Indiana University Mathematics Journal Short Title: Indiana Univ. Math. J. Publisher: Indiana University, Department of Mathematics, Bloomington, IN ISSN: 0022-2518 Online: Predecessor: Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; Partly indexed as: Math. J., Indiana Univ. Documents Indexed: 3,878 Publications (since 1970) References Indexed: 492 Publications with 15,408 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 73, No. 6 (2024) 73, No. 5 (2024) 73, No. 4 (2024) 73, No. 3 (2024) 73, No. 2 (2024) 73, No. 1 (2024) 72, No. 6 (2023) 72, No. 5 (2023) 72, No. 4 (2023) 72, No. 3 (2023) 72, No. 2 (2023) 72, No. 1 (2023) 71, No. 6 (2022) 71, No. 5 (2022) 71, No. 4 (2022) 71, No. 3 (2022) 71, No. 2 (2022) 71, No. 1 (2022) 70, No. 6 (2021) 70, No. 5 (2021) 70, No. 4 (2021) 70, No. 3 (2021) 70, No. 2 (2021) 70, No. 1 (2021) 69, No. 7 (2020) 69, No. 6 (2020) 69, No. 5 (2020) 69, No. 4 (2020) 69, No. 3 (2020) 69, No. 2 (2020) 69, No. 1 (2020) 68, No. 6 (2019) 68, No. 5 (2019) 68, No. 4 (2019) 68, No. 3 (2019) 68, No. 2 (2019) 68, No. 1 (2019) 67, No. 6 (2018) 67, No. 5 (2018) 67, No. 4 (2018) 67, No. 3 (2018) 67, No. 2 (2018) 67, No. 1 (2018) 66, No. 6 (2017) 66, No. 5 (2017) 66, No. 4 (2017) 66, No. 3 (2017) 66, No. 2 (2017) 66, No. 1 (2017) 65, No. 6 (2016) 65, No. 5 (2016) 65, No. 4 (2016) 65, No. 3 (2016) 65, No. 2 (2016) 65, No. 1 (2016) 64, No. 6 (2015) 64, No. 5 (2015) 64, No. 4 (2015) 64, No. 3 (2015) 64, No. 2 (2015) 64, No. 1 (2015) 63, No. 6 (2014) 63, No. 5 (2014) 63, No. 4 (2014) 63, No. 3 (2014) 63, No. 2 (2014) 63, No. 1 (2014) 62, No. 6 (2013) 62, No. 5 (2013) 62, No. 4 (2013) 62, No. 3 (2013) 62, No. 2 (2013) 62, No. 1 (2013) 61, No. 6 (2012) 61, No. 5 (2012) 61, No. 4 (2012) 61, No. 3 (2012) 61, No. 2 (2012) 61, No. 1 (2012) 60, No. 6 (2011) 60, No. 5 (2011) 60, No. 4 (2011) 60, No. 3 (2011) 60, No. 2 (2011) 60, No. 1 (2011) 59, No. 6 (2010) 59, No. 5 (2010) 59, No. 4 (2010) 59, No. 3 (2010) 59, No. 2 (2010) 59, No. 1 (2010) 58, No. 6 (2009) 58, No. 5 (2009) 58, No. 4 (2009) 58, No. 3 (2009) 58, No. 2 (2009) 58, No. 1 (2009) 57, No. 7 (2008) 57, No. 6 (2008) 57, No. 5 (2008) ...and 117 more Volumes all top 5 Authors 34 Friedman, Avner 21 Caffarelli, Luis Ángel 18 Foiaș, Ciprian 15 Herrero, Domingo Antonio 13 Strichartz, Robert Stephen 11 Evans, Lawrence Craig 11 Ishii, Hitoshi 11 Kozono, Hideo 11 Radjavi, Heydar 10 Bedford, Eric 10 Souganidis, Panagiotis E. 9 Bañuelos, Rodrigo 9 Helton, John William 9 Kukavica, Igor 9 Nordgren, Eric A. 9 Pearcy, Carl Mark Jr. 8 Adams, David Randolph 8 Berger, Melvyn S. 8 Constantin, Peter 8 Douglas, Ronald George 8 Garofalo, Nicola 8 Hill, C. Denson 8 Pata, Vittorino 8 Paulsen, Vern Ival 8 Shen, Zhongwei 8 Wei, Juncheng 8 Wheeden, Richard Lee 7 Ahern, Patrick B. 7 Bercovici, Hari 7 Church, Philip T. 7 Davidson, Kenneth Ralph 7 DiBenedetto, Emmanuele 7 Giga, Yoshikazu 7 Pérez, Carlos 7 Raeburn, Iain 7 Ross, William T. 7 Rudin, Walter 7 Salinas, Norberto 7 Saut, Jean-Claude 7 Schechter, Martin 7 Smith, Larry 7 Temam, Roger Meyer 7 Vazquez, Juan Luis 7 Volberg, Alexander Lvovich 7 Williams, Dana P. 6 Apostol, Constantin Gelu 6 Barbu, Viorel 6 Bressan, Alberto 6 Curto, Raúl Enrique 6 Dancer, Edward Norman 6 Devinatz, Allen 6 Duong, Xuan Thinh 6 Dym, Harry 6 Fabes, Eugene B. 6 Fonseca, Irene 6 Fu, Joseph Howland Guthrie 6 Gohberg, Israel 6 Grujić, Zoran 6 Hadwin, Donald W. 6 Izzo, Alexander John 6 Jenkins, James Allister 6 Koskela, Pekka 6 Li, Ji 6 Lieberman, Gary M. 6 Lions, Pierre-Louis 6 Ni, Wei-Ming 6 Noussair, Ezzat S. 6 Olsen, Lars Ole Ronnow 6 Peller, Vladimir Vsevolodovich 6 Rakotoson, Jean-Michel 6 Rauch, Jeffrey B. 6 Rochberg, Richard 6 Rosenthal, Peter 6 Spronk, Nico 6 Thomson, James E. 6 Titi, Edriss Saleh 6 Vega, Luis 6 Weissler, Fred B. 6 Werner, Elisabeth M. 6 Wogen, Warren R. 6 Wu, Jiahong 6 Wu, Peiyuan 6 Wulcan, Elizabeth 6 Ye, Deping 6 Zumbrun, Kevin R. 5 Aleman, Alexandru 5 Amann, Herbert 5 Barles, Guy 5 Chen, Bang-Yen 5 Cianchi, Andrea 5 Cima, Joseph A. 5 Cohn, William S. 5 Danielli, Donatella 5 Del Pino, Manuel A. 5 Dong, Hongjie 5 Donnelly, Harold 5 Edgar, Gerald Arthur 5 Effros, Edward George 5 Evans, John W. 5 Feireisl, Eduard ...and 4,145 more Authors all top 5 Fields 1,235 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 669 Operator theory (47-XX) 633 Functional analysis (46-XX) 411 Differential geometry (53-XX) 334 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 267 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 261 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 258 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 221 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 209 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 168 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 165 Measure and integration (28-XX) 161 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 146 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 143 Potential theory (31-XX) 102 Real functions (26-XX) 88 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 75 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 73 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 72 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 67 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 63 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 57 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 51 Number theory (11-XX) 51 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 50 Integral equations (45-XX) 48 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 47 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 44 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 41 General topology (54-XX) 33 Quantum theory (81-XX) 31 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 30 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 28 Combinatorics (05-XX) 27 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 23 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 23 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 23 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 22 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 21 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 19 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 16 Special functions (33-XX) 14 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 13 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 12 Geophysics (86-XX) 10 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 10 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 10 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 9 History and biography (01-XX) 9 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 9 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 8 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 7 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 7 Geometry (51-XX) 5 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 3,432 Publications have been cited 62,711 times in 48,994 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Fractals and self similarity. Zbl 0598.28011 Hutchinson, John E. 1,882 1981 A sharp form of an inequality by Trudinger. Zbl 0203.43701 Moser, Jürgen 528 1971 Persistence and smoothness of invariant manifolds for flows. Zbl 0246.58015 Fenichel, Neil 511 1971 Some function-theoretic properties of complete Riemannian manifold and their applications to geometry. Zbl 0335.53041 Yau, Shing-Tung 436 1976 Multiple positive fixed points of nonlinear operators on ordered Banach spaces. Zbl 0421.47033 Leggett, Richard W.; Williams, Lynn R. 429 1979 Monotone methods in nonlinear elliptic and parabolic boundary value problems. Zbl 0223.35038 Sattinger, David H. 406 1972 A sharp form of an inequality by Trudinger. Zbl 0213.13001 Moser, Jürgen 405 1971 Oscillatory integrals and regularity of dispersive equations. Zbl 0738.35022 Kenig, Carlos E.; Ponce, Gustavo; Vega, Luis 400 1991 Positive polynomials on compact semi-algebraic sets. Zbl 0796.12002 Putinar, Mihai 374 1993 Blow-up of positive solutions of semilinear heat equations. Zbl 0576.35068 Friedman, Avner; McLeod, Bryce 369 1985 Decomposition of Besov spaces. Zbl 0551.46018 Frazier, Michael; Jawerth, Björn 319 1985 Local existence and nonexistence for semilinear parabolic equations in \(L^p\). Zbl 0443.35034 Weissler, Fred B. 283 1980 A general variational identity. Zbl 0625.35027 Pucci, Patrizia; Serrin, James 268 1986 Equilibration in a fully parabolic two-species chemotaxis system with competitive kinetics. Zbl 1345.35117 Bai, Xueli; Winkler, Michael 257 2016 Positively invariant regions for systems of nonlinear diffusion equations. Zbl 0368.35040 Chueh, K. N.; Conley, C. C.; Smoller, J. A. 245 1977 Monotonicity properties of variational integrals, \(A_ p\) weights and unique continuation. Zbl 0678.35015 Garofalo, Nicola; Lin, Fang-Hua 236 1986 Blowup, compactness and partial regularity in the calculus of variations. Zbl 0626.49007 Evans, L. C.; Gariepy, R. F. 222 1987 A variant of the Lusternik-Schnirelman theory. Zbl 0228.58006 Clark, David C. 222 1972 On the elliptic equation \(\Delta(u) + K(x)u^{(n+2)/(n-2)}=0\), its generalizations, and applications in geometry. Zbl 0496.35036 Ni, Wei-Ming 221 1982 A sharp Trudinger-Moser type inequality for unbounded domains in \(\mathbb R^n\). Zbl 1157.35032 Li, Yuxiang; Ruf, Bernhard 218 2008 The Navier-Stokes equations: On the existence, regularity and decay of solutions. Zbl 0494.35077 Heywood, John G. 216 1980 Blow-up analysis for solutions of \(-\Delta u = V e^ u\) in dimension two. Zbl 0842.35011 Li, YanYan; Shafrir, Itai 211 1994 Multi-dimensional diffusion waves for the Navier-Stokes equations of compressible flow. Zbl 0842.35076 Hoff, David; Zumbrun, Kevin 206 1995 Differential games and representation formulas for solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equations. Zbl 1169.91317 Evans, L. C.; Souganidis, P. E. 204 1984 Characterizing blowup using similarity variables. Zbl 0601.35052 Giga, Yoshikazu; Kohn, Robert V. 202 1987 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of global attractors for semigroups and applications. Zbl 1028.37047 Ma, Qingfeng; Wang, Shouhong; Zhong, Chengkui 198 2002 A note on commutators. Zbl 0523.42015 Chanillo, S. 191 1982 Free convolution of measures with unbounded support. Zbl 0806.46070 Bercovici, Hari; Voiculescu, Dan 188 1993 Integration operators on Bergman spaces. Zbl 0951.47039 Aleman, Alexandru; Siskakis, Aristomenis G. 188 1997 A nonlinear Dirichlet problem on the unit ball and its applications. Zbl 0515.35033 Ni, Wei-Ming 184 1982 Continuity of weak solutions to a general porous medium equation. Zbl 0526.35042 DiBenedetto, Emmanuele 180 1983 Regularity of the derivatives of solutions to certain degenerate elliptic equations. Zbl 0554.35048 Lewis, John L. 180 1983 Boundary behavior of nonnegative solutions of elliptic operators in divergence form. Zbl 0512.35038 Caffarelli, L.; Fabes, E.; Mortola, S.; Salsa, S. 178 1981 The Boltzmann equation in the whole space. Zbl 1065.35090 Guo, Yan 167 2004 On the existence of value functions of two-player, zero-sum stochastic differential games. Zbl 0686.90049 Fleming, W. H.; Souganidis, P. E. 165 1989 Asymptotic stability with rate conditions. Zbl 0284.58008 Fenichel, Neil 163 1974 Non-uniqueness for a semilinear initial value problem. Zbl 0465.35049 Haraux, Alain; Weissler, Fred B. 161 1982 Hölder estimates for solutions of integro-differential equations like the fractional Laplace. Zbl 1101.45004 Silvestre, Luis 158 2006 Exponential decay of solutions to hyperbolic equations in bounded domains. Zbl 0281.35012 Rauch, Jeffrey; Taylor, Michael 155 1974 Applications of the Hessian operator in a Riemannian manifold. Zbl 0391.53019 Reilly, Robert C. 153 1977 An ODE approach to the existence of positive solutions for semilinear problems in \(R^ n\). Zbl 0522.35036 Berestycki, Henri; Lions, Pierre-Louis; Peletier, L. A. 152 1981 Direction of vorticity and the problem of global regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0837.35113 Constantin, Peter; Fefferman, Charles 147 1993 Characterization of the Besov spaces via the commutator operator of Coifman, Rochberg and Weiss. Zbl 0838.42006 Paluszyński, M. 146 1995 Shock waves and blow-up phenomena for the periodic Degasperis-Procesi equation. Zbl 1124.35041 Escher, Joachim; Liu, Yue; Yin, Zhaoyang 145 2007 Generalized characteristics and the structure of solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws. Zbl 0377.35051 Dafermos, C. M. 145 1977 A real variable lemma and the continuity of paths of some Gaussian processes. Zbl 0252.60020 Garsia, A. M.; Rodemich, E.; Rumsey, H. jun. 144 1970 Asymptotic \(L^1\)-decay of solutions of the porous medium equation to self-similarity. Zbl 0963.35098 Carrillo, J. A.; Toscani, G. 142 2000 Extension theorems for BMO. Zbl 0432.42017 Jones, Peter W. 141 1980 Regularity criteria for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1159.35053 Cao, Chongsheng; Titi, Edriss S. 139 2008 Variable Hardy spaces. Zbl 1311.42053 Cruz-Uribe, David; Wang, Daniel 138 2014 The parameterization method for invariant manifolds. I: Manifolds associated to non-resonant subspaces. Zbl 1034.37016 Cabré, Xavier; Fontich, Ernest; De La Llave, Rafael 136 2003 Pointwise semigroup methods and stability of viscous shock waves. Zbl 0928.35018 Zumbrun, Kevin; Howard, Peter 134 1998 Uniqueness of solutions to hyperbolic conservation laws. Zbl 0409.35057 Diperna, Ronald J. 134 1979 A positive solution for a nonlinear Schrödinger equation on \(\mathbb R^N\). Zbl 1143.35321 Jeanjean, Louis; Tanaka, Kazunaga 134 2005 On some existence theorems for semi-linear elliptic equations. Zbl 0391.35030 Amann, Herbert; Crandall, Michael G. 134 1978 On the critical dissipative quasi-geostrophic equation. Zbl 0989.86004 Constantin, Peter; Cordoba, Diego; Wu, Jiahong 133 2001 The continuous dependence on phi of solutions of \(u_ t-\)Deltaphi(u)=0. Zbl 0482.35012 Benilan, Philippe; Crandall, Michael G. 132 1981 Uniqueness of ground states for quasilinear elliptic equations. Zbl 0979.35049 Serrin, James; Tang, Moxun 132 2000 On the structure of solutions of non-linear eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0276.47051 Dancer, E. N. 131 1974 Sharp constant in a Sobolev trace inequality. Zbl 0666.35014 Escobar, Jose F. 130 1988 A sharp embedding theorem for Orlicz-Sobolev spaces. Zbl 0860.46022 Cianchi, Andrea 129 1996 Maximal operator and weighted norm inequalities for multilinear singular integrals. Zbl 1033.42010 Grafakos, Loukas; Torres, Rodolfo H. 129 2002 Nerve axon equations. IV: The stable and the unstable impulse. Zbl 0317.92006 Evans, John W. 128 1975 A class of fully nonlinear elliptic equations and related functionals. Zbl 0805.35036 Wang, Xu-Jia 126 1994 Projections on spaces of holomorphic functions in balls. Zbl 0297.47041 Forelli, Frank; Rudin, Walter 126 1974 Bounded mean oscillation with Orlicz norms and duality of Hardy spaces. Zbl 0429.46016 Strömberg, Jan-Olov 125 1979 Global weak solutions for a shallow water equation. Zbl 0930.35133 Constantin, Adrian; Escher, Joachim 124 1998 The number of solutions of a nonlinear two point boundary value problem. Zbl 0215.14602 Laetsch, Theodore 124 1970 An application of the generalized Morse index to travelling wave solutions of a competitive reaction-diffusion model. Zbl 0565.58016 Conley, C.; Gardner, R. 124 1984 The Lebesgue set of a function whose distribution derivatives are \(p\)-th power summable. Zbl 0238.28015 Federer, Herbert; Ziemer, William P. 123 1972 Asymptotic stability with rate conditions. II. Zbl 0365.58012 Fenichel, Neil 122 1977 Local nondeterminism and local times of Gaussian processes. Zbl 0264.60024 Berman, Simeon M. 121 1973 Hopf algebras and Galois extensions of an algebra. Zbl 0451.16005 Kreimer, H. F.; Takeuchi, M. 120 1981 Solutions of the porous medium equation in \({\mathbb{R}}^ N\) under optimal conditions on initial values. Zbl 0552.35045 Bénilan, Phillipe; Crandall, Michael G.; Pierre, Michel 119 1984 Spectral properties of an acoustic boundary condition. Zbl 0325.35060 Beale, J. Thomas 119 1976 Compact operators via the Berezin transform. Zbl 0914.47029 Axler, Sheldon; Zheng, Dechao 114 1998 Comparison principle and convexity preserving properties for singular degenerate parabolic equations on unbounded domains. Zbl 0836.35009 Giga, Y.; Goto, S.; Ishii, H.; Sato, M.-H. 113 1991 Sobolev inequalities in disguise. Zbl 0857.26006 Bakry, D.; Coulhon, T.; Ledoux, M.; Saloff-Coste, L. 110 1995 Existence and nonexistence results for semilinear equations on the Heisenberg group. Zbl 0793.35037 Garofalo, Nicola; Lanconelli, Ermanno 110 1992 On the global well-posedness of the Boussinesq system with zero viscosity. Zbl 1178.35303 Hmidi, Taoufik; Keraani, Sahbi 109 2009 Best constants for Moser-Trudinger inequalities on the Heisenberg group. Zbl 1019.43009 Cohn, William S.; Lu, Guozhen 109 2001 Convex functions of a measure and applications. Zbl 0581.46036 Demengel, F.; Temam, R. 107 1984 Nonlinear potential analysis on Morrey spaces and their capacities. Zbl 1100.31009 Adams, David R.; Xiao, Jie 105 2004 Convex solutions to nonlinear elliptic and parabolic boundary value problems. Zbl 0481.35024 Korevaar, Nicholas J. 104 1983 Two weighted inequalities for potential and fractional type maximal operators. Zbl 0809.42007 Pérez, Carlos 103 1994 On the solutions of a nonlinear Dirichlet problem. Zbl 0329.35026 Berger, M. S.; Podolak, E. 103 1975 Elementary critical point theory and perturbations of elliptic boundary value problems at resonance. Zbl 0351.35036 Ahmad, S.; Lazer, A. C.; Paul, J. L. 102 1976 Nerve axon equations. III: Stability of the nerve impulse. Zbl 0245.92004 Evans, John W. 102 1972 Estimates for the heat kernel for a sum of squares of vector fields. Zbl 0639.58026 Jerison, David S.; Sánchez-Calle, Antonio 101 1986 Global subsonic and subsonic-sonic flows through infinitely long nozzles. Zbl 1156.35076 Xie, Chunjing; Xin, Zhouping 100 2007 Large stable pulse solutions in reaction-diffusion equations. Zbl 0994.35058 Doelman, Arjen; Gardner, Robert A.; Kaper, Tasso J. 99 2001 The smoothness of solutions to nonlinear variational inequalities. Zbl 0278.49011 Brézis, Haïm; Kinderlehrer, David 98 1974 Upper bounds on the number of determining modes, nodes, and volume elements for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0796.35128 Jones, Don A.; Titi, Edriss S. 97 1993 Some measure-valued Markov processes in population genetics theory. Zbl 0444.60064 Fleming, Wendell H.; Viot, Michel 96 1979 The Bloch constant of bounded harmonic mappings. Zbl 0677.30020 Colonna, Flavia 95 1989 An integral inequality for compact spacelike hypersurfaces in de Sitter space and applications to the case of constant mean curvature. Zbl 0677.53067 Montiel, Sebastián 95 1988 Hyperbolic systems of balance laws with inhomogeneity and dissipation. Zbl 0497.35058 Dafermos, C. M.; Hsiao, L. 95 1982 Variational methods for nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0278.35040 Rabinowitz, Paul H. 95 1974 On the free convolution with a semi-circular distribution. Zbl 0904.46045 Biane, Philippe 94 1997 Hydrodynamic limit for the Vlasov-Navier-Stokes equations. I: Light particles regime. II: Fine particles regime. Zbl 1085.35117 Goudon, Thierry; Jabin, Pierre-Emmanuel; Vasseur, Alexis 94 2004 Decay and absorption for the Vlasov-Navier-Stokes system with gravity in a half-space. Zbl 1540.35395 Ertzbischoff, Lucas 2 2024 Spectrum structure and solution behavior of the Boltzmann equation with soft potentials. Zbl 1536.35236 Yang, Tong; Yu, Hongjun 2 2024 Toeplitz algebras over Fock and Bergman spaces. Zbl 07858214 Wu, Shengkun; Zhao, Xianfeng 1 2024 Propagation of regularity for transport equations: a Littlewood-Paley approach. Zbl 1541.35414 Meyer, David; Seis, Christian 1 2024 Holomorphic sections of line bundles vanishing along subvarieties. Zbl 07858218 Coman, Dan; Marinescu, George; Nguyen, Viet-Anh 1 2024 On the Musielak-Orlicz-Gauss image problem. Zbl 1540.52005 Huang, Qingzhong; Xing, Sudan; Ye, Deping; Zhu, Baocheng 1 2024 \(\mathrm{BV}\) solutions for mean curvature flow with constant angle: Allen-Cahn approximation and weak-strong uniqueness. Zbl 1539.53108 Hensel, Sebastian; Laux, Tim 1 2024 Nonlinear stability of travelling wave solution of the Navier-Stokes-Poisson system for ions with \(\gamma\)-law pressure. Zbl 1536.35277 Liu, Jinjing; Yao, Lei 1 2024 Polynomially convex sets whose union has nontrivial hull. Zbl 1545.32023 Izzo, Alexander J. 1 2024 Representation of the total variation as a \(\Gamma\)-limit of BMO-type seminorms. Zbl 07834170 Arroyo-Rabasa, Adolfo; Bonicatto, Paolo; Del Nin, G. 1 2024 Quasiconformal uniformization of metric surfaces of higher topology. Zbl 07978143 Meier, Damaris 1 2024 High frequency behavior of the Leray transform: model hypersurfaces and projective duality. Zbl 07978147 Barrett, David; Edholm, Luke 1 2024 Lipschitz regularity of almost minimizers in one-phase problems driven by the \(p\)-Laplace operator. Zbl 07917528 Dipierro, Serena; Ferrari, Fausto; Forcillo, Nicolo; Valdinoci, Enrico 1 2024 On the regularity of temperature fronts for the 3D viscous Boussinesq system. Zbl 07917533 Lazar, Omar; Li, Yatao; Xue, Liutang 1 2024 Freeness of type B and conditional freeness for random matrices. Zbl 07917536 Cebron, Guillaume; Dahlqvist, Antoine; Gabriel, Frank 1 2024 Dynamics of semigroups of Hénon maps. Zbl 07937988 Bera, Sayani 1 2024 On cyclicity in de Branges-Rovnyak spaces. Zbl 07937991 Bergman, Alex 1 2024 Existence and exponential growth of global classical solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions in 3D bounded domains. Zbl 1531.35210 Cai, Guocai; Li, Jing 10 2023 On parabolic and elliptic equations with singular or degenerate coefficients. Zbl 1529.35141 Dong, Hongjie; Phan, Tuoc 10 2023 Global existence of free-energy solutions to the 2D Patlak-Keller-Segel-Navier-Stokes system with critical and subcritical mass. Zbl 1514.35442 Lai, Chen-Chih; Wei, Juncheng; Zhou, Yifu 9 2023 Co-rotating vortices with \(N\) fold symmetry for the inviscid surface quasi-geostrophic equation. Zbl 1514.35332 Godard-Cadillac, Ludovic; Gravejat, Philippe; Smets, Didier 9 2023 The evolution to equilibrium of solutions to nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation. Zbl 1514.35436 Barbu, Viorel; Roeckner, Michael 6 2023 Threshold scattering for the focusing NLS with a repulsive potential. Zbl 1522.81682 Miao, Changxing; Murphy, Jason; Zheng, Jiqiang 6 2023 Global existence in the Lipschitz class for the \(N\)-Peskin problem. Zbl 1514.35350 Gancedo, Francisco; Scrobogna, Stefano; Granero-Belinchón, Rafael 5 2023 Contact structures and Beltrami fields on the torus and the sphere. Zbl 1515.53077 Peralta-Salas, Daniel; Slobodeanu, Radu 5 2023 Asymptotic \(*\)-distribution of permuted Haar unitary matrices. Zbl 1533.46047 Mingo, James A.; Popa, Mihai; Szpojankowski, Kamil 3 2023 On the Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation with memory with nonconvex kernels. Zbl 1514.35043 Conti, Monica; Liverani, Lorenzo; Pata, Vittorino 2 2023 The Gauss-Green theorem for bounded vector fields with divergence measure on sets of finite perimeter. Zbl 1525.26008 Šilhavý, Miroslav 2 2023 Unique continuation inequalities for nonlinear Schrödinger equations based on uncertainty principles. Zbl 1514.35415 Wang, Ming; Li, Ze; Huang, Shanlin 2 2023 Dynamics of weighted shifts on directed trees. Zbl 07685829 Grosse-Erdmann, Karl-G.; Papathanasiou, Dimitris 2 2023 Asymptotic behaviors for Blackstock’s model of thermoviscous flow. Zbl 1514.35346 Chen, Wenhui; Ikehata, Ryo; Palmieri, Alessandro 2 2023 \(\mathfrak{gl}_2\) foams and the Khovanov homotopy type. Zbl 07685841 Krushkal, Vyacheslav; Wedrich, Paul 2 2023 Vanishing dissipation of the 2D anisotropic Boussinesq equations in the half plane. Zbl 1527.35304 Wang, Peixin; Xu, Xiaojing 2 2023 Spectral properties of weighted composition operators on \(\mathrm{Hol}(\mathbb{D})\) induced by rotations. Zbl 07785976 Arendt, Wolfgang; Bernard, Eddy; Celaries, Benjamin; Chalendar, Isabelle 2 2023 Global well-posedness and exponential decay for a fluid-structure model with small data. Zbl 1531.35222 Kukavica, Igor; Ożański, Wojciech S. 2 2023 Conformal fundamental forms and the asymptotically Poincaré-Einstein condition. Zbl 1536.53079 Blitz, Samuel; Gover, A. Rod; Waldron, Andrew 2 2023 The intersection polynomials of a virtual knot. I: Definitions and calculations. Zbl 1537.57016 Higa, Rayuji; Nakamura, Takuji; Nakanishi, Yasutaka; Satoh, Shin 2 2023 Indeterminacy loci of iterate maps in moduli space. Zbl 1521.14027 Kiwi, Jan; Nie, Hongming 2 2023 Dirichlet energy-minimizers with analytic boundary. Zbl 1527.53005 De Lellis, Camillo; Zhao, Zihui 2 2023 Manifolds that admit a double disk-bundle decomposition. Zbl 1548.57051 DeVito, Jason; Galaz-Garcia, Fernando; Kerin, Martin 2 2023 Continuity method with movable singularities for classical complex Monge-Ampère equations. 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II: Principal actions and stabilization. Zbl 1543.46040 Hall, Lucas; Kaliszewski, S.; Quigg, John; Williams, Dana P. 1 2023 Symmetric differentials and jets extension of \(L^2\) holomorphic functions. Zbl 1530.32004 Lee, Seungjae; Seo, Aeryeong 1 2023 Quantum symmetries of quantum metric spaces and non-local games. Zbl 1544.81007 Eifler, Kari 1 2023 Hunt’s formula for \(\mathrm{SU}_q (N)\) and \(\mathrm{U}_q (N)\). Zbl 1529.46045 Franz, Uwe; Kula, Anna; Lindsay, J. Martin; Skeide, Michael 1 2023 Properties of the semigroup in \(L_1\) associated with age-structured diffusive properties. Zbl 07785977 Walker, Christoph 1 2023 Normalizers and approximate units for inclusions of \(C^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1541.46035 Pitts, David R. 1 2023 On the anti-commutator of two free random variables. Zbl 1541.46047 Perales, Daniel 1 2023 Dynamical aspects of foliations with ample normal bundle. 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Bezerra 60 Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S. 60 Wu, Huoxiong 58 Ding, Yong 58 Xi, Lifeng 57 Yang, Tong 56 Carrillo de la Plata, José Antonio 56 Kenig, Carlos Eduardo 56 Tang, Xianhua 56 Velásquez, Marco Antonio Lázaro 55 Guo, Boling 55 Pistoia, Angela 55 Xin, Zhouping 54 Kukavica, Igor 54 Xue, Qingying 53 Giga, Yoshikazu 53 Rădulescu, Vicenţiu D. 52 Caffarelli, Luis Ángel 52 Lions, Pierre-Louis 52 Popescu, Gelu 52 Xiao, Jie 51 Lu, Shanzhen 49 Byun, Sun-Sig 49 Novaga, Matteo 49 Tan, Zhong 48 Yin, Zhaoyang 47 Alves, Claudianor Oliveira 47 Friedman, Avner 47 Garofalo, Nicola 47 Perthame, Benoît 47 Sawano, Yoshihiro 47 Zhao, Huijiang 47 Zhu, Changjiang 46 Dong, Hongjie 45 Valdinoci, Enrico 44 de la Llave, Rafael 44 Del Pino, Manuel A. 44 Hofmann, Steve 44 Liu, Feng 43 Kozono, Hideo 43 Musso, Monica 43 Souplet, Philippe 43 Yang, Yunyan 42 Chen, Gui-Qiang G. 42 Dolbeault, Jean 42 Ishige, Kazuhiro 42 Ma, Ruyun 42 Miyagaki, Olimpio Hiroshi 42 Nyström, Kaj 42 Shahgholian, Henrik 42 Souganidis, Panagiotis E. 41 Figueiredo, Giovany Malcher 41 Lasserre, Jean-Bernard 41 Lin, Chang-Shou 41 Masmoudi, Nader 40 Lau, Kasing 40 Li, Pengtao 40 Malchiodi, Andrea 40 Maz’ya, Vladimir Gilelevich 40 Schechter, Martin 40 Vasseur, Alexis F. 39 Guliyev, Vagif Sabir 39 Ruf, Bernhard 39 Sire, Yannick 39 Strichartz, Robert Stephen 39 Yang, Sibei 38 Dancer, Edward Norman 38 Guo, Zongming 38 Shivaji, Ratnasingham 37 Chen, Yanping 37 Felli, Veronica 37 Fraser, Jonathan MacDonald 37 Lee, Sanghyuk 37 Mireles-James, Jason D. 37 Raeburn, Iain 37 Zaag, Hatem 37 Zhong, Chengkui 36 Barbu, Viorel 36 Deng, Shengbing 36 Hu, Guoen 36 Lee, Ki-Ahm 36 Liu, Hongyu 36 Lou, Yuan 36 Martell, José María (Chema) 36 Mitrea, Marius 36 Nie, Jiawang 36 Ponnusamy, Saminathan ...and 31,692 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 1,015 Journals 2,487 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2,256 Journal of Differential Equations 1,575 Journal of Functional Analysis 1,283 Nonlinear Analysis. 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