Electronic Communications in Probability Short Title: Electron. Commun. Probab. Publisher: University of Washington, Washington ISSN: 1083-589X/e Online: https://projecteuclid.org/all/euclid.ecphttp://ecp.ejpecp.org/http://www.emis.de/journals/EJP-ECP/index-3.html Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; Published electronic only as of Vol. 1 (1996). This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 1,531 Publications (since 1996) References Indexed: 550 Publications with 9,574 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 30 (2025) 29 (2024) 28 (2023) 27 (2022) 26 (2021) 25 (2020) 24 (2019) 23 (2018) 22 (2017) 21 (2016) 20 (2015) 19 (2014) 18 (2013) 17 (2012) 16 (2011) 15 (2010) 14 (2009) 13 (2008) 12 (2007) 11 (2006) 10 (2005) 9 (2004) 8 (2003) 7 (2002) 6 (2001) 5 (2000) 4 (1999) 3 (1998) 2 (1997) 1 (1996) all top 5 Authors 15 Peres, Yuval 14 Yor, Marc 13 Benjamini, Itai 13 Zeitouni, Ofer 11 Burdzy, Krzysztof 11 Holroyd, Alexander E. 10 Janson, Svante 10 Nualart, David 9 Junge, Matthew 9 Osękowski, Adam 8 Bertoin, Jean 8 Nourdin, Ivan 8 Pitman, Jim William 7 Angel, Omer 7 Dembo, Amir 7 Martin, James Benedict 7 Scheutzow, Michael K. R. 7 Sidoravicius, Vladas 7 van den Berg, Rob 6 Bose, Arup 6 Evans, Steven Neil 6 Gantert, Nina 6 Guillotin-Plantard, Nadine 6 Gurel-Gurevich, Ori 6 Jonasson, Johan 6 Lawler, Gregory Francis 6 Mallein, Bastien 6 Panchenko, Dmitry 6 Peccati, Giovanni 6 Rio, Emmanuel 6 Ruf, Johannes 6 Sapozhnikov, Artëm 5 Aldous, David John 5 Curien, Nicolas 5 Hutchcroft, Tom 5 Iksanov, Aleksander M. 5 Jahnel, Benedikt 5 Marcus, Michael B. 5 Möhle, Martin 5 Pratelli, Luca 5 Rigo, Pietro 5 Yadin, Ariel 4 Atar, Rami 4 Balan, Raluca M. 4 Bass, Richard F. 4 Borovkov, Konstantin A. 4 Caravenna, Francesco 4 Cerf, Raphaël 4 Deijfen, Maria 4 Deuschel, Jean-Dominique 4 Devroye, Luc P. J. A. 4 Durrett, Richard Timothy 4 Eisenbaum, Nathalie 4 Enriquez, Nathanaël 4 Fukushima, Ryoki 4 Gnedin, Alexander V. 4 Gobet, Emmanuel 4 Guillin, Arnaud 4 Häggström, Olle 4 Hariya, Yuu 4 Hartarsky, Ivailo 4 Hirsch, Christian 4 Hu, Yaozhong 4 Hu, Ying 4 Hu, Yueyun 4 Huang, Jingyu 4 Huang, Ruojun 4 Huss, Wilfried 4 Kabluchko, Zakhar A. 4 Khoshnevisan, Davar 4 Kifer, Yuri 4 Klebaner, Fima C. 4 Lalley, Steven P. 4 Marchal, Philippe 4 Matsumoto, Hiroyuki 4 Mijatović, Aleksandar 4 Pfaffelhuber, Peter 4 Poly, Guillaume 4 Posta, Gustavo 4 Ráth, Balázs 4 Rosenthal, Jeffrey S. 4 Ruffino, Paulo Régis C. 4 Savov, Mladen Svetoslavov 4 Schapira, Bruno 4 Schramm, Oded 4 Song, Renming 4 Wakolbinger, Anton 4 Werner, Wendelin 4 Yan, Litan 4 Yaskov, Pavel A. 4 Zhou, Xiaowen 3 Adler, Robert Joseph 3 Amir, Gideon 3 Athreya, Siva R. 3 Aymone, Marco 3 Beiglböck, Mathias 3 Benaïm, Michel 3 Bercu, Bernard 3 Bobkov, Sergey Germanovich 3 Boudabra, Maher ...and 1,723 more Authors all top 5 Fields 1,468 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 194 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 120 Combinatorics (05-XX) 69 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 63 Statistics (62-XX) 58 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 43 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 39 Functional analysis (46-XX) 36 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 33 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 31 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 26 Measure and integration (28-XX) 26 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 23 Real functions (26-XX) 23 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 23 Operator theory (47-XX) 21 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 21 Computer science (68-XX) 17 Special functions (33-XX) 16 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 14 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 13 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 13 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 12 Number theory (11-XX) 12 Potential theory (31-XX) 11 Quantum theory (81-XX) 9 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 8 Differential geometry (53-XX) 8 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 7 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 7 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 4 Integral equations (45-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,212 Publications have been cited 9,107 times in 7,518 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Hanson-Wright inequality and sub-Gaussian concentration. Zbl 1329.60056 Rudelson, Mark; Vershynin, Roman 154 2013 Geometric ergodicity and hybrid Markov chains. Zbl 0890.60061 Roberts, Gareth O.; Rosenthal, Jeffrey S. 140 1997 An elementary approach to Gaussian multiplicative chaos. Zbl 1365.60035 Berestycki, Nathanaël 116 2017 Percolation beyond \(\mathbb{Z}^ d\), many questions and a few answers. Zbl 0890.60091 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 109 1996 A simple proof of the Poincaré inequality for a large class of probability measures. Zbl 1186.26011 Bakry, Dominique; Barthe, Franck; Cattiaux, Patrick; Guillin, Arnaud 102 2008 A note on tamed Euler approximations. Zbl 1329.60237 Sabanis, Sotirios 101 2013 A converse comparison theorem for BSDEs and related properties of \(g\)-expectation. Zbl 0966.60054 Briand, Philippe; Coquet, François; Hu, Ying; Mémin, Jean; Peng, Shige 91 2000 Concentration of the spectral measure for large matrices. Zbl 0969.15010 Guionnet, A.; Zeitouni, O. 87 2000 A tail inequality for quadratic forms of subgaussian random vectors. Zbl 1309.60017 Hsu, Daniel; Kakade, Sham M.; Zhang, Tong 70 2012 Mean field forward-backward stochastic differential equations. Zbl 1297.93182 Carmona, René; Delarue, François 68 2013 A necessary and sufficient condition for the \(\Lambda\)-coalescent to come down from the infinity. Zbl 0953.60072 Schweinsberg, Jason 62 2000 A representation for non-colliding random walks. Zbl 1037.15019 O’Connell, Neil; Yor, Marc 59 2002 A percolation formula. Zbl 1008.60100 Schramm, Oded 56 2001 On a strong form of propagation of chaos for McKean-Vlasov equations. Zbl 1396.65013 Lacker, Daniel 56 2018 A simple construction of the continuum parabolic Anderson model on \(\mathbf{R}^2\). Zbl 1332.60094 Hairer, Martin; Labbé, Cyril 55 2015 Some extensions of fractional Brownian motion and sub-fractional Brownian motion related to particle systems. Zbl 1128.60025 Bojdecki, Tomasz; Gorostiza, Luis G.; Talarczyk, Anna 54 2007 Martingale representation and a simple proof of logarithmic Sobolev inequalities on path spaces. Zbl 0890.60045 Capitaine, Mireille; Hsu, Elton P.; Ledoux, Michel 52 1997 Eigenvalues of the Laguerre process as non-colliding squared Bessel processes. Zbl 1011.15012 König, Wolfgang; O’Connell, Neil 51 2001 Donsker-type theorem for BSDEs. Zbl 0977.60067 Briand, Philippe; Delyon, Bernard; Mémin, Jean 50 2001 Excited random walk. Zbl 1060.60043 Benjamini, Itai; Wilson, David B. 49 2003 Pathwise construction of stochastic integrals. Zbl 1245.60054 Nutz, Marcel 49 2012 Weak and strong solutions of general stochastic models. Zbl 1301.60035 Kurtz, Thomas G. 46 2014 Poisson statistics for the largest eigenvalues of Wigner random matrices with heavy tails. Zbl 1060.60013 Soshnikov, Alexander 45 2004 On subordinators, self-similar Markov processes and some factorizations of the exponential variable. Zbl 1024.60030 Bertoin, Jean; Yor, Marc 43 2001 An isomorphism theorem for random interlacements. Zbl 1247.60135 Sznitman, Alain-Sol 42 2012 Asymptotics for products of sums and \(U\)-statistics. Zbl 1008.62048 Rempala, Grzegorz; Wesolowski, Jacek 42 2002 Quantitative ergodicity for some switched dynamical systems. Zbl 1347.60118 Benaïm, Michel; Le Borgne, Stéphane; Malrieu, Florent; Zitt, Pierre-André 42 2012 Sums of random Hermitian matrices and an inequality by Rudelson. Zbl 1228.60017 Oliveira, Roberto I. 41 2010 Existence and uniqueness of solutions for BSDEs with locally Lipschitz coefficient. Zbl 1008.60075 Bahlali, Khaled 36 2002 Error bounds on the non-normal approximation of Hermite power variations of fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1189.60084 Breton, Jean-Christophe; Nourdin, Ivan 36 2008 A note on the Hanson-Wright inequality for random vectors with dependencies. Zbl 1328.60050 Adamczak, Radoslaw 36 2015 Spherical and hyperbolic fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1112.60029 Istas, Jacques 35 2005 A probabilistic proof of a weak limit law for the number of cuts needed to isolate the root of a random recursive tree. Zbl 1133.60012 Iksanov, Alex; Möhle, Martin 35 2007 Exact simulation of Hawkes process with exponentially decaying intensity. Zbl 1320.60115 Dassios, Angelos; Zhao, Hongbiao 34 2013 A note on existence and uniqueness for solutions of multidimensional reflected BSDEs. Zbl 1232.93095 Chassagneux, Jean François; Elie, Romuald; Kharroubi, Idris 33 2011 Freedman’s inequality for matrix martingales. Zbl 1225.60017 Tropp, Joel A. 33 2011 A note on percolation on \(\mathbb Z^d\): isoperimetric profile via exponential cluster repulsion. Zbl 1191.60116 Pete, Gabor 33 2008 Bounds for distances and geodesic dimension in Liouville first passage percolation. Zbl 1459.60022 Gwynne, Ewain; Pfeffer, Joshua 30 2019 Weak and strong disorder for the stochastic heat equation and continuous directed polymers in \(d\geq 3\). Zbl 1348.60094 Mukherjee, Chiranjib; Shamov, Alexander; Zeitouni, Ofer 30 2016 Parametrix techniques and martingale problems for some degenerate Kolmogorov equations. Zbl 1225.60097 Menozzi, Stephane 29 2011 Quantitative convergence rates of Markov chains: A simple account. Zbl 1013.60053 Rosenthal, Jeffrey S. 29 2002 Strong solutions of jump-type stochastic equations. Zbl 1260.60132 Li, Zenghu; Pu, Fei 28 2012 On the spectrum of sum and product of non-Hermitian random matrices. Zbl 1227.60010 Bordenave, Charles 28 2011 Trees and matchings from point processes. Zbl 1060.60048 Holroyd, Alexander E.; Peres, Yuval 28 2003 Random walk on a discrete torus and random interlacements. Zbl 1187.60089 Windisch, David 27 2008 Fractional Brownian motion and the Markov property. Zbl 0921.60067 Carmona, Philippe; Coutin, Laure 26 1998 A note on large deviations for 2D Coulomb gas with weakly confining potential. Zbl 1258.60027 Hardy, Adrien 26 2012 On Strassen’s theorem on stochastic domination. Zbl 0938.60013 Lindvall, Torgny 26 1999 Uniform convergence to the \(Q\)-process. Zbl 1368.60079 Champagnat, Nicolas; Villemonais, Denis 26 2017 Reflected Brownian motion in a wedge: sum-of-exponential stationary densities. Zbl 1190.60077 Dieker, A. B.; Moriarty, J. 26 2009 A universality property for last-passage percolation paths close to the axis. Zbl 1111.60068 Bodineau, Thierry; Martin, James 25 2005 Recursions and tightness for the maximum of the discrete, two dimensional Gaussian free field. Zbl 1236.60039 Bolthausen, Erwin; Deuschel, Jean-Dominique; Zeitouni, Ofer 25 2011 Sharp estimates for the convergence of the density of the Euler scheme in small time. Zbl 1188.65007 Gobet, Emmanuel; Labart, Céline 25 2008 A generalization of the space-fractional Poisson process and its connection to some Lévy processes. Zbl 1338.60129 Polito, Federico; Scalas, Enrico 25 2016 Convergence of integral functionals of one-dimensional diffusions. Zbl 1372.60044 Mijatović, Aleksander; Urusov, Mikhail 25 2012 Invariant measures of stochastic \(2D\) Navier-Stokes equation driven by \(\alpha\)-stable processes. Zbl 1243.60052 Dong, Zhao; Xu, Lihu; Zhang, Xicheng 24 2011 Survival probabilities for branching Brownian motion with absorption. Zbl 1132.60059 Harris, John William; Harris, Simon C. 24 2007 Critical Liouville measure as a limit of subcritical measures. Zbl 1488.60080 Aru, Juhan; Powell, Ellen; Sepúlveda, Avelio 24 2019 Mean-square continuity on homogeneous spaces of compact groups. Zbl 1329.60139 Marinucci, Domenico; Peccati, Giovanni 24 2013 Moderate deviations for martingales with bounded jumps. Zbl 0854.60027 Dembo, Amir 23 1996 Kendall’s identity for the first crossing time revisited. Zbl 1008.60065 Borovkov, K.; Burq, Z. 23 2001 Loop-erased random walks, spanning trees and Hamiltonian cycles. Zbl 0954.60055 Marchal, Philippe 23 2000 A note on Ising random currents, Ising-FK, loop-soups and the Gaussian free field. Zbl 1338.60236 Lupu, Titus; Werner, Wendelin 23 2016 Large deviations for weighted sums of stretched exponential random variables. Zbl 1314.60076 Gantert, Nina; Ramanan, Kavita; Rembart, Franz 23 2014 A Gaussian correlation inequality and its applications to small ball probabilities. Zbl 0937.60026 Li, Wenbo V. 22 1999 Multiple geodesics with the same direction. Zbl 1244.60093 Coupier, David 22 2011 A non-commutative sewing lemma. Zbl 1186.26009 Feyel, Denis; De La Pradelle, Arnaud; Mokobodzki, Gabriel 22 2008 On the relationship between subordinate killed and killed subordinate processes. Zbl 1187.60057 Song, Renming; Vondracek, Zoran 22 2008 On the spectral norm of a random Toeplitz matrix. Zbl 1130.15018 Meckes, Mark W. 22 2007 Stein’s density approach and information inequalities. Zbl 1307.60009 Ley, Christophe; Swan, Yvik 22 2013 Protected nodes and fringe subtrees in some random trees. Zbl 1355.60015 Devroye, Luc; Janson, Svante 22 2014 Recurrent graphs where two independent random walks collide finitely often. Zbl 1060.60044 Krishnapur, Manjunath; Peres, Yuval 21 2004 Path transformations of first passage bridges. Zbl 1061.60083 Bertoin, Jean; Chaumont, Loïc; Pitman, Jim 21 2003 Harnack inequality for functional SDEs with bounded memory. Zbl 1195.34124 Es-Sarhir, Abdelhadi; Von Renesse, Max-K.; Scheutzow, Michael 21 2009 An easy proof of the \(\zeta (2)\) limit in the random assignment problem. Zbl 1195.60018 Wästlund, Johan 21 2009 The mean spectral measures of random Jacobi matrices related to Gaussian beta ensembles. Zbl 1329.47038 Trinh Khanh Duy; Shirai, Tomoyuki 21 2015 Spectral measures of powers of random matrices. Zbl 1310.60003 Meckes, Elizabeth S.; Meckes, Mark W. 21 2013 On the robust superhedging of measurable claims. Zbl 1297.93188 Possamaï, Dylan; Royer, Guillaume; Touzi, Nizar 21 2013 Dean-Kawasaki dynamics: ill-posedness vs. triviality. Zbl 1406.60095 Konarovskyi, Vitalii; Lehmann, Tobias; von Renesse, Max-K. 21 2019 The martingale approach to disorder irrelevance for pinning models. Zbl 1221.82058 Lacoin, Hubert 20 2010 Partially ordered secretaries. Zbl 1225.60019 Freij, Ragnar; Wästlund, Johan 20 2010 Moment estimates for Lévy processes. Zbl 1189.60098 Luschgy, Harald; Pagès, Gilles 20 2008 The martingale property in the context of stochastic differential equations. Zbl 1321.60085 Ruf, Johannes 20 2015 Equivalence of Gromov-Prohorov- and Gromov’s \(\underline{\square}_\lambda\)-metric on the space of metric measure spaces. Zbl 1349.60003 Loehr, Wolfgang 20 2013 Heat kernel asymptotics on the lamplighter group. Zbl 1061.60112 Revelle, David 19 2003 Lower bounds on the smallest eigenvalue of a sample covariance matrix. Zbl 1320.60023 Yaskov, Pavel 19 2014 On the transience of random interlacements. Zbl 1231.60115 Ráth, Balázs; Sapozhnikov, Artëm 19 2011 Option price when the stock is a semimartingale. Zbl 1008.60057 Klebaner, Fima 19 2002 Computation of Greeks for barrier and look-back options using Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1061.60054 Gobet, Emmanuel; Kohatsu-Higa, Arturo 19 2003 On differentiability of the Parisi formula. Zbl 1205.82092 Panchenko, Dmitry 19 2008 On the sphericity of scaling limits of random planar quadrangulations. Zbl 1193.60016 Miermont, Grégory 19 2008 Multidimensional quadratic BSDEs with separated generators. Zbl 1386.60201 Jamneshan, Asgar; Kupper, Michael; Luo, Peng 19 2017 Geometric interpretation of half-plane capacity. Zbl 1191.60094 Lalley, Steven P.; Lawler, Gregory F.; Narayanan, Hariharan 19 2009 Lipschitz percolation. Zbl 1193.60115 Dirr, Nicolas; Dondl, Patrick W.; Grimmett, Geoffrey R.; Holroyd, Alexander E.; Scheutzow, Michael 19 2010 A species sampling model with finitely many types. Zbl 1202.60056 Gnedin, Alexander 19 2010 Deviation inequalities and moderate deviations for estimators of parameters in an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with linear drift. Zbl 1189.60058 Gao, Fuqing; Jiang, Hui 19 2009 Subgaussian concentration inequalities for geometrically ergodic Markov chains. Zbl 1329.60251 Dedecker, Jérôme; Gouëzel, Sébastien 19 2015 From large deviations to Wasserstein gradient flows in multiple dimensions. Zbl 1333.35294 Erbar, Matthias; Maas, Jan; Renger, Michiel 19 2015 Tree and grid factors for general point processes. Zbl 1060.60050 Timár, Ádám 18 2004 Recurrence for the frog model with drift on \(\mathbb{Z}^d\). Zbl 1325.60155 Döbler, Christian; Pfeifroth, Lorenz 18 2014 A note on the adapted weak topology in discrete time. Zbl 07798908 Pammer, Gudmund 2 2024 Matrix models for cyclic monotone and monotone independences. Zbl 07960013 Collins, Benoît; Leid, Felix; Sakuma, Noriyoshi 2 2024 Large deviation principle for complex solution to squared Bessel SDE. Zbl 07960022 Chowdhury, Arnab; Shekhar, Atul 1 2024 Cutoff in the Bernoulli-Laplace urn model with swaps of order \(n\). Zbl 1531.60048 Alameda, Joseph S.; Bang, Caroline; Brennan, Zachary; Herzog, David P.; Kritschgau, Jürgen; Sprangel, Elizabeth 1 2024 Nonequilibrium moderate deviations from hydrodynamics of the simple symmetric exclusion process. Zbl 1546.60058 Xue, Xiaofeng 1 2024 Central limit theorem for the complex eigenvalues of Gaussian random matrices. Zbl 1547.60030 Goel, Advay; Lopatto, Patrick; Xie, Xiaoyu 1 2024 Bounds on the covariance matrix of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Zbl 1547.82032 El Alaoui, Ahmed; Gaitonde, Jason 1 2024 Asymptotics of the Green function of killed random walks in a cone of \(\mathbb{Z}^d\). Zbl 07905736 Ignatiouk-Robert, Irina 1 2024 Local central limit theorem for real eigenvalue fluctuations of elliptic GinOE matrices. Zbl 1546.60013 Forrester, Peter J. 1 2024 Maximal martingale Wasserstein inequality. Zbl 07905743 Jourdain, Benjamin; Shao, Kexin 1 2024 Almost sure behavior of the zeros of iterated derivatives of random polynomials. Zbl 1548.30026 Michelen, Marcus; Vu, Xuan-Truong 1 2024 On Parisi measures of Potts spin glasses with correction. Zbl 07923896 Chen, Hong-Bin 1 2024 From quenched invariance principle to semigroup convergence with applications to exclusion processes. Zbl 07923897 Chiarini, Alberto; Floreani, Simone; Sau, Federico 1 2024 Lookdown construction for a Moran seed-bank model. Zbl 07935187 Fittipaldi, M. C.; Casanova, A. González; Nava-Trejo, J. E. 1 2024 Dynamics of a rank-one perturbation of a Hermitian matrix. Zbl 1519.60007 Dubach, Guillaume; Erdős, László 5 2023 A combinatorial proof of the Burdzy-Pitman conjecture. Zbl 1509.60074 Cichomski, Stanisław; Petrov, Fedor 4 2023 Explicit formulas concerning eigenvectors of weakly non-unitary matrices. Zbl 1508.15025 Dubach, Guillaume 4 2023 A Mecke-type characterization of the Dirichlet-Ferguson measure. Zbl 1540.60090 Dello Schiavo, Lorenzo; Lytvynov, Eugene 4 2023 Non-universality in clustered ballistic annihilation. Zbl 1539.60128 Junge, Matthew; Ortiz San Miguel, Arturo; Reeves, Lily; Rivera Sánchez, Cynthia 3 2023 On smooth approximations in the Wasserstein space. Zbl 07734100 Cosso, Andrea; Martini, Mattia 2 2023 On the specific relative entropy between martingale diffusions on the line. Zbl 1534.60052 Backhoff-Veraguas, Julio; Unterberger, Clara 2 2023 Intrinsic ultracontractivity and uniform convergence to the \(Q\)-process for symmetric Markov processes. Zbl 07790353 Zhang, Hanjun; Li, Huasheng; Liao, Saixia 2 2023 Strong solutions to McKean-Vlasov SDEs with coefficients of Nemytskii-type. Zbl 1517.60062 Grube, Sebastian 2 2023 The Foata-Fuchs proof of Cayley’s formula, and its probabilistic uses. Zbl 1519.05214 Addario-Berry, Louigi; Blanc-Renaudie, Arthur; Donderwinkel, Serte; Maazoun, Mickaël; Martin, James B. 2 2023 Locality of percolation for graphs with polynomial growth. Zbl 1509.82064 Contreras, Daniel; Martineau, Sébastien; Tassion, Vincent 2 2023 On the CLT for stationary Markov chains with trivial tail sigma field. Zbl 1508.60033 Peligrad, Magda 2 2023 Marchenko-Pastur law for a random tensor model. Zbl 1520.60004 Yaskov, Pavel 2 2023 Generating discrete uniform distribution from a biased coin using number-theoretic method. Zbl 1523.60021 Lei, Xiaoyu 1 2023 Macroscopic loops in the \(3 d\) double-dimer model. Zbl 1533.82009 Quitmann, Alexandra; Taggi, Lorenzo 1 2023 A matrix-valued Schoenberg’s problem and its applications. Zbl 1530.42012 Ievlev, Pavel; Novikov, Svyatoslav 1 2023 Moment characterization of the weak disorder phase for directed polymers in a class of unbounded environments. Zbl 1528.60106 Fukushima, Ryoki; Junk, Stefan 1 2023 Uniqueness of the infinite connected component for the vacant set of random interlacements on amenable transient graphs. Zbl 1546.60186 Mu, Yingxin; Sapozhnikov, Artem 1 2023 Almost sure central limit theorems for stochastic wave equations. Zbl 1520.60015 Li, Jingyu; Zhang, Yong 1 2023 A note on the \(\alpha\)-sun distribution. Zbl 1519.60026 Simon, Thomas 1 2023 Global existence for quadratic FBSDE systems and application to stochastic differential games. Zbl 1535.60099 Jackson, Joe 1 2023 Lipschitz continuity of the Wasserstein projections in the convex order on the line. Zbl 1519.49032 Jourdain, Benjamin; Margheriti, William; Pammer, Gudmund 1 2023 On SDEs with Lipschitz coefficients, driven by continuous, model-free martingales. Zbl 1540.60151 Galane, Lesiba Ch.; Łochowski, Rafał M.; Mhlanga, Farai J. 1 2023 On the Feller-Dynkin and the martingale property of one-dimensional diffusions. Zbl 1522.60067 Criens, David 1 2023 Instability of martingale optimal transport in dimension \(\mathrm{d}\ge 2\). Zbl 1492.60108 Brückerhoff, Martin; Juillet, Nicolas 7 2022 The potential of the shadow measure. Zbl 1492.60106 Beiglböck, Mathias; Hobson, David; Norgilas, Dominykas 7 2022 The wired arboreal gas on regular trees. Zbl 1491.60174 Easo, Philip 5 2022 The completely delocalized region of the Erdős-Rényi graph. Zbl 1483.05151 Alt, Johannes; Ducatez, Raphaël; Knowles, Antti 4 2022 Introducing smooth amnesia to the memory of the elephant random walk. Zbl 1500.60019 Laulin, Lucile 4 2022 Chase-escape on the configuration model. Zbl 1496.60116 Bernstein, Emma; Hamblen, Clare; Junge, Matthew; Reeves, Lily 3 2022 Giant component of the soft random geometric graph. Zbl 1515.60048 Penrose, Mathew D. 3 2022 Sharp phase transition for Cox percolation. Zbl 1503.60058 Hirsch, Christian; Jahnel, Benedikt; Muirhead, Stephen 3 2022 Large-time and small-time behaviors of the spectral heat content for time-changed stable processes. Zbl 1507.60064 Kobayashi, Kei; Park, Hyunchul 2 2022 When the geodesic becomes rigid in the directed landscape. Zbl 1505.60090 Liu, Zhipeng 2 2022 Subcritical bootstrap percolation via Toom contours. Zbl 1515.60313 Hartarsky, Ivailo; Szabó, Réka 2 2022 On a Berry-Esseen type limit theorem for Boolean convolution. Zbl 1494.46062 Salazar, Mauricio 2 2022 Shotgun assembly of Erdős-Rényi random graphs. Zbl 1483.05103 Gaudio, Julia; Mossel, Elchanan 2 2022 A note on first eigenvalue estimates by coupling methods in Kähler and quaternion Kähler manifolds. Zbl 1487.53070 Baudoin, Fabrice; Cho, Gunhee; Yang, Guang 2 2022 TAP equations are repulsive. Zbl 1506.82016 Gufler, Stephan; Igelbrink, Jan Lukas; Kistler, Nicola 2 2022 A generalisation of the Burkholder-Davis-Gundy inequalities. Zbl 1515.60119 Hernández-Hernández, Ma. Elena; Jacka, Saul D. 2 2022 Distribution dependent SDEs for Navier-Stokes type equations. Zbl 1507.60083 Wang, Feng-Yu 1 2022 Limiting behavior for the excursion area of band-limited spherical random fields. Zbl 1522.60047 Todino, Anna Paola 1 2022 Central limit theorem for \(C\beta E\) pair dependent statistics in mesoscopic regime. Zbl 07592528 Aguirre, Ander; Soshnikov, Alexander 1 2022 Ergodicity for stochastic equations of Navier-Stokes type. Zbl 1490.60181 Brzeźniak, Zdzisław; Komorowski, Tomasz; Peszat, Szymon 1 2022 Large deviations for the right-most position of a last progeny modified branching random walk. Zbl 1483.60043 Ghosh, Partha Pratim 1 2022 Exponential tightness of a family of Skorohod integrals. Zbl 1494.60059 Nguyen, Nhu N. 1 2022 On coprime percolation, the visibility graphon, and the local limit of the GCD profile. Zbl 1495.60093 Martineau, Sébastien 1 2022 Overdamped limit at stationarity for non-equilibrium Langevin diffusions. Zbl 1487.60146 Monmarché, Pierre; Ramil, Mouad 1 2022 No cutoff in spherically symmetric trees. Zbl 1489.05129 Chiclana, Rafael; Peres, Yuval 1 2022 Connectedness of the free uniform spanning forest as a function of edge weights. Zbl 1492.60018 Alexy, Marcell; Borbényi, Márton; Imolay, András; Timár, Ádám 1 2022 Quasi-sure non-self-intersection for rough differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1492.60302 Ouyang, Cheng; Roberson-Vickery, William 1 2022 The Boué-Dupuis formula and the exponential hypercontractivity in the Gaussian space. Zbl 1484.60091 Hariya, Yuu; Watanabe, Sou 1 2022 Erratum to: “The remainder in the renewal theorem”. Zbl 1481.60185 Doney, Ron 1 2022 An application of the Gaussian correlation inequality to the small deviations for a Kolmogorov diffusion. Zbl 1490.60069 Carfagnini, Marco 1 2022 Rank deficiency of random matrices. Zbl 1484.15040 Jain, Vishesh; Sah, Ashwin; Sawhney, Mehtaab 1 2022 The least favorable noise. Zbl 1498.60070 Ernst, Philip A.; Kagan, Abram M.; Rogers, L. C. G. 1 2022 Asymptotic behaviour of sampling and transition probabilities in coalescent models under selection and parent dependent mutations. Zbl 1492.60234 Favero, Martina; Hult, Henrik 1 2022 Parabolic Anderson model with rough noise in space and rough initial conditions. Zbl 1506.60061 Balan, Raluca; Chen, Le; Ma, Yiping 1 2022 Simple halfspace depth. Zbl 07644377 Laketa, Petra; Pokorný, Dušan; Nagy, Stanislav 1 2022 The maximum domain of attraction of multivariate extreme value distributions is small. Zbl 1511.60077 Leonetti, Paolo; Chokami, Amir Khorrami 1 2022 Marginals of a spherical spin Glass model with correlated disorder. Zbl 1502.82010 Barbier, Jean; Sáenz, Manuel 1 2022 Regularization by random translation of potentials for the continuous PAM and related models in arbitrary dimension. Zbl 1501.35466 Bechtold, Florian 1 2022 Maximum likelihood estimation of potential energy in interacting particle systems from single-trajectory data. Zbl 1479.60125 Chen, Xiaohui 13 2021 Polynomial localization of the 2D-vertex reinforced jump process. Zbl 1489.60157 Sabot, Christophe 6 2021 On the Almeida-Thouless transition line in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model with centered Gaussian external field. Zbl 1480.60287 Chen, Wei-Kuo 6 2021 Strong equivalence between metrics of Wasserstein type. Zbl 1483.90108 Bayraktar, Erhan; Guo, Gaoyue 5 2021 Upper tail decay of KPZ models with Brownian initial conditions. Zbl 1484.60032 Ferrari, Patrik L.; Vető, Bálint 4 2021 The power of thinning in balanced allocation. Zbl 1494.60012 Feldheim, Ohad N.; Gurel-Gurevich, Ori 4 2021 Weakly reinforced Pólya urns on countable networks. Zbl 1490.60266 Couzinié, Yannick; Hirsch, Christian 4 2021 Precise asymptotics of some meeting times arising from the voter model on large random regular graphs. 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