Proceedings of the Physical Society, Section A Short Title: Proc. Phys. Soc., Sect. A Publisher: Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, London ISSN: 0370-1298 Online: Predecessor: Proceedings of the Physical Society Successor: Proceedings of the Physical Society Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 373 Publications (1949–1957) all top 5 Latest Issues 70 (1957) 69 (1956) 68 (1955) 67 (1954) 66 (1953) 65 (1952) 64 (1951) 63 (1950) 62 (1949) all top 5 Authors 10 Messel, Harry 9 Bates, D. R. 9 Green, Herbert S. 8 Gupta, Suraj N. 7 Brown, Gordon Elliott 7 Dalgarno, A. 7 March, Norman H. 6 Coulson, Charles Alfred 6 Elton, L. R. B. 6 Temperley, H. N. V. 5 Blin-Stoyle, R. J. 5 Kothari, Laxman Singh 5 Le Couteur, K. J. 5 Massey, Harrie Stewart Wilson 4 Dingle, R. B. 4 Fowler, G. N. 4 Hamilton, James 4 Klemens, P. G. 4 Makinson, R. E. B. 4 McWeeny, Roy 4 Moiseiwitsch, B. L. 4 Potts, Renfrey B. 4 Satchler, G. R. 4 Ziman, J. M. 3 Bransden, B. H. 3 Buckingham, Michael J. 3 de Borde, A. H. 3 Donovan, B. 3 Fraser, P. A. 3 Gardner, J. W. 3 Irving, J. 3 Janossy, Lajos 3 Landsberg, Peter 3 Poots, Graham 3 Steenberg, N. R. 3 Stewart, A. L. 3 Swan, P. 3 Swiatecki, W. J. 3 Vachaspati, Tanmay 3 Yoccoz, Jean 2 Abraham, George 2 Barton, J. C. 2 Bhatia, A. B. 2 Bonnor, W. B. 2 Born, Max 2 Buckingham, A. D. 2 Burhop, E. H. S. 2 Chambers, Robert G. 2 Clark, A. C. 2 Darling, R. T. S. 2 Davison, Brenda 2 Elcock, E. W. 2 Fletcher, G. C. 2 Fröhlich, Herbert 2 Grant, Ian P. 2 Griffing, G. W. 2 Harper, P. G. 2 Hawe, S. C. 2 Haywood, J. H. 2 Heitler, Walter 2 Hochberg, S. 2 Holøien, Erling 2 Huby, R. 2 Hurley, A. C. 2 Jarmain, W. R. 2 Jones, Harry 2 Kanellopoulos, Th. V. 2 Kellner, L. 2 Kynch, G. J. 2 Lane, A. M. 2 Lewis, John T. 2 Lidiard, A. B. 2 Longuet-Higgins, H. Christopher 2 McDowell, M. R. C. 2 Mohr, C. B. O. 2 Öpik, U. 2 Papapetrou, Achilles 2 Price, P. J. 2 Pryce, Maurice Henry Lecorney 2 Radicati, Luigi A. 2 Rayski, Jerzy 2 Robertson, H. H. 2 Rushbrooke, G. S. 2 Schafroth, Max Robert 2 Schiff, Bernard 2 Spiers, J. A. 2 Stevens, K. W. H. 2 Suddaby, A. 2 Theimer, Otto 2 Tredgold, R. H. 2 Turner, John Stewart 2 Underhill, L. H. 2 van Wyk, C. B. 2 Wood, P. J. 1 Allcock, G. R. 1 Allen, Kenneth R. 1 Balazs, Nandor L. 1 Baldock, G. R. 1 Ballinger, R. A. 1 Barker, P. C. ...and 164 more Authors Fields 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 202 Publications have been cited 1,001 times in 856 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Single band motion of conduction electrons in a uniform magnetic field. Zbl 0065.23708 Harper, P. G. 113 1955 Theory of longitudinal photons in quantum electrodynamics. Zbl 0040.42403 Gupta, Suraj N. 81 1950 Static magnetic fields in general relativity. Zbl 0055.20903 Bonnor, W. B. 31 1954 Equations of motion in general relativity. Zbl 0044.42104 Papapetrou, A. 30 1951 On the equations of motion of crystal dislocations. Zbl 0033.24002 Frank, F. C. 27 1949 The general motion of conduction electrons in a uniform magnetic field, with application to the diamagnetism of metals. Zbl 0065.23707 Harper, P. G. 26 1955 The calculation of scattering amplitudes. Zbl 0048.22902 Kynch, G. J. 25 1952 Quantization of Einstein’s gravitational field: Linear approximation. Zbl 0046.20902 Gupta, Suraj N. 21 1952 Quantization of Einstein’s gravitational field: General treatment. Zbl 0047.21502 Gupta, Suraj N. 20 1952 Certain exact solutions of the equations of general relativity with an electrostatic field. Zbl 0050.21503 Bonnor, W. B. 17 1953 On the renormalization of quantum electrodynamics. Zbl 0042.45502 Ward, J. C. 17 1951 The collective model of nuclear motion. Zbl 0077.43501 Peierls, R. E.; Yoccoz, Jean 16 1957 Interaction between four half-spin particles and the decay of the \(\mu\)- meson. Zbl 0036.27602 Michel, L. 14 1950 On polarized particle beams. Zbl 0046.22609 Dalitz, R. H. 13 1952 The scattering of low-frequency lattice waves by static imperfections. Zbl 0068.23301 Klemens, P. G. 13 1955 Momenta in atoms using the Thomas-Fermi method. Zbl 0035.42302 Coulson, C. A.; March, N. H. 13 1950 Note on the fluctuation problem of cascades. Zbl 0037.14102 Janossy, I. 13 1950 Polarization in nuclear reactions. Zbl 0067.22502 Satchler, G. R. 12 1955 The kinetic formulation of conduction problems. Zbl 0046.23703 Chambers, R. G. 11 1952 On Bose-Einstein functions. Zbl 0055.36003 Clunie, J. 9 1954 The cellular method of determining electronic wave functions and eigenvalues in crystals, with applications to sodium. Zbl 0046.23710 Howarth, D. J.; Jones, H. 9 1952 Matrix elements and operator equivalents connected with the magnetic properties of rare earth ions. Zbl 0046.45214 Stevens, K. W. H. 9 1952 A pre-renormalized quantum electrodynamics. Zbl 0053.17104 Green, H. S. 9 1953 The Mayer theory of condensation tested against a simple model of the imperfect gas. Zbl 0057.23403 Temperley, H. N. V. 9 1954 Directional correlation between successive internal-conversion electrons. Zbl 0035.27603 Gardner, J. W. 8 1949 Note on the applicability of the free-electron network model to metals. Zbl 0055.44403 Coulson, C. A. 8 1954 Antiferromagnetism by the spin wave method. I. The energy levels. Zbl 0046.45501 Ziman, J. M. 7 1952 Self-consistent spin-wave theory for the ferromagnetic exchange problem. Zbl 0055.44805 Schafroth, M. R. 7 1954 The frequency spectrum of a two-dimensional ionic lattice. Zbl 0046.23405 Smollett, M. 6 1952 Density of states curve for the \({3d}\) electrons in nickel. Zbl 0046.45603 Fletcher, G. C. 6 1952 Perturbation theory for the one-dimensional wave equation. Zbl 0055.21202 Price, P. J. 6 1954 On the stresses and energies associated with intercrystalline boundaries. Zbl 0038.13701 van der Merwe, J. H. 5 1950 Wave propagation in even and odd dimensional spaces. Zbl 0064.17904 Balazs, N. L. 5 1955 The band structure of mixed linear lattices. Zbl 0070.23804 Kerner, E. H. 5 1956 On the interactions of dislocations and solute atoms. Zbl 0035.14103 Bilby, B. A. 5 1950 On the elimination of divergencies from quantum electrodynamics. Zbl 0042.45504 Gupta, Suraj N. 5 1951 The nuclear surface energy. Zbl 0043.22104 Swiatecki, W. J. 5 1951 Nuclear excitation by electric interaction with charged particles. Zbl 0043.43001 Huby, R.; Newns, H. C. 5 1951 Equations of motions in general relativity. II. The coordinate condition. Zbl 0044.42201 Papapetrou, A. 5 1951 Quantum electrodynamics with auxiliary fields. Zbl 0050.22401 Gupta, Suraj N. 5 1953 The effect of the tensor force on the binding energy of the alpha- particle. Zbl 0050.22611 Irving, J. 5 1953 Many-particle systems. Derivation of a shell model. Zbl 0050.43912 Post, H. R. 5 1953 On the high-temperature susceptibility for the Heisenberg model of a ferromagnet. Zbl 0066.23907 Rushbrooke, G. S.; Wood, P. J. 5 1955 On the quantum theory of resiprocal fields and the correspondence principle. Zbl 0044.44006 Rayski, J. 4 1951 Fluctuations of the electron-photon cascade. - Moments of the distribution. Zbl 0039.23703 Janossy, L.; Messel, H. 4 1950 On the absorption of meson-producing nucleons. Zbl 0039.43101 Heitler, W.; Janossy, L. 4 1949 On the scattering of fast electrons by nuclei. Zbl 0046.22605 Elton, L. R. B. 4 1952 Studies in graphite and related compounds. I. Electronic band structure in graphite. Zbl 0046.45003 Coulson, C. A.; Taylor, R. 4 1952 The parameters of partially degenerate semiconductors. Zbl 0046.45105 Blakemore, J. S. 4 1952 Theory of \((d,p)\) and \((d,n)\) reactions. II. Coulomb corrections and numerical results. Zbl 0064.21902 Grant, I. P. 4 1955 Factors controlling dislocation widths. Zbl 0042.22901 Foreman, A. J.; Jawson, M. A.; Wood, J. K. 4 1951 Theory of the superconducting state: II. - Magnetic properties at the absolute zero of temperature. Zbl 0042.23601 Fröhlich, H. 4 1951 A contribution to the theory of soft X-ray emission bands of sodium. Zbl 0041.58804 Landsberg, P. T. 4 1949 Investigations on the binding energy of heavy nuclei. Zbl 0036.27803 Huby, R. 4 1949 The scattering of high energy charged particles by thin foils of matter. Zbl 0037.13703 Butler, S. T. 4 1950 Polarized nuclear reactions. Zbl 0043.43005 Blin-Stoyle, R. J. 4 1951 The absorption of light by alkali metals. Zbl 0043.44403 Butcher, P. N. 4 1951 Spin orbit coupling in the nuclear shell model. Zbl 0038.42402 Hughes, J.; Le Couteur, K. J. 4 1950 A scalar representation of electromagnetic fields. Zbl 0053.15405 Green, H. S.; Wolf, E. 4 1953 On the relationships between the Landau and London-Tisza models of liquid helium. II. Zbl 0048.45503 Temperley, H. N. V. 4 1952 The computation of wave functions in momentum space - I: The helium atom. Zbl 0032.23402 McWeeny, R.; Coulson, C. A. 3 1949 The effect of nuclear structure on the elastic scattering of fast electrons. Zbl 0041.33314 Elton, L. R. B. 3 1950 Damping theory and the propagation of radiation. Zbl 0035.13504 Hamilton, J. 3 1949 A modified perturbation procedure for a problem in paramagnetism. Zbl 0035.28203 Pryce, M. H. L. 3 1950 The theory of the propagation in liquid helium II of “temperature- waves” of finite amplitude. Zbl 0043.22907 Temperley, H. N. V. 3 1951 On the supplementary condition in quantum electrodynamics. Zbl 0043.42303 Gupta, Suraj N. 3 1951 The twoband effect in conduction. Zbl 0047.23507 Chambers, R. G. 3 1952 Commutation relations between different fields. Zbl 0065.21704 Umezawa, H.; Podolanski, J.; Oneda, S. 3 1955 On the validity of the Weizsäcker inhomogeneity correction term. Zbl 0065.44404 Berg, R.; Wilets, L. 3 1955 The alpha-particle and shell models of the nucleus. Zbl 0071.43202 Perring, J. K.; Skyrme, T. H. R. 3 1956 On the use of the complete interaction Hamiltonian in atomic rearrangement collisions. Zbl 0077.23205 Jackson, J. D. 3 1957 On the moments of inertia of nuclei. Zbl 0077.43502 Yoccoz, Jean 3 1957 An exact calculation of second order long range forces. Zbl 0077.44701 Dalgarno, A.; Lynn, N. 3 1957 Elastic scattering of low energy nucleons by complex nuclei. Zbl 0078.45003 Brown, G. E.; de Dominicis, C. T. 3 1957 Directional correlation between successive internal-conversion electrons. II. Zbl 0042.22107 Gardner, J. W. 3 1951 Applications of the Peierls-McManus classical finite electron theory. Zbl 0035.42503 Irving, J. 3 1949 Nuclear shell structure and nuclear density. Zbl 0043.22103 Yang, L. M. 3 1951 Antiferromagnetism by the Bethe method. Zbl 0043.44806 Ziman, J. M. 3 1951 Einstein’s unified field theory. Zbl 0046.20901 Kurşunoǧlu, Behram 3 1952 Derivation of the velocity of second sound from Maxwell’s equation of transfer. Zbl 0046.23206 Dingle, R. B. 3 1952 On the interpretation of Freundlich’s red-shift formula. Zbl 0055.21803 Born, Max 3 1954 Studies in intermediate coupling. II. Radiative transitions in light nuclei. Zbl 0055.22206 Lane, A. M.; Radicati, L. A. 3 1954 Theory of \((d,p)\) and \((d,n)\) reactions. I. General theory ignoring Coulomb effects. Zbl 0055.43401 Grant, I. P. 3 1954 Coulomb effects in stripping reactions. Zbl 0055.43402 Yoccoz, Jean 3 1954 A calculation of the eigenvalues of electronic states in metallic lithium by the cellular method. Zbl 0055.44502 Schiff, B. 3 1954 The theory of the Thomas-Fermi electron density. Zbl 0050.23204 Plaskett, J. S. 3 1953 Elastic scattering of electrons. Zbl 0050.43401 Elton, L. R. B. 3 1953 Application of the Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theory to the hydrogen atom. Zbl 0071.44202 Dalgarno, A. 3 1956 The magnetic energy levels of electrons in metals. Zbl 0079.23301 Brailsford, A. D. 3 1957 The augmented plane wave and related methods for crystal eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0071.23808 Leigh, R. S. 3 1956 The theory of magnetic resonance-line widths in crystals. Zbl 0035.28301 Pryce, M. H. L.; Stevens, K. W. H. 2 1950 On the theory of diffraction. Zbl 0038.39503 Franz, W. 2 1950 Slow neutron scattering by ferromagnetic crystals. Zbl 0044.45003 Moorhouse, R. G. 2 1951 Some remarks on the use of \(\beta\)-formalism of the meson field for nuclear interactions. Zbl 0045.45708 Vachaspati 2 1951 The angular distribution of scattered nucleons in high energy nuclear collisions. Zbl 0046.22604 Messel, H.; Green, H. S. 2 1952 Studies in intermediate coupling. The energy states of \(^{13}C\) and \(^{13}N\) belonging to the configuration \(1 p^9\). Zbl 0051.44401 Lane, A. M. 2 1953 Deuteron production in the collision of high energy neutrons with nuclei. Zbl 0047.22204 Brandsen, B. H. 2 1952 Angular distribution of \(\gamma\)-radiation following a deuteron stripping reaction. Zbl 0047.22306 Satchelor, G. R.; Spiers, J. A. 2 1952 On the use of a random parameter in combinatorial problems. Zbl 0049.26104 Domb, C. 2 1952 Extended Thomas-Fermi methods. Zbl 0055.21203 Ballinger, R. A.; March, N. H. 2 1954 The collective model of nuclear motion. Zbl 0077.43501 Peierls, R. E.; Yoccoz, Jean 16 1957 On the use of the complete interaction Hamiltonian in atomic rearrangement collisions. Zbl 0077.23205 Jackson, J. D. 3 1957 On the moments of inertia of nuclei. Zbl 0077.43502 Yoccoz, Jean 3 1957 An exact calculation of second order long range forces. Zbl 0077.44701 Dalgarno, A.; Lynn, N. 3 1957 Elastic scattering of low energy nucleons by complex nuclei. Zbl 0078.45003 Brown, G. E.; de Dominicis, C. T. 3 1957 The magnetic energy levels of electrons in metals. Zbl 0079.23301 Brailsford, A. D. 3 1957 Direct interaction and nuclear dispersion theory. Zbl 0078.45101 Brown, G. E.; de Domincis, C. T. 2 1957 Slowing down of neutrons in infinite homogeneous media. Zbl 0079.21104 Corngold, N. 2 1957 Resonances in a complex well. Zbl 0080.43302 Brown, G. E. 2 1957 Some aspects of the stripping reactions. Zbl 0077.43704 El Nadi, Mohamed 1 1957 The low energy elastic scattering of neutrons by deuterons. Zbl 0080.23102 Burke, P. G.; Robertson, H. H. 1 1957 The density matrix and the foundations of the statistical theory. Zbl 0108.42901 March, N. H. 1 1957 The effectiveness of variational methods for inelastic scattering problems. Zbl 0077.44502 Huck, R. J. 1 1957 On the high temperature susceptibility for the Heisenberg model of a ferromagnetic. Zbl 0078.23301 Wood, P. J.; Rushbrooke, G. S. 1 1957 Nuclear moments of inertia. Zbl 0086.22904 Skyrme, T. H. R. 1 1957 The band structure of mixed linear lattices. Zbl 0070.23804 Kerner, E. H. 5 1956 The alpha-particle and shell models of the nucleus. Zbl 0071.43202 Perring, J. K.; Skyrme, T. H. R. 3 1956 Application of the Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theory to the hydrogen atom. Zbl 0071.44202 Dalgarno, A. 3 1956 The augmented plane wave and related methods for crystal eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0071.23808 Leigh, R. S. 3 1956 The equations of motion of rotating bodies in general relativity. Zbl 0071.22202 Haywood, J. H. 2 1956 The two-body problem in the theory of the quantized gravitational field. Zbl 0071.22403 Corinaldesi, E. 2 1956 On the method of atoms in molecules. II. An interatomic correlation correction. Zbl 0072.22803 Hurley, A. C. 2 1956 Nuclear scattering of high energy electrons on the independent-particle model. Zbl 0070.23104 Tassie, L. J. 1 1956 A note on momentum correlation and diamagnetism. Zbl 0071.24004 Nakajima, S. 1 1956 Single band motion of conduction electrons in a uniform magnetic field. Zbl 0065.23708 Harper, P. G. 113 1955 The general motion of conduction electrons in a uniform magnetic field, with application to the diamagnetism of metals. Zbl 0065.23707 Harper, P. G. 26 1955 The scattering of low-frequency lattice waves by static imperfections. Zbl 0068.23301 Klemens, P. G. 13 1955 Polarization in nuclear reactions. Zbl 0067.22502 Satchler, G. R. 12 1955 Wave propagation in even and odd dimensional spaces. Zbl 0064.17904 Balazs, N. L. 5 1955 On the high-temperature susceptibility for the Heisenberg model of a ferromagnet. Zbl 0066.23907 Rushbrooke, G. S.; Wood, P. J. 5 1955 Theory of \((d,p)\) and \((d,n)\) reactions. II. Coulomb corrections and numerical results. Zbl 0064.21902 Grant, I. P. 4 1955 Commutation relations between different fields. Zbl 0065.21704 Umezawa, H.; Podolanski, J.; Oneda, S. 3 1955 On the validity of the Weizsäcker inhomogeneity correction term. Zbl 0065.44404 Berg, R.; Wilets, L. 3 1955 The Coulomb scattering of high-energy electrons and positrons by nuclei. Zbl 0064.22902 Curr, R. M. 2 1955 On the method of atoms in molecules. Zbl 0064.23304 Hurley, A. C. 2 1955 Theoretical studies of the Kerr effect. I. Deviations from a linear polarization law. Zbl 0065.45103 Buckingham, A. D.; Pople, J. A. 2 1955 The collisions of nucleons with deuterons. Zbl 0065.23502 de Borde, A. H.; Massey, H. S. W. 2 1955 The scattering of nucleons by alpha particles. Determination of the spin- orbit interaction. Zbl 0065.44601 Hochberg, S.; Massey, H. S. W.; Robertson, H.; Underhill, L. H. 2 1955 The effect of a potential gradient on the density of a degenerate Fermi gas. Zbl 0065.44702 Swiatecki, W. J. 2 1955 The thermoelectric power of monovalent metals. Zbl 0066.23901 Jones, H. 2 1955 A variation-perturbation method. I, II. Zbl 0064.21606 Cohen, L. 1 1955 The binding energies of \(^3H\) and \(^4He\). Zbl 0064.22704 Abraham, G.; Cohen, L.; Roberts, A. S. 1 1955 Effect of electron mass on high energy electron scattering. Zbl 0065.23503 Elton, L. R. B. 1 1955 General perturbation theory in neutronics. Zbl 0065.23602 Pendlebury, E. D. 1 1955 The cellular method for a close-packed hexagonal lattice, with applications to titanium. Zbl 0065.23702 Schiff, B. 1 1955 The theory of the reflectivity of metals. Zbl 0066.24004 Wolfe, R. 1 1955 Static magnetic fields in general relativity. Zbl 0055.20903 Bonnor, W. B. 31 1954 On Bose-Einstein functions. Zbl 0055.36003 Clunie, J. 9 1954 The Mayer theory of condensation tested against a simple model of the imperfect gas. Zbl 0057.23403 Temperley, H. N. V. 9 1954 Note on the applicability of the free-electron network model to metals. Zbl 0055.44403 Coulson, C. A. 8 1954 Self-consistent spin-wave theory for the ferromagnetic exchange problem. Zbl 0055.44805 Schafroth, M. R. 7 1954 Perturbation theory for the one-dimensional wave equation. Zbl 0055.21202 Price, P. J. 6 1954 On the interpretation of Freundlich’s red-shift formula. Zbl 0055.21803 Born, Max 3 1954 Studies in intermediate coupling. II. Radiative transitions in light nuclei. Zbl 0055.22206 Lane, A. M.; Radicati, L. A. 3 1954 Theory of \((d,p)\) and \((d,n)\) reactions. I. General theory ignoring Coulomb effects. Zbl 0055.43401 Grant, I. P. 3 1954 Coulomb effects in stripping reactions. Zbl 0055.43402 Yoccoz, Jean 3 1954 A calculation of the eigenvalues of electronic states in metallic lithium by the cellular method. Zbl 0055.44502 Schiff, B. 3 1954 Extended Thomas-Fermi methods. Zbl 0055.21203 Ballinger, R. A.; March, N. H. 2 1954 Absolute magnitudes of \((d,p)\) scattering cross sections. Zbl 0055.22607 Abraham, G. 2 1954 Properties of the hydrogen molecular ion. IV. Oscillator strengths of the transition connecting the lowest even and lowest odd \(\sigma\)-states with higher \(\sigma\)-states. Zbl 0055.23501 Bates, D. R.; Darling, R. T. S.; Hawe, S. C.; Steart, A. L. 2 1954 Plasma oscillations in a periodic potential. The one-zone theory. Zbl 0057.44704 Hubbard, J. 2 1954 The second Born approximation in inelastic collisions of electrons with atoms. Zbl 0055.43801 Rothenstein, W. 2 1954 Calculations of the first ferromagnetic anisotropy coefficient, gyromagnetic ratio and spectroscopic splitting factor for nickel. Zbl 0055.44902 Fletcher, G. C. 2 1954 Some remarks on radiative capture and stripping reactions. Zbl 0055.22604 Satchler, G. R. 1 1954 Electron-neutrino angular correlation functions in the theory of beta decay. Zbl 0055.22901 Fowler, G. N. 1 1954 Three dimensional theory of electrophoton showers. Zbl 0056.22906 Chartres, B. A.; Messel, H. 1 1954 The specific heat of metals at low temperatures. Zbl 0056.23406 Buckingham, M. J.; Schafroth, M. R. 1 1954 Justification of the use of perturbation theory in metallic conductivity. Zbl 0056.23605 van Wieringen, J. S. 1 1954 The binding energy of the alpha particle. Zbl 0055.22202 Clark, A. C. 1 1954 Statistics of nuclear levels. Zbl 0055.43301 Lang, J. M. B.; Le Couteur, K. J. 1 1954 Spherical tensors in physics. Zbl 0055.43403 Rose, M. E. 1 1954 The scattering of nucleons by alpha particles - the \(s\)-phases. Zbl 0055.43501 Hochberg, S.; Massey, H. S.; Underhill, L. H. 1 1954 On the neutron spectrum for \(v^{-\alpha}\)-absorption cross section. Zbl 0055.43606 Davison, B.; Mandl, M. E. 1 1954 Gaseous reactions involving positronium. Zbl 0055.43803 Massey, H. S. W.; Mohr, C. B. O. 1 1954 A note on the band structure of silicon. Zbl 0055.44504 Bell, D. G.; Hensman, R.; Jenkins, D. P.; Pincherle, L. 1 1954 Certain exact solutions of the equations of general relativity with an electrostatic field. Zbl 0050.21503 Bonnor, W. B. 17 1953 A pre-renormalized quantum electrodynamics. Zbl 0053.17104 Green, H. S. 9 1953 Quantum electrodynamics with auxiliary fields. Zbl 0050.22401 Gupta, Suraj N. 5 1953 The effect of the tensor force on the binding energy of the alpha- particle. Zbl 0050.22611 Irving, J. 5 1953 Many-particle systems. Derivation of a shell model. Zbl 0050.43912 Post, H. R. 5 1953 A scalar representation of electromagnetic fields. Zbl 0053.15405 Green, H. S.; Wolf, E. 4 1953 The theory of the Thomas-Fermi electron density. Zbl 0050.23204 Plaskett, J. S. 3 1953 Elastic scattering of electrons. Zbl 0050.43401 Elton, L. R. B. 3 1953 Studies in intermediate coupling. The energy states of \(^{13}C\) and \(^{13}N\) belonging to the configuration \(1 p^9\). Zbl 0051.44401 Lane, A. M. 2 1953 The statistical aspect of Boltzmann’s \(H\)-theorem. Zbl 0050.20407 ter Haar, D.; Green, C. D. 2 1953 The general three-dimensional theory of cascade processes. Zbl 0051.44606 Messel, H.; Green, H. S. 2 1953 Properties of the hydrogen molecular ion. II. Photo-ionization from the 1 \(s\sigma_g , 2 s\sigma_g\) and 3 \(s\sigma_g\) states. Zbl 0053.32905 Bates, D. R.; Öpik, U.; Poots, G. 2 1953 The conceptual situation in physics and the prospects of its future development. Zbl 0050.39803 Born, Max 2 1953 Nuclear scattering of electrons and isotope shift. Zbl 0051.22303 Bodmer, A. R. 1 1953 The calculation of auto-ionization probabilities. I. Perturbation methods with application to auto-ionization in helium. II. A variational method for radiationless transitions with applications to the \((2 s)^{21}S-(1 s k s)^1S\) transition of helium. Zbl 0051.22403 Bransden, B. H.; Dalgarno, A. 1 1953 The interaction of electrons with lattice vibrations. Radiation by a fast electron. Zbl 0051.23502 Buckingham, M. J. 1 1953 Properties of the hydrogen molecular ion. III. Oscillator strength of the \(1s\sigma_g - 2p\pi_u, 2p\sigma_u - 3 d\pi_g\) and \(2p\pi_u - 3d\pi_g\) transitions. Zbl 0053.32906 Bates, D. R.; Darling, R. T. S.; Hawe, S. C.; Stewart, A. L. 1 1953 Analytical wave functions for methane and the ammonium ion. Zbl 0050.23407 Bernal, M. J. M. 1 1953 Electron capture. III. Capture into excited states in encounters between hydrogen atoms and fast protons. Zbl 0051.22404 Bates, D. R.; Dalgarno, A. 1 1953 Inelastic collisions between heavy particles. I. Excitation and ionization of hydrogen atoms in fast encounters with protons and with other hydrogen atoms. Zbl 0051.22501 Bates, D. R.; Griffing, G. 1 1953 The polarization of \(\gamma\)-radiation from aligned nuclei. Zbl 0051.23401 Steenberg, N. R. 1 1953 Population distribution of nuclei aligned at low temperatures. Zbl 0051.23402 Steenberg, N. R. 1 1953 The energy band structure of a linear metal. Zbl 0051.45304 Wohlfarth, E. P. 1 1953 Angular distribution of \(\gamma\)-radiation following a deuteron stripping reaction. Zbl 0052.45006 Satchler, G. R. 1 1953 Matrix elements in radiative transitions. Zbl 0050.22406 Blin-Stoyle, R. J. 1 1953 ...and 102 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,259 Authors 10 Bürger, Raimund 7 Markenscoff, Xanthippi 7 Messel, Harry 6 Belinfante, Frederik Jozef 6 Biedenharn, Lawrence C. jun. 5 Jitomirskaya, Svetlana Yakovlevna 5 Kirsch, Werner 5 Koch, Hans-Friedrich 5 Zhou, Qi 4 Ahmed, Faizuddin 4 Blanchet, Luc 4 Green, Herbert S. 4 Grundling, Hendrik B. G. S. 4 Gupta, Suraj N. 4 Ham, Frank S. 4 Karlsen, Kenneth Hvistendahl 4 Kohn, Walter 4 Manko, Vladimir S. 4 Montani, Giovanni 4 Tóth, Gábor Zsolt 4 Turbiner, Alexander 4 Wheeler, John Archibald 3 Alavi, Seyyed Ali 3 Bellissard, Jean V. 3 Bouzenada, Abdelmalek 3 Callaway, Joseph 3 Delice, Özgür 3 Dyson, Freeman John 3 El Naschie, Mohamed Saladin 3 Fernández, Francisco Marcelo 3 Ferrell, Richard A. 3 Forghan, B. 3 Halpern, Leopold 3 Kamefuchi, Susumu 3 Lacquaniti, Valentino 3 Lee, Tsung-Dao 3 Lipkin, Harry Jeannot 3 March, Norman H. 3 Marx, Christoph A. 3 Nagy, K. L. 3 Pellegrini, Yves-Patrick 3 Pickard, David K. 3 Rayski, Jerzy 3 Roberts, Craig D. 3 Rose, Morris E. 3 Salam, Abdus 3 Satija, Indubala I. 3 Schmidt, Sebastian M. 3 Shipman, Stephen P. 3 Tory, Elmer M. 3 Van Hove, Léon 3 Van Vleck, John Hasbrouck 3 Yennie, Donald R. 3 You, Jiangong 2 Alder, Kurt 2 Angilella, Giuseppe G. N. 2 Antunes, Nelson 2 Arnold, Richard A. 2 Azizi, Azizollah 2 Belkić, Dževad 2 Bengtsson, Anders K. H. 2 Berres, Stefan 2 Beyerlein, Irene J. 2 Blatt, John M. 2 Brown, Gordon Elliott 2 Budini, P. 2 Buevich, Yu. A. 2 Cabrera-Munguia, I. 2 Caccese, Ermenegildo 2 Carruthers, Peter A. 2 Chang, Lei 2 Chartres, Bruce A. 2 Chidichimo, Marita C. 2 Çiftci, Dilek K. 2 Dai, Wusheng 2 de Oliveira, César R. 2 Dingle, R. B. 2 Doughty, Noel A. 2 Drell, S. D. 2 Duch, Paweł 2 Exner, Pavel 2 Farrell, Patricio 2 Fishman, Shmuel 2 Ge, Lingrui 2 Geisel, Theo 2 Golden, Sidney 2 Guarracino, Federico 2 Güneysu, Batu 2 Guvendi, Abdullah 2 Hamzavi, Majid 2 Harman, T. C. 2 Helffer, Bernard 2 Honig, J. M. 2 Hurst, Charles Angas 2 Iwai, Toshihiro 2 Jacinto, Gonçalo 2 Katsura, Shigetoshi 2 Kaufmann, Ralph M. 2 Keller, Matthias 2 Ketzmerick, Roland ...and 1,159 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 159 Journals 216 Physical Review, II. Series 52 Journal of Mathematical Physics 42 Annals of Physics 35 Reviews of Modern Physics 24 Physics Letters. A 17 Communications in Mathematical Physics 17 General Relativity and Gravitation 16 Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 15 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 14 Journal of High Energy Physics 13 Il Nuovo Cimento, IX. Series 12 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 11 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 11 Il Nuovo Cimento, X. Series 10 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 10 Physics Letters. B 8 Fortschritte der Physik 8 Journal of Applied Physics 7 International Journal of Modern Physics A 7 Nuclear Physics. B 7 Annales Henri Poincaré 7 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 7 The Philosophical Magazine, VIII. Series 6 Modern Physics Letters A 6 International Journal of Modern Physics B 6 Classical and Quantum Gravity 6 Computer Physics Communications 6 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 6 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 5 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 5 International Journal of Engineering Science 5 Journal of Statistical Physics 5 Reports on Mathematical Physics 5 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 5 Applied Mathematics and Computation 5 Physica D 4 Acta Mechanica 4 Journal of Computational Physics 4 Letters in Mathematical Physics 4 Physica A 4 Physics Reports 4 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 4 Journal of Functional Analysis 4 Applied Numerical Mathematics 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 4 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 4 New Journal of Physics 4 Living Reviews in Relativity 4 Physical Review Letters 4 Physical Review D. Series III 4 Advances in High Energy Physics 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 3 Journal of Geometry and Physics 3 Nuclear Physics. B. Proceedings Supplements 3 International Journal of Modern Physics D 3 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 3 Journal of Modern Optics 3 Foundations of Physics 3 Communications in Theoretical Physics 3 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part B. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 3 Journal of Spectral Theory 3 Applied Scientific Research, Section B 2 Fluid Dynamics 2 International Journal of Plasticity 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 2 Duke Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 2 Journal of Theoretical Probability 2 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 2 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 2 Chaos 2 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré 2 The European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 2 Advances in Mathematical Physics 2 SciPost Physics 1 Archive for History of Exact Sciences 1 Astrophysics and Space Science 1 Computers and Fluids 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 European Journal of Physics 1 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 1 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 Nonlinearity 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Physics of Fluids 1 Wave Motion 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section A. Physique Théorique 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Integral Equations and Operator Theory ...and 59 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 52 Fields 238 Quantum theory (81-XX) 109 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 96 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 54 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 46 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 41 Operator theory (47-XX) 33 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 33 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 31 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 26 Differential geometry (53-XX) 25 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 20 Functional analysis (46-XX) 20 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 18 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 18 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 14 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 13 Combinatorics (05-XX) 13 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 9 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 8 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 7 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 7 Special functions (33-XX) 7 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 6 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 4 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 3 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year