SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences Short Title: SIAM J. Imaging Sci. Publisher: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, PA ISSN: 1936-4954/e Online: Comments: Journal; Indexed cover-to-cover; Published electronic only as of Vol. 1 (2008). Documents Indexed: 1,132 Publications (since 2008) References Indexed: 724 Publications with 36,653 References. all top 5 Latest Issues 17, No. 4 (2024) 17, No. 3 (2024) 17, No. 2 (2024) 17, No. 1 (2024) 16, No. 4 (2023) 16, No. 3 (2023) 16, No. 2 (2023) 16, No. 1 (2023) 15, No. 4 (2022) 15, No. 3 (2022) 15, No. 2 (2022) 15, No. 1 (2022) 14, No. 4 (2021) 14, No. 3 (2021) 14, No. 2 (2021) 14, No. 1 (2021) 13, No. 4 (2020) 13, No. 3 (2020) 13, No. 2 (2020) 13, No. 1 (2020) 12, No. 4 (2019) 12, No. 3 (2019) 12, No. 2 (2019) 12, No. 1 (2019) 11, No. 4 (2018) 11, No. 3 (2018) 11, No. 2 (2018) 11, No. 1 (2018) 10, No. 4 (2017) 10, No. 3 (2017) 10, No. 2 (2017) 10, No. 1 (2017) 9, No. 4 (2016) 9, No. 3 (2016) 9, No. 2 (2016) 9, No. 1 (2016) 8, No. 4 (2015) 8, No. 3 (2015) 8, No. 2 (2015) 8, No. 1 (2015) 7, No. 4 (2014) 7, No. 3 (2014) 7, No. 2 (2014) 7, No. 1 (2014) 6, No. 4 (2013) 6, No. 3 (2013) 6, No. 2 (2013) 6, No. 1 (2013) 5, No. 4 (2012) 5, No. 3 (2012) 5, No. 2 (2012) 5, No. 1 (2012) 4, No. 4 (2011) 4, No. 3 (2011) 4, No. 2 (2011) 4, No. 1 (2011) 3, No. 4 (2010) 3, No. 3 (2010) 3, No. 2 (2010) 3, No. 1 (2010) 2, No. 4 (2009) 2, No. 3 (2009) 2, No. 2 (2009) 2, No. 1 (2009) 1, No. 4 (2008) 1, No. 3 (2008) 1, No. 2 (2008) 1, No. 1 (2008) all top 5 Authors 28 Ng, Michael Kwok-Po 20 Schönlieb, Carola-Bibiane 19 Papanicolaou, George C. 18 Ammari, Habib 18 Garnier, Josselin 16 Lui, Lok Ming 16 Zeng, Tie Yong 15 Chan, Raymond Hon-Fu 14 Osher, Stanley Joel 14 Peyré, Gabriel 13 Morel, Jean-Michel 13 Tsogka, Chrysoula 12 Borcea, Liliana 12 Pereyra, Marcelo 12 Pock, Thomas 12 Yin, Wotao 11 Unser, Michael A. 10 Cremers, Daniel 10 Lou, Yifei 10 Singer, Amit 9 Haltmeier, Markus 9 Steidl, Gabriele 9 Tai, Xuecheng 9 Zhang, Xiaoqun 8 Aujol, Jean-François 8 Choi, Gary Pui-Tung 8 Delon, Julie 8 Lellmann, Jan 8 Papadakis, Nicolas 8 Shkolnisky, Yoel 8 Weiss, Pierre 8 Yuan, Xiaoming 8 Zhao, Hongkai 7 Aubert, Gilles 7 Bertalmío, Marcelo 7 Blanc-Féraud, Laure 7 Bredies, Kristian 7 Chambolle, Antonin 7 Elad, Michael 7 Kimmel, Ron 7 Möller, Michael 7 Shen, Zuowei 7 Wang, Wei 6 Bertozzi, Andrea Louise 6 Buades, Antoni 6 Burger, Martin 6 Carin, Lawrence 6 Caselles Costa, Vicent 6 Desolneux, Agnès 6 Dong, Bin 6 Fadili, Jalal M. 6 Gousseau, Yann 6 Guo, Weihong 6 Hintermüller, Michael 6 Holler, Martin 6 Ji, Hui 6 Jin, Bangti 6 Pesquet, Jean-Christophe 6 Ramlau, Ronny 6 Romberg, Justin K. 6 Scherzer, Otmar 6 Schnörr, Christoph 6 Starck, Jean-Luc 6 Xin, Jack X. 6 Yazici, Birsen 5 Alberti, Giovanni S. 5 Almansa, Andrés 5 Bao, Chenglong 5 Baraniuk, Richard G. 5 Batard, Thomas 5 Bauer, Martin 5 Chan, Tony Fan-Cheong 5 Chang, Huibin 5 Chen, Xiaojun 5 Choi, Jae Kyu 5 Druskin, Vladimir 5 Gilboa, Guy 5 Glowinski, Roland 5 Haddar, Houssem 5 Kang, Sung Ha 5 Klibanov, Michael V. 5 Kutyniok, Gitta 5 Le Guyader, Carole 5 Li, Fang 5 Liu, Jun 5 Milanfar, Peyman 5 Morigi, Serena 5 Moscoso, Miguel 5 Öktem, Ozan 5 Piana, Michele 5 Quinto, Eric Todd 5 Rumpf, Martin 5 Sgallari, Fiorella 5 Siltanen, Samuli 5 Sølna, Knut 5 Storath, Martin 5 Tsynkov, Semyon V. 5 Ward, John Paul 5 Weinmann, Andreas 5 Wu, Chunlin ...and 1,961 more Authors all top 5 Fields 635 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 500 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 492 Computer science (68-XX) 237 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 228 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 216 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 168 Statistics (62-XX) 156 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 102 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 47 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 46 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 46 Operator theory (47-XX) 46 Differential geometry (53-XX) 41 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 39 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 35 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 35 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 28 Integral equations (45-XX) 19 Geophysics (86-XX) 17 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 17 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 16 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 16 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 15 Functional analysis (46-XX) 14 Combinatorics (05-XX) 13 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 12 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 11 Real functions (26-XX) 9 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 8 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 8 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Potential theory (31-XX) 5 Special functions (33-XX) 5 General topology (54-XX) 4 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 916 Publications have been cited 15,808 times in 8,103 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems. Zbl 1175.94009 Beck, Amir; Teboulle, Marc 1,844 2009 The split Bregman method for \(\ell_1\)-regularized problems. Zbl 1177.65088 Goldstein, Tom; Osher, Stanley 755 2009 Total generalized variation. Zbl 1195.49025 Bredies, Kristian; Kunisch, Karl; Pock, Thomas 373 2010 A new alternating minimization algorithm for total variation image reconstruction. Zbl 1187.68665 Wang, Yilun; Yang, Junfeng; Yin, Wotao; Zhang, Yin 312 2008 Bregman iterative algorithms for \(\ell_1\)-minimization with applications to compressed sensing. Zbl 1203.90153 Yin, Wotao; Osher, Stanley; Goldfarb, Donald; Darbon, Jerome 306 2008 A general framework for a class of first order primal-dual algorithms for convex optimization in imaging science. Zbl 1206.90117 Esser, Ernie; Zhang, Xiaoqun; Chan, Tony F. 245 2010 Augmented Lagrangian method, dual methods, and split Bregman iteration for ROF, vectorial TV, and high order models. Zbl 1206.90245 Wu, Chunlin; Tai, Xue-Cheng 236 2010 A block coordinate descent method for regularized multiconvex optimization with applications to nonnegative tensor factorization and completion. Zbl 1280.49042 Xu, Yangyang; Yin, Wotao 198 2013 iPiano: inertial proximal algorithm for nonconvex optimization. Zbl 1296.90094 Ochs, Peter; Chen, Yunjin; Brox, Thomas; Pock, Thomas 176 2014 Convergence analysis of primal-dual algorithms for a saddle-point problem: from contraction perspective. Zbl 1250.90066 He, Bingsheng; Yuan, Xiaoming 159 2012 NESTA: A fast and accurate first-order method for sparse recovery. Zbl 1209.90265 Becker, Stephen; Bobin, Jérôme; Candès, Emmanuel J. 140 2011 Bregmanized nonlocal regularization for deconvolution and sparse reconstruction. Zbl 1191.94030 Zhang, Xiaoqun; Burger, Martin; Bresson, Xavier; Osher, Stanley 131 2010 Phase retrieval via matrix completion. Zbl 1280.49052 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Eldar, Yonina C.; Strohmer, Thomas; Voroninski, Vladislav 128 2013 Fast alternating direction optimization methods. Zbl 1314.49019 Goldstein, Tom; O’Donoghue, Brendan; Setzer, Simon; Baraniuk, Richard 124 2014 Higher order positive semidefinite diffusion tensor imaging. Zbl 1197.92032 Qi, Liqun; Yu, Gaohang; Wu, Ed X. 116 2010 A generalized forward-backward splitting. Zbl 1296.47109 Raguet, Hugo; Fadili, Jalal; Peyré, Gabriel 110 2013 Inertial proximal ADMM for linearly constrained separable convex optimization. Zbl 1328.65134 Chen, Caihua; Chan, Raymond H.; Ma, Shiqian; Yang, Junfeng 104 2015 New total variation method for multiplicative noise removal. Zbl 1187.68655 Huang, A. Yu-Mei; Ng, Michael K.; Wen, You-Wei 88 2009 Efficient reconstruction of piecewise constant images using nonsmooth nonconvex minimization. Zbl 1207.94017 Nikolova, Mila; Ng, Michael K.; Zhang, Shuqin; Ching, Wai-Ki 85 2008 Optimal transport with proximal splitting. Zbl 1295.90047 Papadakis, Nicolas; Peyré, Gabriel; Oudet, Edouard 78 2014 Constrained total variation deblurring models and fast algorithms based on alternating direction method of multipliers. Zbl 1279.68322 Chan, Raymond H.; Tao, Min; Yuan, Xiaoming 78 2013 A bilevel optimization approach for parameter learning in variational models. Zbl 1280.49053 Kunisch, Karl; Pock, Thomas 78 2013 A nonlinear inverse scale space method for a convex multiplicative noise model. Zbl 1185.94018 Shi, Jianing; Osher, Stanley 77 2008 Linearized Bregman iterations for frame-based image deblurring. Zbl 1175.94010 Cai, Jian-Feng; Osher, Stanley; Shen, Zuowei 76 2009 A fast algorithm for Euler’s elastica model using augmented Lagrangian method. Zbl 1215.68262 Tai, Xue-Cheng; Hahn, Jooyoung; Chung, Ginmo Jason 73 2011 Inertial proximal alternating linearized minimization (iPALM) for nonconvex and nonsmooth problems. Zbl 1358.90109 Pock, Thomas; Sabach, Shoham 72 2016 An accelerated linearized alternating direction method of multipliers. Zbl 1321.90105 Ouyang, Yuyuan; Chen, Yunmei; Lan, Guanghui; Pasiliao, Eduardo jun. 71 2015 On iteratively reweighted algorithms for nonsmooth nonconvex optimization in computer vision. Zbl 1326.65078 Ochs, Peter; Dosovitskiy, Alexey; Brox, Thomas; Pock, Thomas 71 2015 Cahn-Hilliard inpainting and a generalization for grayvalue images. Zbl 1180.49007 Burger, Martin; He, Lin; Schönlieb, Carola-Bibiane 70 2009 Smoothing nonlinear conjugate gradient method for image restoration using nonsmooth nonconvex minimization. Zbl 1200.65031 Chen, Xiaojun; Zhou, Weijun 67 2010 A two-stage image segmentation method using a convex variant of the Mumford-Shah model and thresholding. Zbl 1283.52011 Cai, Xiaohao; Chan, Raymond; Zeng, Tieyong 64 2013 A weighted difference of anisotropic and isotropic total variation model for image processing. Zbl 1322.94019 Lou, Yifei; Zeng, Tieyong; Osher, Stanley; Xin, Jack 64 2015 A total fractional-order variation model for image restoration with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions and its numerical solution. Zbl 1327.62388 Zhang, Jianping; Chen, Ke 64 2015 A fast algorithm for edge-preserving variational multichannel image restoration. Zbl 1181.68304 Yang, Junfeng; Yin, Wotao; Zhang, Yin; Wang, Yilun 62 2009 Facial recognition using tensor-tensor decompositions. Zbl 1305.15061 Hao, Ning; Kilmer, Misha E.; Braman, Karen; Hoover, Randy C. 59 2013 Alternating direction method of multipliers for a class of nonconvex and nonsmooth problems with applications to background/foreground extraction. Zbl 1364.90278 Yang, Lei; Pong, Ting Kei; Chen, Xiaojun 59 2017 The little engine that could: regularization by denoising (RED). Zbl 1401.62101 Romano, Yaniv; Elad, Michael; Milanfar, Peyman 59 2017 Phase retrieval with polarization. Zbl 1304.49071 Alexeev, Boris; Bandeira, Afonso S.; Fickus, Matthew; Mixon, Dustin G. 58 2014 A convex approach to minimal partitions. Zbl 1256.49040 Chambolle, Antonin; Cremers, Daniel; Pock, Thomas 57 2012 A convex variational model for restoring blurred images with multiplicative noise. Zbl 1283.52012 Dong, Yiqiu; Zeng, Tieyong 55 2013 A method for finding structured sparse solutions to nonnegative least squares problems with applications. Zbl 1282.90239 Esser, Ernie; Lou, Yifei; Xin, Jack 55 2013 Convergence study on the symmetric version of ADMM with larger step sizes. Zbl 1381.90066 He, Bingsheng; Ma, Feng; Yuan, Xiaoming 55 2016 A new convex optimization model for multiplicative noise and blur removal. Zbl 1296.65093 Zhao, Xi-Le; Wang, Fan; Ng, Michael K. 54 2014 Analysis and generalizations of the linearized Bregman method. Zbl 1211.68491 Yin, Wotao 54 2010 On the \(p\)-Laplacian and \(\infty\)-Laplacian on graphs with applications in image and data processing. Zbl 1330.35488 Elmoataz, Abderrahim; Toutain, Matthieu; Tenbrinck, Daniel 53 2015 Image denoising using mean curvature of image surface. Zbl 1258.94021 Zhu, Wei; Chan, Tony 52 2012 Three-dimensional structure determination from common lines in cryo-EM by eigenvectors and semidefinite programming. Zbl 1216.92045 Singer, A.; Shkolnisky, Y. 52 2011 On the convergence of primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm. Zbl 1308.90129 He, Bingsheng; You, Yanfei; Yuan, Xiaoming 52 2014 An MBO scheme on graphs for classification and image processing. Zbl 1279.68335 Merkurjev, Ekaterina; Kostić, Tijana; Bertozzi, Andrea L. 49 2013 Total generalized variation in diffusion tensor imaging. Zbl 1322.94024 Valkonen, Tuomo; Bredies, Kristian; Knoll, Florian 48 2013 Entropic approximation of Wasserstein gradient flows. Zbl 1335.90068 Peyré, Gabriel 47 2015 An efficient primal-dual method for \(L^1\)TV image restoration. Zbl 1187.68653 Dong, Yiqiu; Hintermüller, Michael; Neri, Marrick 46 2009 Truncated \(l_{1-2}\) models for sparse recovery and rank minimization. Zbl 1397.94021 Ma, Tian-Hui; Lou, Yifei; Huang, Ting-Zhu 45 2017 Nonconvex TV\(^q\)-models in image restoration: analysis and a trust-region regularization-based superlinearly convergent solver. Zbl 1281.65033 Hintermüller, Michael; Wu, Tao 45 2013 A new detail-preserving regularization scheme. Zbl 1299.65130 Guo, Weihong; Qin, Jing; Yin, Wotao 45 2014 Total variation regularization for manifold-valued data. Zbl 1309.65071 Weinmann, Andreas; Demaret, Laurent; Storath, Martin 45 2014 FLASH: Fast landmark aligned spherical harmonic parameterization for genus-0 closed brain surfaces. Zbl 1316.65028 Choi, Pui Tung; Lam, Ka Chun; Lui, Lok Ming 45 2015 A nonlocal Bayesian image denoising algorithm. Zbl 1279.68331 Lebrun, M.; Buades, A.; Morel, J. M. 43 2013 A new geometric metric in the space of curves, and applications to tracking deforming objects by prediction and filtering. Zbl 1214.93033 Sundaramoorthi, Ganesh; Mennucci, Andrea; Soatto, Stefano; Yezzi, Anthony 43 2011 Alternating direction method for image inpainting in wavelet domains. Zbl 1234.68448 Chan, Raymond H.; Yang, Junfeng; Yuan, Xiaoming 42 2011 Efficient Bayesian computation by proximal Markov chain Monte Carlo: when Langevin meets Moreau. Zbl 1401.65016 Durmus, Alain; Moulines, Éric; Pereyra, Marcelo 42 2018 Characterization and analysis of edges using the continuous shearlet transform. Zbl 1175.42012 Guo, Kanghui; Labate, Demetrio 42 2009 Stable image reconstruction using total variation minimization. Zbl 1370.94042 Needell, Deanna; Ward, Rachel 41 2013 Global solutions of variational models with convex regularization. Zbl 1202.49031 Pock, Thomas; Cremers, Daniel; Bischof, Horst; Chambolle, Antonin 41 2010 Color image restoration by saturation-value total variation. Zbl 1524.94019 Jia, Zhigang; Ng, Michael K.; Wang, Wei 41 2019 A continuous exact \(\ell_0\) penalty (CEL0) for least squares regularized problem. Zbl 1325.65086 Soubies, Emmanuel; Blanc-Féraud, Laure; Aubert, Gilles 41 2015 Linearly constrained non-Lipschitz optimization for image restoration. Zbl 1327.90299 Bian, Wei; Chen, Xiaojun 41 2015 Coherence pattern-guided compressive sensing with unresolved grids. Zbl 1250.65035 Fannjiang, Albert; Liao, Wenjing 40 2012 Spectral decompositions using one-homogeneous functionals. Zbl 1361.35123 Burger, Martin; Gilboa, Guy; Moeller, Michael; Eckardt, Lina; Cremers, Daniel 40 2016 Multigrid algorithm for high order denoising. Zbl 1205.68474 Brito-Loeza, Carlos; Chen, Ke 39 2010 Multistatic imaging of extended targets. Zbl 1344.78023 Ammari, Habib; Garnier, Josselin; Kang, Hyeonbae; Lim, Mikyoung; Sølna, Knut 38 2012 A total variation spectral framework for scale and texture analysis. Zbl 1361.94014 Gilboa, Guy 38 2014 Imaging with Kantorovich-Rubinstein discrepancy. Zbl 1308.49043 Lellmann, Jan; Lorenz, Dirk A.; Schönlieb, Carola; Valkonen, Tuomo 37 2014 Discrete total variation: new definition and minimization. Zbl 1379.68330 Condat, Laurent 36 2017 Teichmüller mapping (T-map) and its applications to landmark matching registration. (Teichmuller mapping (T-map) and its applications to landmark matching registration.) Zbl 1296.65028 Lui, Lok Ming; Lam, Ka Chun; Yau, Shing-Tung; Gu, Xianfeng 36 2014 Augmented \(\ell_1\) and nuclear-norm models with a globally linearly convergent algorithm. Zbl 1279.68329 Lai, Ming-Jun; Yin, Wotao 36 2013 Subspace correction methods for a class of nonsmooth and nonadditive convex variational problems with mixed \(L^1/L^2\) data-fidelity in image processing. Zbl 1279.68327 Hintermüller, Michael; Langer, Andreas 36 2013 An efficient Neumann series-based algorithm for thermoacoustic and photoacoustic tomography with variable sound speed. Zbl 1279.94029 Qian, Jianliang; Stefanov, Plamen; Uhlmann, Gunther; Zhao, Hongkai 36 2011 Landmark- and intensity-based registration with large deformations via quasi-conformal maps. Zbl 1309.65019 Lam, Ka Chun; Lui, Lok Ming 36 2014 A fractional inpainting model based on the vector-valued Cahn-Hilliard equation. Zbl 1328.65214 Bosch, Jessica; Stoll, Martin 36 2015 The linearized Bregman method via split feasibility problems: analysis and generalizations. Zbl 1298.68287 Lorenz, Dirk A.; Schöpfer, Frank; Wenger, Stephan 35 2014 Compressive sensing by random convolution. Zbl 1176.94017 Romberg, Justin 35 2009 A total variation model for retinex. Zbl 1215.65117 Ng, Michael K.; Wang, Wei 35 2011 Imaging by modification: numerical reconstruction of local conductivities from corresponding power density measurements. Zbl 1180.35549 Capdeboscq, Y.; Fehrenbach, J.; De Gournay, F.; Kavian, O. 35 2009 Positive semidefinite generalized diffusion tensor imaging via quadratic semidefinite programming. Zbl 1283.65057 Chen, Yannan; Dai, Yuhong; Han, Deren; Sun, Wenyu 34 2013 Texture map and video compression using Beltrami representation. Zbl 1281.65036 Lui, Lok Ming; Lam, Ka Chun; Wong, Tsz Wai; Gu, Xianfeng 34 2013 Continuous multiclass labeling approaches and algorithms. Zbl 1231.90311 Lellmann, J.; Schnörr, C. 34 2011 Super-resolution of positive sources: the discrete setup. Zbl 1352.49041 Morgenshtern, Veniamin I.; Candès, Emmanuel J. 34 2016 Stein Unbiased GrAdient estimator of the Risk (SUGAR) for multiple parameter selection. Zbl 1361.94012 Deledalle, Charles-Alban; Vaiter, Samuel; Fadili, Jalal; Peyré, Gabriel 34 2014 A two-stage image segmentation method for blurry images with Poisson or multiplicative gamma noise. Zbl 1297.65066 Chan, Raymond; Yang, Hongfei; Zeng, Tieyong 33 2014 A semismooth Newton method for nonlinear parameter identification problems with impulsive noise. Zbl 1250.65134 Clason, Christian; Jin, Bangti 33 2012 Sparse signal reconstruction via iterative support detection. Zbl 1206.68340 Wang, Yilun; Yin, Wotao 33 2010 A time dependent variational approach to image restoration. Zbl 1380.94012 Bögelein, Verena; Duzaar, Frank; Marcellini, Paolo 33 2015 The varifold representation of nonoriented shapes for diffeomorphic registration. Zbl 1279.68313 Charon, Nicolas; Trouvé, Alain 32 2013 Viewing direction estimation in cryo-EM using synchronization. Zbl 1254.92058 Shkolnisky, Yoel; Singer, Amit 32 2012 Imaging of buried objects from experimental backscattering time-dependent measurements using a globally convergent inverse algorithm. Zbl 1432.35259 Nguyen Trung Thành; Beilina, Larisa; Klibanov, Michael V.; Fiddy, Michael A. 32 2015 Viewing angle classification of cryo-electron microscopy images using eigenvectors. Zbl 1216.92046 Singer, A.; Zhao, Z.; Shkolnisky, Y.; Hadani, R. 31 2011 Nonconvex-TV based image restoration with impulse noise removal. Zbl 1382.49013 Zhang, Xiongjun; Bai, Minru; Ng, Michael K. 31 2017 Inverse obstacle scattering for elastic waves with phased or phaseless far-field data. Zbl 1524.78044 Dong, Heping; Lai, Jun; Li, Peijun 31 2019 A parallel Douglas-Rachford algorithm for minimizing ROF-like functionals on images with values in symmetric Hadamard manifolds. Zbl 1346.65006 Bergmann, Ronny; Persch, Johannes; Steidl, Gabriele 31 2016 Posterior-variance-based error quantification for inverse problems in imaging. Zbl 1539.68355 Narnhofer, Dominik; Habring, Andreas; Holler, Martin; Pock, Thomas 3 2024 Learning weakly convex regularizers for convergent image-reconstruction algorithms. Zbl 07851426 Goujon, Alexis; Neumayer, Sebastian; Unser, Michael 2 2024 The \(p_0\)-Laplace “signature” for quasilinear inverse problems. Zbl 1539.35092 Esposito, Antonio Corbo; Faella, Luisa; Piscitelli, Gianpaolo; Mottola, Vincenzo; Prakash, Ravi; Tamburrino, Antonello 2 2024 PottsMGNet: a mathematical explanation of encoder-decoder based neural networks. Zbl 1539.68322 Tai, Xue-Cheng; Liu, Hao; Chan, Raymond 2 2024 Bijective density-equalizing quasiconformal map for multiply connected open surfaces. Zbl 1541.65013 Lyu, Zhiyuan; Choi, Gary P. T.; Lui, Lok Ming 1 2024 Accelerated Bayesian imaging by relaxed proximal-point Langevin sampling. Zbl 1545.65054 Klatzer, Teresa; Dobson, Paul; Altmann, Yoann; Pereyra, Marcelo; Sanz-Serna, Jesus Maria; Zygalakis, Konstantinos C. 1 2024 Training adaptive reconstruction networks for blind inverse problems. Zbl 07896975 Gossard, Alban; Weiss, Pierre 1 2024 Conductivity imaging from internal measurements with mixed least-squares deep neural networks. Zbl 1537.65160 Jin, Bangti; Li, Xiyao; Quan, Qimeng; Zhou, Zhi 1 2024 Direct imaging methods for reconstructing a locally rough interface from phaseless total-field data or phased far-field data. Zbl 1540.35275 Li, Long; Yang, Jiansheng; Zhang, Bo; Zhang, Haiwen 1 2024 A majorization-minimization algorithm for neuroimage registration. Zbl 1539.92071 Zhou, Gaiting; Tward, Daniel; Lange, Kenneth 1 2024 Reduced order modeling inversion of monostatic data in a multi-scattering environment. Zbl 1537.65119 Druskin, Vladimir; Moskow, Shari; Zaslavsky, Mikhail 1 2024 Fractional Fourier transforms meet Riesz potentials and image processing. Zbl 1540.94010 Fu, Zunwei; Lin, Yan; Yang, Dachun; Yang, Shuhui 1 2024 Diffeomorphic registration using Sinkhorn divergences. Zbl 1518.49050 De Lara, Lucas; González-Sanz, Alberto; Loubes, Jean-Michel 5 2023 Waveform inversion with a data driven estimate of the internal wave. Zbl 1518.35665 Borcea, Liliana; Garnier, Josselin; Mamonov, Alexander V.; Zimmerling, Jörn 5 2023 Convexification numerical method for a coefficient inverse problem for the radiative transport equation. Zbl 07715420 Klibanov, Michael V.; Li, Jingzhi; Nguyen, Loc H.; Yang, Zhipeng 4 2023 An active contour model with local variance force term and its efficient minimization solver for multiphase image segmentation. Zbl 1524.94024 Liu, Chaoyu; Qiao, Zhonghua; Zhang, Qian 4 2023 Toward single particle reconstruction without particle picking: breaking the detection limit. Zbl 1517.94024 Bendory, Tamir; Boumal, Nicolas; Leeb, William; Levin, Eitan; Singer, Amit 3 2023 WPPNets and WPPFlows: the power of Wasserstein patch priors for superresolution. Zbl 1517.94016 Altekrüger, Fabian; Hertrich, Johannes 3 2023 Efficient Bayesian computation for low-photon imaging problems. Zbl 1517.65011 Melidonis, Savvas; Dobson, Paul; Altmann, Yoann; Pereyra, Marcelo; Zygalakis, Konstantinos 3 2023 Separable quaternion matrix factorization for polarization images. Zbl 1521.65033 Pan, Junjun; Ng, Michael K. 3 2023 Image recovery for blind polychromatic ptychography. Zbl 1516.78009 Filbir, Frank; Melnyk, Oleh 3 2023 The linear sampling method for random sources. Zbl 1525.35077 Garnier, Josselin; Haddar, Houssem; Montanelli, Hadrien 3 2023 Elastica models for color image regularization. Zbl 1538.94012 Liu, Hao; Tai, Xue-Cheng; Kimmel, Ron; Glowinski, Roland 3 2023 Approximate inversion of a class of generalized Radon transforms. Zbl 1517.65130 Ganster, Kevin; Rieder, Andreas 3 2023 \( L_1-\beta L_q\) minimization for signal and image recovery. Zbl 1538.65143 Huo, Limei; Chen, Wengu; Ge, Huanmin; Ng, Michael K. 3 2023 Inverse problem for a planar conductivity inclusion. Zbl 1521.30022 Choi, Doosung; Helsing, Johan; Kang, Sangwoo; Lim, Mikyoung 2 2023 On assignment problems related to Gromov-Wasserstein distances on the real line. Zbl 1519.49022 Beinert, Robert; Heiss, Cosmas; Steidl, Gabriele 2 2023 Theoretical foundation of the stretch energy minimization for area-preserving simplicial mappings. Zbl 07724134 Yueh, Mei-Heng 2 2023 Short communication: localized adversarial artifacts for compressed sensing MRI. Zbl 1543.92028 Alaifari, Rima; Alberti, Giovanni S.; Gauksson, Tandri 2 2023 Short communication: Weak sparse superresolution is well-conditioned. Zbl 1517.65133 Hockmann, Mathias; Kunis, Stefan 2 2023 A fast data-driven iteratively regularized method with convex penalty for solving ill-posed problems. Zbl 1516.65043 Gao, Guangyu; Han, Bo; Fu, Zhenwu; Tong, Shanshan 2 2023 Convergence analysis of the harmonic \(B_z\) algorithm with single injection current in MREIT. Zbl 1518.35687 Song, Yizhuang; Sadleir, Rosalind; Liu, Jijun 2 2023 A multiscale deformation representation. Zbl 1524.65093 Debroux, Noémie; Le Guyader, Carole; Vese, Luminita A. 2 2023 Learning regularization parameter-maps for variational image reconstruction using deep neural networks and algorithm unrolling. Zbl 1530.92112 Kofler, Andreas; Altekrüger, Fabian; Ba, Fatima Antarou; Kolbitsch, Christoph; Papoutsellis, Evangelos; Schote, David; Sirotenko, Clemens; Zimmermann, Felix Frederik; Papafitsoros, Kostas 2 2023 Off-the-grid curve reconstruction through divergence regularization: an extreme point result. Zbl 1520.49023 Laville, Bastien; Blanc-Féraud, Laure; Aubert, Gilles 1 2023 Displacement and pressure reconstruction from magnetic resonance elastography images: application to an in silico brain model. Zbl 1519.35340 Galarce, Felipe; Tabelow, Karsten; Polzehl, Jörg; Papanikas, Christos Panagiotis; Vavourakis, Vasileios; Lilaj, Ledia; Sack, Ingolf; Caiazzo, Alfonso 1 2023 Matrix balancing based interior point methods for point set matching problems. Zbl 1519.49034 Wijesinghe, Janith; Chen, Pengwen 1 2023 A learnable group-tube transform induced tensor nuclear norm and its application for tensor completion. Zbl 1519.94005 Li, Ben-Zheng; Zhao, Xi-Le; Zhang, Xiongjun; Ji, Teng-Yu; Chen, Xinyu; Ng, Michael K. 1 2023 Orthogonal matrix retrieval with spatial consensus for 3D unknown view tomography. Zbl 1524.92054 Huang, Shuai; Zehni, Mona; Dokmanić, Ivan; Zhao, Zhizhen 1 2023 Imaging a moving point source from multifrequency data measured at one and sparse observation directions. I: Far-field case. Zbl 1525.35078 Guo, Hongxia; Hu, Guanghui; Ma, Guanqiu 1 2023 Convergence results for primal-dual algorithms in the presence of adjoint mismatch. 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