Regularnaya & Khaoticheskaya DinamikaMezhdunarodnyĭ Nauchnyĭ Zhurnal Short Title: Regul. Khaoticheskaya Din. Parallel Title: Regular and Chaotic Dynamics [International Scientific Journal] Publisher: Udmurt State University (Udmurtskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet), Izhevsk ISSN: 1560-3547 Online: Successor: Regular and Chaotic Dynamics Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 57 Publications (1996–1997) Latest Issues 2, No. 3-4 (1997) 2, No. 2 (1997) 2, No. 1 (1997) 1, No. 2 (1996) 1, No. 1 (1996) all top 5 Authors 5 Borisov, Alekseĭ Vladimirovich 3 Bagrets, A. A. 3 Bagrets, Dmitry A. 3 Beletskiĭ, Vladimir Vasil’evich 3 Gulyaev, V. I. 3 Kozlov, Valeriĭ Vasil’evich 3 Matveev, Vladimir S. 2 Koshkin, V. L. 2 Lazutkin, Vladimir Fedorovich 2 Mamaev, Ivan Sergeevich 2 Pavlov, Alexander E. 2 Shilnikov, Leonid Pavlovich 2 Simakov, N. N. 2 Topalov, Peter J. 2 Treshchev, Dmitriĭ Valer’evich 2 Zavrazhina, T. V. 1 Anikeev, P. V. 1 Bolsinov, Alexey V. 1 Bountis, Tassos C. 1 Dudoladov, S. L. 1 Dullin, Holger R. 1 Eleonskij, V. M. 1 Fedorov, Yuri N. 1 Furta, Stanislav D. 1 Giorgilli, Antonio 1 Gonchenko, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 1 Hanßmann, Heinz 1 Itin, A. P. 1 Ivashchuk, Vladimir D. 1 Karapetyan, Aleksandr Vladilenovich 1 Kharlamov, Mikhail Pavlovich 1 Kirillov, A. A. 1 Konovalyuk, T. P. 1 Korolev, V. G. 1 Kugushev, E. I. 1 Kulagin, N. E. 1 Kuznetsov, Aleksandr Petrovich 1 Kuznetsov, Sergey P. 1 Maciejewski, Andrzej J. 1 Melnikov, Vitaly N. 1 Morozov, Al’bert Dmitrievich 1 Moshchevitin, Nikolaĭ Germanovich 1 Neĭshtadt, Anatoliĭ Iserovich 1 Orël, Ol’ga Evgen’evna 1 Pankova, D. V. 1 Pronin, Andrei V. 1 Rodnikov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich 1 Romanenko, V. A. 1 Rothos, Vassilios M. 1 Ryabov, Pavel Evgen’evich 1 Salimova, O. P. 1 Sataev, Igor’ Rustamovich 1 Sevryuk, Mikhail Borisovich 1 Simó, Carles 1 Starostin, Eugene L. 1 Strelcyn, Jean-Marie 1 Ten, Vladimir V. 1 Tsygvintsev, Alexei V. 1 Turaev, Dmitry V. 1 Vasil’ev, Alekseĭ Alekseevich 1 Vasil’eva, A. L. 1 Ziglin, S. L. all top 5 Fields 41 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 25 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 12 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 35 Publications have been cited 150 times in 137 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Symmetries and regular behavior of Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1001.37507 Kozlov, V. V. 11 1996 Dynamical systems with an invariant measure on the Riemannian symmetric pairs \((\text{GL}(N),\text{SO}(N))\). Zbl 1001.37506 Fedorov, Yu. N. 9 1996 The method of continuous averaging in the problem of separation of fast and slow motions. Zbl 0923.34048 Treshchev, D. V. 8 1997 Super-homoclinic orbits and multi-pulse homoclinic loops in Hamiltonian systems with discrete symmetries. Zbl 1083.37525 Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 8 1997 On the inclusion of analytic maps into analytic flows. Zbl 0921.58024 Pronin, Andrei V.; Treshchev, Dmitry V. 8 1997 Local integrals of geodesic flows. Zbl 1083.37510 Ten, V. V. 8 1997 Quadratically integrable geodesic flows on a torus and a Klein bottle. Zbl 0937.37011 Matveev, V. S. 8 1997 Necessary and sufficient conditions for integrability of the Kirchhoff equations. Zbl 1001.70501 Borisov, A. V. 8 1996 Homo- and heteroclinic orbits, hyperbolic subsets in a one-parameter unfolding of a Hamiltonian system with heteroclinic contour with two saddle-foci. Zbl 0945.37017 Lerman, L. M. 7 1997 Nonlinear Poisson brackets and isomorphisms in dynamics. Zbl 0954.37032 Borisov, A. V.; Mamaev, I. S. 6 1997 On two-dimensional analytical area-preserving diffeomorphisms with a countable set of elliptic periodic points of stable type. Zbl 1083.37524 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 6 1997 Adiabatic chaos in rigid body dynamics. Zbl 0933.70007 Borisov, A. V.; Mamaev, I. S. 6 1997 Connected bodies in the orbit as dynamic billiard. Zbl 1001.70509 Beletsky, V. V.; Pankova, D. V. 5 1996 Bifurcations of first integrals in the case of Kowalewski-Yehia. Zbl 0935.70005 Kharlamov, M. P.; Ryabov, P. E. 5 1997 Quasi-periodic motions of a rigid body. I: Quadratic Hamiltonians on the sphere with a distinguished parameter. Zbl 0935.70006 Hanßmann, Heinz 5 1997 Kovalevskaya exponents and integrable systems of classical dynamics. I, II. Zbl 1001.70506 Borisov, A. V.; Tsygvintsev, A. V. 4 1996 Visualization of a hyperbolic structure in area preserving maps. Zbl 0922.58059 Giorgilli, A.; Lazutkin, V. F.; Simó, C. 4 1997 Closed orbits and chaotic dynamics of a charged particle in a periodic electromagnetic field. Zbl 0937.37005 Kozlov, V. V. 4 1997 On the Euler case in the dynamics of a rigid body and the Jacobi problem. Zbl 1001.70502 Bolsinov, A. V.; Dullin, H. 3 1997 Period doubling bifurcation in rigid body dynamics. Zbl 1001.70503 Borisov, A. V.; Simakov, N. N. 3 1997 First integrals, invariant sets, and bifurcations in dissipative systems. Zbl 0943.34042 Karapetyan, A. V. 3 1997 The mixmaster cosmological model as a pseudo-Euclidean generalized Toda chain. Zbl 1001.83507 Pavlov, A. E. 2 1996 Averaging in a neighborhood of stable invariant tori. Zbl 0922.58035 Kozlov, V. V. 2 1997 Multidimensional diophantine approximations and dynamical systems. Zbl 0938.11033 Moshchevitin, N. G. 2 1997 Nonintegrability of the generalized Halphen system. Zbl 0935.34001 Maciejewski, A. J.; Strelcyn, J.-M. 2 1996 Billiard representation for pseudo-Euclidean Toda-like systems of cosmological origin. Zbl 0935.37033 Ivashchuk, V. D.; Melnikov, V. N. 2 1996 Invariant tori of intermediate dimensions in Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 0922.58032 Sevryuk, M. B. 1 1997 Free manifolds of dynamic billiards. Zbl 1004.37504 Beletskiĭ, V. V.; Kugushev, E. I.; Starostin, E. L. 1 1997 Codimension and typicality in the context of description of transmission to chaos via period-doubling in dissipative dynamical systems. Zbl 1004.37503 Kuznetsov, A. P.; Kuznetsov, S. P.; Sataev, I. R. 1 1997 Algebro-geometric Poisson brackets in the problem of exact integration. Zbl 0954.37033 Orel, O. E. 1 1997 Geodesic flows on the Klein bottle, integrable by polynomials in momenta of degree four. Zbl 0921.58049 Matveev, V. S. 1 1997 The second-order Mel’nikov vector. Zbl 0943.34031 Rothos, V. M.; Bountis, T. C. 1 1997 Nonintegrability of Hamiltonian systems in vortex dynamics. I. Interaction of three vortex rings. Zbl 1001.76502 Bagrets, A. A.; Bagrets, D. A. 1 1997 On the study of Hénon–Heiles-type systems. Zbl 0937.37014 Dragunov, T. N.; Morozov, A. D. 1 1997 The Hill problem as a dynamical billiard. Zbl 0934.70013 Beletskiĭ, V. V.; Salimova, O. P. 1 1996 The method of continuous averaging in the problem of separation of fast and slow motions. Zbl 0923.34048 Treshchev, D. V. 8 1997 Super-homoclinic orbits and multi-pulse homoclinic loops in Hamiltonian systems with discrete symmetries. Zbl 1083.37525 Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 8 1997 On the inclusion of analytic maps into analytic flows. Zbl 0921.58024 Pronin, Andrei V.; Treshchev, Dmitry V. 8 1997 Local integrals of geodesic flows. Zbl 1083.37510 Ten, V. V. 8 1997 Quadratically integrable geodesic flows on a torus and a Klein bottle. Zbl 0937.37011 Matveev, V. S. 8 1997 Homo- and heteroclinic orbits, hyperbolic subsets in a one-parameter unfolding of a Hamiltonian system with heteroclinic contour with two saddle-foci. Zbl 0945.37017 Lerman, L. M. 7 1997 Nonlinear Poisson brackets and isomorphisms in dynamics. Zbl 0954.37032 Borisov, A. V.; Mamaev, I. S. 6 1997 On two-dimensional analytical area-preserving diffeomorphisms with a countable set of elliptic periodic points of stable type. Zbl 1083.37524 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 6 1997 Adiabatic chaos in rigid body dynamics. Zbl 0933.70007 Borisov, A. V.; Mamaev, I. S. 6 1997 Bifurcations of first integrals in the case of Kowalewski-Yehia. Zbl 0935.70005 Kharlamov, M. P.; Ryabov, P. E. 5 1997 Quasi-periodic motions of a rigid body. I: Quadratic Hamiltonians on the sphere with a distinguished parameter. Zbl 0935.70006 Hanßmann, Heinz 5 1997 Visualization of a hyperbolic structure in area preserving maps. Zbl 0922.58059 Giorgilli, A.; Lazutkin, V. F.; Simó, C. 4 1997 Closed orbits and chaotic dynamics of a charged particle in a periodic electromagnetic field. Zbl 0937.37005 Kozlov, V. V. 4 1997 On the Euler case in the dynamics of a rigid body and the Jacobi problem. Zbl 1001.70502 Bolsinov, A. V.; Dullin, H. 3 1997 Period doubling bifurcation in rigid body dynamics. Zbl 1001.70503 Borisov, A. V.; Simakov, N. N. 3 1997 First integrals, invariant sets, and bifurcations in dissipative systems. Zbl 0943.34042 Karapetyan, A. V. 3 1997 Averaging in a neighborhood of stable invariant tori. Zbl 0922.58035 Kozlov, V. V. 2 1997 Multidimensional diophantine approximations and dynamical systems. Zbl 0938.11033 Moshchevitin, N. G. 2 1997 Invariant tori of intermediate dimensions in Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 0922.58032 Sevryuk, M. B. 1 1997 Free manifolds of dynamic billiards. Zbl 1004.37504 Beletskiĭ, V. V.; Kugushev, E. I.; Starostin, E. L. 1 1997 Codimension and typicality in the context of description of transmission to chaos via period-doubling in dissipative dynamical systems. Zbl 1004.37503 Kuznetsov, A. P.; Kuznetsov, S. P.; Sataev, I. R. 1 1997 Algebro-geometric Poisson brackets in the problem of exact integration. Zbl 0954.37033 Orel, O. E. 1 1997 Geodesic flows on the Klein bottle, integrable by polynomials in momenta of degree four. Zbl 0921.58049 Matveev, V. S. 1 1997 The second-order Mel’nikov vector. Zbl 0943.34031 Rothos, V. M.; Bountis, T. C. 1 1997 Nonintegrability of Hamiltonian systems in vortex dynamics. I. Interaction of three vortex rings. Zbl 1001.76502 Bagrets, A. A.; Bagrets, D. A. 1 1997 On the study of Hénon–Heiles-type systems. Zbl 0937.37014 Dragunov, T. N.; Morozov, A. D. 1 1997 Symmetries and regular behavior of Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1001.37507 Kozlov, V. V. 11 1996 Dynamical systems with an invariant measure on the Riemannian symmetric pairs \((\text{GL}(N),\text{SO}(N))\). Zbl 1001.37506 Fedorov, Yu. N. 9 1996 Necessary and sufficient conditions for integrability of the Kirchhoff equations. Zbl 1001.70501 Borisov, A. V. 8 1996 Connected bodies in the orbit as dynamic billiard. Zbl 1001.70509 Beletsky, V. V.; Pankova, D. V. 5 1996 Kovalevskaya exponents and integrable systems of classical dynamics. I, II. Zbl 1001.70506 Borisov, A. V.; Tsygvintsev, A. V. 4 1996 The mixmaster cosmological model as a pseudo-Euclidean generalized Toda chain. Zbl 1001.83507 Pavlov, A. E. 2 1996 Nonintegrability of the generalized Halphen system. Zbl 0935.34001 Maciejewski, A. J.; Strelcyn, J.-M. 2 1996 Billiard representation for pseudo-Euclidean Toda-like systems of cosmological origin. Zbl 0935.37033 Ivashchuk, V. D.; Melnikov, V. N. 2 1996 The Hill problem as a dynamical billiard. Zbl 0934.70013 Beletskiĭ, V. V.; Salimova, O. P. 1 1996 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 159 Authors 20 Borisov, Alekseĭ Vladimirovich 19 Mamaev, Ivan Sergeevich 5 Bolotin, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 5 Fomenko, Anatoliĭ Timofeevich 5 Gonchenko, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 5 Kilin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 4 Agafonov, Sergey I. 4 Dragović, Vladimir 4 Gajić, Borislav 4 Kozlov, Valeriĭ Vasil’evich 4 Lerman, Lev 4 Maciejewski, Andrzej J. 4 Simó, Carles 3 Agapov, Sergei Vadimovich 3 Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich 3 Gorr, Gennadiĭ Viktorovich 3 Jovanović, Božidar Žarko 3 Kuznetsov, Sergey P. 3 Ryabov, Pavel Evgen’evich 3 Shubin, Vladislav 3 Vedyushkina, Viktoriya Viktorovna 2 Bolsinov, Alexey V. 2 Gonchenko, Marina S. 2 Hanßmann, Heinz 2 Ivashchuk, Vladimir D. 2 Karapetyan, Aleksandr Vladilenovich 2 Karasev, Mikhail Vladimirovich 2 Kharlamov, Mikhail Pavlovich 2 Kulagin, Nikolay E. 2 Lazutkin, Vladimir Fedorovich 2 Matveev, Vladimir S. 2 Morozov, Al’bert Dmitrievich 2 Moshchevitin, Nikolaĭ Germanovich 2 Przybylska, Maria 2 Rodrigues, Alexandre A. P. 2 Shchetinina, Elena Konstantinovna 2 Shilnikov, Leonid Pavlovich 2 Trifonov, Konstantin N. 2 Yagasaki, Kazuyuki 1 Abouelmagd, Elbaz I. 1 Afraimovich, Valentin S. 1 Alves, Thaís G. P. 1 Anikin, Anatolii Yur’evich 1 Avendaño-Camacho, Misael 1 Bäcker, Arnd 1 Bakrani, Sajjad 1 Barrientos, Pablo G. 1 Basak, Inna 1 Beletskiĭ, Vladimir Vasil’evich 1 Berger, Pierre 1 Bezglasnyi, S. P. 1 Biesiada, Marek 1 Birtea, Petre 1 Broer, Henk W. 1 Brüning, Jochen 1 Burov, Aleksandr Anatol’evich 1 Casas, Pablo S. 1 Caşu, Ioan 1 Channell, Paul J. 1 Cincotta, Pablo M. 1 Comănescu, Dan 1 Cong, Fuzhong 1 Dawson, Sean R. 1 Delshams, Amadeu 1 Denisova, N. V. 1 Dobrokhotov, Sergei Yurievich 1 Drubi, Fátima 1 Duarte, Pedro 1 Dullin, Holger R. 1 Fassò, Francesco 1 Fedorov, Yuri N. 1 Fernandes, Rui Loja 1 Florio, Anna 1 Fruchard, Augustin 1 García Guirao, Juan Luis 1 Gazizullina, L. A. 1 Giordano, Claudia M. 1 Giorgilli, Antonio 1 Henheik, Joscha 1 Hochgerner, Simon 1 Hoveijn, Igor 1 Huang, Kaiyin 1 Ibáñez, Santiago 1 Ichtiaroglou, Simos 1 Ivanov, Aleksandr Pavlovich 1 Karabanov, Alexander A. 1 Kazakov, Alexey O. 1 Ketzmerick, Roland 1 Kharlamova, Irina I. 1 Knobloch, Jürgen 1 Komech, Alexander Ilich 1 Kondrashov, Roman Evgen’evich 1 Konyaev, Andreĭ Yu. 1 Kopylova, Elena A. 1 Krasil’nikov, Pavel Sergeevich 1 Kruglikov, Boris S. 1 Kudryashov, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 1 Kudryavtseva, Elena A. 1 Lamb, Jeroen S. W. 1 Lange, Steffen ...and 59 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 58 Journals 33 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 7 Nelineĭnaya Dinamika 6 Journal of Geometry and Physics 6 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 4 Russian Mathematical Surveys 4 Journal of Differential Equations 4 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Nonlinearity 3 Physica D 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Chaos 3 Mechanics of Solids 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2 Physics Letters. A 2 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2 Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Journal of Nonlinear Science 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2 Gravitation & Cosmology 2 Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 1 Acta Mechanica 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Reports on Mathematical Physics 1 Wave Motion 1 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Differential Geometry and its Applications 1 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 Automation and Remote Control 1 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 1 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 1 Russian Mathematics 1 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 1 Izvestiya: Mathematics 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 1 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1 Differential Equations 1 Advances in Geometry 1 Dynamical Systems 1 Milan Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 Symmetry 1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 1 Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp’yuternye Nauki 1 Arnold Mathematical Journal all top 5 Cited in 27 Fields 87 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 69 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 24 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 15 Differential geometry (53-XX) 9 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 5 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year