Documenta MathematicaJournal der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung Short Title: Doc. Math. Publisher: Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Berlin ISSN: 1431-0635; 1431-0643/e Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 1,395 Publications (since 1996) References Indexed: 454 Publications with 14,463 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 29, No. 5 (2024) 29, No. 4 (2024) 29, No. 3 (2024) 29, No. 2 (2024) 29, No. 1 (2024) 28, No. 6 (2023) 28, No. 5 (2023) 28, No. 4 (2023) 28, No. 3 (2023) 28, No. 2 (2023) 28, No. 1 (2023) 27 (2022) 26 (2021) 25 (2020) 24 (2019) Extra Vol., Mahler Selecta (2019) 23 (2018) 22 (2017) 21 (2016) 20 (2015) Extra Vol., Alexander S. Merkurjev's Sixtieth Birthday (2015) 19 (2014) 18 (2013) 17 (2012) Extra Vol., Optimization Stories (2012) 16 (2011) 15 (2010) Extra Vol., Andrei A. Suslin's Sixtieth Birthday (2010) 14 (2009) 13 (2008) 12 (2007) 11 (2006) Extra Vol., John H. Coates' Sixtieth Birthday (2006) 10 (2005) 9 (2004) 8 (2003) Extra Vol., Kazuya Kato's Fiftieth Birthday (2003) 7 (2002) 6 (2001) Extra Vol., Proc. Conf. Baton Rouge, March 26-30,2001 (2001) 5 (2000) 4 (1999) 3 (1998) Extra Vol., ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. I (1998) Extra Vol., ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. II (1998) Extra Vol., ICM Berlin 1998, Vol. III (1998) 2 (1997) 1 (1996) all top 5 Authors 30 Mahler, Kurt 12 Biswas, Indranil 7 Burns, David John 7 Hoffmann, Detlev W. 7 Meyer, Ralf 7 Tignol, Jean-Pierre 6 Bayer-Fluckiger, Eva 6 Grötschel, Martin 6 Matsumoto, Kengo 6 Zainoulline, Kirill 5 Bach, Volker 5 Chernousov, Vladimir I. 5 Flach, Matthias 5 Kahn, Bruno 5 Karpenko, Nikita Aleksandrovich 5 Levine, Marc Noel 5 Morin, Baptiste 5 Østvær, Paul Arne 5 Parimala, Raman 5 Reichstein, Zinovy B. 5 Siedentop, Heinz Karl Heinrich 5 Tabuada, Gonçalo 5 Van der Geer, Gerard 4 Bondarko, Mikhail Vladimirovich 4 Burgos Gil, José Ignacio 4 de Jong, Aise Johan 4 Déglise, Frédéric 4 Edixhoven, Sebastiaan Johan 4 Helffer, Bernard 4 Hida, Haruzo 4 Hoffmann, Norbert Peter 4 Hulek, Klaus 4 Knebusch, Manfred 4 Knobloch, Eberhard 4 Neeman, Amnon 4 Nistor, Victor 4 Panin, Ivan A. 4 Rehmann, Ulf 4 Schreyer, Frank-Olaf 4 Shimura, Goro 4 Stein, William A. 4 Vishik, Alexander 3 Amerik, Ekaterina Yu. 3 Balmer, Paul 3 Barbaroux, Jean-Marie 3 Bridges, Douglas Suth 3 Bugeaud, Yann 3 Clozel, Laurent 3 Coons, Michael 3 Cortiñas, Guillermo H. 3 Deninger, Christopher 3 Dundas, Bjørn Ian 3 Echterhoff, Siegfried 3 Engliš, Miroslav 3 Esnault, Hélène 3 Fakhruddin, Najmuddin 3 Fiedler, Bernold 3 Fischer, Gerd 3 Frank, Rupert L. 3 Friedlander, Eric Mark 3 Geisser, Thomas H. 3 Heller, Jeremiah 3 Higson, Nigel 3 Huber-Klawitter, Annette 3 Izhboldin, Oleg T. 3 Kanda, Ryo 3 Kedlaya, Kiran Sridhara 3 Keller, Bernhard 3 Knus, Max-Albert 3 Krause, Henning 3 Langer, Adrian 3 Malle, Gunter 3 Merkur’ev, Aleksandr Sergeevich 3 Müller-Stach, Stefan 3 Neshveyev, Sergey V. 3 Pesch, Hans Josef 3 Quick, Gereon 3 Ranestad, Kristian 3 Ray, Anwesh 3 Rieffel, Marc A. 3 Rognes, John 3 Röndigs, Oliver 3 Saito, Shuji 3 Schneider, Peter 3 Schrijver, Alexander 3 Ševera, Pavol 3 Sturmfels, Bernd 3 Sujatha, Ramdorai 3 Süss, Hendrik 3 Voineagu, Mircea Alexandru 3 Vougalter, Vitali 3 Wei, Fu-Tsun 3 Winkelmann, Jörg 3 Ziegler, Günter Matthias 3 Zink, Thomas 2 Achar, Pramod N. 2 Amiot, Claire 2 Anshelevich, Michael 2 Ardakov, Konstantin 2 Auel, Asher Natan ...and 1,639 more Authors all top 5 Fields 493 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 409 Number theory (11-XX) 126 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 120 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 120 Functional analysis (46-XX) 99 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 99 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 98 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 85 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 80 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 65 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 63 Quantum theory (81-XX) 59 Differential geometry (53-XX) 57 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 55 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 52 Combinatorics (05-XX) 48 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 48 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 46 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 45 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 44 History and biography (01-XX) 44 Operator theory (47-XX) 38 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 37 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 32 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 23 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 23 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 19 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 19 Computer science (68-XX) 18 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 18 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 18 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 18 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 14 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 14 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 14 Geometry (51-XX) 12 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 11 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 11 General topology (54-XX) 10 Measure and integration (28-XX) 10 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 10 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 9 Special functions (33-XX) 8 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Potential theory (31-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 6 Real functions (26-XX) 6 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,118 Publications have been cited 10,834 times in 9,139 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The virtual Haken conjecture (with an appendix by Ian Agol, Daniel Groves and Jason Manning). Zbl 1286.57019 Agol, Ian 297 2013 On triangulated orbit categories. Zbl 1086.18006 Keller, Bernhard 257 2005 A classification theorem for nuclear purely infinite simple \(C^*\)-algebras. Zbl 0943.46037 Phillips, N. Christopher 184 2000 Faces of generalized permutohedra. Zbl 1167.05005 Postnikov, Alex; Reiner, Victor; Williams, Lauren 164 2008 Tropical convexity. Zbl 1054.52004 Develin, Mike; Sturmfels, Bernd 153 2004 \(\mathbb{A}^1\)-homotopy theory. Zbl 0907.19002 Voevodsky, Vladimir 128 1998 Chow groups with coefficients. Zbl 0864.14002 Rost, Markus 116 1996 Metrics on state spaces. Zbl 0945.46052 Rieffel, Marc A. 107 1999 Motivic symmetric spectra. Zbl 0969.19004 Jardine, J. F. 105 2000 Silting objects, simple-minded collections, \(t\)-structures and co-\(t\)-structures for finite-dimensional algebras. Zbl 1350.16010 Koenig, Steffen; Yang, Dong 92 2014 New uncertainty principles for the continuous Gabor transform and the continuous wavelet transform. Zbl 0947.42024 Wilczok, Elke 86 2000 Metrics on states from actions of compact groups. Zbl 0993.46043 Rieffel, Marc A. 85 1998 Vanishing geodesic distance on spaces of submanifolds and diffeomorphisms. Zbl 1083.58010 Michor, Peter W.; Mumford, David 85 2005 Group \(C^*\)-algebras as compact quantum metric spaces. Zbl 1031.46082 Rieffel, Marc A. 78 2002 Applied mathematics meets signal processing. Zbl 1125.94306 Mallat, Stéphane 74 1998 Tamagawa numbers for motives with (non-commutative) coefficients. Zbl 1052.11077 Burns, D.; Flach, M. 69 2001 Lax colimits and free fibrations in \(\infty\)-categories. Zbl 1390.18021 Gepner, David; Haugseng, Rune; Nikolaus, Thomas 65 2017 Comparison of abelian categories recollements. Zbl 1060.18008 Franjou, Vincent; Pirashvili, Teimuraz 64 2004 Irreducible modules over the Virasoro algebra. Zbl 1250.17037 Lü, Rencai; Guo, Xiangqian; Zhao, Kaiming 62 2011 On the classification of simple inductive limit \(C^*\)-algebras. I: The reduction theorem. Zbl 1024.46018 Gong, Guihua 61 2002 Acyclicity versus total acyclicity for complexes over noetherian rings. Zbl 1119.13014 Iyengar, Srikanth; Krause, Henning 59 2006 Essential dimension: A functorial point of view (after A. Merkurjev). Zbl 1101.14324 Berhuy, Grégory; Favi, Giordano 58 2003 Geometry and analytic theory of Frobenius manifolds. Zbl 0916.32018 Dubrovin, Boris 56 1998 Invariants in contact topology. Zbl 0913.53010 Eliashberg, Yakov 55 1998 On the solution of traveling salesman problems. Zbl 0904.90165 Applegate, David; Bixby, Robert; Chvátal, Vašek; Cook, William 53 1998 Second order freeness and fluctuations of random matrices. III: Higher order freeness and free cumulants. Zbl 1123.46047 Collins, Benoît; Mingo, James A.; Śniady, Piotr; Speicher, Roland 48 2007 A brief history of linear and mixed-integer programming computation. Zbl 1270.90003 Bixby, Robert E. 48 2012 On the meromorphic continuation of degree two \(L\)-functions. Zbl 1138.11051 Taylor, Richard 47 2007 Some properties of the symmetric enveloping algebra of a subfactor, with applications to amenability and property \(T\). Zbl 0954.46037 Popa, Sorin 43 1999 Subproduct systems. Zbl 1189.46056 Shalit, Orr; Solel, Baruch 43 2009 Toric hyperkähler varieties. Zbl 1029.53054 Hausel, Tamás; Sturmfels, Bernd 43 2002 Cancellation theorem. Zbl 1202.14022 Voevodsky, Vladimir 42 2010 Some open problems in dynamical systems. Zbl 0910.58036 Herman, Michael 40 1998 Fuss-Catalan numbers in noncommutative probability. Zbl 1213.44004 Mlotkowski, Wojciech 40 2010 Special subvarieties arising from families of cyclic covers of the projective line. Zbl 1236.11056 Moonen, Ben 39 2010 The Euler characteristic of a category. Zbl 1139.18009 Leinster, Tom 38 2008 Integral mixed motives in equal characteristic. Zbl 1357.19004 Cisinski, Denis-Charles; Déglise, Frédéric 38 2015 Lifting tropical intersections. Zbl 1308.14069 Osserman, Brian; Payne, Sam 38 2013 On the Chow groups of quadratic Grassmannians. Zbl 1115.14002 Vishik, A. 35 2005 On zeta elements for \(\mathbb G_m\). Zbl 1407.11133 Burns, David; Kurihara, Masato; Sano, Takamichi 35 2016 Algebraic cycles and fibrations. Zbl 1349.14027 Vial, Charles 35 2013 Completely faithful Selmer groups over Kummer extensions. Zbl 1117.14046 Hachimori, Yoshitaka; Venjakob, Otmar 34 2003 Global \(L\)-packets for GSp(2) and theta lifts. Zbl 1056.11029 Roberts, Brooks 34 2001 Motivic Landweber exactness. Zbl 1230.55005 Naumann, Niko; Spitzweck, Markus 34 2009 Adding tails to \(C^*\)-correspondences. Zbl 1049.46045 Muhly, Paul S.; Tomforde, Mark 33 2004 On the existence of stationary solutions for some non-Fredholm integro-differential equations. Zbl 1235.35279 Vougalter, Vitali 32 2011 \(p\)-adic Fourier theory. Zbl 1028.11069 Schneider, P.; Teitelbaum, J. 32 2001 Motivic functors. Zbl 1042.55006 Dundas, Bjørn Ian; Röndigs, Oliver; Østvær, Paul Arne 31 2003 Interface and mixed boundary value problems on \(n\)-dimensional polyhedral domains. Zbl 1207.35117 Bacuta, C.; Mazzucato, A. L.; Nistor, V.; Zikatanov, L. 31 2010 Ring-theoretic properties of Iwasawa algebras: a survey. Zbl 1125.16011 Ardakov, K.; Brown, K. A. 30 2007 On the cyclic homology of ringed spaces and schemes. Zbl 0917.19002 Keller, Bernhard 30 1998 Étale cohomology of rigid analytic spaces. Zbl 0922.14012 de Jong, Johan; van der Put, Marius 30 1996 Sobolev spaces on Lie manifolds and regularity for polyhedral domains. Zbl 1247.35031 Ammann, Bernd; Ionescu, Alexandru D.; Nistor, Victor 30 2006 Bifurcation from relative equilibria of noncompact group actions: Skew products, meanders, and drifts. Zbl 0870.58014 Fiedler, Bernold; Sandstede, Björn; Scheel, Arnd; Wulff, Claudia 30 1996 Permanence properties of \(C^*\)-exact groups. Zbl 0958.46036 Kirchberg, Eberhard; Wassermann, Simon 30 1999 Pseudodifferential analysis on continuous family groupoids. Zbl 0961.22005 Lauter, Robert; Monthubert, Bertrand; Nistor, Victor 30 2000 Characterizations of Morse quasi-geodesics via superlinear divergence and sublinear contraction. Zbl 1483.20077 Arzhantseva, Goulnara N.; Cashen, Christopher H.; Gruber, Dominik; Hume, David 30 2017 Bivariant \(K\)-theory for locally convex algebras and the Chern-Connes character. (Bivariante \(K\)-Theorie für lokalkonvexe Algebren und der Chern-Connes-Charakter.) Zbl 0920.19004 Cuntz, Joachim 29 1997 Slope filtrations revisited. Zbl 1081.14028 Kedlaya, Kiran S. 29 2005 Deriving Auslander’s formula. Zbl 1348.18018 Krause, Henning 29 2015 Categorified trace for module tensor categories over braided tensor categories. Zbl 1360.18011 Henriques, André; Penneys, David; Tener, James 29 2016 The singularity category of an algebra with radical square zero. Zbl 1255.18014 Chen, Xiao-Wu 29 2011 Bloch and Kato’s exponential map: three explicit formulas. Zbl 1064.11077 Berger, Laurent 28 2003 \(\mathbb Z_{2}\)-indices and factorization properties of odd symmetric Fredholm operators. Zbl 1341.47014 Schulz-Baldes, Hermann 28 2015 Pfaffian quartic surfaces and representations of Clifford algebras. Zbl 1274.14050 Coskun, Emre; Kulkarni, Rajesh S.; Mustopa, Yusuf 28 2012 Special values of anticyclotomic Rankin-Selberg \(L\)-functions. Zbl 1314.11034 Hsieh, Ming-Lun 28 2014 Quillen homology for operads via Gröbner bases. Zbl 1278.18018 Dotsenko, Vladimir; Khoroshkin, Anton 28 2013 Densities of the Raney distributions. Zbl 1291.44016 Mlotkowski, Wojciech; Penson, Karol A.; Życzkowski, Karol 27 2013 The magnitude of metric spaces. Zbl 1284.51011 Leinster, Tom 27 2013 Kato homology of arithmetic schemes and higher class field theory over local fields. Zbl 1092.14504 Jannsen, Uwe; Saito, Shuji 26 2003 Partition-dependent stochastic measures and \(q\)-deformed cumulants. Zbl 1010.46064 Anshelevich, Michael 26 2001 \(K\)-theory of log-schemes. I. Zbl 1159.19003 Nizioł, Wiesława 26 2008 Ramification of local fields with imperfect residue fields. II. Zbl 1127.11349 Abbes, Ahmed; Saito, Takeshi 25 2003 The additive dilogarithm. Zbl 1052.11048 Bloch, Spencer; Esnault, Hélène 25 2003 \(J_1(p)\) has connected fibers. Zbl 1101.14311 Conrad, Brian; Edixhoven, Bas; Stein, William 25 2003 Enriched functors and stable homotopy theory. Zbl 1040.55002 Dundas, Bjørn Ian; Röndigs, Oliver; Østvær, Paul Arne 25 2003 The universal Lie \(\infty\)-algebroid of a singular foliation. Zbl 1453.53033 Laurent-Gengoux, Camille; Lavau, Sylvain; Strobl, Thomas 25 2020 Equivariant oriented cohomology of flag varieties. Zbl 1351.14014 Calmès, Baptiste; Zainoulline, Kirill; Zhong, Changlong 25 2015 The local cohomology of the Jacobian ring. Zbl 1314.14089 Sernesi, Edoardo 25 2014 Galois representations and Lubin-Tate groups. Zbl 1246.11112 Kisin, Mark; Ren, Wei 25 2009 Classical motivic polylogarithm according to Beilinson and Deligne. Zbl 0906.19004 Huber, Annette; Wildeshaus, Jörg 24 1998 Characters of irreducible representations of simple Lie superalgebras. Zbl 0898.17002 Serganova, Vera 24 1998 Non-Hausdorff groupoids, proper actions and \(K\)-theory. Zbl 1058.22005 Tu, Jean-Louis 24 2004 CM points and quaternion algebras. Zbl 1165.11321 Cornut, C.; Vatsal, V. 24 2005 Around the Gysin triangle. II. Zbl 1152.14019 Déglise, Frédéricke 24 2008 Schur class operator functions and automorphisms of Hardy algebras. Zbl 1157.46011 Muhly, Paul S.; Solel, Baruch 24 2008 Non-supramenable groups acting on locally compact spaces. Zbl 1290.46061 Kellerhals, Julian; Monod, Nicolas; Rørdam, Mikael 24 2013 Links between cyclotomic and \(\text{GL}_2\) Iwasawa theory. Zbl 1142.11366 Coates, John; Schneider, Peter; Sujatha, Ramdorai 23 2003 Strictly convex drawings of planar graphs. Zbl 1108.05065 Bárány, Imre; Rote, Günter 23 2006 Remarks on the Darboux transform of isothermic surfaces. Zbl 0892.53003 Hertrich-Jeromin, Udo; Pedit, Franz 23 1997 Unexpected solutions of first and second order partial differential equations. Zbl 0896.35029 Müller, Stefan; Šverák, Vladimir 23 1998 Heat kernel of anisotropic nonlocal operators. Zbl 1440.35352 Bogdan, Krzysztof; Sztonyk, Paweł; Knopova, Victoria 23 2020 The Dyson equation with linear self-energy: spectral bands, edges and cusps. Zbl 1450.60005 Alt, Johannes; Erdős, László; Krüger, Torben 23 2020 Eigenvalue clusters of the Landau Hamiltonian in the exterior of a compact domain. Zbl 1132.35424 Pushnitski, Alexander; Rozenblum, Grigori 23 2007 Rectification of algebras and modules. Zbl 1339.18013 Hinich, Vladimir 23 2015 Spectral triples and finite summability on Cuntz-Krieger algebras. Zbl 1330.46067 Goffeng, Magnus; Mesland, Bram 23 2015 Weighted Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier algebras. Zbl 1451.16028 Webster, Ben 23 2019 Reduced operator algebras of trace-preserving quantum automorphism groups. Zbl 1294.46063 Brannan, Michael 23 2013 Computation of \(p\)-adic heights and log convergence. Zbl 1135.11034 Mazur, Barry; Stein, William; Tate, John 22 2007 Lefschetz fibrations in symplectic geometry. Zbl 0909.53018 Donaldson, S. K. 22 1998 Traffic distributions and independence. II: Universal constructions for traffic spaces. Zbl 1544.60016 Cébron, Guillaume; Dahlqvist, Antoine; Male, Camille 2 2024 The nonvanishing problem for varieties with nef anticanonical bundle. Zbl 1535.14043 Lazić, Vladimir; Matsumura, Shin-ichi; Peternell, Thomas; Tsakanikas, Nikolaos; Xie, Zhixin 5 2023 Hochschild cohomology of generalised Grassmannians. Zbl 1528.14062 Belmans, Pieter; Smirnov, Maxim 4 2023 Cumulants, spreadability and the Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff series. Zbl 1537.46050 Hasebe, Takahiro; Lehner, Franz 4 2023 A Borel-Weil theorem for the quantum Grassmannians. Zbl 1531.46051 Carotenuto, Alessandro; Mrozinski, Colin; Ó Buachalla, Réamonn 3 2023 The equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture for abelian extensions of imaginary quadratic fields. Zbl 1534.11132 Bullach, Dominik; Hofer, Martin 2 2023 On the minus component of the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture for \(\mathbb{G}_m\). Zbl 07732795 Atsuta, Mahiro; Kataoka, Takenori 2 2023 Cubic fourfolds, Kuznetsov components, and Chow motives. Zbl 1529.14010 Fu, Lie; Vial, Charles 2 2023 Trialitarian triples. Zbl 1532.11053 Barry, Demba; Tignol, Jean-Pierre 2 2023 Slopes of \(F\)-isocrystals over abelian varieties. Zbl 1533.14016 D’Addezio, Marco 1 2023 On computational properties of Cauchy problems generated by accretive operators. Zbl 07787215 Pinto, Pedro; Pischke, Nicholas 1 2023 Simple purely infinite \(C^\ast\)-algebras associated with normal subshifts. Zbl 1529.37006 Matsumoto, Kengo 1 2023 Remarks on the diagonal embedding and strong 1-boundedness. Zbl 1536.46050 Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, Srivatsav 1 2023 Global rigid inner forms vs isocrystals. Zbl 1533.11187 Kaletha, Tasho; Taïbi, Olivier 1 2023 Homotopy groups of highly connected Poincaré duality complexes. Zbl 1491.55010 Beben, Piotr; Theriault, Stephen 11 2022 Multiplier tests and subhomogeneity of multiplier algebras. Zbl 1498.46029 Aleman, Alexandru; Hartz, Michael; McCarthy, John E.; Richter, Stefan 10 2022 Constructing reducible Brill-Noether curves. Zbl 1503.14027 Larson, Eric 8 2022 Møller operators and Hadamard states for Dirac fields with MIT boundary conditions. Zbl 1501.35256 Drago, Nicoló; Ginoux, Nicolas; Murro, Simone 5 2022 Additive decompositions for rings of modular forms. Zbl 1498.11117 Meier, Lennart 5 2022 The universal de Rham / Spencer double complex on a supermanifold. Zbl 1492.14030 Cacciatori, Sergio Luigi; Noja, Simone; Re, Riccardo 5 2022 An index formula for groups of isometric linear canonical transformations. Zbl 1496.58006 Savin, Anton; Schrohe, Elmar 5 2022 Rational curves and strictly nef divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds. Zbl 1531.14047 Liu, Haidong; Svaldi, Roberto 4 2022 Kawaguchi-Silverman conjecture for certain surjective endomorphisms. Zbl 1509.14036 Meng, Sheng; Zhang, De-Qi 4 2022 The \(p\)-adic monodromy group of abelian varieties over global function fields of characteristic \(p\). Zbl 1495.14065 Pál, Ambrus 4 2022 Zinbiel algebras and multiple zeta values. Zbl 1498.17006 Chapoton, Frédéric 4 2022 Towards a classification of connected components of the strata of \(k\)-differentials. Zbl 1495.14043 Chen, Dawei; Gendron, Quentin 4 2022 Itô’s formula for noncommutative \(C^2\) functions of free Itô processes. Zbl 1505.46055 Nikitopoulos, Evangelos Alexander 3 2022 Arithmetic statistics and noncommutative Iwasawa theory. Zbl 1497.11271 Kundu, Debanjana; Lei, Antonio; Ray, Anwesh 3 2022 Complex free spectrahedra, absolute extreme points, and dilations. Zbl 1519.47010 Passer, Benjamin 2 2022 Hodge-Newton filtration for \(p\)-divisible groups with ramified endomorphism structure. Zbl 1514.14059 Marrama, Andrea 2 2022 Rank inequalities for the Heegaard Floer homology of branched covers. Zbl 1498.57022 Hendricks, Kristen; Lidman, Tye; Lipshitz, Robert 2 2022 On the Brauer group of bielliptic surfaces (with an appendix by Jonas Bergström and Sofia Tirabassi). Zbl 1502.14050 Ferrari, Eugenia; Tirabassi, Sofia; Vodrup, Magnus; Bergström, Jonas 2 2022 The pro-étale topos as a category of pyknotic presheaves. Zbl 1520.18009 Wolf, Sebastian 2 2022 Chern-Weil and Hilbert-Samuel formulae for singular Hermitian line bundles. Zbl 1520.14010 Botero, Ana María; Burgos Gil, José Ignacio; Holmes, David; de Jong, Robin 2 2022 Birational geometry of the Mukai system of rank two and genus two. Zbl 1516.14034 Hellmann, Isabell 2 2022 Derived equivalences between skew-gentle algebras using orbifolds. Zbl 1510.16009 Amiot, Claire; Brüstle, Thomas 2 2022 On boundedness of semistable sheaves. Zbl 1491.14029 Langer, Adrian 2 2022 Topological Iwasawa invariants and arithmetic statistics. Zbl 1523.11197 Dion, Cedric; Ray, Anwesh 1 2022 A generalization of Beilinson’s geometric height pairing. Zbl 1503.14010 Rössler, Damian; Szamuely, Tamás 1 2022 Gerstenhaber structure on Hochschild cohomology of the Fomin-Kirillov algebra on 3 generators. Zbl 1511.16009 Herscovich, Estanislao; Li, Ziling 1 2022 Categorification of the elliptic Hall algebra. Zbl 1505.18028 Mousaaid, Youssef; Savage, Alistair 1 2022 Additivity violation of the regularized minimum output entropy. Zbl 1503.46050 Collins, Benoît; Youn, Sang-Gyun 1 2022 Free noncommutative hereditary kernels: Jordan decomposition, Arveson extension, kernel domination. Zbl 07625708 Ball, Joseph A.; Marx, Gregory; Vinnikov, Victor 1 2022 The integral trace form as a complete invariant for real \(S_n\) number fields. Zbl 1524.11211 Mantilla-Soler, Guillermo; Rivera, Carlos 1 2022 Okubo quasigroups. Zbl 1489.20026 Smith, Jonathan D. H.; Vojtěchovský, Petr 1 2022 An isovariant Elmendorf’s theorem. Zbl 1489.55007 Yeakel, Sarah 1 2022 Spectral theory of regular sequences. Zbl 1491.11032 Coons, Michael; Evans, James; Mañibo, Neil 1 2022 \(p\)-Selmer group and modular symbols. Zbl 1539.11144 Sakamoto, Ryotaro 1 2022 A universal rigid abelian tensor category. Zbl 1490.18007 Barbieri-Viale, Luca; Kahn, Bruno 1 2022 Global stable splittings of Stiefel manifolds. Zbl 1497.55014 Schwede, Stefan 1 2022 Fiberwise Kähler-Ricci flows on families of bounded strongly pseudoconvex domains. Zbl 1502.53106 Choi, Young-Jun; Yoo, Sungmin 1 2022 Flat cotorsion modules over Noether algebras. Zbl 1510.16015 Kanda, Ryo; Nakamura, Tsutomu 1 2022 Crystalline lifts and a variant of the Steinberg-Winter theorem. Zbl 1524.11212 Lin, Zhongyipan 1 2022 Singularities in the weak turbulence regime for the quintic Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1511.35274 de Suzzoni, Anne-Sophie 1 2022 Integrality of twisted \(L\)-values of elliptic curves. Zbl 1523.11116 Wiersema, Hanneke; Wuthrich, Christian 1 2022 Second class particles and limit shapes of evacuation and sliding paths for random tableaux. Zbl 1511.60021 Maślanka, Łukasz; Śniady, Piotr 1 2022 On Lorentzian connections with parallel skew torsion. Zbl 1516.53023 Ernst, Igor; Galaev, Anton 1 2022 Cusps and \(q\)-expansion principles for modular curves at infinite level. Zbl 1515.11058 Heuer, Ben 1 2022 \(\mathbb{A}^1\)-connected components of classifying spaces and purity for torsors. Zbl 1519.14022 Elmanto, Elden; Kulkarni, Girish; Wendt, Matthias 1 2022 Polynomial approximation of quantum Lipschitz functions. Zbl 1514.81170 Aguilar, Konrad; Kaad, Jens; Kyed, David 1 2022 Finite groups scheme actions and incompressibility of Galois covers: beyond the ordinary case. Zbl 1497.14090 Fakhruddin, Najmuddin; Saini, Rijul 1 2022 Essential crossed products for inverse semigroup actions: simplicity and pure infiniteness. Zbl 1472.46071 Kwaśniewski, Bartosz Kosma; Meyer, Ralf 21 2021 \(n\)-quasi-abelian categories vs \(n\)-tilting torsion pairs. Zbl 1465.18006 Fiorot, Luisa 10 2021 Semistable reduction of modular curves associated with maximal subgroups in prime level. Zbl 1467.11060 Edixhoven, Bas; Parent, Pierre 6 2021 Compatibility of special value conjectures with the functional equation of zeta functions. Zbl 1487.11065 Flach, Matthias; Morin, Baptiste 5 2021 Some homological properties of category \(\mathcal{O}\). VI. Zbl 1486.16008 Ko, Hankyung; Mazorchuk, Volodymyr; Mrden, Rafael 5 2021 Groups of isometries of the Cuntz algebras. Zbl 1490.46058 Conti, Roberto; Rossi, Stefano 4 2021 The maximal discrete extension of the Hermitian modular group. Zbl 1491.11046 Krieg, Aloys; Raum, Martin; Wernz, Annalena 4 2021 Relations between infinitesimal non-commutative cumulants. Zbl 1490.16074 Celestino, Adrián; Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Perales, Daniel 4 2021 Iwasawa theory for symmetric squares of non-\(p\)-ordinary eigenforms. Zbl 1477.11184 Büyükboduk, Kazim; Lei, Antonio; Venkat, Guhan 4 2021 Hearts for commutative Noetherian rings: torsion pairs and derived equivalences. Zbl 1471.13039 Pavon, Sergio; Vitória, Jorge 4 2021 The adic tame site. Zbl 1506.14038 Hübner, Katharina 4 2021 On lower bounds of the dimensions of multizeta values in positive characteristic. Zbl 1506.11114 Chen, Yen-Tsung; Harada, Ryotaro 4 2021 Morel homotopy modules and Milnor-Witt cycle modules. Zbl 1506.14044 Feld, Niels 4 2021 Transfer maps in generalized group homology via submanifolds. 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