Physica, Neue Folge Short Title: Physica Publisher: North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam ISSN: 0031-8914 Online: Predecessor: PhysicaArchives Néerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, Série 3A Successor: Physica A Comments: Journal; No longer indexed; In 1934 “Arch Néerl. (3A)” (ISSN 0365-5024) and “Physica” (ISSN 0370-2707) merged into “Nederl. Tijdschr. Natuurk.” (ISSN 0028-2189) and “Physica” (ISSN 0031-8914) Documents Indexed: 795 Publications (1933–1970) all top 5 Latest Issues 49 (1970) 48 (1970) 47 (1970) 46 (1970) 45 (1969) 44 (1969) 43 (1969) 42 (1969) 41 (1969) 40 (1968) 39 (1968) 38 (1968) 36 (1967) 35 (1967) 34 (1967) 33 (1967) 32 (1966) 31 (1965) 30 (1964) 29 (1963) 28 (1962) 27 (1961) 26 (1960) 25 (1959) 24 (1958) 23 (1957) 22 (1956) 21 (1955) 20 (1954) 19 (1953) 18 (1952) 17 (1951) 16 (1950) 15 (1949) 12 (1946) 11 (1944/1945) 10 (1943) 9 (1942) 8 (1941) 7 (1940) 6 (1939) 5 (1938) 4 (1937) 3 (1936) 2 (1935) 1 (1933/1934) all top 5 Authors 39 Prigogine, Ilya 36 de Groot, Sybren R. 26 Kronig, Ralph de Laer 26 Mazur, Peter 25 Niessen, Karel Frederik 20 Tolhoek, Hendrik A. 18 Belinfante, Frederik Jozef 18 de Boer, Jan 16 ter Haar, Dirk 15 Fokker, Adriaan Daniel 15 van Kampen, Nico G. 14 Van Hove, Léon 13 Kramers, Hendrik Anthony 12 Balescu, Radu 12 Cohen, Ezechiel G. D. 11 Casimir, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard 11 Gorter, Cornelis Jacobus 10 Brinkman, Henri Coenraad 10 Ornstein, Leonard Salomon 10 Resibois, Pierre 9 Opechowski, W. 9 Van der Pol, Balthasar 8 Kluitenberg, Gerrit Alfred 8 Lubański, Józef Kazimierz 8 Phariseau, Pierre 8 Serpe, J. 8 Uhlenbeck, George Eugene 7 Bouwkamp, Christoffel Jacob 7 Brout, R. 7 Henin, F. 7 Korringa, J. 7 Nijbör, B. R. A. 7 Van Cittert, Pieter Hendrik 6 Cox, J. A. M. 6 Michels, A. 6 Ruijgrok, Th. W. 6 van der Ziel, A. 5 Bijl, Arie 5 Kasteleijn, P. W. 5 Rosenfeld, Leon 5 Strutt, Maximilian Julius Otto 5 van Wijk, W. R. 4 Bellemans, A. 4 Bremmer, H. 4 Brör, L. J. F. 4 Bruins, Evert Marie 4 Brussaard, P. J. 4 Dingle, R. B. 4 Fieschi, R. 4 Glansdorff, Paul 4 Hooyman, G. J. 4 Hugenholtz, N. M. 4 Kahn, Barbara E. 4 Lugiato, Luigi A. 4 Nijenhuis, W. 4 Rutgers, Arend Joan 4 Thellung, Armin 4 van Kranendonk, J. 4 van Leeuwen, J. M. J. 4 Verboven, E. J. 4 Vlieger, J. 3 Beth, Erich 3 Biedermann, M. M. 3 Bouwers, A. 3 Byckling, E. 3 de Wette, F. W. 3 Demeur, Marcel 3 Dempsey, E. 3 Haantjes, Johannes 3 Humblet, Jean 3 Janner, Aloysio 3 Janssen, Ted 3 Kuszell, Antoni 3 Leaf, Boris 3 Manneback, Ch. 3 Meijer, Paul H. E. 3 Meyer, H. J. G. 3 Milatz, Joannes Marius Wilhelm 3 Philippot, J. 3 Pirenne, Jean 3 Polder, D. 3 Salsburg, Z. W. 3 Schönberg, Mario 3 Van der Held, Erwin Friedrich Maximilian 3 Verschaffelt, Jules Émile 2 Alexander, J. W. 2 Ascher, Edgar 2 Bakker, C. J. 2 Bingen, R. 2 Born, Max 2 Bottema, Oene 2 Bouman, Johan Nicolaas 2 Bowen, Julius I. 2 Brachman, Malcolm K. 2 Brunings, Johanna H. M. 2 Clay, P. H. 2 Coenen, P. A. 2 Dalenoort, G. J. 2 Davies, Roy O. 2 Dietz, D. N. ...and 311 more Authors all top 5 Fields 9 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 390 Publications have been cited 3,709 times in 3,150 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Brownian motion in a field of force and the diffusion model of chemical reactions. Zbl 0061.46405 Kramers, H. A. 533 1940 The statistics of dimers on a lattice. I: The number of dimer arrangements on a quadratic lattice. Zbl 1244.82014 Kasteleyn, P. W. 424 1961 On the principles of elementary quantum mechanics. Zbl 0060.45002 Groenewold, H. J. 315 1946 Unitarity and causality in a renormalizable field theory with unstable particles. Zbl 0127.20001 Veltman, M. 89 1963 Beugungstheorie des Schneidenverfahrens und seiner verbesserten Form, der Phasenkontrastmethode. Zbl 0009.28101 Zernike, F. 83 1934 On the spin angular momentum of mesons. Zbl 0022.04607 Belinfante, F. J. 79 1939 Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and liquid Helium II. Zbl 0041.58401 de Groot, S. R.; Jansen, L.; Mazur, Peter 76 1950 The approach to equilibrium in quantum statistics. A perturbation treatment to general order. Zbl 0079.19405 van Hove, Léon 67 1957 Quantum-mechanical perturbations giving rise to a statistical transport equation. Zbl 0065.19505 van Hove, Léon 66 1955 Les difficultés de divergences pour un modèle particulier de champ quantifié. Zbl 0046.21307 van Hove, Léon 60 1952 Causality and dispersion relations for fixed momentum transfer. Zbl 0093.44202 Nussenzveig, H. M. 53 1960 On the current and the density of the electric charge, the energy, the linear momentum and the angular momentum of arbitrary fields. Zbl 0024.14203 Belinfante, F. J. 52 1940 Perturbation theory of large quantum systems. Zbl 0077.42302 Hugenholtz, N. M. 45 1957 The proper vibrations of the expanding universe. Zbl 0022.04306 Schrödinger, Erwin 41 1939 Energy corrections and persistent perturbation effects in continuous spectra. I-II: The perturbed stationary states. Zbl 0074.22804 van Hove, Léon 40 1955 Quelques propriétés générales de l’intégrale de configuration d’un système de particules avec interaction. Zbl 0036.40602 van Hove, L. 34 1949 Sur l’intégrale de configuration pour les systèmes de particules à une dimension. Zbl 0037.41201 van Hove, L. 30 1950 The quantum theory of the non-ideal gas. II: Behaviour at low temperatures. JFM 63.1416.02 Beth, E.; Uhlenbeck, G. E. 28 1937 On the current and the density of the electric charge, the energy, the linear momentum and the angular momentum of arbitrary fields. JFM 66.1143.01 Belinfante, F. J. 28 1940 Le domaine de validite de la thermodynamique des phénomènes irreversibles. Zbl 0034.42005 Prigogine, I. 27 1949 Quantum statistics of irreversible processes. Zbl 0057.42501 van Kampen, N. G. 27 1954 Brownian motion in a field of force and the diffusion theory of chemical reactions. Zbl 0073.43504 Brinkman, H. C. 27 1956 A theorem on the single particle energy in a Fermi gas with interaction. Zbl 0088.23701 Hugenholtz, N. M.; van Hove, L. 26 1958 On the calculation of lattice sums. Zbl 0131.46201 Nijboer, B. R. A.; de Wette, F. W. 23 1957 Order-disorder in hexagonal lattices. Zbl 0038.13903 Houtappel, R. M. F. 22 1950 On the perturbation of Maxwell distribution function by chemical reactions in gases. Zbl 0037.41003 Prigogine, I.; Chrouet, E. 21 1949 Statistical mechanics of irreversible processes. Part VIII: General theory of weakly coupled systems. Zbl 0073.21403 Brout, R.; Prigogine, I. 21 1956 The ergodic behaviour of quantum many-body systems. Zbl 0117.23804 van Hove, Léon 21 1959 Sur les propriétés différentielles de la production d’en tropie. Zbl 0057.19101 Glansdorff, P.; Prigogine, I. 20 1954 Classical limits of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, Racah coefficients and \(D^ l_{mn} (\phi,\theta,\psi)\)-functions. Zbl 0078.19605 Brussaard, P. J.; Tolhoek, H. A. 20 1957 Das Eigenwertproblem im eindimensionalen periodischen Kraftfelde. Zbl 0011.20804 Kramers, H. A. 19 1935 L’interaction entre les atomes magnetogenes dans un cristal paramagnetique. Zbl 0008.33003 Kramers, H. A. 17 1934 Irreversible processes in gases. I: The diagram technique. II: The equations of evolution. Zbl 0086.21601 Prigogine, I.; Balescu, R. 17 1959 Über die Zuordnung von Wellenfunktionen und Eigenwerten zu den einzelnen Elektronen eines Atoms. Zbl 0008.22805 Koopmans, T. 16 1933 The lowest wave function of the symmetrical many particles system. Zbl 0024.09403 Bijl, A. 15 1940 New method for the calculation of the pair correlation function. I. Zbl 0094.44505 van Leeuwen, J. M. J.; Groeneveld, J.; de Boer, J. 15 1959 Doubts and hopes in quantum-electrodynamics. Zbl 0051.20902 Heisenberg, Werner 14 1953 On the longitudinal and the transversal delta-function, with some applications. Zbl 0060.45001 Belinfante, F. J. 14 1946 A note on singularities occurring at sharp edges in electromagnetic diffraction theory. Zbl 0063.00574 Bouwkamp, C. J. 14 1946 Supraleitung und Diamagnetismus. Zbl 0012.43005 London, F.; London, H. 13 1935 On the exchange interaction in magnetic crystals. Zbl 0016.28806 Opechowski, W. 12 1937 Emission of gamma radiation during the beta decay of nuclei. Zbl 0014.28401 Knipp, J. K.; Uhlenbeck, G. E. 12 1936 On the statistical behaviour of known and unknown elementary particles. Zbl 0023.09101 Pauli, W.; Belinfante, F. J. 12 1940 On the covariant derivative of tensor-undors. Zbl 0023.08903 Belinfante, F. J. 12 1940 The propagation of electromagnetic waves through à stratified medium and its W.K.B. approximation for oblique incidence. Zbl 0033.23203 Bremmer, H. 12 1949 Sur la théorie abrégée des particules de spin 1/2. Zbl 0047.21504 Serpe, J. 11 1952 Isotopic spin and mass quantization. Zbl 0051.20904 Pais, A. 11 1953 A note on the thermodynamics of Maxwell bodies, Kelvin bodies (Voigt bodies), and fluids. Zbl 0109.21802 Kluitenberg, G. A. 11 1962 Sur la théorie des particules élémentaires de spin quelconque. I, II. Zbl 0060.45108 Lubanski, J. K. 11 1942 Perturbation approach to the Fermi gas model of heavy nuclei. Zbl 0077.43402 Hugenholtz, N. M. 11 1957 On rheology and thermodynamics of irreversible processes. Zbl 0104.19801 Kluitenberg, G. A. 11 1962 The Percus-Yevick equation for the radial distribution function of a fluid. Zbl 0125.25401 Stell, G. 11 1963 On the exact master equations. Zbl 0164.56902 Fulinski, A.; Kramarczyk, W. J. 11 1968 On the spin angular momentum of mesons. JFM 65.1534.02 Belinfante, F. J. 11 1939 The quantum theory of the non-ideal gas. I. Deviations from the classical theory. Zbl 0014.42603 Uhlenbeck, George E.; Beth, Erich 10 1936 Über freie Teilchen mit nichtverschwindender Masse und beliebiger Spinquantenzahl. Zbl 0025.28701 Kramers, H. A.; Belinfante, F. J.; Lubanski, J. K. 10 1941 Properties of liquid helium II. Zbl 0025.38102 Bijl, A.; de Boer, J.; Michels, A. 10 1941 Undor calculus and charge-conjugation. Zbl 0022.04608 Belinfante, Frederik Jozef 10 1939 The undor equation of the meson field. Zbl 0022.04701 Belinfante, Frederik Jozef 10 1939 On the quantum theory of wave fields. Zbl 0024.09503 Belinfante, F. J. 10 1940 Solution of the non-isotropic random flight problem in the \(k\)- dimensional space. Zbl 0050.13904 Grosjean, Carl C. 10 1953 On the generalization of the Boltzmann equation to general order in the density. Zbl 0118.45302 Cohen, E. G. D. 10 1962 A unified thermodynamic theory for large deformations in elastic media and in Kelvin (Voigt) media, and for viscous fluid flow. Zbl 0127.44904 Kluitenberg, G. 10 1964 On relativistic kinetic gas theory. III: The non-relativistic limit and its range of validity. Zbl 0177.28601 Groot, S. R.; van Weert, C. G.; Hermens, W. Th.; Leeuwen, W. A. 10 1969 On the theory of cosmic-ray showers. 1. The Furry model and the fluctuation problem. Zbl 0023.28803 Nordsieck, A.; Lamb, W. E. jun.; Uhlenbeck, G. E. 9 1940 The lowest energy state of a linear antiferromagnetic chain. Zbl 0046.45605 Kasteleijn, P. W. 9 1952 Sur le moment d’impulsion d’une onde elctromagnetique. Zbl 0028.28002 Humblet, J. 9 1943 Statistical mechanics of irreversible processes. Part VII: Boltzmann equation. Zbl 0072.21101 Brout, R. 9 1956 The dispersion equation for plasma waves. Zbl 0081.44903 van Kampen, N. G. 9 1957 Irreversible processes in gases. III: Inhomogeneous systems. Zbl 0096.44103 Prigogine, I.; Balescu, R. 9 1960 On the covariant formulation of classical relativistic statistical mechanics. Zbl 0143.46505 Balescu, R.; Kotera, T. 9 1967 Relativistic statistical thermodynamics. Zbl 0164.57003 Balescu, R. 9 1968 The proper vibrations of the expanding universe. JFM 65.1523.04 Schrödinger, E. 9 1939 Vibrations of a gas column. Zbl 0041.57706 Kramers, H. A. 8 1949 Exactly renormalizable model in the quantum theory of fields. Zbl 0071.42902 Ruijgrok, Th. W.; van Hove, L. 8 1956 Sur les groupes cristallographiques “doubles”. Zbl 0023.30201 Opechowski, W. 8 1940 On the thermodynamics of the two fluid model of Helium II. Zbl 0034.28401 Gorter, C. J. 8 1949 Derivation of the phenomenological equations from the master equation. I. Even variables only. Zbl 0080.19806 van Kampen, N. G. 8 1957 Partition functions as averages of functionals of Gaussian random functions. Zbl 0095.23206 Siegert, A. J. F. 8 1960 On the quantum statistical basis of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. I. Zbl 0097.22802 Vlieger, J.; Mazur, Peter; de Groot, S. R. 8 1961 Diffusion and viscous flow in concentrated suspensions. Zbl 0111.22401 Prager, Stephen 7 1963 On supraconductivity. I. Zbl 0008.33002 Gorter, C. J.; Casimir, H. 7 1934 Über die konforminvariante Gestalt der Maxwellschen Gleichungen und der elektromagnetischen Impulsenergiegleichungen. Zbl 0009.33401 Schouten, J. A.; Haantjes, J. 7 1934 Über die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Magnetisierung eines Ferromagnetikums bei tiefen Temperaturen. Zbl 0017.04701 Opechowski, W. 7 1937 Contribution to the quantum-mechanical theory of the equation of state and the law of corresponding states. Determination of the law of force of helium. Zbl 0019.42802 de Boer, J.; Michels, A. 7 1938 On the attenuation of plane waves by obstacles of arbitrary size and form. Zbl 0035.26501 van de Hulst, H. C. 7 1949 Sur la perturbation de la distribution de Maxwell par des reactions chimiques en phase gazeuse. II. Zbl 0037.41004 Prigogine, I.; Mahieu, M. 7 1950 On the theory of beta-radioactivity. II. A theoretical discussion of the polarization of electron beams and its observation. Zbl 0043.43104 Tolhoek, H. A.; de Groot, S. R. 7 1951 Sur l’existension de la thermodynamique aux phénomènes irréversibles liés aux degrés de liberté internes. Zbl 0051.18601 Prigogine, I.; Mazur, Peter 7 1953 The dissipation of heat by free convection of spheres and horizontal cylinders. Zbl 0028.36702 Elenbaas, W. 7 1942 On the theory of beta-radioactivity. I. The use of linear combinations of invariants in the interaction hamiltonian. Zbl 0038.42505 de Groot, S. R.; Tolhoek, H. A. 7 1950 On the statistical mechanics of matter in an electromagnetic field. I. Derivation of the Maxwell equations from electron theory. Zbl 0051.43006 Mazur, Peter; Nijboer, B. R. A. 7 1953 Albedo problem for a slab. Zbl 0103.23401 Zelazny, R. S.; Kuszell, Antoni 7 1961 On the thermodynamics of viscosity and plasticity. Zbl 0112.39302 Kluitenberg, G. A. 7 1963 On heat dissipation due to irreversible mechanical phenomena in continuous media. Zbl 0168.22701 Kluitenberg, G. A. 7 1967 Derivation of the nonequilibrium statistical operator from the extremum of the information entropy. Zbl 0194.29602 Zubarev, D. N.; Kalashnikov, V. P. 7 1970 On the classical theory of the spinning electron. Zbl 0009.41804 Kramers, H. A. 6 1934 Zur Theorie der Kugelwellen. Zbl 0016.02202 Erdélyi, Artur 6 1937 Zur Theorie der Bremsung schneller geladener Teilchen in metallischen Leitern. Zbl 0028.37904 Kronig, R.; Korringa, J. 6 1943 Quantum statistics of interaction particles. II: Cluster integral development of transport coefficients. Zbl 0089.22205 Montroll, Elliott W.; Ward, John C. 6 1959 Derivation of the nonequilibrium statistical operator from the extremum of the information entropy. Zbl 0194.29602 Zubarev, D. N.; Kalashnikov, V. P. 7 1970 On the number of roots of certain equations in finite simply reducible groups. Zbl 0203.28003 van Zanten, A. J.; de Vries, E. 6 1970 The two-component spinor field. Zbl 0203.27902 Marx, E. 2 1970 An application of the duality between representations and classes. Zbl 0203.28004 de Vries, E.; van Zanten, A. J. 2 1970 A rigorous approach to a Markoffian Master equation. Zbl 0202.27501 Lanz, L.; Lugiato, L. A. 1 1970 On the linear response to a mechanical disturbance. Zbl 0202.27502 Lugiato, L. A. 1 1970 Quantum mechanical transport equations for composite particles. Zbl 0189.55403 Grecos, A. P.; Schieve, W. C. 1 1970 On relativistic kinetic gas theory. III: The non-relativistic limit and its range of validity. Zbl 0177.28601 Groot, S. R.; van Weert, C. G.; Hermens, W. Th.; Leeuwen, W. A. 10 1969 Crystallographic groups in space and time. II: Central extensions. Zbl 0176.26603 Janssen, T.; Janner, A.; Ascher, E. 4 1969 Convergent kinetic equation for plasma in magnetic field. Zbl 0184.55404 Schram, P. P. J. M. 4 1969 On the rotation operators in quantum mechanics. Zbl 0177.56803 Bouten, M. 4 1969 On analyticity properties of the configurational integral in statistical mechanics. Zbl 0177.57303 Bogolubov, N. N. jun. 2 1969 A generalized master equation for time-dependent Hamiltonians. Zbl 0179.30302 Lugiato, L. A. 1 1969 Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation, Lorentz transformation and the de Sitter group. Zbl 0174.55703 de Vries, E. 1 1969 On the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of the Liouville-von Neumann equation. Zbl 0183.56801 Lanz, L.; Lugiato, L. A. 1 1969 Crystallographic groups in space and time. I: General definitions and basic properties. Zbl 0176.26602 Janssen, T.; Janner, A.; Ascher, E. 1 1969 Crystallographic groups in space and time. III: Four-dimensional Euclidean crystal classes corresponding to generalized magnetic point groups. Zbl 0176.26701 Janssen, T. 1 1969 A network model for visco-elastic fluids. Zbl 0219.76003 Wiegel, F. W. 1 1969 Comment on van der Linden’s proof of the asymptotic equivalence of equilibrium ensembles. Zbl 0177.57401 Galgani, L.; Manzoni, L.; Scotti, A. 1 1969 On the exact master equations. Zbl 0164.56902 Fulinski, A.; Kramarczyk, W. J. 11 1968 Relativistic statistical thermodynamics. Zbl 0164.57003 Balescu, R. 9 1968 A unified formulation of the kinetic equations. Zbl 0156.46502 Balescu, R. 2 1968 On the covariant formulation of classical relativistic statistical mechanics. Zbl 0143.46505 Balescu, R.; Kotera, T. 9 1967 On heat dissipation due to irreversible mechanical phenomena in continuous media. Zbl 0168.22701 Kluitenberg, G. A. 7 1967 Lorentz transformations transformations in phase space and in physical space. Zbl 0163.23602 Balescu, R.; Kotera, T.; Pina, E. 5 1967 Statistical mechanics of a system of interacting bosons. Zbl 0155.32605 Singh, K. K. 1 1967 A Hilbert space derivation of the classical generalized master equation. Zbl 0156.46501 Leaf, B.; Schieve, W. C. 1 1967 On the statistical mechanics of gravitational plasmas. Zbl 0151.45003 Prigogine, I.; Severne, G. 6 1966 Symmetry of the stress tensor. Zbl 0139.18603 McLennan, J. A. 2 1966 The properties of the Pauli matrices \(A\), \(B\), \(C\) and the conjugation of charge. Zbl 0138.44905 Longe, P. 1 1966 On the asymptotic problem of statistical thermodynamics for a real system. Zbl 0143.23601 van der Linden, J. 1 1966 Quantum thermodynamics of an infinite system of harmonic oscillators. Zbl 0173.30202 Verboven, E. J. 1 1966 On the equivalence between the master equation and the functional approaches to the generalized transport equation. Zbl 0151.45002 Brocas, J.; Resibois, P. 1 1966 Steady states and entropy production. Zbl 0127.21503 Prigogine, I. 6 1965 The covariant definition of spin in relativistic quantum field theory. Zbl 0139.23304 Hilgevoord, J.; de Kerf, E. A. 4 1965 A master equation for gases. Zbl 0127.21101 Schröter, J. 1 1965 The three particle collision operator in quantum mechanics. Zbl 0127.21802 Resibois, P. 1 1965 A derivation of Boltzmann’s equation with an assumption of determinacy. II. Zbl 0137.46002 Ludwig, G.; Müller, W. J. C.; Schröter, J. 1 1965 The stochastic transform and the study of homogeneous turbulence. Zbl 0143.23603 Nihoul, J. C. J. 1 1965 Transport coefficients in dense gases. I: The dilute and moderately dense gas. Zbl 0151.45301 Ernst, M. H.; Dorfman, J. R.; Cohen, E. G. D. 1 1965 A unified thermodynamic theory for large deformations in elastic media and in Kelvin (Voigt) media, and for viscous fluid flow. Zbl 0127.44904 Kluitenberg, G. 10 1964 Electrodynamics in a rotating system of reference. Zbl 0119.42506 Irvine, W. M. 5 1964 On simple waves in non-linear dielectric media. Zbl 0125.19901 Broer, L. J. F.; Sarluy, P. H. A. 3 1964 On the statistical mechanical derivation of the correlation formula for the viscosity. Zbl 0129.43905 Jackson, J. L.; Mazur, Peter 3 1964 Calculation of the pair correlation function. II: Results for the 12-6 Lennard-Jones interaction. Zbl 0125.23303 de Boer, J.; van Leeuwen, J. M. J.; Groeneveld, J. 1 1964 Higher order transport equations for electrons and phonons derived from the Kubo formula. Zbl 0126.45804 Michel, K. 1 1964 Macroscopic description of quantum gases. I: Occupation number representation with localized one particle functions. II: Macroscopic time evolution and inhomogeneous masterequation. Zbl 0127.21304 Großmann, Siegfried 1 1964 The solution of the relativistic equation of motion of a charged particle in a homogeneous magnetic and a rotating electric field perpendicular to each other. Zbl 0129.21005 Hakkenberg, A.; Weenink, M. P. H. 1 1964 A derivation of Boltzmann’s equation with an assumption of determinacy. I. Zbl 0132.22401 Ludwig, G.; Müller, W. J. C.; Schröter, J. 1 1964 Unitarity and causality in a renormalizable field theory with unstable particles. Zbl 0127.20001 Veltman, M. 89 1963 The Percus-Yevick equation for the radial distribution function of a fluid. Zbl 0125.25401 Stell, G. 11 1963 Diffusion and viscous flow in concentrated suspensions. Zbl 0111.22401 Prager, Stephen 7 1963 On the thermodynamics of viscosity and plasticity. Zbl 0112.39302 Kluitenberg, G. A. 7 1963 Asymptotic solutions of the transport equation for thermal neutrons. Zbl 0121.45201 Nelkin, Mark 3 1963 A note on the formal theory of transport coefficients. Zbl 0134.23205 Swenson, R. J. 3 1963 Statistical mechanics of surface phenomena. III: Relation between surface tension and curvature. Zbl 0114.44808 Bellemans, A. 1 1963 A note on the thermodynamics of Maxwell bodies, Kelvin bodies (Voigt bodies), and fluids. Zbl 0109.21802 Kluitenberg, G. A. 11 1962 On rheology and thermodynamics of irreversible processes. Zbl 0104.19801 Kluitenberg, G. A. 11 1962 On the generalization of the Boltzmann equation to general order in the density. Zbl 0118.45302 Cohen, E. G. D. 10 1962 Antiferromagnetic susceptibility of the plane square and honeycomb Ising lattices. Zbl 0101.45304 Sykes, M. F.; Fisher, Michael E. 3 1962 Anharmonic effects in the coherent scattering of neutrons by crystals. Zbl 0106.44804 Kokkedee, J. J. J. 3 1962 The evolution to quantum statistical equilibrium for a simple model. Zbl 0113.45703 Janner, A.; van Hove, L.; Verboven, E. 3 1962 Motion of a relativistic charged particle. Zbl 0109.20105 Prigogine, I.; Henin, F. 2 1962 Degree of approximate validity of the adiabatic invariance in quantum mechanics. Zbl 0101.43705 Garrido, L. M.; Sancho, F. J. 2 1962 A derivation of the hydrodynamic equations from the equation of motion of collective coordinates. Zbl 0125.23203 Jepsen, D. W.; ter Haar, D. 2 1962 Statistical mechanics of surface phenomena. I: A cluster expansion for the surface tension. Zbl 0105.23405 Bellemans, A. 1 1962 Regularized models in electrodynamics. Zbl 0112.45701 Groenewold, H. J. 1 1962 Equivalence between the two generalized master equations. Zbl 0113.22203 Fujita, S. 1 1962 Magnetostatic modes in a sphere and polarization current corrections. Zbl 0112.20606 Plumier, R. 1 1962 On Brownian movement and irreversibility. Zbl 0125.23402 MacDonald, D. K. C. 1 1962 Cluster expansions and the hierarchy. I: Non-equilibrium distribution functions. II: Equilibrium distribution functions. Zbl 0125.23501 Cohen, E. G. D. 1 1962 On the theory of classical fluids. II. Zbl 0129.45906 Verlet, Loup; Levesque, Dominique 1 1962 Sur une propriété de la matrice \(\beta_ 5\) rélative à la théorie des particules de spin 1. Zbl 0113.21606 Beckers, J. 1 1962 On the relativistic motion of two charged particles in classical electrodynamics. Zbl 0119.43303 Leaf, B. 1 1962 The statistics of dimers on a lattice. I: The number of dimer arrangements on a quadratic lattice. Zbl 1244.82014 Kasteleyn, P. W. 424 1961 On the quantum statistical basis of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. I. Zbl 0097.22802 Vlieger, J.; Mazur, Peter; de Groot, S. R. 8 1961 Albedo problem for a slab. Zbl 0103.23401 Zelazny, R. S.; Kuszell, Antoni 7 1961 On the approach to non-equilibrium stationary states and the theory of transport coefficients. Zbl 0098.21107 Balescu, R. 6 1961 On the calculation of the \(t\)-matrix for potentials with a hard core. Zbl 0098.22001 van Leeuwen, J. M. J.; Reiner, A. S. 4 1961 On the approach to equilibrium in quantum systems. Zbl 0099.23506 Résibois, P. 3 1961 The generalized transport equation for an electron. A solution in a simple case. Zbl 0112.22205 van Hove, L.; Verboven, E. 2 1961 On the quantum statistical basis of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. II, III. Zbl 0138.22404 Vlieger, J.; Mazur, Peter; de Groot, S. R. 2 1961 A simplified cluster expansion for the classical real gas. Zbl 0128.23304 van Kampen, N. G. 2 1961 Three body collisions in quantum mechanics. Zbl 0094.42502 Résibois, P. 1 1961 On the connection between various derivations of the Boltzmann equation. Zbl 0098.43504 Cohen, E. G. D. 1 1961 Statistical mechanical derivation of the generalized Boltzmann equation for a fluid consisting of rigid spherical molecules. Zbl 0098.43601 Sengers, J. V.; Cohen, E. G. D. 1 1961 On the canonical distribution in quantum statistical mechanics. Zbl 0099.23503 van der Linden, J.; Mazur, Peter 1 1961 On the isolated and adiabatic susceptibilities. Zbl 0108.42904 Rosenfeld, L. 1 1961 On the kinetic theory of dense fluids. VIII: Some comments on the formal computation of the nonequilibrium distribution function of a fluid. Zbl 0125.24405 Rice, Stuart A.; Kirkwood, John G.; Harris, Robert A. 1 1961 On the generalized Boltzmann equation of a quantum gas. I, II. Zbl 0121.44403 Fujita, S. 1 1961 Causality and dispersion relations for fixed momentum transfer. Zbl 0093.44202 Nussenzveig, H. M. 53 1960 Irreversible processes in gases. III: Inhomogeneous systems. Zbl 0096.44103 Prigogine, I.; Balescu, R. 9 1960 Partition functions as averages of functionals of Gaussian random functions. Zbl 0095.23206 Siegert, A. J. F. 8 1960 The energy spectrum of an amorphous substance. Zbl 0095.44604 Phariseau, P. 6 1960 On the quantum theory of electrical conductivity. The conductivity tensor to zeroth order. Zbl 0098.43604 Verboven, E. 5 1960 Note on the derivation of the Boltzmann equation from the Liouville equation. Zbl 0091.44202 Cohen, E. G. D.; Berlin, T. H. 5 1960 Master equation solution of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Zbl 0089.45005 Bowen, Julius; Meijer, Paul H. E. 3 1960 On the hyper-chain approximation in the theory of classical fluids. Zbl 0100.43204 Rushbrooke, G. S. 3 1960 Temporal fluctuations in a classical linear system. Zbl 0098.37008 Turner, R. E. 2 1960 Non-linear thermal fluctuations in a diode. Zbl 0114.21705 van Kampen, N. G. 2 1960 ...and 290 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 4,331 Authors 24 Cai, Jin-Yi 15 Belinfante, Frederik Jozef 14 Anselmi, Damiano 13 de Tilière, Béatrice 12 Gadella, Manuel 12 Lu, Pinyan 10 Tosiek, Jaromir 10 Zhang, Lianzhu 9 Boutillier, Cédric 9 Cimasoni, David 9 Kenyon, Richard W. 8 Castagnino, Mario Alberto 8 Cerrai, Sandra 8 Chhita, Sunil 8 Dias, Nuno Costa 8 Duong, Manh Hong 8 Fu, Zhiguo 8 Pavlyukevich, Ilya 8 Prata, João Nuno 8 Propp, James Gary 8 Zhang, Heping 7 Bag, Bidhan Chandra 7 Ciancio, Vincenzo 7 Ciucu, Mihai 7 de Gosson, Maurice Alexis 7 De Roeck, Wojciech 7 Lu, Fuliang 7 Metzler, Ralf 7 Wehr, Jan 7 Wu, Fa Yueh 7 Xia, Mingji 7 Zhang, Fuji 7 Zubkov, Mikhail A. 6 Ayyer, Arvind 6 Baxter, Rodney J. 6 Grmela, Miroslav 6 Högele, Michael Anton 6 Hosoya, Haruo 6 Klein, Abraham 6 Kohn, Walter 6 Lombardi, Olimpia 6 Luttinger, Joaquin M. 6 Man’ko, Vladimir Ivanovich 6 Peletier, Mark Adriaan 6 Pogosyan, George S. 6 Restuccia, Liliana 6 Saldanha, Nicolau Corção 6 Siegert, Arnold J. F. 6 van Kampen, Nico G. 6 Wolf, Kurt Bernardo 6 Yakhno, Alexander 6 Zeng, Chunhua 5 Berglund, Nils 5 Blümlein, Johannes 5 Bouchet, Freddy 5 Čápek, Vladislav 5 Castellani, Leonardo 5 Chavanis, Pierre-Henri 5 Dereziński, Jan 5 Fantoni, Riccardo 5 Fisher, Michael E. 5 Folomeshkin, V. N. 5 García-Compeán, Hugo 5 Gendelman, Oleg V. 5 Gerstenhaber, Murray 5 Giordano, Stefano 5 Gotay, Mark J. 5 Gracia-Bondía, José M. 5 Hurst, Charles Angas 5 Imkeller, Peter 5 Johansson, Kurt 5 Kowalczyk, Michael 5 Kuzemsky, Alexander Leonidovich 5 Lee, Doo-Sung 5 Li, Zhongyang 5 Maes, Christian 5 Maradudin, Alexei A. 5 Marmo, Giuseppe 5 Moreau, Michel 5 Muschik, Wolfgang 5 Pines, David 5 Polewczak, Jacek 5 Qian, Hong 5 Sen, Ashoke 5 Teretenkov, Alexander E. 5 Tumulka, Roderich 5 Vitale, Patrizia 5 Yan, Weigen 5 Zachos, Cosmas K. 4 Anishchenko, Vadim Semenovich 4 Antoniou, Ioannis E. 4 Aschieri, Paolo 4 Atakishiev, Natig M. 4 Baura, Alendu 4 Bernardini, Alex E. 4 Berra-Montiel, Jasel 4 Bertolami, Orfeu 4 Betz, Volker 4 Birrell, Jeremiah 4 Bleher, Pavel M. ...and 4,231 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 416 Journals 315 Physical Review, II. Series 227 Journal of Mathematical Physics 145 Journal of Statistical Physics 119 Annals of Physics 111 Physica A 87 Journal of High Energy Physics 73 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 63 Il Nuovo Cimento, X. Series 57 Physics Letters. A 56 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55 Reviews of Modern Physics 53 Communications in Mathematical Physics 48 Nuclear Physics. B 36 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 35 Physica D 32 Foundations of Physics 31 Chaos 30 International Journal of Modern Physics B 28 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 27 Physics Reports 26 General Relativity and Gravitation 25 Modern Physics Letters A 25 International Journal of Modern Physics A 25 Journal of Computational Physics 23 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 22 Physics Letters. 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Series 7 The European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 7 Journal of Theoretical Biology 6 Astrophysics and Space Science 6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 6 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 6 Fluid Dynamics 6 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 6 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 6 Duke Mathematical Journal 6 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 6 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 6 Journal of Elasticity 6 Linear Algebra and its Applications 6 Pattern Recognition 6 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 6 Journal of Nonlinear Science 6 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 6 Theory of Computing Systems 6 Physical Review D. Series III 6 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 6 Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 6 Il Nuovo Cimento, IX. 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Series B 5 Journal of Functional Analysis 5 Mathematische Annalen ...and 316 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 59 Fields 821 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 779 Quantum theory (81-XX) 347 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 263 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 232 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 222 Combinatorics (05-XX) 218 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 138 Differential geometry (53-XX) 137 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 127 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 114 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 109 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 107 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 106 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 96 Computer science (68-XX) 91 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 62 Operator theory (47-XX) 61 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 55 Functional analysis (46-XX) 50 Special functions (33-XX) 47 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 44 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 38 Statistics (62-XX) 38 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 37 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 29 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 29 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 29 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 28 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 27 History and biography (01-XX) 25 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 22 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 20 Number theory (11-XX) 20 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 20 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 20 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 19 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 19 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 16 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 15 Integral equations (45-XX) 15 Geophysics (86-XX) 14 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 14 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 11 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 10 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 Measure and integration (28-XX) 7 Potential theory (31-XX) 6 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 6 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 6 Real functions (26-XX) 6 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 6 Geometry (51-XX) 5 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 5 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) Citations by Year