Fasciculi Mathematici Short Title: Fasc. Math. Publisher: De Gruyter (Sciendo), Warsaw; Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej, Poznań ISSN: 0044-4413 Online: https://fasciculi-mathematici.put.poznan.pl/fasci_contents.htmhttps://sin.put.poznan.pl/journals/details/journal/fasciculi-mathematici Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; This journal is available open access. Documents Indexed: 810 Publications (since 1969) References Indexed: 80 Publications with 1,392 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 67 (2024) 66 (2023) 65 (2021) 64 (2020) 63 (2020) 62 (2019) 61 (2018) 60 (2018) 59 (2017) 58 (2017) 57 (2016) 56 (2016) 55 (2015) 54 (2015) 53 (2014) 52 (2014) 51 (2013) 50 (2013) 49 (2012) 48 (2012) 47 (2011) 46 (2011) 45 (2010) 44 (2010) 43 (2010) 42 (2009) 41 (2009) 40 (2008) 39 (2008) 38 (2007) 37 (2007) 36 (2005) 35 (2005) 34 (2004) 33 (2002) 32 (2001) 31 (2001) 30 (1999) 29 (1999) 28 (1998) 27 (1997) 26 (1996) 25 (1995) 24 (1994) 23 (1991) 22 (1991) 21 (1990) 20 (1990) 19 (1989) 18 (1988) 17 (1987) 16 (1986) 15 (1985) 14 (1985) 13 (1981) 12 (1980) 11 (1979) 10 (1978) 9 (1975) 8 (1974) 7 (1973) 6 (1972) 5 (1970) 4 (1969) all top 5 Authors 18 Popenda, Jerzy Ryszard 16 Noiri, Takashi 16 Pachpatte, Baburao Govindrao 16 Popa, Valeriu 15 Rempulska, Lucyna 14 Werbowski, Jaroslaw 13 Waszak, Aleksander 12 Bobrowski, Dobiesław A. 12 Tripathy, Binod Chandra 11 Jafari, Saeid 11 Morchało, Jarosław 9 Koroński, Jan 9 Rajesh, Neelamegarajan 8 Cheng, Sui Sun 8 Iwińska, Maria 8 Stoiński, Stanisław 7 Barański, Feliks 7 Firlej, Barbara 7 Górzeńska, Maria 7 Hącia, Lechosław 7 Szafrański, Zdzisław 7 Szmanda, Błażej 7 Wyrwinska, Aleksandra 6 Foltyńska, Izabela 6 Grzesiak, Maciej 6 Kubiaczyk, Ireneusz 6 Kumar, Devendra 6 Leśniewicz, Maria 6 Marlewski, Adam 6 Migda, Małgorzata 6 Subramanian, Nagarajan 5 Agarwal, Ravi P. 5 Andres, Jan 5 Deshpande, Bhavana 5 Dragomir, Sever Silvestru 5 Hussain, Sabir 5 Kashuri, Artion 5 Liskowski, Marian 5 Matkowski, Janusz 5 Mikołajski, Jarosław 5 Musielak, Julian 5 Tal-Figiel, Barbara 5 Tuyen, Luong Quoc 4 Al-Omari, Ahmad Abdullah 4 Anastassiou, George Angelos 4 Bobula, Eugeniusz 4 Byszewski, Ludwik 4 Cueva, Miguel Caldas 4 Diblík, Josef 4 Futak, Jan 4 Gupta, Vijay 4 Korczak, Jadwiga 4 Kumar, Sanjay 4 Liko, Rozana 4 Liu, Yuji 4 Mamrilla, Dušan 4 Mogbademu, Adesanmi Alao 4 Olatinwo, Memudu Olaposi 4 Padhi, Seshadev 4 Ratajczak, Zbigniew 4 Rzepecki, Bogdan 4 Sarma, Bipul 4 Schmeidel, Ewa L. 4 Sharma, Sushil 4 Taberski, Roman 4 Tripathy, Arun Kumar 4 Yalcinkaya, Ibrahim 3 Akewe, Hudson 3 Akkouchi, Mohamed 3 Benchohra, Mouffak 3 Çinar, Cengiz 3 de Malafosse, Bruno 3 Elsayed, Elsayed Mohammed 3 Gewert, Marian 3 Godziewski, Andrzej 3 Gronek, Tomasz 3 Kováčik, Ondrej 3 Kulenović, Mustafa R. S. 3 Linttner, Małgorzata 3 Maćkowiak-Łybacka, Krystyna 3 Mihalíková, Božena 3 Misra, Uma Kanta 3 Musielak, Ryszard 3 Narang, Tulsi Das 3 Noorani, Mohd Salmi Mohd 3 Ntouyas, Sotiris K. 3 Olaleru, Johnson O. 3 Patriciu, Alina-Mihaela 3 Pych-Taberska, Paulina 3 Raj, Kuldip 3 Rath, Radhanath N. 3 Rosas, Ennis R. 3 Rydzewska, Barbara 3 Skorupka, Mariola 3 Šoltés, Vincent 3 Špániková, Eva 3 Srivastava, Girja Shanker 3 Taşdelen, Fatma 3 Thandapani, Ethiraju 3 Zhang, Binggen ...and 597 more Authors all top 5 Fields 150 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 134 General topology (54-XX) 102 Functional analysis (46-XX) 96 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 91 Operator theory (47-XX) 70 Real functions (26-XX) 63 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 62 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 48 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 42 Integral equations (45-XX) 41 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 31 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 26 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 25 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 15 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 13 Combinatorics (05-XX) 12 Statistics (62-XX) 11 Number theory (11-XX) 9 Special functions (33-XX) 8 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 7 Potential theory (31-XX) 7 Differential geometry (53-XX) 6 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 5 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 265 Publications have been cited 991 times in 894 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Lyapunov inequalities for differential and difference equations. Zbl 0753.34017 Cheng, Sui-Sung 68 1991 Statistical convergence of sequences of sets. Zbl 1287.40004 Nuray, Fatih; Rhoades, B. E. 61 2012 On Ostrowski type inequalities. Zbl 1352.26003 Agarwal, Ravi P.; Luo, Min-Jie; Raina, R. K. 46 2016 Oscillation criteria and comparison theorems for delay difference equations. Zbl 0830.39005 Zhang, Bing-Gen; Cheng, Sui Sun 22 1995 A fixed point result for \(\varphi\)-contractions on \(b\)-metric spaces without the boundedness assumption. Zbl 1196.54079 Păcurar, Mădălina 20 2010 Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities with applications. Zbl 1386.26029 Khan, M. Adil; Ali, Tahir; Khan, Tahir Ullah 15 2017 Approximation des fonctions par des intégrales singulieres ordinaires. Zbl 0293.42007 Rydzewska, Barbara 15 1973 A generalization of some convergence results using a Jungck-Noor three-step iteration process in arbitrary Banach space. Zbl 1177.47078 Olatinwo, Memudu Olaposi 14 2008 Generalized weighted Ostrowski, trapezoid and Grüss type inequalities on time scales. Zbl 1395.26005 El-Deeb, A. A.; Elsennary, H. A.; Nwaeze, Eze R. 14 2018 On the solutions of a rational system of difference equations. Zbl 1260.39012 Elsayed, Elsayed M. 13 2010 On convergence of convolution type singular integral operators depending on two parameters. Zbl 1136.41007 Karsli, Harun; Ibikli, Ertan 13 2007 Oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of fourth order nonlinear delay difference equations. Zbl 1009.39007 Graef, John R.; Thandapani, E. 12 2001 The semi normed space defined by a double gai sequence of modulus function. Zbl 1261.46004 Subramanian, Nagarajan; Misra, Umakanta 12 2010 Global asymptotic stability of a system of two nonlinear difference equations. Zbl 1207.39024 Yalcinkaya, İbrahim; Çinar, Cengiz 12 2010 On asymptotically periodic solutions of linear discrete Volterra equations. Zbl 1210.39009 Győri, István; Reynolds, David W. 11 2010 Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of nonlinear delay difference equations. Zbl 0990.39006 Migda, Małgorzata 10 2001 Oscillation and nonoscillation criteria for second order linear difference equations. Zbl 0999.39006 Řehák, Pavel 10 2001 On the dynamics of the difference equation \(x_{n+1}=\frac{ax_{n-k}}{b+cx^p_n}\). Zbl 1186.39030 Yalçinkaya, İbrahim; Çinar, Cengiz 10 2009 Some new classes of generalized Hermite-based Apostol-Euler and Apostol-Genocchi polynomials. Zbl 1337.05006 Pathan, M. A.; Khan, Waseem A. 9 2015 Distributive pseudo BE-algebras. Zbl 1333.06064 Borzooei, R. A.; Borumand Saeid, A.; Rezaei, A.; Radfar, A.; Ameri, R. 9 2015 On the strong convergence in some sequence spaces. Zbl 1032.46007 Waszak, Aleksander 9 2002 On regulated functions. Zbl 1418.46006 Cichoń, Kinga; Cichoń, Mieczysław; Satco, Bianca 9 2018 A new class of Laguerre-based generalized Apostol polynomials. Zbl 1403.11012 Khan, N. U.; Usman, T. 9 2016 On Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for functions whose first derivative absolute values are convex and concave. Zbl 1368.26027 Qaisar, Shahid; Hussain, Sabir 8 2017 Some fixed point theorems using \(wt\)-distance in \(b\)-metric spaces. Zbl 1329.54049 Mohanta, Sushanta Kumar 8 2015 An eigenvalue problem for linear Hamiltonian dynamic systems. Zbl 1096.39017 Bohner, Martin; Hilscher, Roman 8 2005 Fixed point theorems in complete \(G\)-metric space. Zbl 1237.54064 Vats, R. K.; Kumar, S.; Sihag, V. 8 2011 A note on \(q\)-calculus. Zbl 1338.30009 Ezeafulukwe, Uzoamaka A.; Darus, Maslina 7 2015 Approximation des fonctions de deux variables par des intégrales singulieres doubles. Zbl 0303.41036 Rydzewska, Barbara 7 1974 On the solution of recursive sequence of order two. Zbl 1166.39004 Elsayed, Elsayed Mohammed 7 2008 \(R\)-weakly commuting maps in \(G\)-metric spaces. Zbl 1237.54055 Manro, S.; Kumar, S.; Bhatia, S. S. 7 2011 Parabolic equations in generalized Sobolev spaces \(W^{k,p(x)}\). Zbl 0840.35040 Kováčik, Ondrej 6 1995 Approximation of growth numbers of generalized bi-axially symmetric potentials. Zbl 1211.35100 Kumar, Devendra 6 2005 On two-point boundary value problem for an integro-differential equation of second order. Zbl 0363.45005 Morchalo, Jaroslaw 6 1975 On some classes of difference double sequence spaces. Zbl 1177.46008 Tripathy, Binod C.; Sarma, Bipul 6 2009 Boundedness of solutions of nonlinear three-dimensional difference systems with delays. Zbl 1210.39008 Schmeidel, Ewa 6 2010 Common fixed point theorems for hybrid pairs of mappings with some weaker conditions in 2-metric spaces. Zbl 1229.54052 Deshpande, Bhavana; Chouhan, Suresh 6 2011 Multiplication operators on Cesàro-Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1355.47017 Raj, Kuldip; Sharma, Charu; Pandoh, Suruchi 6 2016 Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for \(MT_m\)-preinvex functions. Zbl 1369.26002 Kashuri, Artion; Liko, Rozana 5 2017 Multiple-poly-Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind associated with Hermite polynomials. Zbl 1420.11045 Khan, Waseem A.; Ghayasuddin, M.; Shadab, M. 5 2017 Controllability of nonlinear integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions. Zbl 1031.93024 Benchohra, M.; Ntouyas, S. K. 5 2001 Rate of convergence on Baskakov-Szasz operators. Zbl 0986.41014 Gupta, Prabhakar; Gupta, Vijay 5 2001 The delta-nabla calculus of variations. Zbl 1213.49024 Malinowska, Agnieszka; Torres, Delfim F. M. 5 2010 The rate of convergence by a new type of Meyer-König and Zeller operators. Zbl 1073.41020 Gupta, Vijay; Abel, Ulrich 5 2004 The convergence of Jungck-type iterative schemes for generalized contractive-like operators. Zbl 1272.47084 Olaleru, Johnson O.; Akewe, Hudson 5 2010 On \(\alpha\)-generated fuzzy topologies. Zbl 0735.54005 Kerre, E. E.; Ottoy, P. L. 5 1990 On Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for \(s\)-convex mappings via fractional integrals of a function with respect to another function. Zbl 1354.26022 Budak, Hüseyin; Sarikaya, Mehmet Z. 5 2016 Oscillations of fourth order quasilinear difference equations. Zbl 1130.39011 Thandapani, Ethiraju; Selvaraj, Bothniah 5 2007 Oscillation and asymptotic behaviour of solutions of second order neutral differential equations with positive and negative coefficients. Zbl 1145.34036 Padhi, Seshadev 5 2007 Common fixed points for four maps in ordered partial metric spaces. Zbl 1275.54027 Aydi, Hassen 5 2012 Approximation by \(q\)-Szász-Mirakyan-Baskakov operators. Zbl 1259.41023 Gupta, V.; Aral, A.; Ozhavzali, M. 5 2012 On a new type Bernstein-Stancu operators. Zbl 1259.41027 Taşdelen, F.; Başcanbaz-Tunca, G.; Erençin, A. 5 2012 Inequalities of Jensen type for \(\varphi\)-convex functions. Zbl 1342.26048 Dragomir, S. S. 4 2015 Growth of meromorphic solutions of finite logarithmic order of linear difference equations. Zbl 1331.39002 Belaïdi, Benharrat 4 2015 Growth estimates of composite entire functions in the light of slowly changing functions based relative order, relative type and relative weak type. Zbl 1327.30033 Datta, S. K.; Biswas, T.; Bhattacharyya, Sarmila 4 2015 On the dynamics of the recursive sequence \(x_{n+1}=\frac{\alpha x_{n+1}}{\beta+\gamma \sum^t_{k=1}x^p_{n-2k}\prod^t_{k=1}x^q_{n-2k}}\). Zbl 1296.39006 Erdogan, M. Emre; Cinar, Cengiz 4 2013 On the qualitative study of the nonlinear difference equation \(x_{n+1}=\frac{\alpha x_{n-\sigma}}{\beta+\gamma x^ p_{n-\tau}}\). Zbl 1296.39007 Zayed, E. M. E.; El-Moneam, M. A. 4 2013 Generalized altering distances and fixed point for occasionally hybrid mappings. Zbl 1355.54052 Marzouki, B.; El Haddouchi, A. 4 2016 Total limited packing in graphs. Zbl 1351.05170 Hosseini Moghaddam, S. M.; Mojdeh, D. A.; Samadi, B. 4 2016 Some fixed point theorems for mappings satisfying contractive condition of integral type on \(d\)-complete topological spaces. Zbl 1184.54039 Altun, Ishak; Turkoglu, Duran 4 2009 Patterns of boundedness of the rational system \(x_{n+1}=\frac{\alpha_1+\beta_1x_n}{A_2+C_1y_n}\) and \(y_{n+1}=\frac{\alpha_2+\beta_2x_n+\gamma_2y_n}{A_2+B_2x_n+C_2y_n}\). Zbl 1208.39011 Camouzis, E.; Drymonis, E.; Ladas, G. 4 2010 On the structure of the set of solutions of the weighted Cauchy problem for evolution singular functional-differential equations. Zbl 0906.34049 Kiguradze, Ivan; Sokhadze, Zaza 4 1998 Existence of a nonoscillatory solution to a linear neutral delay equation. Zbl 0995.34062 Kulenović, M. R. S.; Hadžiomerspahić, S. 4 2001 Discrete Wirtinger’s inequalities and conditions for partial difference equations. Zbl 0751.39002 Cheng, Sui-Sung; Lu, Reuih-Fen 4 1991 On the bounds for mean-values of solutions to certain third-order nonlinear differential equations. Zbl 1127.34019 Afuwape, A. U.; Adesina, O. A. 4 2005 Uniformly continuous composition operator in the space of \(\varphi\)-variation functions in the sense of Riesz. Zbl 1196.26015 Acosta, A.; Aziz, W.; Matkowski, J.; Merentes, N. 4 2010 On the discrete analogy of Gronwall lemma. Zbl 0458.26008 Popenda, Jerzy; Werbowski, Jaroslaw 4 1979 Comments on the paper “Coincidence theorems for some multivalued mappings” by B. E.Rhoades, S. L.Singh and Chitra Kulshrestha. Zbl 1233.54017 Samet, Bessem; Vetro, Calogero 4 2011 Extended continuous block backward differentiation formula for stiff systems. Zbl 1339.65091 Akinfenwa, O. A.; Jator, S. N. 3 2015 Solvability of sequence spaces equations of the form \({(E_a)}_{\Delta} + F_x = F_b\). Zbl 1352.40003 de Malafosse, Bruno 3 2015 Some classes of ideal convergent difference sequence spaces of fuzzy numbers defined by Orlicz function. Zbl 1325.46007 Hazarika, Bipan 3 2014 Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillation of solutions of a first order forced nonlinear difference equation with several delays. Zbl 1093.39011 Rath, R. N.; Padhy, L. N. 3 2005 Some generalized difference sequence spaces defined by a sequence of Orlicz functions. Zbl 1177.46005 Başarir, Metin; Altundağ, Selma 3 2009 Some properties of multivariate beta operator. Zbl 1176.41029 Başcanbaz-Tunca, Gülen; Tuncer, Yalcin 3 2009 Slightly \(\omega\)-continuous functions. Zbl 1175.54022 Noiri, T.; Al-Omari, A.; Noorani, M. S. M. 3 2009 Noor iterations associated with Zamfirescu mappings in uniformly convex Banach spaces. Zbl 1178.47042 Bosede, Alfred O. 3 2009 Oscillation criteria for third order nonlinear difference equations. Zbl 1186.39012 Grace, S. R.; Agarwal, R. P.; Aktas, M. F. 3 2009 Point-approximation des fonctions par des certaines intégrales singulieres. Zbl 0387.40002 Rydzewska, Barbara 3 1978 Common fixed point theorems for hybrid pairs of mappings with some weaker conditions. Zbl 1152.54368 Sharma, Sushil; Deshpande, Bhavana; Pathak, Rohit 3 2008 On extremally disconnected subspaces. Zbl 0721.54036 Kubiak, Tomasz 3 1990 On globally Lipschitzian Nemytskii operator in a special Banach space of functions. Zbl 0728.39005 Knop, Jadwiga 3 1990 Multiple positive solutions to semipositone Dirichlet boundary value problems with singular dependent nonlinearities. Zbl 1070.34037 Jiang, Daqing; Xu, Xiaojie; O’Regan, Donal; Agarwal, Ravi P. 3 2004 Asymptotic behavior of the solutions of the second order difference equation. Zbl 0646.39001 Drozdowicz, Andrzej; Popenda, Jerzy 3 1987 Some properties of solutions of difference equations. Zbl 0515.39002 Popenda, Jerzy; Schmeidel, Ewa 3 1981 A general boundary value problem for differential equations with growth rate. Zbl 0623.34022 Palamides, P. 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Zbl 0738.39002 Szafrański, Zdzisław; Szmanda, Błażej 3 1990 On the asymptotic behaviour of nonoscillatory solutions of difference equations. Zbl 0463.39001 Popenda, Jerzy; Schmeidel, Ewa 3 1980 On higher order Volterra-Fredholm integrodifferential equation. Zbl 1129.45004 Pachpatte, Baburao G. 3 2007 Oscillation and non-oscillation of neutral difference equations of first order with positive and negative coefficients. Zbl 1130.39008 Rath, Radhanath; Padhy, Laxmi N.; Misra, Niyati 3 2007 The Nörlund space of double entire sequences. Zbl 1207.46011 Subramanian, Nagarajan; Esi, Ayhan 3 2010 Some existence and uniqueness common fixed point theorems for selfmappings in uniform space. Zbl 1145.54325 Olatinwo, Memudu Olaposi 3 2007 On some oscillation criteria for difference equations of second order. Zbl 0463.39004 Szafranski, Zdzislaw 3 1979 On the asymptotic behavior of Pexiderized additive mapping on semigroups. Zbl 1280.39015 Alimohammady, M.; Sadeghi, A. 3 2012 A note on the hyperspace of finite subsets. Zbl 07983986 Tuyen, Luong Quoc; Tuyen, Ong Van 1 2021 Generalized weighted Ostrowski, trapezoid and Grüss type inequalities on time scales. Zbl 1395.26005 El-Deeb, A. A.; Elsennary, H. A.; Nwaeze, Eze R. 14 2018 On regulated functions. Zbl 1418.46006 Cichoń, Kinga; Cichoń, Mieczysław; Satco, Bianca 9 2018 Connected domination polynomial of graphs. Zbl 1394.05090 Mojdeh, D. A.; Emadi, A. S. 3 2018 Some properties of rectifiable spaces. Zbl 1404.54026 Tuyen, Luong Quoc; Van Tuyen, Ong 3 2018 Approximation by Max-product operators. Zbl 1395.41001 Anastassiou, George A. 2 2018 Some common coupled fixed point theorems in \(S_b\)-metric spaces. Zbl 1436.54036 Khomdram, Bulbul; Rohen, Yumnam 2 2018 Opial and Pólya type inequalities via convexity. Zbl 1395.26003 Saker, S. H.; Abdou, D. M.; Kubiaczyk, I. 2 2018 Radius of convexity of sections of a class of close-to-convex functions of order \(\alpha\). Zbl 1397.30011 Banu, B. Usna; Youvaraj, G. P. 1 2018 Pointwise convergence of Fourier-Laguerre series of integrable functions. Zbl 1397.42002 Łenski, Włodzimierz; Szal, Bogdan 1 2018 Remarks on \(\ast\)-\(\sigma,\tau\)-Lie ideals of \(\ast\)-prime rings with derivation. Zbl 1395.16015 Sögütcü, Emine K.; Aydin, Neşet; Gölbaşi, Öznur 1 2018 Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities with applications. Zbl 1386.26029 Khan, M. Adil; Ali, Tahir; Khan, Tahir Ullah 15 2017 On Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for functions whose first derivative absolute values are convex and concave. Zbl 1368.26027 Qaisar, Shahid; Hussain, Sabir 8 2017 Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for \(MT_m\)-preinvex functions. Zbl 1369.26002 Kashuri, Artion; Liko, Rozana 5 2017 Multiple-poly-Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind associated with Hermite polynomials. Zbl 1420.11045 Khan, Waseem A.; Ghayasuddin, M.; Shadab, M. 5 2017 Some fixed point theorems for almost \((\mathrm{GF}, \delta_b)\)-contractions and application. Zbl 1369.54043 Nashine, H. K.; Agarwal, R. P.; Shukla, S.; Gupta, A. 2 2017 Stability and strong convergence results for random Jungck-Kirk-Noor iterative scheme. Zbl 06762726 Rashwan, R. A.; Hammad, H. A. 2 2017 A fixed point theorem for \(\psi_{F}\)-Geraghty contraction on metric-like spaces. Zbl 1380.54023 Özlem, Acar; Ishak, Altun 2 2017 Fixed points of generalized \((\alpha,\psi,\phi)\)-rational contractive mappings in \(\alpha\)-complete metric spaces. Zbl 1378.54042 Babu, G. V. Ravindranadh; Tolera, M. Dula 2 2017 Some results for isotonic functionals via an inequality due to Kittaneh and Manasrah. Zbl 1386.26024 Dragomir, S. S. 1 2017 Integrated and differentiated spaces of triangular fuzzy numbers. Zbl 1383.46007 Kirişci, Murat 1 2017 Some random coupled best proximity points for a generalized \(\omega\)-cyclic contraction in Polish spaces. Zbl 1491.54106 Kongban, C.; Kumam, P. 1 2017 Extension of some results on the (SSIE) and the (SSE) of the form \(F\subset \mathcal{E} + F'_{x}\) and \(\mathcal{E} + F_{x} = F\). Zbl 1387.40002 de Malafosse, Bruno 1 2017 Some new fractional Fejér type inequalities for convex functions. Zbl 1378.26004 Set, Erhan; Mumcu, İlker 1 2017 On Ostrowski type inequalities. Zbl 1352.26003 Agarwal, Ravi P.; Luo, Min-Jie; Raina, R. K. 46 2016 A new class of Laguerre-based generalized Apostol polynomials. Zbl 1403.11012 Khan, N. U.; Usman, T. 9 2016 Multiplication operators on Cesàro-Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1355.47017 Raj, Kuldip; Sharma, Charu; Pandoh, Suruchi 6 2016 On Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for \(s\)-convex mappings via fractional integrals of a function with respect to another function. Zbl 1354.26022 Budak, Hüseyin; Sarikaya, Mehmet Z. 5 2016 Generalized altering distances and fixed point for occasionally hybrid mappings. Zbl 1355.54052 Marzouki, B.; El Haddouchi, A. 4 2016 Total limited packing in graphs. Zbl 1351.05170 Hosseini Moghaddam, S. M.; Mojdeh, D. A.; Samadi, B. 4 2016 Common fixed point of Jungck-Kirk-type iterations for non-self operators in normed linear spaces. Zbl 1381.47044 Akewe, Hudson; Mogbademu, Adesanmi 2 2016 Entire and meromorphic solutions of linear difference equations. Zbl 1352.39001 Dyavanal, Renukadevi S.; Mathai, Madhura M. 2 2016 Ulam-Hyers stability theorem by tripled fixed point theorem. Zbl 1352.15019 Gupta, Animesh 2 2016 New stability results of Picard iteration for contractive type mappings. Zbl 1354.54047 Timiş, Ioana 2 2016 Improved oscillation criteria for second order nonlinear delay difference equations with non-positive neutral term. Zbl 1386.39021 Thandapani, E.; Selvarangam, S.; Rama, R.; Madhan, M. 2 2016 Uniqueness of differential polynomials of meromorphic functions sharing a small function without counting multiplicity. Zbl 1356.30020 Bui Thi Kieu Oanh; Ngo Thi Thu Thuy 2 2016 Some advances in the theory of quasi-pseudometric type spaces. Zbl 06665514 Gaba, Yaé Ulrich 1 2016 On the number of zeros of a polynomial in a region. Zbl 1356.30004 Kareem, K. A.; Mogbademu, A. A. 1 2016 On Wijsman \(\mathcal{I}_{2}\)-lacunary statistical convergence for double set sequences. Zbl 1370.40005 Kişi, Ömer 1 2016 Some new classes of generalized Hermite-based Apostol-Euler and Apostol-Genocchi polynomials. Zbl 1337.05006 Pathan, M. A.; Khan, Waseem A. 9 2015 Distributive pseudo BE-algebras. Zbl 1333.06064 Borzooei, R. A.; Borumand Saeid, A.; Rezaei, A.; Radfar, A.; Ameri, R. 9 2015 Some fixed point theorems using \(wt\)-distance in \(b\)-metric spaces. Zbl 1329.54049 Mohanta, Sushanta Kumar 8 2015 A note on \(q\)-calculus. Zbl 1338.30009 Ezeafulukwe, Uzoamaka A.; Darus, Maslina 7 2015 Inequalities of Jensen type for \(\varphi\)-convex functions. Zbl 1342.26048 Dragomir, S. S. 4 2015 Growth of meromorphic solutions of finite logarithmic order of linear difference equations. Zbl 1331.39002 Belaïdi, Benharrat 4 2015 Growth estimates of composite entire functions in the light of slowly changing functions based relative order, relative type and relative weak type. Zbl 1327.30033 Datta, S. K.; Biswas, T.; Bhattacharyya, Sarmila 4 2015 Extended continuous block backward differentiation formula for stiff systems. Zbl 1339.65091 Akinfenwa, O. A.; Jator, S. N. 3 2015 Solvability of sequence spaces equations of the form \({(E_a)}_{\Delta} + F_x = F_b\). Zbl 1352.40003 de Malafosse, Bruno 3 2015 On the approximation of functions from \(L^p\) by some special matrix means of Fourier series. Zbl 1339.42003 Kranz, Radosława; Rzepka, Aleksandra 1 2015 Instability in multi delay functional differential equations of fourth-order. Zbl 1342.34097 Tunç, Cemil 1 2015 Some classes of ideal convergent difference sequence spaces of fuzzy numbers defined by Orlicz function. Zbl 1325.46007 Hazarika, Bipan 3 2014 A uniqueness result on meromorphic functions sharing two sets II. Zbl 1331.30018 Banerjee, A.; Majumder, S.; Mukherjee, S. 2 2014 Global behavior of higher order a rational difference equation. Zbl 1327.39001 Elabbasy, E. M.; Eleissawy, S. M. 2 2014 Oscillatory and asymptotic behaviour of fourth order nonlinear neutral delay differential equations with positive and negative coefficients. Zbl 1311.34146 Tripathy, A. K.; Panigrahi, S.; Basu, R. 2 2014 Numerical solution of Hammerstein integral equations in \(L^p\) spaces. Zbl 1312.45007 Nadir, Mostefa; Gagui, Bachir 1 2014 \(a\)-local functions and its properties in ideal topological spaces. Zbl 1327.54007 Al-Omeri, W. F.; Noorani, M. S.; Al-Omari, A. 1 2014 \(\delta\)-local function and its properties in ideal topological spaces. Zbl 1327.54011 Hatir, E.; Al-Omari, A.; Jafari, S. 1 2014 Strong Cesàro summability of triple Fourier integrals. Zbl 1381.40014 Mishra, V. N.; Khatri, K.; Mishra, L. N. 1 2014 On relative order of entire functions of several complex variables. Zbl 1312.32001 Biswas, Arkojyoti 1 2014 Properties of \(ij\)-delta open sets. Zbl 1310.54017 Khedr, F. H. 1 2014 On the dynamics of the recursive sequence \(x_{n+1}=\frac{\alpha x_{n+1}}{\beta+\gamma \sum^t_{k=1}x^p_{n-2k}\prod^t_{k=1}x^q_{n-2k}}\). Zbl 1296.39006 Erdogan, M. Emre; Cinar, Cengiz 4 2013 On the qualitative study of the nonlinear difference equation \(x_{n+1}=\frac{\alpha x_{n-\sigma}}{\beta+\gamma x^ p_{n-\tau}}\). Zbl 1296.39007 Zayed, E. M. E.; El-Moneam, M. A. 4 2013 A note on the modified \(q\)-Genocchi numbers and polynomials with weight \((\alpha, \beta)\). 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E. 61 2012 Common fixed points for four maps in ordered partial metric spaces. Zbl 1275.54027 Aydi, Hassen 5 2012 Approximation by \(q\)-Szász-Mirakyan-Baskakov operators. Zbl 1259.41023 Gupta, V.; Aral, A.; Ozhavzali, M. 5 2012 On a new type Bernstein-Stancu operators. Zbl 1259.41027 Taşdelen, F.; Başcanbaz-Tunca, G.; Erençin, A. 5 2012 On the asymptotic behavior of Pexiderized additive mapping on semigroups. Zbl 1280.39015 Alimohammady, M.; Sadeghi, A. 3 2012 Mean-value theorem for one-sided differentiable functions. Zbl 1259.26003 Wituła, R.; Hetmaniok, E.; Słota, D. 2 2012 Altering distances, fixed point for occasionally hybrid mappings and applications. Zbl 1276.54039 Popa, Valeriu; Patriciu, Alina-Mihaela 1 2012 Growth and approximation errors of entire series having index-pair \((p, q)\). Zbl 1291.30201 Khan, Huzoor H.; Ali, Rifaqat 1 2012 Adapted quadratic approximation for logarithmic Kernel integrals. 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Terceira Série 14 Applied Mathematics Letters 14 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 14 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 13 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 13 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 12 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 12 Journal of Function Spaces 11 Mathematica Slovaca 11 AIMS Mathematics 10 Demonstratio Mathematica 10 Fasciculi Mathematici 10 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 9 Afrika Matematika 8 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 8 Proyecciones 8 Korean Journal of Mathematics 7 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 7 Honam Mathematical Journal 7 Central European Journal of Mathematics 7 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 7 Journal of Mathematics 6 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 6 Results in Mathematics 6 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 6 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. 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