INFORMS Journal on Computing Short Title: INFORMS J. Comput. Publisher: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), Catonsville, MD ISSN: 1091-9856; 1526-5528/e Online: Predecessor: ORSA Journal on Computing Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover Documents Indexed: 1,465 Publications (since 1996) References Indexed: 670 Publications with 26,451 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 36, No. 6 (2024) 36, No. 5 (2024) 36, No. 4 (2024) 36, No. 3 (2024) 36, No. 2 (2024) 36, No. 1 (2024) 35, No. 6 (2023) 35, No. 5 (2023) 35, No. 4 (2023) 35, No. 3 (2023) 35, No. 2 (2023) 35, No. 1 (2023) 34, No. 6 (2022) 34, No. 5 (2022) 34, No. 4 (2022) 34, No. 3 (2022) 34, No. 2 (2022) 34, No. 1 (2022) 33, No. 4 (2021) 33, No. 3 (2021) 33, No. 2 (2021) 33, No. 1 (2021) 32, No. 4 (2020) 32, No. 3 (2020) 32, No. 2 (2020) 32, No. 1 (2020) 31, No. 4 (2019) 31, No. 3 (2019) 31, No. 2 (2019) 31, No. 1 (2019) 30, No. 4 (2018) 30, No. 3 (2018) 30, No. 2 (2018) 30, No. 1 (2018) 29, No. 4 (2017) 29, No. 3 (2017) 29, No. 2 (2017) 29, No. 1 (2017) 28, No. 4 (2016) 28, No. 3 (2016) 28, No. 2 (2016) 28, No. 1 (2016) 27, No. 4 (2015) 27, No. 3 (2015) 27, No. 2 (2015) 27, No. 1 (2015) 26, No. 4 (2014) 26, No. 3 (2014) 26, No. 2 (2014) 26, No. 1 (2014) 24, No. 4 (2012) 24, No. 3 (2012) 24, No. 2 (2012) 24, No. 1 (2012) 23, No. 4 (2011) 23, No. 3 (2011) 23, No. 2 (2011) 23, No. 1 (2011) 22, No. 4 (2010) 22, No. 3 (2010) 22, No. 2 (2010) 22, No. 1 (2010) 21, No. 4 (2009) 21, No. 3 (2009) 21, No. 2 (2009) 21, No. 1 (2009) 20, No. 4 (2008) 20, No. 3 (2008) 20, No. 2 (2008) 20, No. 1 (2008) 19, No. 4 (2007) 19, No. 3 (2007) 19, No. 2 (2007) 19, No. 1 (2007) 18, No. 4 (2006) 18, No. 3 (2006) 18, No. 2 (2006) 18, No. 1 (2006) 17, No. 4 (2005) 17, No. 3 (2005) 17, No. 2 (2005) 17, No. 1 (2005) 16, No. 4 (2004) 16, No. 3 (2004) 16, No. 2 (2004) 16, No. 1 (2004) 15, No. 4 (2003) 15, No. 3 (2003) 15, No. 2 (2003) 15, No. 1 (2003) 14, No. 4 (2002) 14, No. 3 (2002) 14, No. 2 (2002) 14, No. 1 (2002) 13, No. 4 (2001) 13, No. 3 (2001) 13, No. 2 (2001) 13, No. 1 (2001) 12, No. 4 (2000) 12, No. 3 (2000) ...and 14 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 20 Smith, Alice E. 16 Savelsbergh, Martin W. P. 15 Tang, Shaojie 13 den Hertog, Dick 13 Lodi, Andrea 13 Nelson, Barry L. 12 Ahmed, Shabbir 12 Boland, Natashia L. 12 Golden, Bruce L. 12 Nemhauser, George L. 12 Powell, Warren Buckler 12 Van Hentenryck, Pascal 11 Cordeau, Jean-François 11 Jacobson, Sheldon H. 11 Laporte, Gilbert 11 Raghavan, S. Raghu 10 Bertsimas, Dimitris John 10 Glover, Fred W. 10 Topaloglu, Huseyin 9 Fu, Michael C. 9 Hong, Liu Jeff 9 Rousseau, Louis-Martin 9 Whitt, Ward 8 Dey, Santanu Subhas 8 Gendron, Bernard 8 Iori, Manuel 8 Irnich, Stefan 8 L’Ecuyer, Pierre 8 Peng, Yijie 8 Schaefer, Andrew J. 8 Smith, J. Cole 8 Toth, Paolo 8 Zeng, Daniel Dajun 7 Beck, J. Christopher 7 Bodur, Merve 7 Burke, Edmund Kieran 7 Caprara, Alberto 7 Desaulniers, Guy 7 Hooker, John N. jun. 7 Labbé, Martine V. 7 Laguna, Manuel 7 Ljubić, Ivana 7 Lozano, Leonardo 7 Martí, Rafael 7 Monaci, Michele 7 Pessoa, Artur Alves 7 Prokopyev, Oleg Alexan 7 Schmidt, Martin 7 Sherali, Hanif D. 7 Sotirov, Renata 7 Stuckey, Peter James 6 Averbakh, Igor 6 Baldacci, Roberto 6 Chinneck, John W. 6 Ciré, André Augusto 6 Contardo, Claudio 6 Cook, William John 6 Crainic, Teodor Gabriel 6 Dash, Sanjeeb 6 Denton, Brian T. 6 Fourer, Robert 6 Hu, Jian-Qiang 6 Jans, Raf 6 Koehler, Gary J. 6 Leus, Roel 6 Malaguti, Enrico 6 Qiu, Feng 6 Shen, Siqian 6 Wasil, Edward A. 6 Xiong, Hui 6 Xu, Zhou 6 Zhang, Zhao 5 Adulyasak, Yossiri 5 Bent, Russell W. 5 Buchanan, Austin 5 Charkhgard, Hadi 5 Coffrin, Carleton 5 Delage, Erick 5 Du, Ding-Zhu 5 Eckstein, Jonathan 5 Ferris, Michael C. 5 Fukasawa, Ricardo 5 Gopal, Ram D. 5 Günlük, Oktay 5 Henderson, Shane G. 5 Hicks, Illya V. 5 Hoogeveen, Johannes Adzer 5 Hurkens, Cor A. J. 5 Kennington, Jeffery L. 5 Leitner, Markus 5 Lenstra, Jan Karel 5 Linderoth, Jeff T. 5 Martello, Silvano 5 Pan, Kai 5 Pisinger, David 5 Potts, Chris N. 5 Romeijn, H. Edwin 5 Sadykov, Ruslan 5 Sewell, Edward C. 5 Shen, Zuo-Jun ...and 2,575 more Authors all top 5 Fields 1,303 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 165 Computer science (68-XX) 80 Statistics (62-XX) 80 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 73 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 63 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 50 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 44 Combinatorics (05-XX) 21 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 13 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,096 Publications have been cited 12,564 times in 8,729 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A column generation approach for graph coloring. Zbl 0884.90144 Mehrotra, Anuj; Trick, Michael A. 123 1996 A unified framework for numerically inverting Laplace transforms. Zbl 1241.65114 Abate, Joseph; Whitt, Ward 112 2006 Combinatorial auctions: a survey. Zbl 1238.91003 De Vries, Sven; Vohra, Rakesh V. 109 2003 When does a dynamic programming formulation guarantee the existence of a fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS)? Zbl 1034.90014 Woeginger, Gerhard J. 106 2000 The granular tabu search and its application to the vehicle-routing problem. Zbl 1238.90141 Toth, Paolo; Vigo, Daniele 106 2003 A computational study of search strategies for mixed integer programming. Zbl 1040.90535 Linderoth, J. T.; Savelsbergh, M. W. P. 89 1999 Solving the orienteering problem through branch-and-cut. Zbl 1034.90523 Fischetti, Matteo; Salazar González, Juan José; Toth, Paolo 86 1998 Heuristic and metaheuristic approaches for a class of two-dimensional bin packing problems. Zbl 1034.90500 Lodi, Andrea; Martello, Silvano; Vigo, Daniele 86 1999 Optimization for simulation: theory vs. practice. Zbl 1238.90001 Fu, Michael C. 80 2002 An exact approach to the strip-packing problem. Zbl 1238.90116 Martello, Silvano; Monaci, Michele; Vigo, Daniele 80 2003 Formulations and branch-and-cut algorithms for multivehicle production and inventory routing problems. Zbl 1356.90011 Adulyasak, Yossiri; Cordeau, Jean-François; Jans, Raf 80 2014 Exact solution of the quadratic knapsack problem. Zbl 1034.90521 Caprara, Alberto; Pisinger, David; Toth, Paolo 79 1999 Time-indexed formulations for machine scheduling problems: Column generation. Zbl 1034.90004 van den Akker, J. M.; Hurkens, C. A. J.; Savelsbergh, M. W. P. 75 2000 MINLPLib – a collection of test models for mixed-integer nonlinear programming. Zbl 1238.90104 Bussieck, Michael R.; Drud, Arne Stolbjerg; Meeraus, Alexander 75 2003 GRASP and path relinking for 2-layer straight line crossing minimization. Zbl 1092.90544 Laguna, Manuel; Martí, Rafael 74 1999 An iterated dynasearch algorithm for the single-machine total weighted tardiness scheduling problem. Zbl 1238.90061 Congram, Richard K.; Potts, Chris N.; Van De Velde, Steef L. 73 2002 The shortest-path problem with resource constraints and \(k\)-cycle elimination for \(k\geq 3\). Zbl 1241.90161 Irnich, Stefan; Villeneuve, Daniel 73 2006 Using decomposition techniques and constraint programming for solving the two-dimensional bin-packing problem. Zbl 1241.90118 Pisinger, David; Sigurd, Mikkel 73 2007 Setting the research agenda in automated timetabling: the second international timetabling competition. Zbl 1243.90007 McCollum, Barry; Schaerf, Andrea; Paechter, Ben; McMullan, Paul; Lewis, Rhyd; Parkes, Andrew J.; Di Gaspero, Luca; Qu, Rong; Burke, Edmund K. 72 2010 A stochastic radial basis function method for the global optimization of expensive functions. Zbl 1241.90192 Regis, Rommel G.; Shoemaker, Christine A. 70 2007 Solving parallel machine scheduling problems by column generation. Zbl 1034.90506 Chen, Zhi-Long; Powell, Warren B. 66 1999 Computing in operations research using Julia. Zbl 1331.90001 Lubin, Miles; Dunning, Iain 64 2015 Algorithms for hybrid MILP/CP models for a class of optimization problems. Zbl 1238.90106 Jain, Vipul; Grossmann, Ignacio E. 61 2001 The knowledge-gradient policy for correlated normal beliefs. Zbl 1243.91014 Frazier, Peter; Powell, Warren; Dayanik, Savas 60 2009 Scatter search and local NLP solvers: a multistart framework for global optimization. Zbl 1241.90093 Ugray, Zsolt; Lasdon, Leon; Plummer, John; Glover, Fred; Kelly, James; Martí, Rafael 60 2007 Reactive GRASP: an application to a matrix decomposition problem in TDMA traffic assignment. Zbl 1040.90504 Prais, Marcelo; Ribeiro, Celso C. 59 2000 Capacitated network design – polyhedral structure and computation. Zbl 0871.90031 Bienstock, Daniel; Günlük, Oktay 55 1996 A hybrid heuristic for an inventory routing problem. Zbl 1460.90009 Archetti, Claudia; Bertazzi, Luca; Hertz, Alain; Speranza, M. Grazia 54 2012 Extreme point-based heuristics for three-dimensional bin packing. Zbl 1243.90088 Crainic, Teodor Gabriel; Perboli, Guido; Tadei, Roberto 54 2008 A reactive variable neighborhood search for the vehicle-routing problem with time windows. Zbl 1238.90136 Bräysy, Olli 53 2003 Guided local search for the three-dimensional bin-packing problem. Zbl 1238.90112 Faroe, Oluf; Pisinger, David; Zachariasen, Martin 52 2003 Job shop scheduling by local search. Zbl 0863.90094 Vaessens, R. J. M.; Aarts, Emile H. L.; Lenstra, Jan Karel 51 1996 An exact solution approach based on shortest-paths for \(p\)-hub median problems. Zbl 1034.90505 Ernst, A. T.; Krishnamoorthy, M. 51 1998 A new formulation and resolution method for the \(p\)-center problem. Zbl 1239.90103 Elloumi, Sourour; Labbé, Martine; Pochet, Yves 51 2004 Accelerating Benders decomposition by local branching. Zbl 1243.90122 Rei, Walter; Cordeau, Jean-François; Gendreau, Michel; Soriano, Patrick 49 2009 FilMINT: an outer approximation-based solver for convex mixed-integer nonlinear programs. Zbl 1243.90142 Abhishek, Kumar; Leyffer, Sven; Linderoth, Jeff 48 2010 A lifted linear programming branch-and-bound algorithm for mixed-integer conic quadratic programs. Zbl 1243.90170 Vielma, Juan Pablo; Ahmed, Shabbir; Nemhauser, George L. 48 2008 SALOME: A bidirectional branch-and-bound procedure for assembly line balancing. Zbl 0895.90121 Scholl, Armin; Klein, Robert 47 1997 Using variable redefinfition for computing lower bounds for minimum spanning and Steiner trees with Hop constraints. Zbl 1054.90622 Gouveia, Luis 47 1998 Mathematical programming for data mining: Formulations and challenges. Zbl 0973.90096 Bradley, P. S.; Fayyad, Usama M.; Mangasarian, O. L. 47 1999 A recursive algorithm for finding all nondominated extreme points in the outcome set of a multiobjective integer programme. Zbl 1243.90203 Przybylski, Anthony; Gandibleux, Xavier; Ehrgott, Matthias 46 2010 Chance-constrained binary packing problems. Zbl 1304.90179 Song, Yongjia; Luedtke, James R.; Küçükyavuz, Simge 46 2014 Algorithms for the bin packing problem with conflicts. Zbl 1243.90189 Muritiba, Albert E. Fernandes; Iori, Manuel; Malaguti, Enrico; Toth, Paolo 45 2010 The vehicle routing problem with time windows. II: Genetic search. Zbl 0866.90058 Potvin, Jean-Yves; Bengio, Samy 44 1996 A simplex-based tabu search method for capacitated network design. Zbl 1040.90506 Crainic, Teodor Gabriel; Gendreau, Michel; Farvolden, Judith M. 43 2000 Neural network for combinatorial optimization: a review of more than a decade to research. Zbl 1034.90528 Smith, Kate A. 43 1999 Progress in linear programming-based algorithms for integer programming: An exposition. Zbl 1052.90048 Johnson, Ellis L.; Nemhauser, George L.; Savelsbergh, Martin W. P. 43 2000 Multistage adjustable robust mixed-integer optimization via iterative splitting of the uncertainty set. Zbl 1348.90507 Postek, Krzysztof; den Hertog, Dick 43 2016 Bilevel knapsack with interdiction constraints. Zbl 1343.90075 Caprara, Alberto; Carvalho, Margarida; Lodi, Andrea; Woeginger, Gerhard J. 43 2016 A multiobjective branch-and-bound framework: application to the biobjective spanning tree problem. Zbl 1243.90206 Sourd, Francis; Spanjaard, Olivier 43 2008 An ejection chain approach for the generalized assignment problem. Zbl 1239.90091 Yagiura, Mutsunori; Ibaraki, Toshihide; Glover, Fred 42 2004 A metaheuristic approach for the vertex coloring problem. Zbl 1243.90226 Malaguti, Enrico; Monaci, Michele; Toth, Paolo 42 2008 Discrete optimization with decision diagrams. Zbl 1338.90260 Bergman, David; Cire, Andre A.; van Hoeve, Willem-Jan; Hooker, J. N. 42 2016 Improving the integer L-shaped method. Zbl 1348.90498 Angulo, Gustavo; Ahmed, Shabbir; Dey, Santanu S. 41 2016 A criterion space search algorithm for biobjective integer programming: the balanced box method. Zbl 1338.90365 Boland, Natashia; Charkhgard, Hadi; Savelsbergh, Martin 41 2015 Chained Lin-Kernighan for large traveling salesman problems. Zbl 1238.90125 Applegate, David; Cook, William; Rohe, André 41 2003 Tour merging via branch-decomposition. Zbl 1238.90128 Cook, William; Seymour, Paul 41 2003 Variable neighborhood search for the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with LIFO loading. Zbl 1241.90103 Carrabs, Francesco; Cordeau, Jean-François; Laporte, Gilbert 41 2007 Presolve reductions in mixed integer programming. Zbl 1547.90121 Achterberg, Tobias; Bixby, Robert E.; Gu, Zonghao; Rothberg, Edward; Weninger, Dieter 41 2020 An exact algorithm based on cut-and-column generation for the capacitated location-routing problem. Zbl 1356.90070 Contardo, Claudio; Cordeau, Jean-François; Gendron, Bernard 41 2014 Genetic algorithms for the operations researcher. Zbl 0893.90145 Reeves, Colin R. 40 1997 A tree search algorithm for solving the container loading problem. Zbl 1243.90090 Fanslau, Tobias; Bortfeldt, Andreas 40 2010 Solving large \(p\)-median problems with a radius formulation. Zbl 1243.90091 García, Sergio; Labbé, Martine; Marín, Alfredo 40 2011 A maximal-space algorithm for the container loading problem. Zbl 1243.90094 Parreño, Francisco; Alvarez-Valdes, Ramón; Tamarit, José Manuel; Oliveira, José Fernando 40 2008 Interdiction games and monotonicity, with application to knapsack problems. Zbl 07281718 Fischetti, Matteo; Ljubić, Ivana; Monaci, Michele; Sinnl, Markus 40 2019 Stochastic programming computation and applications. Zbl 0885.90087 Birge, John R. 39 1997 The multidimensional knapsack problem: structure and algorithms. Zbl 1243.90190 Puchinger, Jakob; Raidl, Günther R.; Pferschy, Ulrich 39 2010 Operating room pooling and parallel surgery processing under uncertainty. Zbl 1243.90102 Batun, Sakine; Denton, Brian T.; Huschka, Todd R.; Schaefer, Andrew J. 39 2011 Performance guarantees of local search for multiprocessor scheduling. Zbl 1241.90057 Schuurman, Petra; Vredeveld, Tjark 39 2007 Improving the performance of MIQP solvers for quadratic programs with cardinality and minimum threshold constraints: a semidefinite program approach. Zbl 1304.90154 Zheng, Xiaojin; Sun, Xiaoling; Li, Duan 39 2014 A criterion space search algorithm for biobjective mixed integer programming: the triangle splitting method. Zbl 1338.90364 Boland, Natashia; Charkhgard, Hadi; Savelsbergh, Martin 38 2015 Exact solution of graph coloring problems via constraint programming and column generation. Zbl 1461.05091 Gualandi, Stefano; Malucelli, Federico 38 2012 A branch, bound, and remember algorithm for the simple assembly line balancing problem. Zbl 1462.90112 Sewell, E. C.; Jacobson, S. H. 38 2012 Approximate dynamic programming for ambulance redeployment. Zbl 1243.90109 Maxwell, Matthew S.; Restrepo, Mateo; Henderson, Shane G.; Topaloglu, Huseyin 38 2010 An ant colony system hybridized with a new local search for the sequential ordering problem. Zbl 1040.90570 Gambardella, Luca Maria; Dorigo, Marco 37 2000 Computing globally optimal solutions for single-row layout problems using semidefinite programming and cutting planes. Zbl 1243.90174 Anjos, Miguel F.; Vannelli, Anthony 37 2008 Linear time dynamic-programming algorithms for new classes of restricted TSPs: a computational study. Zbl 1238.90126 Balas, Egon; Simonetti, Neil 37 2001 Automation and combination of linear-programming based stabilization techniques in column generation. Zbl 1528.90164 Pessoa, A.; Sadykov, R.; Uchoa, E.; Vanderbeck, F. 37 2018 Using extra dual cuts to accelerate column generation. Zbl 1239.90089 Valério de Carvalho, José Manuel 36 2005 An evolutionary algorithm for polishing mixed integer programming solutions. Zbl 1241.90092 Rothberg, Edward 36 2007 Solving the bi-objective maximum-flow network-interdiction problem. Zbl 1241.90139 Royset, Johannes O.; Wood, R. Kevin 35 2007 Strengthened benders cuts for stochastic integer programs with continuous recourse. Zbl 1364.90220 Bodur, Merve; Dash, Sanjeeb; Günlük, Oktay; Luedtke, James 35 2017 Improvement procedures for the undirected rural postman problem. Zbl 1034.90525 Hertz, Alain; Laporte, Gilbert; Nanchen Hugo, Pierrette 34 1999 A review and evaluation of multiobjective algorithms for the flowshop scheduling problem. Zbl 1243.90069 Minella, Gerardo; Ruiz, Rubén; Ciavotta, Michele 34 2008 Dynamic-programming approximations for stochastic time-staged integer multicommodity-flow problems. Zbl 1241.90172 Topaloglu, Huseyin; Powell, Warren B. 34 2006 A branch-and-cut procedure for the multimode resource-constrained project-scheduling problem. Zbl 1241.90168 Zhu, Guidong; Bard, Jonathan F.; Yu, Gang 34 2006 Minmax regret median location on a network under uncertainty. Zbl 1034.90007 Averbakh, Igor; Berman, Oded 33 2000 New enhancements for the exact solution of the vehicle routing problem with time windows. Zbl 1378.90027 Pecin, Diego; Contardo, Claudio; Desaulniers, Guy; Uchoa, Eduardo 33 2017 Combining exact and heuristic approaches for the capacitated fixed-charge network flow problem. Zbl 1243.90031 Hewitt, Mike; Nemhauser, George L.; Savelsbergh, Martin W. P. 33 2010 The reliable facility location problem: formulations, heuristics, and approximation algorithms. Zbl 1243.90096 Shen, Zuo-Jun Max; Zhan, Roger Lezhou; Zhang, Jiawei 33 2011 A hybrid GRASP with perturbations for the Steiner problem in graphs. Zbl 1238.90117 Ribeiro, Celso C.; Uchoa, Eduardo; Werneck, Renato F. 33 2002 A hybrid exact algorithm for the TSPTW. Zbl 1238.90054 Focacci, Filippo; Lodi, Andrea; Milano, Michela 33 2002 Improved constructive multistart strategies for the quadratic assignment problem using adaptive memory. Zbl 1040.90541 Fleurent, Charles; Glover, Fred 32 1999 The vehicle routing problem with time windows. I: Tabu search. Zbl 0866.90057 Potvin, Jean-Yves; Kervahut, Tanguy; Garcia, Bruno-Laurent; Rousseau, Jean-Marc 32 1996 A branch-and-bound algorithm for the knapsack problem with conflict graph. Zbl 1386.90123 Bettinelli, Andrea; Cacchiani, Valentina; Malaguti, Enrico 32 2017 A Lagrangean heuristic for hub-and-spoke system design with capacity selection and congestion. Zbl 1243.90043 Elhedhli, Samir; Wu, Huyu 32 2010 Combination of nonlinear and linear optimization of transient gas networks. Zbl 1243.90030 Domschke, Pia; Geißler, Bjorn; Kolb, Oliver; Lang, Jens; Martin, Alexander; Morsi, Antonio 32 2011 Covering linear programming with violations. Zbl 1304.90139 Qiu, Feng; Ahmed, Shabbir; Dey, Santanu S.; Wolsey, Laurence A. 32 2014 A time bucket formulation for the traveling salesman problem with time windows. Zbl 1462.90103 Dash, Sanjeeb; Günlük, Oktay; Lodi, Andrea; Tramontani, Andrea 31 2012 New exact algorithms for one-machine earliness-tardiness scheduling. Zbl 1243.90071 Sourd, Francis 31 2009 Convergence rates of zeroth order gradient descent for Łojasiewicz functions. Zbl 07975866 Wang, Tianyu; Feng, Yasong 2 2024 Routing replenishment workers: the prize collecting traveling salesman problem in scattered storage warehouses. Zbl 1535.90004 Bock, Stefan; Boysen, Nils 1 2024 A numerically exact algorithm for the bin-packing problem. Zbl 07824384 Baldacci, Roberto; Coniglio, Stefano; Cordeau, Jean-François; Furini, Fabio 1 2024 An exact method for (constrained) assortment optimization problems with product costs. Zbl 1544.90100 Leitner, Markus; Lodi, Andrea; Roberti, Roberto; Sole, Claudio 1 2024 The descent-ascent algorithm for DC programming. Zbl 07888784 D’Alessandro, Pietro; Gaudioso, Manlio; Giallombardo, Giovanni; Miglionico, Giovanna 1 2024 An efficient global optimal method for cardinality constrained portfolio optimization. Zbl 07888786 Xu, Wei; Tang, Jie; Yiu, Ka Fai Cedric; Peng, Jian Wen 1 2024 Quadratic optimization models for balancing preferential access and fairness: formulations and optimality conditions. Zbl 07947467 Schmitt, Christian; Singh, Bismark 1 2024 Exact solution of the single-picker routing problem with scattered storage. Zbl 07975857 Heßler, Katrin; Irnich, Stefan 1 2024 Globalized distributionally robust counterpart. Zbl 07822531 Liu, Feng; Chen, Zhi; Wang, Shuming 4 2023 Optimising electric vehicle charging station placement using advanced discrete choice models. Zbl 1535.90084 Lamontagne, Steven; Carvalho, Margarida; Frejinger, Emma; Gendron, Bernard; Anjos, Miguel F.; Atallah, Ribal 3 2023 On computing with some convex relaxations for the maximum-entropy sampling problem. Zbl 07810235 Chen, Zhongzhu; Fampa, Marcia; Lee, Jon 3 2023 The value of randomized strategies in distributionally robust risk-averse network interdiction problems. Zbl 1533.90033 Sadana, Utsav; Delage, Erick 2 2023 The zero regrets algorithm: optimizing over pure Nash equilibria via integer programming. Zbl 07822532 Dragotto, Gabriele; Scatamacchia, Rosario 2 2023 Efficient solution of discrete subproblems arising in integer optimal control with total variation regularization. Zbl 07822547 Severitt, Marvin; Manns, Paul 2 2023 Solving AC optimal power flow with discrete decisions to global optimality. Zbl 07810240 Aigner, Kevin-Martin; Burlacu, Robert; Liers, Frauke; Martin, Alexander 2 2023 Decomposition strategies for vehicle routing heuristics. Zbl 07810388 Santini, Alberto; Schneider, Michael; Vidal, Thibaut; Vigo, Daniele 2 2023 Branch-cut-and-price for the time-dependent green vehicle routing problem with time windows. Zbl 07809816 Liu, Yiming; Yu, Yang; Zhang, Yu; Baldacci, Roberto; Tang, Jiafu; Luo, Xinggang; Sun, Wei 1 2023 A new exact algorithm for single-commodity vehicle routing with split pickups and deliveries. Zbl 1533.90023 Li, Jiliu; Luo, Zhixing; Baldacci, Roberto; Qin, Hu; Xu, Zhou 1 2023 Partial dominance in branch-price-and-cut for the basic multicompartment vehicle-routing problem. Zbl 07809818 Heßler, Katrin; Irnich, Stefan 1 2023 Robust minimum-cost flow problems under multiple ripple effect disruptions. Zbl 07809820 Ansari, Mehdi; Borrero, Juan S.; Lozano, Leonardo 1 2023 A splicing approach to best subset of groups selection. Zbl 07809821 Zhang, Yanhang; Zhu, Junxian; Zhu, Jin; Wang, Xueqin 1 2023 Unmanned aerial vehicle information collection missions with uncertain characteristics. Zbl 1533.90025 Moskal, Michael D. II; Dasdemir, Erdi; Batta, Rajan 1 2023 Software for data-based stochastic programming using bootstrap estimation. Zbl 07822500 Chen, Xiaotie; Woodruff, David L. 1 2023 Asymptotically optimal sampling policy for selecting top-\(m\) alternatives. Zbl 07822503 Zhang, Gongbo; Peng, Yijie; Zhang, Jianghua; Zhou, Enlu 1 2023 Learning for spatial branching: an algorithm selection approach. Zbl 07822526 Ghaddar, Bissan; Gómez-Casares, Ignacio; González-Díaz, Julio; González-Rodríguez, Brais; Pateiro-López, Beatriz; Rodríguez-Ballesteros, Sofía 1 2023 An interior point-inspired algorithm for linear programs arising in discrete optimal transport. Zbl 07822528 Zanetti, Filippo; Gondzio, Jacek 1 2023 An approximation algorithm for \(k\)-depot split delivery vehicle routing problem. Zbl 07822534 Lai, Xiaofan; Xu, Liang; Xu, Zhou; Du, Yang 1 2023 Perturbation-based thresholding search for packing equal circles and spheres. Zbl 07822540 Lai, Xiangjing; Hao, Jin-Kao; Xiao, Renbin; Glover, Fred 1 2023 \( \ell_0\) trend filtering. Zbl 07822515 Wen, Canhong; Wang, Xueqin; Zhang, Aijun 1 2023 Interpretable matrix completion: a discrete optimization approach. Zbl 07822522 Bertsimas, Dimitris; Li, Michael Lingzhi 1 2023 Synergies between operations research and quantum information science. Zbl 07810228 Parekh, Ojas 1 2023 Revisiting semidefinite programming approaches to options pricing: complexity and computational perspectives. Zbl 07810233 Henrion, Didier; Kirschner, Felix; De Klerk, Etienne; Korda, Milan; Lasserre, Jean-Bernard; Magron, Victor 1 2023 An improved integer \(L\)-shaped method for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands. Zbl 07810238 Hoogendoorn, Y. N.; Spliet, R. 1 2023 Machine learning-supported prediction of dual variables for the cutting stock problem with an application in stabilized column generation. Zbl 07810396 Kraul, Sebastian; Seizinger, Markus; Brunner, Jens O. 1 2023 A scalable algorithm for sparse portfolio selection. Zbl 07552219 Bertsimas, Dimitris; Cory-Wright, Ryan 18 2022 Alfonso: Matlab package for nonsymmetric conic optimization. Zbl 07549362 Papp, Dávid; Yıldız, Sercan 13 2022 Solving natural conic formulations with Hypatia.jl. Zbl 07625897 Coey, Chris; Kapelevich, Lea; Vielma, Juan Pablo 12 2022 MathOptInterface: a data structure for mathematical optimization problems. Zbl 07551204 Legat, Benoît; Dowson, Oscar; Garcia, Joaquim Dias; Lubin, Miles 11 2022 Novel formulations and logic-based Benders decomposition for the integrated parallel machine scheduling and location problem. Zbl 1492.90057 Li, Yantong; Côté, Jean-François; Callegari-Coelho, Leandro; Wu, Peng 8 2022 The maximum \(k\)-colorable subgraph problem and related problems. Zbl 07549399 Kuryatnikova, Olga; Sotirov, Renata; Vera, Juan C. 6 2022 Distributionally robust optimization under a decision-dependent ambiguity set with applications to machine scheduling and Humanitarian logistics. Zbl 07551207 Noyan, Nilay; Rudolf, Gábor; Lejeune, Miguel 6 2022 Decomposition-based approaches for a class of two-stage robust binary optimization problems. Zbl 07551214 Arslan, Ayşe N.; Detienne, Boris 6 2022 SOS-SDP: an exact solver for minimum sum-of-squares clustering. Zbl 07587562 Piccialli, Veronica; Sudoso, Antonio M.; Wiegele, Angelika 6 2022 Online mixed-integer optimization in milliseconds. Zbl 07587567 Bertsimas, Dimitris; Stellato, Bartolomeo 6 2022 On the exact solution of prize-collecting Steiner tree problems. 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C. 28 Powell, Warren Buckler 28 Speranza, Maria Grazia 26 Labbé, Martine V. 26 Prokopyev, Oleg Alexan 25 Coelho, Leandro C. 25 Desaulniers, Guy 25 Monaci, Michele 25 Sadykov, Ruslan 24 Boysen, Nils 24 Letchford, Adam N. 24 Mladenović, Nenad 24 Pessoa, Artur Alves 24 Sinnl, Markus 24 Vielma, Juan Pablo 23 Ahmed, Shabbir 23 Berthold, Timo 23 Burke, Edmund Kieran 23 Dey, Santanu Subhas 23 Hartl, Richard F. 23 Koch, Thorsten 23 Malaguti, Enrico 23 Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio M. 22 Locatelli, Marco 22 Luedtke, James R. 22 Wu, Qinghua 21 Charkhgard, Hadi 21 Cheng, Tai-Chiu Edwin 21 Frangioni, Antonio 21 Grossmann, Ignacio E. 21 Haouari, Mohamed 21 Jans, Raf 21 Pisinger, David 21 Sahinidis, Nikolaos V. 20 Dörner, Karl F. 20 Fischetti, Matteo 20 Gleixner, Ambros M. 20 Liberti, Leo 20 Nemhauser, George L. 20 Pereira, Jordi 20 Pfetsch, Marc E. 20 Salazar-González, Juan-José 20 Smith, J. 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