks, H. T.; Fakhroo, F. 6 1995 Time minimal synthesis for planar systems in the neighborhood of a terminal manifold of codimension one. Zbl 0852.49014 Bonnard, B.; Pelletier, M. 5 1995 System assignment and pole placement for symmetric realisations. Zbl 0852.93035 Mahony, Robert; Helmke, Uwe 4 1995 On the existence of a least and negative-semidefinite solution of the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation. Zbl 0851.15011 Wimmer, Harald K. 3 1995 \(L^ 2\) sensitivity minimization of linear system representations via gradient flows. Zbl 0857.93028 Helmke, U.; Moore, J. B. 3 1995 Unique identification of coefficient matrices, time delays and initial functions of functional differential equations. Zbl 0856.34084 Nakagiri, Shin-ichi; Yamamoto, Masahiro 3 1995 An intrinsic characterization of properness for linear time-varying systems. Zbl 0831.93012 Delaleau, E.; Rudolph, J. 2 1995 Modelling and controllability of plate-beam systems. Zbl 0854.93072 Lagnese, J. E. 2 1995 \(H_ \infty\) control of nonlinear systems with sampled measurement. Zbl 0852.93027 Suzuki, Sadanori; Isidori, Alberto; Tarn, Tzhy-Jong 2 1995 Minimax estimation of statistically uncertain systems under the choice of a feedback parameter. Zbl 0852.93086 Anan’ev, B. I. 2 1995 Necessary condition and genericity of dynamic feedback linearization. Zbl 0862.93013 Rouchon, P. 2 1995 A modification of the trust-region Gauss-Newton method to solve separable nonlinear least squares problems. (Short version). Zbl 0830.65039 Böckmann, Christine 1 1995 Regions of attraction of closed loop linear systems with saturated linear feedback. Zbl 0836.93053 Suárez, Rodolfo; Alvarez, José; Alvarez, Jesús 1 1995 Graph structure and recursive estimation of noisy linear relations. Zbl 0841.62061 Nikoukhah, Ramine; Taylor, Darrin; Levy, Bernard C.; Willsky, Alan S. 1 1995 On relations between Schmidt pairs arising in robust control. Zbl 0856.93020 Gombani, Andrea 1 1995 A relation between continuous time-varying and discontinuous feedback stabilization. Zbl 0925.93827 Coron, Jean-Michel; Rosier, Lionel 43 1994 Finite dimensional filters with nonlinear drift. I: A class of filters including both Kalman-Bucy filters and Benes filters. Zbl 0811.93059 Yau, Stephen S.-T. 29 1994 Well-posedness, stabilizability, and admissibility for Pritchard-Salamon systems. Zbl 0815.93046 Curtain, Ruth F.; Logemann, Hartmut; Townley, Stuart; Zwart, Hans 17 1994 Monotone approximations for convex stochastic control problems. Zbl 0812.93078 Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo; Runggaldier, Wolfgang J. 13 1994 Approximation and regularity results on constrained viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. Zbl 0830.49020 Loreti, Paola; Tessitore, Maria Elisabetta 13 1994 Necessary condition and genericity of dynamic feedback linearization. Zbl 0818.93012 Rouchon, P. 9 1994 Perspective problems in system theory and its application to machine vision. Zbl 0812.93018 Ghosh, Bijoy K.; Jankovic, Mrdjan; Wu, Y. T. 8 1994 Conditions for average optimality in Markov control processes with unbounded costs and controls. Zbl 0812.93077 Montes-de-Oca, Raúl; Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo 8 1994 ...and 29 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,085 Authors 15 Petersen, Ian Richard 15 Yau, Stephen Shing-Toung 14 Jiang, Zhong-Ping 9 Basin, Michael V. 9 Monaco, Salvatore 9 Normand-Cyrot, Dorothée 8 Curtain, Ruth Frances 8 Kotta, Ulle 8 Trélat, Emmanuel 7 Quincampoix, Marc 7 Shaked, Uri 7 Sontag, Eduardo D. 6 Banasiak, Jacek 6 Gershon, Eli 6 Hill, David John 6 Morris, Kirsten A. 6 Motta, Monica 6 Rampazzo, Franco 5 Alanis, Alma Y. 5 Calderon-Alvarez, Dario 5 Coron, Jean-Michel 5 Frankowska, Hélène 5 Kunisch, Karl 5 Lévine, Jean 5 Respondek, Witold 5 Savkin, Andrey V. 5 Teel, Andrew Richard 5 Tsinias, John 4 Cardaliaguet, Pierre 4 Cavazos-Cadena, Rolando 4 Cho, Heyrim 4 Czornik, Adam 4 Fagnani, Fabio 4 Grasselli, Osvaldo Maria 4 Hammouri, Hassan 4 Jakobsen, Espen Robstad 4 Kalise, Dante 4 Kimura, Hidenori 4 Levy, Doron 4 Liu, Tengfei 4 Longhi, Sauro 4 Marcus, Steven I. 4 Mareels, Iven M. 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M. 4 Rouchon, Pierre 4 Runggaldier, Wolfgang J. 4 Sarychev, Andrey V. 4 Shi, Peng 4 Świȩch, Andrzej 4 Tõnso, Maris 4 Tornambè, Antonio 4 Wang, Yuan 4 Zidani, Hasnaa 3 Agrachev, Andreĭ Aleksandrovich 3 Aguiar, António Pedro 3 Bacciotti, Andrea 3 Balachandran, Krishnan 3 Ball, Joseph Anthony 3 Bayraktar, Erhan 3 Bettiol, Piernicola 3 Bonnard, Bernard 3 Bonnet, Catherine 3 Bressan, Alberto 3 Castillo-Chavez, Carlos 3 Cernea, Aurelian 3 Chiou, Wen-Lin 3 Clarke, Francis H. 3 Costa, Oswaldo Luiz V. 3 de Lara, Michel 3 Drăgan, Vasile 3 Fahroo, Fariba 3 Ferrante, Augusto 3 Fliess, Michel 3 Fradkov, Aleksandr L’vovich 3 Gajardo, Pedro 3 Gekhtman, Mikhaèl I. 3 Ghosh, Bijoy Kumar 3 Gilliam, David S. 3 Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo 3 Hernández, Erwin 3 Jammazi, Chaker 3 Jiao, Xiaopei 3 Karafyllis, Iasson 3 Karlsen, Kenneth Hvistendahl 3 Khong, Sei Zhen 3 Kröner, Axel 3 Lasiecka, Irena 3 Liberzon, Daniel 3 Lopezlena, Ricardo 3 Minjárez-Sosa, Jesus Adolfo 3 Montes-de-Oca, Raúl 3 Moore, John Barratt 3 Naumkin, Pavel Ivanovich 3 Petersen, Mark Adam 3 Petrović, Ljiljana 3 Pomet, Jean-Baptiste ...and 985 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 167 Journals 91 Systems & Control Letters 84 Automatica 28 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 23 Linear Algebra and its Applications 22 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 22 MCSS. 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