CWI Tracts Short Title: CWI Tracts Publisher: Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam Predecessor: Mathematical Centre Tracts Comments: Book series; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 135 Publications (1984–2005) all top 5 Latest Volumes 135 (2005) 134 (2003) 133 (2002) 132 (2000) 131 (2001) 130 (2000) 129 (2000) 128 (2000) 127 (2000) 126 (1999) 125 (1998) 124 (1998) 123 (1998) 122 (1997) 121 (1997) 120 (1997) 119 (1997) 118 (1996) 117 (1996) 116 (1996) 115 (1996) 114 (1995) 113 (1995) 112 (1995) 111 (1995) 110 (1997) 109 (1996) 108 (1995) 107 (1995) 106 (1994) 105 (1994) 104 (1994) 103 (1994) 102 (1994) 101 (1994) 100 (1993) 99 (1993) 98 (1993) 97 (1993) 96 (1993) 95 (1993) 94 (1993) 93 (1993) 92 (1994) 91 (1993) 90 (1993) 89 (1993) 88 (1993) 87 (1992) 86 (1992) 85 (1994) 84 (1991) 83 (1991) 82 (1992) 81 (1991) 80 (1996) 79 (1991) 78 (1991) 77 (1991) 76 (1991) 75 (1992) 74 (1990) 73 (1990) 72 (1990) 71 (1990) 70 (1989) 69 (1990) 68 (1989) 67 (1989) 66 (1989) 65 (1989) 64 (1989) 63 (1989) 62 (1989) 61 (1989) 60 (1989) 59 (1989) 58 (1989) 57 (1989) 56 (1989) 55 (1988) 54 (1988) 53 (1988) 52 (1988) 51 (1988) 50 (1988) 49 (1988) 48 (1988) 47 (1988) 46 (1988) 45 (1988) 44 (1988) 43 (1987) 42 (1987) 41 (1987) 40 (1987) 39 (1987) 38 (1987) 37 (1987) 36 (1987) ...and 33 more Volumes all top 5 Authors / Editors 3 Vrieze, Okko J. 2 Boxma, Onno Johan 2 Hanzon, Bernard 2 Janssen, Theo M. V. 2 Koole, G. M. 2 Lenstra, Jan Karel 2 Monna, Antonie Frans 1 Aardal, Karen I. 1 Adan, Ivo J. B. F. 1 Ambergen, A. W. 1 America, P. H. M. 1 Asveld, P. R. J. P. R. J. 1 Baars, J. A. 1 Baeten, Jos C. M. 1 Belitser, Eduard 1 Blokhuis, Aart 1 Bodlaender, Hans L. 1 Böhm, A. P. Willem 1 Bol, Roland N. 1 Borst, Sem C. 1 Bruin, N. R. 1 Cohen, Arjeh Marcel 1 Dajani, Karma 1 de Goede, Erik D. 1 de Groot, Johannes Antonius Marie 1 de Gunst, Mathisca C. M. 1 de Haan, Laurens 1 de Jong, V. J. 1 de Kerf, F. 1 De Kok, Antonius Gerlacus 1 de Swart, Huib E. 1 de Valk, Vincent 1 de Weger, Benjamin M. M. 1 Di Bucchianico, Alessandro 1 Dijkstra, Jan B. 1 Dijkstra, Jan J. 1 Drost, Feike C. 1 Eaton, Morris L. 1 Ebergen, Jo C. 1 Einmahl, John H. J. 1 Epema, Dick H. J. 1 Flippo, Olaf E. 1 Geluk, Jaap L. 1 Gerards, Albertus M. H. 1 Groothuizen, R. J. P. 1 Grune, Dick 1 Hansen, Bjørn Gårn 1 Helsloot, I. 1 Hemker, Pieter Wilhelm 1 Holwerda, Henk 1 Hoogenboom, Bob 1 Huijberts, Henri J. C. 1 Hundsdorfer, Willem H. 1 Jung, Achim 1 Kaashoek, Johan F. 1 Kallenberg, Lodewijk C. M. 1 Kester, A. D. M. 1 Kindervater, Gerard A. P. 1 Klein Haneveld, Willem Karel 1 Koene, J. 1 Kolen, A. J. W. 1 Koning, Alex J. 1 Kooman, Robert-Jan 1 Koren, Barry 1 Koymans, C. P. J. 1 Langendoen, K. G. 1 Lawler, Eugene Leighton 1 Lodder, Jan J. 1 Maas, W. C. A. 1 Machielsen, Kees C. P. 1 Maffioli, Francesco 1 Mattheij, Robert M. M. 1 Maubach, Joseph M. L. 1 Molenaar, Jaap 1 Nijholt, Anton 1 Nishiyama, Yoichi 1 Oonincx, Patrick J. 1 Otten, Gertjan D. 1 Peters, Hans J. M. 1 Polderman, Jan Willem 1 Rutten, Jan J. M. M. 1 Ruzhansky, Michael V. 1 Savelsbergh, Martin W. P. 1 Scholma, J. K. 1 Schriever, B. F. 1 Shmoys, David B. 1 Smulders, Sjak A. 1 Sommeijer, Ben P. 1 Spekreijse, S. P. 1 Spreij, P. J. C. 1 Stortelder, Walter Johannes Henricus 1 Stougie, Leen 1 Temme, Nico M. 1 ten Eikelder, Huub M. M. 1 Thiemann, Jan G. F. 1 Thuijsman, Frank 1 Tijms, Henk C. 1 Trentelman, Harry L. 1 Trompert, R. A. 1 van Berkum, E. E. M. ...and 40 more Authors all top 5 Fields 31 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 24 Statistics (62-XX) 23 Computer science (68-XX) 21 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 20 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 18 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 11 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 10 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 7 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 6 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 5 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 5 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Geophysics (86-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 107 Publications have been cited 1,157 times in 1,141 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Regular variation, extensions and Tauberian theorems. Zbl 0624.26003 Geluk, J. L.; de Haan, L. 182 1987 Algorithms for diophantine equations. Zbl 0687.10013 de Weger, B. M. M. 92 1989 Cartesian closed categories of domains. Zbl 0719.06004 Jung, Achim 77 1989 Theoretical and computational aspects of simulated annealing. Zbl 0659.90062 van Laarhoven, P. J. M. 32 1988 Multivariate empirical processes. Zbl 0619.60031 Einmahl, J. H. J. 30 1987 Lectures on topics in probability inequalities. Zbl 0622.60024 Eaton, M. L. 29 1987 Characterizations of Banach spaces not containing \(\ell ^ 1\). Zbl 0684.46017 van Dulst, D. 26 1989 Statistical estimation in large parameter spaces. Repr. of the Thesis Univ. Leiden 1987. Zbl 0629.62035 van der Vaart, A. W. 25 1988 Few-distance sets. Zbl 0548.51014 Blokhuis, A. 24 1984 Homogeneous zero-dimensional absolute Borel sets. Zbl 0599.54044 van Engelen, A. J. M. 24 1986 On topological and linear equivalence of certain function spaces. Zbl 0755.54007 Baars, J. A.; de Groot, J. A. M. 21 1992 System theoretic description of physical systems. Zbl 0546.93001 van der Schaft, A. J. 21 1984 Infinitesimal symmetries: a computational approach. Zbl 0648.68052 Kersten, P. H. M. 20 1987 Almost invariant subspaces and high gain feedback. Zbl 0605.93003 Trentelman, H. L. 20 1986 Graphs and polyhedra. Binary spaces and cutting planes. Zbl 0727.90044 Gerards, A. M. H. 17 1990 Intertwining functions on compact Lie groups. Zbl 0553.43005 Hoogenboom, B. 16 1984 The numerical solution of nonlinear stiff initial value problems: An analysis of one step methods. (Reprint of thesis). Zbl 0557.65048 Hundsdorfer, W. H. 16 1985 Design and analysis of algorithms for stochastic integer programming. Zbl 0645.90046 Stougie, L. 16 1987 Chabauty methods and covering techniques applied to generalized Fermat equations. Zbl 1043.11029 Bruin, N. R. 16 2002 Probabilistic and analytical aspects of the umbral calculus. Zbl 0864.05006 Di Bucchianico, A. 16 1997 Multimedians in metric and normed spaces. Zbl 0790.46008 Verheul, E. R. 15 1993 Entropy methods for martingales. Zbl 0949.60042 Nishiyama, Yoichi 14 2000 Regularity theory of Fourier integral operators with complex phases and singularities of affine fibrations. Zbl 0974.35138 Ruzhansky, M. 14 2001 Polling systems. Zbl 0932.90007 Borst, S. C. 14 1996 Stochastic games with finite state and action spaces. Zbl 0629.90094 Vrieze, O. J. 13 1987 Computer aided routing. Zbl 0793.90019 Savelsbergh, M. W. P. 12 1992 Calculation of special functions: The gamma function, the exponential integrals and error-like functions. Zbl 0547.65007 van der Laan, C. G.; Temme, N. M. 12 1984 Comparative concurrency semantics and refinement of actions. Collaborat. by Frits Vaandrager, Peter Weijland, Ursula Goltz. Zbl 0908.68100 van Glabbeek, R. J. H. 11 1996 Algorithms and approximations for queueing systems. Zbl 0541.60095 van Hoorn, M. H. 11 1984 Fake topological Hilbert spaces and characterizations of dimension in terms of negligibility. Zbl 0543.57001 Dijkstra, J. J. 11 1984 Optimal paired comparison designs for factorial experiments. Zbl 0614.62096 van Berkum, E. E. M. 11 1987 On Banach algebras, renewal measures and regenerative processes. Zbl 0624.60099 Frenk, J. B. G. 11 1987 Central limit theorems for generalized multilinear forms. Zbl 0677.60029 de Jong, P. 10 1989 Regression analysis and empirical processes. Zbl 0641.62041 van de Geer, S. A. 10 1988 Algebraic cycles and topology of real algebraic varieties. Zbl 0986.14042 van Hamel, J. A. 10 2000 Stochastic scheduling and dynamic programming. Zbl 0851.90065 Koole, G. M. 9 1995 Minimal cost flow in processing networks, a primal approach. Zbl 0549.90033 Koene, J. 9 1984 Asymptotics for generalized chi-square goodness-of-fit tests. Zbl 0655.62045 Drost, F. C. 8 1988 Efficient and inefficient estimation in semiparametric models. Zbl 0838.62003 Van der Laan, Mark J. 8 1995 Matrix and operator extension. Zbl 0685.15019 Woerdeman, H. J. 7 1989 Aspects of nonparametric density estimation. Zbl 0742.62040 van Es, A. J. 7 1991 Optimality and equilibria in stochastic games. Zbl 0765.90097 Thuijsman, F. 7 1992 Tree network and planar rectilinear location theory. (Revision of thesis Amsterdam 1982). Zbl 0591.90022 Kolen, A. J. W. 7 1986 Distributed computing: structure and complexity. Zbl 0632.68002 Bodlaender, H. L. 7 1987 Adaptive control & identification: conflict or conflux? (Reprint of the author’s thesis). Zbl 0688.93031 Polderman, J. W. 6 1989 Moving-grid methods for time-dependent partial differential equations. Reprint of thesis. Zbl 0789.65079 Zegeling, P. A. 6 1993 Iterative methods for non-linear partial differential equations. Zbl 0820.65022 Maubach, J. M. L. 6 1994 Foundations and applications of Montague grammar. Part 2: Applications to natural language. Zbl 0604.03001 Janssen, T. M. V. 6 1986 Surfaces with canonical hyperplane sections. Reprint of thesis. Zbl 0538.14025 Epema, D. H. J. 6 1984 Dynamic feedback in nonlinear synthesis problems. Zbl 0801.93022 Huijberts, H. J. C. 6 1994 Models of the lambda calculus. Zbl 0558.03005 Koymans, C. P. J. 5 1984 Numerical solution of optimal control problems with state constraints by sequential quadratic programming in function space. Zbl 0661.65067 Machielsen, K. C. P. 5 1988 Parallelism in the numerical integration of initial value problems. Zbl 0782.65095 Sommeijer, B. P. 5 1993 Sojourn times in feedback and processor sharing queues. Zbl 0806.60078 van den Berg, J. L. 5 1993 Identifiability, recursive identification and spaces of linear dynamical systems. Part II. Zbl 0706.93015 Hanzon, B. 5 1989 Inequalities for stopped Brownian motion. Zbl 0581.60064 van der Vecht, D. P. 5 1986 Controlled Markov processes: time discretization. Zbl 0549.60064 van Dijk, N. M. 5 1984 Mixed elliptic-hyperbolic partial differential operators: a case-study in Fourier integral operators. Zbl 0566.35072 Groothuizen, R. J. P. 5 1985 Asymptotic analysis of a class of perturbed Korteweg-de Vries initial value problems. Zbl 0666.35002 de Kerf, F. 4 1988 Exponential type calculus for linear delay equations. Zbl 0672.34071 Verduyn Lunel, Sjoerd M. 4 1989 Nonparametric estimation for a windowed line-segment process. Zbl 0876.62029 Wijers, B. J. 4 1997 Probability and lattices. Zbl 0865.00051 4 1997 Multigrid and defect correction for the steady Navier-Stokes equations. Application to aerodynamics. Zbl 0742.76062 Koren, B. 4 1990 Convergence properties of recurrence sequences. Zbl 0746.11010 Kooman, R. J. 4 1991 Translating programs into delay-insensitive circuits. Zbl 0659.94019 Ebergen, J. C. 4 1989 Surveys in game theory and related topics. Zbl 0615.00018 4 1987 Symmetries for dynamical and Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 0557.58007 ten Eikelder, H. M. M. 3 1985 Topological dynamix. (Repr. of diss.). Zbl 0654.54026 van der Woude, J. C. S. P. 3 1986 Stochastic integrals and goodness-of-fit tests. Zbl 0806.62034 Koning, A. J. 3 1993 One-dependent processes: two-block-factors and non-two-block-factors. Zbl 0834.60036 de Valk, V. 3 1994 Numerical methods in smog prediction. Zbl 0868.92025 van Loon, M. 3 1997 Stochastic geometry models in image analysis and spatial statistics. Zbl 0824.62086 van Lieshout, M. N. M. 3 1995 Parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamical systems. Zbl 0911.65062 Stortelder, W. J. H. 3 1998 Numerical solution of the shallow-water equations. Zbl 0653.76011 Wubs, F. W. 3 1988 Euclidean rings with two infinite primes. Zbl 0555.12001 van der Linden, F. J. 3 1985 Some large deviation results in statistics. Zbl 0571.62024 Kester, A. D. M. 3 1985 Analytic spaces and dynamic programming: a measure-theoretic approach. Zbl 0558.28001 Thiemann, J. G. F. 2 1985 Stability, duality and decomposition in general mathematical programming. Zbl 0742.90076 Flippo, O. E. 2 1991 Continuous decoupling transformations for linear boundary value problems. Zbl 0655.65098 van Loon, P. M. 2 1988 Moment problems in Hilbert space with applications to magnetic resonance imaging. Zbl 0801.42030 Zwaan, M. 2 1993 Numerical methods for the three-dimensional shallow water equations on supercomputers. Zbl 0788.76002 de Goede, E. D. 2 1993 A compensation approach for queueing problems. Zbl 0819.60081 Adan, I. J. B. F. 2 1994 Computational aspects of survey data processing. Zbl 0662.94010 Willenborg, L. C. R. J. 2 1988 Identifiability, recursive identification and spaces of linear dynamical systems. Part I. Zbl 0706.93014 Hanzon, B. 2 1989 Exercises in parallel combinatorial computing. Zbl 0756.68047 Kindervater, G. A. P. 2 1991 A parallel object-oriented language: design and semantic foundations. Zbl 0760.68044 America, P. H. M.; Rutten, J. J. M. M. 2 1991 Analysis of means in some non-standard situations. Zbl 0647.62034 Dijkstra, J. B. 2 1988 One-dimensional random polymers. Zbl 0918.60005 van der Hofstad, R. W. 2 1998 Multigrid methods for semiconductor device simulation. Zbl 0797.65108 Molenaar, J. 2 1993 Production-inventory control models: approximations and algorithms. Zbl 0642.90030 de Kok, A. G. 2 1987 Dataflow computation. Zbl 0547.68006 Böhm, A. P. W. 1 1984 Counting process systems. Identification and stochastic realization. Slightly revised version of the author’s thesis prepared at CWI. Zbl 0703.62085 Spreij, P. J. C. 1 1990 Control of freeway traffic flow. Zbl 0842.90040 Smulders, S. A. 1 1996 The solution of a one-dimensional Stefan problem. Zbl 0793.35136 Vuik, C. 1 1993 Statistical analysis of software reliability models. Zbl 0796.60094 van Pul, M. C. J. 1 1993 Statistical uncertainties in posterior probabilities. Zbl 0797.62049 Ambergen, A. W. 1 1993 Performance evaluation of parallel and distributed systems. Solution methods. Proceedings of the 3rd QMIPS workshop, held in Torino, Italy, on September 25 and 26, 1993. Part 2. Zbl 0799.00030 1 1994 Statistical test limits in quality control. Zbl 0868.62076 Otten, G. D. 1 1996 Loop checking in logic programming. Zbl 0838.68013 Bol, R. N. 1 1995 A random model for plant cell population growth. Zbl 0683.92015 de Gunst, M. C. M. 1 1989 Numerical methods for steady viscous free-surface flows. Zbl 1023.76003 van Brummelen, E. H. 1 2003 Chabauty methods and covering techniques applied to generalized Fermat equations. Zbl 1043.11029 Bruin, N. R. 16 2002 Regularity theory of Fourier integral operators with complex phases and singularities of affine fibrations. Zbl 0974.35138 Ruzhansky, M. 14 2001 Entropy methods for martingales. Zbl 0949.60042 Nishiyama, Yoichi 14 2000 Algebraic cycles and topology of real algebraic varieties. Zbl 0986.14042 van Hamel, J. A. 10 2000 Parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamical systems. Zbl 0911.65062 Stortelder, W. J. H. 3 1998 One-dimensional random polymers. Zbl 0918.60005 van der Hofstad, R. W. 2 1998 Entropy methods in statistical estimation. Zbl 0912.62044 Wegkamp, M. H. 1 1998 Probabilistic and analytical aspects of the umbral calculus. Zbl 0864.05006 Di Bucchianico, A. 16 1997 Nonparametric estimation for a windowed line-segment process. Zbl 0876.62029 Wijers, B. J. 4 1997 Probability and lattices. Zbl 0865.00051 4 1997 Numerical methods in smog prediction. Zbl 0868.92025 van Loon, M. 3 1997 Polling systems. Zbl 0932.90007 Borst, S. C. 14 1996 Comparative concurrency semantics and refinement of actions. Collaborat. by Frits Vaandrager, Peter Weijland, Ursula Goltz. Zbl 0908.68100 van Glabbeek, R. J. H. 11 1996 Control of freeway traffic flow. Zbl 0842.90040 Smulders, S. A. 1 1996 Statistical test limits in quality control. Zbl 0868.62076 Otten, G. D. 1 1996 Stochastic scheduling and dynamic programming. Zbl 0851.90065 Koole, G. M. 9 1995 Efficient and inefficient estimation in semiparametric models. Zbl 0838.62003 Van der Laan, Mark J. 8 1995 Stochastic geometry models in image analysis and spatial statistics. Zbl 0824.62086 van Lieshout, M. N. M. 3 1995 Loop checking in logic programming. Zbl 0838.68013 Bol, R. N. 1 1995 Iterative methods for non-linear partial differential equations. Zbl 0820.65022 Maubach, J. M. L. 6 1994 Dynamic feedback in nonlinear synthesis problems. Zbl 0801.93022 Huijberts, H. J. C. 6 1994 One-dependent processes: two-block-factors and non-two-block-factors. Zbl 0834.60036 de Valk, V. 3 1994 A compensation approach for queueing problems. Zbl 0819.60081 Adan, I. J. B. F. 2 1994 Performance evaluation of parallel and distributed systems. Solution methods. Proceedings of the 3rd QMIPS workshop, held in Torino, Italy, on September 25 and 26, 1993. Part 2. Zbl 0799.00030 1 1994 Multimedians in metric and normed spaces. Zbl 0790.46008 Verheul, E. R. 15 1993 Moving-grid methods for time-dependent partial differential equations. Reprint of thesis. Zbl 0789.65079 Zegeling, P. A. 6 1993 Parallelism in the numerical integration of initial value problems. Zbl 0782.65095 Sommeijer, B. P. 5 1993 Sojourn times in feedback and processor sharing queues. Zbl 0806.60078 van den Berg, J. L. 5 1993 Stochastic integrals and goodness-of-fit tests. Zbl 0806.62034 Koning, A. J. 3 1993 Moment problems in Hilbert space with applications to magnetic resonance imaging. Zbl 0801.42030 Zwaan, M. 2 1993 Numerical methods for the three-dimensional shallow water equations on supercomputers. Zbl 0788.76002 de Goede, E. D. 2 1993 Multigrid methods for semiconductor device simulation. Zbl 0797.65108 Molenaar, J. 2 1993 The solution of a one-dimensional Stefan problem. Zbl 0793.35136 Vuik, C. 1 1993 Statistical analysis of software reliability models. Zbl 0796.60094 van Pul, M. C. J. 1 1993 Statistical uncertainties in posterior probabilities. Zbl 0797.62049 Ambergen, A. W. 1 1993 On topological and linear equivalence of certain function spaces. Zbl 0755.54007 Baars, J. A.; de Groot, J. A. M. 21 1992 Computer aided routing. Zbl 0793.90019 Savelsbergh, M. W. P. 12 1992 Optimality and equilibria in stochastic games. Zbl 0765.90097 Thuijsman, F. 7 1992 Aspects of nonparametric density estimation. Zbl 0742.62040 van Es, A. J. 7 1991 Convergence properties of recurrence sequences. Zbl 0746.11010 Kooman, R. J. 4 1991 Stability, duality and decomposition in general mathematical programming. Zbl 0742.90076 Flippo, O. E. 2 1991 Exercises in parallel combinatorial computing. Zbl 0756.68047 Kindervater, G. A. P. 2 1991 A parallel object-oriented language: design and semantic foundations. Zbl 0760.68044 America, P. H. M.; Rutten, J. J. M. M. 2 1991 Graphs and polyhedra. Binary spaces and cutting planes. Zbl 0727.90044 Gerards, A. M. H. 17 1990 Multigrid and defect correction for the steady Navier-Stokes equations. Application to aerodynamics. Zbl 0742.76062 Koren, B. 4 1990 Counting process systems. Identification and stochastic realization. Slightly revised version of the author’s thesis prepared at CWI. Zbl 0703.62085 Spreij, P. J. C. 1 1990 Monotonicity properties of infinitely divisible distributions. Zbl 0695.60022 Hansen, B. G. 1 1990 Modeling one dimensional pattern formation by anti-diffusion. Zbl 0707.92003 Kaashoek, J. F. 1 1990 Algorithms for diophantine equations. Zbl 0687.10013 de Weger, B. M. M. 92 1989 Cartesian closed categories of domains. Zbl 0719.06004 Jung, Achim 77 1989 Characterizations of Banach spaces not containing \(\ell ^ 1\). Zbl 0684.46017 van Dulst, D. 26 1989 Central limit theorems for generalized multilinear forms. Zbl 0677.60029 de Jong, P. 10 1989 Matrix and operator extension. Zbl 0685.15019 Woerdeman, H. J. 7 1989 Adaptive control & identification: conflict or conflux? (Reprint of the author’s thesis). Zbl 0688.93031 Polderman, J. W. 6 1989 Identifiability, recursive identification and spaces of linear dynamical systems. Part II. Zbl 0706.93015 Hanzon, B. 5 1989 Exponential type calculus for linear delay equations. Zbl 0672.34071 Verduyn Lunel, Sjoerd M. 4 1989 Translating programs into delay-insensitive circuits. Zbl 0659.94019 Ebergen, J. C. 4 1989 Identifiability, recursive identification and spaces of linear dynamical systems. Part I. Zbl 0706.93014 Hanzon, B. 2 1989 A random model for plant cell population growth. Zbl 0683.92015 de Gunst, M. C. M. 1 1989 Theoretical and computational aspects of simulated annealing. Zbl 0659.90062 van Laarhoven, P. J. M. 32 1988 Statistical estimation in large parameter spaces. Repr. of the Thesis Univ. Leiden 1987. Zbl 0629.62035 van der Vaart, A. W. 25 1988 Regression analysis and empirical processes. Zbl 0641.62041 van de Geer, S. A. 10 1988 Asymptotics for generalized chi-square goodness-of-fit tests. Zbl 0655.62045 Drost, F. C. 8 1988 Numerical solution of optimal control problems with state constraints by sequential quadratic programming in function space. Zbl 0661.65067 Machielsen, K. C. P. 5 1988 Asymptotic analysis of a class of perturbed Korteweg-de Vries initial value problems. Zbl 0666.35002 de Kerf, F. 4 1988 Numerical solution of the shallow-water equations. Zbl 0653.76011 Wubs, F. W. 3 1988 Continuous decoupling transformations for linear boundary value problems. Zbl 0655.65098 van Loon, P. M. 2 1988 Computational aspects of survey data processing. Zbl 0662.94010 Willenborg, L. C. R. J. 2 1988 Analysis of means in some non-standard situations. Zbl 0647.62034 Dijkstra, J. B. 2 1988 Regular variation, extensions and Tauberian theorems. Zbl 0624.26003 Geluk, J. L.; de Haan, L. 182 1987 Multivariate empirical processes. Zbl 0619.60031 Einmahl, J. H. J. 30 1987 Lectures on topics in probability inequalities. Zbl 0622.60024 Eaton, M. L. 29 1987 Infinitesimal symmetries: a computational approach. Zbl 0648.68052 Kersten, P. H. M. 20 1987 Design and analysis of algorithms for stochastic integer programming. Zbl 0645.90046 Stougie, L. 16 1987 Stochastic games with finite state and action spaces. Zbl 0629.90094 Vrieze, O. J. 13 1987 Optimal paired comparison designs for factorial experiments. Zbl 0614.62096 van Berkum, E. E. M. 11 1987 On Banach algebras, renewal measures and regenerative processes. Zbl 0624.60099 Frenk, J. B. G. 11 1987 Distributed computing: structure and complexity. Zbl 0632.68002 Bodlaender, H. L. 7 1987 Surveys in game theory and related topics. Zbl 0615.00018 4 1987 Production-inventory control models: approximations and algorithms. Zbl 0642.90030 de Kok, A. G. 2 1987 Essays on concepts, formalisms, and tools. A collection of papers dedicated to Leo A. M. Verbeek. Zbl 0619.00020 1 1987 Homogeneous zero-dimensional absolute Borel sets. Zbl 0599.54044 van Engelen, A. J. M. 24 1986 Almost invariant subspaces and high gain feedback. Zbl 0605.93003 Trentelman, H. L. 20 1986 Tree network and planar rectilinear location theory. (Revision of thesis Amsterdam 1982). Zbl 0591.90022 Kolen, A. J. W. 7 1986 Foundations and applications of Montague grammar. Part 2: Applications to natural language. Zbl 0604.03001 Janssen, T. M. V. 6 1986 Inequalities for stopped Brownian motion. Zbl 0581.60064 van der Vecht, D. P. 5 1986 Topological dynamix. (Repr. of diss.). Zbl 0654.54026 van der Woude, J. C. S. P. 3 1986 Foundations and applications of Montague grammar. Part 1: Philosophy, framework, computer science. Zbl 0586.03002 Janssen, T. M. V. 1 1986 The misconstrued semicolon: Reconciling imperative languages and dataflow machines. Zbl 0625.68003 Veen, A. H. 1 1986 The numerical solution of nonlinear stiff initial value problems: An analysis of one step methods. (Reprint of thesis). Zbl 0557.65048 Hundsdorfer, W. H. 16 1985 Mixed elliptic-hyperbolic partial differential operators: a case-study in Fourier integral operators. Zbl 0566.35072 Groothuizen, R. J. P. 5 1985 Symmetries for dynamical and Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 0557.58007 ten Eikelder, H. M. M. 3 1985 Euclidean rings with two infinite primes. Zbl 0555.12001 van der Linden, F. J. 3 1985 Some large deviation results in statistics. Zbl 0571.62024 Kester, A. D. M. 3 1985 Analytic spaces and dynamic programming: a measure-theoretic approach. Zbl 0558.28001 Thiemann, J. G. F. 2 1985 Few-distance sets. Zbl 0548.51014 Blokhuis, A. 24 1984 System theoretic description of physical systems. Zbl 0546.93001 van der Schaft, A. J. 21 1984 Intertwining functions on compact Lie groups. Zbl 0553.43005 Hoogenboom, B. 16 1984 Calculation of special functions: The gamma function, the exponential integrals and error-like functions. Zbl 0547.65007 van der Laan, C. G.; Temme, N. M. 12 1984 ...and 7 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,389 Authors 33 Leal de Carvalho Gomes, Maria Ivette 18 Togbé, Alain 16 Resnick, Sidney Ira 15 Rihane, Salah Eddine 14 Keskin, Refik 14 Li, Qingguo 13 Erduvan, Fatih 12 Caeiro, Frederico 12 Řehák, Pavel 11 Omey, Edward 11 Pestana, Dinis Duarte 10 Dijkstra, Jan J. 10 Peng, Liang 10 Xi, Xiaoyong 9 Luca, Florian 9 van Mill, Jan 8 de Haan, Laurens 8 Einmahl, John H. J. 8 Geluk, Jaap L. 8 Goegebeur, Yuri 8 Nishiyama, Yoichi 8 Ruymgaart, Frits H. 8 Ruzhansky, Michael V. 8 Şiar, Zafer 8 Thuijsman, Frank 8 Van der Vaart, Adrianus Willem 7 de Weger, Benjamin M. M. 7 Girard, Stéphane 7 Guillou, Armelle 7 Jung, Achim 7 Peccati, Giovanni 6 Bennett, Michael A. 6 de Wet, Tertius 6 Figueiredo, Fernanda Otilia 6 Gardes, Laurent 6 Schwabe, Rainer 6 Stoorvogel, Anton A. 6 Tzanakis, Nikos 6 van der Schaft, Arjan J. 6 Xu, Luoshan 5 Cheng, Shihong 5 Das, Bikramjit 5 Döbler, Christian 5 Fátima Brilhante, M. 5 Hanzon, Bernard 5 He, Qingyu 5 Henriques-Rodrigues, Lígia 5 Hundsdorfer, Willem H. 5 Kou, Hui 5 Niezgoda, Marek 5 Nikulin, Mikhail Stepanovich 5 Nozaki, Hiroshi 5 Rodríguez Ruiz, José 5 Tanaka, Yuichiro 5 Valov, Vesko M. 5 Vrieze, Okko J. 5 Wan, Haitao 4 Adegbindin, Chèfiath Awero 4 Baars, Jan 4 Beirlant, Jan 4 Benoist, Olivier 4 Bouzebda, Salim 4 Chepoi, Victor D. 4 Ciliberto, Ciro 4 Deme, El Hadji 4 Gaál, István 4 Glasner, Eli 4 Graßhoff, Ulrike 4 Großmann, Heiko 4 Hajdu, Lajos 4 Huang, Shuibo 4 Huijberts, Henri J. 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A. 3 Bowditch, Brian H. 3 Boxma, Onno Johan 3 Bruin, Nils 3 Burrage, Kevin 3 Cadena, Meitner ...and 1,289 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 320 Journals 49 Topology and its Applications 32 Theoretical Computer Science 31 Statistics & Probability Letters 29 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 29 Linear Algebra and its Applications 28 European Journal of Operational Research 21 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 20 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 19 Systems & Control Letters 18 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 16 The Annals of Statistics 16 Extremes 15 Mathematics of Computation 15 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 15 Journal of Number Theory 15 Mathematical Programming. Series A. 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Third Series 6 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 6 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 5 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 5 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 5 Numerische Mathematik 5 Order 5 The Annals of Applied Probability 5 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 5 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 5 Experimental Mathematics 5 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 5 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 4 International Journal of Control 4 Information Processing Letters 4 Advances in Mathematics 4 BIT 4 Compositio Mathematica 4 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 4 Journal of Econometrics 4 Journal of Functional Analysis 4 Mathematica Slovaca 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 4 Quaestiones Mathematicae 4 Results in Mathematics 4 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 4 Automation and Remote Control 4 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 4 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 4 ZOR. Zeitschrift für Operations Research 4 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 4 Integers 3 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3 Computer Physics Communications 3 General Relativity and Gravitation 3 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 3 Physica A 3 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 International Journal of Game Theory 3 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 3 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 3 Journal of Differential Equations 3 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 3 Siberian Mathematical Journal 3 OR Spektrum 3 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 3 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 3 Probability Theory and Related Fields 3 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 3 Journal of Integer Sequences 3 Stochastic Models ...and 220 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 58 Fields 259 Statistics (62-XX) 194 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 135 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 122 Number theory (11-XX) 106 Computer science (68-XX) 101 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 95 General topology (54-XX) 69 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 65 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 64 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 58 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 50 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 43 Functional analysis (46-XX) 42 Combinatorics (05-XX) 35 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 31 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 30 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 29 Real functions (26-XX) 28 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 24 Operator theory (47-XX) 24 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 21 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 20 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 18 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 18 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 18 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 16 Differential geometry (53-XX) 13 Geometry (51-XX) 12 Special functions (33-XX) 12 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 11 Measure and integration (28-XX) 10 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 10 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 9 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 9 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 8 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 8 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 8 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 6 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 6 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 5 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 5 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 4 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 4 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Integral equations (45-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year