Časopis Pro Pěstování Matematiky Short Title: Čas. Pěstování Mat. ISSN: 0528-2195 Online: http://www.digizeitschriften.de/main/dms/toc/?PPN=PPN31311157Xhttps://dml.cz/handle/10338.dmlcz/134235 Predecessor: Časopis Pro Pěstování Matematiky a Fysiky Successor: Mathematica Bohemica Comments: Journal; No longer indexed; Journal abbreviations vary in sources This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 1,553 Publications (1951–1990) all top 5 Latest Issues 115, No. 4 (1990) 115, No. 3 (1990) 115, No. 2 (1990) 115, No. 1 (1990) 114, No. 4 (1989) 114, No. 3 (1989) 114, No. 2 (1989) 114, No. 1 (1989) 113, No. 4 (1988) 113, No. 3 (1988) 113, No. 2 (1988) 113, No. 1 (1988) 112 (1987) 111 (1986) 110 (1985) 109 (1984) 108 (1983) 107 (1982) 106 (1981) 105 (1980) 104 (1979) 103 (1978) 102 (1977) 101 (1976) 100 (1975) 99 (1974) 98 (1973) 97 (1972) 96 (1971) 95 (1970) 94 (1969) 93 (1968) 92 (1967) 91 (1966) 90 (1965) 89 (1964) 88 (1963) 87 (1962) 86 (1961) 85 (1960) 84 (1959) 83 (1958) 82 (1957) 81 (1956) 80 (1955) 79 (1954) 78 (1953) 77 (1952/1953) 76 (1951) all top 5 Authors 58 Zelinka, Bohdan 25 Nádeník, Zbyněk 21 Havel, Václav J. 21 Sedlacek, Jiri 21 Sova, Miroslav 20 Jakubík, Ján 20 Nebeský, Ladislav 19 Schwabik, Štefan 19 Švec, Alois 18 Bartos, Pavel 18 Kurzweil, Jaroslav 18 Pták, Vlastimil 17 Král, Josef 15 Cerny, Ilja 15 Mařík, Jan 13 Čulik, Karel 13 Jarník, Jiří 13 Krys, Jaromir 13 Šalát, Tibor 12 Chajda, Ivan 11 Fiedler, Miroslav 11 Nečas, Jindřich 11 Sekanina, Milan 10 Kotzig, Anton 10 Nožička, František 10 Zitek, Frantisek 9 Babuška, Ivo 9 Dont, Miroslav 9 Novotný, Miroslav 9 Šeda, Valter 9 Svoboda, Karel 8 Dolezal, Vaclav 8 Juza, Miloslav 8 Karták, Karel 8 Kolář, Ivan 8 Marek, Ivo 8 Netuka, Ivan 8 Pondělíček, Bedřich 8 Riečan, Beloslav 8 Vancura, Zdenek 8 Vilhelm, Václav 8 Vrkoč, Ivo 7 Budinský, Bruno 7 Fučik, Svatopluk 7 Havlíček, Karel 7 Havrda, Jan 7 Kufner, Alois 7 Lovicar, Vladimir 7 Machala, Frantisek 7 Metelka, Vaclav 7 Neuman, František 7 Novák, Vítězslav 7 Preiss, David 7 Šidák, Zbyněk 7 Štepánek, Jiří 7 Tvrdý, Milan 7 Veselý, Jiří 7 Vitner, Cestmir 6 Drabek, Karel 6 Hájek, Jaroslav 6 Havel, Ivan M. 6 Hustý, Zdeněk 6 Kolomy, Josef 6 Kosmák, Ladislav 6 Kostyrko, Pavel 6 Mandl, Petr 6 Niederle, Josef 6 Opic, Bohumír 6 Polak, Vaclav 6 Rieger, Ladislav 6 Šindelář, Karel 6 Vrba, Antonin 6 Zajíček, Luděk 5 Alda, Vaclav 5 Bocek, Leo 5 Chrastina, Jan 5 Dolezal, Vladimir 5 Drs, Ladislav 5 Duda, Jaromír 5 Kadlec, Jan 5 Koman, Milan 5 Lukes, Jaroslav 5 Moravek, Jaroslav 5 Neubrunn, Tibor 5 Novák, Břetislav 5 Petrův, Vladimír 5 Puchovsky, Frantisek 5 Rychlík, Karel 5 Vala, Josef 5 Vejvoda, Otto 5 Vrbová, Pavla 5 Wisztová, Elena 4 Bílý, Josef 4 Borůvka, Otakar 4 Brabec, Jiri 4 Brunovský, Pavol 4 Chartrand, Gary Theodore 4 Doboš, Jozef 4 Došlý, Ondřej 4 Fuka, Jaroslav ...and 582 more Authors all top 5 Fields 148 Combinatorics (05-XX) 127 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 124 History and biography (01-XX) 65 Geometry (51-XX) 64 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 64 Differential geometry (53-XX) 62 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 61 Operator theory (47-XX) 57 Real functions (26-XX) 52 Functional analysis (46-XX) 46 Measure and integration (28-XX) 42 General topology (54-XX) 38 Number theory (11-XX) 35 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 33 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 30 Potential theory (31-XX) 27 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 26 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 25 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 24 Integral equations (45-XX) 20 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 18 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 17 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 15 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 13 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 10 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 10 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 9 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 9 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 8 Special functions (33-XX) 8 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 8 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 8 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 6 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Quantum theory (81-XX) 5 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 5 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 551 Publications have been cited 2,346 times in 2,055 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A remark on the existence of finite graphs. (Eine Bemerkung über die Existenz der endlichen Graphen.) Zbl 0068.37202 Havel, Václav 153 1955 Boundary value problems with jumping nonlinearities. Zbl 0332.34016 Fucik, Svatopluk 95 1976 On minimax solutions of stochastic linear programming problems. Zbl 0161.17102 Zackova, J. 61 1966 Steiner distance in graphs. Zbl 0688.05040 Chartrand, Gary; Oellermann, Ortrud R.; Tian, Songlin; Zhou, Hung Bin 51 1989 On the monotonicity of the period function of some second order equations. Zbl 0603.34034 Chow, Shui-Nee; Wang, Duo 37 1986 Aus der Theorie der endlichen regulären Graphen dritten und vierten Grades. Zbl 0103.39703 Kotzig, Anton 35 1957 Fixed point theorems for contractive mappings in metric spaces. Zbl 0446.54042 Matkowski, Janusz 34 1980 Locally connected graphs. Zbl 0278.05113 Chartrand, Gary; Pippert, Raymond E. 33 1974 On Hamiltonian circuits and spanning trees of hypercubes. Zbl 0544.05057 Havel, Ivan 29 1984 On the cyclic decompositions of the complete graph into polygons with odd numbers of edges. Zbl 0151.33501 Rosa, A. 28 1966 On the number of complete subgraphs and circuits contained in graphs. Zbl 0177.52502 Erdős, Pál 26 1969 Sets of \(\sigma\)-porosity and sets of \(\sigma\)-porosity \((q)\). Zbl 0341.30026 Zajicek, Ludek 26 1976 On a certain distance between isomorphism classes of graphs. Zbl 0312.05121 Zelinka, Bohdan 26 1975 The existence of a continuous basis of a certain linear subspaces of \(E_{r}\) which depends on a parameter. Zbl 0187.37103 Dolezal, Vaclav 25 1964 Lattices of tolerances. Zbl 0354.08011 Chajda, Ivan; Zelinka, Bohdan 24 1977 Almost Hermitian manifolds with constant holomorphic sectional curvature. Zbl 0413.53011 Gray, Alfred; Vanhecke, Lieven 23 1979 Periodic solutions of the equation x”(t) + g(x(t)) = p(t). Zbl 0319.34038 Fucik, Svatopluk; Lovicar, Vladimir 22 1975 Konvexe Ketten in \(l\)-gruppen. Zbl 0083.01803 Jakubík, Ján 20 1959 Regulated functions and the Perron-Stieltjes integral. Zbl 0671.26006 Tvrdý, Milan 20 1989 Edge rotations and distance between graphs. Zbl 0567.05044 Chartrand, Gary; Saba, Farrokh; Zou, Hungbin 19 1985 Approximation of domains with Lipschitzian boundary. Zbl 0342.41025 Doktor, Pavel 19 1976 On Mawhin’s approach to multiple nonabsolutely convergent integral. Zbl 0555.26004 Jarník, Jiří; Kurzweil, Jaroslav; Schwabik, Štefan 18 1983 Optimum strategy and other problems in probability sampling. Zbl 0138.13301 Hajek, J. 17 1959 On the crossing numbers of \(S_m\times P_n\) and \(S_m\times C_n\). Zbl 0509.05035 Jendrol’, Stanislav; Scerbova, Maria 17 1982 Layer potentials on boundaries with corners and edges. Zbl 0697.31005 Angell, T. S.; Kleinman, R. E.; Král, J. 17 1988 A generalization of the Lions-Temam compact imbedding theorem. Zbl 0755.46013 Roubíček, Tomáš 16 1990 Über Wurzelbasen von gerichteten Graphen. Zbl 0084.19501 Fiedler, Miroslav; Sedláček, Jiří 16 1958 On conditions on right hand sides of differential relations. Zbl 0369.34002 Jarnik, Jiri; Kurzweil, Jaroslav 16 1977 On \(\alpha\)-continuous functions. Zbl 0544.54009 Noiri, Takashi 15 1984 On Feller’s branching diffusion processes. Zbl 0211.21501 Jiřina, M. 15 1969 On a certain ordering of the vertices of a tree. Zbl 0131.20901 Neuman, František 14 1964 Tolerance relation on lattices. Zbl 0297.06001 Chajda, Ivan; Zelinka, Bohdan 14 1974 Eine Bemerkung über die Oszillation der Lösungen der Gleichung \(u''+a(t) | u|^ n \text{sgn}u = 0\). Zbl 0189.39302 Kiguradze, I. T. 13 1967 Characterization of functions with zero traces by integrals with weight functions. I. Zbl 0168.11102 Kadlec, Jan; Kufner, Alois 13 1966 Kriterien für die Oszillation der Lösungen der Differentialgleichung \([p(x)y']'+q(x)y=0\). Zbl 0087.29505 Ráb, Miloš 13 1960 Graphs of semigroups. Zbl 0479.05033 Zelinka, Bohdan 13 1981 Representations of cyclically ordered groups. Zbl 0654.06016 Jakubík, Ján; Pringerová, Gabriela 13 1988 On local spectral radius. Zbl 0645.47002 Daneš, Josef 13 1987 Fredholm alternative for nonlinear operators in Banach spaces and its applications to differential and integral equations. Zbl 0221.47042 Fučik, Svatopluk 12 1971 Zur Theorie der Graphen. Zbl 0083.02401 Čulik, Karel 12 1958 On quasicontinuous and cliquish functions. Zbl 0292.26005 Neubrunnova, Anna 12 1974 Extremal operators and oblique projections. Zbl 0611.47022 Pták, Vlastimil 12 1985 Concerning the characterization of generators of distribution semigroups. Zbl 0452.47046 Sova, Miroslav 12 1980 A simple proof of the Rademacher theorem. Zbl 0669.26005 Nekvinda, Aleš; Zajíček, Luděk 12 1988 An averaging principle for stochastic evolution equations. Zbl 0718.60068 Seidler, Jan; Vrkoč, Ivo 11 1990 Anisotropic Sobolev inequalities. Zbl 0663.46024 Adams, Robert A. 11 1988 Generalized Hardy’s inequality. Zbl 0537.26009 Gurka, Petr 10 1984 On cubes and dichotomic trees. Zbl 0277.05101 Nebesky, Ladislav 10 1974 Die Konstruktion der Hamiltonschen Graphen dritten Grades. Zbl 0129.15903 Kotzig, A. 10 1962 Isometric parts of operators and the critical exponent. Zbl 0351.47006 Pták, Vlastimil 10 1976 Local properties of graphs. Zbl 0478.05080 Sedlacek, Jiri 10 1981 Varieties having directly decomposable congruence classes. Zbl 0606.08001 Duda, Jaromír 10 1986 Some new good characterizations for directed graphs. Zbl 0569.05022 Komárek, Pavel 9 1984 On the number of spanning trees of finite graphs. Zbl 0175.20902 Sedlacek, J. 9 1969 Spaces of functions on domain \(\Omega\), whose \(k\)-th derivatives are measures defined on \(\overline \Omega\). Zbl 0247.46051 Souček, Jiří 9 1972 Über die Bedingungen für die Oszillation der Lösungen der Differentialgleichung \(u''+a(t)|u|^ n\text{sgn}\,u = 0\). Zbl 0138.33504 Kiguradze, I. T. 9 1962 On solvability of equations of the 4th order with jumping nonlinearities. Zbl 0515.35013 Krejci, Pavel 9 1983 Mappings that preserve Cauchy sequences. Zbl 0657.54024 Borsík, Ján 9 1988 A metric for graphs. Zbl 0611.05054 Baláž, Vladimír; Koča, Jaroslav; Kvasnička, Vladimír; Sekanina, Milan 9 1986 Geometrical properties of prolongation functors. Zbl 0582.58002 Janyška, Josef 8 1985 Quadratic functionals and bilinear forms. Zbl 0263.39008 Vrbova, Pavla 8 1973 A note on symmetrically continuous functions. Zbl 0221.26004 Preiss, David 8 1971 The assignment problem with three job categories. Zbl 0208.45702 Brandt, A.; Intrator, Y. 8 1971 Diametrically critical tournaments. Zbl 0315.05108 Plesnik, Jan 8 1975 Ranges of homogeneous operators and their perturbations. Zbl 0427.47048 Drabek, Pavel 8 1980 On an integral operator in the space of functions with bounded variation. Zbl 0255.47057 Schwabik, Stefan 8 1972 On partition of topological spaces. Zbl 0539.54005 Bregman, Yu. K.; Shapirovskij, B. Eh.; Shostak, A. P. 7 1984 Time-periodic solutions of telegraph equations in n spatial variables. Zbl 0544.35011 Petzeltová, Hana; Štědrý, Milan 7 1984 Variational stability for generalized ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0574.34034 Schwabik, Štefan 7 1984 On uniquely colorable graphs without short cycles. Zbl 0257.05107 Nešetřil, Jaroslav 7 1973 Compatibility in orthomodular posets. Zbl 0416.06004 Brabec, Jiri 7 1979 Congruence relations and weak projectivity in lattices. Zbl 0068.25904 Jakubík, Ján 7 1955 A note on oscillatory solutions of the equation \(y''+f(x)y^{2n-1} = 0\). Zbl 0129.06204 Kurzweil, J. 7 1960 A modification of Newton’s method. Zbl 0328.46013 Pták, Vlastimil 7 1976 Periodic solutions of some nonlinear differential equations of higher order. Zbl 0306.34056 Fucik, Svatopluk; Mawhin, Jean 7 1975 Fastgeordnete und geordnete affine Klingenbergsche Ebenen. Zbl 0475.51003 Machala, Frantisek 7 1981 On some graph-theoretical problems of V. G. Vizing. Zbl 0256.05116 Zelinka, Bohdan 7 1973 On quasistars in n-cubes. Zbl 0542.05029 Nebeský, Ladislav 6 1984 Characterization of functions with zero traces by integrals with weight functions. II. Zbl 0174.44003 Kadlec, Jan; Kufner, Alois 6 1967 Fredholm alternative for nonlinear operators and applications to partial differential equations and integral equations. Zbl 0234.47050 Nečas, Jindřich 6 1972 Uneigentliche Knotenpunkte eines Graphen. Zbl 0192.60803 Zelinka, Bohdan 6 1970 Embedding the dichotomic tree into the n-cube. Zbl 0229.05109 Havel, Ivan; Liebl, Petr 6 1972 On randomised solutions of Laplace’s equation. Zbl 0116.10503 Babuška, Ivo 6 1961 Homomorphismen von projektiven Räumen und verallgemeinerte semilineare Abbildungen. Zbl 0308.50011 Machala, Frantisek 6 1975 Fredholm radius of a potential theoretic operator for convex sets. Zbl 0314.31006 Netuka, Ivan 6 1975 A function which preserves connected spaces. Zbl 0511.54008 Noiri, Takashi 6 1982 Two-valued measures on sigma-classes. Zbl 0526.28001 Navara, Mirko; Pták, Pavel 6 1983 The Perron product integral and generalized linear differential equations. Zbl 0724.26006 Schwabik, Štefan 6 1990 On graphs with isomorphic, non-isomorphic and connected \(N_ 2\)- neighbourhoods. Zbl 0619.05041 Ryjáček, Zdeněk 6 1987 Linear differential equations with measures as coefficients and the control theory. Zbl 0664.34013 Wyderka, Zdzisław 6 1989 GS-quasigroups. Zbl 0715.20044 Volenec, Vladimir 6 1990 Connectedness and strong semi-continuity. Zbl 0553.54005 Reilly, Ivan L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1984 Semielliptic singularities. Zbl 0556.35018 Král, Josef 5 1984 Nondiscrete induction and an inversion-free modification of Newton’s method. Zbl 0563.65040 Potra, Florian A.; Pták, Vlastimil 5 1983 On the relation between Young’s and Kurzweil’s concept of Stieltjes integral. Zbl 0266.26006 Schwabik, Stefan 5 1973 The sine theorem for simplexes in \(E_ n\). Zbl 0162.52302 Bartos, Pavel 5 1968 Nichtoszillatorische und oszillatorische Differentialgleichungen dritter Ordnung. (Nonoscillatory and oscillatory differential equations of third order.). Zbl 0222.34034 Gera, Milan 5 1971 Theory of Kirchhoff’s networks. Zbl 0121.43407 Dolezal, V.; Vorel, Z. 5 1962 Sur le comportement asymptotique des probabilités dans les ensembles des états d’une chaîne de Markov homogène. Zbl 0087.13601 Mandl, Petr 5 1959 Sur le comportement asymptotique des probabilites dans les ensembles des etats d’un processus de Markov homogene. Zbl 0129.10802 Mandl, P. 5 1960 A generalization of the Lions-Temam compact imbedding theorem. Zbl 0755.46013 Roubíček, Tomáš 16 1990 An averaging principle for stochastic evolution equations. Zbl 0718.60068 Seidler, Jan; Vrkoč, Ivo 11 1990 The Perron product integral and generalized linear differential equations. Zbl 0724.26006 Schwabik, Štefan 6 1990 GS-quasigroups. Zbl 0715.20044 Volenec, Vladimir 6 1990 Natural operators transforming vector fields to the second order tangent bundle. Zbl 0712.58003 Doupovec, Miroslav 4 1990 Oscillation behaviour of solutions of neutral delay differential equations. Zbl 0697.34061 Staněk, Svatoslav 4 1990 Inequality between sides and diagonals of a space n-gon and its integral analog. Zbl 0722.52006 Pech, Pavel 3 1990 Invariance of the Fredholm radius of the Neumann operator. Zbl 0707.35049 Medková, Dagmar 2 1990 On generalized outerplanarity of line graphs. Zbl 0708.05020 Sedláček, Jiří 2 1990 On completions of linearly ordered groups. Zbl 0712.06009 Jakubík, Ján 1 1990 Another proof of Borůvka’s criterion on global equivalence of the second order ordinary linear differential equations. Zbl 0714.34055 Neuman, František 1 1990 Contraction distance between isomorphism classes of graphs. Zbl 0731.05016 Zelinka, Bohdan 1 1990 On dilations and contractions in Riesz groups. Zbl 0704.06009 Jasem, Milan 1 1990 On natural operators on sectorform fields. Zbl 0706.58003 Kurek, Jan 1 1990 Zdeněk Frolík. 10.3.1933-3.5.1989. Zbl 0701.01007 Pelant, Jan; Simon, Petr 1 1990 Asymptotic properties of solutions of differential systems with deviating arguments. Zbl 0696.34056 Špániková, Eva 1 1990 On certain extensions of intervals in graphs. Zbl 0699.05045 Nebeský, Ladislav 1 1990 Steiner distance in graphs. Zbl 0688.05040 Chartrand, Gary; Oellermann, Ortrud R.; Tian, Songlin; Zhou, Hung Bin 51 1989 Regulated functions and the Perron-Stieltjes integral. Zbl 0671.26006 Tvrdý, Milan 20 1989 Linear differential equations with measures as coefficients and the control theory. Zbl 0664.34013 Wyderka, Zdzisław 6 1989 Necessary and sufficient conditions for imbeddings in weighted Sobolev spaces. Zbl 0704.46021 Opic, Bohumír 5 1989 Continuous dependence on a parameter of solutions of generalized differential equations. Zbl 0677.34003 Fraňková, Dana 5 1989 On graphs with given neighbourhoods. Zbl 0674.05061 Bugata, Peter; Horňák, Mirko; Jendrol, Stanislav 4 1989 Jet involution and prolongations of connections. Zbl 0693.58002 Modugno, Marco 4 1989 Dual approach to edge distance between graphs. Zbl 0683.05041 Baláž, Vladimír; Kvasnička, Vladimír; Pospíchal, Jiří 3 1989 There exists a prolongation functor of infinite order. Zbl 0672.58002 Mikulski, W. M. 3 1989 Natural transformations of higher order tangent bundles and jet spaces. Zbl 0678.58002 Kolář, Ivan; Vosmanská, Gabriela 3 1989 Cardinal invariants of bitopological spaces. Zbl 0717.54016 Kopperman, R. D.; Meyer, P. R. 2 1989 On differential inclusions with prescribed solutions. Zbl 0678.34016 Boudaoud, Mohamed; Rzezuchowski, Tadeusz 2 1989 Boolean concept lattices and good contexts. Zbl 0672.06002 Duda, Jaromír 1 1989 On local properties of graphs again. Zbl 0697.05024 Sedláček, Jiří 1 1989 On contractions in \(L_ 1\). Zbl 0702.47002 Mesiar, Radko 1 1989 A note on weak hidden variables. Zbl 0665.03046 Binder, Jiří 1 1989 On a certain mapping on the set with orthogonality. Zbl 0672.06006 Havrda, Jan 1 1989 On the occasion of the 60-th birthday of Professor Neubrunn. Zbl 0668.01026 Kostyrko, Pavel; Smítal, Jaroslav 1 1989 On Havlícek-Tietze configuration in some non-Desarguesian planes. Zbl 0681.51005 Matraś, Andrzej 1 1989 Centers of directed cacti. Zbl 0681.05034 Zelinka, Bohdan 1 1989 Locally path-like graphs. Zbl 0681.05043 Fronček, Dalibor 1 1989 Ebene konvexe Affinzwangläufe. (Planar affine constrained motions). Zbl 0682.53011 Pottmann, Helmut; Rath, Wolfgang 1 1989 Harmonic maps and s-regular manifolds. Zbl 0699.53058 Sekigawa, K.; Vanhecke, L. 1 1989 On formal theory of differential equations. II. Zbl 0703.34001 Chrastina, Jan 1 1989 Layer potentials on boundaries with corners and edges. Zbl 0697.31005 Angell, T. S.; Kleinman, R. E.; Král, J. 17 1988 Representations of cyclically ordered groups. Zbl 0654.06016 Jakubík, Ján; Pringerová, Gabriela 13 1988 A simple proof of the Rademacher theorem. Zbl 0669.26005 Nekvinda, Aleš; Zajíček, Luděk 12 1988 Anisotropic Sobolev inequalities. Zbl 0663.46024 Adams, Robert A. 11 1988 Mappings that preserve Cauchy sequences. Zbl 0657.54024 Borsík, Ján 9 1988 Some informational properties of Markov purejump processes. Zbl 0666.60076 Dumitrescu, Monica Bad 5 1988 On a generalization of outerplanar graphs. Zbl 0649.05028 Sedláček, Jiří 5 1988 On summability in convergence \(\ell\)-groups. Zbl 0662.06006 Jakubik, Ján 3 1988 An abstract model for compressions. Zbl 0669.47005 Pták, Vlastimil; Vrbová, Pavla 2 1988 Note on the congruence lattice of a commutative separative semigroup. Zbl 0639.20043 Pondělíček, Bedřich 2 1988 Compact imbedding of weighted Sobolev space defined on an unbounded domain. I. Zbl 0646.46029 Opic, Bohumír 2 1988 Two local properties of graphs. Zbl 0656.05056 Zelinka, Bohdan 2 1988 On \(L_ p\)-solutions of \(n\)-th order nonlinear differential equation. Zbl 0672.34013 Mamrilla, Dušan 2 1988 A note on determinacy of measures. Zbl 0659.28001 Pták, Pavel; Tkadlec, Josef 1 1988 On a class of generalization Laguerre’s polynomials. Zbl 0661.33008 Púchovský, František 1 1988 Reflection and the Dirichlet problem on doubly connected regions. Zbl 0658.31002 Dontová, Eva 1 1988 Reflection and the Neumann problem on doubly connected regions. Zbl 0658.31003 Dontová, Eva 1 1988 The bigraph decomposition number of a graph. Zbl 0698.05043 Zelinka, Bohdan 1 1988 On local spectral radius. Zbl 0645.47002 Daneš, Josef 13 1987 On graphs with isomorphic, non-isomorphic and connected \(N_ 2\)- neighbourhoods. Zbl 0619.05041 Ryjáček, Zdeněk 6 1987 The chromatic number of extended odd graphs is four. Zbl 0667.05023 Sokolová, Marie 5 1987 Some new results about the shortness exponent in polyhedral graphs. Zbl 0642.05039 Harant, Jochen; Walther, Hansjoachim 5 1987 Greatest common subgraphs of graphs. Zbl 0624.05057 Chartrand, Gary; Saba, Farrokh; Zou, Hungbin 3 1987 On some properties of trigonometric matrices. Zbl 0642.34024 Došlý, Ondřej 3 1987 On a problem of linear arboricity. Zbl 0639.05041 Guldan, Filip 3 1987 On a facet of the balanced subgraph polytope. Zbl 0643.05059 Poljak, Svatopluk; Turzík, Daniel 3 1987 Simple continuity and cliquishness. Zbl 0628.54011 Doboš, Jozef 2 1987 An application of \(\ell\)-condition in the theory of stochastic differential equations. Zbl 0645.60063 Maslowski, Bohdan 2 1987 Edge-distance between isomorphism classes of graphs. Zbl 0646.05035 Zelinka, Bohdan 2 1987 Bounds on the Serre cohomology of projective varieties. Zbl 0646.14016 Brodmann, Markus 2 1987 On the Lebesgue decomposition of Gleason measures. Zbl 0621.46058 Palko, Vladimir 1 1987 Projection and covering in a set with orthogonality. Zbl 0629.06008 Havrda, Jan 1 1987 A study of independence in a set with orthogonality. Zbl 0629.06009 Havrda, Jan 1 1987 Graphs with non-isomorphic vertex neighbourhoods of the first and second types. Zbl 0638.05048 Ryjáček, Zdeněk 1 1987 On the stability of chaotic functions. Zbl 0639.26005 Janková, Katarína 1 1987 Lifts of generalized symmetric spaces to tangent bundles. Zbl 0639.53057 Sekizawa, Masami 1 1987 On representations of Baire functions in a given family as sums of Baire Darboux functions with a common summand. Zbl 0646.26004 Pu, H. W.; Pu, H. H. 1 1987 Invariance of the Fredholm radius of an operator in potential theory. Zbl 0657.31004 Dont, Miroslav; Dontová, Eva 1 1987 On the monotonicity of the period function of some second order equations. Zbl 0603.34034 Chow, Shui-Nee; Wang, Duo 37 1986 Varieties having directly decomposable congruence classes. Zbl 0606.08001 Duda, Jaromír 10 1986 A metric for graphs. Zbl 0611.05054 Baláž, Vladimír; Koča, Jaroslav; Kvasnička, Vladimír; Sekanina, Milan 9 1986 Some remarks on the strong limit-point condition of second-order linear differential expressions. Zbl 0625.34016 Everitt, W. N. 4 1986 Statistical periodicity of deterministic systems. Zbl 0614.28015 Lasota, Andrzej; Yorke, James A. 3 1986 Total stability property in limiting equations for a functional differential equation with infinite delay. Zbl 0599.34071 Hino, Yoshiyuki; Yoshizawa, Taro 3 1986 Covariant constructions in the theory of linear differential equations. Zbl 0597.34005 Neuman, František 3 1986 On quasi-jets. Zbl 0611.58004 Dekrét, Anton 2 1986 Invariant manifolds and the concept of asymptotic phase. Zbl 0621.34037 Aulbach, B.; Flockerzi, Dietrich; Knobloch, H. W. 2 1986 On some stability properties of stochastic differential equations of Itô’s type. Zbl 0625.60066 Maslowski, Bohdan 2 1986 On formal theory of differential equations. I. Zbl 0638.35008 Chrastina, Jan 2 1986 Cardinal arithmetic of a certain class of monounary algebras. Zbl 0616.08012 Novotný, Jiří 2 1986 Equations of magnetohydrodynamics: Periodic solutions. Zbl 0608.76108 Štědrý, Milan; Vejvoda, Otto 2 1986 On the occasion of the sixtieth birthday of Jaroslav Kurzweil. Zbl 0592.01024 Jarník, J.; Schwabik, Št.; Tvrdý, M.; Vrkoč, I. 1 1986 Global asymptotic stability for plane polynomial flows. Zbl 0618.34041 Meisters, Gary H.; Olech, Czesław 1 1986 Generalized and smooth solutions of boundary value problems for functional differential equations with many senior members. Zbl 0625.34071 Kamenskii, G. A.; Myshkis, A. D.; Skubachevskii, A. L. 1 1986 The Dirichlet problem and weighted spaces. II. Zbl 0654.35039 Kufner, Alois; Opic, Bohumír 1 1986 On the existence of two-sided solutions of linear Volterra type integro- differential equations with aftereffect. Zbl 0607.45005 Ryabov, Yu. A. 1 1986 Sur les blocs des équations différentielles linéaires du deuxième ordre et leurs transformations. Zbl 0596.34022 Borůvka, Otakar 1 1986 Bounded solutions of affine stochastic differential equations and stability. Zbl 0606.60056 Halanay, A.; Morozan, T.; Tudor, C. 1 1986 On stability and instability of the roots of the oscillatory function in a certain nonlinear differential equation of the third order. Zbl 0609.34058 Andres, Jan 1 1986 ...and 451 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,479 Authors 29 Jakubík, Ján 20 Zelinka, Bohdan 19 Chajda, Ivan 14 Dehmer, Matthias 12 Bar-Noy, Amotz 12 Peleg, David 12 Rawitz, Dror 11 Medková, Dagmar 11 Oellermann, Ortrud R. 11 Suzuki, Tomonari 11 Zanolin, Fabio 10 Federson, Márcia 10 Kolář, Ivan 10 Pondělíček, Bedřich 10 Pták, Vlastimil 10 Slavík, Antonín 10 Yin, Jianhua 9 Emmert-Streib, Frank 9 Molle, Riccardo 9 Passaseo, Donato 9 Tvrdý, Milan 9 Wong, James S. W. 8 Došlý, Ondřej 8 Erbe, Lynn Harry 8 Kurzweil, Jaroslav 8 Nebeský, Ladislav 8 Nešetřil, Jaroslav 8 Sfecci, Andrea 7 Böhnlein, Toni 7 Botler, Fábio 7 Drábek, Pavel 7 Feireisl, Eduard 7 Frick, Marietjie 7 Harary, Frank 7 Kirichenko, Vadim Fëdorovich 7 Mao, Yaping 7 Netuka, Ivan 7 Shi, Yongtang 7 Tanaka, Mieko 6 Beer, Gerald Alan 6 Buratti, Marco 6 Cangul, Ismail Naci 6 Chartrand, Gary Theodore 6 de Wet, Johan P. 6 Dvořák, Tomáš 6 Erdős, Péter L. 6 Ferrara, Michael J. 6 Fonda, Alessandro 6 Gregor, Petr 6 Jarník, Jiří 6 Král, Josef 6 Lorenz, Thomas 6 Machala, Frantisek 6 Navara, Mirko 6 Niederle, Josef 6 Ruf, Bernhard 6 Shapiro, Alexander 6 Tripathi, Amitabha 6 Turinici, Mihai 5 Andres, Jan 5 Barrus, Michael D. 5 Broom, Mark 5 Chen, Zhiping 5 Dolezal, Vaclav 5 Duda, Jaromír 5 Evans, Michael Jon 5 Fučik, Svatopluk 5 Gutman, Ivan M. 5 Hartke, Stephen G. 5 Hell, Pavol 5 Humke, Paul D. 5 Jordon, Heather 5 Klešč, Marián 5 Koubek, Vaclav 5 Liu, Jia 5 Matejdes, Milan 5 Mednykh, Il’ya Aleksandrovich 5 Mikulski, Włodzimierz M. 5 Pfeffer, Washek Frank 5 Polat, Norbert 5 Pták, Pavel 5 Rakočević, Vladimir 5 Ruiz Galán, Manuel 5 Ryjáček, Zdeněk 5 Wu, Shung-Liang 5 Yu, Guihai 4 Agaev, Rafig P. 4 Berger, Annabell 4 Borsík, Ján 4 Cerrai, Sandra 4 Chicone, Carmen C. 4 Choudhary, Keerti 4 Choudum, Sheshayya A. 4 Cichoń, Mieczysław 4 Čulik, Karel 4 Czédli, Gábor 4 Dai, Guowei 4 Dankelmann, Peter 4 Delen, Sadik 4 Fleischner, Herbert J. ...and 2,379 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 406 Journals 220 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 129 Discrete Mathematics 84 Mathematica Slovaca 77 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 69 Journal of Differential Equations 60 Discrete Applied Mathematics 47 Linear Algebra and its Applications 29 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 28 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 26 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 25 Aplikace Matematiky 25 Graphs and Combinatorics 23 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 23 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 23 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 22 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 21 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 20 Applied Mathematics and Computation 19 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 17 European Journal of Combinatorics 16 Topology and its Applications 15 Journal of Functional Analysis 14 Algebra Universalis 13 European Journal of Operational Research 12 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 12 Mathematical Notes 12 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 12 Monatshefte für Mathematik 12 Mathematical Programming. Series A. 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