Integral Transforms and Special FunctionsAn International Journal Short Title: Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, Oxfordshire ISSN: 1065-2469; 1476-8291/e Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 1,935 Publications (since 1993) References Indexed: 1,796 Publications with 29,295 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 36, No. 2 (2025) 36, No. 1 (2025) 35, No. 12 (2024) 35, No. 11 (2024) 35, No. 10 (2024) 35, No. 9 (2024) 35, No. 7-8 (2024) 35, No. 5-6 (2024) 35, No. 4 (2024) 35, No. 3 (2024) 35, No. 2 (2024) 35, No. 1 (2024) 34, No. 12 (2023) 34, No. 11 (2023) 34, No. 10 (2023) 34, No. 9 (2023) 34, No. 8 (2023) 34, No. 7 (2023) 34, No. 6 (2023) 34, No. 5 (2023) 34, No. 4 (2023) 34, No. 3 (2023) 34, No. 2 (2023) 34, No. 1 (2023) 33, No. 12 (2022) 33, No. 11 (2022) 33, No. 10 (2022) 33, No. 9 (2022) 33, No. 8 (2022) 33, No. 7 (2022) 33, No. 6 (2022) 33, No. 5 (2022) 33, No. 4 (2022) 33, No. 3 (2022) 33, No. 2 (2022) 33, No. 1 (2022) 32, No. 12 (2021) 32, No. 11 (2021) 32, No. 10 (2021) 32, No. 9 (2021) 32, No. 5-8 (2021) 32, No. 4 (2021) 32, No. 3 (2021) 32, No. 2 (2021) 32, No. 1 (2021) 31, No. 12 (2020) 31, No. 11 (2020) 31, No. 10 (2020) 31, No. 9 (2020) 31, No. 8 (2020) 31, No. 7 (2020) 31, No. 6 (2020) 31, No. 5 (2020) 31, No. 4 (2020) 31, No. 3 (2020) 31, No. 2 (2020) 31, No. 1 (2020) 30, No. 12 (2019) 30, No. 11 (2019) 30, No. 10 (2019) 30, No. 9 (2019) 30, No. 8 (2019) 30, No. 7 (2019) 30, No. 6 (2019) 30, No. 5 (2019) 30, No. 4 (2019) 30, No. 3 (2019) 30, No. 2 (2019) 30, No. 1 (2019) 29, No. 12 (2018) 29, No. 11 (2018) 29, No. 10 (2018) 29, No. 9 (2018) 29, No. 8 (2018) 29, No. 7 (2018) 29, No. 6 (2018) 29, No. 5 (2018) 29, No. 3 (2018) 29, No. 2 (2018) 29, No. 1 (2018) 28, No. 12 (2017) 28, No. 11 (2017) 28, No. 10 (2017) 28, No. 9 (2017) 28, No. 8 (2017) 28, No. 7 (2017) 28, No. 6 (2017) 28, No. 5 (2017) 28, No. 4 (2017) 28, No. 3 (2017) 28, No. 2 (2017) 28, No. 1 (2017) 27, No. 12 (2016) 27, No. 11 (2016) 27, No. 10 (2016) 27, No. 9 (2016) 27, No. 8 (2016) 27, No. 7 (2016) 27, No. 6 (2016) 27, No. 5 (2016) ...and 166 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 80 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 44 Yakubovich, Semyon B. 39 Brychkov, Yury A. 26 Conway, John Thomas 24 Vu Kim Tuan 23 Fisher, Brian 22 Pilipović, Stevan 20 Kilbas, Anatoliĭ Aleksandrovich 20 Trimèche, Khalifa 18 Dattoli, Giuseppe 17 Chu, Wenchang 17 Kalla, Shyam Lal 17 Marcellán Español, Francisco 17 Moiseev, Evgeniĭ Ivanovich 17 Pogány, Tibor K. 17 Ricci, Paolo Emilio 16 Chung, Hyun Soo 16 Laurinčikas, Antanas 16 Mejjaoli, Hatem 14 Chang, Seung Jun 14 Choi, Junesang 13 Chung, Soon-Yeong 13 López, José Luis 13 Qi, Feng 13 Saigo, Megumi 13 Savischenko, Nikolay V. 13 Soltani, Fethi 12 Debnath, Lokenath 12 Nguyen Xuan Thao 11 Ansari, Alireza 11 Daher, Radouan 11 Kim, Dohan 11 Neuman, Edward 11 Pathak, Ram Shankar 11 Prasad, Akhilesh 11 Samko, Stefan Grigor’evich 11 Stanković, Miomir S. 11 Tričković, Slobodan B. 10 Bouzeffour, Fethi 10 Chen, Chaoping 10 Durán, Antonio José 10 González, Benito Juan 10 Saxena, Ram Kishore 10 Sofo, Anthony 9 Ben Salem, Nejib 9 Bezrodnykh, Sergeĭ I. 9 Masjed-Jamei, Mohammad 9 Roopkumar, Rajakumar 9 Trione, Susana Elena 8 Area, Iván 8 Atia, Mohamed Jalel 8 Guliyev, Vagif Sabir 8 Khan, Subuhi 8 Kierat, Władysław 8 Mikusiński, Piotr 8 Negrin, Emilio R. 8 Raina, Ravinder Krishna 8 Wang, Xiaoxia 7 Assal, Miloud 7 Dragomir, Sever Silvestru 7 Fejzullahu, Bujar Xh. 7 Godoy, Eduardo Paciência 7 Guo, Victor J. W. 7 Kamiński, Andrzej 7 Kiliçman, Adem 7 Kim, Young Sik 7 Koepf, Wolfram A. 7 Nadarajah, Saralees 7 Nguyen Thanh Hong 7 Nogin, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 7 Paris, Richard Bruce 7 Rathie, Arjun Kumar 7 Skórnik, Krystyna A. 7 Wei, Chuanan 7 Zayed, Ahmed I. 6 Banerji, Pradeep Kumar 6 Ben Romdhane, Neila 6 Campos, L. M. B. C. 6 Cesarano, Clemente 6 Ciaurri, Óscar 6 Ferreira, Chelo 6 Karp, Dmitriĭ Borisovich 6 Karunakaran, V. 6 Lee, Il-Yong 6 Li, Aijuan 6 Maroni, Pascal 6 Pérez Sinusía, Ester 6 Qin, Huizeng 6 Sghaier, Mabrouk 6 Upadhyay, Santosh Kumar 6 Vidanović, Mirjana V. 5 Barry, Paul 5 Buchkovska, Aneta L. 5 Cachafeiro, Alicia 5 Chaggara, Hamza 5 Chung, Jaeyoung 5 Doha, Eid H. 5 Ekincioglu, Ismail 5 Fitouhi, Ahmed 5 Gaboury, Sébastien ...and 1,540 more Authors all top 5 Fields 994 Special functions (33-XX) 481 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 475 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 358 Functional analysis (46-XX) 254 Real functions (26-XX) 202 Number theory (11-XX) 179 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 171 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 150 Operator theory (47-XX) 116 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 83 Integral equations (45-XX) 73 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 71 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 70 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 67 Combinatorics (05-XX) 57 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 47 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 39 Measure and integration (28-XX) 36 Potential theory (31-XX) 27 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 25 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 25 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 22 Quantum theory (81-XX) 16 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 16 Statistics (62-XX) 12 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 10 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 10 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 7 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 6 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 5 Geometry (51-XX) 5 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,484 Publications have been cited 11,964 times in 7,988 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Integration and differentiation to a variable fractional order. Zbl 0820.26003 Samko, Stefan G.; Ross, Bertram 255 1993 Generalized Mittag-Leffler function and generalized fractional calculus operators. Zbl 1047.33011 Kilbas, Anatoly A.; Saigo, Megumi; Saxena, R. K. 231 2004 On a progress in the theory of Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent: maximal and singular operators. Zbl 1069.47056 Samko, S. 176 2005 Completely monotonic functions. Zbl 1035.26012 Miller, K. S.; Samko, S. G. 159 2001 Fractional and operational calculus with generalized fractional derivative operators and Mittag-Leffler type functions. Zbl 1213.26011 Tomovski, Živorad; Hilfer, Rudolf; Srivastava, H. M. 155 2010 Certain subclasses of analytic functions associated with the generalized hypergeometric function. Zbl 1040.30003 Dziok, J.; Srivastava, H. M. 123 2003 Paley-Wiener theorems for the Dunkl transform and Dunkl translation operators. Zbl 1030.44004 Trimèche, Khalifa 114 2002 An integral operator associated with the Hurwitz-Lerch zeta function and differential subordination. Zbl 1112.30007 Srivastava, H. M.; Attiya, A. A. 78 2007 Linear operators associated with \(k\)-uniformly convex functions. Zbl 0959.30007 Kanas, S.; Srivastava, H. M. 76 2000 Products of differentiation, composition and multiplication from Bergman type spaces to Bers type spaces. Zbl 1119.47035 Zhu, Xiangling 70 2007 Some relationships between the generalized Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials and Hurwitz-Lerch zeta functions. Zbl 1184.11005 Garg, Mridula; Jain, Kumkum; Srivastava, H. M. 67 2006 Convolution type operators in \(L^{p(x)}\). Zbl 0934.46032 Samko, Stefan G. 66 1998 Integral transforms connected with discontinuous boundary value problems. Zbl 0989.34015 Yurko, V. 63 2000 Symmetric Laguerre-Hahn forms of class \(s=1\). Zbl 0865.42021 Alaya, J.; Maroni, P. 63 1996 Starlikeness and convexity of generalized Bessel functions. Zbl 1205.30010 Baricz, Árpád; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 63 2010 Integral and computational representations of the extended Hurwitz-Lerch zeta function. Zbl 1242.11065 Srivastava, H. M.; Saxena, Ram K.; Pogány, Tibor K.; Saxena, Ravi 59 2011 Computation of the generalized Mittag-Leffler function and its inverse in the complex plane. Zbl 1096.65024 Hilfer, R.; Seybold, H. J. 59 2006 \(P,Q\)-differentiation, \(P,Q\)-integration, and \(P,Q\)-hypergeometric functions related to quantum groups. Zbl 0823.33010 Burban, Ivan M.; Klimyk, Anatoli U. 58 1994 The multiplication formulas for the Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler polynomials of higher order. Zbl 1237.11009 Luo, Qiu-Ming 57 2009 Fractional Fourier transform of generalized functions. Zbl 0941.46021 Zayed, Ahmed I. 54 1998 Some expansion formulas for a class of generalized Hurwitz-Lerch zeta functions. Zbl 1172.11026 Lin, Shy-Der; Srivastava, H. M.; Wang, Pin-Yu 54 2006 Hölder mean inequalities for the complete elliptic integrals. Zbl 1258.33011 Chu, Yu-Ming; Qiu, Ye-Fang; Wang, Miao-Kun 53 2012 The Dunkl intertwining operator on spaces of functions and distributions and integral representation of its dual. Zbl 1027.47027 Trimèche, Khalifa 53 2001 Convolution and potential type operators in \(L^{p(x)} (\mathbb{R}^n)\). Zbl 1023.31009 Samko, Stefan G. 50 1998 On the generalized Mittag-Leffler type functions. Zbl 0935.33012 Gorenflo, R.; Kilbas, A. A.; Rogosin, S. V. 49 1998 On Mittag-Leffler type function, fractional calculus operators and solutions of integral equations. Zbl 0876.26007 Kilbas, Anatoly A.; Saigo, Megumi 49 1996 A self-contained approach to Mellin transform analysis for square integrable functions. Applications. Zbl 0961.44005 Butzer, Paul L.; Jansche, Stefan 47 1999 Multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with Macdonald functions. Zbl 0959.42016 Van Assche, W.; Yakubovich, S. B. 47 2000 Hadamard-type integrals as \(G\)-transforms. Zbl 1043.26004 Kilbas, Anatoly A.; Trujillo, Juan J. 46 2003 Integral type operators from mixed-norm spaces to \(\alpha\)-Bloch spaces. Zbl 1131.47031 Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo 46 2007 On the Hermite-Hadamard-type inequalities for co-ordinated convex function via fractional integrals. Zbl 1284.26008 Sarıkaya, Mehmet Zeki 46 2014 Inversion theorems for potential-type integral transforms in \(\mathbb{R}^n\) and on \(S^{n-1}\). Zbl 0924.44003 Samko, Stefan G. 45 1993 A generalization of the Hurwitz-Lerch zeta function. Zbl 1145.11068 Choi, Junesang; Jang, Douk Soo; Srivastava, H. M. 45 2008 Generalizations of classical summation theorems for the series \(_{2} F_{1}\) and \(_{3} F_{2}\) with applications. Zbl 1241.33006 Rakha, Medhat A.; Rathie, Arjun K. 44 2011 The incomplete Pochhammer symbols and their applications to hypergeometric and related functions. Zbl 1254.33004 Srivastava, H. M.; Chaudhry, M. Aslam; Agarwal, Ravi P. 44 2012 Three finite classes of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and their application in functions approximation. Zbl 1017.33005 Masjed-Jamei, Mohammad 44 2002 A weighted and exponential generalization of Wilker’s inequality and its applications. Zbl 1128.26017 Wu, Shan-He; Srivastava, H. M. 43 2007 Spherical Faraday cage for the case of equal point charges and Chebyshev- type quadrature on the sphere. Zbl 0823.41026 Korevaar, J.; Meyers, J. L. H. 42 1993 Some families of Genocchi type polynomials and their interpolation functions. Zbl 1253.05021 Srivastava, H. M.; Kurt, Burak; Simsek, Yilmaz 41 2012 The Lagrange polynomials in several variables. Zbl 1057.33003 Chan, W.-Ch. C.; Chyan, Ch.-J.; Srivastava, H. M. 41 2001 Multivariate analogue of generalized Mittag-Leffler function. Zbl 1275.33030 Saxena, R. K.; Kalla, S. L.; Saxena, Ravi 40 2011 Generalized Fourier-Feynman transforms and a first variation on function space. Zbl 1043.28014 Chang, Seung Jun; Skoug, David 38 2003 On some formulas for the Appell function \(F_{2}(a, b, b^\prime; c, c^\prime; w; z)\). Zbl 1282.33020 Brychkov, Yu. A.; Saad, Nasser 38 2014 On a mean value property associated with the Dunkl Laplacian operator and applications. Zbl 1027.47026 Mejjaoli, H.; Trimèche, K. 37 2001 On some operators involving Hadamard derivatives. Zbl 1282.33032 Garra, Roberto; Polito, Federico 37 2013 Dunkl-Appell \(d\)-orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1137.42005 Ben Cheikh, Y.; Gaied, M. 37 2007 Some results on a generalized hypergeometric function. Zbl 1026.33006 Virchenko, N.; Kalla, S. L.; Al-Zamel, A. 36 2001 Operational formulae for the complex Hermite polynomials \(H_{p,q}(z,\bar{z})\). Zbl 1284.33007 Ghanmi, Allal 36 2013 Heisenberg-type inequalities for the Weinstein operator. Zbl 1322.42012 Ben Salem, Néjib; Nasr, Amgad Rashed 35 2015 Certain geometric properties of the Wright function. Zbl 1306.30006 Prajapat, J. K. 35 2015 Hankel-type integral transforms and their fractionalization: a note. Zbl 1145.44002 Torre, A. 34 2008 Continuous and discrete inversion formulas for the Stockwell transform. Zbl 1136.42012 Du, Jingde; Wong, M. W.; Zhu, Hongmei 33 2007 A class of self-similar stochastic processes with stationary increments to model anomalous diffusion in physics. Zbl 1173.26005 Mura, Antonio; Mainardi, Francesco 33 2009 Generalized fractional integration of Bessel function of the first kind. Zbl 1156.26004 Kilbas, Anatoly A.; Sebastian, Nicy 33 2008 The relation between variable Bessel potential spaces and Triebel–Lizorkin spaces. Zbl 1160.46024 Xu, J. S. 33 2008 Some formulas for the Appell function \(F_1(a,b,b';c;w,z)\). Zbl 1257.33028 Brychkov, Yu. A.; Saad, Nasser 32 2012 Some properties of functions related to the gamma and psi functions. Zbl 1188.33003 Chen, Chao-Ping; Qi, Feng; Srivastava, H. M. 32 2010 Three classes of logarithmically completely monotonic functions involving gamma and psi functions. Zbl 1144.26013 Qi, Feng 32 2007 A new class of analytic functions defined by means of a convolution operator involving the Hurwitz-Lerch zeta function. Zbl 1130.30003 Răducanu, Dorina; Srivastava, H. M. 32 2007 Asymptotics for a variant of the Mittag-Leffler function. Zbl 1257.33050 Gerhold, Stefan 31 2012 Harmonic number identities via hypergeometric series and Bell polynomials. Zbl 1269.33006 Liu, Hongmei; Wang, Weiping 30 2012 Subordinations for multivalent analytic functions associated with the Dziok-Srivastava operator. Zbl 1170.30006 Srivastava, H. M.; Yang, Ding-Gong; Xu, N-Eng 30 2009 Higher order recurrence relation for exceptional Charlier, Meixner, Hermite and Laguerre orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1314.42027 Durán, Antonio J. 30 2015 On Mellin convolution operators: a direct approach to the asymptotic formulae. Zbl 1285.41007 Bardaro, Carlo; Mantellini, Ilaria 30 2014 Some congruences related to a congruence of Van Hamme. Zbl 1434.11054 Guo, Victor J. W.; Liu, Ji-Cai 30 2020 Time-frequency concentration of the windowed Hankel transform. Zbl 1293.42005 Ghobber, Saifallah; Omri, Slim 30 2014 A further refinement of Wilker’s inequality. Zbl 1176.11008 Wu, Shan-He; Srivastava, H. M. 29 2008 Hypergeometric functions in the parabolic starlike and uniformly convex domains. Zbl 1198.30013 Srivastava, H. M.; Murugusundaramoorthy, G.; Sivasubramanian, S. 28 2007 Upper bound on \(\sqrt x J_{\nu }(x)\) and its applications. Zbl 1105.33007 Olenko, A. Ya. 28 2006 A unified presentation of some families of multivariable polynomials. Zbl 1098.33016 Erkuş, Esra; Srivastava, H. M. 28 2006 Boundedness of commutators of fractional integral operators on mixed Morrey spaces. Zbl 1422.42029 Nogayama, Toru 28 2019 On pointwise convergence of linear integral operators with homogeneous kernels. Zbl 1156.41006 Bardaro, Carlo; Vinti, Gianluca; Karsli, Harun 28 2008 Classical orthogonal polynomials with weight function \(((ax+b)^2+(cx+d)^2)^{-p}\exp(q\text{\,Arctg}((ax+b)/(cs+d)))\), \(x\in(-\infty,\infty)\) and a generalization of \(T\) and \(F\) distributions. Zbl 1055.33009 Masjed Jamei, Mohammad 27 2004 Operational method for solving generalized Abel integral equation of second kind. Zbl 0887.44003 Gorenflo, Rudolf; Luchko, Yuri 27 1997 An invariant \(p\)-adic integral associated with Daehee numbers. Zbl 1016.11008 Kim, Taekyun 27 2002 Integral representations in complex, hypercomplex and Clifford analysis. Zbl 1054.30047 Begehr, Heinrich 27 2002 On Mittag-Leffler type function and applications. Zbl 0933.26001 Saigo, Megumi; Kilbas, Anatoly A. 26 1998 Some generalizations of a supercongruence of van Hamme. Zbl 1379.33013 Guo, Victor J. W. 26 2017 Boundary value problems to first-order complex partial differential equations in a ring domain. Zbl 1174.30047 Vaitekhovich, T. S. 26 2008 On the Wright hypergeometric matrix functions and their fractional calculus. Zbl 1405.15009 Bakhet, Ahmed; Jiao, Yong; He, Fuli 25 2019 \(p\)-adic \(q\)-integrals associated with the Changhee-Barnes’ \(q\)-Bernoulli polynomials. Zbl 1135.11340 Kim, Taekyun 25 2004 Differential sandwich theorems for certain subclasses of analytic functions involving multiplier transformations. Zbl 1104.30015 Shanmugam, T. N.; Sivasubramanian, S.; Srivastava, H. M. 25 2006 A class of nonlinear integral operators preserving subordination and superordination. Zbl 1109.30022 Cho, Nak Eun; Srivastava, H. M. 25 2007 New \(L^p\)-boundedness properties for the Kontorovich-Lebedev and Mehler-Fock transforms. Zbl 1360.44005 Srivastava, H. M.; González, B. J.; Negrín, E. R. 24 2016 A Mittag-Leffler-type function of two variables. Zbl 1292.33020 Garg, Mridula; Manohar, Pratibha; Kalla, S. L. 24 2013 The discrete universality of the periodic Hurwitz zeta function. Zbl 1245.11099 Laurinčikas, A.; Macaitienė, R. 24 2009 An algebraic approach to Sheffer polynomial sequences. Zbl 1345.11020 Costabile, Francesco Aldo; Longo, Elisabetta 24 2014 On some formulas for the Appell function \(F_{3}(a,a',b,b';c;w,z)\). Zbl 1331.33030 Brychkov, Yu. A.; Saad, Nasser 23 2015 Waves in viscoelastic media described by a linear fractional model. Zbl 1225.26009 Konjik, Sanja; Oparnica, Ljubica; Zorica, Dusan 23 2011 Analytical solution of space-time fractional telegraph-type equations involving Hilfer and Hadamard derivatives. Zbl 1337.26015 Saxena, Ram K.; Garra, Roberto; Orsingher, Enzo 23 2016 Two-dimensional fractional Fourier transform and some of its properties. Zbl 1393.42011 Zayed, Ahmed 23 2018 Integral representation of Mathieu \((a,\lambda)\)-series. Zbl 1101.26018 Pogány, Tibor K. 23 2005 A generic polynomial solution for the differential equation of hypergeometric type and six sequences of orthogonal polynomials related to it. Zbl 1099.33007 Koepf, Wolfram; Masjed-Jamei, Mohammad 23 2006 A general form of Heisenberg-Pauli-Weyl uncertainty inequality for the Dunkl transform. Zbl 1270.42011 Soltani, Fethi 23 2013 Some evaluation of harmonic number sums. Zbl 1402.11114 Xu, Ce; Zhang, Mingyu; Zhu, Weixia 22 2016 A Lagrangian method for deriving new indefinite integrals of special functions. Zbl 1372.70046 Conway, John T. 22 2015 Fractional Fourier transform in the framework of fractional calculus operators. Zbl 1205.42010 Kilbas, A. A.; Luchko, Yu. F.; Martínez, H.; Trujillo, J. J. 22 2010 The Mellin-Parseval formula and its interconnections with the exponential sampling theorem of optical physics. Zbl 1335.30008 Bardaro, Carlo; Butzer, Paul L.; Mantellini, Ilaria 22 2016 Two logarithmically completely monotonic functions connected with gamma function. Zbl 1093.33001 Qi, Feng; Yang, Qiao; Li, Wei 22 2006 On the solution of some distributional differential equations: Existence and characterizations of the classical moment functionals. Zbl 0832.33006 Marcellán, F.; Petronilho, J. 21 1994 Parseval-Goldstein type theorems for the index Whittaker transform. Zbl 07964899 Maan, Jeetendrasingh; Negrín, E. R. 1 2025 Linear canonical Fourier-Bessel wavelet transform: properties and inequalities. Zbl 1543.44003 Mohamed, H. B.; Saoudi, A. 2 2024 Quantitative uncertainty principles for the Gabor spherical mean transform. Zbl 07901559 Chettaoui, Chirine; Hassini, Amina; Trimèche, Khalifa 2 2024 Abelian and Tauberian results for the fractional Fourier and short-time Fourier transforms of distributions. Zbl 1533.46038 Atanasova, Sanja; Maksimović, Snježana; Pilipović, Stevan 1 2024 Generalization of the Ramanujan’s integrals for the Volterra \(\mu\)-functions via complex contours: representations and approximations. Zbl 1539.41032 Hashemzadeh Kalvari, Arman; Ansari, Alireza; Askari, Hassan 1 2024 Fractional Riesz-Feller type derivative for the one dimensional Dunkl operator and Lipschitz condition. Zbl 1541.26018 Bouzeffour, Fethi; Jedidi, Wissem 1 2024 Positivity of oscillatory integrals and Hankel transforms. Zbl 1546.44003 Cho, Yong-Kum; Chung, Seok-Young; Park, Young Woong 1 2024 Inequality for a modified Struve transform. Zbl 1532.42006 Negzaoui, Selma; Yousfi, Nesrin 1 2024 Fractional Stockwell transform of Lizorkin distributions. Zbl 1544.46036 Maksimović, Snježana 1 2024 On a higher-order version of a formula due to Ramanujan. Zbl 07816068 Campbell, J. M. 1 2024 The continuous fractional Bessel wavelet transform and its applications. Zbl 07901560 Upadhyay, S. K.; Mishra, Kush Kumar 1 2024 Generalization of Titchmarsh’s theorem for the modified Whittaker transform. Zbl 1529.44002 Soltani, Fethi; Aledawish, Saliha 6 2023 Weighted integrability of Fourier-Jacobi transforms. Zbl 1525.44004 Volosivets, S. S. 4 2023 Young inequalities for a Fourier cosine and sine polyconvolution and a generalized convolution. Zbl 1529.44004 Tuan, Trinh; Tuan, Vu Kim 4 2023 On the characterizations of third-degree semiclassical forms via polynomial mappings. Zbl 1527.33005 Marcellán, Francisco; Khalfallah, Mohamed 4 2023 Applications of Caputo operators in the evaluation of Clebsch-Gordan-type multiple elliptic integrals. Zbl 1530.33014 Campbell, J. M. 3 2023 Jacobi-type functions defined by fractional Bessel derivatives. Zbl 1534.33009 Bouzeffour, Fethi; Jedidi, Wissem 3 2023 Some evaluations of parametric Euler type sums of harmonic numbers. Zbl 1516.11036 Quan, Junjie; Xu, Ce; Zhang, Xixi 3 2023 Generalization of Titchmarsh’s theorems for the Minkowski algebra. Zbl 1504.42023 El Haoui, Youssef; Zayed, Mohra 3 2023 Inequalities related to spherical harmonics associated with the Weinstein operator. Zbl 1527.33010 Salem, Néjib Ben 3 2023 Calderón’s reproducing formulas for the poly-axially \(L_{\alpha}^2\)-multiplier operators. Zbl 1542.43005 Selmi, Belgacem; Chbeb, Rahma 2 2023 On some relations between hyper Bessel-Clifford, Macdonald and Meijer functions and hyper Hankel-Clifford integral transforms. Zbl 1536.33014 Shilin, I. A.; Choi, Junesang 2 2023 Inversion formula and uncertainty inequalities for the Weinstein-type Segal-Bargmann transform. Zbl 1529.44001 Soltani, Fethi; Saadi, Hanen 2 2023 On some formulas for the confluent Horn functions \(H_3^{(c)}\, (a, b, c; d; w, z)\), \(H_4^{(c)}\, (a, c; d; w, z)\) and \(H_9^{(c)}\, (a, b; c; w, z)\). Zbl 1531.33026 Brychkov, Yu. A.; Savischenko, N. V. 2 2023 Canonical potential and \(L^p\)-Sobolev space involving linear canonical Fourier transform. Zbl 1523.43004 Prasad, Akhilesh; Kumar, Amit 2 2023 Sharp weighted Hölder mean bounds for the complete elliptic integral of the second kind. Zbl 1530.33023 Wang, Miao-Kun; He, Zai-Yin; Zhao, Tie-Hong; Bao, Qi 2 2023 On a variant of multivariate Mittag-Leffler’s function arising in the Laplace transform method. Zbl 1512.33019 Abilassan, A.; Restrepo, J. E.; Suragan, D. 2 2023 On some formulas for the confluent Horn functions \(H_{10}^{(c)} (a; c; w, z)\) and \(H_{11}^{(c)} (a, c, c'; d; w, z)\). Zbl 1532.33023 Brychkov, Yu A.; Savischenko, N. V. 2 2023 Binomial identities obtained from the Gegenbauer series expansion. Zbl 1542.33013 Kouba, Omran 2 2023 On the closed form of Clausen functions. Zbl 1536.33025 Tričković, Slobodan B.; Stanković, Miomir S. 1 2023 Characterization of the \(D\)-Laguerre-Hahn orthogonal polynomials of class one via the cubic decomposition. Zbl 1531.33022 Khériji, L.; Omrani, K. 1 2023 Shannon, Sobolev and uncertainty inequalities for the Weinstein transform. Zbl 1518.42016 Ben Salem, Néjib 1 2023 Inversion formulae for a Lambert-type transform and the Salem’s equivalence to the Riemann hypothesis. Zbl 1528.44002 González, B. J.; Negrín, E. R. 1 2023 Product formula for the one-dimensional \((k,a)\)-generalized Fourier kernel. Zbl 1539.43002 Amri, Béchir 1 2023 Operational rules and \(d\)-orthogonal polynomials of Laguerre type. Zbl 1529.33009 Chaggara, H.; Boussorra, S. 1 2023 Absolutely convergent Fourier-Jacobi series and generalized Lipschitz classes. Zbl 1523.43003 Saadi, Faouaz; Daher, Radouan 1 2023 Expressing Hilbert and Riesz transforms in terms of wavelet transforms. Zbl 1512.42054 Moritoh, Shinya; Takemoto, Nao 1 2023 Characterizations of the gyrator transform via the fractional Fourier transform. Zbl 1518.42010 Kagawa, Toshinao; Suzuki, Toshio 1 2023 On Meijer’s \(G\) function \(G^{m,n}_{p,p}\) for \(m + n = p\). Zbl 1527.33011 Karp, D. B.; Prilepkina, E. G. 1 2023 Generalized translation and convolution associated to the linear canonical Fourier-Jacobi transform. 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V. 8 2022 Integrability of the Fourier-Jacobi transform of functions satisfying Lipschitz and Dini-Lipschitz-type estimates. Zbl 1490.33003 Daher, Radouan; Tyr, Othman 7 2022 Analytic continuation of Lauricella’s function \(F_D^{(N)}\) for large in modulo variables near hyperplanes \(\{z_j = z_l\}\). Zbl 1509.33012 Bezrodnykh, S. I. 7 2022 Analytic continuation of Lauricella’s function \(F_D^{(N)}\) for variables close to unit near hyperplanes \(\{z_j = z_{l}\}\). Zbl 1509.33013 Bezrodnykh, S. I. 7 2022 On some formulas for the Horn function \(H_7(a, b, b^\prime; c; w, z)\). Zbl 1521.33008 Brychkov, Yu. A.; Savischenko, N. V. 5 2022 On some formulas for the Horn functions \(H_5 (a,b; c;w, z)\) and \(H_5^{(c)}(a;c;w,z)\). Zbl 1509.33014 Brychkov, Yu. A.; Savischenko, N. V. 5 2022 Mikusiński’s operational calculus for Prabhakar fractional calculus. 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