Naval Research Logistics Quarterly Short Title: Nav. Res. Logist. Q. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ ISSN: 0028-1441 Online: Successor: Naval Research Logistics Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 1,085 Publications (1954–1986) References Indexed: 1,061 Publications with 12,506 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 33 (1986) 32 (1985) 31 (1984) 30 (1983) 29 (1982) 28 (1981) 27 (1980) 26 (1979) 25 (1978) 24 (1977) 23 (1976) 22 (1975) 21 (1974/1975) 20 (1973) 19 (1972) 18 (1971/1972) 17 (1970) 16 (1969) 15 (1968) 14 (1967) 13 (1966) 12 (1965) 11 (1964) 10 (1963) 9 (1962) 8 (1961) 7 (1960) 1 (1954) all top 5 Authors 15 Weiss, Lionel I. 14 Szwarc, Włodzimierz 12 Taylor, James G. 11 Thompson, Gerald L. 10 Charnes, Abraham 9 Ancker, C. J. jun. 9 Zacks, Shelemyahu 8 Derman, Cyrus 8 Love, Robert F. 8 Ross, Sheldon Mark 7 Bazaraa, Mokhtar S. 7 Harris, Carl M. 7 Nahmias, Steven 6 Balachandran, V. K. 6 Cooper, William Wager 6 Glover, Fred W. 6 Kennington, Jeffery L. 6 McKeown, Patrick G. 6 Nemhauser, George L. 6 Neuts, Marcel Fernand 6 Shetty, C. M. 6 Soland, Richard M. 5 Cabot, A. Victor 5 Cooper, Mary W. 5 Drezner, Zvi 5 Gafarian, A. V. 5 Kaplan, Alan J. 5 Klingman, Darwin D. 5 Mond, Bertram 5 Murphy, Frederic H. 5 Panwalkar, Shrikant S. 5 Pierskalla, William P. 5 Sherali, Hanif D. 5 Shubik, Martin 5 Singpurwalla, Nozer D. 5 Whinston, Andrew B. 4 Adiri, Igal 4 Ahsanullah, Mohammad 4 Armstrong, Ronald D. 4 Baker, Kenneth R. 4 Baxter, Laurence A. 4 Berg, Menachem P. 4 Chand, Suresh 4 Chaudhry, Mohan L. 4 Cooper, Leon 4 Das, Chandrasekhar 4 Disney, Ralph L. 4 Dubey, Satya D. 4 Gaver, Donald Paul jun. 4 Gluss, Brian 4 Golden, Bruce L. 4 Griesmer, James H. 4 Gross, Donald 4 Iglehart, Donald Lee 4 Kortanek, Kenneth O. 4 Lieberman, Gerald J. 4 Luss, Hanan 4 Mann, Nancy R. 4 Millham, Charles B. 4 Mitchell, Curtis R. 4 Montgomery, Douglas C. 4 Morey, Richard C. 4 Morris, James G. 4 Paulson, Albert S. 4 Proschan, Frank 4 Rao, M. Rammohan 4 Savage, I. Richard 4 Schechner, Zvi 4 Sethi, Suresh P. 4 Shanthikumar, Jeyaveerasingam George 4 Soyster, Allen L. 4 Srinivasan, V. 4 Stern, Helman I. 4 Zuckerman, Dror 3 Agnew, Robert A. 3 Albright, S. Christian 3 Anderson, Michael Q. 3 Angus, John E. 3 Austin, Larry M. 3 Balas, Egon 3 Balcer, Yves 3 Basu, Asit P. 3 Bector, C. R. 3 Bennett, G. Kemble 3 Bitran, Gabriel R. 3 Blischke, Wallace R. 3 Book, Stephen A. 3 Burdet, Claude-Alain 3 Chan, Lai-Kow 3 Charalambous, Christakis 3 Cohen, Morris A. 3 Craven, Bruce Desmond 3 Cremeans, John E. 3 Elmaghraby, Salah E. 3 Erenguc, S. Selcuk 3 Fisk, John C. 3 Glazebrook, Kevin D. 3 Greenberg, Harold H. 3 Helgason, Richard V. 3 Henin, Claude G. ...and 914 more Authors all top 5 Fields 664 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 182 Statistics (62-XX) 157 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 154 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 107 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 26 Computer science (68-XX) 21 Combinatorics (05-XX) 21 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 8 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 808 Publications have been cited 8,354 times in 6,394 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Programming with linear fractional functionals. Zbl 0127.36901 Charnes, A.; Cooper, W. 620 1962 The kernel of a cooperative game. Zbl 0204.20202 Davis, Morton; Maschler, Michael 268 1965 Simulation of nonhomogeneous Poisson processes by thinning. Zbl 0497.60003 Lewis, P. A. W.; Shedler, G. S. 139 1979 Multilinear extensions and the Banzhaf value. Zbl 0333.90056 Owen, Guillermo 125 1975 \(n\)-person games in partition function form. Zbl 0229.90056 Thrall, R. M.; Lucas, W. F. 103 1963 Some simple scheduling algorithms. Zbl 0276.90024 Horn, W. A. 102 1974 A survey of maintenance models: the control and surveillance of deteriorating systems. Zbl 0358.90028 Pierskalla, William P.; Voelker, John A. 102 1976 Minimizing the average deviation of job completion times about a common due date. Zbl 0548.90037 Kanet, John J. 101 1981 Inventory models with a mixture of backorders and lost sales. Zbl 0262.90020 Montgomery, Douglas C.; Bazaraa, M. S.; Keswani, Ajit K. 92 1973 Optimality conditions for the bilevel programming problem. Zbl 0537.90087 Bard, Jonathan F. 82 1984 Optimal maintenance models for systems subject to failure - a review. Zbl 0453.90034 Sherif, Y. S.; Smith, M. L. 73 1981 The HNBUE and HNWUE classes of life distributions. Zbl 0543.62006 Klefsjö, Bengt 68 1982 The fixed charge problem. Zbl 0167.48201 Hirsch, W. M.; Dantzig, G. B. 66 1968 Minimizing mean absolute deviation of completion times about a common due date. Zbl 0599.90049 Bagchi, Uttarayan; Sullivan, Robert S.; Chang, Y. L. 65 1986 Maximum matching in a convex bipartite graph. Zbl 0183.24501 Glover, F. 63 1967 Bayesian estimation and optimal designs in partially accelerated life testing. Zbl 0422.62089 DeGroot, Morris H.; Goel, Prem K. 62 1979 Time-minimizing transportation problems. Zbl 0197.45604 Hammer, Peter L. 61 1969 Hyperbolic programming. Zbl 0131.18504 Martos, B. 59 1964 The bottleneck transportation problem. Zbl 0262.90040 Garfinkel, R. S.; Rao, M. R. 56 1972 A delay dependent queue discipline. Zbl 0137.11906 Kleinrock, L. 52 1964 Fixed-cost transportation problems. Zbl 0106.34801 Balinski, M. L. 51 1961 A note on optimal inventory management under inflation. Zbl 0396.90031 Misra, Ram B. 50 1979 Minimizing the sum of absolute lateness in single-machine and multimachine scheduling. Zbl 0544.90052 Sundararaghavan, P. S.; Ahmed, Mesbah U. 49 1984 A problem in network interdiction. Zbl 0394.90038 Golden, Bruce 49 1978 Optimal interdiction of a supply network. Zbl 0222.90017 McMasters, Alan W.; Mustin, Thomas M. 47 1970 Numerical investigations on quadratic assignment problems. Zbl 0391.90066 Burkard, Rainer E.; Stratmann, Karl-Heinz 47 1978 Constraint qualifications in maximization problems. Zbl 0129.34103 Arrow, K. J.; Hurwicz, L.; Uzawa, Hirofumi 46 1961 Numerical treatment of a class of semi-infinite programming problems. Zbl 0272.90073 Gustafson, Sven-Åke; Kortanek, K. O. 45 1973 Flowshop/no-idle or no-wait scheduling to minimize the sum of completion times. Zbl 0504.90038 Adiri, I.; Pohoryles, D. 42 1982 A branch-bound algorithm for the capacitated facilities location problem. Zbl 0186.24905 Davis, P. S.; Ray, T. L. 42 1969 Periodic replacement when minimal repair costs vary with time. Zbl 0538.90026 Boland, Philip J. 41 1982 Using simulated annealing to solve routing and location problems. Zbl 0593.90054 Golden, Bruce L.; Skiscim, Christopher C. 41 1986 Joint pricing and ordering policy for exponentially decaying inventory with known demand. Zbl 0374.90026 Cohen, Morris A. 40 1977 Estimation in single server queues. Zbl 0468.60092 Basawa, I. V.; Prabhu, N. U. 40 1981 Stochastic leadtimes in continuous-time inventory models. Zbl 0632.90018 Zipkin, Paul 40 1986 On estimating population characteristics from record-breaking observations. I: Parametric results. Zbl 0605.62027 Samaniego, Francisco J.; Whitaker, Lyn R. 39 1986 A note on the sum of a linear and linear-fractional function. Zbl 0377.90086 Schaible, Siegfried 39 1977 Single- and multiple-processor models for minimizing completion time variance. Zbl 0599.90057 Hall, Nicholas G. 38 1986 Reliability applications of the relevation transform. Zbl 0536.90040 Baxter, Laurence A. 37 1982 Optimal interdiction policy for a flow network. Zbl 0216.54203 Ghare, P. M.; Montgomery, Douglas C.; Turner, W. C. 37 1971 Benders’ partitioning scheme applied to a new formulation of the quadratic assignment problem. Zbl 0432.90060 Bazaraa, Mokhtar; Sherali, Hanif D. 37 1980 The enumeration of all efficient solutions for a linear multiple- objective transportation problem. Zbl 0396.90060 Isermann, Heinz 36 1979 A new analysis of a lot-size model with partial backlogging. Zbl 0401.90038 Rosenberg, David 36 1979 Analysis of data from life-test experiments under an exponential model. Zbl 0444.62114 Lawless, J. F.; Singhal, K. 34 1980 On the theory of semi-infinite programming and a generalization of the Kuhn-Tucker saddle point theorem for arbitrary convex functions. Zbl 0169.22201 Charnes, A.; Cooper, W. W.; Kortanek, K. O. 33 1969 The payment scheduling problem. Zbl 0252.90034 Grinold, Richard C. 33 1972 Single-period inventory models with demand uncertainty and quantity discounts: Behavioral implications and a new solution procedure. Zbl 0597.90024 Jucker, James V.; Rosenblatt, Meir J. 33 1985 Project scheduling: The effects of problem structure on heuristic performance. Zbl 0325.90027 Patterson, James H. 32 1976 An analysis of single item inventory systems with returns. Zbl 0462.90021 Muckstadt, John A.; Isaac, Michael H. 32 1981 Toward a study of bidding processes. IV: Games with unknown costs. Zbl 0227.90072 Griesmer, James H.; Levitan, Richard E.; Shubik, Martin 30 1967 Optimal replacement under additive damage and other failure models. Zbl 0315.90026 Taylor, Howard M. 30 1975 Analysis of a time-shared processor. Zbl 0129.30902 Kleinrock, L. 29 1964 A conservation law for a wide class of queueing disciplines. Zbl 0142.14503 Kleinrock, Leonard 29 1965 A dynamic, nonstationary inventory problem for a price/quantity setting firm. Zbl 0331.90026 Thowsen, Gunnar T. 29 1975 Some remarks on the time transportation problem. Zbl 0278.90046 Szwarc, Wlodzimierz 28 1972 Optimal disposal policies for a single-item inventory system with returns. Zbl 0371.90034 Heyman, Daniel P. 28 1977 Scheduling coupled tasks. Zbl 0446.90040 Shapiro, Roy D. 28 1980 Equivalence in nonlinear programming. Zbl 0127.36803 Mangasarian, O. 27 1963 The fixed charge problem. Zbl 0203.52301 Steinberg, D. I. 27 1970 A delivery-lag inventory model with an emergency provision (The single- period case). Zbl 0126.15802 Barankin, E. W. 26 1961 A hybrid algorithm for the one machine sequencing problem to minimize total tardiness. Zbl 0229.90029 Srinivasan, V. 26 1971 The knapsack problem: A survey. Zbl 0305.90038 Salkin, Harvey M.; de Kluyver, Cornelis A. 26 1975 An efficient heuristic for large set covering problems. Zbl 0534.90064 Vasko, Francis J.; Wilson, George R. 25 1984 An informal survey of multi-echelon inventory theory. Zbl 0251.90010 Clark, Andrew J. 25 1972 Optimal ordering policies for a product that perishes in two periods subject to stochastic demand. Zbl 0266.90020 Nahmias, Steven; Pierskalla, William P. 25 1973 Approximations for departure processes and queues in series. Zbl 0563.60094 Whitt, Ward 25 1984 An exact branch-and-bound procedure for the quadratic-assignment problem. Zbl 0405.90051 Bazaraa, M. S.; Elshafei, A. N. 25 1979 An approximate solution method for the fixed charge problem. Zbl 0154.19601 Cooper, L.; Drebes, C. 24 1967 Sequencing with due-dates and early start times to minimize maximum tardiness. Zbl 0277.90044 Baker, Kenneth R.; Su, Zaw-Sing 24 1974 Interval estimation of a global optimum for large combinatorial problems. Zbl 0397.90100 Golden, Bruce L.; Alt, Frank B. 24 1979 Tree-search algorithms for quadratic assignment problems. Zbl 0216.54404 Pierce, J. F.; Crowston, W. B. 23 1971 On a sequential rule for estimating the location parameter of an exponential distribution. Zbl 0227.62049 Basu, A. P. 23 1971 An efficient heuristic procedure for the capacitated warehouse location problem. Zbl 0295.90030 Khumawala, Basheer M. 23 1975 Maximal Nash subsets for bimatrix games. Zbl 0454.90093 Jansen, M. J. M. 23 1981 Multiple-attribute decision making with partial information: The comparative hypervolume criterion. Zbl 0389.90002 Charnetski, Johnnie R.; Soland, Richard M. 23 1978 Investing in new parameter values in the discounted EOQ model. Zbl 0651.90016 Porteus, Evan L. 23 1986 Scheduling stochastic jobs on a single machine subject to breakdowns. Zbl 0538.90031 Glazebrook, K. D. 22 1984 Postoptimality analysis in zero-one programming by implicit enumeration. Zbl 0262.90047 Roodman, Gary M. 22 1972 The bilinear programming problem. Zbl 0349.90071 Vaish, Harish; Shetty, C. M. 22 1976 Concave minimization over a convex polyhedron. Zbl 0286.90052 Taha, Hamdy A. 22 1973 One machine sequencing to minimize mean flow time with minimum number tardy. Zbl 0315.90032 Emmons, Hamilton 22 1975 A cutting plane algorithm for the bilinear programming problem. Zbl 0372.90082 Vaish, H.; Shetty, C. M. 22 1977 Applications of renewal theory in analysis of the free-replacement warranty. Zbl 0462.90034 Blischke, Wallace R.; Scheuer, Ernest M. 22 1981 Allocation policies and cost approximations for multilocation inventory systems. Zbl 0529.90030 Federgruen, Awi; Zipkin, Paul 21 1984 An efficient heuristic for the multi-item newsboy problem with a single constraint. Zbl 0544.90023 Nahmias, Steven; Schmidt, Charles P. 21 1984 On failure modeling. Zbl 0592.62083 Lemoine, Austin J.; Wenocur, Michael L. 21 1985 A Lagrangean relaxation algorithm for the constrained matrix problem. Zbl 0598.90070 Cottle, Richard W.; Duvall, Steven G.; Zikan, Karel 21 1986 Sequencing n jobs on two machines with setup, processing and removal times separated. Zbl 0511.90073 Sule, Dileep R. 21 1982 Some branch-and-bound procedures for fixed-cost transportation problems. Zbl 0537.90074 Cabot, A. Victor; Erenguc, S. Selcuk 21 1984 Scheduling of a single machine to minimize total weighted completion time subject to release dates. Zbl 0539.90044 Bianco, Lucio; Ricciardelli, Salvatore 21 1982 An approximative algorithm for the fixed-charges transportation problem. Zbl 0109.13903 Kuhn, H. W.; Baumol, W. J. 21 1962 A price leadership method for solving the inspector’s non-constant-sum game. Zbl 0154.20304 Maschler, M. 21 1966 Study of two-component system with failure interaction. Zbl 0586.62158 Murthy, D. N. P.; Nguyen, D. G. 21 1985 Algorithms for minimizing total cost, bottleneck time and bottleneck shipment in transportation problems. Zbl 0372.90118 Srinivasan, V.; Thompson, G. L. 21 1976 Renewal processes of phase type. Zbl 0393.90096 Neuts, Marcel F. 21 1978 Algorithms for the minimax transportation problem. Zbl 0624.90066 Ahuja, R. K. 21 1986 Planning horizon procedures for machine replacement models with several possible replacement alternatives. Zbl 0504.90030 Chand, Suresh; Sethi, Suresh 20 1982 Location of facilities with rectangular distances among point and area destinatios. Zbl 0216.54202 Wesolowsky, G. O.; Love, R. F. 20 1971 Equivalent knapsack-type formulations of bounded integer linear programs: an alternative approach. Zbl 0251.90028 Padberg, Manfred W. 20 1972 Scheduling jobs, with exponentially distributed processing times, on two machines of a flow shop. Zbl 0254.90021 Cunningham, Andrew A.; Dutta, Sujit K. 20 1973 Minimizing mean absolute deviation of completion times about a common due date. Zbl 0599.90049 Bagchi, Uttarayan; Sullivan, Robert S.; Chang, Y. L. 65 1986 Using simulated annealing to solve routing and location problems. Zbl 0593.90054 Golden, Bruce L.; Skiscim, Christopher C. 41 1986 Stochastic leadtimes in continuous-time inventory models. Zbl 0632.90018 Zipkin, Paul 40 1986 On estimating population characteristics from record-breaking observations. I: Parametric results. Zbl 0605.62027 Samaniego, Francisco J.; Whitaker, Lyn R. 39 1986 Single- and multiple-processor models for minimizing completion time variance. Zbl 0599.90057 Hall, Nicholas G. 38 1986 Investing in new parameter values in the discounted EOQ model. Zbl 0651.90016 Porteus, Evan L. 23 1986 A Lagrangean relaxation algorithm for the constrained matrix problem. Zbl 0598.90070 Cottle, Richard W.; Duvall, Steven G.; Zikan, Karel 21 1986 Algorithms for the minimax transportation problem. Zbl 0624.90066 Ahuja, R. K. 21 1986 An analysis of degeneracy. Zbl 0644.90058 Greenberg, Harvey J. 19 1986 Warranty analysis and renewal function estimation. Zbl 0605.62121 Frees, Edward W. 18 1986 Optimal stocking policies for low usage items in multi-echelon inventory systems. Zbl 0593.90013 Cohen, Morris A.; Kleindorfer, Paul R.; Lee, Hau Leung 15 1986 An interactive approach to multiple criteria optimization with multiple decision-makers. Zbl 0605.90076 Korhonen, Pekka; Moskowitz, Herbert; Wallenius, Jyrki; Zionts, Stanley 15 1986 Minimal forecast horizon procedures for dynamic lot size models. Zbl 0593.90012 Chand, Suresh; Morton, Thomas E. 14 1986 A note on the single-machine scheduling problem with minimum weighted completion time and maximum allowable tardiness. Zbl 0601.90079 Chand, Suresh; Schneeberger, Hans 12 1986 Warranty design under buyer and seller risk aversion. Zbl 0602.90089 Ritchken, Peter H.; Tapiero, Charles S. 11 1986 Location of regional facilities. Zbl 0593.90029 Drezner, Zvi 10 1986 One- and two-sided sampling plans based on the exponential distribution. Zbl 0605.62117 Kocherlakota, S.; Balakrishnan, N. 10 1986 A branch and bound algorithm for solving a class of nonlinear integer programming problems. Zbl 0619.90049 Cabot, A. Victor; Erenguc, S. Selcuk 9 1986 Hybrid heuristics for minimum cardinality set covering problems. Zbl 0592.90065 Vasko, Francis J.; Wilson, George R. 8 1986 Quality control and the sales process. Zbl 0601.90060 Lee, Hau L.; Tapiero, Charles S. 8 1986 Tests for the extreme value and Weibull distributions based on normalized spacings. Zbl 0616.62057 Lockhart, R. A.; O’Reilly, F.; Stephens, M. A. 7 1986 Bounding methods for facilities location algorithms. Zbl 0614.90052 Dowling, Paul D.; Love, Robert F. 6 1986 Successive approximation in separable programming: An improved procedure for convex separable programs. Zbl 0596.90074 Thakur, Lakshman S. 5 1986 The interactive fixed charge linear programming problem. Zbl 0597.90057 Erenguc, S. Selcuk; Benson, Harold P. 5 1986 A forward network simplex algorithm for solving multiperiod network flow problems. Zbl 0597.90032 Aronson, Jay E.; Chen, B. David 4 1986 Scheduling n nonoverlapping jobs and two stochastic jobs in a flow shop. Zbl 0617.90048 Foley, R. D.; Suresh, S. 4 1986 Approximation for the departure process of a queue in a network. Zbl 0601.60097 Albin, Susan L.; Kai, Sheng-Roan 4 1986 A single-machine scheduling problem with random processing times. Zbl 0598.90051 Chakravarthy, S. 3 1986 Nature of Renyi’s entropy and associated divergence function. Zbl 0611.90101 Bector, C. R.; Bhatia, B. L. 3 1986 Continuous quality production and machine maintenance. Zbl 0606.62116 Tapiero, Charles S. 3 1986 Optimal maintenance policy for stochastically failing equipment: A diffusion approximation. Zbl 0607.60084 Zuckerman, Dror 3 1986 On a large sample test for the traffic intensity in \(GI/G/s\) queue. Zbl 0593.60094 Subba Rao, S.; Harishchandra, K. 3 1986 Estimating the accuracy of the coverages of outer \(\beta\)-content tolerance intervals, which control both tails of the normal distribution. Zbl 0646.62028 Chou, Youn-Min; Owen, D. B. 3 1986 Rescheduling to minimize makespan on a changing number of identical processors. Zbl 0629.90051 Tovey, Craig A. 3 1986 The matrix game derived from the many-against-many battle. Zbl 0625.90095 Kikuta, Kensaku 3 1986 Computational aspects in multistage Bayesian acceptance sampling. Zbl 0602.62090 Waldmann, K.-H. 2 1986 Optimal refueling sequence for a mixed fleet with limited refuelings. Zbl 0604.90072 Melkman, Avraham A.; Stern, Helman I.; Mehrez, Avraham 2 1986 Modified discrete preventive maintenance policies. Zbl 0601.90061 Nakagawa, Toshio 2 1986 A note on circular error probabilities. Zbl 0603.60016 Govindarajulu, Z. 2 1986 End effects in capacity expansion models with finite horizons. Zbl 0605.90050 Murphy, F. H.; Soyster, A. L. 2 1986 The analysis of some algorithms for generating random variates with a given hazard rate. Zbl 0591.65005 Devroye, Luc 1 1986 A stochastic network formulation for complex sequential processes. Zbl 0607.60093 Lemoine, Austin J. 1 1986 An entropy model for marketing structure analysis and price decision of new brand. Zbl 0602.90082 Arizono, Ikuo; Ohta, Hiroshi 1 1986 A method for quadratic programming. Zbl 0624.90081 Chang, Shang-Wang 1 1986 Optimal replacement for fault-tolerant systems. Zbl 0628.90024 Taylor, Howard M.; Rodriguez, Beatriz E. 1 1986 Geometric programming with multiplicative slack variables. Zbl 0647.90086 McNamara, John R. 1 1986 Single-period inventory models with demand uncertainty and quantity discounts: Behavioral implications and a new solution procedure. Zbl 0597.90024 Jucker, James V.; Rosenblatt, Meir J. 33 1985 On failure modeling. Zbl 0592.62083 Lemoine, Austin J.; Wenocur, Michael L. 21 1985 Study of two-component system with failure interaction. Zbl 0586.62158 Murthy, D. N. P.; Nguyen, D. G. 21 1985 A finite algorithm for concave minimization over a polyhedron. Zbl 0581.90080 Benson, Harold P. 19 1985 Closure properties of the relevation transform. Zbl 0611.62119 Shanthikumar, J. G.; Baxter, Laurence A. 18 1985 Sensitivity analysis of the optimal location of a facility. Zbl 0578.90022 Drezner, Zvi 13 1985 One-facility location with rectilinear tour distances. Zbl 0579.90026 Drezner, Z.; Steiner, G.; Wesolowsky, G. O. 12 1985 On finding spanning Eulerian subgraphs. Zbl 0579.90094 Richey, M. B.; Parker, R. Gary; Rardin, R. L. 11 1985 Bilateral phase-type distributions. Zbl 0626.60097 Shanthikumar, J. G. 11 1985 Estimating critical path and arc probabilities in stochastic activity networks. Zbl 0576.90051 Fishman, George S. 7 1985 An M/M/1 queue with a general bulk service rule. Zbl 0599.90035 Curry, Guy L.; Feldman, Richard M. 7 1985 A (Q,R) inventory model with lost sales and Erlang-distributed lead times. Zbl 0595.90012 Buchanan, David J.; Love, Robert F. 7 1985 A finite descent theory for linear programming, piecewise linear convex minimization, and the linear complementarity problem. Zbl 0583.90057 Solow, Daniel; Sengupta, Partha 6 1985 On the bivariate negative binomial distribution of Mitchell and Paulson. Zbl 0594.62016 Ong, S. H.; Lee, P. A. 6 1985 New algorithms for (Q,r) systems with complete backordering using a fill- rate criterion. Zbl 0593.90017 Yano, Candace Arai 5 1985 A heuristic with tie breaking for certain 0-1 integer programming models. Zbl 0597.90061 Fox, G. Edward; Scudder, Gary D. 5 1985 The effect of nonnormality on variables sampling plans. Zbl 0586.62176 Montgomery, Douglas C. 4 1985 Minimum cost sampling plans using Bayesian methods. Zbl 0603.62107 Lorenzen, Thomas J. 4 1985 Customer delays in M/M/c repair systems with spares. Zbl 0579.90041 Berg, M.; Posner, M. J. M. 3 1985 Acceleration of the HAP approach for the multifacility location problem. Zbl 0579.90023 Charalambous, Christakis 2 1985 Three-machine flowshop stochastic scheduling to minimize distribution of schedule length. Zbl 0585.90044 Frostig, E.; Adiri, I. 2 1985 Some recent findings in Bayesian attribute single and double sampling. Zbl 0596.62108 Case, Kenneth E.; Chen, Shao-Shing 2 1985 Optimal refueling strategies for a mixed-vehicle fleet. Zbl 0579.90100 Mehrez, Abraham; Stern, Helman I. 2 1985 An optimal sequential procedure for selecting the best Bernoulli process - a review. Zbl 0594.62090 Bechhofer, Robert E. 2 1985 Heuristic modeling of supply availabilities in large networks. Zbl 0574.90020 Patterson, W. M. III; Olson, A. E. jun.; Mitchell, C. R. 1 1985 The theory of combined-arms Lanchester-type models of warfare. Zbl 0574.90056 Maybee, John S. 1 1985 Penalty calculations and branching rules in a LAV best subset procedure. Zbl 0592.62062 Armstrong, Ronald D.; Beck, P. O. 1 1985 Easily computed approximations for (s,S) inventory system operating characteristics. Zbl 0601.90040 Ehrhardt, Richard 1 1985 Probability bounds on downtimes. Zbl 0612.60018 Brockett, Patrick L.; Hinich, Melvin 1 1985 A minmax-search for the critical level of a system: The asymmetric case. Zbl 0579.90039 Abigadol, Noomi; Ben-Tal, Aharon 1 1985 Optimizing search with positive information feedback. Zbl 0579.90057 Stewart, Theodor J. 1 1985 Application of renewal theory to continuous sampling plans. Zbl 0575.90027 Yang, Grace L. 1 1985 Transshipment along a single road. Zbl 0578.90054 Posner, Marc E.; Szwarc, Wlodzimierz 1 1985 Tests of independence of continuous random variables which guard against special alternatives. Zbl 0586.62066 Weiss, Lionel 1 1985 State information lag Markov decision process with control limit rule. Zbl 0586.90091 Kim, Soung H. 1 1985 Aggregating assignment constraints. Zbl 0594.90060 Fishburn, Peter C.; Kochenberger, Gary A. 1 1985 A reliability model with states of partial operation. Zbl 0601.60092 Bendell, A.; Humble, S. 1 1985 Optimality conditions for the bilevel programming problem. Zbl 0537.90087 Bard, Jonathan F. 82 1984 Minimizing the sum of absolute lateness in single-machine and multimachine scheduling. Zbl 0544.90052 Sundararaghavan, P. S.; Ahmed, Mesbah U. 49 1984 An efficient heuristic for large set covering problems. Zbl 0534.90064 Vasko, Francis J.; Wilson, George R. 25 1984 Approximations for departure processes and queues in series. Zbl 0563.60094 Whitt, Ward 25 1984 Scheduling stochastic jobs on a single machine subject to breakdowns. Zbl 0538.90031 Glazebrook, K. D. 22 1984 Allocation policies and cost approximations for multilocation inventory systems. Zbl 0529.90030 Federgruen, Awi; Zipkin, Paul 21 1984 An efficient heuristic for the multi-item newsboy problem with a single constraint. Zbl 0544.90023 Nahmias, Steven; Schmidt, Charles P. 21 1984 Some branch-and-bound procedures for fixed-cost transportation problems. Zbl 0537.90074 Cabot, A. Victor; Erenguc, S. Selcuk 21 1984 Cost analysis of warranty policies. Zbl 0552.90033 Nguyen, D. G.; Murthy, D. N. P. 19 1984 A model in which component failure rates depend on the working set. Zbl 0538.62087 Ross, Sheldon M. 16 1984 Reliability interpretations of some concepts from economics. Zbl 0538.90027 Klefsjö, Bengt 14 1984 A load-sharing model: The linear breakdown rule. Zbl 0529.90049 Schechner, Zvi 13 1984 Application of disjunctive programming to the linear complementarity problem. Zbl 0559.90088 Ramarao, B.; Shetty, C. M. 12 1984 Estimating the common location parameter of exponential distributions with censored samples. Zbl 0544.62026 Chiou, Wenjau; Cohen, Arthur 11 1984 Testing goodness of fit to the increasing failure rate family. Zbl 0554.62087 Tenga, Robert; Santner, Thomas J. 11 1984 Quadratic forms in spherical random variables: Generalized noncentral \(\chi ^ 2\) distribution. Zbl 0561.62049 Cacoullos, T.; Koutras, M. 11 1984 Finite Markov chain models skip-free in one direction. Zbl 0551.90097 Latouche, G.; Jacobs, P. A.; Gaver, D. P. 9 1984 ...and 708 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 8,200 Authors 36 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 32 Sheu, Sheyhuei 27 Sherali, Hanif D. 26 Cheng, Tai-Chiu Edwin 22 Amirteimoori, Alireza 21 Mukhopadhyay, Nitis 21 Pardalos, Panos M. 19 Carreras, Francesc 19 Sakawa, Masatoshi 19 Tijs, Stef 18 Alonso-Meijide, José María 18 Maiti, Manoranjan 18 Puri, Munish C. 18 Sudhölter, Peter 17 Chien, Yu-Hung 17 Drezner, Zvi 16 Cha, Ji Hwan 16 Giménez, José Miguel 16 Kordrostami, Sohrab 16 Koulamas, Christos P. 16 Liao, Yu-Hsien 16 Zhu, Joe 15 Benson, Harold P. 15 Liang, Liang 15 Shanthikumar, Jeyaveerasingam George 15 Vanhoucke, Mario 14 Rafels, Carles 14 Strusevich, Vitaly A. 13 Charnes, Abraham 13 Cook, Wade Douglas 13 Dekker, Rommert 13 Freixas, Josep 13 Hwang, Yan-An 13 Llerena, Francesc 13 López-Cerdá, Marco Antonio 13 Puente, María Albina 13 Schaible, Siegfried 13 Van den Brink, René 13 Wu, Shufei 13 Wu, Soon-Yi 12 Allahverdi, Ali 12 Arora, Sant R. 12 Cooper, William Wager 12 Glover, Fred W. 12 Goberna, Miguel Angel 12 Gupta, Ramesh Chandra 12 Nakai, Teruhisa 12 Punnen, Abraham P. 11 Borm, Peter E. M. 11 Casajus, André 11 Laporte, Gilbert 11 Li, Yongjun 11 Núñez, Marina 11 Potters, Jos A. M. 11 Potts, Chris N. 11 Ruiz, José-María 11 San-José, Luis Augusto 11 Shakhlevich, Natalia V. 11 Sicilia, Joaquín 11 Thompson, Gerald L. 10 Bector, C. R. 10 Belzunce, Félix 10 Chaudhry, Mohan L. 10 Fiestras-Janeiro, María Gloria 10 Funaki, Yukihiko 10 Gupta, Jatinder N. D. 10 Jacobson, Sheldon H. 10 Katagiri, Hideki 10 Lahdelma, Risto 10 Leung, Joseph Y.-T. 10 Mond, Bertram 10 Panwalkar, Shrikant S. 10 Pinedo, Michael L. 10 Prokopyev, Oleg Alexan 10 Szwarc, Włodzimierz 10 Van Wassenhove, Luk N. 9 Al-Khayyal, Faiz A. 9 Álvarez-Mozos, Mikel 9 Azaron, Amir 9 Berman, Oded 9 Boxma, Onno Johan 9 Burkard, Rainer E. 9 Chang, Chin-Chih 9 Derigs, Ulrich 9 Driessen, Theo S. 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