Soviet Physics, JETP Short Title: Sov. Phys., JETP Publisher: American Institute of Physics (AIP), New York, NY ISSN: 0038-5646 Online: Original: Zhurnal Èksperimentalnoĭ i Teoreticheskoĭ Fiziki Comments: Journal; No longer indexed; English translation of Zh. Èksper. Teor. Fiz. Documents Indexed: 921 Publications (1955–1983) all top 5 Latest Issues 38 (1983) 31 (1970) 30 (1969) 29 (1969) 28 (1969) 27 (1968) 26 (1967) 25 (1967) 24 (1967) 23 (1966) 22 (1966) 21 (1965) 20 (1965) 19 (1964) 18 (1964) 17 (1963) 16 (1963) 15 (1962) 14 (1962) 13 (1961) 12 (1961) 11 (1960) 10 (1960) 9 (1959) 8 (1959) 7 (1958) 6 (1958) 5 (1957) 4 (1957) 3 (1956/1957) 2 (1956) 1 (1955) all top 5 Authors 14 Khalatnikov, Isaak Markovich 13 Silin, V. P. 11 Abrikosov, Alexei Alexeyevich 11 Gribov, Vladimir N. 11 Kaner, Èmanuil Aĭzikovich 10 Akhiezer, Aleksandr Il’ich 10 Akhiezer, I. A. 10 Klimontovich, Yuriĭ L’vovich 10 Sitenko, A. G. 10 Zel’dovich, Yakov Borisovich 9 Fradkin, Efim Samoĭlovich 9 Ginzburg, Vitaliĭ Lazarevich 9 Lifshits, Il’ya Mikhaĭlovich 9 Polovin, R. V. 9 Sokolov, Arsenii Aleksandrovich 8 Azbel, Mark Ya. 8 Gor’kov, Lev P. 8 Kirzhnits, D. A. 8 Pekar, S. I. 8 Ter-Martirosyan, K. A. 8 Zyryanov, P. S. 7 Kompaneets, A. S. 7 Magalinskij, V. B. 7 Migdal, A. B. 7 Novozhilov, Yuriĭ Viktorovich 7 Shirkov, Dmitriĭ Vasil’evich 7 Tsytovich, Vadim N. 6 Barbashov, Boris Mikhaĭlovich 6 Efimov, Garii Vladimirovich 6 Fain, V. M. 6 Fajnberg, V. Ya. 6 Galitskij, V. M. 6 Gurevich, L. Eh. 6 Landau, Lev Davidovich 6 Pitaevskii, Lev P. 6 Stratonovich, Rouslan L. 6 Vaks, V. G. 5 Bogolyubov, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich 5 Demkov, Yu. N. 5 Dolginov, A. Z. 5 Dyatlov, I. T. 5 Eleonskij, V. M. 5 Fikhtengol’ts, Il’ya Grigor’evich 5 Firsov, Yu. A. 5 Gurevich, V. L. 5 Ioffe, B. L. 5 Kaganov, M. I. 5 Kovrizhnykh, L. M. 5 Kurdgelaidze, D. F. 5 Ogievetskij, V. I. 5 Pokrovskiĭ, Valeriĭ Leonidovich 5 Shafranov, V. D. 5 Shelepin, L. A. 5 Shirokov, Yu. M. 5 Stepanov, K. N. 5 Sudakov, V. V. 5 Tevikyan, R. V. 4 Borgardt, A. A. 4 Braun, M. A. 4 Dzyaloshinskiĭ, Igor’ Ekhiel’evich 4 Gejlikman, B. T. 4 Gol’fand, Yuriĭ Abramovich 4 Gorshkov, V. G. 4 Iogansen, L. V. 4 Ivanenko, I. P. 4 Karpman, V. I. 4 Kerimov, B. K. 4 Kontorovich, V. M. 4 Larkin, A. I. 4 Logunov, Anatoliĭ Alekseevich 4 Okun, Lev B. 4 Orlov, Yuri F. 4 Perel’, V. I. 4 Polubarinov, I. V. 4 Pomeranchuk, Isaak Yakovlevich 4 Popov, Victor S. 4 Prokhorov, Lev V. 4 Rytov, S. M. 4 Skobov, V. G. 4 Sokolik, G. A. 4 Stanyukovich, K. P. 4 Sukhanov, A. D. 4 Tarasov, Yu. A. 4 Terletskiĭ, Ya. P. 4 Tolpygo, K. B. 4 Vedenov, A. A. 4 Veklenko, B. A. 4 Volkov, Dmitry Vasiljevitch 4 Zaitsev, G. A. 4 Zil’berman, G. E. 3 Alekseev, A. I. 3 Ansel’m, A. A. 3 Arkhipov, R. G. 3 Barabanenkov, Yurii N. 3 Barashenkov, V. S. 3 Bass, F. G. 3 Belyaev, Spartak T. 3 Bonch-Bruevich, V. L. 3 Bujmistrov, V. M. 3 Chen, Chun-sian ...and 503 more Authors all top 5 Fields 32 Quantum theory (81-XX) 21 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 6 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 204 Publications have been cited 1,000 times in 929 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Derivation of the exact spectra of the Schrödinger equation by means of supersymmetry. Zbl 1398.81106 Gendenshtejn, L. Eh. 75 1983 On magnetohydrodynamical equilibrium configurations. Zbl 0081.21801 Shafranov, V. D. 49 1957 On distributions in representation space. Zbl 0082.19302 Stratonovich, R. L. 40 1956 Microscopic derivation of the Ginzburg-Landau equations in the theory of superconductivity. Zbl 0088.45602 Gor’kov, L. P. 37 1959 The equation of state at ultrahigh densities and its relativistic limitations. Zbl 0114.23601 Zel’dovich, Ya. B. 35 1962 Vertex parts at very high energies in quantum electrodynamics. Zbl 0071.42803 Sudakov, V. V. 35 1956 The establishment of thermal equilibrium between quanta and electrons. Zbl 0108.42903 Kompaneets, A. S. 28 1956 On the scattering of ”dressed” particles in quantum field theory. Zbl 0085.44103 Novozhilov, Yu. V. 24 1958 The theory of a Fermi liquid. Zbl 0077.45002 Landau, L. D. 24 1957 Contribution to the decay theory of a quasi-stationary state. Zbl 0084.22905 Khalfin, L. A. 23 1958 A new method in the theory of superconductivity. I. Zbl 0090.45501 Bogolyubov, N. N. 21 1958 Theory of wave motion of an electron plasma. Zbl 0074.23603 Akhiezer, A. I.; Polovin, R. V. 17 1956 Three body problem for short range forces. I: Scattering of low energy neutrons by deuterons. Zbl 0077.43304 Skornyakov, G. V.; Ter-Martirosyan, K. A. 17 1956 Oscillations in a Fermi liquid. Zbl 0086.44403 Landau, L. D. 17 1957 The theory of galvanomagnetic effects in metals. Zbl 0078.22904 Lifshits, I. M.; Azbel’, M. Ya.; Kaganov, M. I. 13 1957 Relaxation between electrons and the crystalline lattice. Zbl 0079.23206 Kaganov, M. I.; Lifshits, I. M.; Tanatarov, L. V. 13 1957 The magnetic field in the two-dimensional motion of a conducting turbulent liquid. Zbl 0079.20001 Zel’dovich, Ya. B. 12 1956 Gravitational interaction of fermions. Zbl 0124.45204 Kobzarev, I. Yu.; Okun’, L. B. 11 1962 Hydrodynamic fluctuations. Zbl 0079.41703 Landau, L. D.; Lifshits, E. M. 11 1957 The stability of shock waves in magnetohydrodynamics. Zbl 0085.21204 Akhiezer, A. I.; Lyubarskij, G. Ya.; Polovin, R. V. 11 1958 Application of the methods of quantum field theory to a system of bosons. Zbl 0085.22806 Belyaev, S. T. 11 1958 Kinetic theory of semiconductors with low mobility. Zbl 0121.22801 Lang, I. G.; Firsov, Yu. A. 11 1962 On polarization effects in the radiation of an accelerated electron. Zbl 0077.41405 Sokolov, A. A.; Ternov, I. M. 10 1956 The gauge transformation of the Green’s function for charged particles. Zbl 0072.44601 Landau, L. D.; Khalatnikov, I. M. 9 1956 Energy-spectrum of a non-ideal bose gas. Zbl 0085.22901 Belyaev, S. T. 9 1958 On the quantization of half-integer spin fields. Zbl 0090.19901 Volkov, D. V. 9 1959 On the energy spectrum of superconductors. Zbl 0090.45403 Gor’kov, L. P. 9 1958 Interactions between electrons and lattice vibrations in a superconductor. Zbl 0098.22103 Ehliashberg, G. M. 9 1960 Quantum corrections to the Thomas-Fermi equation. Zbl 0079.42304 Kirzhnits, D. A. 8 1957 Strong gravitational waves in free space. Zbl 0083.42905 Kompaneets, A. S. 8 1958 Limits of statistical description of a nonlinear wave field. Zbl 0165.29302 Zaslavskiĭ, G. M.; Sagdeev, R. Z. 7 1967 Thermodynamic theory of ”weak” ferromagnetism in antiferromagnetic substances. Zbl 0079.45202 Dzyalosinskij, I. E. 7 1957 The Feynman path integral for the Dirac equations. Zbl 0081.43204 Ryazanov, G. V. 7 1957 The energy spectrum of a non-ideal Fermi gas. Zbl 0083.45001 Galitskij, V. M. 7 1958 Quantum transitions in the adiabatic approximation. Zbl 0098.19704 Dykhne, A. M. 7 1960 Contribution to the theory of superfluidity in an imperfect Fermi gas. Zbl 0113.22902 Gor’kov, L. P.; Melik-Barkhudarov, T. K. 7 1961 Symmetry group of the isotropic oscillator. Zbl 0093.20705 Demkov, Yu. N. 6 1959 On the destruction and the onset of superconductivity in a magnetic field. Zbl 0099.44703 Ginzburg, V. L. 6 1958 On the threebody problem with short-range forces. Zbl 0115.44201 Danilov, G. S. 6 1961 The deformation field in an isotropic elastic medium containing moving dislocations. Zbl 0124.46303 Kosevich, A. M. 6 1962 Phenomenological theory of superfluidity near the \(\lambda\) point. Zbl 0085.22903 Pitaevskij, L. P. 6 1958 Dynamical model in the theory of the Brownian motion. Zbl 0087.42205 Magalinskij, V. B. 6 1959 Spatial dispersion in a relativistic plasma. Zbl 0116.23003 Tsytovich, V. N. 6 1961 Energy losses of charged particles in a plasma. Zbl 0108.23007 Tsytovich, V. N. 5 1962 Solution of the gravitation equations for a homogeneous anisotropic model. Zbl 0128.45304 Kompaneets, A. S.; Chernov, A. S. 5 1964 Electromagnetic properties of a finely stratified medium. Zbl 0071.41702 Rytov, S. M. 5 1955 Reflection and retraction of sound by a shock wave. Zbl 0079.40903 Kontorovich, V. M. 5 1958 Electromagnetic-field shock waves and their cumulation. Zbl 0081.21803 Zababakhin, E. I.; Nechaev, M. N. 5 1957 Variational principles in hydrodynamics. Zbl 0087.19403 Skobelkin, V. I. 5 1956 Hydrodynamics of a liquid with intrinsic rotation. Zbl 0153.56802 Shliomis, M. I. 5 1967 On the singularities of cosmological solutions of the gravitational equations. I. Zbl 0096.43301 Lifshits, E. M.; Khalatnikov, I. M. 4 1960 Concerning some general relations of quantum electrodynamics. Zbl 0071.42807 Fradkin, E. S. 4 1955 Shock waves of large amplitude in air. Zbl 0081.20001 Zel’dovich, Ya. B. 4 1957 Low-frequency oscillations of a plasma in a magnetic field. Zbl 0083.44702 Stepanov, K. N. 4 1958 Transport phenomena in a completely ionized two-temperature plasma. Zbl 0085.44801 Braginskij, S. I. 4 1957 Penetration of an electromagnetic field into a plasma. Zbl 0094.44504 Stepanov, K. N. 4 1959 On the application of quantum-field-theory methods to problems of quantum statistics at finite temperatures. Zbl 0092.21701 Abrikosov, A. A.; Gor’kov, L. P.; Dzyaloshinskij, I. E. 4 1959 Contribution to the theory of light scattering near the second-order phase transition points. Zbl 0092.21803 Levanyuk, A. P. 4 1959 A diagram technique for evaluating transport quantities. Zbl 0098.43602 Konstantinov, O. V.; Perel’, V. I. 4 1960 Twisted space and nonlinear field equations. Zbl 0104.44506 Rodichev, V. I. 4 1961 Quantum field theory in constant curvature p-space. Zbl 0129.42403 Gol’fand, Yu. A. 4 1962 The radiation from a charge moving in an inhomogeneous medium. Zbl 0104.21905 Kapitsa, S. P. 3 1960 Relativistic two-dimensional model of a self-interacting fermion field with nonvanishing rest mass. Zbl 0132.43907 Berezin, F. A.; Sushko, V. N. 3 1965 \(S\)-matrix in the generalized quantization method. Zbl 0126.44803 Volkov, D. V. 3 1960 Choice of invariant variables for the ’many-point’ functions. Zbl 0126.45103 Asribekov, V. E. 3 1962 Stability of a plane Poiseuille flow of an ideally conducting fluid in a longitudinal magnetic field. Zbl 0158.23805 Velikhov, E. P. 3 1959 The wave function of the lowest state of a system of interacting Bose particles. Zbl 0068.39601 Bogolyubov, N. N.; Zubarev, D. N. 3 1955 The structure of shock waves in a plasma. Zbl 0079.44101 Shafranov, V. D. 3 1957 Remarks on the theory of the electron plasma in semiconductors. Zbl 0080.45201 Bonch-Bruevich, V. L. 3 1957 The interaction of shock waves with small perturbations. I. II. Zbl 0081.41502 D’yakov, S. P. 3 1958 On the macroscopic theory of superconductivity. Zbl 0072.23101 Ginzburg, V. L. 3 1956 Relativistic transport equations for a plasma. I. Zbl 0094.43702 Klimontovich, Yu. L. 3 1959 Electric forces in a transparent dipersive medium. Zbl 0096.42603 Pitaevskij, L. P. 3 1960 A new method in the theory of superconductivity. II. Zbl 0090.45502 Tolmachev, V. V.; Tyablikov, S. V. 3 1958 A new method in the theory of superconductivity. III. Zbl 0090.45503 Bogolyubov, N. N. 3 1958 On the analytic properties of vertex parts in quantum field theory. Zbl 0093.21502 Landau, L. D. 3 1960 Equilibrium of a plasma toroid in a magnetic field. Zbl 0093.23404 Shafranov, V. D. 3 1959 Motion of charged quasiparticles in a varying inhomogeneous electromagnetic field. Zbl 0105.42602 Lifshits, I. M.; Slutskin, A. A.; Nabutovskij, V. M. 3 1961 Random force method in turbulence theory. Zbl 0133.21301 Novikov, E. A. 3 1963 Turbulence theory of a weakly nonequilibrium low-density plasma and structure of shock waves. Zbl 0137.44803 Galeev, A. A.; Karpman, V. I. 3 1963 Statistical theory of inelastic process in a plasma. II: Processes due to a transverse electromagnetic field. Zbl 0174.56203 Klimontovich, Yu. L. 3 1968 Plane problems in magnetohydrodynamics. Zbl 0082.20901 Golitsyn, G. S. 2 1958 Propagation of an electromagnetic field in a medium with spatial dispersion. Zbl 0084.43503 Shafranov, V. D. 2 1958 Analytic continuation of the three-particle unitarity condition. Simplest diagrams. Zbl 0107.22905 Gribov, V. N.; Dyatlov, I. T. 2 1962 On the application of the methods of superconductivity theory to the problem of the masses of elementary particles. Zbl 0109.21701 Vaks, V. G.; Larkin, A. I. 2 1961 Properties of the spectrum of elementary excitations near the disintegration threshold of the excitations. Zbl 0105.42803 Pitaevskij, L. P. 2 1959 On the mass of a complex vector field. Zbl 0113.43601 Khriplovich, I. B. 2 1962 Electromagnetic properties of a relativistic plasma. II. Zbl 0113.46305 Silin, V. P. 2 1961 On the theory of quantization of spacetime. Zbl 0114.44504 Kadyshevskij, V. G. 2 1962 On the kinetic theory of gases with rotational degrees of freedom. Zbl 0114.45201 Kagan, Yu.; Afanas’ev, A. M. 2 1962 Quasilinear approximation in the kinetic theory of a low-density plasma. Zbl 0115.23305 Vedenov, A. A.; Velikhov, E. P. 2 1962 Green’s function for electrons in a metal and analysis of the electron spectrum. Zbl 0122.46601 Abrikosov, A. A. 2 1962 Transport equation for a degenerate system of Fermi particles. Zbl 0116.45403 Ehliashberg, G. M. 2 1961 The theory of the acoustoelectric effect. Zbl 0125.23406 Gurevich, V. L.; Efros, A. L. 2 1963 Covariant conservation laws in the general theory of relativity. Zbl 0133.22603 Burlankov, D. E. 2 1963 Propagation of waves in a medium with strong fluctuation of the refractive index. Zbl 0127.17703 Tatarskij, V. I.; Gertsenshtejn, M. E. 2 1963 On the interaction between charged particles and a turbulent plasma. Zbl 0134.23207 Akhiezer, I. A. 2 1964 The uncertainty relation and fluctuation theory. Zbl 0138.44704 Sokolov, A. A.; Tumanov, V. S. 2 1956 Magnetic symmetry of crystals. Zbl 0072.01502 Tavger, B. A.; Zaĭtsev, V. M. 2 1956 On the relation between ”accidental” degeneracy and ”hidden” symmetry of a system. Zbl 0081.22301 Alliluev, S. P. 2 1957 Derivation of the exact spectra of the Schrödinger equation by means of supersymmetry. Zbl 1398.81106 Gendenshtejn, L. Eh. 75 1983 The generation of a large-scale magnetic field by a turbulent fluid. Zbl 0207.55305 Vajnshtejn, S. I. 1 1970 Statistical theory of inelastic process in a plasma. II: Processes due to a transverse electromagnetic field. Zbl 0174.56203 Klimontovich, Yu. L. 3 1968 On the upper boundary of the velocity of propagation of simple waves for the nonlinear wave equation. Zbl 0167.10203 Eleonskiĭ, V. M.; Oganes’yants, L. G. 1 1968 Limits of statistical description of a nonlinear wave field. Zbl 0165.29302 Zaslavskiĭ, G. M.; Sagdeev, R. Z. 7 1967 Hydrodynamics of a liquid with intrinsic rotation. Zbl 0153.56802 Shliomis, M. I. 5 1967 The system whose Hamiltonian is a time-dependent quadratic form in x and p. Zbl 0164.11903 Chernikov, N. A. 2 1967 On complete sets of observables. Zbl 0171.23703 Smorodinskij, Ya. A.; Tugov, I. I. 1 1966 Relativistic two-dimensional model of a self-interacting fermion field with nonvanishing rest mass. Zbl 0132.43907 Berezin, F. A.; Sushko, V. N. 3 1965 Functional integrals in quantum electrodynamics and the infrared limit of the Green’s functions. Zbl 0127.19604 Barbashov, B. M. 1 1965 The absolute stability of some plane parallel flows at high Reynolds numbers. Zbl 0139.44603 Iordanskij, S. V.; Kulikovskij, A. G. 1 1965 Solution of the gravitation equations for a homogeneous anisotropic model. Zbl 0128.45304 Kompaneets, A. S.; Chernov, A. S. 5 1964 On the interaction between charged particles and a turbulent plasma. Zbl 0134.23207 Akhiezer, I. A. 2 1964 Irreducible representations of the \(\text{SU}_3\) group. Zbl 0142.22904 Mandel’tsveĭg, V. B. 2 1964 Contribution to the theory of turbulence in a two-temperature plasma. Zbl 0133.45702 Akhiezer, I. A. 1 1964 The origin of turbulence. Zbl 0134.21703 Vedenov, A. A.; Ponomarenko, Yu. B. 1 1964 Random force method in turbulence theory. Zbl 0133.21301 Novikov, E. A. 3 1963 Turbulence theory of a weakly nonequilibrium low-density plasma and structure of shock waves. Zbl 0137.44803 Galeev, A. A.; Karpman, V. I. 3 1963 The theory of the acoustoelectric effect. Zbl 0125.23406 Gurevich, V. L.; Efros, A. L. 2 1963 Covariant conservation laws in the general theory of relativity. Zbl 0133.22603 Burlankov, D. E. 2 1963 Propagation of waves in a medium with strong fluctuation of the refractive index. Zbl 0127.17703 Tatarskij, V. I.; Gertsenshtejn, M. E. 2 1963 Resonance effects associated with particle motion in a plane electromagnetic wave. Zbl 0123.44003 Kolomenskij, A. A.; Lebedev, A. N. 2 1963 On the properties of displacements in p-space of constant curvature. Zbl 0126.45005 Gol’fand, Yu. A. 2 1963 Stability of the laminar flow of thin liquid layers. Zbl 0131.42002 Andreev, A. F. 1 1963 Nonlinear effects in the electrodynamics of a transparent medium. Zbl 0136.23703 Karpman, V. I. 1 1963 Construction of a local quantum field theory without ultraviolet divergences. Zbl 0139.23405 Efimov, G. V. 1 1963 Oscillations of a weakly inhomogeneous plasma. Zbl 0129.44202 Silin, V. P. 1 1963 The equation of state at ultrahigh densities and its relativistic limitations. Zbl 0114.23601 Zel’dovich, Ya. B. 35 1962 Gravitational interaction of fermions. Zbl 0124.45204 Kobzarev, I. Yu.; Okun’, L. B. 11 1962 Kinetic theory of semiconductors with low mobility. Zbl 0121.22801 Lang, I. G.; Firsov, Yu. A. 11 1962 The deformation field in an isotropic elastic medium containing moving dislocations. Zbl 0124.46303 Kosevich, A. M. 6 1962 Energy losses of charged particles in a plasma. Zbl 0108.23007 Tsytovich, V. N. 5 1962 Quantum field theory in constant curvature p-space. Zbl 0129.42403 Gol’fand, Yu. A. 4 1962 Choice of invariant variables for the ’many-point’ functions. Zbl 0126.45103 Asribekov, V. E. 3 1962 Analytic continuation of the three-particle unitarity condition. Simplest diagrams. Zbl 0107.22905 Gribov, V. N.; Dyatlov, I. T. 2 1962 On the mass of a complex vector field. Zbl 0113.43601 Khriplovich, I. B. 2 1962 On the theory of quantization of spacetime. Zbl 0114.44504 Kadyshevskij, V. G. 2 1962 On the kinetic theory of gases with rotational degrees of freedom. Zbl 0114.45201 Kagan, Yu.; Afanas’ev, A. M. 2 1962 Quasilinear approximation in the kinetic theory of a low-density plasma. Zbl 0115.23305 Vedenov, A. A.; Velikhov, E. P. 2 1962 Green’s function for electrons in a metal and analysis of the electron spectrum. Zbl 0122.46601 Abrikosov, A. A. 2 1962 On the nonlinear theory of the damping of plasma waves. Zbl 0132.23005 Zakharov, V. E.; Karpman, V. I. 2 1962 A microscopic theory of the damping of zero sound in a Fermi liquid. Zbl 0114.22904 Ehliashberg, G. M. 1 1962 On the theory of the absorption of ultrasound in superconductors. Zbl 0115.45704 Privorotskij, I. A. 1 1962 Some peculiarities in the behavior of a relativistic plasma with an anisotropic distribution of electron velocities. Zbl 0115.45905 Zaslavskiĭ, G. M.; Moiseev, S. S. 1 1962 On the electrodynamics of weakly nonlinear media. Zbl 0127.17603 Kogan, S. M. 1 1962 The equation of motion of a dislocation. Zbl 0129.46103 Kosevich, A. M. 1 1962 The theory of a Fermi liquid consisting of two kinds of particles. Application to the nucleus. Zbl 0132.22804 Migdal, A. B. 1 1962 Finite amplitude waves in magnetohydrodynamics. Zbl 0105.40303 Gol’dberg, Z. A. 1 1962 Magnetic flux quantization in a superconducting cylinder. Zbl 0105.42704 Ginzburg, V. L. 1 1962 Possibility of resonance acceleration of charged particles by electromagnetic waves in a constant magnetic field. Zbl 0115.43004 Davydovskij, V. Ya. 1 1962 Contribution to the theory of superfluidity in an imperfect Fermi gas. Zbl 0113.22902 Gor’kov, L. P.; Melik-Barkhudarov, T. K. 7 1961 On the threebody problem with short-range forces. Zbl 0115.44201 Danilov, G. S. 6 1961 Spatial dispersion in a relativistic plasma. Zbl 0116.23003 Tsytovich, V. N. 6 1961 Twisted space and nonlinear field equations. Zbl 0104.44506 Rodichev, V. I. 4 1961 Motion of charged quasiparticles in a varying inhomogeneous electromagnetic field. Zbl 0105.42602 Lifshits, I. M.; Slutskin, A. A.; Nabutovskij, V. M. 3 1961 On the application of the methods of superconductivity theory to the problem of the masses of elementary particles. Zbl 0109.21701 Vaks, V. G.; Larkin, A. I. 2 1961 Electromagnetic properties of a relativistic plasma. II. Zbl 0113.46305 Silin, V. P. 2 1961 Transport equation for a degenerate system of Fermi particles. Zbl 0116.45403 Ehliashberg, G. M. 2 1961 Generalization of the Kramers-Kronig formulas to media with spatial dispersion. Zbl 0105.22504 Leontovich, M. 2 1961 On the singularities of cosmological solutions of the gravitational equations. Zbl 0096.22205 Lifshits, E. M.; Khalatnikov, I. M. 1 1961 On the kinetic theory of shock waves. Zbl 0104.42302 Lyubarskij, G. Ya. 1 1961 Magnetohydrodynamic combustion. Zbl 0113.42901 Polovin, R. V.; Demutskij, V. P. 1 1961 Field theory with nonlocal interaction. I: Construction of the unitary S- matrix. Zbl 0126.45102 Kirzhnits, D. A. 1 1961 A gauge invariant formulation of neutral vector field theory. Zbl 0108.42302 Ogievetskij, V. I.; Polubarinov, I. V. 1 1961 On the Thirring model. Zbl 0105.22003 Berezin, F. A. 1 1961 Contribution to the theory of highly compressed matter. II. Zbl 0112.23003 Abrikosov, A. A. 1 1961 Interactions between electrons and lattice vibrations in a superconductor. Zbl 0098.22103 Ehliashberg, G. M. 9 1960 Quantum transitions in the adiabatic approximation. Zbl 0098.19704 Dykhne, A. M. 7 1960 On the singularities of cosmological solutions of the gravitational equations. I. Zbl 0096.43301 Lifshits, E. M.; Khalatnikov, I. M. 4 1960 A diagram technique for evaluating transport quantities. Zbl 0098.43602 Konstantinov, O. V.; Perel’, V. I. 4 1960 The radiation from a charge moving in an inhomogeneous medium. Zbl 0104.21905 Kapitsa, S. P. 3 1960 \(S\)-matrix in the generalized quantization method. Zbl 0126.44803 Volkov, D. V. 3 1960 Electric forces in a transparent dipersive medium. Zbl 0096.42603 Pitaevskij, L. P. 3 1960 On the analytic properties of vertex parts in quantum field theory. Zbl 0093.21502 Landau, L. D. 3 1960 Contribution to the theory of simple magnetohydrodynamic waves. Zbl 0095.22003 Polovin, R. V. 2 1960 On the theory of non-equilibrium statistical processes. Zbl 0129.43801 Stratonovich, R. L. 2 1960 Stability of equilibrium of a conducting liquid heated from below in a magnetic field. Zbl 0095.41301 Sorokin, V. S.; Sushkin, I. V. 1 1960 Comparison of different coordinate conditions in Einstein’s gravitation theory. Zbl 0096.22203 Fock, V. A. 1 1960 Simple waves in the Chew-Goldberger-Low approximation. Zbl 0106.43704 Akhiezer, I. A.; Polovin, R. V.; Tsintsadze, N. L. 1 1960 Equations for the Mandelstam representation spectral functions. Zbl 0103.45104 Ter-Martirosyan, K. A. 1 1960 The motion of a conducting piston in a magnetohydrodynamic medium. Zbl 0095.41003 Akhiezer, I. A.; Polovin, R. V. 1 1960 On the theory of runaway electrons. Zbl 0095.44101 Gurevich, A. V. 1 1960 The singular points of some Feynman diagrams. Zbl 0090.19305 Kolkunov, V. A.; Okun’, L. B.; Rudik, A. P. 1 1960 Possible transmission of electromagnetic waves through a metal in a strong magnetic field. Zbl 0096.44303 Konstantinov, O. V.; Perel’, V. I. 1 1960 On the nonlinear theory of stationary processes in an electron plasma. Zbl 0102.23204 Nekrasov, F. M. 1 1960 Microscopic derivation of the Ginzburg-Landau equations in the theory of superconductivity. Zbl 0088.45602 Gor’kov, L. P. 37 1959 On the quantization of half-integer spin fields. Zbl 0090.19901 Volkov, D. V. 9 1959 Symmetry group of the isotropic oscillator. Zbl 0093.20705 Demkov, Yu. N. 6 1959 Dynamical model in the theory of the Brownian motion. Zbl 0087.42205 Magalinskij, V. B. 6 1959 Penetration of an electromagnetic field into a plasma. Zbl 0094.44504 Stepanov, K. N. 4 1959 On the application of quantum-field-theory methods to problems of quantum statistics at finite temperatures. Zbl 0092.21701 Abrikosov, A. A.; Gor’kov, L. P.; Dzyaloshinskij, I. E. 4 1959 Contribution to the theory of light scattering near the second-order phase transition points. Zbl 0092.21803 Levanyuk, A. P. 4 1959 Stability of a plane Poiseuille flow of an ideally conducting fluid in a longitudinal magnetic field. Zbl 0158.23805 Velikhov, E. P. 3 1959 Relativistic transport equations for a plasma. I. Zbl 0094.43702 Klimontovich, Yu. L. 3 1959 Equilibrium of a plasma toroid in a magnetic field. Zbl 0093.23404 Shafranov, V. D. 3 1959 Properties of the spectrum of elementary excitations near the disintegration threshold of the excitations. Zbl 0105.42803 Pitaevskij, L. P. 2 1959 On the superfluidity of liquid He\(^3\). Zbl 0091.44801 Pitaevskij, L. P. 2 1959 Propagation of a strong electromagnetic-gravitational wave in vacuo. Zbl 0094.42103 Kompaneets, A. S. 1 1959 An investigation of particle-like solutions of a nonlinear scalar field equation. Zbl 0088.44205 Glasko, V. B.; Leryust, F.; Terletskij, Ya. P.; Shushurin, S. F. 1 1959 Van der Waals forces in an inhomogeneous dielectric. Zbl 0089.23804 Dzyaloshinskij, I. E.; Pitaevskij, L. P. 1 1959 ...and 104 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,636 Authors 9 Cahen, Benjamin 9 Grandati, Yves 9 Marquette, Ian 8 Brushlinskij, K. V. 8 Chizhonkov, Eugene V. 8 Miyao, Tadahiro 7 Dai, Weizhong 7 De, Uday Chand 7 Hainzl, Christian 7 Michelangeli, Alessandro 7 Sasaki, Ryu 7 Seiringer, Robert 6 Frank, Rupert L. 6 Gangopadhyaya, Asim 6 Quesne, Christiane 6 Sánchez-Vizuet, Tonatiuh 6 Stepin, Evgenii V. 5 Bougie, Jonathan 5 Jayanti, Pranava Chaitanya 5 Kulikovskiĭ, Andreĭ Gennad’evich 5 Mal’tsev, Andreĭ Yakovlevich 5 Odake, Satoru 5 Rasinariu, Constantin 5 Watanabe, Shuji 4 Aleixo, A. N. F. 4 Balantekin, A. Baha 4 Cariñena, José F. 4 Cerfon, Antoine J. 4 Correggi, Michele 4 Escobedo Martínez, Miguel 4 Frolov, Aleksandr Anatol’evich 4 Latini, Danilo 4 Penin, Alexander A. 4 Ravindran, Varadarajan 4 Röpke, Gerd 4 Solano, Manuel E. 4 Tripathi, Anurag 4 Vennin, Vincent 3 Abe, Ken 3 Abgaryan, Vahagn 3 Agarwal, Neelima 3 Altay Demirbağ, Sezgin 3 Belitsky, Andrei V. 3 Bogoyavlenskij, Oleg Igorevich 3 Bolley, Catherine 3 Bruce, Andrew James 3 Chugaĭnova, Anna Pavlova 3 De, Krishnendu 3 Deuchert, Andreas 3 Dey, Santu 3 Faugeras, Blaise 3 Fiore, Gaetano 3 Gómez-Ullate, David 3 Helffer, Bernard 3 Hongo, Masaru 3 Hussin, Véronique 3 Kadanoff, Leo Philip 3 Khvedelidze, Arsen Morisovich 3 Lal, Siddhartha 3 Lonigro, Davide 3 Lowrie, Robert B. 3 Mallow, Jeffry V. 3 Markov, Yu. A. 3 Markova, M. 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Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 5 New Journal of Physics 5 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 5 Quantum Information Processing 4 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 4 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 4 International Journal of Engineering Science 4 Russian Mathematical Surveys 4 Wave Motion 4 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 4 Journal of Geometry and Physics 4 Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika 4 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section A. Physique Théorique 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 4 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 4 Russian Mathematics 4 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 4 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 4 Differential Equations 4 Oberwolfach Reports 4 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part B. 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Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki 2 International Journal of Modern Physics B 2 Acta Mechanica 2 European Journal of Physics 2 Ingenieur-Archiv 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Shock Waves 2 Advances in Mathematics 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Journal of Functional Analysis 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 2 Journal of Scientific Computing 2 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 2 Journal of Nonlinear Science 2 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 2 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 2 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing ...and 97 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 56 Fields 399 Quantum theory (81-XX) 273 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 192 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 162 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 113 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 59 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 55 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 54 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 41 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 41 Differential geometry (53-XX) 40 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 33 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 32 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 26 Operator theory (47-XX) 25 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 22 Functional analysis (46-XX) 21 Special functions (33-XX) 20 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 19 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 19 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 13 Integral equations (45-XX) 11 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 9 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 7 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 7 Geophysics (86-XX) 6 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 5 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year