The New York Journal of Mathematics Short Title: New York J. Math. Publisher: University at Albany, Deptartment of Mathematics and Statistics, Albany ISSN: 1076-9803/e Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; Published electronic only as of Vol. 1 (1994). This journal is available open access Documents Indexed: 1,183 Publications (since 1994) References Indexed: 348 Publications with 7,730 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 31 (2025) 30 (2024) 29 (2023) 28 (2022) 27 (2021) 26 (2020) 25 (2019) 24a (2018) 24 (2018) 23 (2017) 22 (2016) 21 (2015) 20 (2014) 19 (2013) 18 (2012) 17a (2011) 17 (2011) 16 (2010) 15 (2009) 14 (2008) 13 (2007) 12 (2006) 11 (2005) 10 (2004) 9 (2003) 8 (2002) 7 (2001) 6 (2000) 5 (1999) 4 (1998) 3A (1997/1998) 3 (1997) 2 (1996) 1 (1994/1995) all top 5 Authors 14 Hindman, Neil 10 Strauss, Dona 9 Childs, Lindsay N. 9 Gaucher, Philippe 7 Ghioca, Dragos 7 Luca, Florian 7 Quigg, John C. 6 Kaliszewski, Steven Paul 6 Pask, David 6 Witte Morris, Dave 5 Davis, Donald M. 5 Deaconu, Valentin 5 Hawkins, Jane M. 5 Jones, Roger L. 5 Koch, Alan 5 Loring, Terry A. 5 Power, Stephen Charles 4 Bartholdi, Laurent 4 Bräunling, Oliver 4 Chavan, Sameer Laxman 4 Garoufalidis, Stavros 4 Jarden, Moshe 4 Kucerovsky, Dan Z. 4 Mináč, Ján 4 Morton, Patrick 4 Muhly, Paul Scott 4 Nielsen, Lance 4 Pitts, David R. 4 Pollack, Paul 4 Raeburn, Iain 4 Siddiqui, Akhlaq Ahmad 4 Silva, Cesar E. 4 Tran, Anh Tuan 4 Truman, Paul J. 4 Williams, Dana P. 4 Yang, Rongwei 3 Biswas, Indranil 3 Button, Jack Oliver 3 Conlon, Joseph G. 3 Davidson, Kenneth Ralph 3 Daws, Matthew 3 De, Dibyendu 3 Dean, Andrew J. 3 Douglas, Ronald George 3 Elgindi, Ali M. 3 Farb, Benson 3 Farenick, Douglas R. 3 Fuller, Adam Hanley 3 Furno, Joanna 3 Garayev, Mübariz Tapdıgoğlu 3 Hakopian, Hakop A. 3 Hutz, Benjamin 3 Jørgensen, Palle E. T. 3 Kalton, Nigel John 3 Koberda, Thomas 3 Kříž, Igor 3 Kumjian, Alexander 3 Lacey, Michael T. 3 Leader, Imre 3 Linowitz, Benjamin 3 Livingston, Charles 3 Mazel-Gee, Aaron 3 Mollin, Richard Anthony 3 Paul, Ram Krishna 3 Raja, Chandiraraj Robinson Edward 3 Roberts, David Michael 3 Saloff-Coste, Laurent 3 Satriano, Matthew 3 Schauenburg, Peter 3 Silverman, Joseph Hillel 3 Sims, Aidan 3 Singh, Dinesh Chandra 3 Swallow, John R. 3 Taback, Jennifer 3 Tao, Terence 3 Taskinen, Jari 3 Ulmer, Douglas L. 3 Virtanen, Jani A. 3 Ward, Thomas 3 Zagorodnyuk, Sergey Mihaylovich 3 Zeilberger, Doron 3 Zelenyuk, Yuliya 3 Zhu, Kehe 2 Agler, Jim 2 Akcoglu, Mustafa A. 2 Alperin, Roger Charles 2 an Huef, Astrid 2 Arcozzi, Nicola 2 Athavale, Ameer 2 Athreya, Jayadev S. 2 Baker, Andrew J. 2 Bakshi, Keshab Chandra 2 Ballico, Edoardo 2 Banks, Jessica E. 2 Barańczuk, Stefan 2 Barnes, Julia A. 2 Bartłomiejczyk, Piotr 2 Basor, Estelle L. 2 Baxter, John Robert 2 Bell, Jason P. ...and 1,540 more Authors all top 5 Fields 184 Functional analysis (46-XX) 177 Number theory (11-XX) 177 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 150 Operator theory (47-XX) 144 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 134 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 102 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 102 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 91 Differential geometry (53-XX) 71 Combinatorics (05-XX) 70 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 69 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 60 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 55 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 52 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 48 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 47 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 43 Measure and integration (28-XX) 40 General topology (54-XX) 39 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 37 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 33 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 30 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 30 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 26 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 22 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 19 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 16 Geometry (51-XX) 16 Computer science (68-XX) 15 Real functions (26-XX) 15 Quantum theory (81-XX) 14 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 12 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 10 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 9 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 8 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 8 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 6 Potential theory (31-XX) 6 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 5 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Special functions (33-XX) 3 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 852 Publications have been cited 5,507 times in 4,881 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Higher rank graph \(C^*\)-algebras. Zbl 0946.46044 Kumjian, Alex; Pask, David 162 2000 On pointwise estimates involving sparse operators. Zbl 1347.42030 Lerner, Andrei K. 116 2016 The shape of a typical boxed plane partition. Zbl 0908.60083 Cohn, Henry; Larsen, Michael; Propp, James 114 1998 The \(C^*\)-algebras of row-finite graphs. Zbl 0976.46041 Bates, Teresa; Pask, David; Raeburn, Iain; Szymański, Wojciech 111 2000 SLE coordinate changes. Zbl 1094.82007 Schramm, Oded; Wilson, David B. 78 2005 Some connections between Falconer’s distance set conjecture and sets of Furstenburg type. Zbl 0991.28006 Katz, Nets Hawk; Tao, Terence 64 2001 The Mukai pairing. I: A categorical approach. Zbl 1214.14013 Căldăraru, Andrei; Willerton, Simon 61 2010 Global well-posedness and scattering for the higher-dimensional energy-critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation for radial data. Zbl 1119.35092 Tao, Terence 54 2005 The maximal and minimal ranks of \(A - BXC\) with applications. Zbl 1036.15004 Tian, Yongge; Cheng, Shizhen 44 2003 A refinement of Ball’s theorem on Young measures. Zbl 0887.46010 Hüngerbuhler, Norbert 44 1997 Koszul equivalences in \(A_\infty\)-algebras. Zbl 1191.16011 Lu, Di Ming; Palmieri, John H.; Wu, Quan Shui; Zhang, James J. 41 2008 Proof of the refined alternating sign matrix conjecture. Zbl 0877.05004 Zeilberger, Doron 40 1996 Area preserving homeomorphisms of open surfaces of genus zero. Zbl 0891.58033 Franks, John 38 1996 Projectors on the intermediate algebraic Jacobians. Zbl 1292.14005 Vial, Charles 38 2013 Survey of Oka theory. Zbl 1225.32019 Forstnerič, Franc; Lárusson, Finnur 35 2011 Cohomology of modules in the principal block of a finite group. Zbl 0879.20004 Benson, D. J. 33 1995 The Dirichlet space: a survey. Zbl 1233.30017 Arcozzi, Nicola; Rochberg, Richard; Sawyer, Eric T.; Wick, Brett D. 32 2011 MRA super-wavelets. Zbl 1079.42022 Bildea, Stefan; Dutkay, Dorin Ervin; Picioroaga, Gabriel 31 2005 Centered densities and fractal measures. Zbl 1112.28004 Edgar, G. A. 30 2007 Total positivity for cominuscule Grassmannians. Zbl 1144.20029 Lam, Thomas; Williams, Lauren 28 2008 The \(L_\infty\)-deformation complex of diagrams of algebras. Zbl 1183.14004 Frégier, Yaël; Markl, Martin; Yau, Donald 28 2009 On numerical radius and Berezin number inequalities for reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Zbl 06865210 Yamancı, Ulaş; Gürdal, Mehmet 28 2017 \(L^2\)-index theorems, KK-theory, and connections. Zbl 1093.58009 Schick, Thomas 27 2005 Length structures on manifolds with continuous Riemannian metrics. Zbl 1342.53054 Burtscher, Annegret Y. 27 2015 A pseudoconformal compactification of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and applications. Zbl 1184.35296 Tao, Terence 27 2009 Bi-skew braces and Hopf Galois structures. Zbl 1441.12001 Childs, Lindsay N. 27 2019 Schatten class Toeplitz operators on weighted Bergman spaces of the unit ball. Zbl 1127.47029 Zhu, Kehe 26 2007 Bounded generation of \(\text{SL}(n,A)\) (after D. Carter, G. Keller, and E. Paige). Zbl 1137.20045 Morris, Dave Witte 26 2007 Curved \(A_\infty\) algebras and Landau-Ginzburg models. Zbl 1278.18022 Căldăraru, Andrei; Tu, Junwu 26 2013 A model for the universal space for proper actions of a hyperbolic group. Zbl 0990.20027 Meintrup, David; Schick, Thomas 25 2002 On the \(K\)-theory of higher rank graph \(C^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1146.46048 Evans, D. Gwion 25 2008 Lattice vertex algebras and combinatorial bases: general case and \(W\)-algebras. Zbl 1290.17025 Milas, Antun; Penn, Michael 25 2012 Convexity of the first eigenfunction of the drifting Laplacian operator and its applications. Zbl 1156.35065 Ma, Li; Liu, Baiyu 24 2008 Isoperimetric regions in the plane with density \(r^{p}\). Zbl 1196.53008 Dahlberg, Jonathan; Dubbs, Alexander; Newkirk, Edward; Tran, Hung 24 2010 Algebraic model structures. Zbl 1222.55016 Riehl, Emily 24 2011 Co-Higgs bundles on \(\mathbb P^1\). Zbl 1287.14003 Rayan, Steven 24 2013 Six model structures for DG-modules over DGAs: model category theory in homological action. Zbl 1342.16006 Barthel, Tobias; May, J. P.; Riehl, Emily 24 2014 Norms of inverses, spectra, and pseudospectra of large truncated Wiener-Hopf operators and Toeplitz matrices. Zbl 0887.47025 Boettcher, A.; Grudsky, S. M.; Silbermann, B. 23 1997 Algebras, synchronous games, and chromatic numbers of graphs. Zbl 1410.05069 Helton, J. William; Meyer, Kyle P.; Paulsen, Vern I.; Satriano, Matthew 23 2019 Noetherian property of infinite EI categories. Zbl 1327.18003 Gan, Wee Liang; Li, Liping 22 2015 Solubility criteria for Hopf-Galois structures. Zbl 1358.12001 Byott, Nigel P. 22 2015 Comparing composites of left and right derived functors. Zbl 1222.55017 Shulman, Michael 22 2011 Fluid flow in collapsible elastic tubes: a three-dimensional numerical model. Zbl 1051.76016 Rosar, M. E.; Peskin, Charles S. 21 2001 Quasilinear elliptic systems in divergence form with weak monotonicity. Zbl 0920.35060 Hungerbühler, Norbert 21 1999 On the almost sure global well-posedness of energy sub-critical nonlinear wave equations on \(\mathbb R^{3}\). Zbl 1408.35099 Lührmann, Jonas; Mendelson, Dana 21 2016 \(f\)-harmonic maps which map the boundary of the domain to one point in the target. Zbl 1202.58012 Course, Neil 21 2007 The homotopy theory of diffeological spaces. Zbl 1325.57013 Christensen, J. Daniel; Wu, Enxin 21 2014 Finite volume calculation of \(K\)-theory invariants. Zbl 1384.46048 Loring, Terry A.; Schulz-Baldes, Hermann 21 2017 Estimates for the Bergman kernel and the multidimensional Suita conjecture. Zbl 1317.32024 Błocki, Zbigniew; Zwonek, Wlodzimierz 21 2015 Ergodic theory and connections with analysis and probability. Zbl 0898.28005 Jones, Roger L. 20 1997 Quillen adjunctions induce adjunctions of quasicategories. Zbl 1346.18003 Mazel-Gee, Aaron 20 2016 Note on Frobenius monoidal functors. Zbl 1178.18006 Day, Brian; Pastro, Craig 20 2008 The relative Riemann-Roch theorem from Hochschild homology. Zbl 1158.19002 Ramadoss, Ajay C. 19 2008 Sparse bounds for oscillatory and random singular integrals. Zbl 1355.42010 Lacey, Michael T.; Spencer, Scott 19 2017 Standard deviation is a strongly Leibniz seminorm. Zbl 1310.46056 Rieffel, Marc A. 19 2014 Exotic group C*-algebras in noncommutative duality. Zbl 1294.46047 Kaliszewski, S.; Landstad, Magnus B.; Quigg, John 19 2013 Motivic Hopf elements and relations. Zbl 1361.14019 Dugger, Daniel; Isaksen, Daniel C. 19 2013 Analyticity of a joint spectrum and a multivariable analytic Fredholm theorem. (Analyticity of a joint spectrum and a multivariable analytic Fredhom theorem.) Zbl 1221.47015 Stessin, M.; Yang, R.; Zhu, K. 18 2011 Higher regularity for the fractional thin obstacle problem. Zbl 1423.35465 Koch, Herbert; Rüland, Angkana; Shi, Wenhui 18 2019 Local Calabi and curvature estimates for the Chern-Ricci flow. Zbl 1281.53069 Sherman, Morgan; Weinkove, Ben 18 2013 Fixed-point free pairs of homomorphisms and nonabelian Hopf-Galois structures. Zbl 1282.12002 Byott, Nigel P.; Childs, Lindsay N. 18 2012 Green’s functions for elliptic and parabolic equations with random coefficients. Zbl 0963.35209 Conlon, Joseph G.; Naddaf, Ali 17 2000 Tidy subgroups for commuting automorphisms of totally disconnected groups: An analogue of simultaneous triangularisation of matrices. Zbl 1029.22006 Willis, George A. 17 2004 Asymptotic dimension of coarse spaces. Zbl 1111.20038 Grave, Bernd 17 2006 Compatible ideals and radicals of Ore extensions. Zbl 1106.16029 Hashemi, E. 17 2006 Noncommutative Cartan subalgebras of C*-algebras. Zbl 1228.46061 Exel, Ruy 17 2011 Representations of higher rank graph algebras. Zbl 1182.46043 Davidson, Kenneth R.; Yang, Dilian 17 2009 Dense domains, symmetric operators and spectral triples. Zbl 1319.46050 Forsyth, Iain; Mesland, Bram; Rennie, Adam 17 2014 Harnack inequalities for curvature flows depending on mean curvature. Zbl 0897.53032 Smoczyk, Knut 16 1997 \(N_\phi\)-type quotient modules on the torus. Zbl 1175.47007 Izuchi, Keiji; Yang, Rongwei 16 2008 Variation of periods modulo \(p\) in arithmetic dynamics. Zbl 1153.11028 Silverman, Joseph H. 16 2008 \(K\)-theory for real \(C^*\)-algebras via unitary elements with symmetries. Zbl 1358.46068 Boersema, Jeffrey L.; Loring, Terry A. 16 2016 Preperiodic points for quadratic polynomials over quadratic fields. Zbl 1391.37082 Doyle, John R.; Faber, Xander; Krumm, David 16 2014 Infinite bar-joint frameworks, crystals and operator theory. Zbl 1241.52010 Owen, J. C.; Power, S. C. 16 2011 A mathematical theory of origami constructions and numbers. Zbl 1065.51501 Alperin, Roger C. 15 2000 The three point pick problem on the bidisk. Zbl 0962.32022 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 15 2000 Doubly slice knots with low crossing number. Zbl 1328.57009 Livingston, Charles; Meier, Jeffrey 15 2015 A long exact sequence for homology of FI-modules. Zbl 1358.18006 Gan, Wee Liang 15 2016 From Stinespring dilation to Sz.-Nagy dilation on the symmetrized bidisc and operator models. Zbl 1314.47016 Pal, Sourav 15 2014 On the braiding on a Hopf algebra in a braided category. Zbl 0914.16017 Schauenburg, Peter 14 1998 Closed Legendre geodesics in Sasaki manifolds. Zbl 1019.53034 Smoczyk, Knut 14 2003 Deformed enveloping algebras. Zbl 0879.16028 Sommerhäuser, Yorck 14 1996 Nonergodic actions, cocycles and superrigidity. Zbl 1074.37001 Fisher, David; Morris, Dave Witte; Whyte, Kevin 14 2004 Knot cabling and the degree of the colored Jones polynomial. Zbl 1331.57022 Kalfagianni, Efstratia; Tran, Anh T. 14 2015 Essential normality and the decomposability of algebraic varieties. Zbl 1293.47006 Kennedy, Matthew; Shalit, Orr Moshe 14 2012 Topology and arithmetic of resultants. I. Zbl 1379.55016 Farb, Benson; Wolfson, Jesse 14 2016 Recursion in curve geometry. Zbl 0930.35151 Langer, Joel 13 1999 Characterizations of embeddable \(3 \times 3\) stochastic matrices with a negative eigenvalue. Zbl 0881.60069 Carette, Philippe 13 1995 Geometric \(K\)-homology and controlled paths. Zbl 0930.46057 Keswani, Navin 13 1999 Rank 4 premodular categories. Zbl 1346.18011 Bruillard, Paul 13 2016 Weighted estimates for rough bilinear singular integrals via sparse domination. Zbl 1369.42011 Barron, Alexander 13 2017 The Picard group of the moduli of higher spin curves. Zbl 0977.14010 Jarvis, Tyler J. 13 2001 Dualities in equivariant Kasparov theory. Zbl 1244.19004 Emerson, Heath; Meyer, Ralf 13 2010 Graded \(C^*\)-algebras and twisted groupoid \(C^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1469.46062 Brown, Jonathan H.; Fuller, Adam H.; Pitts, David R.; Reznikoff, Sarah A. 13 2021 Two-weight inequalities for multilinear commutators. Zbl 1403.42011 Kunwar, Ishwari; Ou, Yumeng 13 2018 Lang’s Conjectures, Fibered Powers, and Uniformity. Zbl 0887.14010 Abramovich, Dan; Voloch, Jose Felipe 12 1996 A Schubert basis in equivariant elliptic cohomology. Zbl 1369.14059 Lenart, Cristian; Zainoulline, Kirill 12 2017 Vertex tensor category structure on a category of Kazhdan-Lusztig. Zbl 1226.17025 Zhang, Lin 12 2008 Microlocal analysis in the dual of a Colombeau algebra: generalized wave front sets and noncharacteristic regularity. Zbl 1110.46032 Garetto, Claudia 12 2006 Planar decompositions and the crossing number of graphs with an excluded minor. Zbl 1120.05063 Wood, David R.; Telle, Jan Arne 12 2007 Periodic points of algebraic functions related to a continued fraction of Ramanujan. Zbl 07883460 Akkarapakam, Sushmanth J.; Morton, Patrick 1 2024 The average genus of a 2-bridge knot is asymptotically linear. Zbl 07922012 Cohen, Moshe; Lowrance, Adam M. 1 2024 The random Markov-Kakutani fixed point theorem in a random locally convex module. Zbl 07922018 Tu, Qiang; Mu, Xiaohuan; Guo, Tiexin 1 2024 On local zeta-integrals for \(\mathrm{GSp}(4)\) and \(\mathrm{GSp}(4) \times \mathrm{GL}(2)\). Zbl 1535.22056 Loeffler, David 1 2024 Optimal connectivity results for spheres in the curve graph of low and medium complexity surfaces. Zbl 1542.57017 Heinonen, Helena; Klein-Seetharaman, Roshan; Sun, Minghan 1 2024 Bounds on torsion of CM abelian varieties over a \(p\)-adic field with values in a field of \(p\)-power roots. Zbl 07831612 Ozeki, Yoshiyasu 1 2024 On the invertibility of operators on a model space. Zbl 07831613 Garayev, Mubariz 1 2024 Integral representation of angular operators on the Bergman space over the upper half-plane. Zbl 1535.30129 Bais, Shubham R.; Naidu, D. Venku 1 2024 Graph homology computations. Zbl 1541.18017 Brun, Simon; Willwacher, Thomas 1 2024 Free semigroupoid algebras from categories of paths. Zbl 07831614 Bukoski, Juliana 1 2024 Essential properties for rings of integer-valued polynomials. Zbl 1522.13005 Tamoussit, Ali; Tartarone, Francesca 3 2023 Some nontrivial secondary Adams differentials on the fourth line. Zbl 1523.55014 Wang, Xiangjun; Wang, Yaxing; Zhang, Yu 2 2023 A note on simply interpolating sequences for the Dirichlet space. Zbl 1508.30075 Chalmoukis, Nikolaos 2 2023 On the Galois-Gauss sums of weakly ramified characters. Zbl 1531.11107 Kuang, Yu 2 2023 Partial-isometric crossed products of dynamical systems by left LCM semigroups. Zbl 1515.46045 Zahmatkesh, Saeid 2 2023 Skein algebras of three-manifolds at 4th roots of unity. Zbl 1537.57032 Frohman, Charles; Kania-Bartoszynska, Joanna; Lê, Thang T. Q. 2 2023 Irreducibility and monicity for representations of \(k\)-graph \(C^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1528.46042 Farsi, Carla; Gillaspy, Elizabeth; Goncalves, Daniel 1 2023 On the global homotopy theory of symmetric monoidal categories. Zbl 1529.55018 Lenz, Tobias 1 2023 Twisting, ladder graphs, and A-polynomials. Zbl 1529.57005 Thompson, Em K. 1 2023 Dynamical notions along filters. Zbl 1527.37005 Baglini, Lorenzo Luperi; Patra, Sourav Kanti; Shaikh, Md Moid 1 2023 On the two types of affine structures for degenerating Kummer surfaces – non-Archimedean vs Gromov-Hausdorff limits –. Zbl 1523.14015 Goto, Keita 1 2023 A semi-equivariant Dixmier-Douady invariant. Zbl 1514.55004 Kitson, Simon 1 2023 Compositum of two number fields of prime degree. Zbl 1506.11137 Virbalas, Paulius 1 2023 Some new results on monochromatic sums and products in the rationals. Zbl 1517.05174 Hindman, Neil; Ivan, Maria-Romina; Leader, Imre 1 2023 Fourier-theoretic inequalities for inclusions of simple \(C^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1521.46040 Bakshi, Keshab Chandra; Guin, Satyajit; Sruthymurali 1 2023 Upper bounds on resolvent degree via Sylvester’s obliteration algorithm. Zbl 1508.14026 Heberle, Curtis; Sutherland, Alexander J. 1 2023 Nonorientable surfaces bounded by knots: a geography problem. Zbl 1544.57001 Allen, Samantha 1 2023 The Musielak-Orlicz Herz spaces. Zbl 1533.42029 Dong, Baohua; Li, Yu; Xu, Jingshi 1 2023 A note on rationally slice knots. Zbl 1545.57006 Levine, Adam Simon 1 2023 Star clusters in the matching, Morse, and generalized complex of discrete Morse functions. Zbl 1539.57027 Donovan, Connor; Scoville, Nicholas A. 1 2023 Divisibility in rings of integer-valued polynomials. Zbl 1486.13029 Gotti, Felix; Li, Bangzheng 10 2022 Some braces of cardinality \(p^4\) and related Hopf-Galois extensions. Zbl 1495.16032 Puljić, D.; Smoktunowicz, A.; Zenouz, K. Nejabati 7 2022 Elliptic curves with non-abelian entanglements. Zbl 1497.11150 Jones, Nathan; McMurdy, Ken 5 2022 On convergent Poincaré-Moser reduction for Levi degenerate embedded 5-dimensional CR manifolds. Zbl 1487.32196 Foo, Wei-Guo; Merker, Joël; Ta, The-Anh 5 2022 Variational inequalities for the differences of averages over lacunary sequences. Zbl 1506.42008 Demir, Sakin 4 2022 Embedding dimension of the Dirichlet space. Zbl 1493.46042 Hartz, Michael 3 2022 Direct products of null semigroups and rectangular bands in \(\beta\mathbb{N}\). Zbl 1503.22004 Zelenyuk, Yevhen; Zelenyuk, Yuliya 3 2022 A volumish theorem for alternating virtual links. Zbl 1485.57006 Champanerkar, Abhijit; Kofman, Ilya 3 2022 A note on Hardy spaces on quadratic CR manifolds. Zbl 1510.32083 Calzi, M. 3 2022 The bicategory of groupoid correspondences. Zbl 1509.46043 Antunes, Celso; Ko, Joanna; Meyer, Ralf 3 2022 Unoriented Khovanov homology. Zbl 1485.57003 Baldridge, Scott; Kauffman, Louis H.; McCarty, Ben 2 2022 A new look at local maps on algebraic structures of matrices and operators. Zbl 07493775 Molnár, Lajos 2 2022 The main supergraph of finite groups. Zbl 07577592 Asboei, Alireza Khalili; Amiri, Seyed Sadegh Salehi 2 2022 An Alexander method for infinite-type surfaces. Zbl 1498.57015 Shapiro, Roberta 2 2022 \(K\)-homology and \(K\)-theory of pure braid groups. Zbl 07606900 Azzali, Sara; Browne, Sarah L.; Gomez Aparicio, Maria Paula; Ruth, Lauren C.; Wang, Hang 2 2022 On the double of the (restricted) super Jordan plane. Zbl 1515.16026 Andruskiewitsch, Nicolás; Peña Pollastri, Héctor Martin 2 2022 Heterotic solitons on four-manifolds. Zbl 1510.53040 Moroianu, Andrei; Murcia, Ángel; Shahbazi, C. S. 2 2022 Properly infinite corona algebras. Zbl 1493.46075 Ng, P. W.; Robin, Tracy 1 2022 An obstruction of Gordian distance one and cosmetic crossings for genus one knots. Zbl 1485.57011 Ito, Tetsuya 1 2022 On families of imaginary abelian fields with pseudo-null unramified Iwasawa modules. Zbl 1489.11183 Fujii, Satoshi 1 2022 Dynatomic polynomials, necklace operators, and universal relations for dynamical units. Zbl 1493.37116 Doyle, John R.; Fili, Paul; Hyde, Trevor 1 2022 Geometric classification of isomorphism of unital graph \(C^\ast\)-algebras. Zbl 1504.46062 Arklint, Sara E.; Eilers, Søren; Ruiz, Efren 1 2022 Sub-Hilbert relation for Fock-Sobolev type spaces. Zbl 1511.47039 Eskandari, Setareh; Abkar, Ali; Åhag, Per; Perälä, Antti 1 2022 On the structure of the module of Euler systems for a \(p\)-adic representation. Zbl 1520.11054 Daoud, Alexandre 1 2022 Amenable covers and integral foliated simplicial volume. Zbl 1500.55002 Löh, Clara; Moraschini, Marco; Sauer, Roman 1 2022 On terms in a dynamical divisibility sequence having a fixed g.c.d with their indices. Zbl 1511.37115 Jha, Abhishek 1 2022 Generalization of the excess area and its geometric interpretation. Zbl 1503.31001 Bambico, Haley K.; Celik, Mehmet; Gross, Sarah T.; Hall, Francis 1 2022 Segre quartic surfaces and minitwistor spaces. Zbl 1496.53068 Honda, Nobuhiro 1 2022 Von Neumann’s inequality for the Hartogs triangle. Zbl 07530331 Chavan, Sameer; Jain, Shubham; Pramanick, Paramita 1 2022 The automorphism group of the infinite-rank free group is coarsely bounded. Zbl 07646823 Domat, George; Hoganson, Hannah; Kwak, Sanghoon 1 2022 \(K\)-theory equivariant with respect to an elementary abelian 2-group. Zbl 1504.19005 Balderrama, William 1 2022 Regular ideals of locally-convex higher-rank graph algebras. Zbl 1515.46027 Schenkel, Tim 1 2022 A fusion variant of the classical and dynamical Mordell-Lang conjectures in positive characteristic. Zbl 1511.37118 Bell, Jason; Ghioca, Dragos 1 2022 Barrier methods for minimal submanifolds in the Gibbons-Hawking ansatz. Zbl 1503.53127 Trinca, Federico 1 2022 Separating points by inclusions of \(\mathcal{O}_\infty\). Zbl 1508.46039 Kučerovský, Dan Z. 1 2022 On the convergence of multiple ergodic means. Zbl 1507.37006 Karagulyan, Grigori A.; Lacey, Michael T.; Martirosyan, Vahan A. 1 2022 Graded \(C^*\)-algebras and twisted groupoid \(C^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1469.46062 Brown, Jonathan H.; Fuller, Adam H.; Pitts, David R.; Reznikoff, Sarah A. 13 2021 On the maximal function associated to the spherical means on the Heisenberg group. Zbl 1486.43007 Bagchi, Sayan; Hait, Sourav; Roncal, Luz; Thangavelu, Sundaram 10 2021 A characterization of length-factorial Krull monoids. Zbl 1484.13044 Geroldinger, Alfred; Zhong, Qinghai 8 2021 Three perfect mapping class groups. Zbl 1459.57022 Vlamis, Nicholas G. 8 2021 Atomic decomposition of product Hardy spaces via wavelet bases on spaces of homogeneous type. Zbl 1482.42061 Han, Yongsheng; Li, Ji; Pereyra, M. Cristina; Ward, Lesley A. 6 2021 Zariski dense orbits for regular self-maps of tori in positive characteristic. Zbl 1490.14077 Ghioca, Dragos; Saleh, Sina 6 2021 The geodesic complexity of \(n\)-dimensional Klein bottles. Zbl 1461.53028 Davis, Donald M.; Recio-Mitter, David 6 2021 Genericity and rigidity for slow entropy transformations. Zbl 1464.37001 Adams, Terrence 6 2021 Alexander and Markov theorems for virtual doodles. Zbl 1460.57010 Nanda, Neha; Singh, Mahender 6 2021 On \(BT_1\) group schemes and Fermat curves. Zbl 1471.11200 Pries, Rachel; Ulmer, Douglas 4 2021 Infinite families of reciprocal monogenic polynomials and their Galois groups. Zbl 1487.11096 Jones, Lenny 4 2021 A class of prime fusion categories of dimension \(2^N\). Zbl 1466.18012 Dong, Jingcheng; Natale, Sonia; Sun, Hua 4 2021 Schiffer operators and calculation of a determinant line in conformal field theory. Zbl 1456.30026 Radnell, David; Schippers, Eric; Shirazi, Mohammad; Staubach, Wolfgang 4 2021 Spotted disk and sphere graphs. I. Zbl 1471.57022 Hamenstädt, Ursula 3 2021 On groupoids and \(C^*\)-algebras from self-similar actions. Zbl 1479.46066 Deaconu, Valentin 3 2021 The Dyer-Lashof algebra and the hit problems. Zbl 1473.55009 Zare, Hadi 3 2021 Regularity and continuity of commutators of multilinear maximal operators. Zbl 1482.42050 Liu, Feng; Xue, Qingying; Zhang, Pu 3 2021 A lower bound for the doubly slice genus from signatures. Zbl 1459.57014 Orson, Patrick; Powell, Mark 3 2021 Groupoid models of \(C^*\)-algebras and the Gelfand functor. Zbl 1481.46048 Austin, Kyle; Mitra, Atish 2 2021 Reconstruction of holomorphic tangent bundle of complex projective plane via tropical Lagrangian multi-section. (Reconstruction of holomoprhic tangent bundle of complex projective plane via tropical Lagrangian multi-section.) 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