Differential Equations Short Title: Differ. Equations Publisher: Consultants Bureau, New York ISSN: 0012-2661 Original: Differentsial’nye Uravneniya Successor: Differential Equations Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 8,262 Publications (1965–1999) all top 5 Latest Issues 35, No. 12 (1999) 35, No. 11 (1999) 35, No. 10 (1999) 35, No. 9 (1999) 35, No. 8 (1999) 35, No. 7 (1999) 35, No. 6 (1999) 35, No. 5 (1999) 35, No. 4 (1999) 35, No. 3 (1999) 35, No. 2 (1999) 35, No. 1 (1999) 34, No. 12 (1998) 34, No. 11 (1998) 34, No. 10 (1998) 34, No. 9 (1998) 34, No. 8 (1998) 34, No. 7 (1998) 34, No. 6 (1998) 34, No. 5 (1998) 34, No. 4 (1998) 34, No. 3 (1998) 34, No. 2 (1998) 34, No. 1 (1998) 33, No. 12 (1997) 33, No. 11 (1997) 33, No. 10 (1997) 33, No. 9 (1997) 33, No. 8 (1997) 33, No. 7 (1997) 33, No. 6 (1997) 33, No. 5 (1997) 33, No. 4 (1997) 33, No. 3 (1997) 33, No. 2 (1997) 33, No. 1 (1997) 32, No. 12 (1996) 32, No. 11 (1996) 32, No. 10 (1996) 32, No. 9 (1996) 32, No. 8 (1996) 32, No. 7 (1996) 32, No. 6 (1996) 32, No. 5 (1996) 32, No. 4 (1996) 32, No. 3 (1996) 32, No. 2 (1996) 32, No. 1 (1996) 31, No. 12 (1995) 31, No. 11 (1995) 31, No. 10 (1995) 31, No. 9 (1995) 31, No. 6 (1995) 31, No. 5 (1995) 31, No. 4 (1995) 31, No. 3 (1995) 31, No. 2 (1995) 31, No. 1 (1995) 30, No. 12 (1994) 30, No. 11 (1994) 30, No. 10 (1994) 30, No. 9 (1994) 30, No. 8 (1994) 30, No. 7 (1994) 30, No. 6 (1994) 30, No. 5 (1994) 30, No. 4 (1994) 30, No. 3 (1994) 30, No. 2 (1994) 30, No. 1 (1994) 29, No. 12 (1993) 29, No. 11 (1993) 29, No. 10 (1993) 29, No. 9 (1993) 29, No. 8 (1993) 29, No. 7 (1993) 29, No. 6 (1993) 29, No. 5 (1993) 29, No. 4 (1993) 29, No. 3 (1993) 29, No. 2 (1993) 29, No. 1 (1993) 28, No. 12 (1992) 28, No. 11 (1992) 28, No. 10 (1992) 28, No. 9 (1992) 28, No. 8 (1992) 28, No. 7 (1992) 28, No. 6 (1992) 28, No. 5 (1992) 28, No. 4 (1992) 28, No. 3 (1992) 28, No. 2 (1992) 28, No. 1 (1992) 27, No. 12 (1991) 27, No. 11 (1991) 27, No. 10 (1991) 27, No. 9 (1991) 27, No. 8 (1991) 27, No. 7 (1991) ...and 87 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 65 Il’in, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 60 Grudo, Éduard Iosifovich 54 Izobov, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 50 Abrashin, Vyacheslav Nikolaevich 49 Millionshchikov, Vladimir Mikhaĭlovich 46 Kamynin, Leonid Ivanovich 44 Moiseev, Evgeniĭ Ivanovich 40 Gaĭshun, Ivan Vasil’evich 34 Erugin, Nikolaĭ Pavlovich 34 Petrov, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich 34 Yablonskiĭ, Anatolii Iosifovich 33 Krechetov, G. S. 33 Yurchuk, Nikolay Iossifovich 32 Cherkas, Leonid A. 32 Samarskiĭ, Aleksandr Andreevich 30 Samoĭlenko, Anatoliĭ Mykhaĭlovych 29 Kiguradze, Ivan Tarielovich 29 Makarov, Volodymyr Leonidovych 29 Minyuk, S. A. 29 Myshkis, Anatoliĭ Dmitrievich 28 Fokht, A. S. 28 Prilepko, Alekseĭ Ivanovich 27 Gaĭduk, Stanislav Ivanovich 27 Pliss, Viktor Aleksandrovich 27 Soldatov, Aleksandr Pavlovich 26 Vasil’eva, Adelaida Borisovna 25 Lukashevich, N. A. 25 Yanushauskas, Algimantas I. 24 Azbelev, Nikolaĭ Viktorovich 24 Nakhushev, Adam Maremovich 24 Sadovskiĭ, Anton Pavlovich 24 Zavalishchin, Stanislav Timofeevich 24 Zubov, Vladimir Ivanovich 23 Butuzov, Valentin Fëdorovich 23 Sibirskiĭ, Konstantin Sergeevich 22 Ivanov, Evgeniĭ Alekseevich 22 Laptinskij, V. N. 22 Leonov, Gennadiĭ Alekseevich 22 Liskovets, Oleg Anisimovich 22 Vabishchevich, Pëtr Nikolaevich 21 Alimov, Shavkat Arifdzhanovich 21 Klokov, Yuriĭ Aleksandrovich 21 Kondratenya, S. G. 21 Pilyugin, Sergeĭ Yur’evich 21 Sadovnichiĭ, Viktor Antonovich 21 Shestakov, Aleksandr Andreevich 20 Amel’kin, Vladimir Vasilievich 20 Dolov, M. V. 20 Osipenko, Georgii Sergeevich 19 Bykov, Ya. V. 19 Dubrovskiĭ, Vladimir Vasil’evich 19 Kamenev, I. V. 19 Malyshev, Yu. V. 18 Bylov, B. F. 18 Fedoryuk, Mikhail V. 18 Gabasov, Rafail Fëdorovich 18 Gromak, Valeriĭ Ivanovich 18 Kapustin, N. Yu 18 Kolmanovskii, Vladimir Borisovich 18 Sobolevskii, Pavel Evseyevich 17 Khimchenko, B. N. 17 Martynov, Ivan Platonovich 17 Rasulov, Majid Latif oglu 17 Tonkov, Evgenii Leonidovich 17 Tsalyuk, Z. B. 16 Boltyanskij, Vladimir Grigor’evich 16 Korovin, Sergeĭ Konstantinovich 16 Kuleshov, Aleksandr Arkad’evich 16 Ladis, N. N. 16 Matus, Pëtr Paŭlavich 16 Ramm, Alexander G. 15 Andreev, Alekseĭ Fedorovich 15 Bitsadze, Andreĭ Vasil’evich 15 Bulgakov, Aleksandr Ivanovich 15 Galaktionov, Victor Aleksandrovich 15 Khapaev, Mikhail Mikhailovich 15 Lifanov, Ivan K. 15 Lyashko, A. D. 15 Makarov, Evgeniĭ Konstantinovich 15 Satimov, Numan Yunusovich 15 Shatalov, Victor E. 15 Skripnik, V. P. 14 Baderko, Elena A. 14 Chanturiya, Teimuraz Ambros’evich 14 Denisov, Vasiliĭ Nikolaevich 14 Kondrat’ev, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 14 Kritskov, Leonid V. 14 Lando, Yu. K. 14 Mironenko, Vladimir Ivanovich 14 Nikol’skiĭ, Mikhaĭl Sergeevich 14 Sabitov, Kamil’ Basirovich 13 Berezansky, Leonid M. 13 Brykalov, Sergeĭ Arkad’evich 13 Emel’yanov, Stanislav Vasil’evich 13 Kalitin, Boris Sergeevich 13 Klimov, Vladimir Stepanovich 13 Krasovskiĭ, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich 13 Kurzhanskiĭ, Aleksandr Borisovich 13 Lepin, A. Ya 13 Lomov, Igor’ Sergeevich ...and 3,668 more Authors all top 5 Fields 3,544 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2,815 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 696 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 689 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 563 Operator theory (47-XX) 516 Integral equations (45-XX) 437 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 298 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 260 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 158 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 141 Functional analysis (46-XX) 138 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 135 Potential theory (31-XX) 115 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 93 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 92 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 88 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 79 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 76 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 76 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 75 History and biography (01-XX) 59 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 49 General topology (54-XX) 41 Special functions (33-XX) 38 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 36 Real functions (26-XX) 36 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 35 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 32 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 27 Quantum theory (81-XX) 23 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 19 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 19 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 17 Differential geometry (53-XX) 15 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 13 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 11 Measure and integration (28-XX) 10 Geophysics (86-XX) 7 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 7 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 5 Statistics (62-XX) 5 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 5 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 2,292 Publications have been cited 9,851 times in 7,445 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Nonlocal boundary-value problem of the second kind for a Sturm-Liouville operator. Zbl 0668.34024 Il’in, V. A.; Moiseev, E. I. 240 1987 Nonlocal boundary-value problem of the first kind for a Sturm-Liouville operator in its differential and finite-difference aspects. Zbl 0668.34025 Il’in, V. A.; Mojseev, E. I. 185 1987 Fractional-order diffusion. Zbl 0729.35064 Kochubei, A. N. 121 1990 Loaded equations and their applications. Zbl 0536.35080 Nakhushev, A. M. 115 1983 Solution of a boundary-value problem in heat conduction with a nonclassical boundary condition. Zbl 0403.35043 Ionkin, N. I. 114 1977 Asymptotic stability of an equilibrium position of a family of systems of linear differential equations. Zbl 0409.34043 Kharitonov, V. L. 105 1979 The Cauchy problem for the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation. Zbl 0863.35097 Faminskij, A. V. 89 1995 The Harnack inequality and the Hölder property of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations with a nonstandard growth condition. Zbl 0949.35048 Alkhutov, Yu. A. 80 1997 Stabilization of solutions of boundary value problems for a second order equation with one space variable. Zbl 0232.35053 Zelenyak, T. I. 75 1972 Meyers type estimates for the solution of a nonlinear Stokes system. Zbl 0911.35089 Zhikov, V. V. 74 1997 A Cauchy problem for evolution equations of fractional order. Zbl 0696.34047 Kochubej, A. N. 72 1989 Mixed problem with an integral condition for certain parabolic equations. Zbl 0654.35041 Yurchuk, N. I. 71 1986 A new method of investigating the isochronicity of a system of two differential equations. Zbl 0252.34034 Pleshkan, I. I. 61 1972 On a model system of equations of one-dimensional gas motion. Zbl 0235.35023 Kanel’, Ya. I. 60 1972 On deferring the loss of stability for dynamic bifurcations. II. Zbl 0677.58035 Nejshtadt, A. I. 60 1988 Solvability of the inverse boundary-value problem of finding a coefficient of a lower-order derivative in a parabolic equation. Zbl 0661.35082 Prilepko, A. I.; Solov’ev, V. V. 59 1987 Stationary solutions of a fourth order nonlinear diffusion equation. Zbl 0856.35029 Peletier, L. A.; Troy, W. C.; van der Vorst, R. C. A. M. 58 1995 Approximate method of solving boundary-value problems for differential equations and its application to the dynamics of ground moisture and ground water. Zbl 0511.35003 Nakhushev, A. M. 57 1982 Minimization of convex functions in convex sets by means of differential equations. Zbl 0852.49021 Antipin, A. S. 56 1994 Persistence of stability loss for dynamical bifurcations. I. Zbl 0716.34064 Nejshtadt, A. I. 55 1987 A parabolic system of quasilinear equations. II. Zbl 0599.35085 Galaktionov, V. A.; Kurdyumov, S. P.; Samarskij, A. A. 48 1985 Some problems in differential equation theory. Zbl 0519.35069 Samarskij, A. A. 47 1981 On a parabolic system of quasilinear equations. I. Zbl 0556.35071 Galaktionov, V. A.; Kurdyumov, S. P.; Samarskij, A. A. 44 1983 The solution of a nonlocal boundary value problem by the spectral method. Zbl 0973.35085 Moiseev, E. I. 43 1999 Asymptotics, near the boundary, of a solution of a singular boundary- value problem for a semilinear elliptic equation. Zbl 0706.35054 Kondrat’ev, V. A.; Nikishkin, V. A. 43 1990 Number of limit cycles of an autonomous second-order system. Zbl 0365.34039 Cherkas, L. A. 38 1977 Spectral approach to asymptotic problems in diffusion. Zbl 0695.35014 Zhikov, V. V. 37 1989 Passing to the limit with respect to viscosity in an equation with variable parabolicity direction. Zbl 0824.35100 Plotnikov, P. I. 36 1994 Operational finite-difference schemes. Zbl 0485.65060 Samarskij, A. A.; Tishkin, V. F.; Favorskij, A. P.; Shashkov, M. Yu. 35 1982 Method of differential inequalities for some singularly perturbed partial derivative problems. Zbl 0856.35009 Nefedov, N. N. 35 1995 Inverse problems in the ”large” and Carleman bounds. Zbl 0573.35083 Klibanov, M. V. 35 1984 Conditions for a Lienard equation to have a center. Zbl 0353.34031 Cherkas, L. A. 32 1977 Spectral problems with the spectral parameter in the boundary condition. Zbl 0911.34070 Kapustin, N. Yu.; Moiseev, E. I. 32 1997 Dulac function for polynomial autonomous systems on a plane. Zbl 0911.34026 Cherkas, L. A. 32 1997 Affine-invariant conditions for the topological discrimination of quadratic systems with a center. Zbl 0556.34019 Vulpe, N. I. 31 1983 Imbedding theorems and their applications to degenerate equations. Zbl 0672.46014 Shakhmurov, V. B. 31 1988 Asymptotic and oscillation properties of first order linear scalar functional-differential equations. Zbl 0726.45011 Gusarenko, S. A.; Domoshnitskij, A. I. 30 1989 Control of rotational motion. Zbl 0273.70005 Zubov, V. I. 29 1973 Determination of the evolution parameter of an equation, and inverse problems of mathematical physics. I. Zbl 0571.35052 Prilepko, A. I.; Orlovskij, D. G. 29 1985 On rational solutions of the second Painleve equation. Zbl 0221.34001 Vorob’ev, A. P. 28 1965 Unique solvability of the Tricomi problem in a special domain. Zbl 0887.35106 Polosin, A. A. 28 1996 Solvability theorems and Rothe’s method for inverse problems for a parabolic equation. II. Zbl 0683.35090 Prilepko, A. I.; Solov’ev, V. V. 27 1987 Solvability of the inverse problem of finding a source, using overdetermination on the upper base for a parabolic equation. Zbl 0695.35215 Solov’ev, V. V. 27 1989 Three-point boundary-value problem with an integral space-variable condition for a second-order parabolic equation. Zbl 0729.35053 Kartynnik, A. V. 26 1990 Investigation of the stability of linear systems of neutral type by the Lyapunov-function method. Zbl 0674.34077 Khusainov, D. Ya.; Yun’kova, E. A. 26 1988 Positiveness of the operators of continuous and discrete differentiation and integration, which are quite important in fractional calculus and in the theory of equations of mixed-type. Zbl 0948.26004 Nakhushev, A. M. 25 1998 The Hopf bifurcation for a quasilinear parabolic functional-differential equation. Zbl 0963.35018 Skubachevskij, A. L. 25 1998 Integrals of a general quadratic differential system in cases of a center. Zbl 0499.34017 Lunkevich, V. A.; Sibirskij, K. S. 24 1982 Construction of algebraic paths and the qualitative investigation in the large of the properties of integral curves of a system of differential equations. Zbl 0258.34034 Evdokimenko, R. M. 23 1973 On the conditions for a center for certain equations of the form \(yy' = P(x) + Q(x)y + R(x)y\). Zbl 0299.34036 Cherkas, L. A. 23 1974 Application of new comparison theorem in the investigation of unbounded solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations. Zbl 0632.35028 Galaktionov, V. A.; Posashkov, S. A. 23 1986 Blow-up of solutions of a hyperbolic system: The critical case. Zbl 1032.35126 Del Santo, D.; Mitidieri, E. 23 1998 Quasidifferential equations in metric spaces. Zbl 0624.34056 Panasyuk, A. I. 22 1985 Localization of limit cycles. Zbl 0868.34024 Krishchenko, A. P. 22 1995 Phase spaces for a class of semilinear Sobolev operator equations. Zbl 0707.34054 Sviridyuk, G. A.; Sukacheva, T. G. 22 1990 Behavior of integral curves of a dynamic system. Zbl 0366.34021 Evdokimenko, R. M. 21 1977 Operators in spaces of measurable functions: The Volterra property and quasinilpotency. Zbl 0958.47014 Sumin, V. I.; Chernov, A. V. 21 1998 On nonlocal boundary value problems for loaded first-order differential-operator equations. Zbl 0868.34047 Dzhenaliev, M. T. 21 1995 A problem with nonlocal boundary conditions for systems of partial differential equations with constant coefficients. Zbl 0556.35013 Il’kiv, V. S.; Ptashnik, B. I. 21 1984 Proof of the localization of unbounded solutions of the nonlinear parabolic equation \(u_ t=(u^{\sigma}u_ x)_ x+u^{\beta}\). Zbl 0573.35047 Galaktionov, V. A. 21 1985 Bifurcation of separatrices of a saddle point of the Lorentz system. Zbl 0576.34027 Belykh, V. N. 21 1984 An operational method for solving some classes of integro-differential equations. Zbl 0827.44004 Luchko, Yu. F.; Yakubovich, S. B. 20 1994 Operator-bundle method for conjugation boundary-value problems for a system of elliptic equations. Zbl 0768.35022 Smirnov, Yu. G. 20 1991 Estimation of the number of limit cycles of autonomous systems. Zbl 0395.34025 Cherkas, L. A. 20 1977 Solution of the center-focus problem for a cubic system of nonlinear oscillations. Zbl 0908.34018 Sadovskij, A. P. 20 1997 The wave equation with a boundary control at both endpoints and the complete vibration damping problem. Zbl 0977.35024 Il’in, V. A.; Tikhomirov, V. V. 20 1999 Solvability theorems and Rothe’s method for inverse problems for a parabolic equation. I. Zbl 0683.35089 Prilepko, A. I.; Solov’ev, V. V. 20 1987 The second Painleve equation. Zbl 0271.34011 Lukashevich, N. A. 19 1973 Expansion of functions in absolutely and uniformly convergent series of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian. Zbl 0345.42013 Tikhomirov, V. V. 19 1976 On the convergence, uniform with respect to a small parameter, of monotone three-point finite-difference approximations. Zbl 0966.76059 Andreev, V. B.; Kopteva, N. V. 19 1998 On some problems of restoration of a boundary condition for a parabolic equation. I. Zbl 0874.35130 Kostin, A. B.; Prilepko, A. I. 19 1996 The existence of the principal eigenvalue for cooperative elliptic systems in a general domain. Zbl 0940.35147 Birindelli, I.; Mitidieri, E.; Sweers, G. 19 1999 Group properties of the heat-conduction equation with a source in the two- and three-dimensional cases. Zbl 0541.35036 Dorodnitsyn, V. A.; Knyazeva, I. V.; Svirshchevskij, S. R. 19 1983 High-order quasilinear elliptic equations with continuous generalized solutions. Zbl 0417.35040 Skrypnik, I. V. 18 1978 Algebraic limit cycles. Zbl 0305.34048 Filipcov, V. F. 18 1975 Ordinary differential equations with discrete groups of symmetry. Zbl 0337.34014 Vladimirov, S. A. 18 1976 Lyapunov stability in discontinuous dynamic systems. Zbl 0339.34056 Rozhko, V. F. 18 1976 Some problems of reconstruction of a boundary condition for a parabolic equation. II. Zbl 0990.35133 Kostin, A. B.; Prilepko, A. I. 18 1996 Periodic solutions of nonautonomous ordinary differential equations of higher order. Zbl 0936.34033 Kiguradze, I. T.; Kusano, T. 18 1999 Controlled proximal differential systems for saddle problems. Zbl 0821.49017 Antipin, A. S. 18 1992 Determination of a parameter in an evolution equation and inverse problems of mathematical physics. II. Zbl 0581.35082 Prilepko, A. I.; Orlovskij, D. G. 18 1985 Asymptotics of solutions of the Painlevé equation of the first kind. Zbl 0677.34052 Kapaev, A. A. 18 1988 Generalized boundary-value problems for the Korteweg-de Vries equation in bounded regions. Zbl 0422.35069 Bubnov, B. A. 17 1979 A hypothesis due to Smale. Zbl 0281.34035 Pliss, V. A. 17 1974 Stabilization of solutions of an initial-boundary-value problem for the equations of motion of a barotropic viscous fluid. Zbl 0426.35025 Kazhikhov, A. V. 17 1979 On the basis property of sine and cosine systems in a weighted space. Zbl 0952.46010 Moiseev, E. I. 17 1998 Solvability of boundary-value problems for second-order operator- differential equations of elliptic type. Zbl 0799.34067 Gasymov, M. G.; Mirzoev, S. S. 17 1992 Tricomi problem for a parabolic-hyperbolic equation with degeneracy in the hyperbolic part. I. Zbl 0651.35064 Kapustin, N. Yu 17 1987 Boundary-value problems with nonlocal conditions. Zbl 0641.34014 Sapagovas, M. P.; Chegis, R. Yu. 17 1987 Universal optimal strategies in positional differential games. Zbl 0543.90104 Subbotina, N. N. 17 1983 Nonlocal parabolic problems and the inverse heat-conduction problem. Zbl 0556.35064 Vabishchevich, P. N. 17 1982 Countable spectrum of eigenfunctions of a nonlinear heat-conduction equation with distributed parameters. Zbl 0675.35054 Lepin, L. A. 17 1988 Some criteria for the absence of limit cycles and for the existence of a single limit cycle. Zbl 0265.34036 Cherkas, L. A.; Zhilevich, L. I. 16 1973 Comparison of the restoration property of motion of dynamic systems. Zbl 0337.34040 Shcherbakov, B. A. 16 1976 Singularities of a solution of Dirichlet’s problem for a second-order elliptic equation in the neighborhood of an edge. Zbl 0394.35027 Kondrat’ev, V. A. 16 1977 An approach to the differentiation of many-valued mappings, and necessary optimality conditions for optimization of solutions of differential inclusions. Zbl 0604.49011 Polovinkin, E. S.; Smirnov, G. V. 16 1986 The Cauchy problem for singular systems of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0166.34102 Kiguradze, I. T. 16 1967 On duality in linear problems of control and observation. Zbl 0867.93039 Vasil’ev, F. P. 16 1995 Optimal control of Sobolev-type linear equations with relatively \(p\)-sectorial operators. Zbl 0868.49005 Sviridyuk, G. A.; Efremov, A. A. 16 1995 Generalized separation of variables for differential equations with polynomial nonlinearities. Zbl 0855.35028 Galaktionov, V. A.; Posashkov, S. A.; Svirshchevskij, S. R. 16 1995 The solution of a nonlocal boundary value problem by the spectral method. Zbl 0973.35085 Moiseev, E. I. 43 1999 The wave equation with a boundary control at both endpoints and the complete vibration damping problem. Zbl 0977.35024 Il’in, V. A.; Tikhomirov, V. V. 20 1999 The existence of the principal eigenvalue for cooperative elliptic systems in a general domain. Zbl 0940.35147 Birindelli, I.; Mitidieri, E.; Sweers, G. 19 1999 Periodic solutions of nonautonomous ordinary differential equations of higher order. Zbl 0936.34033 Kiguradze, I. T.; Kusano, T. 18 1999 The basic property of a system of eigenfunctions of a differential operator in a weighted space. Zbl 0934.35107 Moiseev, E. I. 15 1999 Oscillation properties of solutions to a nonselfadjoint spectral problem with spectral parameter in the boundary condition. Zbl 1009.34076 Kapustin, N. Yu. 15 1999 Asymptotics of the eigenvalues of a boundary value problem with rapidly oscillating boundary conditions. Zbl 1158.35399 Gadyl’shin, R. R. 14 1999 Solution of differential-algebraic equations by the method of continuation with respect to the best parameter. Zbl 0972.34500 Kuznetsov, E. B.; Shalashilin, V. I. 12 1999 On Frankl type problems for some elliptic equations with degeneration of various kinds. Zbl 0976.35028 Lerner, M. E.; Repin, O. A. 12 1999 The global controllability of a complete set of Lyapunov invariants for two-dimensional linear systems. Zbl 0942.34054 Makarov, E. K.; Popova, S. N. 10 1999 A class of boundary value problems for the Sturm-Liouville operator. Zbl 1010.34019 Makin, A. S. 8 1999 The wave equation with a boundary control at both endpoints on an arbitrary time interval. Zbl 0982.93043 Il’in, V. A. 7 1999 Solvability theory for a class of integro-differential equations in the space of distributions. Zbl 0976.45006 Gabbasov, N. S. 6 1999 The Fourier-Bessel transform in the theory of singular differential equations. Zbl 0936.35009 Kulikov, A. A.; Kipriyanov, I. A. 6 1999 \(B\)-stability and the Florio-Seibert problem. Zbl 1001.34043 Kalitin, B. S. 6 1999 The spectral asymptotics of strongly elliptic difference-differential operators. Zbl 0971.35056 Pod’yapol’skii, V. V.; Skubachevskii, A. L. 5 1999 The operator Bessel function, related semigroups, and the modified Hilbert transform. Zbl 0935.34054 Glushak, A. V. 5 1999 The wave equation with a boundary control at one endpoint and with the other endpoint being fixed. Zbl 0980.35033 Il’in, V. A. 5 1999 Equiconvergence of biorthogonal expansions in root functions of differential operators. I. Zbl 0974.34078 Kurbanov, V. M. 4 1999 On some properties of the parabolic potential of volume masses. I. Zbl 0969.35070 Cherepova, M. F. 4 1999 The deviation of a functional from the optimal value under chattering exponentially decays as the number of switchings tends to infinity. Zbl 0986.49022 Zelikin, M. I.; Zelikina, L. F. 4 1999 To the theory of two-point boundary value problems for second-order differential equations. Zbl 1006.34015 Mukhamadiev, É.; Naimov, A. 4 1999 The accuracy of a discrete analog of the spectral problem for an operator of linear elasticity. Zbl 0942.65125 Prikazchikov, V. G. 4 1999 Many-parameter solutions of the Tzitzéica equation. Zbl 0969.35009 Kaptsov, O. V.; Shan’ko, Yu. V. 4 1999 An estimate for the increment of the spectral function of the Schrödinger operator with potential satisfying a Kato type condition. Zbl 1064.35507 Kritskov, L. V. 4 1999 A generalized Neumann problem for harmonic functions in the half-space. Zbl 0967.35037 Karachik, V. V. 4 1999 Second-order controlled differential gradient methods for equilibrium problems. Zbl 1069.90546 Antipin, A. S. 4 1999 On invariant index formulas for spectral boundary value problems. Zbl 1034.58020 Savin, A. Yu.; Sternin, B. Yu.; Schulze, B.-W. 4 1999 An existence theorem for a nonlinear time-optimization problem. Zbl 0989.49005 Vakhrameev, S. A. 4 1999 A method for constructing Lyapunov functionals. Zbl 0983.93062 Kolmanovskij, V. B.; Kosareva, N. P.; Shajkhet, L. E. 3 1999 Stabilization of solutions of a certain quasilinear system of equations with a weakly monotone nonlinearity. Zbl 0976.35054 Zlotnik, A. A. 3 1999 Embeddability of nonlinear discrete equations with variable structure in linear systems. Zbl 0990.93067 Borukhov, V. T.; Gaishun, I. V. 3 1999 Determination of the boundary condition of the basis of a finite set of eigenvalues. Zbl 0983.34007 Akhtyamov, A. M. 3 1999 Dynamic reconstruction of controls for a differential equation with memory. Zbl 1064.49502 Vasil’eva, E. V.; Maksimov, V. I. 3 1999 Immunity zones of controlled dynamical systems. Zbl 0973.93003 Butenina, N. N. 3 1999 A finite element method for fourth-order quasilinear degenerating elliptic equations. Zbl 0937.65115 Karchevskij, M. M.; Lyashko, A. D.; Timerbaev, M. R. 3 1999 Ordinal characteristics of existence properties of strong linear finite-dimensional differential models. Zbl 0935.93022 Daneev, A. V.; Rusanov, V. A. 3 1999 Stability of operator-difference schemes. Zbl 0938.65113 Samarskij, A. A.; Vabishchevich, P. N.; Gulin, A. V. 3 1999 Singular solutions of some boundary value problems and singular integral equations. Zbl 1064.45500 Lifanov, I. K.; Setukha, A. V. 3 1999 Limit theorems in the theory of periodic solutions of linear and quasilinear systems of difference equations. Zbl 0976.39007 Samoilenko, A. M.; Teplinskii, Yu. V. 3 1999 The mixed problem for the Laplace equation in a three-dimensional multiply connected domain. Zbl 1018.35019 Krutitskii, P. A. 3 1999 Unique solvability for some classes of nonlinear regular and singularly perturbed boundary value problems. Zbl 0981.34012 Konyaev, Yu. A. 3 1999 On the reduction principle for functional-differential equations of the neutral type. Zbl 0984.34062 Klevchuk, I. I. 3 1999 Lower estimate for the minimal exponent of a three-dimensional system. Zbl 0981.34033 Sergeev, I. N. 2 1999 Boundary equations with discontinuous dihedral group in problems in diffraction on solids of revolution. Zbl 1064.78509 Zakharov, E. V.; Safronov, S. I.; Tarasov, R. P. 2 1999 Essentially unstable solutions of finite-difference equations in a Banach space. Zbl 0968.39006 Slyusarchuk, V. E. 2 1999 Estimates of solutions of the Cauchy problem with an arbitrary-order initial jump for linear singularity perturbed integro-differential equations. Zbl 0963.45504 Kasymov, K. A.; Dauylbaev, M. K. 2 1999 An \(L_p\)-estimate, \(1\leq p\leq 2\), of the difference of spectral functions and regularized trace formulas for powers of the Laplace operator on a triangle or a square. Zbl 1158.35395 Dubrovskii, V. V.; Puzankova, E. A. 2 1999 The dynamic problem of elasticity in velocities-stresses. Zbl 0948.74025 Konovalov, A. N. 2 1999 On some finite-difference analogs of invariant first-order hyperbolic systems. Zbl 0938.65146 Sushch, V. N. 2 1999 Justification of the averaging principle for many-frequency systems of delay differential equations. Zbl 0945.34030 Bigun, Ya. I.; Samoilenko, A. M. 2 1999 The existence of a linear Pfaff system with disconnected lower characteristic set of positive measure. Zbl 0936.35035 Izobov, N. A.; Platonov, A. S. 2 1999 The rotation method and singular numbers of three-dimensional systems. Zbl 0994.34038 Sergeev, I. N. 2 1999 On third-order linear equations. Zbl 1020.34004 Lukashevich, N. A. 2 1999 On the condition number of the matrix of a linear algebraic system approximating a singular integral equation with a Cauchy kernel. Zbl 0979.65120 Sheshko, M. A.; Shulyaev, D. S.; Rasol’ko, G. A.; Mastyanitsa, V. S. 2 1999 A Moiseev mean value formula for even-order differential operators with nonsmooth coefficients. Zbl 0991.47032 Lomov, I. S. 2 1999 Regular zeros of a quadratic mapping and local controllability of nonlinear systems. Zbl 1064.93500 Arutyunov, A. V.; Rozova, V. N. 2 1999 The asymptotic behavior of linear systems with variable parameters and aftereffect. Zbl 0976.39006 Kolmanovskii, V. B.; Kosareva, N. P. 2 1999 Duality of nonlinear dynamical systems and synthesis of observers. Zbl 0976.93009 Krishchenko, A. P.; Tkachev, S. B. 2 1999 Bases occurring in the solution of equations of mixed type. Zbl 0982.35075 Sedletskii, A. M. 2 1999 A mixture of Leray-Schauder and Poincaré-Andronov methods in the problem on periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0972.34006 Filippov, V. V. 1 1999 An inner estimate of the attainability set of a nonlinear controlled object. Zbl 0979.93007 Nikol’skii, M. S. 1 1999 Local dynamics of nonlinear singularly perturbed delay systems. Zbl 0987.34071 Kashchenko, S. A. 1 1999 The method of integral equations in the third boundary value problem of diffraction on a bounded grating over a flat screen. Zbl 0995.78013 Gandel’, Yu. V.; Sidel’nikov, G. L. 1 1999 Reduction of a transmission boundary value problem for generalized analytic functions to an integral equation. Zbl 1013.30030 Piven’, V. F. 1 1999 A boundary-value problem for the Tricomi equation in a special domain. Zbl 0977.35098 Polosin, A. A. 1 1999 The Dirichlet problem for the Gellerstedt equation in an infinite rectangular domain. Zbl 0980.35115 Khachev, M. M. 1 1999 Integral transforms of the theory of mixed-type difference-differential equations. Zbl 0976.35094 Zarubin, A. N. 1 1999 \(L^p\)-properties of solutions to systems of second-order quasidifferential equations and perturbation of their coefficients on sets of positive measure. Zbl 0972.34007 Serebryakov, V. P. 1 1999 The problem of finding a nonlinear coefficient in a system of partial differential equations. Zbl 0967.35149 Denisov, A. M. 1 1999 On the set of solutions of a boundary-value problem for hyperbolic generalized differential equation. Zbl 0973.35204 Vityuk, A. N. 1 1999 Bounded solutions for a class of systems of integral equations arising in models of biological processes. Zbl 0968.45002 Pertsev, N. V. 1 1999 Attractors of controlled systems. Zbl 0980.93059 Bobylev, N. A.; Emel’yanov, S. V.; Korovin, S. K. 1 1999 Robust stabilization of uncertain linear systems. Zbl 0972.93058 Kogan, M. M. 1 1999 Equilibria for noncooperative differential games. Zbl 0987.49023 Smol’yakov, È. R. 1 1999 Regularized traces of a bounded perturbation of an operator with trace class resolvent. Zbl 0986.47015 Sadovnichii, V. A.; Podol’skii, V. E. 1 1999 Strong stability of operator-differential equations and operator-difference schemes. Zbl 0939.65083 Matus, P. P.; Panaiotova, I. N. 1 1999 The Cauchy problem for the extended Fisher-Kolmogorov equation. Zbl 0937.35083 Peletier, L. A.; Pokhozhaev, S. I. 1 1999 Sufficient conditions for the convergence of nonclassical asymptotic expansions for the Sturm-Liouville problem with periodic boundary conditions. Zbl 0947.65094 Bandyrskij, B. I.; Makarov, V. L.; Ukhanev, O. L. 1 1999 Controllability of characteristic vectors of linear nonstationary systems. Zbl 0936.34047 Gaĭshun, I. V. 1 1999 The first higher-order Painlevé equation. Zbl 0939.34075 Gromak, V. I. 1 1999 Orbital normal forms of two-dimensional analytic systems with zero linear part and nonzero quadratic part. Zbl 0944.34031 Detchenya, L. V.; Sadovskij, A. P. 1 1999 How to use nonmonotone Lyapunov functionals to study the boundedness of solutions to delay equations. Zbl 0941.34068 Knyazhishche, L. B. 1 1999 Existence theorems for strong solutions to stochastic differential and generalized differential equations. Zbl 0938.34052 Levakov, A. A. 1 1999 The structure of the controllability set of a linear subcritical system. Zbl 0989.93014 Nikolaev, S. F.; Tonkov, E. L. 1 1999 The stability of difference schemes of the many-component alternating direction method for parabolic equations and systems. Zbl 0936.65108 Abrashin, V. N. 1 1999 The Fourier method in the Cauchy problem and absolutely representing systems of exponentials. I. Zbl 0971.35016 Korobeinik, Yu. F. 1 1999 A remark on the global asymptotic stability theory of phase systems. Zbl 0983.34043 Aisagaliev, S. A.; Aipanov, Sh. A. 1 1999 Development of the spin-coefficient formalism for the integration of equations of bimetric gravitational theories. Zbl 0976.83046 Denisova, I. P. 1 1999 Homogenization of solutions of an elliptic equation with nonlinear absorption in a perforated domain. Zbl 0967.35049 Tuvaev, M. V. 1 1999 A problem with polynomial asymptotic initial data at the point at infinity. Zbl 0990.34009 Kudryavtsev, L. D. 1 1999 Regularized traces of differential operators. The Lidskii-Sadovnichii method. Zbl 0996.34066 Pechentsov, A. S. 1 1999 Positiveness of the operators of continuous and discrete differentiation and integration, which are quite important in fractional calculus and in the theory of equations of mixed-type. Zbl 0948.26004 Nakhushev, A. M. 25 1998 The Hopf bifurcation for a quasilinear parabolic functional-differential equation. Zbl 0963.35018 Skubachevskij, A. L. 25 1998 Blow-up of solutions of a hyperbolic system: The critical case. Zbl 1032.35126 Del Santo, D.; Mitidieri, E. 23 1998 Operators in spaces of measurable functions: The Volterra property and quasinilpotency. Zbl 0958.47014 Sumin, V. I.; Chernov, A. V. 21 1998 On the convergence, uniform with respect to a small parameter, of monotone three-point finite-difference approximations. Zbl 0966.76059 Andreev, V. B.; Kopteva, N. V. 19 1998 On the basis property of sine and cosine systems in a weighted space. Zbl 0952.46010 Moiseev, E. I. 17 1998 Solutions of boundary value problems for a system of elasticity equations and for the biharmonic equation in a half-space. Zbl 1075.74511 Matevosyan, O. A. 15 1998 Solvability of a problem with a nonlocal integral condition for a differential equation in a Banach space. Zbl 1075.34522 Tikhonov, I. V. 14 1998 ...and 738 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 6,862 Authors 78 Llibre, Jaume 56 Ge, Weigao 46 Giné, Jaume 37 Gasull, Armengol 35 Kozhanov, Aleksandr Ivanovich 35 Valls Anglés, Cláudia 33 Shakhmurov, Veli B. 30 Sabitov, Kamil’ Basirovich 26 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 25 Berezansky, Leonid M. 24 Cheban, David Nikolai 23 Braverman, Elena 23 Lesnic, Daniel 23 Turmetov, Batirkhan Khudaybergenovich 22 Agarwal, Ravi P. 22 Yuldashev, Tursun Kamaldinovich 20 Ahmad, Bashir 20 Akhmet, Marat Ubaydulla 20 Glushak, A. 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