Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications Short Title: J. Graph Algorithms Appl. Publisher: Brown University, Providence, RI; University of Texas, Dallas, TX ISSN: 1526-1719 Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; Published electronic only as of Vol. 9 (2005). This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 664 Publications (since 1997) References Indexed: 221 Publications with 6,065 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 28, No. 3 (2024) 28, No. 2 (2024) 28, No. 1 (2024) 27, No. 9 (2023) 27, No. 8 (2023) 27, No. 7 (2023) 27, No. 6 (2023) 27, No. 5 (2023) 27, No. 4 (2023) 27, No. 3 (2023) 27, No. 2 (2023) 27, No. 1 (2023) 26, No. 4 (2022) 26, No. 3 (2022) 26, No. 2 (2022) 26, No. 1 (2022) 25, No. 2 (2021) 25, No. 1 (2021) 24, No. 4 (2020) 24, No. 3 (2020) 24, No. 2 (2020) 24, No. 1 (2020) 23, No. 5 (2019) 23, No. 4 (2019) 23, No. 3 (2019) 23, No. 2 (2019) 23, No. 1 (2019) 22, No. 4 (2018) 22, No. 3 (2018) 22, No. 2 (2018) 22, No. 1 (2018) 21, No. 6 (2017) 21, No. 5 (2017) 21, No. 4 (2017) 21, No. 3 (2017) 21, No. 2 (2017) 21, No. 1 (2017) 20, No. 2 (2016) 20, No. 1 (2016) 19, No. 3 (2015) 19, No. 2 (2015) 19, No. 1 (2015) 18, No. 5 (2014) 18, No. 4 (2014) 18, No. 3 (2014) 18, No. 2 (2014) 18, No. 1 (2014) 17, No. 7 (2013) 17, No. 6 (2013) 17, No. 5 (2013) 17, No. 4 (2013) 17, No. 3 (2013) 17, No. 2 (2013) 17, No. 1 (2013) 16, No. 4 (2012) 16, No. 3 (2012) 16, No. 2 (2012) 16, No. 1 (2012) 15, No. 6 (2011) 15, No. 5 (2011) 15, No. 4 (2011) 15, No. 3 (2011) 15, No. 2 (2011) 15, No. 1 (2011) 14, No. 2 (2010) 14, No. 1 (2010) 13, No. 3 (2009) 13, No. 2 (2009) 13, No. 1 (2009) 12, No. 4 (2008) 12, No. 3 (2008) 12, No. 2 (2008) 12, No. 1 (2008) 11, No. 2 (2007) 11, No. 1 (2007) 10, No. 2 (2006) 10, No. 1 (2006) 9, No. 3 (2005) 9, No. 2 (2005) 9, No. 1 (2005) 8, No. 3 (2004) 8, No. 2 (2004) 8, No. 1 (2004) 7, No. 4 (2003) 7, No. 3 (2003) 7, No. 2 (2003) 7, No. 1 (2003) 6, No. 3 (2002) 6, No. 2 (2002) 6, No. 1 (2002) 5, No. 5 (2001) 5, No. 4 (2001) 5, No. 3 (2001) 5, No. 2 (2001) 5, No. 1 (2001) 4, No. 4 (2000) 4, No. 3 (2000) 4, No. 1-2 (2000) 3, No. 4 (1999) 3, No. 1-3 (1999) all top 5 Authors 32 Eppstein, David Arthur 27 Kaufmann, Michael 22 Kobourov, Stephen G. 21 Frati, Fabrizio 19 Di Battista, Giuseppe 18 Didimo, Walter 17 Liotta, Giuseppe 15 Bekos, Michael A. 15 Rutter, Ignaz 14 Patrignani, Maurizio 14 Rahman, Md. Saidur 14 Wolff, Alexander 13 Nöllenburg, Martin 13 Wagner, Dorothea 12 Angelini, Patrizio 12 Cornelsen, Sabine 12 Felsner, Stefan 12 Mutzel, Petra 11 Biedl, Therese C. 11 Brandenburg, Franz-Josef 11 Brandes, Ulrik 11 Chimani, Markus 11 Mchedlidze, Tamara 10 Di Giacomo, Emilio 10 Montecchiani, Fabrizio 10 Symvonis, Antonios 10 Tollis, Ioannis G. 9 Hong, Seok-Hee 9 Schaefer, Marcus 9 Schulz, AndrĂ© 8 Bose, Prosenjit K. 8 Da Lozzo, Giordano 8 Lubiw, Anna 8 Meijer, Henk 8 Mondal, Debajyoti 8 Rote, GĂĽnter 8 Uehara, Ryuhei 8 Wismath, Stephen K. 7 Goodrich, Michael Truman 7 JĂĽnger, Michael 7 Kindermann, Philipp 7 Nakano, Shin-ichi 6 Aichholzer, Oswin 6 Bachmaier, Christian 6 Chaplick, Steven 6 Gutwenger, Carsten 6 Hoffmann, Michael 6 Maheshwari, Anil 6 Nagamochi, Hiroshi 6 Nishizeki, Takao 6 Speckmann, Bettina 6 Vogtenhuber, Birgit 6 Whitesides, Sue H. 5 Alam, Muhammad Jawaherul 5 Bannister, Michael J. 5 Biniaz, Ahmad 5 Binucci, Carla 5 Cabello, Sergio 5 Dujmović, Vida 5 Duncan, Christian A. 5 Eades, Peter 5 Gronemann, Martin 5 Hu, Yifan 5 Meulemans, Wouter 5 Pach, János 5 Pizzonia, Maurizio 5 TĂłth, Csaba D. 5 Wood, David Ronald 4 Cardinal, Jean 4 Evans, William S. 4 Fulek, Radoslav 4 Ganian, Robert 4 Grilli, Luca 4 Kelk, Steven 4 Klein, Karsten 4 Komusiewicz, Christian 4 KratochvĂl, Jan 4 Kusters, Vincent J. J. 4 Löffler, Maarten 4 Morin, Pat 4 Nichterlein, AndrĂ© 4 Niedermeier, Rolf 4 Parada, Irene 4 Radermacher, Marcel 4 Ravsky, Alex 4 Smid, Michiel H. M. 4 Tappini, Alessandra 4 Valtr, Pavel 4 van Kreveld, Marc J. 3 Argyriou, Evmorfia N. 3 Auer, Christopher 3 Berend, Daniel 3 Bodlaender, Hans L. 3 Borradaile, Glencora 3 Boyer, John M. 3 Brunner, Wolfgang 3 Buchin, Kevin 3 Damaschke, Peter 3 de Carufel, Jean-Lou 3 de Fraysseix, Hubert ...and 954 more Authors all top 5 Fields 561 Combinatorics (05-XX) 333 Computer science (68-XX) 40 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 25 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 24 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 8 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 457 Publications have been cited 3,310 times in 2,197 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Subgraph isomorphism in planar graphs and related problems. Zbl 0949.05055 Eppstein, David 77 1999 Computing communities in large networks using random walks. Zbl 1161.68694 Pons, Pascal; Latapy, Matthieu 65 2006 The knapsack problem with conflict graphs. Zbl 1194.68175 Pferschy, Ulrich; Schauer, Joachim 59 2009 On the cutting edge: simplified \(O(n)\) planarity by edge addition. Zbl 1086.05067 Boyer, John M.; Myrvold, Wendy J. 53 2004 Embedding vertices at points: Few bends suffice for planar graphs. Zbl 0999.68164 Kaufmann, Michael; Wiese, Roland 50 2002 Straight-line drawings on restricted integer grids in two and three dimensions. Zbl 1068.68103 Felsner, Stefan; Liotta, Giuseppe; Wismath, Stephen 41 2003 Vertex intersection graphs of paths on a grid. Zbl 1254.68184 Asinowski, Andrei; Cohen, Elad; Golumbic, Martin Charles; Limouzy, Vincent; Lipshteyn, Marina; Stern, Michal 39 2012 Approximations of weighted independent set and hereditary subset problems. Zbl 0952.05069 HalldĂłrsson, MagnĂşs M. 37 2000 2-layer straightline crossing minimization: Performance of exact and heuristic algorithms. Zbl 0906.05068 JĂĽnger, Michael; Mutzel, Petra 37 1997 Toward a theory of planarity: Hanani-Tutte and planarity variants. Zbl 1292.05094 Schaefer, Marcus 34 2013 Optimal algorithms to embed trees in a point set. Zbl 0890.05066 Bose, Prosenjit; McAllister, Michael; Snoeyink, Jack 32 1997 Geometric thickness of complete graphs. Zbl 0955.05028 Dillencourt, Michael B.; Eppstein, David; Hirschberg, Daniel S. 30 2000 Planar embeddability of the vertices of a graph using a fixed point set is NP-hard. Zbl 1161.68645 Cabello, Sergio 29 2006 The traveling salesman problem for cubic graphs. Zbl 1161.68662 Eppstein, David 29 2007 The straight-line RAC drawing problem is NP-hard. Zbl 1254.05120 Argyriou, Evmorfia N.; Bekos, Michael A.; Symvonis, Antonios 28 2012 Treewidth and minimum fill-in on \(d\)-trapezoid graphs. Zbl 0905.68101 Bodlaender, Hans L.; Kloks, Ton; Kratsch, Dieter; MĂĽller, Haiko 26 1998 An algorithm to construct greedy drawings of triangulations. Zbl 1194.05108 Angelini, Patrizio; Frati, Fabrizio; Grilli, Luca 26 2010 Planarizing graphs—a survey and annotated bibliography. Zbl 0966.05022 Liebers, Annegret 25 2001 Small maximal independent sets and faster exact graph coloring. Zbl 1027.05092 Eppstein, David 25 2003 Orthogonal drawings of plane graphs without bends. Zbl 1068.68106 Rahman, Md. Saidur; Nishizeki, Takao; Naznin, Mahmuda 24 2003 Parameterized complexity of 1-planarity. Zbl 1377.05118 Bannister, Michael J.; Cabello, Sergio; Eppstein, David 24 2018 Deciding clique-width for graphs of bounded tree-width. Zbl 1027.05093 Espelage, Wolfgang; Gurski, Frank; Wanke, Egon 23 2003 Simultaneous embedding of planar graphs with few bends. Zbl 1161.68664 Erten, Cesim; Kobourov, Stephen G. 23 2005 Bar \(k\)-visibility graphs. Zbl 1161.68651 Dean, Alice M.; Evans, William; Gethner, Ellen; Laison, Joshua D.; Safari, Mohammad Ali; Trotter, William T. 23 2007 Accelerated bend minimization. Zbl 1254.05123 Cornelsen, Sabine; Karrenbauer, Andreas 22 2012 Intersection-link representations of graphs. Zbl 1371.05187 Angelini, Patrizio; Da Lozzo, Giordano; Di Battista, Giuseppe; Frati, Fabrizio; Patrignani, Maurizio; Rutter, Ignaz 21 2017 1-planarity of graphs with a rotation system. Zbl 1307.05057 Auer, Christopher; Brandenburg, Franz J.; GleiĂźner, Andreas; Reislhuber, Josef 21 2015 Parameterized algorithmics and computational experiments for finding 2-clubs. Zbl 1310.05076 Hartung, Sepp; Komusiewicz, Christian; Nichterlein, AndrĂ© 21 2015 On the perspectives opened by right angle crossing drawings. Zbl 1217.05063 Angelini, Patrizio; Cittadini, Luca; Didimo, Walter; Frati, Fabrizio; Di Battista, Giuseppe; Kaufmann, Michael; Symvonis, Antonios 21 2011 Contraction and treewidth lower bounds. Zbl 1161.68644 Bodlaender, Hans L.; Wolle, Thomas; Koster, Arie M. C. A. 21 2006 Radial level planarity testing and embedding in linear time. Zbl 1085.05025 Bachmaier, Christian; Brandenburg, Franz J.; Forster, Michael 21 2005 An efficient algorithm for the transversal hypergraph generation. Zbl 1088.05069 Kavvadias, Dimitris J.; Stavropoulos, Elias C. 21 2005 A linear algorithm for bend-optimal orthogonal drawings of triconnected cubic plane graphs. Zbl 0946.05078 Rahman, Md. Saidur; Nakano, Shin-ichi; Nishizeki, Takao 20 1999 1-visibility representations of 1-planar graphs. Zbl 1301.05238 Brandenburg, Franz J. 20 2014 On the approximability of comparing genomes with duplicates. Zbl 1170.68049 Angibaud, SĂ©bastien; Fertin, Guillaume; Rusu, Irena; ThĂ©venin, Annelyse; Vialette, StĂ©phane 20 2009 Monotone drawings of graphs. Zbl 1234.68321 Angelini, Patrizio; Colasante, Enrico; Di Battista, Giuseppe; Frati, Fabrizio; Patrignani, Maurizio 19 2012 Variants of spreading messages. Zbl 1276.05119 Reddy, T. V. Thirumala; Rangan, C. Pandu 19 2011 Drawing partially embedded and simultaneously planar graphs. Zbl 1328.05130 Chan, Timothy M.; Frati, Fabrizio; Gutwenger, Carsten; Lubiw, Anna; Mutzel, Petra; Schaefer, Marcus 19 2015 Stack and queue layouts via layered separators. Zbl 1377.05182 Dujmović, Vida; Frati, Fabrizio 19 2018 C-planarity of C-connected clustered graphs. Zbl 1161.68649 Cortese, Pier Francesco; Di Battista, Giuseppe; Frati, Fabrizio; Patrignani, Maurizio; Pizzonia, Maurizio 19 2008 The Voronoi game on graphs and its complexity. Zbl 1276.05076 Teramoto, Sachio; Demaine, Erik D.; Uehara, Ryuhei 18 2011 Bar 1-visibility graphs and their relation to other nearly planar graphs. Zbl 1305.05160 Evans, William; Kaufmann, Michael; Lenhart, William; Mchedlidze, Tamara; Wismath, Stephen 18 2014 Drawing graphs in the plane with a prescribed outer face and polynomial area. Zbl 1254.05122 Chambers, Erin W.; Eppstein, David; Goodrich, Michael T.; Löffler, Maarten 18 2012 Intersection graphs of rays and grounded segments. Zbl 1394.05080 Cardinal, Jean; Felsner, Stefan; Miltzow, Tillmann; Tompkins, Casey; Vogtenhuber, Birgit 18 2018 Parameterized algorithms for book embedding problems. Zbl 1451.05222 Bhore, Sujoy; Ganian, Robert; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Nöllenburg, Martin 18 2020 A visibility representation for graphs in three dimensions. Zbl 0895.68111 Bose, Prosenjit; Everett, Hazel; Fekete, Sándor P.; Houle, Michael E.; Lubiw, Anna; Meijer, Henk; Romanik, Kathleen; Rote, GĂĽnter; Shermer, Thomas C.; Whitesides, Sue; Zelle, Christian 17 1998 Increasing-chord graphs on point sets. Zbl 1328.05054 Dehkordi, Hooman Reisi; Frati, Fabrizio; Gudmundsson, Joachim 17 2015 Computing NodeTrix representations of clustered graphs. Zbl 1377.05123 Da Lozzo, Giordano; Di Battista, Giuseppe; Frati, Fabrizio; Patrignani, Maurizio 17 2018 Clustering cycles into cycles of clusters. Zbl 1161.68650 Cortese, Pier Francesco; Di Battista, Giuseppe; Patrignani, Maurizio; Pizzonia, Maurizio 17 2005 Confluent drawings: visualizing non-planar diagrams in a planar way. Zbl 1086.05022 Dickerson, Matthew; Eppstein, David; Goodrich, Michael T.; Meng, Jeremy Y. 17 2005 Level planar embedding in linear time. Zbl 1001.05048 JĂĽnger, Michael; Leipert, Sebastian 16 2002 On planar supports for hypergraphs. Zbl 1276.05081 Buchin, Kevin; Van Kreveld, Marc; Meijer, Henk; Speckmann, Bettina; Verbeek, Kevin 16 2011 Drawing outer 1-planar graphs with few slopes. Zbl 1328.05131 Di Giacomo, Emilio; Liotta, Giuseppe; Montecchiani, Fabrizio 16 2015 Approximating clustering coefficient and transitivity. Zbl 1087.05056 Schank, Thomas; Wagner, Dorothea 16 2005 Clustered planarity: small clusters in cycles and Eulerian graphs. Zbl 1194.05148 JelĂnková, Eva; Kára, Jan; KratochvĂl, Jan; Pergel, Martin; SuchĂ˝, OndĹ™ej; VyskoÄŤil, Tomáš 15 2009 Drawing graphs with few arcs. Zbl 1323.05094 Schulz, AndrĂ© 15 2015 Metric dimension parameterized by max leaf number. Zbl 1327.05320 Eppstein, David 15 2015 The \(h\)-index of a graph and its application to dynamic subgraph statistics. Zbl 1254.68098 Eppstein, David; Spiro, Emma S. 15 2012 Computing the characteristic polynomial of threshold graphs. Zbl 1305.05105 Jacobs, David P.; Trevisan, Vilmar; Tura, Fernando 14 2014 \(k\)-colored point-set embeddability of outerplanar graphs. Zbl 1161.68655 Di Giacomo, Emilio; Didimo, Walter; Liotta, Giuseppe; Meijer, Henk; Trotta, Francesco; Wismath, Stephen K. 14 2008 Planarity testing and optimal edge insertion with embedding constraints. Zbl 1161.68670 Gutwenger, Carsten; Klein, Karsten; Mutzel, Petra 14 2008 Fast approximation of centrality. Zbl 1090.68117 Eppstein, David; Wang, Joseph 13 2004 Lombardi drawings of graphs. Zbl 1232.05142 Duncan, Christian A.; Eppstein, David; Goodrich, Michael T.; Kobourov, Stephen G.; Nöllenburg, Martin 13 2012 Superpatterns and universal point sets. Zbl 1290.05142 Bannister, Michael J.; Cheng, Zhanpeng; Devanny, William E.; Eppstein, David 13 2014 Algorithms and characterizations for 2-layer fan-planarity: from caterpillar to stegosaurus. Zbl 1358.05194 Binucci, Carla; Chimani, Markus; Didimo, Walter; Gronemann, Martin; Klein, Karsten; KratochvĂl, Jan; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Tollis, Ioannis G. 13 2017 On the complexity of the planar slope number problem. Zbl 1358.05078 Hoffmann, Udo 13 2017 Incremental network design with minimum spanning trees. Zbl 1358.05262 Engel, Konrad; Kalinowski, Thomas; Savelsbergh, Martin W. P. 13 2017 Efficient \(C\)-planarity testing for embedded flat clustered graphs with small faces. Zbl 1184.68355 Di Battista, Giuseppe; Frati, Fabrizio 13 2009 Minimum-area drawings of plane 3-trees. Zbl 1217.05074 Mondal, Debajyoti; Nishat, Rahnuma Islam; Rahman, Md. Saidur; Alam, Muhammad Jawaherul 13 2011 Triangle-free outerplanar 3-graphs are pairwise compatibility graphs. Zbl 1260.05044 Salma, Sammi Abida; Rahman, Md. Saidur; Hossain, Md. Iqbal 13 2013 Egalitarian graph orientations. Zbl 1366.05106 Borradaile, Glencora; Iglesias, Jennifer; Migler, Theresa; Ochoa, Antonio; Wilfong, Gordon; Zhang, Lisa 12 2017 Intersection graphs in simultaneous embedding with fixed edges. Zbl 1201.05026 JĂĽnger, Michael; Schulz, Michael 12 2009 Algorithm and hardness results for outer-connected dominating set in graphs. Zbl 1305.05179 Panda, B. S.; Pandey, Arti 12 2014 Minimax regret sink location problem in dynamic tree networks with uniform capacity. Zbl 1305.05213 Higashikawa, Yuya; Golin, Mordecai J.; Katoh, Naoki 12 2014 Testing simultaneous planarity when the common graph is 2-connected. Zbl 1261.05015 Haeupler, Bernhard; Jampani, Krishnam Raju; Lubiw, Anna 12 2013 Collective tree spanners and routing in AT-free related graphs. Zbl 1161.68660 Dragan, Feodor F.; Yan, Chenyu; Corneil, Derek G. 12 2006 Planar embeddings of graphs with specified edge lengths. Zbl 1173.68598 Cabello, Sergio; Demaine, Erik D.; Rote, GĂĽnter 12 2007 Straight-line drawings of binary trees with linear area and arbitrary aspect ratio. Zbl 1089.05023 Garg, Ashim; Rusu, Adrian 12 2004 Crossing minimization for 1-page and 2-page drawings of graphs with bounded treewidth. Zbl 1403.05102 Bannister, Michael J.; Eppstein, David 12 2018 A multilevel algorithm for force-directed graph-drawing. Zbl 1068.68109 Walshaw, Chris 11 2003 Low-degree graph partitioning via local search with applications to constraint satisfaction, max cut, and coloring. Zbl 0891.05061 HalldĂłrsson, MagnĂşs M.; Lau, Hoong Chuin 11 1997 A fast multi-scale method for drawing large graphs. Zbl 1027.68100 Harel, David; Koren, Yehuda 11 2002 Special issue on graph drawing beyond planarity. Guest editors’ foreword and overview. Zbl 1384.00057 11 2018 Parameters of bar \(k\)-visibility graphs. Zbl 1161.68666 Felsner, Stefan; Massow, Mareike 11 2008 NP-completeness of the planar separator problems. Zbl 1178.68378 Fukuyama, Junichiro 11 2006 Algorithm engineering for optimal graph bipartization. Zbl 1210.05110 HĂĽffner, Falk 11 2009 Complexity of geometric \(k\)-planarity for fixed \(k\). Zbl 1452.05180 Schaefer, Marcus 11 2021 Bounds for orthogonal 3-D graph drawing. Zbl 0946.05033 Biedl, T.; Shermer, T.; Whitesides, S.; Wismath, S. 10 1999 Triangle-free planar graphs and segment intersection graphs. Zbl 0999.68163 de Castro, Natalia; Cobos, Francisco Javier; Dana, Juan Carlos; Márquez, Alberto 10 2002 On a tree and a path with no geometric simultaneous embedding. Zbl 1232.05140 Angelini, Patrizio; Geyer, Markus; Kaufmann, Michael; Neuwirth, Daniel 10 2012 Exploiting air-pressure to map floorplans on point sets. Zbl 1288.05268 Felsner, Stefan 10 2014 Simultaneous drawing of planar graphs with right-angle crossings and few bends. Zbl 1331.05157 Bekos, Michael A.; van Dijk, Thomas C.; Kindermann, Philipp; Wolff, Alexander 10 2016 Phylogenetic incongruence through the lens of monadic second order logic. Zbl 1331.05210 Kelk, Steven; van Iersel, Leo; Scornavacca, Celine; Weller, Mathias 10 2016 A first order logic definition of beyond-planar graphs. Zbl 1377.05120 Brandenburg, Franz J. 10 2018 On the page number of upward planar directed acyclic graphs. Zbl 1266.05165 Frati, Fabrizio; Fulek, Radoslav; Ruiz-Vargas, Andres J. 10 2013 Upward planar drawings and switch-regularity heuristics. Zbl 1161.68847 Didimo, Walter 10 2006 Degree-constrained edge partitioning in graphs arising from discrete tomography. Zbl 1210.05036 Bentz, Cedric; Costa, Marie-Christine; Picouleau, Christophe; Ries, Bernard; De Werra, Dominique 10 2009 Augmenting the connectivity of planar and geometric graphs. Zbl 1254.05088 Rutter, Ignaz; Wolff, Alexander 10 2012 Geometric RAC simultaneous drawings of graphs. Zbl 1256.05155 Argyriou, Evmorfia N.; Bekos, Michael A.; Kaufmann, Michael; Symvonis, Antonios 10 2013 Experimental analysis of the accessibility of drawings with few segments. Zbl 1398.05142 Kindermann, Philipp; Meulemans, Wouter; Schulz, AndrĂ© 10 2018 The complexity of angular resolution. Zbl 1522.05330 Schaefer, Marcus 2 2023 Computing betweenness centrality in link streams. Zbl 1518.05182 Simard, FrĂ©dĂ©ric; Magnien, ClĂ©mence; Latapy, Matthieu 2 2023 Morphing tree drawings in a small 3D grid. Zbl 1518.05140 Arseneva, Elena; Gangopadhyay, Rahul; Istomina, Aleksandra 2 2023 The complexity of drawing graphs on few lines and few planes. Zbl 1522.05327 Chaplick, Steven; Fleszar, Krzysztof; Lipp, Fabian; Ravsky, Alexander; Verbitsky, Oleg; Wolff, Alexander 1 2023 Planar confluent orthogonal drawings of 4-modal digraphs. Zbl 1522.05328 Cornelsen, Sabine; Diatzko, Gregor 1 2023 Computing consensus networks for collections of 1-nested phylogenetic networks. Zbl 1522.92038 Huber, Katharina T.; Moulton, Vincent; Spillner, Andreas 1 2023 Upward planar drawings with three and more slopes. Zbl 1509.68202 Klawitter, Jonathan; Zink, Johannes 1 2023 Simplifying non-simple fan-planar drawings. Zbl 1509.68203 Klemz, Boris; Knorr, Kristin; Reddy, Meghana M.; Schröder, Felix 1 2023 Minimum linear arrangement of generalized Sierpinski graphs. Zbl 1543.68302 Sundara Rajan, R.; Berin Greeni, A.; Joshwa, P. Leo 1 2023 Towards classifying the polynomial-time solvability of temporal betweenness centrality. Zbl 1518.05052 Rymar, Maciej; Molter, Hendrik; Nichterlein, AndrĂ©; Niedermeier, Rolf 1 2023 1-complex \(s, t\) Hamiltonian paths: structure and reconfiguration in rectangular grids. Zbl 1518.05102 Nishat, Rahnuma Islam; Srinivasan, Venkatesh; Whitesides, Sue 1 2023 Parameterized algorithms for queue layouts. Zbl 1498.05257 Bhore, Sujoy; Ganian, Robert; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Nöllenburg, Martin 7 2022 Planar L-drawings of bimodal graphs. Zbl 1499.68244 Angelini, Patrizio; Chaplick, Steven; Cornelsen, Sabine; Da Lozzo, Giordano 5 2022 Parameterized complexity of geodetic set. Zbl 1499.68152 Kellerhals, Leon; Koana, Tomohiro 5 2022 The complexity of drawing a graph in a polygonal region. Zbl 1499.68147 Lubiw, Anna; Miltzow, Tillmann; Mondal, Debajyoti 5 2022 Non-crossing shortest paths in undirected unweighted planar graphs in linear time. Zbl 1508.05157 Balzotti, Lorenzo; Franciosa, Paolo G. 4 2022 The degenerate crossing number and higher-genus embeddings. Zbl 1490.68164 Schaefer, Marcus; Ĺ tefankoviÄŤ, Daniel 3 2022 Upward planar drawings with two slopes. Zbl 1489.05148 Klawitter, Jonathan; Mchedlidze, Tamara 3 2022 Polygons with prescribed angles in 2D and 3D. Zbl 1499.68268 Efrat, Alon; Fulek, Radoslav; Kobourov, Stephen; TĂłth, Csaba D. 1 2022 An improvement of Reed’s treewidth approximation. Zbl 1498.05255 Belbasi, Mahdi; FĂĽrer, Martin 1 2022 On turn-regular orthogonal representations. Zbl 1498.05189 Bekos, Michael A.; Binucci, Carla; Di Battista, Giuseppe; Didimo, Walter; Gronemann, Martin; Klein, Karsten; Patrignani, Maurizio; Rutter, Ignaz 1 2022 Monotonic representations of outerplanar graphs as edge intersection graphs of paths on a grid. Zbl 1508.05120 Çela, Eranda; Gaar, Elisabeth 1 2022 On the fixed-parameter tractability of the partial vertex cover problem with a matching constraint in edge-weighted bipartite graphs. Zbl 1490.68123 Mkrtchyan, Vahan; Petrosyan, Garik 1 2022 Properties of large 2-crossing-critical graphs. Zbl 1489.05139 Bokal, Drago; Chimani, Markus; Nover, Alexander; Schierbaum, Jöran; Stolzmann, Tobias; Wagner, Mirko H.; Wiedera, Tilo 1 2022 Complexity of geometric \(k\)-planarity for fixed \(k\). Zbl 1452.05180 Schaefer, Marcus 11 2021 On the balance of unrooted trees. Zbl 1457.05109 Fischer, Mareike; Liebscher, Volkmar 6 2021 On the complexity of some geometric problems with fixed parameters. Zbl 1457.05111 Schaefer, Marcus 5 2021 Drawing subcubic 1-planar graphs with few bends, few slopes, and large angles. Zbl 1452.05179 Kindermann, Philipp; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Schlipf, Lena; Schulz, AndrĂ© 3 2021 On 2-clubs in graph-based data clustering: theory and algorithm engineering. Zbl 1489.05145 Figiel, Aleksander; Himmel, Anne-Sophie; Nichterlein, AndrĂ©; Niedermeier, Rolf 3 2021 Heading in the right direction? Using head moves to traverse phylogenetic network space. Zbl 1464.92192 Janssen, Remie 3 2021 On area-universal quadrangulations. Zbl 1457.05107 Evans, William; Felsner, Stefan; Kleist, Linda; Kobourov, Stephen 2 2021 Two results on layered pathwidth and linear layouts. Zbl 1452.05177 Dujmović, Vida; Morin, Pat; Yelle, CĂ©line 2 2021 Bipartite and series-parallel graphs without planar Lombardi drawings. Zbl 1489.05143 Eppstein, David 2 2021 Packing trees into 1-planar graphs. Zbl 1489.05142 De Luca, Felice; Di Giacomo, Emilio; Hong, Seok-Hee; Kobourov, Stephen; Lenhart, William; Liotta, Giuseppe; Meijer, Henk; Tappini, Alessandra; Wismath, Stephen 2 2021 The stub resolution of 1-planar graphs. Zbl 1489.05030 Kaufmann, Michael; Kratochvil, Jan; Lipp, Fabian; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Raftopoulou, Chrysanthi; Valtr, Pavel 2 2021 Algebraic algorithms for betweenness and percolation centrality. Zbl 1462.05339 Tumurbaatar, Altansuren; Sottile, Matthew J. 2 2021 Circumference of essentially 4-connected planar triangulations. Zbl 1457.05108 Fabrici, Igor; Harant, Jochen; Mohr, Samuel; Schmidt, Jens M. 1 2021 An algorithm for embedding Turán graphs into incomplete hypercubes with minimum wirelength. Zbl 1489.05149 Shantrinal, A. Arul; KlavĹľar, Sandi; Rajalaxmi, T. M.; Sundara Rajan, R. 1 2021 Least resolved trees for two-colored best match graphs. Zbl 1489.05018 Schaller, David; GeiĂź, Manuela; Hellmuth, Marc; Stadler, Peter F. 1 2021 Schematic representation of large biconnected graphs. Zbl 1462.05335 Di Battista, Giuseppe; Frati, Fabrizio; Patrignani, Maurizio; Tais, Marco 1 2021 Parameterized algorithms for book embedding problems. Zbl 1451.05222 Bhore, Sujoy; Ganian, Robert; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Nöllenburg, Martin 18 2020 A note on universal point sets for planar graphs. Zbl 1447.05065 Scheucher, Manfred; Schrezenmaier, Hendrik; Steiner, Raphael 8 2020 An adaptive version of Brandes’ algorithm for betweenness centrality. Zbl 1446.05085 Bentert, Matthias; Dittmann, Alexander; Kellerhals, Leon; Nichterlein, AndrĂ©; Niedermeier, Rolf 8 2020 Parameterized complexity of safe set. Zbl 1447.05200 Belmonte, RĂ©my; Hanaka, Tesshu; Katsikarelis, Ioannis; Lampis, Michael; Ono, Hirotaka; Otachi, Yota 6 2020 Graph stories in small area. Zbl 1447.05141 Borrazzo, Manuel; Da Lozzo, Giordano; Di Battista, Giuseppe; Frati, Fabrizio; Patrignani, Maurizio 6 2020 Improved bounds for track numbers of planar graphs. Zbl 1447.05064 Pupyrev, Sergey 5 2020 Maximum cut parameterized by crossing number. Zbl 1447.05194 Chimani, Markus; Dahn, Christine; Juhnke-Kubitzke, Martina; Kriege, Nils M.; Mutzel, Petra; Nover, Alexander 4 2020 An ongoing project to improve the rectilinear and the pseudolinear crossing constants. Zbl 1447.05140 Aichholzer, Oswin; Duque, Frank; Fabila-Monroy, Ruy; GarcĂa-Quintero, Oscar E.; Hidalgo-Toscano, Carlos 4 2020 Weighted upper edge cover: complexity and approximability. Zbl 1433.05261 Khoshkhah, Kaveh; Ghadikolaei, Mehdi Khosravian; Monnot, JĂ©rĂ´me; Sikora, Florian 4 2020 Efficient generation of different topological representations of graphs beyond-planarity. Zbl 1451.05055 Angelini, Patrizio; Bekos, Michael A.; Kaufmann, Michael; Schneck, Thomas 4 2020 Not all planar graphs are in PURE-4-DIR. Zbl 1447.05061 Gonçalves, Daniel 3 2020 Recognizing stick graphs with and without length constraints. Zbl 1451.05223 Chaplick, Steven; Kindermann, Philipp; Löffler, Andre; Thiele, Florian; Wolff, Alexander; Zaft, Alexander; Zink, Johannes 3 2020 On the approximability of the minimum weight \(t\)-partite clique problem. Zbl 1447.05196 Solano, Geoffrey; Blin, Guillaume; Raffinot, Mathieu; Clemente, Jhoirene; Caro, Jaime 1 2020 Efficient algorithm for box folding. Zbl 1434.51017 Mizunashi, Koichi; Horiyama, Takashi; Uehara, Ryuhei 1 2020 Order-preserving drawings of trees with approximately optimal height (and small width). Zbl 1444.05098 Batzill, Johannes; Biedl, Therese 1 2020 On the circumference of essentially 4-connected planar graphs. Zbl 1433.05085 Fabrici, Igor; Harant, Jochen; Mohr, Samuel; Schmidt, Jens M. 1 2020 Lower bounds for dynamic programming on planar graphs of bounded cutwidth. Zbl 1446.05087 van Geffen, Bas A. M.; Jansen, Bart M. P.; de Kroon, Arnoud A. W. M.; Morel, Rolf 1 2020 Bundled crossings revisited. Zbl 1451.05224 Chaplick, Steven; van Dijk, Thomas C.; Kryven, Myroslav; Park, Ji-won; Ravsky, Alexander; Wolff, Alexander 1 2020 Node overlap removal algorithms: an extended comparative study. Zbl 1451.05225 Chen, Fati; Piccinini, Laurent; Poncelet, Pascal; Sallaberry, Arnaud 1 2020 Pole dancing: 3D morphs for tree drawings. Zbl 1419.05141 Arseneva, Elena; Bose, Prosenjit; Cano, Pilar; D’Angelo, Anthony; Dujmović, Vida; Frati, Fabrizio; Langerman, Stefan; Tappini, Alessandra 10 2019 An effective crossing minimisation heuristic based on star insertion. Zbl 1407.05220 Clancy, Kieran; Haythorpe, Michael; Newcombe, Alex 9 2019 Covering a graph with clubs. Zbl 1411.05216 Dondi, Riccardo; Mauri, Giancarlo; Sikora, Florian; Zoppis, Italo 9 2019 Fast approximation of eccentricities and distances in hyperbolic graphs. Zbl 1416.05266 Chepoi, Victor; Dragan, Feodor F.; Habib, Michel; Vaxès, Yann; Alrasheed, Hend 8 2019 Treewidth of display graphs: bounds, brambles and applications. Zbl 1419.05187 Janssen, Remie; Jones, Mark; Kelk, Steven; Stamoulis, Georgios; Wu, Taoyang 5 2019 Construction and local routing for angle-monotone graphs. Zbl 1416.05271 Lubiw, Anna; Mondal, Debajyoti 5 2019 Homothetic triangle representations of planar graphs. Zbl 1425.05034 Gonçalves, Daniel; LĂ©vĂŞque, Benjamin; Pinlou, Alexandre 4 2019 Drawing graphs on few circles and few spheres. Zbl 1418.05119 Kryven, Myroslav; Ravsky, Alexander; Wolff, Alexander 3 2019 The time complexity of permutation routing via matching, token swapping and a variant. Zbl 1405.05174 Kawahara, Jun; Saitoh, Toshiki; Yoshinaka, Ryo 3 2019 A new framework for hierarchical drawings. Zbl 1419.05150 Ortali, Giacomo; Tollis, Ioannis G. 2 2019 Density decompositions of networks. Zbl 1419.05174 Borradaile, Glencora; Migler, Theresa; Wilfong, Gordon 2 2019 Simultaneous embeddings with few bends and crossings. Zbl 1419.05146 Frati, Fabrizio; Hoffmann, Michael; Kusters, Vincent 2 2019 Sequentially swapping colored tokens on graphs. Zbl 1405.05116 Yamanaka, Katsuhisa; Demaine, Erik D.; Horiyama, Takashi; Kawamura, Akitoshi; Nakano, Shin-Ichi; Okamoto, Yoshio; Saitoh, Toshiki; Suzuki, Akira; Uehara, Ryuhei; Uno, Takeaki 2 2019 Time windowed data structures for graphs. Zbl 1407.05219 Chanchary, Farah; Maheshwari, Anil 2 2019 Constructing hard examples for graph isomorphism. Zbl 1411.05185 Dawar, Anuj; Khan, Kashif 2 2019 COOMA: a components overlaid mining algorithm for enumerating connected subgraphs with common itemsets. Zbl 1420.05168 Haraguchi, Kazuya; Momoi, Yusuke; Shurbevski, Aleksandar; Nagamochi, Hiroshi 1 2019 Short plane supports for spatial hypergraphs. Zbl 1419.05157 Castermans, Thom; van Garderen, Mereke; Meulemans, Wouter; Nöllenburg, Martin; Yuan, Xiaoru 1 2019 Aesthetic discrimination of graph layouts. Zbl 1419.05148 Mchedlidze, Tamara; Pak, Alexey; Klammler, Moritz 1 2019 Geometry and generation of a new graph planarity game. Zbl 1419.05139 Kraaijer, Rutger; van Kreveld, Marc; Meulemans, Wouter; van Renssen, AndrĂ© 1 2019 Random popular matchings with incomplete preference lists. Zbl 1426.91179 Ruangwises, Suthee; Itoh, Toshiya 1 2019 A simple algorithm for \(r\)-gatherings on the line. Zbl 1425.05155 Nakano, Shin-Ichi 1 2019 Approximation algorithm for cycle-star hub network design problems and cycle-metric labeling problems. Zbl 1405.05176 Kuroki, Yuko; Matsui, Tomomi 1 2019 Short certificates for chromatic equivalence. Zbl 1411.05082 Bukovac, Zoe; Farr, Graham; Morgan, Kerri 1 2019 Parameterized complexity of 1-planarity. Zbl 1377.05118 Bannister, Michael J.; Cabello, Sergio; Eppstein, David 24 2018 Stack and queue layouts via layered separators. Zbl 1377.05182 Dujmović, Vida; Frati, Fabrizio 19 2018 Intersection graphs of rays and grounded segments. Zbl 1394.05080 Cardinal, Jean; Felsner, Stefan; Miltzow, Tillmann; Tompkins, Casey; Vogtenhuber, Birgit 18 2018 Computing NodeTrix representations of clustered graphs. Zbl 1377.05123 Da Lozzo, Giordano; Di Battista, Giuseppe; Frati, Fabrizio; Patrignani, Maurizio 17 2018 Crossing minimization for 1-page and 2-page drawings of graphs with bounded treewidth. Zbl 1403.05102 Bannister, Michael J.; Eppstein, David 12 2018 Special issue on graph drawing beyond planarity. Guest editors’ foreword and overview. Zbl 1384.00057 11 2018 A first order logic definition of beyond-planar graphs. Zbl 1377.05120 Brandenburg, Franz J. 10 2018 Experimental analysis of the accessibility of drawings with few segments. Zbl 1398.05142 Kindermann, Philipp; Meulemans, Wouter; Schulz, AndrĂ© 10 2018 Saturated simple and 2-simple topological graphs with few edges. Zbl 1377.05039 Hajnal, PĂ©ter; Igamberdiev, Alexander; Rote, GĂĽnter; Schulz, AndrĂ© 8 2018 On algorithms employing treewidth for \(L\)-bounded cut problems. Zbl 1384.05147 Kolman, Petr 7 2018 On the size of planarly connected crossing graphs. Zbl 1377.05117 Ackerman, Eyal; Keszegh, Balázs; Vizer, Mate 6 2018 Recognizing IC-planar and NIC-planar graphs. Zbl 1388.05044 Brandenburg, Franz 6 2018 Drawing planar graphs with few geometric primitives. Zbl 1394.05081 HĂĽltenschmidt, Gregor; Kindermann, Philipp; Meulemans, Wouter; Schulz, AndrĂ© 5 2018 On the maximum crossing number. Zbl 1377.05122 Chimani, Markus; Felsner, Stefan; Kobourov, Stephen; Ueckerdt, Torsten; Valtr, Pavel; Wolff, Alexander 4 2018 On the \(\mathcal{NP}\)-hardness of GRacSim drawing and \(k\)-SEFE problems. Zbl 1378.68050 Grilli, Luca 4 2018 Aligned drawings of planar graphs. Zbl 1398.05143 Mchedlidze, Tamara; Radermacher, Marcel; Rutter, Ignaz 4 2018 The effect of planarization on width. Zbl 1398.05141 Eppstein, David 4 2018 Edge bounds and degeneracy of triangle-free penny graphs and squaregraphs. Zbl 1398.05109 Eppstein, David 3 2018 ...and 357 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,909 Authors 113 Liotta, Giuseppe 71 Montecchiani, Fabrizio 64 Didimo, Walter 58 Di Giacomo, Emilio 56 Angelini, Patrizio 55 Rutter, Ignaz 53 Frati, Fabrizio 52 Bekos, Michael A. 45 Di Battista, Giuseppe 43 Da Lozzo, Giordano 42 Kobourov, Stephen G. 40 Mchedlidze, Tamara 38 Patrignani, Maurizio 38 Wolff, Alexander 37 Kaufmann, Michael 34 Eppstein, David Arthur 33 Kindermann, Philipp 32 Hong, Seok-Hee 32 Nöllenburg, Martin 31 Mondal, Debajyoti 30 Symvonis, Antonios 27 Chaplick, Steven 26 Binucci, Carla 25 TĂłth, Csaba D. 24 Dujmović, Vida 24 Tappini, Alessandra 23 Biedl, Therese C. 22 Bose, Prosenjit K. 22 Felsner, Stefan 22 Fulek, Radoslav 22 Wood, David Ronald 21 Brandenburg, Franz-Josef 21 Eades, Peter 20 Nagamochi, Hiroshi 19 Förster, Henry 19 Rahman, Md. Saidur 19 Schulz, AndrĂ© 18 Chimani, Markus 18 Gronemann, Martin 18 Morin, Pat 18 Nichterlein, AndrĂ© 18 Wismath, Stephen K. 17 Dragan, Feodor F. 17 Niedermeier, Rolf 17 Otachi, Yota 17 Vogtenhuber, Birgit 16 Aichholzer, Oswin 16 Evans, William S. 16 Grilli, Luca 16 Pupyrev, Sergey 15 Cornelsen, Sabine 15 Komusiewicz, Christian 15 Maheshwari, Anil 15 Mehrabi, Saeed 15 Meijer, Henk 15 Parada, Irene 15 Raftopoulou, Chrysanthi N. 15 Valtr, Pavel 14 Gargano, Luisa 14 KratochvĂl, Jan 14 Löffler, Maarten 14 Lubiw, Anna 14 Ueckerdt, Torsten 13 Korman, Matias 13 Radermacher, Marcel 13 Schaefer, Marcus 13 Whitesides, Sue H. 12 Chakraborty, Dibyayan 12 Cordasco, Gennaro 12 Ganian, Robert 12 Katoh, Naoki 12 Lenhart, William J. 12 Okamoto, Yoshio 11 Brandes, Ulrik 11 Higashikawa, Yuya 11 Hoffmann, Michael 11 Kleist, Linda 11 Lokshtanov, Daniel 11 MilaniÄŤ, Martin 11 Roselli, Vincenzo 11 Saurabh, Saket 11 Smid, Michiel H. M. 11 Tollis, Ioannis G. 11 Vaccaro, Ugo 10 Bodlaender, Hans L. 10 Gurski, Frank 10 He, Xin 10 Heggernes, Pinar 10 Hurtado, Ferran 10 Klawitter, Jonathan 10 Kratsch, Stefan 10 Kyncl, Jan 10 Lipp, Fabian 10 Miltzow, Tillmann 10 Mutzel, Petra 10 Ortali, Giacomo 10 Ravsky, Alex 10 Rescigno, Adele Anna 10 Zink, Johannes 9 Bläsius, Thomas ...and 2,809 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 222 Journals 168 Theoretical Computer Science 132 Discrete Applied Mathematics 129 Algorithmica 118 Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 83 Computational Geometry 45 Discrete & Computational Geometry 42 Information Processing Letters 34 Discrete Mathematics 34 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 30 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 28 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 24 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 23 SIAM Journal on Computing 23 European Journal of Operational Research 22 Journal of Discrete Algorithms 21 Graphs and Combinatorics 20 Theory of Computing Systems 19 Computers & Operations Research 18 Networks 18 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 18 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 17 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 14 European Journal of Combinatorics 13 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 13 ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 11 Applied Mathematics and Computation 9 Journal of Graph Theory 9 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. DMTCS 8 Information Sciences 8 Annals of Operations Research 8 Discrete Optimization 7 INFORMS Journal on Computing 7 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 7 Computer Science Review 6 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 6 Linear Algebra and its Applications 6 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 6 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 6 Algorithms 5 Information and Computation 5 Distributed Computing 5 Computational Optimization and Applications 5 CGT. Computing in Geometry and Topology 4 Physica A 4 Order 4 Journal of Global Optimization 4 Pattern Recognition 4 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 4 Top 4 Discussiones Mathematicae. 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The Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 2 Games and Economic Behavior 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 2 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 2 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 2 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2 Experimental Mathematics 2 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 2 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 2 Filomat 2 Opuscula Mathematica 2 Complexity 2 Bernoulli 2 International Transactions in Operational Research 2 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 2 Journal of Scheduling ...and 122 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 36 Fields 1,411 Computer science (68-XX) 1,389 Combinatorics (05-XX) 323 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 109 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 60 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 43 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 42 Statistics (62-XX) 31 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 19 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 14 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 13 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 12 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 12 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 9 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 6 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 6 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year