The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Second Series Short Title: Q. J. Math., Oxf. II. Ser. Publisher: Oxford University Press, Oxford ISSN: 0033-5606; 1464-3847/e Online: Predecessor: The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Series Successor: The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics Comments: Journal; No longer indexed Documents Indexed: 1,999 Publications (1950–1999) all top 5 Latest Issues 50, No. 200 (1999) 50, No. 199 (1999) 50, No. 198 (1999) 50, No. 197 (1999) 49, No. 196 (1998) 49, No. 195 (1998) 49, No. 194 (1998) 49, No. 193 (1998) 48, No. 192 (1997) 48, No. 191 (1997) 48, No. 190 (1997) 48, No. 189 (1997) 47, No. 188 (1996) 47, No. 187 (1996) 47, No. 186 (1996) 47, No. 185 (1996) 46, No. 184 (1995) 46, No. 183 (1995) 46, No. 182 (1995) 46, No. 181 (1995) 45, No. 180 (1994) 45, No. 179 (1994) 45, No. 178 (1994) 45, No. 177 (1994) 44, No. 176 (1993) 44, No. 175 (1993) 44, No. 174 (1993) 44, No. 173 (1993) 43, No. 172 (1992) 43, No. 171 (1992) 43, No. 170 (1992) 43, No. 169 (1992) 42, No. 168 (1991) 42, No. 167 (1991) 42, No. 166 (1991) 42, No. 165 (1991) 41, No. 164 (1990) 41, No. 163 (1990) 41, No. 162 (1990) 41, No. 161 (1990) 40, No. 160 (1989) 40, No. 159 (1989) 40, No. 158 (1989) 40, No. 157 (1989) 39, No. 156 (1988) 39, No. 155 (1988) 39, No. 154 (1988) 39, No. 153 (1988) 38 (1987) 37 (1986) 36 (1985) 35 (1984) 34 (1983) 33 (1982) 32 (1981) 31 (1980) 30 (1979) 29 (1978) 28 (1977) 27 (1976) 26 (1975) 25 (1974) 24 (1973) 23 (1972) 22 (1971) 21 (1970) 20 (1969) 19 (1968) 18 (1967) 17 (1966) 16 (1965) 15 (1964) 14 (1963) 13 (1962) 12 (1961) 11 (1960) 10 (1959) 9 (1958) 8 (1957) 7 (1956) 6 (1955) 5 (1954) 4 (1953) 3 (1952) 2 (1951) 1 (1950) all top 5 Authors 20 McLeod, John Bryce 19 Wright, John David Maitland 15 Everitt, William Norrie 14 Eastham, Michael S. P. 11 Davenport, Harold 11 Davies, Edward Brian 11 Petersen, Gordon M. 11 Titchmarsh, Edward Charles 11 Wright, Edward Maitland 10 Northcott, Douglas Geoffrey 9 Carlitz, Leonard 9 Cohn, John H. E. 9 Kirby, David 9 Rodríguez Palacios, Angel 8 Fröhlich, Albrecht 8 Holt, Derek F. 8 James, Ioan Mackenzie 8 Saitô, Kazuyuki 8 Sharp, Rodney Y. 7 Bailey, Wilfrid Norman 7 Baker, Roger C. 7 Bonsall, Frank Featherstone 7 Bunce, Leslie J. 7 Chaundy, Theodore William 7 Clunie, James Gourlay 7 Flett, Thomas Muirhead 7 McKay, Susan 7 Morris, Alun O. 6 Batty, Charles J. K. 6 Bruce, James William 6 Bryant, Roger M. 6 Eggleston, H. G. 6 Evans, William Desmond 6 Heath-Brown, Roger 6 Hilton, Anthony J. W. 6 Jones, Gareth A. 6 Kuttner, Brian 6 Mercer, A. McD. 6 Munn, Walter Douglas 6 Neumann, Peter Michael 6 Wilson, Rowland 5 Anderson, James Milne 5 Atiyah, Michael Francis 5 Brown, Edgar H. jun. 5 Cassell, J. S. 5 Conder, Marston Donald Edward 5 Daykin, David E. 5 Godwin, H. J. 5 Harman, Glyn 5 Hartley, Brian 5 Hinton, Don Barker 5 Howie, John Mackintosh 5 Kovács, László György 5 Leedham-Green, Charles R. 5 Lewis, Donald-J. 5 Maddox, Ivor J. 5 Mauldon, J. G. 5 Patterson, Edward M. 5 Scott, G. Peter 5 Scott, Paul R. 5 Sears, D. B. 5 Segal, Graeme B. 5 Sutherland, Wilson Alexander 5 Verblunsky, Samuel 5 Walker, Arthur Geoffrey 5 Whitehead, John Henry Constantine 5 Wickstead, Anthony W. 4 Afriat, Sydney N. 4 Allen, Herbert Stanley 4 ApSimon, Hugh G. 4 Arkowitz, Martin 4 Backhouse, Nigel B. 4 Barcus, W. D. 4 Bennett, Grahame 4 Brown, Kenneth Alexander 4 Buchdahl, Hans A. 4 Cameron, Peter Jephson 4 Chatters, A. W. 4 Crabb, Michael C. 4 Dunnage, J. E. A. 4 Edmunds, David Eric 4 Giblin, Peter J. 4 Gibson, Christopher George 4 Good, Irving John (Jack) 4 Heywood, Philip 4 Higman, Graham 4 Hilton, Peter John 4 Jones, Douglas Samuel 4 Jørgensen, Troels 4 Kalton, Nigel John 4 Kendall, David George 4 Kennedy, P. B. 4 Kingman, John Frank Charles 4 Lee, Kyung Bai 4 Mao, Xuerong 4 Marcus, Marvin D. 4 Martin, A. I. 4 Mirsky, Leon 4 Mullineux, Glen 4 Parsons, D. H. ...and 1,351 more Authors all top 5 Fields 239 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 169 Functional analysis (46-XX) 151 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 146 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 145 Number theory (11-XX) 110 Combinatorics (05-XX) 74 Operator theory (47-XX) 68 Differential geometry (53-XX) 66 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 65 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 43 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 43 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 40 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 39 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 38 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 36 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 35 Measure and integration (28-XX) 30 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 30 General topology (54-XX) 28 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 24 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 23 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 19 Real functions (26-XX) 19 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 19 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 16 Special functions (33-XX) 16 Geometry (51-XX) 15 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 15 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 12 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 10 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 9 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 9 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 9 Quantum theory (81-XX) 8 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 6 Potential theory (31-XX) 6 Integral equations (45-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 4 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 1,609 Publications have been cited 18,399 times in 15,792 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Intersection theorems for systems of finite sets. Zbl 0100.01902 Erdős, Pál; Ko, Chao; Rado, R. 814 1961 Moduli of representations of finite dimensional algebras. Zbl 0837.16005 King, A. D. 416 1994 Remarks on blow-up and nonexistence theorems for nonlinear evolution equations. Zbl 0377.35037 Ball, J. M. 314 1977 Some intersection theorems for systems of finite sets. Zbl 0168.26205 Hilton, A. J. W.; Milner, E. C. 280 1967 The braid group and other groups. Zbl 0194.03303 Garside, F. A. 275 1969 A generalization of a theorem of Baker and Davenport. Zbl 0911.11018 Dujella, Andrej; Pethő, Attila 260 1998 The equations \(3x^2 - 2 = y^2\) and \(8x^2 - 7 = z^2\). Zbl 0177.06802 Baker, A.; Davenport, Harold 257 1969 Symmetric gauge functions and unitarily invariant norms. Zbl 0105.01101 Mirsky, L. 198 1960 Associated Sturm-Liouville systems. Zbl 0065.31901 Crum, M. M. 175 1955 K-theory and reality. Zbl 0146.19101 Atiyah, Michael F. 174 1966 Cyclic groups of automorphisms of a compact Riemann surface. Zbl 0156.08901 Harvey, W. J. 132 1966 Estimates for weighted volumes and applications. Zbl 0902.53032 Qian, Zhongmin 129 1997 Spaces of strongly summable sequences. Zbl 0156.06602 Maddox, I. J. 117 1967 Algorithms for positive braids. Zbl 0839.20051 Elrifai, Elsayed A.; Morton, H. R. 109 1994 A characterization of distance-hereditary graphs. Zbl 0376.05040 Howorka, Edward 108 1977 Coherent states and Kähler manifolds. Zbl 0387.58002 Rawnsley, J. H. 108 1977 Canonical form for a Riemannian space with a parallel field of null planes. Zbl 0036.38303 Walker, A. G. 100 1950 Transverse measures, the modular class and a cohomology pairing for Lie algebroids. Zbl 0968.58014 Evens, Sam; Lu, Jiang-Hua; Weinstein, Alan 96 1999 Geometric ergodicity in denumerable Markov chains. Zbl 0104.11805 Vere-Jones, D. 96 1962 Artin’s conjecture for primitive roots. Zbl 0586.10025 Heath-Brown, D. R. 94 1986 Fundamental inverse semigroups. Zbl 0219.20047 Munn, W. D. 89 1970 Sufficiency of channels over von Neumann algebras. Zbl 0644.46041 Petz, Dénes 89 1988 Bott periodicity and the index of elliptic operators. Zbl 0159.53501 Atiyah, Michael F. 84 1968 Commutator, nilpotency, and solvability in categories. Zbl 0165.03301 Huq, S. A. 78 1968 On the finite Hilbert transformation. Zbl 0043.10701 Tricomi, Francesco G. 78 1951 Some elementary inequalities. Zbl 0649.26013 Bennett, Grahame 78 1987 A convexity property of positive matrices. Zbl 0101.25302 Kingman, J. F. C. 76 1961 Nonabelian representations of 2-bridge knot groups. Zbl 0549.57005 Riley, Robert 73 1984 Sets of independent edges of a hypergraph. Zbl 0337.05135 Bollobás, Béla; Daykin, D. E.; Erdős, Paul 73 1976 Further results on the rate of convergence to the connective constant of the hypercubical lattice. Zbl 0123.00304 Hammersley, J. M.; Welsh, D. J. A. 70 1962 The twelfth power moment of the Riemann-function. Zbl 0394.10020 Heath-Brown, D. R. 70 1978 On the existence of homoclinic and periodic orbits for the Fitzhugh- Nagumo equations. Zbl 0322.92008 Hastings, S. P. 68 1976 Krull dimension for Artinian modules over quasi local commutative rings. Zbl 0311.13006 Roberts, R. N. 66 1975 The Hardy constant. Zbl 0857.26005 Davies, E. B. 65 1995 Power operations in K-theory. Zbl 0144.44901 Atiyah, Michael F. 64 1966 Some elementary inequalities. III. Zbl 0751.26007 Bennett, Grahame 63 1991 Note on \(M\)-matrices. Zbl 0104.01203 Fan, Ky 61 1960 Conformally invariant first order differential operators. Zbl 0334.58016 Fegan, H. D. 60 1976 \(\Delta\)-sets. I: Homotopy theory. Zbl 0226.55019 Rourke, C. P.; Sanderson, B. J. 59 1971 Polynomial identities and Hauptmoduln. Zbl 0466.12011 Stothers, W. W. 59 1981 Arc transitivity in graphs. Zbl 0262.05112 Gardiner, A. 59 1973 Uniform semilattices and bisimple inverse semigroups. Zbl 0147.00804 Munn, W. D. 58 1966 On an infinite set of non-linear differential equations. I, II. Zbl 0109.31501 McLeod, J. B. 57 1962 Slow variation with remainder: Theory and applications. Zbl 0611.26001 Goldie, Charles M.; Smith, Richard L. 56 1987 Dimension and length for Artinian modules. Zbl 0724.13015 Kirby, David 55 1990 Artinian modules and Hilbert polynomials. Zbl 0248.13020 Kirby, D. 54 1973 An expansion theorem for an eigenvalue problem with eigenvalue parameter in the boundary condition. Zbl 0427.34023 Hinton, Don B. 54 1979 Rings in which every complement right ideal is a direct summand. Zbl 0342.16023 Chatters, A. W.; Hajarnavis, C. R. 53 1977 Some remarks on varieties of groups. Zbl 0089.01302 Higman, Graham 51 1959 The Riemannian manifold of all Riemannian metrics. Zbl 0739.58010 Gil-Medrano, Olga; Michor, Peter W. 50 1991 Spectrum and spectral expansion for the non-selfadjoint discrete Dirac operators. Zbl 0945.47026 Bairamov, Elgiz; Çelebi, A. Okay 49 1999 A class of right PP monoids. Zbl 0377.20051 Fountain, John 48 1977 Monomorphisms and direct limits of finite groups of Lie type. Zbl 0547.20024 Hartley, B.; Shute, G. 47 1984 A class of majority games. Zbl 0073.13401 Isbell, J. R. 47 1956 Asymptotic stability of \(x''+a(t)x'+x = O\). Zbl 0103.05604 Smith, R. A. 47 1961 On a theorem of Besicovitch. Zbl 0122.07602 Barry, P. D. 47 1963 On the convergence of eigenfunction expansions. Zbl 0049.18603 Titchmarsh, E. C. 46 1952 The reduction by one of the number of independent variables in some systems of partial differential equations. Zbl 0047.33403 Morgan, A. J. A. 46 1952 Riemann extensions. Zbl 0048.15603 Patterson, E. M.; Walker, A. G. 46 1952 On almost complex curves in the nearly Kähler 6-sphere. Zbl 0861.53061 Bolton, John; Vrancken, Luc; Woodward, Lyndon M. 45 1994 On the maximal rank in a subspace of matrices. Zbl 0565.15006 Meshulam, Roy 45 1985 The irregularity of multiplication in group algebras. Zbl 0252.43009 Young, N. J. 45 1973 On some new invariant matrix methods of summability. Zbl 0539.40006 Mursaleen 44 1983 On \(q\)-difference equations for certain well-poised basic hypergeometric series. Zbl 0165.08202 Andrews, G. E. 44 1968 Finite presentations of groups and 3-manifolds. Zbl 0231.55003 Epstein, D. B. A. 44 1961 More on generators for alternating and symmetric groups. Zbl 0463.20029 Conder, Marston D. E. 44 1981 Primitive and imprimitive graphs. Zbl 0222.05111 Smith, D. H. 43 1971 Some asymptotic formulae in the theory of partitions. Zbl 0057.03902 Roth, Klaus F.; Szekeres, George 43 1954 The colleague matrix, a Chebyshev analogue of the companion matrix. Zbl 0103.01003 Good, I. J. 43 1961 Bounded derivations of \(JB^*\)-triples. Zbl 0728.46046 Barton, T. J.; Friedman, Y. 43 1990 Foundations of the theory of maps on surfaces with boundary. Zbl 0565.05026 Bryant, Robin P.; Singerman, David 42 1985 Varieties of Lie algebras. Zbl 0204.35901 Vaughan-Lee, M. R. 41 1970 Some asymptotic formulae in the theory of partitions. II. Zbl 0050.04101 Szekeres, George 41 1953 Bicircular matroids. Zbl 0386.05022 Matthews, Laurence R. 41 1977 The product of distributions. Zbl 0213.13104 Fisher, B. 40 1971 On the two-colouring of hypergraphs. Zbl 0299.05122 Seymour, P. D. 40 1974 Isoparametric geodesic spheres and a conjecture of Osserman concerning the Jacobi operator. Zbl 0848.53023 Gilkey, Peter; Swann, Andrew; Vanhecke, Lieven 40 1995 Extremal structure of cones of operators. Zbl 0431.47024 Wickstead, Anthony W. 40 1981 Stacks. II. Zbl 0215.33601 Wright, E. M. 39 1971 Rational approximations to \(\root 3\of 2\) and other algebraic numbers. Zbl 0222.10036 Baker, A. 38 1964 The construction of spaces dual to pseudocomplemented distributive lattices. Zbl 0323.06013 Priestley, H. A. 38 1975 Three-manifolds as 3-fold branched covers of \(S^3\). Zbl 0326.57002 Montesinos, José María 38 1976 Regular semigroups with inverse transversals. Zbl 0537.20033 McAlister, D. B.; McFadden, R. B. 37 1983 Slice knots in \(S^ 3\). Zbl 0542.57007 Gilmer, Patrick M. 37 1983 On endomorphism rings of primary abelian groups. Zbl 0205.32506 Corner, A. L. S. 37 1969 Some elementary inequalities. II. Zbl 0687.26007 Bennett, Grahame 37 1988 Local cohomology theory in commutative algebra. Zbl 0204.06003 Sharp, R. Y. 36 1970 Basic integration. Zbl 0042.07502 Jackson, F. H. 36 1951 On \(H\)-spaces and their homotopy groups. Zbl 0097.16102 James, I. M. 35 1960 On the homology invariants of knots. Zbl 0035.11103 Seifert, H. 35 1950 The groups \(\pi_ r (V_{n, m})\). I. Zbl 0073.18402 Pächter, G. F. 35 1956 Lorentz spaces of weak-type. Zbl 0943.42010 Soria, Javier 34 1998 An elementary proof of the non-vanishing of certain local cohomology modules. Zbl 0235.14004 Macdonald, I. G.; Sharp, Rodney Y. 34 1972 On a generalized Clifford algebra. Zbl 0173.03501 Morris, A. O. 34 1967 Hybrid bounds for Dirichlet L-functions. II. Zbl 0396.10030 Heath-Brown, D. R. 34 1980 Theorems on some methods of summability. Zbl 0084.05901 Borwein, D. 34 1958 On a characterization of Meixner’s polynomials. Zbl 0133.32305 Al-Salam, W. A. 34 1966 \(A+B=C\) and big Ш’s. Zbl 0917.11020 de Weger, Benjamin M. M. 33 1998 Power-free values of binary forms. Zbl 0768.11034 Greaves, George 33 1992 Error terms in additive prime number theory. Zbl 0257.10027 Montgomery, H. L.; Vaughan, R. C. 33 1973 Transverse measures, the modular class and a cohomology pairing for Lie algebroids. Zbl 0968.58014 Evens, Sam; Lu, Jiang-Hua; Weinstein, Alan 96 1999 Spectrum and spectral expansion for the non-selfadjoint discrete Dirac operators. Zbl 0945.47026 Bairamov, Elgiz; Çelebi, A. Okay 49 1999 On groups with bounded conjugacy classes. Zbl 0946.20011 Segal, Dan; Shalev, Aner 21 1999 Nonlinear perturbations of homomorphisms on \(C(X)\). Zbl 0923.46050 Šemrl, Peter 9 1999 Interpolation theory and measures related to operator ideals. Zbl 0945.46009 Cobos, Fernando; Manzano, Antonio; Martínez, Antón 9 1999 The volume of hyperbolic 3-folds with \(p\)-torsion, \(p\geq 6\). Zbl 0926.30027 Gehring, F. W.; Martin, G. J. 8 1999 Simple images of triangle groups. Zbl 0944.20032 Wilson, John S. 8 1999 Algebraic independence properties of the Hecke-Mahler series. Zbl 0929.11021 Masser, D. W. 8 1999 Topology and geometry of equilateral polygon linkages in the Euclidean plane. Zbl 0961.57014 Kamiyama, Yasuhiko; Tezuka, Michishige 7 1999 The exceptional set of Goldbach numbers. Zbl 0937.11046 Li, Hongze 7 1999 Lawson-type problems in non standard 3-spheres. Zbl 0937.53025 Barros, M.; Ferrández, A.; Lucas, P. 7 1999 End sums of irreducible open 3-manifolds. Zbl 0918.57006 Myers, Robert 6 1999 Einstein-Weyl structures on compact conformal manifolds. Zbl 0937.53021 Ivanov, Stefan 5 1999 Self homotopy set of a Hopf space. Zbl 0947.55010 Ōshima, Hideaki 5 1999 Continuous bundles of \(C^*\)-algebras and tensor products. Zbl 0944.46056 Archbold, R. J. 4 1999 The eigenfunctions of a Schrödinger operator associated to the root system \(A_{n-1}\). Zbl 0924.35036 Sawyer, P. 3 1999 Homotopy nilpotency. Zbl 0932.55007 Crabb, M. C.; Sutherland, W. A.; Zhang, Ping 3 1999 Dense subgroups and discrete subgroups in \(\text{SL}(2,\mathbb{C})\). Zbl 0941.20055 Wang, Xiantao; Yang, Weiqi 3 1999 Form domains for sectorial operators related to generalized Sturm-Liouville problems. Zbl 0930.34014 Binding, P. A.; Browne, P. J. 2 1999 On the holomorphic rigidity of linear operators on complex Banach spaces. Zbl 0964.46026 Arazy, Jonathan; Kaup, Wilhelm 2 1999 Positively curved 7-dimensional manifolds. Zbl 0942.53026 Podestà, F.; Verdiani, L. 2 1999 Irregular links at infinity of complex affine plane curves. Zbl 0958.32030 Neumann, Walter D. 2 1999 Zero-free regions for Dirichlet \(L\)-functions. Zbl 0934.11042 Li, Hongze 1 1999 Almost sure growth bounds of nonlinear stochastic evolution equations in Hilbert space. Zbl 0923.60068 Liu, Kai 1 1999 On the integer points of an affine toric variety (general case). Zbl 0923.11098 Moroz, B. Z. 1 1999 Distribution of values of some multiplicative functions over integers free of large prime factors. Zbl 0923.11125 Smati, A.; Wu, J. 1 1999 Isometries which are one-dimensional perturbations of the identity. Zbl 0948.46009 Becerra Guerrero, Julio; Rodriguez Palacios, Angel 1 1999 The vector-valued Stieltjes transform. Zbl 0932.44002 Lizama, Carlos; Prado, Humberto 1 1999 Quillen stratification for the stable module category. Zbl 0972.20004 Wheeler, Wayne W. 1 1999 Continuity of homomorphisms and derivations on algebras of vector-valued functions. Zbl 1029.46064 Neumann, M. M.; Rodríguez-Palacios, A.; Velasco, M. V. 1 1999 Rigid analytic flatificators. Zbl 0953.32017 Schoutens, Hans 1 1999 The ergodic Hilbert transform in the Cesàro-\(\alpha\) sense for invertible Lamperti operators. Zbl 0966.47002 Bernardis, A. L.; Martín-Reyes, F. J.; Sarrión Gavilán, M. D. 1 1999 A generalization of a theorem of Baker and Davenport. Zbl 0911.11018 Dujella, Andrej; Pethő, Attila 260 1998 Lorentz spaces of weak-type. Zbl 0943.42010 Soria, Javier 34 1998 \(A+B=C\) and big Ш’s. Zbl 0917.11020 de Weger, Benjamin M. M. 33 1998 Classical lifting processes and multiplicative vector fields. Zbl 0926.58015 Mackenzie, Kirill C. H.; Xu, Ping 32 1998 Unit sum numbers of rings and modules. Zbl 0933.16035 Goldsmith, B.; Pabst, S.; Scott, A. 31 1998 The complex of free factors of a free group. Zbl 0935.20015 Hatcher, Allen; Vogtmann, Karen 30 1998 Inequalities complimentary to Hardy. Zbl 0929.26013 Bennett, Grahame 27 1998 A class of index transforms with Whittaker’s function as the kernel. Zbl 0912.44004 Srivastava, H. M.; Vasil’ev, Yu. V.; Yakubovich, S. B. 24 1998 Surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^4\) and duality. Zbl 0982.53006 Bruce, J. W.; Nogueira, A. C. 15 1998 Hypercomplex algebraic geometry. Zbl 0924.14002 Joyce, Dominic 12 1998 Quaternionic algebra and sheaves on the Riemann sphere. Zbl 0921.14003 Quillen, Daniel 9 1998 Wall-crossing formulas, the Bott residue formula and the Donaldson invariants of rational surfaces. Zbl 0951.57016 Ellingsrud, Geir; Göttsche, Lothar 9 1998 Kreck-Stolz invariants, normal invariants and the homotopy classification of generalised Wallach spaces. Zbl 0928.57033 Kruggel, Bernd 8 1998 Sharp heat kernel bounds and Finsler-type metrics. Zbl 0912.35075 Barbatis, G. 8 1998 On prime JB\(^*\)-triples. Zbl 1042.46514 Bunce, L. J.; Chu, C.-H.; Stachó, L. L.; Zalar, B. 8 1998 Spectrally bounded linear maps on \(\mathcal B(H)\). Zbl 0958.47016 Šemrl, Peter 7 1998 Second order Dehn functions of groups. Zbl 0913.20020 Alonso, J. M.; Bogley, W. A.; Burton, R. M.; Pride, S. J.; Wang, Xiaofeng 6 1998 Brown-Peterson cohomology of \(\Omega^\infty\Sigma^\infty S^{2n}\). Zbl 0906.55003 Kashiwabara, Takuji 6 1998 Thin groups of prime-power order and thin Lie algebras: An addendum. Zbl 0927.17018 Caranti, A. 5 1998 Characterization of product inequalities for principal minors of \(M\)-matrices and inverse \(M\)-matrices. Zbl 0921.15012 Fallat, Shaun M.; Hall, H. Tracy; Johnson, Charles R. 4 1998 Compact hypersurfaces in a Euclidean space. Zbl 0906.53003 Deshmukh, Sharief 3 1998 The numbers of unisecant rational cubics to a plane cubic. Zbl 0933.14034 Ran, Z. 1 1998 On groups having a four-subgroup with finite centralizer. Zbl 0949.20029 Shumyatsky, Pavel 1 1998 Spectral synthesis for Banach algebras. Zbl 0930.46044 Somerset, D. W. B. 1 1998 Geometric singularities of curves and surfaces and their stereographical images. Zbl 0909.53003 Romero Fuster, M. C. 1 1998 Estimates for weighted volumes and applications. Zbl 0902.53032 Qian, Zhongmin 129 1997 The number of \(\oplus\)-sign types. Zbl 0889.20024 Shi, Jian-Yi 28 1997 On four-dimensional almost Kähler manifolds. Zbl 0899.53038 Armstrong, John 18 1997 Representing quotients of permutation groups. Zbl 0890.20002 Holt, Derek F. 12 1997 Tilting selfinjective algebras and Gorenstein orders. Zbl 0882.16010 König, Steffen; Zimmermann, Alexander 9 1997 Restriction of the Bergman shift to an invariant subspace. Zbl 0896.47003 Zhu, Kehe 9 1997 On \(p\)-soluble groups and the number of simple modules associated with a given Brauer pair. Zbl 0882.20002 Barker, Laurence 8 1997 On the paucity of non-diagonal solutions in certain diagonal diophantine systems. Zbl 0885.11026 Skinner, C. M.; Wooley, T. D. 7 1997 Nilpotency in groups with chain conditions. Zbl 0899.20016 Derakhshan, Jamshid; Wagner, Frank O. 7 1997 Approximating sequences and bidual projections. Zbl 0886.46020 Godefroy, Gilles; Kalton, Nigel J. 6 1997 Quantum spheres as groupoid \(C^*\)-algebras. Zbl 0992.46060 Sheu, Albert J. L. 6 1997 Ideals of finite index in a polynomial ring. Zbl 0877.11064 Segal, Dan 5 1997 A Krein-Šmulian type result in Banach spaces. Zbl 0886.46014 Cascales, B.; Manjabacas, G.; Vera, G. 5 1997 The Drasin-Shea-Jordan theorem for Fourier and Hankel transforms. Zbl 0889.42005 Bingham, N. H.; Inoue, A. 5 1997 On fractional integration in weighted Lorentz spaces. Zbl 0998.26009 Cianchi, Andrea; Edmunds, David E. 5 1997 On the existence of \(\overline{p}\)-core partitions of natural numbers. Zbl 0894.11038 Kiming, Ian 4 1997 Radicals and prime ideals in limit subalgebras of AF algebras. Zbl 0904.47032 Hudson, Timothy D. 4 1997 Submanifolds of higher rank. Zbl 0882.53040 Console, Sergio; Olmos, Carlos 4 1997 Infinitesimal Schur algebras of finite representation type. Zbl 0956.20042 Doty, Stephen R.; Nakano, Daniel K.; Peters, Karl M. 4 1997 Symmetric spaces, adapted complex structures and hyperkähler structures. Zbl 0879.32025 Dancer, Andrew S.; Szöke, Róbert 3 1997 Repeated values of the divisor function. Zbl 0890.11028 Pinner, Christopher G. 3 1997 Some enumerations of regular hypermaps with automorphism group isomorphic to \(\text{PSL}_ 2(q)\). Zbl 0878.20030 Downs, Martin 2 1997 On the integer points of some toric varieties. Zbl 0910.11025 Moroz, B. Z. 2 1997 Covering and automorphism groups of \(U_6(2)\). Zbl 0893.20005 Suleiman, Ibrahim A. I.; Wilson, Robert A. 2 1997 The minimal presentations of a bicircular matroid. Zbl 0938.05023 Brualdi, Richard A.; Neudauer, Nancy Ann 1 1997 Enumeration of finite soluble groups with abelian Sylow subgroups. Zbl 0891.20019 Venkataraman, Geetha 1 1997 On the approximate functional equation of Dirichlet \(L\)-functions. Zbl 0874.11059 Wang, Wei 1 1997 The manifold of bundle-like metrics of a Riemannian foliation. Zbl 0893.58014 Sanmartin-Carbon, E. 1 1997 Spaces of Bochner integrable functions and spaces of representable operators as \({\mathfrak U}\)-ideals. Zbl 0898.46033 Emmanuele, G.; Rao, T. S. S. R. K. 1 1997 Nahm’s equations and complex adjoint orbits. Zbl 0852.53033 Kovalev, A. G. 24 1996 The optimal isoperimetric inequality for torus bundles over the circle. Zbl 0852.20031 Bridson, M. R.; Gersten, S. M. 22 1996 Sharp pointwise estimates on heat kernels. Zbl 0859.43005 Sikora, Adam 20 1996 On the Szlenk index and the weak\(^*\)-dentability index. Zbl 0973.46014 Lancien, Gilles 18 1996 Thin groups of prime-power order and thin Lie algebras. Zbl 0865.20016 Caranti, A.; Mattarei, S.; Newman, M. F.; Scoppola, C. M. 16 1996 Smooth functions and partitions of unity on certain Banach spaces. Zbl 0945.46024 Haydon, Richard 16 1996 Hypercomplex structures on a class of solvable Lie groups. Zbl 0874.53023 Barberis, María Laura; Dotti Miatello, Isabel 13 1996 Variance of distribution of primes in residue classes. Zbl 0859.11054 Friedlander, J. B.; Goldston, D. A. 13 1996 On the conjugacy of element-conjugate homomorphisms. II. Zbl 0898.20026 Larsen, Michael 12 1996 Bredon-Illman cohomology with local coefficients. Zbl 0858.55005 Mukherjee, Amiya; Mukherjee, Goutam 12 1996 On the distribution of gaps between zeros of the Riemann zeta-function. Zbl 0858.11047 Soundararajan, K. 10 1996 A binomial diophantine equation. Zbl 0863.11022 de Weger, B. M. M. 9 1996 The ortho-length spectrum for hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Zbl 0864.57010 Meyerhoff, G. Robert 6 1996 Some maximal subgroups of infinite symmetric groups. Zbl 0865.20007 Covington, Jacinta; Macpherson, Dugald; Mekler, Alan 5 1996 ...and 1509 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 14,587 Authors 131 Frankl, Péter 64 Luca, Florian 57 Togbé, Alain 35 Peralta, Antonio M. 32 Bujalance, Emilio 32 Gould, Victoria A. 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Series A 198 Journal of Number Theory 191 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 187 Mathematische Annalen 180 Journal of Mathematical Physics 169 European Journal of Combinatorics 157 Archiv der Mathematik 154 Journal of Functional Analysis 148 Israel Journal of Mathematics 136 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 131 Semigroup Forum 130 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 125 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 121 Journal of Geometry and Physics 120 Communications in Mathematical Physics 120 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 106 Monatshefte für Mathematik 105 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 98 Discrete Applied Mathematics 97 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 95 Inventiones Mathematicae 89 Manuscripta Mathematica 89 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 88 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 86 Journal of Differential Equations 86 The Ramanujan Journal 82 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. 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