Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section A. Physique Théorique Short Title: Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Nouv. Sér., Sect. A Publisher: Gauthier-Villars, Paris ISSN: 0020-2339 Online: Predecessor: Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré Successor: Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique Comments: Journal; No longer indexed; Vol.38(1983) and Vol.39(1983) were published without the addition ’Nouv. Sér.’ Documents Indexed: 435 Publications (1964–1983) References Indexed: 404 Publications with 5,926 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 39 (1983) 38 (1983) 37 (1982) 36 (1982) 35 (1981) 34 (1981) 33 (1980) 32 (1980) 31 (1979) 30 (1979) 29 (1978) 28 (1978) 27 (1977/1978) 26 (1977) 25 (1976) 24 (1976) 23 (1975) 22 (1975) 21 (1974/1975) 20 (1974) 19 (1974) 18 (1973/1974) 17 (1972/1973) 16 (1972) 15 (1971) 14 (1971) 13 (1970) 12 (1970) 11 (1969) 10 (1969) 9 (1968) 8 (1968) 7 (1967/1968) 6 (1967) 5 (1966) 4 (1966) 3 (1965) 2 (1965) 1 (1964) all top 5 Authors 15 Crumeyrolle, Albert 7 Papapetrou, Achilles 6 Francaviglia, Mauro 6 Ginibre, Jean 6 von Westenholz, Cornelius 5 Davies, Edward Brian 5 Dubois, Jean-Guy 5 Dufour, Jean-Paul 5 Maugin, Gérard A. 5 Tulczyjew, Włodzimierz Marek 4 Edwards, Christopher Martin 4 Guz, Wawrzyniec 4 Leaute, Bernard 4 Manuceau, Jérôme 4 Modugno, Marco 4 Tarski, Jan 3 Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne 3 Clerc, René-Louis 3 Droz-Vincent, Philippe 3 Dumont-Lepage, Marie-Claire 3 Fröhlich, Jürg Martin 3 Hurt, Norman E. 3 Ihrig, Edwin C. 3 Jean, Cecile 3 Klaus, Martin 3 Klink, William H. 3 McLenaghan, Raymond G. 3 Monastyrskiĭ, Mikhail Il’ich 3 Niederle, Jiri 3 Perelomov, Askold M. 3 Popovici, Iulian 3 Ronveaux, André 3 Rosca, Radu M. 3 Simon, Barry 3 Śniatycki, Jędrzej 3 Ton-That, Tuong 3 Velo, Giorgio 3 Verbeure, André F. 3 Weder, Ricardo A. 2 Albeverio, Sergio A. 2 Alicki, Robert 2 Bacry, Henri 2 Bażański, Stanisław L. 2 Bel, Luis 2 Benenti, Sergio 2 Blancheton, Éliane 2 Bricmont, Jean 2 Bros, Jacques 2 Christodoulou, Demetrios 2 Cissoko, Mahdy 2 Coll, Bartolomé 2 Costa de Beauregard, Olivier 2 Dao Vong Duc 2 Date, T. H. 2 Fano, Guido 2 Gallone, Franco 2 Gawędzki, Krzysztof 2 Gesztesy, Fritz 2 Giambo, Sebastiano 2 Gille, Jean-François 2 Golo, V. L. 2 Gopalakrishna, A. V. 2 Gotay, Mark J. 2 Greco, Antonio Maria 2 Hagedorn, George A. 2 Hamoui, Adnan 2 Harrell, Evans M. II 2 Havlíček, Miloslav 2 Høegh-Krohn, Raphael J. 2 Houard, Jean-Claude 2 Jaulent, Marcel 2 Kerner, Richard 2 Loupias, Guy 2 Manià, Alessandro 2 Mastrangelo, Michèle 2 Mastrangelo, Victor 2 Michel, Louis 2 Mickelsson, Jouko 2 Mielnik, Bogdan 2 Miracle-Sole, Salvador 2 Moret-Bailly, Irene 2 Mourre, Éric 2 Nester, James M. 2 Pham, Frédéric 2 Pommaret, Jean-Francois 2 Pulmannová, Sylvia 2 Raczka, Ryszard 2 Rideau, Guy 2 Robinson, Derek William 2 Schechter, Martin 2 Schomblond, Christiane 2 Shah, K. Tahir 2 Sirugue, Michel 2 Souriau, Jean-Marie 2 Stanek, Oleg 2 Stefani, Gianna 2 Strumia, Alberto 2 Testard, Daniel H. 2 Trotin, J. C. 2 Vaisman, Izu ...and 300 more Authors all top 5 Fields 103 Differential geometry (53-XX) 75 Quantum theory (81-XX) 62 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 42 Operator theory (47-XX) 39 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 37 Functional analysis (46-XX) 35 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 33 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 27 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 26 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 22 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 20 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 15 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 11 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 9 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 9 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 8 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 6 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 6 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 5 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 5 General topology (54-XX) 5 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 288 Publications have been cited 3,099 times in 2,783 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ One-loop divergencies in the theory of gravitation. Zbl 1422.83019 ’t Hooft, G.; Veltman, M. 252 1974 The return of the quartic oscillator. The complex WKB method. Zbl 0526.34046 Voros, A. 180 1983 Semiclassical analysis of low lying eigenvalues. I: Non-degenerate minima: Asymptotic expansions. Zbl 0526.35027 Simon, Barry 131 1983 Une nouvelle limite non-relativistic du groupe de Poincaré. Zbl 0143.22601 Lévy-Leblond, Jean-Marc 116 1965 Quantum theory of scalar field in the Sitter space-time. Zbl 0162.57802 Chernikov, N. A.; Tagirov, E. A. 116 1968 The role of locality in perturbation theory. Zbl 1216.81075 Epstein, H.; Glaser, V. 116 1974 Main field and convex covariant density for quasi-linear hyperbolic systems. Relativistic fluid dynamics. Zbl 0473.76126 Ruggeri, Tommaso; Strumia, Alberto 84 1981 On the infrared problem in a model of scalar electrons and massless, scalar bosons. Zbl 1216.81151 Fröhlich, Jürg 77 1974 Iteration of endomorphisms on the real axis and representation of numbers. Zbl 0416.28012 Derrida, B.; Gervois, A.; Pomeau, Y. 72 1978 The Legendre transformation. Zbl 0365.58011 Tulczyjew, W. M. 59 1977 Presymplectic Lagrangian systems. I: The constraint algorithm and the equivalence theorem. Zbl 0414.58015 Gotay, Mark J.; Nester, James M. 56 1979 Bound states and propagating states for time-dependent Hamiltonians. Zbl 0532.47007 Enss, Volker; Veselić, Krešimir 46 1983 Solutions presque périodiques et à N-solitons de l’équation hydrodynamique non linéaire de Kaup. Zbl 0435.76016 Matveev, V. B.; Yavor, M. I. 45 1979 On a class of non linear schrödinger equations. III. Special theories in dimensions 1, 2 and 3. Zbl 0397.35012 Ginibre, J.; Velo, G. 41 1978 Combinatorial approach to Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff exponents. Zbl 0206.13602 Mielnik, B.; Plebański, J. 40 1970 Covariant decompositions of symmetric tensors in the theory of gravitation. Zbl 0308.53018 York, James W. jun. 35 1975 The structure of the space of solutions of Einstein’s equations. I: One Killing field. Zbl 0454.53044 Fischer, Arthur E.; Marsden, Jerrold E.; Moncrief, Vincent 35 1980 C*-algebraic generalization of relative entropy and entropy. Zbl 0526.46060 Belavkin, V. P.; Staszewski, P. 33 1982 Presymplectic Lagrangian systems. II: The second-order equation problem. Zbl 0453.58016 Gotay, Mark J.; Nester, James M. 31 1980 Hilbert space approach to the quantum mechanical three-body problem. Zbl 0311.47003 Ginibre, J.; Moulin, M. 30 1975 The low energy expansion in nonrelativistic scattering theory. Zbl 0528.35076 Albeverio, Sergio; Gesztesy, Friedrich; Høegh-Krohn, Raphael 29 1982 The inverse problem for the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with an energy-dependent potential. I. Zbl 0357.34018 Jaulent, Marcel; Jean, Cecile 29 1976 \(C^ *\)-algèbres des systèmes canoniques. II. Zbl 0168.23505 Loupias, G.; Miracle-Sole, S. 26 1967 \(C^ *\)-algèbre de rélations decommutation. Zbl 0173.29902 Manuceau, J. 24 1968 Continuous bases for unitary irreducible representations of SU(1,1). Zbl 0203.57202 Lindblad, G.; Nagel, B. 24 1970 Kernels and symbols of operators in quantum field theory. Zbl 0386.47015 Kree, Paul; Raczka, Ryszard 24 1978 Differential forms as spinors. Zbl 0397.53005 Graf, W. 24 1978 Spectral properties of one-body relativistic spin-zero Hamiltonians. Zbl 1422.37065 Weder, R. A. 24 1974 Supersymmetries-mathematics of supergeometry. Zbl 0369.53061 Gawedzki, K. 23 1978 Conditions d’unicité pour le propagateur \(\Delta^1(x,y)\) du champ scalaire dans l’univers de deSitter. Zbl 0356.53010 Schomblond, Christiane; Spindel, Philippe 22 1976 Dirac brackets in geometric dynamics. Zbl 0295.70010 Sniatycki, Jedrzej 21 1974 Magnetized deformable media in general relativity. Zbl 0234.73037 Maugin, Gérard A. 20 1971 Unbounded derivations of von Neumann algebras. Zbl 0332.46043 Bratteli, Ola; Robinson, Derek W. 20 1976 The inverse problem for the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with an energy-dependent potential. II. Zbl 0357.34019 Jaulent, Marcel; Jean, Cecile 20 1976 The reconstruction of local observable algebras from the Euclidean Green’s functions of relativistic quantum field theory. Zbl 0364.46051 Driessler, W.; Fröhlich, J. 20 1977 Spin particle model in the electromagnetic and gravitational field. (Modèle de particule à Spin dans le champ électromagnétique et gravitationnel.) Zbl 1422.83017 Souriau, Jean-Marie 20 1974 Structures spinorielles. Zbl 0188.26102 Crumeyrolle, A. 19 1969 Covariant decomposition of symmetric tensors and the gravitational Cauchy problem. Zbl 0155.32801 Deser, S. 19 1967 Bound states and scattering states for time periodic Hamiltonians. Zbl 0544.35073 Yajima, Kenji; Kitada, Hitoshi 18 1983 Infinitesimal symplectic relations and generalized Hamiltonian dynamics. Zbl 0405.58029 Menzio, Maria Rosa; Tulczyjew, W. M. 18 1978 Spectral and scattering theory for the Schrödinger operator with strongly oscillating potentials. Zbl 0336.47007 Combescure, M.; Ginibre, J. 17 1976 On the genericity of nonvanishing instability intervals in Hills equation. Zbl 0346.34015 Simon, Barry 17 1976 Causality and local analyticity: mathematical study. Zbl 0286.42016 Bros, J.; Iagolnitzer, D. 16 1973 La théorie quantique locale et la théorie quantique des champs. Zbl 0128.45803 Wightman, A. S. 16 1964 Huygens’ principle. Zbl 0528.35057 McLenaghan, R. G. 16 1982 On the validity of Huygens’ principle for second order partial differential equations with four independent variables. I: Derivation of necessary conditions. Zbl 0287.35058 McLenaghan, R. G. 15 1974 Problème de Cauchy pour l’équation de Boltzmann en relativite générale. Zbl 0266.35056 Bancel, Daniel 14 1973 Propagation of chaos for Burgers’ equation. Zbl 0526.60057 Calderoni, P.; Pulvirenti, M. 14 1983 Generators for quasi-free completely positive semi-groups. Zbl 0398.47029 Vanheuverzwijn, Paul 14 1978 On the double-well problem for Dirac operators. Zbl 0529.35062 Harrell, Evans M.; Klaus, M. 13 1983 A low temperature expansion for the pseudoscalar Yukawa model of quantum fields in two space-time dimensions. Zbl 0509.46059 Balaban, T.; Gawedzki, K. 13 1982 The geometry of the octet. Zbl 0267.22019 Michel, Louis; Radicati, Luigi A. 12 1973 Quantification geométrique. Applications. Zbl 0152.46204 Souriau, J.-M. 12 1967 Construction de revetements du groupe conforme d’un espace vectoriel muni d’une ”métrique” de type (p,q). Zbl 0447.53047 Angles, Pierre 12 1980 Boundary conditions for the \(P(\phi)_2\) Euclidean field theory. Zbl 1495.81067 Guerra, Francesco; Rosen, Lon; Simon, Barry 12 1976 Unitary equivalence of local algebras in the quasifree representation. Zbl 0287.46077 Eckmann, J.-P.; Fröhlich, J. 11 1974 Physical states on quantum logics. I. Zbl 0252.46083 Gunson, J. 11 1973 Symmetry breaking for molecular open systems. Zbl 0493.49040 Davies, E. B. 11 1981 Two-channel Hamiltonians and the optical model of nuclear scattering. Zbl 0427.47004 Davies, E. B. 11 1978 Explicit solutions of box u=0 on the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space- times. Zbl 0499.58028 Klainerman, S.; Sarnak, P. 11 1981 Charged particles with short range interactions. Zbl 0555.35111 Albeverio, Sergio; Gesztesy, Friedrich; Høegh-Krohn, Raphael; Streit, L. 11 1983 Monotone convergence in partially ordered vector spaces. Zbl 0197.38201 Edwards, C. M.; Gerzon, M. A. 10 1970 Conditions de compatibilite pour une hypersurface singuliere en mécanique relativiste des milieux continus. Zbl 0321.53021 Maugin, Gerard A. 10 1976 Some results on the calculus of variations on jet spaces. Zbl 0519.49028 Mangiarotti, L.; Modugno, M. 10 1983 Quelques invariants topologiques en géométrie symplectique. Zbl 0521.53040 Morvan, Jean-Marie 10 1983 Resonances in an abstract analytic scattering theory. Zbl 0462.47010 Jensen, Arne 10 1980 Cauchy data on a manifold. Zbl 0412.35018 Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne; Christodoulou, Demetrios; Francaviglia, Mauro 10 1978 Analytic scattering theory of quantum mechanical three-body systems. Zbl 0428.47003 Balslev, Erik 10 1980 Coherent states and square integrable representations. Zbl 0392.22008 Moscovici, Henri; Verona, Andrei 10 1978 Gel’fand-Kirillov dimension for algebras associated with the Weyl algebra. Zbl 0287.16011 Joseph, A. 9 1973 Espaces-temps einsteiniens généraux, chocs gravitationnels. Zbl 0162.29703 Choquet-Bruhat, Y. 9 1968 Compatibility and partial compatibility in quantum logics. Zbl 0469.03045 Pulmannova, Sylvia 9 1981 Asymptotic completeness for the impact parameter approximation to three particle scattering. Zbl 0482.47003 Hagedorn, George A. 9 1982 Scattering theory for one-dimensional step potentials. Zbl 0353.47004 Ruijsenaars, S. N. M.; Bongaarts, P. J. M. 9 1977 Filter theory and covering law. Zbl 0398.03052 Guz, Wawrzyniec 9 1978 Non-unitary scattering and capture. II: Quantum dynamical semigroup theory. Zbl 0445.47006 Davies, E. B. 9 1980 Quantum scattering by external metrics and Yang-Mills potentials. Zbl 0441.35055 Cotta-Ramusino, P.; Krüger, W.; Schrader, R. 9 1979 Spinor-type fields with linear, affine and general coordinate transformations. Zbl 0388.22010 Ne’eman, Yuval 9 1978 The classical field limit of non-relativistic Bosons. II: Asymptotic expansions for general potentials. Zbl 0457.47039 Ginibre, J.; Velo, G. 9 1980 Geometrical background for the unified field theories: the Einstein- Cartan theory over a principal fibre bundle. Zbl 0474.53060 Kerner, Richard 9 1981 Second et troisieme espaces de cohomologie différentiable de l’algèbre de Lie de Poisson d’une variété symplectique. Zbl 0476.53021 Gutt, Simone 9 1980 On a class of infinite products occurring in quantum statistical mechanics. Zbl 0223.40002 Fano, G.; Loupias, G. 8 1971 Sur les fluides relativistes à spin. Zbl 0289.76062 Maugin, Gerard A. 8 1974 An action principle in general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. Zbl 0245.76088 Maugin, Gerard A. 8 1972 On the theory of unitary representations of the \(\mathrm{SL}(2, \mathbb C)\) group. Zbl 0161.23702 Dao Vong Duc; Nguyen Van Hieu 8 1967 Singularites des processus de diffusion multiple. Zbl 0154.46102 Pham, F. 8 1967 A stochastic scheme for constructing solutions of the Schrödinger equations. Zbl 0446.60045 De Witt-Morette, C.; Elworthy, K. D.; Nelson, B. L.; Sammelman, G. S. 8 1980 On the Cauchy problem for the Yang-Mills field equations. Zbl 0285.35059 Kerner, Richard 7 1974 Ondes de choc en magnetohydrodynamique relativiste. Zbl 0144.24002 Lichnerowicz, A. 7 1966 On an inverse problem in potential scattering theory. Zbl 0159.59804 Loeffel, J.-J. 7 1968 An analog of the RAGE theorem for the impact parameter approximation to three particle scattering. Zbl 0517.47009 Hagedorn, George A. 7 1983 Regularly full logics and the uniqueness problem for observables. Zbl 0519.03051 Pták, Pavel; Rogalewicz, Vladimir 7 1983 Classical wave operators and asymptotic quantum field operators on curved space-times. Zbl 0539.35063 Dimock, J.; Kay, Bernard S. 7 1982 Some remarks on double wells in one and three dimensions. Zbl 0474.35041 Klaus, M. 7 1981 The Cauchy problem for coupled Yang-Mills and scalar fields in the Lorentz gauge. Zbl 0486.35049 Ginibre, J.; Velo, G. 7 1982 On characteristic identities for Lie algebras. Zbl 0359.17003 O’Brien, D. M.; Cant, A.; Carey, A. L. 7 1977 Essential self-adjointness of many particle Schrödinger Hamiltonians with singular two-body potentials. Zbl 0343.47007 Combescure-Moulin, M.; Ginibre, J. 7 1975 Exact relativistic theory of wave propagation in prestressed nonlinear elastic solids. Zbl 0375.73025 Maugin, Gerard A. 7 1978 Kinematics of relative motion of test particles in general relativity. Zbl 0377.53014 Bazanski, Stanislaw L. 7 1977 Dynamics of relative motion of test particles in general relativity. Zbl 0377.53015 Bazanski, Stanislaw L. 7 1977 The return of the quartic oscillator. The complex WKB method. Zbl 0526.34046 Voros, A. 180 1983 Semiclassical analysis of low lying eigenvalues. I: Non-degenerate minima: Asymptotic expansions. Zbl 0526.35027 Simon, Barry 131 1983 Bound states and propagating states for time-dependent Hamiltonians. Zbl 0532.47007 Enss, Volker; Veselić, Krešimir 46 1983 Bound states and scattering states for time periodic Hamiltonians. Zbl 0544.35073 Yajima, Kenji; Kitada, Hitoshi 18 1983 Propagation of chaos for Burgers’ equation. Zbl 0526.60057 Calderoni, P.; Pulvirenti, M. 14 1983 On the double-well problem for Dirac operators. Zbl 0529.35062 Harrell, Evans M.; Klaus, M. 13 1983 Charged particles with short range interactions. Zbl 0555.35111 Albeverio, Sergio; Gesztesy, Friedrich; Høegh-Krohn, Raphael; Streit, L. 11 1983 Some results on the calculus of variations on jet spaces. Zbl 0519.49028 Mangiarotti, L.; Modugno, M. 10 1983 Quelques invariants topologiques en géométrie symplectique. Zbl 0521.53040 Morvan, Jean-Marie 10 1983 An analog of the RAGE theorem for the impact parameter approximation to three particle scattering. Zbl 0517.47009 Hagedorn, George A. 7 1983 Regularly full logics and the uniqueness problem for observables. Zbl 0519.03051 Pták, Pavel; Rogalewicz, Vladimir 7 1983 On \(-dx^ 2/d^ 2+V\) where V has infinitely many ”bumps”. Zbl 0527.47032 Klaus, M. 6 1983 Deformations of the algebra of functions on Hermitian symmetric spaces resulting from quantization. Zbl 0528.58013 Moreno, Carlos; Ortega-Navarro, Pilar 6 1983 Singularité du spectre de l’opérateur de Schrödinger aléatoire dans un ruban ou un demi-ruban. Zbl 0515.60067 Lacroix, J. 5 1983 On the relationship between the reversibility of dynamics and balance conditions. Zbl 0519.46068 Majewski, W. A. 4 1983 Scattering theory for quantum dynamical semigroups. II. Zbl 0524.47006 Alicki, Robert; Frigerio, Alberto 4 1983 Odd anharmonic oscillators and shape resonances. Zbl 0521.47009 Caliceti, E.; Maioli, M. 4 1983 Existence, uniqueness and iterative construction of motions of charged particles with retarded interactions. Zbl 0516.34066 Eder, E. 4 1983 An upper bound for the local time-decay of scattering solutions for the Schrödinger equation with Coulomb potential. Zbl 0538.35025 Cycon, Hans L. 3 1983 About the adiabatic stability of resonant states. Zbl 0529.47021 Lochak, Pierre 2 1983 Sur les fibrés d’objets géométriques et leurs applications physiques. Zbl 0531.53059 Ferraris, M.; Francaviglia, M.; Reina, C. 2 1983 Conservation laws and string-like matter distributions. Zbl 0564.53043 Jadczyk, A. 2 1983 The canonical structure of generalized non-linear sigma models in constrained Hamiltonian formalism. Zbl 0518.58021 Maharana, J. 1 1983 Vorticity and electric current behind a shock wave in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. Zbl 0529.76128 Gopalakrishna, A. V. 1 1983 Relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics of singularities of the Liouville equation. Zbl 0539.35068 Pogrebkov, A. K.; Todorov, I. T. 1 1983 Le formalisme de contact en mécanique classique et relativiste. Zbl 0526.70020 Bryant, J. 1 1983 Some remarks on conservative symmetric-hyperbolic systems governing relativistic theories. Zbl 0522.76129 Strumia, Alberto 1 1983 Large time, small coupling behaviour of a quantum particle in a random field. Zbl 0534.60099 Dell’Antonio, G. F. 1 1983 C*-algebraic generalization of relative entropy and entropy. Zbl 0526.46060 Belavkin, V. P.; Staszewski, P. 33 1982 The low energy expansion in nonrelativistic scattering theory. Zbl 0528.35076 Albeverio, Sergio; Gesztesy, Friedrich; Høegh-Krohn, Raphael 29 1982 Huygens’ principle. Zbl 0528.35057 McLenaghan, R. G. 16 1982 A low temperature expansion for the pseudoscalar Yukawa model of quantum fields in two space-time dimensions. Zbl 0509.46059 Balaban, T.; Gawedzki, K. 13 1982 Asymptotic completeness for the impact parameter approximation to three particle scattering. Zbl 0482.47003 Hagedorn, George A. 9 1982 Classical wave operators and asymptotic quantum field operators on curved space-times. Zbl 0539.35063 Dimock, J.; Kay, Bernard S. 7 1982 The Cauchy problem for coupled Yang-Mills and scalar fields in the Lorentz gauge. Zbl 0486.35049 Ginibre, J.; Velo, G. 7 1982 Matrix elements and highest weight Wigner coefficients of GL(n,C). Zbl 0488.22041 Klink, W. H.; Ton-That, T. 6 1982 Le problème inverse du calcul des variations. Zbl 0519.58027 Bauderon, Michel 5 1982 Inverse scattering for the one-dimensional Stark effect and application to the cylindrical KdV equation. Zbl 0506.35079 Graffi, S.; Harrell, E. 5 1982 The Hamiltonian formalism in higher order variational problems. Zbl 0516.70022 Francaviglia, Mauro; Krupka, Demeter 5 1982 Regular operators on partial inner product spaces. Zbl 0521.47019 Atoine, J.-P.; Mathot, F. 1 1982 Generic properties of classical n-body systems, in one dimension, and crystal theory. Zbl 0526.70010 Duneau, M.; Katz, A. 1 1982 Integrability for representations appearing in geometric pre- quantization. Zbl 0504.58024 Werth, J.-E. 1 1982 Main field and convex covariant density for quasi-linear hyperbolic systems. Relativistic fluid dynamics. Zbl 0473.76126 Ruggeri, Tommaso; Strumia, Alberto 84 1981 Symmetry breaking for molecular open systems. Zbl 0493.49040 Davies, E. B. 11 1981 Explicit solutions of box u=0 on the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space- times. Zbl 0499.58028 Klainerman, S.; Sarnak, P. 11 1981 Compatibility and partial compatibility in quantum logics. Zbl 0469.03045 Pulmannova, Sylvia 9 1981 Geometrical background for the unified field theories: the Einstein- Cartan theory over a principal fibre bundle. Zbl 0474.53060 Kerner, Richard 9 1981 Some remarks on double wells in one and three dimensions. Zbl 0474.35041 Klaus, M. 7 1981 Characterizing the conformality in a Minkowski space. Zbl 0476.51014 Popovici, Iulian; Radulescu, Dan Constantin 5 1981 Differential pseudoconnections and field theories. Zbl 0478.70015 Modugno, Marco; Ragionieri, Rodolfo; Stefani, Gianna 4 1981 On the polarizers of compact semi-simple Lie groups. Applications. Zbl 0471.22023 Duval, C. 3 1981 A spectral theory for order unit spaces. Zbl 0482.46006 Abbati, M. C.; Mania, A. 3 1981 Distance between states and statistical inference in quantum theory. Zbl 0485.46037 Hadjisavvas, N. 3 1981 Opérateurs elliptiques et mesures sur l’espace des lacets invariants par le groupe des difféomorphismes du cercle. Zbl 0485.58019 Gaveau, Bernard; Mazet, Edmond 2 1981 Bilinearite et géométrie affine attachees aux espaces de spineurs complexes, minkowskiens ou autres. Zbl 0454.53011 Crumeyrolle, A. 2 1981 Canonical forms for separability structures with less than five Killing tensors. Zbl 0454.53030 Benenti, Sergio; Francaviglia, Mauro 2 1981 Projection postulate and superposition principle in non-lattice quantum logics. Zbl 0473.03056 Guz, Wawrzyniec 2 1981 On the scattering theory for quantum dynamical semigroups. Zbl 0474.47005 Alicki, Robert 2 1981 The n-field-irreducible part of a \(n\)-point functional. Zbl 0476.46059 Brüning, Erwin 2 1981 Essai de ”thermodynamique rationnelle” des milieux continus. Zbl 0465.73005 Iglesias, P. 1 1981 Déformations d’algèbres associees à une variété symplectique, une construction effective. Zbl 0486.58016 Crumeyrolle, A. 1 1981 Partial inner product spaces of entire functions. Zbl 0484.46029 Antoine, J.-P.; Vause, M. 1 1981 The structure of the space of solutions of Einstein’s equations. I: One Killing field. Zbl 0454.53044 Fischer, Arthur E.; Marsden, Jerrold E.; Moncrief, Vincent 35 1980 Presymplectic Lagrangian systems. II: The second-order equation problem. Zbl 0453.58016 Gotay, Mark J.; Nester, James M. 31 1980 Construction de revetements du groupe conforme d’un espace vectoriel muni d’une ”métrique” de type (p,q). Zbl 0447.53047 Angles, Pierre 12 1980 Resonances in an abstract analytic scattering theory. Zbl 0462.47010 Jensen, Arne 10 1980 Analytic scattering theory of quantum mechanical three-body systems. Zbl 0428.47003 Balslev, Erik 10 1980 Non-unitary scattering and capture. II: Quantum dynamical semigroup theory. Zbl 0445.47006 Davies, E. B. 9 1980 The classical field limit of non-relativistic Bosons. II: Asymptotic expansions for general potentials. Zbl 0457.47039 Ginibre, J.; Velo, G. 9 1980 Second et troisieme espaces de cohomologie différentiable de l’algèbre de Lie de Poisson d’une variété symplectique. Zbl 0476.53021 Gutt, Simone 9 1980 A stochastic scheme for constructing solutions of the Schrödinger equations. Zbl 0446.60045 De Witt-Morette, C.; Elworthy, K. D.; Nelson, B. L.; Sammelman, G. S. 8 1980 Conditional probability in quantum axiomatics. Zbl 0454.03032 Guz, Wawrzyniec 6 1980 Sur les ideaux à gauche des algèbres de Clifford et les produits scalaires des spineurs. Zbl 0446.15012 Lounesto, Pertti 4 1980 An integral formula for cocycles of Lie groups. Zbl 0441.17009 Houard, J.-C. 4 1980 Algèbres de Clifford dégénérées et revetements des groupes conformes affines orthogonaux et symplectiques. Zbl 0454.53010 Crumeyrolle, A. 3 1980 Conformal geometry and spatially homogeneous cosmology. Zbl 0474.53057 Jantzen, Robert T. 2 1980 A trace formula for semi-simple Lie algebras. Zbl 0437.17001 Gould, M. D. 2 1980 Positive maps of the CCR algebra with a finite number of non-zero truncated functions. Zbl 0471.46039 Pule, J. V. 2 1980 De Sitter-invariant field equations. Zbl 0439.53044 Brugarino, Tommaso 1 1980 Superpositions of states and a representation theorem. Zbl 0453.03066 Pulmannova, Sylvia 1 1980 Some non-Markovian Osterwalder-Schrader fields. Zbl 0427.60097 Haba, Z. 1 1980 Le concept nouveau de fonctionnelle d’opacite d’une statistique. Étude des rélations entre la loi des grands nombres, l’entropie informationnelle et l’entropie statistique. Zbl 0427.60100 Mugur-Schächter, Mioara 1 1980 Predictive extension of a singular Lagrangian system. Zbl 0452.35105 Llosa, J. A.; Marques, F.; Molina, A. 1 1980 Presymplectic Lagrangian systems. I: The constraint algorithm and the equivalence theorem. Zbl 0414.58015 Gotay, Mark J.; Nester, James M. 56 1979 Solutions presque périodiques et à N-solitons de l’équation hydrodynamique non linéaire de Kaup. Zbl 0435.76016 Matveev, V. B.; Yavor, M. I. 45 1979 Quantum scattering by external metrics and Yang-Mills potentials. Zbl 0441.35055 Cotta-Ramusino, P.; Krüger, W.; Schrader, R. 9 1979 Holomorphic induction and the tensor product decomposition of irreducible representations of compact groups. I: SU(n) groups. Zbl 0439.22020 Klink, W. H.; Ton-That, T. 6 1979 A coordinatewise formulation of geometric quantization. Zbl 0419.58010 Vaisman, Izu 5 1979 On the wave equation in curved spacetime. Zbl 0454.58016 Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne; Christodoulou, Demetrios; Francaviglia, Mauro 5 1979 Orthogonal polynomial bases for holomorphically induced representations of the general linear groups. Zbl 0439.22021 Klink, W. H.; Ton-That, T. 4 1979 Commutators of Hilbert-Schmidt type and the scattering cross section. Zbl 0415.47005 Amrein, W. O.; Pearson, D. B. 3 1979 Sur quelques rélations intégrales entre les solutions de l’équation biconfluente de Heun. Zbl 0432.33007 Maroni, P. 3 1979 An improved formulation of axioms for quantum mechanics. Zbl 0427.03054 Guz, Wawrzyniec 2 1979 Errata: Generators for quasi-free completely positive semi-groups. Zbl 0413.47039 Vanheuverzwijn, Paul 2 1979 Completeness of wave operators in two Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0444.47014 Schechter, Martin 2 1979 Canonical forms for \(S_ {n-3}\)-structures in pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 0459.53019 Benenti, Sergio; Francaviglia, Mauro 2 1979 On the geometrical structure of shock waves in general relativity. Zbl 0418.76093 Modugno, Marco; Stefani, Gianna 1 1979 Infinitesimal holonomy group structure and geometrization. Zbl 0432.53054 Norris, L. K.; Davis, W. R. 1 1979 Espaces-temps possedant la propriété de Killing. Zbl 0442.53027 Rosca, Radu 1 1979 Entropie, paramètres thermodynamiques, information associée aux événements et aux experiences. Zbl 0418.60017 Mastrangelo, Michèle; Mastrangelo, Victor 1 1979 ...and 188 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,228 Authors 30 Ruggeri, Tommaso 18 Albeverio, Sergio A. 18 Fröhlich, Jürg Martin 16 Mariño, Marcos 15 Fredenhagen, Klaus 15 Gesztesy, Fritz 15 Horváthy, Peter A. 15 Maugin, Gérard A. 15 Rejzner, Katarzyna 14 Faupin, Jérémy 14 Markkanen, Tommi 14 Simon, Barry 13 Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne 13 Crumeyrolle, Albert 13 de León Rodríguez, Manuel 12 McLenaghan, Raymond G. 12 Pennisi, Sebastiano 11 Dybalski, Wojciech 11 Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch 11 Esen, Oğul 11 Gomis, Joaquim 11 Pinamonti, Nicola 11 Saueressig, Frank 11 Zhang, Pengming 10 Bagchi, Arjun 10 Duval, Christian 10 Grabowski, Janusz 10 Helffer, Bernard 10 Miyao, Tadahiro 10 Peng, Shouli 10 Tanimoto, Yoh 9 Cao, Kefei 9 Klink, William H. 9 Longo, Roberto 9 Román-Roy, Narciso 9 Takei, Yoshitsugu 9 Tulczyjew, Włodzimierz Marek 8 Amour, Laurent 8 Davies, Edward Brian 8 de Gosson, Maurice Alexis 8 Elbistan, Mahmut 8 Grabowska, Katarzyna 8 Hasler, David G. 8 Høegh-Krohn, Raphael J. 8 Pizzo, Alessandro 8 Sigal, Israel Michael 8 Yoshimura, Hiroaki 7 Aoki, Takashi 7 Banerjee, Aritra 7 Barbera, Elvira 7 Bourget, Olivier 7 Carrisi, Maria Cristina 7 Drago, Nicolò 7 Dütsch, Michael 7 Fagnola, Franco 7 Grassi, Alba 7 Gu, Jie 7 Hagedorn, George A. 7 Iwaki, Kohei 7 Liang, Zhenguo 7 Marmo, Giuseppe 7 Marsden, Jerrold Eldon 7 Martinez, André 7 Mund, Jens 7 Naumkin, Ivan P. 7 Patras, Frédéric 7 Pulmannová, Sylvia 7 Rajantie, Arttu K. 7 Schroer, Bert 7 Vaisman, Izu 7 Zhou, Zhong 6 Balslev, Erik 6 Bern, Zvi 6 Brini, Francesca 6 Canarutto, Daniel 6 Dias, Nuno Costa 6 Edwards, Christopher Martin 6 Fan, Engui 6 Gérard, Christian 6 Giambo, Sebastiano 6 Glavan, Dražen 6 Ito, Katsushi 6 Kawai, Takahiro 6 Lörinczi, József 6 Manchon, Dominique 6 Mantile, Andrea 6 Martín de Diego, David 6 Narain, Gaurav 6 Natário, José 6 Nourrigat, Jean Francois 6 Pereira, Antônio Duarte 6 Petz, Dénes 6 Pham, Frédéric 6 Prata, João Nuno 6 Rehren, Karl-Henning 6 Rosenberger, Elke 6 Summers, Stephen Jeffrey 6 Ton-That, Tuong 5 Accardi, Luigi 5 Aida, Shigeki ...and 3,128 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 334 Journals 239 Journal of High Energy Physics 191 Communications in Mathematical Physics 128 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section A. Physique Théorique 96 Journal of Functional Analysis 95 Journal of Mathematical Physics 95 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 85 Reports on Mathematical Physics 83 Annals of Physics 77 Annales Henri Poincaré 71 Classical and Quantum Gravity 70 Journal of Geometry and Physics 68 Nuclear Physics. B 61 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 48 Physics Letters. B 47 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 36 Journal of Differential Equations 31 Letters in Mathematical Physics 30 Physica D 29 General Relativity and Gravitation 28 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 27 Physics Letters. A 23 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 20 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 19 Journal of Statistical Physics 18 Advances in Mathematics 17 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 17 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 17 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 16 Physics Reports 16 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 15 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 15 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 15 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 15 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part B. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 14 Advances in Applied Mathematics 13 International Journal of Engineering Science 13 Foundations of Physics 13 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 13 Journal of Geometric Mechanics 12 Differential Geometry and its Applications 12 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. 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