Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Short Title: Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. Publisher: International Press of Boston, Somerville, MA ISSN: 1095-0761; 1095-0753/e Online: Comments: Journal Documents Indexed: 963 Publications (since 1997) References Indexed: 5 Publications with 290 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 28, No. 8 (2024) 28, No. 7 (2024) 28, No. 6 (2024) 28, No. 5 (2024) 28, No. 4 (2024) 28, No. 3 (2024) 28, No. 2 (2024) 28, No. 1 (2024) 27, No. 8 (2023) 27, No. 7 (2023) 27, No. 6 (2023) 27, No. 5 (2023) 27, No. 4 (2023) 27, No. 3 (2023) 27, No. 2 (2023) 27, No. 1 (2023) 26, No. 10 (2022) 26, No. 9 (2022) 26, No. 8 (2022) 26, No. 7 (2022) 26, No. 6 (2022) 26, No. 5 (2022) 26, No. 4 (2022) 26, No. 3 (2022) 26, No. 2 (2022) 26, No. 1 (2022) 25, No. 8 (2021) 25, No. 7 (2021) 25, No. 6 (2021) 25, No. 5 (2021) 25, No. 4 (2021) 25, No. 3 (2021) 25, No. 2 (2021) 25, No. 1 (2021) 24, No. 8 (2020) 24, No. 7 (2020) 24, No. 6 (2020) 24, No. 5 (2020) 24, No. 4 (2020) 24, No. 3 (2020) 24, No. 2 (2020) 24, No. 1 (2020) 23, No. 8 (2020) 23, No. 7 (2019) 23, No. 6 (2019) 23, No. 5 (2019) 23, No. 4 (2019) 23, No. 3 (2019) 23, No. 2 (2019) 23, No. 1 (2019) 22, No. 7 (2019) 22, No. 8 (2018) 22, No. 6 (2018) 22, No. 5 (2018) 22, No. 4 (2018) 22, No. 3 (2018) 22, No. 2 (2018) 22, No. 1 (2018) 21, No. 8 (2018) 21, No. 7 (2018) 21, No. 6 (2018) 21, No. 5 (2017) 21, No. 4 (2017) 21, No. 3 (2017) 21, No. 2 (2017) 21, No. 1 (2017) 20, No. 6 (2016) 20, No. 5 (2016) 20, No. 4 (2016) 20, No. 3 (2016) 20, No. 2 (2016) 20, No. 1 (2016) 19, No. 6 (2015) 19, No. 5 (2015) 19, No. 4 (2015) 19, No. 3 (2015) 19, No. 2 (2015) 19, No. 1 (2015) 18, No. 6 (2014) 18, No. 5 (2014) 18, No. 4 (2014) 18, No. 3 (2014) 18, No. 2 (2014) 18, No. 1 (2014) 17, No. 6 (2013) 17, No. 5 (2013) 17, No. 4 (2013) 17, No. 3 (2013) 17, No. 2 (2013) 17, No. 1 (2013) 16, No. 6 (2012) 16, No. 5 (2012) 16, No. 4 (2012) 16, No. 3 (2012) 16, No. 2 (2012) 16, No. 1 (2012) 15, No. 6 (2011) 15, No. 5 (2011) 15, No. 4 (2011) 15, No. 3 (2011) ...and 76 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 29 Yau, Shing-Tung 21 Vafa, Cumrun 18 Finster, Felix 18 Witten, Edward 17 Sharpe, Eric R. 12 Donagi, Ron Y. 11 Tan, Meng-Chwan 10 Warner, Nicholas P. 9 Gukov, Sergei 9 Kimura, Yusuke 9 Sati, Hisham 9 Szabo, Richard J. 8 Biswas, Indranil 8 Chruściel, Piotr Tadeusz 8 Diaconescu, Duiliu-Emanuel 8 Doran, Charles F. 8 Kapustin, Anton 8 Marcolli, Matilde 8 Mathai, Varghese 8 Moore, Gregory Winthrop 8 Pantev, Tony G. 8 Wijnholt, Martijn P. 7 Distler, Jacques 7 Gaiotto, Davide 7 Gerhardt, Claus 7 Hübsch, Tristan 7 Iqbal, Amer 7 Katz, Sheldon 7 Krasnov, Kirill V. 7 Miković, Aleksandar 7 Reintjes, Moritz 7 Zaslow, Eric 6 Ashtekar, Abhay 6 Chen, PoNing 6 Gunara, Bobby Eka 6 He, Yang-Hui Evariste 6 Leung, Naichung Conan 6 Morrison, David R. 6 Neitzke, Andrew 6 Ovrut, Burt A. 6 Sen, Ashoke 6 Sethi, Savdeep 6 Stieberger, Stephan 6 Zwiebach, Barton 5 Aganagic, Mina 5 Baez, John C. 5 Berglund, Per 5 Cacciatori, Sergio Luigi 5 Cattaneo, Alberto Sergio 5 Cecotti, Sergio 5 Dimofte, Tudor Dan 5 Douglas, Michael R. 5 Fiorenza, Domenico 5 Landi, Giovanni 5 Lerche, Wolfgang 5 Manschot, Jan 5 Mayr, Peter 5 Nakajima, Hiraku 5 Ooguri, Hirosi 5 Schreiber, Urs 5 Seiberg, Nathan 5 Waldram, Daniel 5 Zabzine, Maxim 4 Akbar, Fiki Taufik 4 Andreas, Björn 4 Aspinwall, Paul S. 4 Bouwknegt, Peter G. 4 Braverman, Alexander 4 Brunner, Ilka 4 Cornalba, Lorenzo 4 de Boer, Jan 4 Dijkgraaf, Robbert H. 4 Eguchi, Tohru 4 Esole, Mboyo 4 Finkelberg, Michael Vladlenovich 4 Galloway, Gregory J. 4 Gauntlett, Jerome P. 4 Gubser, Steven S. 4 Hélein, Frédéric 4 Hosono, Shinobu 4 Jockers, Hans 4 Kachru, Shamit 4 Kamran, Niky 4 Kashani-Poor, Amir-Kian 4 Mars, Marc 4 Martelli, Dario 4 Minwalla, Shiraz 4 Nekrasov, Nikita Alexandrovich 4 Oeckl, Robert 4 Rastelli, Leonardo 4 Rosenberg, Jonathan Micah 4 Runkel, Ingo 4 Scheidegger, Emanuel 4 Schiappa, Ricardo 4 Schiavina, Michele 4 Schweigert, Christoph 4 Smoller, Joel Alan 4 Sułkowski, Piotr 4 Taylor, Washington IV 4 Teschner, Jörg ...and 1,111 more Authors all top 5 Fields 700 Quantum theory (81-XX) 350 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 285 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 188 Differential geometry (53-XX) 87 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 84 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 59 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 53 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 53 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 49 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 42 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 39 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 32 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 30 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 25 Number theory (11-XX) 24 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 21 Combinatorics (05-XX) 20 Functional analysis (46-XX) 18 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 15 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 13 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 13 Operator theory (47-XX) 12 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 9 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 9 Geometry (51-XX) 8 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 6 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 6 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 5 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 5 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 826 Publications have been cited 27,236 times in 15,843 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Anti de Sitter space and holography. Zbl 0914.53048 Witten, Edward 3,593 1998 The large \(N\) limit of superconformal field theories and supergravity. Zbl 0914.53047 Maldacena, Juan 3,544 1998 Anti-de Sitter space, thermal phase transition, and confinement in gauge theories. Zbl 1057.81550 Witten, Edward 1,024 1998 Seiberg-Witten prepotential from instanton counting. Zbl 1056.81068 Nekrasov, Nikita A. 898 2003 \(S\)-duality of boundary conditions in \({\mathcal N}=4\) super Yang-Mills theory. Zbl 1206.81082 Gaiotto, Davide; Witten, Edward 396 2009 Renormalization group flows from holography; supersymmetry and a \(c\)-theorem. Zbl 0976.83067 Freedman, D. Z.; Gubser, S. S.; Pilch, K.; Warner, N. P. 323 1999 Topological gravity as large \(N\) topological gauge theory. Zbl 0922.32015 Gopakumar, Rajesh; Vafa, Cumrun 282 1998 On the gauge theory/geometry correspondence. Zbl 0972.81135 Gopakumar, Rajesh; Vafa, Cumrun 256 1999 Complete classification of reflexive polyhedra in four dimensions. Zbl 1017.52007 Kreuzer, Maximilian; Skarke, Harald 222 2000 The Hagedorn/deconfinement phase transition in weakly coupled large \(N\) gauge theories. Zbl 1079.81046 Aharony, Ofer; Marsano, Joseph; Minwalla, Shiraz; Papadodimas, Kyriakos; Van Raamsdonk, Mark 216 2004 Model building with \(F\)-theory. Zbl 1260.81194 Donagi, Ron; Wijnholt, Martijn 214 2011 3-manifolds and 3d indices. Zbl 1297.81149 Dimofte, Tudor; Gaiotto, Davide; Gukov, Sergei 202 2013 Three-point functions of chiral operators in \(D=4\), \({\mathcal N}=4\) SYM at large \(N\). Zbl 0923.53033 Lee, Sangmin; Minwalla, Shiraz; Rangamani, Mukund; Seiberg, Nathan 197 1998 Comments on string theory on \(\text{AdS}_3\). Zbl 1041.81575 Giveon, Amit; Kutasov, David; Seiberg, Nathan 194 1998 Framed BPS states. Zbl 1290.81146 Gaiotto, Davide; Moore, Gregory W.; Neitzke, Andrew 194 2013 Sasaki-Einstein metrics on \(S^2\times S^3\). Zbl 1136.53317 Gauntlett, Jerome P.; Martelli, Dario; Sparks, James; Waldram, Daniel 192 2004 Exact correlators of giant gravitons from dual \(N=4\) SYM theory. Zbl 1136.81406 Corley, Steve; Jevicki, Antal; Ramgoolam, Sanjaye 183 2001 Restrictions imposed by superconformal invariance on quantum field theories. Zbl 1041.81534 Minwalla, Shiraz 153 1998 Gravity and the standard model with neutrino mixing. Zbl 1140.81022 Chamseddine, Ali H.; Connes, Alain; Marcolli, Matilde 153 2007 Non-supersymmetric AdS and the swampland. Zbl 1471.83020 Ooguri, Hirosi; Vafa, Cumrun 146 2018 On the Hopf algebra strucutre of perturbative quantum field theories. Zbl 1041.81087 Kreimer, Dirk 143 1998 Curvature singularities: the good, the bad, and the naked. Zbl 0984.83036 Gubser, Steven S. 138 2000 The \(\mathfrak{su}(2|2)\) dynamic S-matrix. Zbl 1146.81047 Beisert, Niklas 136 2008 Breaking GUT groups in \(F\)-theory. Zbl 1269.81121 Donagi, Ron; Wijnholt, Martijn 134 2011 Branes and toric geometry. Zbl 0914.14024 Leung, Naichung Conan; Vafa, Cumrun 133 1998 Derivation of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation from a many body Coulomb system. Zbl 1014.81063 Erdős, László; Yau, Horng-Tzer 130 2001 Twistorial topological strings and a \({tt}^*\) geometry for \(\mathcal{N} = 2\) theories in \(4d\). Zbl 1355.81120 Cecotti, Sergio; Neitzke, Andrew; Vafa, Cumrun 129 2016 Mirror symmetry and exact solution of \(4D\) \(N=2\) gauge theories. I. Zbl 0912.32016 Katz, Sheldon; Mayr, Peter; Vafa, Cumrun 126 1997 Dimer models from mirror symmetry and quivering amoebæ. Zbl 1144.81501 Feng, Bo; He, Yang-Hui; Kennaway, Kristian D.; Vafa, Cumrun 119 2008 M-theory, topological strings and spinning black holes. Zbl 0985.81081 Katz, Sheldon; Klemm, Albrecht; Vafa, Cumrun 114 1999 JT gravity and the ensembles of random matrix theory. Zbl 1527.83071 Stanford, Douglas; Witten, Edward 107 2020 One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them? Zbl 1129.83018 Bena, Iosif; Warner, Nicholas P. 106 2005 Non-spherical horizons. I. Zbl 0936.83043 Morrison, David R.; Plesser, M. Ronen 105 1999 \(\mathcal{N}=2\) quantum field theories and their BPS quivers. Zbl 1309.81142 Alim, Murad; Cecotti, Sergio; Córdova, Clay; Espahbodi, Sam; Rastogi, Ashwin; Vafa, Cumrun 104 2014 Local mirror symmetry: Calculations and interpretations. Zbl 0976.32012 Chiang, T.-M.; Klemm, A.; Yau, S.-T.; Zaslow, E. 103 1999 Towards a mathematical definition of Coulomb branches of 3-dimensional \(\mathcal{N} = 4\) gauge theories. II. Zbl 1479.81043 Braverman, Alexander; Finkelberg, Michael; Nakajima, Hiraku 101 2018 Mirror symmetry and supermanifolds. Zbl 1094.32006 Aganagic, Mina; Vafa, Cumrun 101 2004 Towards a mathematical definition of Coulomb branches of \(3\)-dimensional \(\mathcal{N}=4\) gauge theories. I. Zbl 1433.81121 Nakajima, Hiraku 100 2016 Analytic solution for tachyon condensation in open string field theory. Zbl 1101.81344 Schnabl, Martin 98 2006 Rigid surface operators. Zbl 1203.81114 Gukov, Sergei; Witten, Edward 96 2010 M-theory dynamics on a manifold of \(G_2\) holonomy. Zbl 1033.81065 Atiyah, Michael; Witten, Edward 96 2002 Holography and Riemann surfaces. Zbl 1011.81068 Krasnov, Kirill 91 2000 Triples, fluxes, and strings. Zbl 1011.81065 de Boer, Jan; Dijkgraaf, Robbert; Hori, Kentaro; Keurentjes, Arjan; Morgan, John 90 2000 A new infinite class of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds. Zbl 1095.53034 Gauntlett, Jerome P.; Martelli, Dario; Sparks, James; Waldram, Daniel 88 2004 Matrix description of interacting theories in six dimensions. Zbl 0889.53056 Aharony, O.; Berkooz, M.; Kachru, S.; Seiberg, N.; Silverstein, E. 86 1997 Gravitational anomaly cancellation for M-theory fivebranes. Zbl 0971.81152 Freed, Dan; Harvey, Jeffrey A.; Minasian, Ruben; Moore, Gregory 85 1998 New symmetries of QED. Zbl 1383.81351 Kapec, Daniel; Pate, Monica; Strominger, Andrew 84 2018 Quantum geometry of isolated horizons and black hole entropy. Zbl 0981.83028 Ashtekar, Abhay; Baez, John C.; Krasnov, Kirill 80 2000 Quantization of the Hitchin moduli spaces, Liouville theory and the geometric Langlands correspondence. I. Zbl 1442.81059 Teschner, J. 80 2011 Small resolutions of SU(5)-models in F-theory. Zbl 1447.81171 Esole, Mboyo; Yau, Shing-Tung 80 2013 D0 branes on \(T^n\) and matrix theory. Zbl 0907.58087 Sen, Ashoke 79 1998 Coulomb branches of \(3d\) \(\mathcal{N}=4\) quiver gauge theories and slices in the affine Grassmannian. Zbl 1479.81044 Braverman, Alexander; Finkelberg, Michael; Nakajima, Hiraku 78 2019 Branes at conical singularities and holography. Zbl 0948.83061 Acharya, B. S.; Figueroa-O’Farrill, J. M.; Hull, C. M.; Spence, B. 76 1998 Connectedness of the boundary in the AdS/CFT correspondence. Zbl 0978.53085 Witten, Edward; Yau, S.-T. 76 1999 Fixing all moduli in a simple F-theory compactification. Zbl 1129.81065 Denef, Frederik; Douglas, Michael R.; Florea, Bogdan; Grassi, Antonella; Kachru, Shamit 76 2005 Light-cone description of \((2,0)\) superconformal theories in six dimensions. Zbl 0908.53046 Aharony, Ofer; Berkooz, Micha; Seiberg, Nathan 74 1998 Classification of reflexive polyhedra in three dimensions. Zbl 0934.52006 Kreuzer, Maximilian; Skarke, Harald 73 1998 Integration over the \(u\)-plane in Donaldson theory. Zbl 0899.57021 Moore, Gregory; Witten, Edward 72 1997 Categorical mirror symmetry: The elliptic curve. Zbl 0947.14017 Polishchuk, Alexander; Zaslow, Eric 72 1998 Direct integration for general \(\Omega\) backgrounds. Zbl 1276.81098 Huang, Min-Xin; Klemm, Albrecht 70 2012 New string theories in six dimensions via branes at orbifold singularities. Zbl 0907.32006 Intriligator, Kenneth 69 1997 Search for a holographic dual to \(\mathrm{AdS}_3\times S^3\times S^3\times S^1\). Zbl 1121.81106 Gukov, Sergei; Martinec, Emil; Moore, Gregory; Strominger, Andrew 69 2005 Horizon instability of extremal black holes. Zbl 1335.83013 Aretakis, Stefanos 69 2015 \(\text{SU}(N)\) geometries and topological string amplitudes. Zbl 1101.81088 Iqbal, Amer; Kashani-Poor, Amir-Kian 68 2006 Knot invariants from four-dimensional gauge theory. Zbl 1271.81108 Gaiotto, Davide; Witten, Edward 68 2012 Quantum theory of geometry. II: Volume operators. Zbl 0903.58067 Ashtekar, Abhay; Lewandowsky, Jerzy 67 1997 Perturbative algebraic quantum field theory and the renormalization groups. Zbl 1201.81090 Brunetti, R.; Dütsch, M.; Fredenhagen, K. 66 2009 Unwinding strings and \(T\)-duality of Kaluza-Klein and \(H\)-monopoles. Zbl 0901.53073 Gregory, Ruth; Harvey, Jeffrey A.; Moore, Gregory 66 1997 Branes and quantization. Zbl 1247.81378 Gukov, Sergei; Witten, Edward 64 2009 Instanton counting and Chern-Simons theory. Zbl 1044.32022 Iqbal, Amer; Kashani-Poor, Amir-Kian 64 2003 Topological correlators in Landau-Ginzburg models with boundaries. Zbl 1058.81061 Kapustin, Anton; Li, Yi 64 2003 Two-dimensional models with \((0,2)\) supersymmetry: perturbative aspects. Zbl 1200.17014 Witten, Edward 64 2007 Čech cocycles for differential characteristic classes: an \(\infty \)-Lie theoretic construction. Zbl 1420.57074 Fiorenza, Domenico; Schreiber, Urs; Stasheff, Jim 62 2012 The vertex on a strip. Zbl 1131.14045 Iqbal, Amer; Kashani-Poor, Amir-Kian 61 2006 Higher-level eigenvalues of \(Q\)-operators and Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1055.81521 Bazhanov, V. V.; Lukyanov, S. L.; Zamolodchikov, A. B. 60 2003 GLSMs for gerbes (and other toric stacks). Zbl 1119.14038 Pantev, Tony; Sharpe, Eric 60 2006 M theory, Joyce orbifolds and super Yang-Mills. Zbl 1024.81041 Acharya, B. S. 58 1999 Cluster decomposition, T-duality, and gerby cfts. Zbl 1156.81039 Hellerman, Simeon; Henriques, André; Pantev, Tony; Sharpe, Eric; Ando, Matt 58 2007 Local mirror symmetry and the sunset Feynman integral. Zbl 1390.14123 Bloch, Spencer; Kerr, Matt; Vanhove, Pierre 57 2018 Stability of marginally outer trapped surfaces and existence of marginally outer trapped tubes. Zbl 1149.83015 Andersson, Lars; Mars, Marc; Simon, Walter 57 2008 AdS/CFT dualities involving large 2d \(N=4\) superconformal symmetry. Zbl 0989.81088 de Boer, Jan; Pasquinucci, Andrea; Skenderis, Kostas 56 1999 Quantum Riemann surfaces in Chern-Simons theory. Zbl 1304.81143 Dimofte, Tudor 56 2013 Localization with a surface operator, irregular conformal blocks and open topological string. Zbl 1273.81178 Awata, Hidetoshi; Fuji, Hiroyuki; Kanno, Hiroaki; Manabe, Masahide; Yamada, Yasuhiko 56 2012 Observables of non-commutative gauge theories. Zbl 1011.81075 Gross, David J.; Hashimoto, Akikazu; Itzhaki, N. 55 2000 Enumerative geometry of stable maps with Lagrangian boundary conditions and multiple covers of the disc. Zbl 1026.32028 Katz, Sheldon; Liu, Chiu-Chu Melissa 54 2001 BPS/CFT correspondence. II: Instantons at crossroads, moduli and compactness theorem. Zbl 1508.81938 Nekrasov, Nikita 54 2017 From special Lagrangian to Hermitian-Yang-Mills via Fourier-Mukai transform. Zbl 1033.53044 Leung, Naichung Conan; Yau, Shing-Tung; Zaslow, Eric 53 2000 Symmetry breaking boundary conditions and WZW orbifolds. Zbl 0972.81164 Birke, Lothar; Fuchs, Jürgen; Schweigert, Christoph 52 1999 Non-supersymmetric conformal field theories from stable anti-de Sitter spaces. Zbl 1059.81597 Distler, Jacques; Zamora, Frederic 51 1998 Supersymmetric index in four-dimensional gauge theories. Zbl 1019.81040 Witten, Edward 51 2001 Black holes and Calabi-Yau threefolds. Zbl 0956.83029 Vafa, Cumrun 48 1998 Strong coupling dynamics of four-dimensional \(N=1\) gauge theories from \(M\)-theory fivebrane. Zbl 0894.58076 Hori, Kentaro; Ooguri, Hirosi; Oz, Yaron 48 1997 \(N=1\) supersymmetric renormalization group flows from IIB supergravity. Zbl 1063.81626 Pilch, Krzysztof; Warner, Nicholas P. 47 2000 D-branes in a topologically nontrivial \(B\)-field. Zbl 0992.81059 Kapustin, Anton 46 2000 Type IIA D-branes, \(K\)-theory and Matrix theory. Zbl 1059.81590 Hořava, Petr 44 1998 Multiple M5-branes, string 2-connections, and 7d nonabelian Chern-Simons theory. Zbl 1322.81066 Fiorenza, Domenico; Sati, Hisham; Schreiber, Urs 44 2014 String universality in six dimensions. Zbl 1259.81062 Kumar, Vijay; Taylor, Washington 44 2011 Parity invariance for strings in twistor space. Zbl 1117.81120 Witten, Edward 44 2004 Exact chiral ring of \(\mathrm{AdS}_3/\mathrm{CFT}2\). Zbl 1166.81357 Dabholkar, Atish; Pakman, Ari 44 2009 Heterotic string/F-theory duality from mirror symmetry. Zbl 1041.81570 Berglund, P.; Mayr, P. 43 1998 A QFT for non-semisimple TQFT. Zbl 07949440 Creutzig, Thomas; Dimofte, Tudor; Garner, Niklas; Geer, Nathan 6 2024 Topological defect lines in bosonized parafermionic CFTs. Zbl 07949461 Babak, Haghighat; Sun, Youran 2 2024 Grassmannian sigma models. Zbl 07949447 Bykov, Dmitri; Krivorol, Viacheslav 1 2024 Hamiltonian gauge theory with corners: constraint reduction and flux superselection. Zbl 07949450 Riello, Aldo; Schiavina, Michele 1 2024 Asymptotic structure and stability of spatially homogeneous space-times with a positive cosmological constant. Zbl 07949452 Lübbe, Christian; Mena, Filipe C. 1 2024 Physical Yukawa couplings in heterotic string compactifications. Zbl 07951826 Butbaia, Giorgi; Mayorga Peña, Damián; Tan, Justin; Berglund, Per; Hübsch, Tristan; Jejuala, Vishnu; Mishra, Challenger 1 2024 TT deformations in general dimensions. (\(T\bar{T}\) deformations in general dimensions.) Zbl 1528.83004 Taylor, Marika 39 2023 Holographic space-time, Newton’s law, and the dynamics of horizons. Zbl 1528.83123 Banks, Tom; Fischler, Willy 17 2023 A note on the canonical formalism for gravity. Zbl 1528.83041 Witten, Edward 6 2023 Twistor sigma models for quaternionic geometry and graviton scattering. Zbl 07880775 Adamo, Tim; Mason, Lionel; Sharma, Atul 5 2023 String condensations in \(3+1\)D and Lagrangian algebras. Zbl 1534.81057 Zhao, Jiaheng; Lou, Jia-Qi; Zhang, Zhi-Hao; Hung, Ling-Yan; Kong, Liang; Tian, Yin 4 2023 Crossing symmetry in matter Chern-Simons theories at finite \(N\) and \(k\). Zbl 1529.83099 Mehta, Umang; Minwalla, Shiraz; Patel, Chintan; Prakash, Shiroman; Sharma, Kartik 4 2023 Topological operators, noninvertible symmetries and decomposition. Zbl 07949434 Sharpe, Eric 3 2023 Instanton counting and Donaldson-Thomas theory on toric Calabi-Yau four-orbifolds. Zbl 07954215 Szabo, Richard J.; Tirelli, Michelangelo 3 2023 Cluster transformations, the tetrahedron equation, and three-dimensional gauge theories. Zbl 1543.81011 Sun, Xiaoyue; Yagi, Junya 3 2023 Fractional quantum Hall effect and M-theory. Zbl 1528.81230 Vafa, Cumrun 2 2023 Algebraic interplay between renormalization and monodromy. Zbl 1529.81069 Kreimer, Dirk; Yeats, Karen 2 2023 Entangled quantum states of causal fermion systems and unitary group integrals. Zbl 07949427 Finster, Felix; Kamran, Niky; Reintjes, Moritz 2 2023 Differential cohomology and topological actions in physics. Zbl 07949430 Davighi, Joe; Gripaios, Ben; Randal-Williams, Oscar 2 2023 Conformal geometry and half-integrable spacetimes. Zbl 07954214 Araneda, Bernardo 2 2023 Differential \(KO\)-theory via gradations and mass terms. Zbl 1534.81190 Gomi, Kiyonori; Yamashita, Mayuko 1 2023 Operator forms of the nonhomogeneous associative classical Yang-Baxter equation. Zbl 1533.16060 Bai, Chengming; Gao, Xing; Guo, Li; Zhang, Yi 1 2023 Hyperbolic energy and Maskit gluings. Zbl 07949425 Chruściel, Piotr T.; Delay, Erwann; Wutte, Raphaela 1 2023 Solving the linearized field equations of the causal action principle in Minkowski space. Zbl 07949431 Finster, Felix 1 2023 \(K_2\) and quantum curves. Zbl 07949433 Doran, Charles F.; Kerr, Matt; Babu, Soumya Sinha 1 2023 MSW-type compactifications of 6d \((1,0)\) SCFTs on 4-manifolds. Zbl 07954218 Chen, Jin; Chen, Zhuo; Cui, Wei; Haghighat, Babak 1 2023 Clustering cluster algebras with clusters. Zbl 07880779 Cheung, Man-Wai; Dechant, Pierre-Philippe; He, Yang-Hui; Heyes, Elli; Hirst, Edward; Li, Jian-Rong 1 2023 From equivariant volumes to equivariant periods. Zbl 07880782 Cassia, Luca; Piazzalunga, Nicolò; Zabzine, Maxim 1 2023 On 5d SCFTs and their BPS quivers. I: B-branes and brane tilings. Zbl 1514.81228 Closset, Cyril; Del Zotto, Michele 20 2022 Single-valued hyperlogarithms, correlation functions and closed string amplitudes. Zbl 1517.81085 Vanhove, Pierre; Zerbini, Federico 16 2022 Differential cohomotopy implies intersecting brane observables via configuration spaces and chord diagrams. Zbl 1520.83100 Sati, Hisham; Schreiber, Urs 11 2022 General relativity from \(p\)-adic strings. Zbl 1521.83006 Huang, An; Stoica, Bogdan; Yau, Shing-Tung 6 2022 Heat kernel for the quantum Rabi model. Zbl 1521.81508 Reyes-Bustos, Cid; Wakayama, Masato 5 2022 Ramond-Ramond fields and twisted differential K-theory. Zbl 1521.81067 Grady, Daniel; Sati, Hisham 5 2022 The \(\mathsf{CP}^{n-1}\)-model with fermions: a new look. Zbl 1517.81092 Bykov, Dmitri 5 2022 Extremal isosystolic metrics with multiple bands of crossing geodesics. Zbl 1514.53076 Naseer, Usman; Zwiebach, Barton 4 2022 \(T\)-dual solutions and infinitesimal moduli of the \(G_2\)-Strominger system. Zbl 1527.83034 Clarke, Andrew; Garcia-Fernandez, Mario; Tipler, Carl 4 2022 New structures in gravitational radiation. Zbl 1520.83006 Bieri, Lydia 4 2022 Fully extended BV-BFV description of general relativity in three dimensions. Zbl 1520.83024 Canepa, G.; Schiavina, M. 4 2022 Calabi-Yau threefolds in \(\mathbb{P}^n\) and Gorenstein rings. Zbl 1511.14062 Schenck, Hal; Stillman, Mike; Yuan, Beihui 4 2022 Homological mirror symmetry of \(\mathbb{F}_1\) via Morse homotopy. Zbl 1541.53106 Futaki, Masahiro; Kajiura, Hiroshige 3 2022 Argyres-Douglas theories, modularity of minimal models and refined Chern-Simons. Zbl 1526.58006 Kozçaz, Can; Shakirov, Shamil; Yan, Wenbin 3 2022 Cobordism invariance of topological edge-following states. Zbl 1520.81194 Ludewig, Matthias; Thiang, Guo Chuan 3 2022 Topological recursion for the extended Ooguri-Vafa partition function of colored HOMFLY-PT polynomials of torus knots. Zbl 1528.14040 Dunin-Barkowski, Petr; Kazarian, Maxim; Popolitov, Aleksandr; Shadrin, Sergey; Sleptsov, Alexey 3 2022 Reduction (by stages) in the whole Lagrange-Poincaré category. Zbl 07790230 Berbel, Miguel Ángel; Castrillón López, Marco 2 2022 New simple Lie superalgebras as queerified associative algebras. Zbl 1546.17015 Leites, Dimitry 2 2022 The case against smooth null infinity. II: A logarithmically modified Price’s law. Zbl 07832719 Kehrberger, Leonhard M. A. 2 2022 Shifted symplectic reduction of derived critical loci. Zbl 1523.53079 Anel, Mathieu; Calaque, Damien 2 2022 Towards super Teichmüller spin TQFT. Zbl 1517.81073 Aghaei, Nezhla; Pawelkiewicz, M. 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