Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II Short Title: Suppl. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) Publisher: Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Palermo ISSN: 1592-9531 Online: Predecessor: Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Comments: Book series; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 367 Publications (1981–2012) References Indexed: 1 Publication with 12 References. all top 5 Latest Volumes 84 (2012) 83 (2011) 82 (2010) 81 (2009) 80 (2008) 79 (2006) 78 (2006) 77 (2006) 76 (2005) 75 (2005) 74 (2004) 73 (2004) 72 (2004) 71 (2003) 70, Part 2 (2002) 70, Part 1 (2002) 69 (2002) 68, Part 2 (2002) 68, Part 1 (2002) 67 (2001) 66 (2001) 65, Part 2 (2000) 65, Part 1 (2000) 64 (2000) 63 (2000) 62 (2000) 61 (1999) 60 (1999) 59 (1999) 58 (1999) 57 (1998) 56 (1998) 55 (1998) 54 (1998) 53 (1998) 52 (1998) 51 (1998) 50 (1997) 49 (1997) 48 (1997) 47 (1997) 46 (1997) 45 (1996) 44 (1996) 43 (1996) 42 (1997) 41 (1996) 40 (1996) 39 (1996) 38 (1995) 37 (1994) 36 (1994) 35 (1994) 34 (1994) 33 (1994) 32 (1994) 31 (1993) 30 (1993) 29 (1992) 28 (1992) 27 (1991) 26 (1991) 25 (1991) 24 (1990) 23 (1990) 22 (1990) 21 (1989) 20 (1988) 19 (1988) 18 (1988) 17 (1988) 16 (1987) 15 (1987) 14 (1987) 13 (1986) 12 (1986) 11 (1985) 10 (1985) 9 (1985) 8 (1985) 7 (1985) 6 (1984) 5-6 (1984) 5 (1984) 4 (1984) 3 (1984) 2 (1982) 1 (1981) all top 5 Authors / Editors 15 Soucek, Vladimir 12 Bureš, Jarolím 9 Slovák, Jan 8 Čadek, Martin 7 Stoka, Marius Ion 6 Frolík, Zdeněk 5 Bottazzini, Umberto 5 Demaria, Davide Carlo 5 Di Maio, Giuseppe 5 Vinarek, Jiri 4 Cagliari, Francesca 4 Caristi, Giuseppe 4 Čerin, Zvonko Tomislav 4 Pultr, Aleš 4 Sommen, Franciscus 3 Brackx, Fred F. 3 Delanghe, Richard 3 Dikranjan, Dikran N. 3 Esposito, Rosa 3 Garbaccio Bogin, Rosanna 3 Guido, Cosimo 3 Maugeri, Antonino 3 Noiri, Takashi 3 Pettineo, Benedetto 3 Popa, Nicolae 3 Voigt, Bernd 3 Vojtáš, Peter 3 Zajíček, Luděk 3 Zappa, Guido 2 Błaszczyk, Aleksander 2 Brandi, Primo 2 Bukovský, Lev 2 Butkovičová, Eva 2 Cowling, Michael G. 2 Eichhorn, Jürgen 2 Floret, Klaus 2 Giuli, Eraldo 2 Grabowski, Janusz 2 Graf, Siegfried 2 Grasselli, Luigi 2 Greco, Antonio Maria 2 Gruber, Peter Manfred 2 Grząślewicz, Ryszard 2 Grzegorek, Edward 2 Kamińska, Anna 2 Kölzow, Dietrich 2 Kříž, Igor 2 Magro, Gaetano 2 Maharam Stone, Dorothy 2 Mantovani, Sandra 2 Mesiar, Radko 2 Naimpally, Somashekhar Amrith 2 Nešetřil, Jaroslav 2 Neumann, Michael M. 2 Nýdl, Václav 2 Parlato, Lucio 2 Pincket, Willy 2 Poénaru, Valentin 2 Poljak, Svatopluk 2 Porter, Timothy 2 Preiss, David 2 Prömel, Hans Jürgen 2 Recski, András 2 Ricci, Fulvio 2 Rionero, Salvatore 2 Rodl, Vojtech 2 Schneider, Rolf G. 2 Soardi, Paolo Maurizio 2 Szymanski, Andrzej A. 2 Taibleson, Mitchell H. 2 Talamo, Rodolfo 2 Tanasi, Corrado 2 Tironi, Gino 2 Tozzi, Anna 2 Watson, William Stephen 2 Weiss, Guido Leopold 2 Winkler, Gerhard 2 Wolak, Robert A. 2 Zacher, Giovanni 1 Aarts, Johannes Michael 1 Aiena, Pietro 1 Akcoglu, Mustafa A. 1 Ali, Syed Twareque 1 Altomare, Francesco 1 Amato, Pancrazio 1 Andrijević, Dimitrije 1 Arendt, Wolfgang 1 Assani, Idris 1 Bagnera, Giuseppe 1 Ballico, Edoardo 1 Bandieri, Paola 1 Bandlow, Ingo 1 Bartík, Vojtěch 1 Bartoszek, Wojciech 1 Basile, Achille 1 Behrends, Ehrhard 1 Bella, Angelo 1 Bellomo, Nicola 1 Bellow, Alexandra 1 Betti, Renato ...and 229 more Authors all top 5 Fields 78 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 76 General topology (54-XX) 68 Functional analysis (46-XX) 44 Differential geometry (53-XX) 31 Operator theory (47-XX) 28 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 23 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 23 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 21 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 21 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 20 Combinatorics (05-XX) 18 Measure and integration (28-XX) 18 Quantum theory (81-XX) 17 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 16 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 14 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 13 History and biography (01-XX) 11 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 11 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 11 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 8 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 8 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 7 Real functions (26-XX) 7 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 6 Potential theory (31-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Number theory (11-XX) 5 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 5 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 152 Publications have been cited 1,113 times in 1,062 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On a fuzzy topological structure. Zbl 0638.54007 Šostak, A. P. 160 1985 &. Zbl 0633.46065 Mulvey, Christopher J. 93 1986 Non-existence theorems for quasilinear partial differential equations. Zbl 0625.35028 Ni, Wei-Ming; Serrin, James 82 1985 Remarques sur un théorème de J. M. Bony. Zbl 0473.35021 Meyer, Yves 72 1981 Weak type estimates for maximal operators on certain \(H^ p \)classes. Zbl 0503.42018 Stein, Elias M.; Taibleson, Mitchell H.; Weiss, Guido 57 1981 On the Fréchet differentiability of distance functions. Zbl 0581.41028 Zajíček, L. 40 1984 Standard moves for standard polyhedra and spines. Zbl 0672.57004 Piergallini, Riccardo 36 1988 On uniform monotonicity of norms and ergodic theorems in function spaces. Zbl 0626.46010 Akcoglu, M. A.; Sucheston, L. 29 1985 Plane elliptic systems and monogenic functions in symmetric domains. Zbl 0564.30036 Sommen, F. 27 1984 Some convexity properties of Musielak-Orlicz spaces of Bochner type. Zbl 0609.46015 Kamińska, A. 19 1985 Epimorphisms and cowellpoweredness of epireflective subcategories of TOP. Zbl 0588.54017 Dikranjan, D.; Giuli, E. 16 1984 Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes and parallelizability of Grassmann manifolds. Zbl 0566.57012 Bartík, Vojtěch; Korbaš, Július 13 1984 On some convexity properties of Musielak-Orlicz spaces. Zbl 0573.46015 Kamińska, Anna 13 1984 An approach to uncertainty using algebras over a monoidal closed category. Zbl 0633.18002 Cerruti, Umberto; Höhle, Ulrich 13 1986 Always of the first category sets. Zbl 0571.54025 Grzegorek, E. 12 1984 Remarks on metrizable locales. Zbl 0565.54001 Pultr, Aleš 12 1984 Some remarks on the Littlewood-Paley theory. Zbl 0506.42022 Cordoba, Antonio 12 1981 Pettis integration. Zbl 0649.46040 Musiał, Kazimierz 11 1985 s-numbers of diagonal operators and Besov embeddings. Zbl 0611.47015 Linde, Rainer 11 1985 On Littlewood-Paley-Stein theory. Zbl 0472.42012 Cowling, Michael G. 11 1981 On Fréchet spaces. Zbl 0678.54017 Gerlits, J.; Nagy, Zs. 10 1988 Global existence uniqueness and stability of the nonlinear Boltzmann equation with almost general gas-particles interaction potential. Zbl 0642.76093 Toscani, G.; Bellomo, N. 10 1985 On Hilbert-Schmidt spaces. Zbl 0503.46014 Jarchow, Hans 10 1982 Properties of \(\alpha\)-compact spaces. Zbl 0648.54019 Noiri, Takashi; Di Maio, Giuseppe 9 1988 Self-dual magnetic monopoles and generalizations of holomorphic functions. Zbl 0573.32030 Nahm, W. 9 1984 Always of the first category sets. II. Zbl 0615.54023 Grzegorek, E. 9 1985 On the theorems of Vitali-Hahn-Saks, Dieudonné and Nikodým. Zbl 0624.28005 Candeloro, Domenico 9 1985 Plane waves, biregular functions and hypercomplex Fourier analysis. Zbl 0597.30059 Sommen, F. 8 1985 On the computation of some quantities in the theory of Fredholm operators. Zbl 0599.47023 Weis, L. W. 7 1984 Weak and strong forms of irresolute functions. Zbl 0663.54010 Di Maio, Giuseppe; Noiri, Takashi 7 1988 Stronger estimates of smallness of sets of Fréchet nondifferentiabiliy of convex functions. Zbl 0547.46026 Preiss, D.; Zajíček, L. 7 1984 Disconnectednesses and closure operators. Zbl 0637.54012 Cagliari, F.; Cicchese, M. 7 1985 Locally uniformly \(non\)-\(\ell _ n^ 1\) Orlicz spaces. Zbl 0615.46027 Hudzik, H. 7 1985 Twisted convolution, Hardy spaces and Hoermander multipliers. Zbl 0472.43006 Mauceri, Giancarlo; Picardello, Massimo A.; Ricci, Fulvio 7 1981 Non-existence of global solutions of \(\square u=(\partial /\partial t)F(u_ t)\) in two and three space dimensions. Zbl 0649.35060 John, Fritz 6 1985 Some applications of tiny sequences. Zbl 0549.54003 Szymański, Andrzej 6 1984 US-spaces and closure operators. Zbl 0599.54016 Tozzi, Anna 6 1986 On disconnectedness in subcategories of a topological category and related topics. Zbl 0615.54011 Cagliari, Francesca; Mantovani, Sandra 6 1986 A remark on twisted convolution. Zbl 0472.43007 Cowling, Michael G. 6 1981 Wijsman convergence for function spaces. Zbl 0649.54008 Naimpally, S. A. 5 1988 Baire subspaces of \(c_ 0(\Gamma)\) have dense \(G_{\delta}\)-metrizable subsets. Zbl 0652.54022 Dimov, G. 5 1988 Cauchy-Kowalewski theorems in Clifford analysis: A survey. Zbl 0546.30036 Brackx, F.; Delanghe, R.; Sommen, F. 5 1984 On commutativity of interpolation with intersection. Zbl 0616.41001 Maligranda, Lech 5 1985 Bilinear mappings and operator ideals. Zbl 0621.47043 Braunß, A.; Junek, H. 5 1985 Canonical ordering theorems, a first attempt. Zbl 0521.06003 Nešetřil, Jaroslav; Prömel, H. J.; Rödl, Vojtěch; Voigt, B. 5 1982 Gateaux differentiable Lipschitz functions need not be Frechet differentiable on a residual subset. Zbl 0518.46032 Preiss, David 5 1982 The geometry of Banach spaces with the Radon-Nikodým property. Zbl 0601.46017 van Dulst, D. 4 1985 On homogeneous tree-like continua. Zbl 0654.54023 Krupski, Paweł 4 1988 Classes of spaces defined by an epireflector. Zbl 0655.54009 Stramaccia, L. 4 1988 Horizontal maps with homogeneity condition. Zbl 0543.53029 Szilasi, József 4 1984 A remark on monoidal closed structures on Top. Zbl 0637.18004 Pedicchio, M. C.; Rossi, F. 4 1985 On transverse structures of foliations. Zbl 0595.57023 Wolak, Robert A. 4 1985 \(\epsilon\)-approximate solutions for hereditary nonlinear partial differential equations. Zbl 0627.65121 Brandi, Primo; Ceppitelli, Rita 4 1985 Selected results on measurable selections. Zbl 0509.28007 Graf, Siegfried 4 1982 Edge-coloured graphs and associated groups. Zbl 0595.57004 Grasselli, Luigi 3 1986 Homeomorphisms of \({\mathbb{Q}}\) and the orbit classification of flows. Zbl 0677.54030 Aarts, J. M.; Frolík, Z. 3 1988 Subsets of \(\beta\) N without an infimum in Rudin-Frolík order. Zbl 0547.54003 Butkovičová, Eva 3 1984 Homotopy and homology in pretopological spaces. Zbl 0548.55012 Demaria, Davide Carlo; Bogin, Rosanna Garbaccio 3 1984 A common generalization of binomial coefficients, Stirling numbers and Gaussian coefficients. Zbl 0558.05003 Voigt, B. 3 1984 Regular neighbourhoods of homotopically PL embedded compacta in 3- manifolds. Zbl 0649.57020 Repovš, Dušan 3 1988 Minimalizable topological groups. Zbl 0558.22001 Dikranjan, Dikran 3 1984 A field equation defined by a Hurwitz pair. Zbl 0613.35066 Kalina, Jerzy; Ławrynowicz, Julian; Suzuki, Osamu 3 1985 Lins-Mandel 3-manifolds and their groups: A simple proof of the homology sphere conjecture. Zbl 0644.57004 Cavicchioli, Alberto 3 1988 Kac-Moody algebras: An introduction for physicists. Zbl 0593.17013 Olive, David I. 3 1985 Infinite dimensional Lie algebras: Representations and applications. Zbl 0593.17014 Goddard, P. 3 1985 Stability results for variational inequalities and applications to traffic equilibrium problem. Zbl 0618.90032 Maugeri, A. 3 1985 Products of locally connected locales. Zbl 0638.54001 Kříž, Igor; Pultr, Aleš 3 1985 Studies in the history of modern mathematics, I. Zbl 0794.00009 3 1994 Note on orthocomplemented posets. II. Zbl 0535.06003 Flachsmeyer, Jürgen 3 1982 Representation theorems for harmonic functions in mixed norm spaces on the half-plane. Zbl 0483.31001 Ricci, Fulvio; Taibleson, Mitchell 3 1981 Interpolation theorems for rearrangement invariant p-spaces of functions, \(0<p<1\), and some applications. Zbl 0523.46020 Popa, Nicolae 3 1982 Sixty questions on regular not paracompact spaces. Zbl 0533.54011 Watson, W. Stephen 3 1984 The precompactness-lemma. Zbl 0599.46005 Floret, Klaus 2 1982 On centers and state spaces of logics. Zbl 0544.03034 Pták, Pavel 2 1984 On generalized Cauchy Riemann equations on manifolds. Zbl 0575.32028 Bureš, Jarolím; Souček, Vladimír 2 1984 Works. Edited by Guido Zappa and Giovanni Zacher. (Opere.) Zbl 0933.01029 Bagnera, Giuseppe 2 1999 Works. Ed. by Guido Zappa and Giovanni Zacher. (Opere. A cura de Guido Zappa and Giovanni Zacher.) Zbl 0874.01011 Cipolla, Michele 2 1997 Open cover of a metric space admits \(\ell_{\infty}\)-partition of unity. Zbl 0537.54019 Fried, Jan 2 1984 A generalization of an Ekeland-Lebourg theorem and the differentiability of distance functions. Zbl 0547.46027 Zajíček, L. 2 1984 Local convexity of twisted sums. Zbl 0554.46002 Domański, Pawel 2 1984 On \(\nabla\)-G-Foliations. Zbl 0567.57022 Wolak, Robert A. 2 1984 Extreme points in spaces of operators and vector-valued measures. Zbl 0579.47048 Werner, Dirk 2 1984 Algebra e geometria (1860-1940): il contributo italiano, Cortona, Italy, 4-8 may 1992. Zbl 0801.00021 2 1994 Closed tilings of Euclidean spaces. Zbl 0618.52009 Stone, A. H. 2 1985 Truncation and density for non-negative sequences. Zbl 0628.28003 Maharam, Dorothy 2 1985 Characterizing crystallizations among Lins-Mandel 4-coloured graphs. Zbl 0644.57003 Casali, Maria Rita; Grasselli, Luigi 2 1988 Introduction to the geometry and topology of Yang-Mills fields. (Introduzione alla geometria e alla topologia dei campi di Yang-Mills). Zbl 0598.57001 Poénaru, V.; Tanasi, C. 2 1986 Existence, semicontinuity and representation for the integrals of the calculus of variations. The BV case. Zbl 0613.49030 Brandi, Primo; Salvadori, Anna 2 1985 Topological properties of the set of global solutions for a class of semilinear evolution equations in a Banach space. Zbl 0627.47028 Morales, Pedro 2 1985 Molecular decompositions in \(H^ p-\)theory. Zbl 0477.42012 Chao, J.-A.; Gilbert, J. E.; Tomas, P. A. 2 1981 On two problems of mice. Zbl 0507.68027 Pultr, A.; Ulehla, J. 2 1982 Canonical partition theorems for finite distributive lattices. Zbl 0521.06006 Proemel, H. J.; Voigt, B. 2 1982 On norm attaining operators acting from \(L^ 1(\mu)\) to C(S). Zbl 0533.47025 Iwanik, A. 2 1982 Complex interpolation of subspaces of Banach spaces. Zbl 0473.46049 Rochberg, Richard; Weiss, Guido 2 1981 On the asymptotic behaviour of generalized Bessel functions. Zbl 0512.33011 Clerc, Jean-Louis 2 1981 \(L_ 2\)-Kohomologie und Approximationen des Laplaceoperators. \((L_ 2\)- cohomology and approximation of the Laplace operator). Zbl 0583.58003 Eichhorn, Jürgen 1 1984 Topological structures and injectivity. Zbl 0589.54018 Herrlich, Horst 1 1986 Bitopological H-closedness and S-closedness. Zbl 0591.54025 Di Maio, Giuseppe 1 1986 On classes of completions of a metric space. Zbl 0602.54032 Amato, Pancrazio 1 1986 Factorizations in topological categories and related topics. Zbl 0673.18003 Cagliari, Francesca; Mantovani, Sandra 1 1988 Nonlinear hyperbolic fields and waves. A tribute to Guy Boillat. Zbl 1089.35008 1 2006 Works. Edited by Guido Zappa and Giovanni Zacher. (Opere.) Zbl 0933.01029 Bagnera, Giuseppe 2 1999 Works. Ed. by Guido Zappa and Giovanni Zacher. (Opere. A cura de Guido Zappa and Giovanni Zacher.) Zbl 0874.01011 Cipolla, Michele 2 1997 Studies in the history of modern mathematics, I. Zbl 0794.00009 3 1994 Algebra e geometria (1860-1940): il contributo italiano, Cortona, Italy, 4-8 may 1992. Zbl 0801.00021 2 1994 Works. Ed. by C. Ciliberto and E. Sernesi. (Opere. A cura di C. Ciliberto e E. Sernesi.) Zbl 0745.14001 de Franchis, Michele 1 1991 Standard moves for standard polyhedra and spines. Zbl 0672.57004 Piergallini, Riccardo 36 1988 On Fréchet spaces. Zbl 0678.54017 Gerlits, J.; Nagy, Zs. 10 1988 Properties of \(\alpha\)-compact spaces. Zbl 0648.54019 Noiri, Takashi; Di Maio, Giuseppe 9 1988 Weak and strong forms of irresolute functions. Zbl 0663.54010 Di Maio, Giuseppe; Noiri, Takashi 7 1988 Wijsman convergence for function spaces. Zbl 0649.54008 Naimpally, S. A. 5 1988 Baire subspaces of \(c_ 0(\Gamma)\) have dense \(G_{\delta}\)-metrizable subsets. Zbl 0652.54022 Dimov, G. 5 1988 On homogeneous tree-like continua. Zbl 0654.54023 Krupski, Paweł 4 1988 Classes of spaces defined by an epireflector. Zbl 0655.54009 Stramaccia, L. 4 1988 Homeomorphisms of \({\mathbb{Q}}\) and the orbit classification of flows. Zbl 0677.54030 Aarts, J. M.; Frolík, Z. 3 1988 Regular neighbourhoods of homotopically PL embedded compacta in 3- manifolds. Zbl 0649.57020 Repovš, Dušan 3 1988 Lins-Mandel 3-manifolds and their groups: A simple proof of the homology sphere conjecture. Zbl 0644.57004 Cavicchioli, Alberto 3 1988 Characterizing crystallizations among Lins-Mandel 4-coloured graphs. Zbl 0644.57003 Casali, Maria Rita; Grasselli, Luigi 2 1988 Factorizations in topological categories and related topics. Zbl 0673.18003 Cagliari, Francesca; Mantovani, Sandra 1 1988 The topology of quasi uniform convergence on the set C(Y,Z) of continuous maps. Zbl 0656.54010 Papadopoulos, Basil K. 1 1988 On the continuity of bijections of \({\mathbb{R}}^ n\). Zbl 0644.57007 Laback, Otto 1 1988 A generalization of Hopf’s classification theorem. Zbl 0668.54020 Preuß, Gerhard 1 1988 30th anniversary of the foundation of Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Zbl 0667.01024 1 1988 &. Zbl 0633.46065 Mulvey, Christopher J. 93 1986 An approach to uncertainty using algebras over a monoidal closed category. Zbl 0633.18002 Cerruti, Umberto; Höhle, Ulrich 13 1986 US-spaces and closure operators. Zbl 0599.54016 Tozzi, Anna 6 1986 On disconnectedness in subcategories of a topological category and related topics. Zbl 0615.54011 Cagliari, Francesca; Mantovani, Sandra 6 1986 Edge-coloured graphs and associated groups. Zbl 0595.57004 Grasselli, Luigi 3 1986 Introduction to the geometry and topology of Yang-Mills fields. (Introduzione alla geometria e alla topologia dei campi di Yang-Mills). Zbl 0598.57001 Poénaru, V.; Tanasi, C. 2 1986 Topological structures and injectivity. Zbl 0589.54018 Herrlich, Horst 1 1986 Bitopological H-closedness and S-closedness. Zbl 0591.54025 Di Maio, Giuseppe 1 1986 On classes of completions of a metric space. Zbl 0602.54032 Amato, Pancrazio 1 1986 A categorical approach to topological and ordered algebra. Zbl 0594.18002 Porst, Hans-E. 1 1986 Homotopy of polyhedra and regular homotopy of digraphs. Zbl 0606.55011 Burzio, M.; Demaria, D. C. 1 1986 Epimorphisms and co-well-poweredness of epireflective subcategories of TOP. Zbl 0615.54010 Giuli, Eraldo 1 1986 On a fuzzy topological structure. Zbl 0638.54007 Šostak, A. P. 160 1985 Non-existence theorems for quasilinear partial differential equations. Zbl 0625.35028 Ni, Wei-Ming; Serrin, James 82 1985 On uniform monotonicity of norms and ergodic theorems in function spaces. Zbl 0626.46010 Akcoglu, M. A.; Sucheston, L. 29 1985 Some convexity properties of Musielak-Orlicz spaces of Bochner type. Zbl 0609.46015 Kamińska, A. 19 1985 Pettis integration. Zbl 0649.46040 Musiał, Kazimierz 11 1985 s-numbers of diagonal operators and Besov embeddings. Zbl 0611.47015 Linde, Rainer 11 1985 Global existence uniqueness and stability of the nonlinear Boltzmann equation with almost general gas-particles interaction potential. Zbl 0642.76093 Toscani, G.; Bellomo, N. 10 1985 Always of the first category sets. II. Zbl 0615.54023 Grzegorek, E. 9 1985 On the theorems of Vitali-Hahn-Saks, Dieudonné and Nikodým. Zbl 0624.28005 Candeloro, Domenico 9 1985 Plane waves, biregular functions and hypercomplex Fourier analysis. Zbl 0597.30059 Sommen, F. 8 1985 Disconnectednesses and closure operators. Zbl 0637.54012 Cagliari, F.; Cicchese, M. 7 1985 Locally uniformly \(non\)-\(\ell _ n^ 1\) Orlicz spaces. Zbl 0615.46027 Hudzik, H. 7 1985 Non-existence of global solutions of \(\square u=(\partial /\partial t)F(u_ t)\) in two and three space dimensions. Zbl 0649.35060 John, Fritz 6 1985 On commutativity of interpolation with intersection. Zbl 0616.41001 Maligranda, Lech 5 1985 Bilinear mappings and operator ideals. Zbl 0621.47043 Braunß, A.; Junek, H. 5 1985 The geometry of Banach spaces with the Radon-Nikodým property. Zbl 0601.46017 van Dulst, D. 4 1985 A remark on monoidal closed structures on Top. Zbl 0637.18004 Pedicchio, M. C.; Rossi, F. 4 1985 On transverse structures of foliations. Zbl 0595.57023 Wolak, Robert A. 4 1985 \(\epsilon\)-approximate solutions for hereditary nonlinear partial differential equations. Zbl 0627.65121 Brandi, Primo; Ceppitelli, Rita 4 1985 A field equation defined by a Hurwitz pair. Zbl 0613.35066 Kalina, Jerzy; Ławrynowicz, Julian; Suzuki, Osamu 3 1985 Kac-Moody algebras: An introduction for physicists. Zbl 0593.17013 Olive, David I. 3 1985 Infinite dimensional Lie algebras: Representations and applications. Zbl 0593.17014 Goddard, P. 3 1985 Stability results for variational inequalities and applications to traffic equilibrium problem. Zbl 0618.90032 Maugeri, A. 3 1985 Products of locally connected locales. Zbl 0638.54001 Kříž, Igor; Pultr, Aleš 3 1985 Closed tilings of Euclidean spaces. Zbl 0618.52009 Stone, A. H. 2 1985 Truncation and density for non-negative sequences. Zbl 0628.28003 Maharam, Dorothy 2 1985 Existence, semicontinuity and representation for the integrals of the calculus of variations. The BV case. Zbl 0613.49030 Brandi, Primo; Salvadori, Anna 2 1985 Topological properties of the set of global solutions for a class of semilinear evolution equations in a Banach space. Zbl 0627.47028 Morales, Pedro 2 1985 Characterizations of the countable infinite product of rationals and some related problems. Zbl 0642.54033 van Engelen, Fons 1 1985 Extensions of cyclically monotone mappings. Zbl 0647.90071 Pelant, Jan; Poljak, Svatopluk 1 1985 Yang-Mills-Theorie über offenen Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten. (Yang- Mills theory on open Riemannian manifolds). Zbl 0661.53031 Eichhorn, Jürgen 1 1985 A new proof of the Giering theorem. Zbl 0614.52002 Volčič, A. 1 1985 Kaluza-Klein theories. Zbl 0615.53073 Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne 1 1985 Compactness of trajectories of dynamical systems in complete uniform spaces. Zbl 0615.54029 Bartoszek, Wojciech; Downarowicz, Tomasz 1 1985 Stability theorems for the Feynman integral. Zbl 0617.58013 Johnson, G. W.; Skoug, D. L. 1 1985 Strict inductive and projective limits, twisted spaces and quojections. Zbl 0619.46067 Moscatelli, Vincenzo Bruno 1 1985 On shape groups and Čech homology groups of a compact space. Zbl 0637.55007 Demaria, Davide Carlo; Garbaccio Bogin, Rosanna 1 1985 Les débuts de la topologie algébrique. (The beginnings of algebraic topology). Zbl 0611.01008 Dieudonné, J. 1 1985 The Radon transform - some recent results. Zbl 0615.44003 Kölzow, D. 1 1985 On an approximation problem by trigonometric polynomials. Zbl 0622.42002 Gotusso, L.; Roux, D. 1 1985 Determinism and martingale decompositions of strictly stationary random processes. Zbl 0617.60033 Volný, Dalibor 1 1985 Periodic solutions of a wave equation with strong nonlinearity. Zbl 0635.35060 Cesari, L.; Kannan, R. 1 1985 Products and measurable cardinals. Zbl 0635.54010 Szymański, Andrzej 1 1985 On the Fréchet differentiability of distance functions. Zbl 0581.41028 Zajíček, L. 40 1984 Plane elliptic systems and monogenic functions in symmetric domains. Zbl 0564.30036 Sommen, F. 27 1984 Epimorphisms and cowellpoweredness of epireflective subcategories of TOP. Zbl 0588.54017 Dikranjan, D.; Giuli, E. 16 1984 Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes and parallelizability of Grassmann manifolds. Zbl 0566.57012 Bartík, Vojtěch; Korbaš, Július 13 1984 On some convexity properties of Musielak-Orlicz spaces. Zbl 0573.46015 Kamińska, Anna 13 1984 Always of the first category sets. Zbl 0571.54025 Grzegorek, E. 12 1984 Remarks on metrizable locales. Zbl 0565.54001 Pultr, Aleš 12 1984 Self-dual magnetic monopoles and generalizations of holomorphic functions. Zbl 0573.32030 Nahm, W. 9 1984 On the computation of some quantities in the theory of Fredholm operators. Zbl 0599.47023 Weis, L. W. 7 1984 Stronger estimates of smallness of sets of Fréchet nondifferentiabiliy of convex functions. Zbl 0547.46026 Preiss, D.; Zajíček, L. 7 1984 Some applications of tiny sequences. Zbl 0549.54003 Szymański, Andrzej 6 1984 Cauchy-Kowalewski theorems in Clifford analysis: A survey. Zbl 0546.30036 Brackx, F.; Delanghe, R.; Sommen, F. 5 1984 Horizontal maps with homogeneity condition. Zbl 0543.53029 Szilasi, József 4 1984 Subsets of \(\beta\) N without an infimum in Rudin-Frolík order. Zbl 0547.54003 Butkovičová, Eva 3 1984 Homotopy and homology in pretopological spaces. Zbl 0548.55012 Demaria, Davide Carlo; Bogin, Rosanna Garbaccio 3 1984 A common generalization of binomial coefficients, Stirling numbers and Gaussian coefficients. Zbl 0558.05003 Voigt, B. 3 1984 Minimalizable topological groups. Zbl 0558.22001 Dikranjan, Dikran 3 1984 Sixty questions on regular not paracompact spaces. Zbl 0533.54011 Watson, W. Stephen 3 1984 On centers and state spaces of logics. Zbl 0544.03034 Pták, Pavel 2 1984 On generalized Cauchy Riemann equations on manifolds. Zbl 0575.32028 Bureš, Jarolím; Souček, Vladimír 2 1984 Open cover of a metric space admits \(\ell_{\infty}\)-partition of unity. Zbl 0537.54019 Fried, Jan 2 1984 A generalization of an Ekeland-Lebourg theorem and the differentiability of distance functions. Zbl 0547.46027 Zajíček, L. 2 1984 ...and 52 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,185 Authors 25 Hudzik, Henryk 17 Llibre, Jaume 15 Sommen, Franciscus 14 Ghareeb, A. 14 Shi, Fu-Gui 13 Šostak, Alexander P. 12 Abbas, Salah El-Deen 12 Demirci, Mustafa 11 Fang, Jinming 10 Yue, Yueli 9 Cui, Yunan 9 Pang, Bin 9 Yan, Conghua 8 Kamińska, Anna 8 Peña Peña, Dixan 8 Zhang, Xiang 7 Boccuto, Antonio 7 Han, Shengwei 7 Korbaš, Július 7 Noiri, Takashi 7 Valls Anglés, Cláudia 7 Zhao, Bin 6 Abreu-Blaya, Ricardo 6 Allalou, Chakir 6 Aygün, Halis 6 Bory Reyes, Juan 6 Colzani, Leonardo 6 Dikranjan, Dikran N. 6 El Ouaarabi, Mohamed 6 El-Saady, Kamal 6 Fan, Dashan 6 Höhle, Ulrich 6 Hong, Sunggeum 6 Kim, Yong Chan 6 Melliani, Said 6 Rump, Wolfgang 6 Yang, Dachun 6 Zakrzewski, Piotr 6 Zhang, Dexue 5 Abd El-Latif, Ahmed Aref 5 Afrouzi, Ghasem Alizadeh 5 Bernicot, Frédéric 5 Cagliari, Francesca 5 Ekmekçi, Ramazan 5 Giuli, Eraldo 5 Gutiérrez García, Javier 5 Jordan, Francis 5 Kaczmarek, Radosław 5 Kolwicz, Paweł 5 Müller, Detlef 5 Paseka, Jan 5 Płuciennik, Ryszard 5 Ramadan, Ahmed Abd El-Kader 5 Resende, Pedro 5 Sayed, Osama Rashed 5 Voigt, Bernd 5 Weisz, Ferenc 5 Zhang, Xia 4 Abd-Allah, Mohammed Azab 4 Abul-ez, M. A. 4 Ahmida, Youssef 4 Alazard, Thomas 4 Benedetti, Riccardo 4 Borceux, Francis 4 Burq, Nicolas 4 Candeloro, Domenico 4 Casali, Maria Rita 4 Castellini, Gabriele 4 Çetkin, Vildan 4 Ciungu, Lavinia Corina 4 Colombo, Fabrizio 4 Dimitriou, Xenofon 4 Dube, Themba Andrew 4 Filippucci, Roberta 4 Franca, Matteo 4 García-Huidobro, Marta 4 Jafari, Saeid 4 Jarchow, Hans 4 Kucharski, Andrzej 4 Mantovani, Sandra 4 Morando, Alessandro 4 Musial, Kazimierz 4 Naibo, Virginia 4 Omari, Pierpaolo 4 Popa, Valeriu 4 Sabadini, Irene 4 Stein, Elias Menachem 4 Tholen, Walter 4 Vadivel, Appachi 4 Weiss, Tomasz 4 Youssfi, Ahmed 4 Zahran, Ahmed M. 4 Zhao, Fayou 4 Zuily, Claude 3 Amendola, Gennaro 3 Azzollini, Antonio 3 Beer, Gerald Alan 3 Brackx, Fred F. 3 Brandi, Primo 3 Chen, Jiecheng ...and 1,085 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 279 Journals 83 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 48 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 43 Topology and its Applications 24 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 23 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 21 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 20 Journal of Functional Analysis 20 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 19 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 18 Journal of Differential Equations 17 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 15 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 13 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 11 Mathematische Annalen 11 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 10 Mathematica Slovaca 10 Mathematische Zeitschrift 9 Advances in Mathematics 9 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 8 Communications in Mathematical Physics 8 Discrete Mathematics 8 Israel Journal of Mathematics 8 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 8 Archiv der Mathematik 8 Information Sciences 8 Journal of Approximation Theory 8 Mathematische Nachrichten 7 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 7 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 7 Filomat 7 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 7 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 6 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 6 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 6 Algebra Universalis 6 Duke Mathematical Journal 6 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 6 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 6 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 6 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 6 Applied Categorical Structures 6 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 5 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 5 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 5 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 5 Arkiv för Matematik 5 Kybernetika 5 Quaestiones Mathematicae 5 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 5 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 5 Aequationes Mathematicae 5 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 5 Soft Computing 5 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 5 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 5 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 5 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 5 Open Mathematics 4 Reports on Mathematical Physics 4 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 4 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 4 Theoretical Computer Science 4 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Série V. Mathématiques 4 Historia Mathematica 4 Journal of Convex Analysis 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis 4 Positivity 4 Journal of High Energy Physics 4 Central European Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 3 Communications in Algebra 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 3 Fundamenta Mathematicae 3 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 3 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 3 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 3 Results in Mathematics 3 Semigroup Forum 3 European Journal of Combinatorics 3 Journal of Complexity 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 3 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 3 Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica 3 Geometry & Topology 3 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 3 Computational Methods and Function Theory 3 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 3 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 3 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 3 Boundary Value Problems 3 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 3 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 3 Advances in Fuzzy Systems ...and 179 more Journals all top 5 Cited in 62 Fields 287 General topology (54-XX) 198 Functional analysis (46-XX) 168 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 114 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 102 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 100 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 91 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 88 Operator theory (47-XX) 64 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 49 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 47 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 35 Measure and integration (28-XX) 31 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 30 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 28 Differential geometry (53-XX) 21 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 21 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 21 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 21 Quantum theory (81-XX) 20 Real functions (26-XX) 19 Combinatorics (05-XX) 19 Computer science (68-XX) 18 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 18 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 15 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 15 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 15 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 13 History and biography (01-XX) 12 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 11 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 10 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 9 Number theory (11-XX) 9 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 8 Special functions (33-XX) 8 Integral equations (45-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 7 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 7 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 6 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year